Zwag play requests: Some of my own and I add stuff I see others suggest Nuclear Nunu (one shot someone with ult) ( ) AP Bruiser Pantheon ( ) Attack Speed Graves ( ) AP Tristana ( ) Lizard Wizard AP Renekton (x) Heartsteel AP Bruiser Sion ( ) Assassin Kassadin ( ) Attack speed Orianna ( ) AD Malphite ( ) Full Burn Sion ( ) Tank Karthus (Bloodletter, Liandry's, Abyssal) ( ) Jack of all trades Alistar (Heartsteel, Riftmaker, Bloodmail, Unending despair) ( ) Speed Seraphine (AP CDR and MS items) ( ) Speedball Rammus ( )
Absolutely love the videos, just figured you’d like some feedback: I personally like the games on the new map more than the old one, but I also like it when the champs switch up more instead of just 4 hours of the same champ, if you were to post the games on the new map, even the ones where you don’t commentate much, I would be very locked in and more inclined to stay for the whole duration, I’m just one fish in the sea though. Keep up the good work man, definitely love all your content
oh good my show is on
Mine too! Which one you watching?
Counting CSheep to go to sleep
That made me chuckle
Nice joke
Renekton lvl 1 awakes the inner yasuo in u
Zwag play requests: Some of my own and I add stuff I see others suggest
Nuclear Nunu (one shot someone with ult) ( )
AP Bruiser Pantheon ( )
Attack Speed Graves ( )
AP Tristana ( )
Lizard Wizard AP Renekton (x)
Heartsteel AP Bruiser Sion ( )
Assassin Kassadin ( )
Attack speed Orianna ( )
AD Malphite ( )
Full Burn Sion ( )
Tank Karthus (Bloodletter, Liandry's, Abyssal) ( )
Jack of all trades Alistar (Heartsteel, Riftmaker, Bloodmail, Unending despair) ( )
Speed Seraphine (AP CDR and MS items) ( )
Speedball Rammus ( )
I hope he plays attack speed ori!
Axiom Aracanist tank soraka
He’s done Lizard Wizard and several different AD Malph vids already
that teemo at 2:45:00 was insufferable, but that "YOU TPED IN" with no response killed me lmao
oh my god the renekton movie
Unless things have changed, for this kind of build you go 3 points Q then max W.
I'm a simple man. I see yuumi, I exit the video.
More mathematically correct videos pls
It’s it just me or is this the new sleep ASMR
Absolutely love the videos, just figured you’d like some feedback: I personally like the games on the new map more than the old one, but I also like it when the champs switch up more instead of just 4 hours of the same champ, if you were to post the games on the new map, even the ones where you don’t commentate much, I would be very locked in and more inclined to stay for the whole duration, I’m just one fish in the sea though. Keep up the good work man, definitely love all your content
Thank you for my peaceful sleep video. 💜🥂
I don't know if anyone has said this but this guys voice is so calming at night when I watch his videos
Welcome to the team buddy
This is what I watch on my 3rd screen while I work from home 😂
Zwag every video at about 1m-1.5m mark: "I'm going to get ganked." And then he doesnt get ganked
when are we gonna see Renekton in the jungle?
7:05 ok, wtf is jayce doing??
11:32 that laught
I play ren all the time. That double dash and combo trade is filthy
Hey Zwag, when's the last time you made a Rumble video?
Day 2 of asking for on-hit Gragas with Navori quickblades
Let's see some more arams zwag
Day of god knows of asking for mathematically max heal morde using increased heal item.
Good night guys
such a strong Ross vibe in the title =)
Zwag, Can you do Diana Tank please
Zwag can you play axiom Aracanist tank soraka
Next name you use should be "mid lane bully" or top.
time to sleep 😴😴
where the vex guy
Wait.... how do you know i watch these and fall asleep? 😢😢😢
AP Sion plz
Day 7 of asking for a sett movie
Day 21 of asking for Mundo is immune (all tenacity items, edge of night, qss.)
Cool video
Day 21 of algorithm comments 👑
day 18 of asking for adc ivern and support maokai with wifey or buddy
no likes in 8 seconds? dude fell off... 😢