Might be interesting to do a quick calculation. I think you might find that the income you can generate from straw baled far exceeds the extra yield that mulching promises to provide.
I'm playing on Glenlethann, which also has the improved crop textures. I think if you have a mulcher, doing it does help some of the crop yield. Also I'd consider either narrow wheels or one of the front mount mulchers... but really I see it as a low value task, and it can delay a planting schedule.
I'm way too excited to see next episode how you deal with course play when it refuses to recognise your newly split up field as 2 fields 😅 With the stubble destruction id probably sell the rear mounted mulcher and get a front mounted one and run it on a tractor with a front 3 point
There is a mod with Butcher. Why don't you put in that? It is a huge amount of money to earn from that. You could deliver the older ones there you was about to sell anyway, and earn even 3 or 5 times more money on it, rather than just selling them for a lot less money. Thanks for another great episode
Might be interesting to do a quick calculation. I think you might find that the income you can generate from straw baled far exceeds the extra yield that mulching promises to provide.
Keep it up vf good series 😃👌👍
I'm playing on Glenlethann, which also has the improved crop textures. I think if you have a mulcher, doing it does help some of the crop yield. Also I'd consider either narrow wheels or one of the front mount mulchers... but really I see it as a low value task, and it can delay a planting schedule.
Lovin this series VF, keep it up!
I'm way too excited to see next episode how you deal with course play when it refuses to recognise your newly split up field as 2 fields 😅
With the stubble destruction id probably sell the rear mounted mulcher and get a front mounted one and run it on a tractor with a front 3 point
Course play auto regonised new feilds
@@jonh550 not what i said. ive had courseplay be unable to recognise fields too close together as 2 separate fields and treat them as 1 big field.
I would recomend changing to a modded jcb so then the jcb q fit attachments will actualy connect up right visualy unlike the base game one
There is a mod with Butcher. Why don't you put in that? It is a huge amount of money to earn from that. You could deliver the older ones there you was about to sell anyway, and earn even 3 or 5 times more money on it, rather than just selling them for a lot less money.
Thanks for another great episode
Good shout. I'll check it out.
First great video VF