I must agree with everyone, Dougie's new haircut is really great. He looks very handsome. And I love the end when Danny and Tom dance. They are such dorks. lol
i dont think they've really changed that much. they're music's changed and matured but its still awesome :D.. though i think with their personalities and stuff, they havent changed at all, they're still goofy dorky amazing guys.
THEIR BEST PERFORMANCE!!.. and dougies hair love it!
I love too much this song!!
love how everyones sining along :D
love it when they sing this live.
I'm in love with Danny's voice!!!!
Lindoooooooooooos como sempre .
Adorei o novocorte de cabelo do DOugie , ficou lindoo =)
LOL I love Danny and Tom's dancing at the end!
Lindoooooooooooos como sempre .
Adorei o novocorte de cabelo do Dougie , ficou lindoo =)
ahh i love them
awesome! i looove them! :)
dougie looks so gorgeous i love his hair :D
I really don't think Tom could get his guitar much lower!
Brilliant performance every time
Love Tom wearing a hat and Dougie's new hair
I love their shimmy in the backround in the end haha
i love them!!!!!! ♥ they are so fucking awesome! and so cutes and talented and everything! ;)
tom's vocals toward the end!!!!!!
I must agree with everyone, Dougie's new haircut is really great. He looks very handsome. And I love the end when Danny and Tom dance. They are such dorks. lol
better than the original
oh dougie's hair! :)
Tom and Dan do the shoulders dance better than me! and I like Doug's new haircut cause it reminds me of an old one :D
i dont think they've really changed that much. they're music's changed and matured but its still awesome :D.. though i think with their personalities and stuff, they havent changed at all, they're still goofy dorky amazing guys.
@hawahadish yes! xD i love them so much! They are totally hot! ;)
Dougie is so hot with that haircut!-3
tell me can you hear my voice, loud and clear above the noise
@cassie849 would you belive Tom had a cold when he did this??
@iBrendaCastro yes he look so hot!!!god
did u hear the girls scream when danny start to sing? lol
Did you know that Tom has a cold he sounds better than ever
McFly is better than the wanted jajaja
this would have been perfect with out Sam and Mark