This was produced as part of a larger Halloween spirit-themed collaboration with: ESOTERICA: ANGELA'S SYMPOSIUM: LET'S TALK RELIGION: Please check out their videos and channels if you have not already!
I'm a bit more than halfway through your reading of this work. I have found it thus far, to be incredibly validating. Thank you for this articulate and beautiful, presentation and oration of this precious wisdom.
5:05 sorcery ~~> pharmakea Directly translates as thus Pharmacology pharmacy pharmacist. And thus we have the Mortar & Pestle Lance* mortAR & Pestilence mort-ar augmenting reality. The mort is death. M ort. The cloud of rot. Tor or Rot. “The Lancet” also connects and is the premier medicull journal. ----------//- Woops just pâsted this here that i commented elsewhere. Ill leave it time stamp and all because why not? I wonder what it will match with here in this video. I agree completely. “ 26:40”. “Yeah …. Yeah”….. no contemplation. No understanding. Only thinking of how to get in all his PRECONCEIVED questions. He entered into this with a list. With goals…..goals are traps fyi. Goals…. Competing. Scoring points. Achieving. Sieving. Funneling. ….,..,,, Dividing. Division. Separation. Heartless. ---------•🫀 The info about the heart was spot on. The interviewer doesn’t understand the heart is everything. The mind is the killer. The k iller. The 11th hour of Cower, not courage. The fear factory. Fear. The FE…. Augmenting Reality. The heart it’s the real. The mind is the reel. Reeling you in two. In to a ewe. A shEEp. Ashleep. Counting zZzz in oZ. In the interviews defense at hood are i knew not. …. Though i was in touch with my heart. My intuition. I saw the hypocrisy. … and yet i stayed in college. I finally graduated with enough credits for a lot more than one degree. The college forced me out as i was trying their stats. A massive outlier. On the average time waves whatever else to graduate. To get shoved through the machine. I ended up in the gray….. to black economy. And to this i am soo grateful. Wow looking back i just saw why i was given the answer i got regarding something. A pivotal moment in blocking my official academic career. And routing me deeper into a world apart. Thankfully this kept me from becoming Enslaved in the 9-5. Horrible. Soul stealing Im sorry IM off on a tangent. If anyone cares to hear more say so. Anyways this interview , or rather the info contained within. Especially of the heart is golden. Lee i totally was annoyed by how he would mindlessly. Or rather heartlessly press forward without truly hearing. heart art hear ear And if you believe that to be coincidence… you have some work to do. I hope i truly HOPE you figure it out asap. Time is short on the timer-remit coming soon. 88:88
14:00 Hour Glasses Our Glasses Hour glass says ________¿?::..,,_ 28:28 Servus Service. . 29:47 30:29 to win. To when. Two twin..tea ate. To calculate The futhorc. ------ His mention of “the touchstone” brings to mind: Touchstone Lionsgate Paramount -------// Do you know of the r-complex?¿ The Toad aka The Towed. That Toad which is towed through life. Always in tow wherever we go. .. Literally one with the proper lens free from the spell of pareidolia will literally be able to quite clearly and plainly see the toad which is towed in the skull of the row man/ oar man. …. That man who ore comes from. That man a Tea. To be eaT EN through Tube ate The eaTEN The aTEN. The 8T8 The Ball is the magic 8all or 88all 8T8 All 88 Awl 88 lAw …of the HOLY/HOLE’Y wAl W /\\//\ VAV. Double Vav of the AI. Ai. Big Al Ai A EyE Moneye. Moaneye “E i e i o” -Old mac don ald’s farm OLd: pol/pull MAC: Master of ceremonies DON: don/dawn/mourning/morning: the don of the land of nod. odn. qon. “O we o” -Wizard if oZ 1:41:41. Gold 1:42:21 Midas The midas touch turns all to gold The mid-ass touch turns awl golde. Gold-E. aka the G-lode of the ore-gas-M If feeds TheM And thus commeth the Blew G-lode the heart of those Blue lodge gold-e . e-gold Inner G TheY feed on friction. Division. The die’vision of death. Xtremes. X-T-remes. X Tea reams. Eat/Ate That of the Ore-gas-m Ore-L sęx Ore-G begets G-Ore whÖRE-ore. begets HorrORE Ormus Ore-M-us. TheM M is the 13th Letter of the alphabet**° **° alephAbet. ALPHAbet. AlFAbET Al/Ai/A EY3/bi-nary°; ALF ET Von vin van vaneer venir. The mask. Facaded ones. The Venetian blinds. And deaf-Phoenicians. Pho faux phoenix fire. Faux pho. Plasma Pholames ° There van be only one. Woops van was a typo. I mean can however VAN is relevant too as it connects to the THE EL Elfinbien. Alvin**** ****AlVIN & the cHIP/C-PHI monks The Key Blur Elves*° *° Elves Elvis PopCultUre is filled with endless clues yet they wave their hand a say “do not see”. “ these are not the droids you are looking for”. All simply coincidence for the coincidunce CAP dynamos. Something to consider if you know of the who CAPITAL letter birth fraud. Connected to Admiralty law and such. Now take into account this new slang term “CAP”. “No CAP bro”. Interesting is it not that it means lies/lying/deception. Do you even consider the words you speak? Or just dismiss everything as coincidence??? …. Which is insanely illogical. Unlike another word trick Which is the most logical info of our true past. Mythological Mytho-logical Yet they speak it as Myth illogical in order to trick. Ill stop. Ask please. Or otherwise
That book, the Hermetica, is a lie. I'm not sure who wrote it but it is NOT Hermeticism. I suspect is was the Vatican, as they have always been stealing from Hermetica then labelling us as evil pagans. Or it was 1 - 3 clowns trying to make money from a book sale. If you REALLY want to know what Hermetica is about read Fulcanelli.
It was bittersweet when you finished "A Big History", I worried where the channel would go from there. Since then your channel has delivered the highest quality content. There is not a single video I have not savored with anticipation of deeper gnosis. You're part of one of the greatest moments in the history of esoteric education. The collaborations between channels are truly lifting the veils from the occult mysteries in ways unseen nor expected by the old mystics. I dare say you and your collaborators are envied by the ancients. Would that I could be thirty years younger, for the knowledge that I searched for and digested over thirty years is available to the neophyte within a fortnight. Climb I say! I want to hear Crowly, Hall, and Blavatsky's discomfort as you mount upon them and Ficino, Reuchlin, and Agrippa cry out accompanied by the moans below from Plato and Aristotle as you, Justin, Angela, and all the rest stand tall on the shoulders of those giants.
Absolutely Love, Love, LOVE this collaboative effort. A Beautiful production of a beautiful work. Love the works of the contributers as well! Thank you all for your brilliant minds and efforts...and your voice, Narrator...sublime;)
I asked somone that covers old books like this to read this for me back in 2016 and he did.. he turned it into audio book. He was the guy who read the emerald tablets of Thoth. I don’t know his name but he had a great voice as well.
I feel like you are my teacher or a digital professor of the sacred art. I've studied and practiced magick, astrology and the art of divination for about 11+years. And for whatever reason your delivery of the works touch a part of my soul. Thank you for your studies and hard work. 🙏 sincerely Z
Having forced myself to push through when reading this I have to say this audiovisual version is far far better than just reading it on your own. The only thing I would change is to add chapters to the video to make it easy to navigate to the part that one is currently working on. But anyway thanks so much for this, it’s great.
I love that this guy is writing down profound, mystical universal truths steeped in the language and philosophy of hermeticism, but has to stop every few sentences and be like: "Just to reiterate, I'm 100% Christian and definitely talking about Jesus and the God of the Christian bible, you guys. 100%. This is 100% about JESUS." And then gets back to the actual wisdom.
@@TravisTellsTruths I'll share for him n for u.. What he says is so very true.. To put things quite simply there is no magic that was not taught to man by the evil spirits. Even the most simplest of Street magicians tricks etc so has evolved from the ancient "knowledge's".. Wen u open these doors, especially to the deep dark n black magicks n rituals u are inviting these spirits into ur realm, very sorry weak people into their souls n become possessed. Many there are who are possessed that u even know yet they don't climb up walls backwards n talk in 20 different languages etc.. Basically do not play with the force of evil bc they only have ONE SINGLE GOAL n that is to possess ur soul n be damned with them all of eternity bc they can never again heaven again n man is the reason why in their eyes. They hate u with a hated u cannot logically understand in early terms
I'm about an hour and 24 minutes in been listening the whole time but got side tracked saving videos to watch later so yup came back and now want to finish this masterpiece
Divide the world's Circumference by six and get 6,666. Divide the number of seconds in a day by 400 and get 216, 2160 is the length of an astrological age. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, which is 864,000 miles wide, just like there are 86,400 seconds in a day. The planet orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr or 66,600 miles an hour. If we divide the angled side of the Pyramid (186.6 x 100 = 18,660) by 21.6 we get 863.8, plus .2 is 864. The base of the Pyramid minus the height is also Pi times 100, and Al Nitak follows Sirius past the King's Chamber in 100 minutes. If we divide the height by Euler's number we get the square root of Pi, times 2 is 354, the number of days in 12 lunar months. If we divide the diameter of the Sun by 6 we get 144,000 The hands of our 24 hr clock go around 60 times 60 times 10, which is 36,000, the number of Arc degrees in one second times 10, which means each second is one 360th of a circle, times 100. This shows that the Star of David was used as a kind of calculator to devise time and do complex equations using a hexadecimal system. The Egyptian number of perfection is 100, we divide 400 by 100 to get 4, we divide 600 by 100 we get 6. 4/6 is equal to 2/3 and 3/9, all of which have a ratio of 66.666666666, by which they can divide the Horizon down to seconds, and thus navigate the globe knowing both its dimensions and be able to make accurate maps. 86,400 ÷ 400 is 216 216 x 2 is 432 432 + 216 is 684 432 x 2 is 864 So rather than divide 864,000 by 2160, they divide 86,400 by 216, which is 400, rather than 40,000. This means a Megalithic Clock would go around 40 times, with each second broken down into tenths. 6 times 6 times 10; 3600. 400 ÷ 6 is 66.66666 These numbers all divide into each other. Half of 216 is 108, just as the Earth orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr. The interior angles of a regular Pentagon are also 108, and the interior angles of a Star of David add up to 1,440, times 100 is 144,000. Half of 108 is 54. It takes 360 Full Moons to span the night sky Horizon to Horizon, 720 total, 72 times 3 is 216. 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 = 864 Which means a full moon is equivalent to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes, meaning 2 Full moons per 10 minutes. This means seconds represent tenths of the Moon, a Minute (6 times 10 times 10) being 2 Full Moons or 1 degree of arc. Multiply the Moon's diameter by 18.6, the number of years in a Metonic Cyle, and get 40,175, the diameter of the Earth plus 100. 40,000 times 100 is 4,000,000, the Earth's circumference in meters. Multiply 18.6 by 2150 (actual diameter of the Moon) and you get 39,990, just 10 km short. This means they measured the Earth with the Orbit of the Moon, and based their metrics off of the Full Moon, cubing and squaring it to find the relationships between the heavenly bodies. Half of the Pyramid's base equals one 86,400th of the Earth's Circumference. Divide the Base by the height and get Pi. The height of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Polar Circumference of the Earth. Also the Circumference of the Base of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth. An equilateral Triangle formed within the face of the Great Pyramid is 6,666 inches along each side, it represents one half of the Star of David, 720 degrees, as above so below, so we double it, 1440 ÷ 6 is 240, the number of hours on a clock times ten. 24 being 6 x 4, combining both ratios of of Sun and Moon, hence Solomon. The Pyramid itself is Squaring the Circle, by reducing the proportions of the cosmos to squares and roots based on Phi and Pi and Euler's number as a ratio to feet, and the Star of David is what allows them to do it, like a proto Antikythera mechanism. I can't say if they went to hundredths of a second, because I'm not even that much of a mathematician (majician) but they definitely did tenths, and it equates to the same nautical metrics we use today. Enoch also buries 36,525 scrolls, the number of days in a year, times 100. Oh by the way, this shows that our current measure of time is based on the principle of 1/6, the basis of an Egyptian Royal Cubit, but first they built the first ring at Stonehenge, which is 100 metres (330 ft) wide, with an area of 2160 square feet, a Cube's interior angles also add up to.. 2160. This produces a Calendar of 60 6 day weeks plus five. Every 4th year a 366th day makes exactly 61 weeks. This means every 216 years this calendar produces 1 extra day, so after 648 years 3 days must be removed. This is when the Phoenix arrived, and stepped onto the Alter of Ra or Holy Grail, completing the Metonic cycle and bringing the Calendar back into sync with the first New Moon of the Spring equinox. The Capstone of the Pyramid is even called the Benben Stone, the Egyptian Phoenix is called the Bennu. It likely relates to Deneb, in Ophiuchus, the 13th Starsign of the Zodiac. The base of the Pyramid is exactly 13 Acres, as is Teotihuacan, because they share the exact same base dimensions. Such a location would be ideal for calculating the speed of light using the transit of Venus. Incidentally the Great Pyramid's Latitudinal coordinates are the speed of light. 1440 ÷ 108 = 13.333333 11 and 3 are the most sacred Celtic numbers of royalty, and also happen to be the proportions of the Earth to the Moon, and the Great Pyramid. The starsigns also precess 1 degree every 72 years 72 x 3 is 216 2160 ÷ 648 is 3.3333333 The Aztec Calendar also begins with a double transit of Venus, in 3116BC. This whole code can be encoded into a single Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 666 by 630, by 216, this is the Key of Solomon, 33 is the inverse of 66. 100 is the "perfect number" because it represents 10 6 unit metrics times 10 6 unit metrics, a unit being 6.66 ie 60 x 60 (3600) the number of Arcdegree seconds in a second, or a one second unit on a clock the size of Earth This means seconds represent 10ths of the Moon; 216, or 6 x 6 x 6 (100 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 = 2.7): Euler's number, and the number of feet to a Megalithic Yard, 3/11 is .27 and the number of days in a sidereal month is also 27. 11/3 is 3.66, the number of days in a Canicular leap year, the character of Thoth, Cuchulainn, and kukulkan, the Dog Star, and star by which the Sothic Calendar is determined. 3 x 11 is 33, the years in a Great Solar Return. As the Sun and Moon inhabit respective house of the Zodiac they animate the character within, playing out the dramas and battles we know as myths, for example the Moon traveling through each of the Zodiac houses each month, for a grand total of... 144 (12 x 12)
I’m only 3:57 into this and my mind has been blown multiple times already. This will be a great treat. Thank you so much for your work and bringing this info to light for a person like myself.
Very well written. (I will neither confirm nor deny any secret knowledge of the hidden divine. Adonai. The glory of fools is displacement of discernment unheeded)
Let my words be few, Jesus so in love I am with you 🙏🏾🕊🔥🕊♥️🌹. (Thanks mr and mrs UA-cam. 🙏🏾❤️🎩 for your love and support are authentic blessings to my life. From the depths of my heart 🙏🏾🌹🎵🕊❤️blessings comfort & much peace and love 🎵🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
😇GVB. It's true, that modern day "witchcraft " will turn you against the word magic. Even lately It's becoming difficult to listen to these videos without being hacked into,and my phone being turned off.😊I appreciate your videos. Grace Victoria ❤
as the little drummer boy, I was and still are not rich. Yet I'd like to thank you for being here on UA-cam our new community as in former community that have neighbors who help there neighbors thank neighbor if I may call you my neighbor too sir.ty
I have been lucky as to where I got both the practical Picatrix, plus the academic Picatrix, all the authors of both have good points. This stuff is so deep! Understanding the complex practices of astrology, is kind of what makes it difficult.
I am glad to see you highlighting this text here : ) I got into it after learning about it from Silent Hill. There is a puzzle where the keys are named after the Olympian spirits. It would be interesting to me to play it after a refresher on the text to see if there is any thematic significance to this occult deep cut!
I’m only just realising how silent hill (2 for me) was so instrumental in waking me up, even though I didn’t know it. In hindsight SH2 really presented concepts of manifestation and quantum leaping based on subconscious thought
Silent Hill is a hidden artifact camouflaged with the illusion of simply being an occult themed horror survival game. The men and women whom worked on such game were being influenced by the divine in some sort of way i'm almost certain. Mediums for a force by which I cannot comprehend to this day.
We can see the lineage of hysteria in the minds of ancestors here. How berserk. This held the place for comic books to advent much later on. How fascinating!!
Myths, legends, tales of that sort are the relative "comicbooks" of the time. But they larped it out & greek yehudis had the most fun magic material, they pretty much invented it & what our supernatural magic stems from. Egypt is there too, but they're core fundamentals are espoused in modern witchcraft/ceremonial magic. And if it is associated with Egypt it's probably a yehudi-egyptian.
Thank you.for your reading and sharing your gift😊 Aphor.5. is missing Thou sht love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbour as thy self: (Luke 10:27) And the Lord woll keep thee as the apple of his eye, and will deliver thee from all evil, and will replenish thee with all good; and nothing shall thy soul desire, butthou shalt be fully endued therewith, so that it be contingent to the salvation of thy soul and body.
Astrology is just born from a misunderstanding of alchemy and its associated diagrams. And I think you meant Magus. And what's a yia yia? Is that a pet name for your grandmother? Just askin.✌️
Divide the world's Circumference by six and get 6,666. Divide the number of seconds in a day by 400 and get 216, 2160 is the length of an astrological age. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, which is 864,000 miles wide, just like there are 86,400 seconds in a day. The planet orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr or 66,600 miles an hour. If we divide the angled side of the Pyramid (186.6 x 100 = 18,660) by 21.6 we get 863.8, plus .2 is 864. The base of the Pyramid minus the height is also Pi times 100, and Al Nitak follows Sirius past the King's Chamber in 100 minutes. If we divide the height by Euler's number we get the square root of Pi, times 2 is 354, the number of days in 12 lunar months. If we divide the diameter of the Sun by 6 we get 144,000 The hands of our 24 hr clock go around 60 times 60 times 10, which is 36,000, the number of Arc degrees in one second times 10, which means each second is one 360th of a circle, times 100. This shows that the Star of David was used as a kind of calculator to devise time and do complex equations using a hexadecimal system. The Egyptian number of perfection is 100, we divide 400 by 100 to get 4, we divide 600 by 100 we get 6. 4/6 is equal to 2/3 and 3/9, all of which have a ratio of 66.666666666, by which they can divide the Horizon down to seconds, and thus navigate the globe knowing both its dimensions and be able to make accurate maps. 86,400 ÷ 400 is 216 216 x 2 is 432 432 + 216 is 684 432 x 2 is 864 So rather than divide 864,000 by 2160, they divide 86,400 by 216, which is 400, rather than 40,000. This means a Megalithic Clock would go around 40 times, with each second broken down into tenths. 6 times 6 times 10; 3600. 400 ÷ 6 is 66.66666 These numbers all divide into each other. Half of 216 is 108, just as the Earth orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr. The interior angles of a regular Pentagon are also 108, and the interior angles of a Star of David add up to 1,440, times 100 is 144,000. Half of 108 is 54. It takes 360 Full Moons to span the night sky Horizon to Horizon, 720 total, 72 times 3 is 216. 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 = 864 Which means a full moon is equivalent to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes, meaning 2 Full moons per 10 minutes. This means seconds represent tenths of the Moon, a Minute (6 times 10 times 10) being 2 Full Moons or 1 degree of arc. Multiply the Moon's diameter by 18.6, the number of years in a Metonic Cyle, and get 40,175, the diameter of the Earth plus 100. 40,000 times 100 is 4,000,000, the Earth's circumference in meters. Multiply 18.6 by 2150 (actual diameter of the Moon) and you get 39,990, just 10 km short. This means they measured the Earth with the Orbit of the Moon, and based their metrics off of the Full Moon, cubing and squaring it to find the relationships between the heavenly bodies. Half of the Pyramid's base equals one 86,400th of the Earth's Circumference. Divide the Base by the height and get Pi. The height of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Polar Circumference of the Earth. Also the Circumference of the Base of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth. An equilateral Triangle formed within the face of the Great Pyramid is 6,666 inches along each side, it represents one half of the Star of David, 720 degrees, as above so below, so we double it, 1440 ÷ 6 is 240, the number of hours on a clock times ten. 24 being 6 x 4, combining both ratios of of Sun and Moon, hence Solomon. The Pyramid itself is Squaring the Circle, by reducing the proportions of the cosmos to squares and roots based on Phi and Pi and Euler's number as a ratio to feet, and the Star of David is what allows them to do it, like a proto Antikythera mechanism. I can't say if they went to hundredths of a second, because I'm not even that much of a mathematician (majician) but they definitely did tenths, and it equates to the same nautical metrics we use today. Enoch also buries 36,525 scrolls, the number of days in a year, times 100. Oh by the way, this shows that our current measure of time is based on the principle of 1/6, the basis of an Egyptian Royal Cubit, but first they built the first ring at Stonehenge, which is 100 metres (330 ft) wide, with an area of 2160 square feet, a Cube's interior angles also add up to.. 2160. This produces a Calendar of 60 6 day weeks plus five. Every 4th year a 366th day makes exactly 61 weeks. This means every 216 years this calendar produces 1 extra day, so after 648 years 3 days must be removed. This is when the Phoenix arrived, and stepped onto the Alter of Ra or Holy Grail, completing the Metonic cycle and bringing the Calendar back into sync with the first New Moon of the Spring equinox. The Capstone of the Pyramid is even called the Benben Stone, the Egyptian Phoenix is called the Bennu. It likely relates to Deneb, in Ophiuchus, the 13th Starsign of the Zodiac. The base of the Pyramid is exactly 13 Acres, as is Teotihuacan, because they share the exact same base dimensions. Such a location would be ideal for calculating the speed of light using the transit of Venus. Incidentally the Great Pyramid's Latitudinal coordinates are the speed of light. 1440 ÷ 108 = 13.333333 11 and 3 are the most sacred Celtic numbers of royalty, and also happen to be the proportions of the Earth to the Moon, and the Great Pyramid. The starsigns also precess 1 degree every 72 years 72 x 3 is 216 2160 ÷ 648 is 3.3333333 The Aztec Calendar also begins with a double transit of Venus, in 3116BC. This whole code can be encoded into a single Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 666 by 630, by 216, this is the Key of Solomon, 33 is the inverse of 66. 100 is the "perfect number" because it represents 10 6 unit metrics times 10 6 unit metrics, a unit being 6.66 ie 60 x 60 (3600) the number of Arcdegree seconds in a second, or a one second unit on a clock the size of Earth This means seconds represent 10ths of the Moon; 216, or 6 x 6 x 6 (100 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 = 2.7): Euler's number, and the number of feet to a Megalithic Yard, 3/11 is .27 and the number of days in a sidereal month is also 27. 11/3 is 3.66, the number of days in a Canicular leap year, the character of Thoth, Cuchulainn, and kukulkan, the Dog Star, and star by which the Sothic Calendar is determined. 3 x 11 is 33, the years in a Great Solar Return. As the Sun and Moon inhabit respective house of the Zodiac they animate the character within, playing out the dramas and battles we know as myths, for example the Moon traveling through each of the Zodiac houses each month, for a grand total of... 144 (12 x 12)
@@ThunderboltWisdom ancient people worshipped 360 different spirits based on which stars were in the sky, alchemy is related to metallurgy, they are 2 different things
@@uncannyvalley2350 I am glad you attempted to engage with me. It justifies my replying to you. Which ancient people are you talking about? Neolithic? Iron age? Bronze age? Copper age? Stone age? Once you decide which ancient people you are talking about then you can ask yourself about the significance of the number 360. The only significance of 360 is as an approximation of 365, the number of days in a year. So, if anything, "ancient" people would worship the number 365. I have been following your comments for many years now, and I have always marvelled at your ability to talk endless amounts of "esoterica". I would suggest that you make one point well, rather than fail to make 100 points badly, which is what you do. And you do it so well. In fact, you remind me of Colin Robinson, the energy vampire. In that, you drain anybody who tries to read your comments all the way through. Personally, I felt myself being drained when I was only a few lines in. So consider yourself good at what you do. And, as for your name, I reckon that you fall into that chasm that they call the "uncanny valley". Only because you bear a rough approximation to a real person and freak actual people out because of your similarity to one.
Love your channel . About details : I find it hard to believe that other entities only can appear during certain times of day or times of year, it seems like details that wouldn’t matter . It just doesn’t make sense to me that only certain names will come to you during certain times of day or time of year. If you’re operating in the ether or the astral it wouldn’t think that they would be subject to laws such as silliness of times of day
Maybe because "they" use our time as points for those that dare to tread into their time? IOW our time is a mere marker to indicate when you should "seek" if that's what you want to jump into but on the grand scheme of things there isn't any time anyway.
What are the oldest versions of these texts? Only because 17th century was already so far removed from ancient cultures. So just curious if you knew. Thanks
I’ve heard these exact or similar rituals and prayers and procedures almost the exact same in demonology. Less restrictive and whilst retaining your own will instead of begging for power from one who can say no. Almost exactly the same minus the requirement of giving your power to something then ASK for it back. Instead it says not to fear anything but to stand confident in your own power and authority unwavering and unbowed. I have personally witnessed eternal I have accessed the place of pillars where all knowledge is held. I have unwittingly been doing it since I was a child but doing so intentionally with intention has been interesting. But I always learn things I didn’t intend to learn with the information I had sought.
@@SootSootSootSooty yes. Partially. It’s hard to describe like pushing through a bubble without popping it. I was in such extreme pain that everything looked very dark oily viscous with shades of purple mixed in with black and grey.
@@michaelthemadsoldiertist wow. 😯 & Thank you for taking the time to reply. 🙏 Is the place of pillars the same as what some people term the Halls of Amenti? And that’s where there was this dark oily substance? Also when I read that, my mind immediately went to a remote viewing session of Brett Stewart and another I’ve heard along the way. It seems like that substance is around where ET (mantis) bases here are and I feel it could be linked to AI as well. Like places where AI permeates. What were your feelings towards the substance? Repulsion? Avoidance? General bad juju, or something else???
@@SootSootSootSooty no it wasn’t a substance it was just the general coloration as viewed through the veil between the physical and spiritual world the part that was like a soap bubble i had to go through to get there. My immense pain made everything on the other side appear tainted somehow like polluted or something. Once I finally went through it looked a lot like something you’d see in Egypt mixed with an acid trip. Stone Pillars filled with books stretching on into eternity. That’s just how my mind interpreted it. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. I get the distinct impression that it’s all based on your perceptions of what you would think it would look like the only reason I knew it was real and not just a pain based hallucination is because I came back with knowledge that I had never learned before I knew things that I had never known before. Otherwise, I would think it was just a pain based hallucination.
I don't know what I was watching but my intuition understood the whole thing hmm cool maybe because I'm spiritually awake that's how I understand it thank you I enjoyed it
your voice sounds just like Dr. Justin Sledge. I can tell you both have little lisp. Hermes I'm sure chuckles when you both say Trismegistus while trying keep the tongue off the teeth. I love your Channel and content! You have a beautiful voice by the way. Comfortable, clean and articulate. Thanks Dan!
The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC, 80 years before the Antikythera mechanism, and was called the _Vaticanus Graecus;_ Son of the Divine Serpent, a reference to Fomalhaut in Aquarius, the sign associated with John the Baptist, who was a Setian, the root word of Satan. Just as israel is the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, Fruit of Isis and Ra. In the Second Century AD Astrologer Vettori Valentinus used the _Vaticanus Graecus_ to construct a lunar zodiac of 13 months, this correlates to the 18.6/ 19 year Metonic Calendar, found in the earliest known ancient temples, the Bible, Antikythera mechanism, New Grange and the Bru na Boinne, the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Celts, Phoenicians, and inscribed into the Golden Enoch Horns of the Magi, the Galatian (Celtics of Galicia in iberia) Eunuch Druid Priests of Cybel, or Kythera, the "Great Mother", (who has 216 names) found in Germany and France. A Druid took 19 years to train, and the Phoenix was associated with 19 flames. These number sets and astrological associations are the same for Megalithic sites found all over the world, from Egypt to the Baltic, India, Ireland, America, and the Pacific, there is only one culture that could have accomplished such a feat, and like the celts it was obliterated from history in 146BC when Carthage was sacked _"not one stone upon the other"_ to the fall of Tyre in 70AD, after a 13 yr seige. Sound familiar? 146 plus 70 is 216. One Megalithic hour is 240 minutes, or 14,400 seconds (1/4) There are 6 Megalithic hours to the day, each made up of 6 minutes, each of which is 6 seconds long. If the Megalithic hour was divided into 60 minutes, each would be 1,440 of our seconds, times 100 is 144,000. One Megalithic second is 400 of our modern seconds, divided by 60 (to get minutes) is 6.6666666.... 360 ÷ 6.66 is 54 54 x 2 is 108 108 x 2 is 216 To effect this the hands on a clock count out 10 (units of 6) x 10 (units of 6) × 4 (=400 units of 6) Therefore the relationship of the Megalithic second to our current form is mathematically proportional to the ratio between the Sun and Moon. A Megalithic second is 6.66 minutes (400 seconds). A Megalithic Minute is 40 minutes, or 2,400 seconds. 6 x 6 x 6 x 400 = 86,400, the number of seconds in a day. This would mean a clock with 216 seconds would go around 40 times in a day. This means 1 Megalithic second is 6.66 of our modern minutes, meaning their metric system is based on the Full Moon, of which 360 fit into to the night sky, and 720 will encircle the globe, divided by half gives us the 360 degree circle, and the basis for our present hexadecimal system of time. Which is why 1 degree of Arc on the Moon = 100 Megalithic Yards (2700ft). This means the Beast, the hidden hand of the Masonic fraternity, is the Moon; and Time. The white limestone covering of the Pyramids denotes the Pale Moon in Megalithic Ireland, like at New Grange, where Enoch describes a Crystal Palace illuminated by the Full Moon every 19 years. The Byblos Baal, or Book of Baal is the Phoenician Almanac, a coded book of Astrological cycles used by the Priest Class of Egypt; the Phoenicians, to navigate the oceans. Phoenicians, Celts, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Egyptians and Jews all started the new day at Dusk, and celebrated their New Year in September, the 7th month, the Sunsign of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, associated with the healing Gods, and marked by the first New Moon in the 7th month after the start of the Zodiac in Easter, when Ophiuchus is the East Star. In September the East star is Helel in Orion, (Helel means Shining One, associated with Lucifer) aka Osiris, aka Set, Lord of the Dead. Hence the Aleph, and the Zayim, Alpha and Omega. It's also the Birthday of Jesus, and when he said he would return, at the end of the Age during Rosh Hashanah. It's reversed to keep the code secret, and written in metaphor so no one could know what was contained therein. The Essenes studied the Mysteries of Pythagoras. His name means Heart (Bel) of the Serpent. The star Alphard is at the heart of Hydra, and is known as the Vermillion Phoenix in China. The cycle of the Phoenix encodes the astrological calendar by which they removed 3 days every 630 years. This was expressed in a Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 216 by 630 by 666. This star appeared on the Eastern Horizon on the Winter Soltice.. 6 x 6 x 6 is 216, there are 2160 years in an astrological age, and the Moon is 2160 miles in diameter, the solar metonic calendar using 60 6 day weeks produces 1 extra day every 216 years. There are also 216 Megalithic seconds in a day, and 216 letters in the name of the Hebrew God, Just as Solomon has 36 or 72 scrolls, and Muhammed speaks of 72 sects. The Dionysian Masonic Architects of Solomon's Temple also used hexadactyl poetry, perhaps expressing the 12 mathematical constants, found within the Great Pyramid, themselves memorized as allegories. Dionysus worship arose at the same time as Arkenaten's cult of Atum. Arkenaten was born Amunhotep IV, his father's name translates to Hermes Trismegistus, or Amunhotep III, as Amunhotep means "Happy is the Moon" a reference to the New Moon. Enoch and Hermes Trismegistus are the same character, placing his Emerald Tablets/ Scrolls in the Ark of Amun, and burying them under Pillars of Emerald and Gold, the only Temple that matches this is the Temple of Melqart in Tyre, which means Rock, and sat just offshore from Urshu Shalom, City of Peace, or City of the New Moon, root of the name Jerusalem. Methuselah lives 969 years; the number of days between Black Moons. These Magi were known as the Horoscopoi, Watchers of the Hour, Hour being related to Horus, the Son of the Dragon, or Dawn/Dusk. A rising star is Masculine, and a setting one feminine, Atum, and Evening, being androgynous at the Zenith, and responsible for what happens on Earth at the time. So the Sun and Moon and their Metonic Calendar bring Order out of Chaos, the Ancients also saw stars as eyes, hence Ezekiel's vision is a representation of the Zodiac, or Mazzaroth in Hebrew, and the strange descriptions of Angels... Daemons being the stars of winter, or the Underworld; Invernos infact the Sun and Moon were seen as the Left and Right Eyes of Horus. Hebrew and Iber as in Iberia also have the same root, meaning over, as in over seas. Anglo comes from Ankh, meaning Angle, or to bend, perhaps denoting around the corner, as Plato describes Atlantis being beyond the Pillars of Hercules, being the same Pillars of Solomon, or Melqart, the Gates of Gibralter, or Gabriel's Alter, due West from Tyre, the direction of the rising New Moon. The Christian Cross derives from the Cross of Baal, the Phoenician Sun God, their Almanac, and secret to navigating by the stars was preserved in the Byblos Baal, the book we now call the Bible. All mythology is based on the transit of stars through the seasons, and even today in India and New Zealand, at opposite ends of the earth, they celebrate the Summer and Winter Soltices based on the appearance of Pleaides, seen as a bird, sitting at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The famous Hummingbird of Nasca is a representation of Pleaides, used by navigators to find land in the Pacific, also the Phoenician Princess Europa rode the Bull of Taurus just as Pleaides, Paris too is derived from Par Bull and Isii isis, being founded by Celts around 500BC. Pleaides sits at 33 degrees on the Zodiac, Ophiuchus is at 216 degrees So the Arc of the Covenant, the Garden of Eden, Troy, are metaphors for the Square of Pegasus, Typhon, aka Ladon, aka Tphens or Jorgumandr, are Gaia, or Hydra, the 100 headed, which takes up 100 degrees of the Zodiac. Hence the Son of the Dragon Adonis denotes both the first star at night, and Fomalhaut in Aquarius, shaped like an eye, the Sign of John the Baptist, a Setian, the root word of Saturn, or Satan, appearing on the Eastern Horizon on the Summer Solstice, the Day of the Pharoah, Osiris' Crowley and Trump's birthday, which was on a Super Wolf Blood Moon. The Pheonician God of Healing was Eschmun, his Egyptian Sarcophagus found in Sidon (means fish :the Phoenician Symbol for which is *X* hence Xmas) is inscribed with a short poem, the longest unbroken piece of Phoenician language we have, in which Eschmun, whose Temples were built over hot water springs, was known as the *_Scion of the Widow_* (Isis). His symbol is the Caduceus, the Serpent Staff of Asclepius, which can be found in the hands of Hercules, at 210 degrees. Around the staff is Cerberus, the 3 headed Serpent and guardian of the entry to the underworld. The same symbol you see on the side of medical vehicles; the Winged Serpent. Sidon is also where Jezebel daughter of Hiram and wife of Solomon came from, as well as Pythagoras. This points a lot of fingers at Rameses II being King Ahaz, King of Tyre, Regent of israel, aka Solomon, who built the Temple of Melqart to mark his alliance with Hiram Abiff, King of Assyria, creating the Neo Assyrian Empire in 911BC
This was produced as part of a larger Halloween spirit-themed collaboration with:
Please check out their videos and channels if you have not already!
Can I also add Seekers of Unity, Atun Shei and Foolish Fish as channels worth viewing.
very much so
Arbatel us Hebrew/Aramaic not Latin, and nKabbalist not magician..
Hello from ESOTERICA! Dr. Sledge sent me this way, and I'm thrilled!!
Me too
I'm a bit more than halfway through your reading of this work. I have found it thus far, to be incredibly validating. Thank you for this articulate and beautiful, presentation and oration of this precious wisdom.
Thanks Hermit King
You like this? Then I suggest that you follow it up with the Hermetica
3:05 MAGA. MAGAS. be aware of the magic around you. Or become ewe.
5:05 sorcery ~~> pharmakea
Directly translates as thus
Pharmacology pharmacy pharmacist.
And thus we have the
Mortar & Pestle Lance*
mortAR & Pestilence
mort-ar augmenting reality.
The mort is death.
M ort. The cloud of rot. Tor or Rot.
“The Lancet” also connects and is the premier medicull journal.
Woops just pâsted this here that i commented elsewhere. Ill leave it time stamp and all because why not? I wonder what it will match with here in this video.
I agree completely. “ 26:40”. “Yeah …. Yeah”…..
no contemplation. No understanding.
Only thinking of how to get in all his PRECONCEIVED questions.
He entered into this with a list. With goals…..goals are traps fyi.
Goals…. Competing. Scoring points. Achieving. Sieving. Funneling. ….,..,,,
Dividing. Division. Separation.
The info about the heart was spot on.
The interviewer doesn’t understand the heart is everything.
The mind is the killer. The k iller. The 11th hour of Cower, not courage. The fear factory.
The FE…. Augmenting Reality.
The heart it’s the real. The mind is the reel. Reeling you in two. In to a ewe. A shEEp. Ashleep. Counting zZzz in oZ.
In the interviews defense at hood are i knew not. …. Though i was in touch with my heart. My intuition. I saw the hypocrisy. … and yet i stayed in college. I finally graduated with enough credits for a lot more than one degree. The college forced me out as i was trying their stats. A massive outlier. On the average time waves whatever else to graduate. To get shoved through the machine.
I ended up in the gray….. to black economy. And to this i am soo grateful.
Wow looking back i just saw why i was given the answer i got regarding something. A pivotal moment in blocking my official academic career.
And routing me deeper into a world apart.
Thankfully this kept me from becoming Enslaved in the 9-5. Horrible. Soul stealing
Im sorry IM off on a tangent. If anyone cares to hear more say so.
Anyways this interview , or rather the info contained within. Especially of the heart is golden.
Lee i totally was annoyed by how he would mindlessly. Or rather heartlessly press forward without truly hearing.
And if you believe that to be coincidence… you have some work to do. I hope i truly HOPE you figure it out asap.
Time is short on the timer-remit coming soon.
Hour Glasses
Our Glasses
Hour glass says ________¿?::..,,_
Service. . 29:47
30:29 to win. To when. Two twin..tea ate. To calculate
The futhorc.
His mention of “the touchstone” brings to mind:
Do you know of the r-complex?¿
The Toad aka The Towed.
That Toad which is towed through life. Always in tow wherever we go. ..
Literally one with the proper lens free from the spell of pareidolia will literally be able to quite clearly and plainly see the toad which is towed in the skull of the row man/ oar man. ….
That man who ore comes from.
That man a Tea.
To be eaT EN through
Tube ate
The eaTEN
The aTEN.
The 8T8
Ball is the magic
8all or
8T8 All
88 Awl
88 lAw …of the HOLY/HOLE’Y
W /\\//\ VAV.
Double Vav of the AI. Ai. Big Al
“E i e i o”
-Old mac don ald’s farm
OLd: pol/pull
MAC: Master of ceremonies
DON: don/dawn/mourning/morning: the don of the land of nod. odn. qon.
“O we o”
-Wizard if oZ
1:41:41. Gold
1:42:21 Midas
The midas touch turns all to gold
The mid-ass touch turns awl golde.
Gold-E. aka the
G-lode of the ore-gas-M
If feeds TheM
And thus commeth the
Blew G-lode the heart of those
Blue lodge
. e-gold
Inner G
TheY feed on friction. Division. The die’vision of death. Xtremes. X-T-remes. X Tea reams. Eat/Ate
That of the
Ore-L sęx
Ore-G begets
whÖRE-ore. begets
M is the 13th Letter of the alphabet**°
**° alephAbet. ALPHAbet. AlFAbET
Al/Ai/A EY3/bi-nary°;
Von vin van vaneer venir.
The mask. Facaded ones. The Venetian blinds. And
Pho faux phoenix fire. Faux pho. Plasma Pholames
° There van be only one.
Woops van was a typo. I mean can however VAN is relevant too as it connects to the
****AlVIN & the cHIP/C-PHI monks
The Key Blur Elves*°
PopCultUre is filled with endless clues yet they wave their hand a say “do not see”. “ these are not the droids you are looking for”.
All simply
coincidence for the
coincidunce CAP dynamos.
Something to consider if you know of the who CAPITAL letter birth fraud. Connected to Admiralty law and such.
Now take into account this new slang term “CAP”.
“No CAP bro”.
Interesting is it not that it means lies/lying/deception.
Do you even consider the words you speak?
Or just dismiss everything as coincidence??? …. Which is insanely illogical. Unlike another word trick
Which is the most logical info of our true past.
Yet they speak it as
Myth illogical in order to trick.
Ill stop. Ask please. Or otherwise
I had a chance to really listen to this over the last week and I am blown away. You continue to impress with each selection! Thanks , Dan!
Thanks John! I appreciate it. I had lots of fun recording this one.
It’s just great listening in general, brilliant subject and read in a great voice. Thanks.
Maga: Magus : Magi
Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard
@@ForgeMasterXXL mmm mmmlllpppppllpplllllllplllllllllp pp pplplpp pp plppppplllllllll lol LLP 0lll0lllppl
@TheModernHermeticist thanks man ur a good lad. Thoth the atlantean will be pleased. 🙏 subbed and liked.
I read the hermetica a few years back, it's quite profound, it helped to answer many questions that I had.
That book, the Hermetica, is a lie. I'm not sure who wrote it but it is NOT Hermeticism. I suspect is was the Vatican, as they have always been stealing from Hermetica then labelling us as evil pagans. Or it was 1 - 3 clowns trying to make money from a book sale. If you REALLY want to know what Hermetica is about read Fulcanelli.
Thanks! Much appreciated
Thank you kindly secpancake.
wow it's nice that you showed the text as a document~ the art on this channel is really stunning!
Thanks Mandy, more on the way!
Thank you so much for uploading and sharing.
Excellent book great reader.
When the student is ready, the teacher truly appears.
It was bittersweet when you finished "A Big History", I worried where the channel would go from there. Since then your channel has delivered the highest quality content. There is not a single video I have not savored with anticipation of deeper gnosis.
You're part of one of the greatest moments in the history of esoteric education. The collaborations between channels are truly lifting the veils from the occult mysteries in ways unseen nor expected by the old mystics. I dare say you and your collaborators are envied by the ancients. Would that I could be thirty years younger, for the knowledge that I searched for and digested over thirty years is available to the neophyte within a fortnight. Climb I say! I want to hear Crowly, Hall, and Blavatsky's discomfort as you mount upon them and Ficino, Reuchlin, and Agrippa cry out accompanied by the moans below from Plato and Aristotle as you, Justin, Angela, and all the rest stand tall on the shoulders of those giants.
Thanks Clyde 🙏
Such an eloquent response.
Beautifully stated. That's the idea. --written atop the shoulders of giants, Atom
This brought my Soul so much clarity and release… Thank You ❤🙏✨
Kind of speechless. Undeniably truthful, peaceful, & Pious.
Absolutely Love, Love, LOVE this collaboative effort. A Beautiful production of a beautiful work. Love the works of the contributers as well! Thank you all for your brilliant minds and efforts...and your voice, Narrator...sublime;)
I asked somone that covers old books like this to read this for me back in 2016 and he did.. he turned it into audio book. He was the guy who read the emerald tablets of Thoth. I don’t know his name but he had a great voice as well.
I listen to him too.. Ancient Astronauts Archives…
Thank you so much for doing this!
More to come!
I feel like you are my teacher or a digital professor of the sacred art. I've studied and practiced magick, astrology and the art of divination for about 11+years. And for whatever reason your delivery of the works touch a part of my soul. Thank you for your studies and hard work. 🙏 sincerely Z
damn Dan, you are knocking it out of the park with these reading choices!
Thanks Gunk
Thanks for this! Such and underrated channel!
I was just about to read it on my own but this has been a much better experience. Thank you!
Very finely read and produced. Thank you
Thank you very much for your service. Much appreciated.
This book is so precious......I am always elevated from just reading or listening to it !!!
Having forced myself to push through when reading this I have to say this audiovisual version is far far better than just reading it on your own.
The only thing I would change is to add chapters to the video to make it easy to navigate to the part that one is currently working on.
But anyway thanks so much for this, it’s great.
I love that this guy is writing down profound, mystical universal truths steeped in the language and philosophy of hermeticism, but has to stop every few sentences and be like: "Just to reiterate, I'm 100% Christian and definitely talking about Jesus and the God of the Christian bible, you guys. 100%. This is 100% about JESUS." And then gets back to the actual wisdom.
@AppleScab (Venturia inaequalis
) what is it if I may? Devilishly ghoulish? Happy Halloween. But please do share.
@Evan-Taylor: Gates wow, that's interesting, as Catholics believe the suffering of the unbaptised is Holy
@@TravisTellsTruths I'll share for him n for u.. What he says is so very true.. To put things quite simply there is no magic that was not taught to man by the evil spirits. Even the most simplest of Street magicians tricks etc so has evolved from the ancient "knowledge's".. Wen u open these doors, especially to the deep dark n black magicks n rituals u are inviting these spirits into ur realm, very sorry weak people into their souls n become possessed. Many there are who are possessed that u even know yet they don't climb up walls backwards n talk in 20 different languages etc.. Basically do not play with the force of evil bc they only have ONE SINGLE GOAL n that is to possess ur soul n be damned with them all of eternity bc they can never again heaven again n man is the reason why in their eyes. They hate u with a hated u cannot logically understand in early terms
triple 6ix on the rings
whit no time to be good or bad, only none.
you clearly didn't hear or learn anything from this great work
Thank you so much for your work! I am really glad to find the readings of older grimoires, and hearing your latin is also a pleasure!
I'm about an hour and 24 minutes in been listening the whole time but got side tracked saving videos to watch later so yup came back and now want to finish this masterpiece
Thank you Brother Amazing how Great our Father is.
Divide the world's Circumference by six and get 6,666. Divide the number of seconds in a day by 400 and get 216, 2160 is the length of an astrological age. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, which is 864,000 miles wide, just like there are 86,400 seconds in a day. The planet orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr or 66,600 miles an hour.
If we divide the angled side of the Pyramid (186.6 x 100 = 18,660) by 21.6 we get 863.8, plus .2 is 864. The base of the Pyramid minus the height is also Pi times 100, and Al Nitak follows Sirius past the King's Chamber in 100 minutes.
If we divide the height by Euler's number we get the square root of Pi, times 2 is 354, the number of days in 12 lunar months.
If we divide the diameter of the Sun by 6 we get 144,000
The hands of our 24 hr clock go around 60 times 60 times 10, which is 36,000, the number of Arc degrees in one second times 10, which means each second is one 360th of a circle, times 100.
This shows that the Star of David was used as a kind of calculator to devise time and do complex equations using a hexadecimal system. The Egyptian number of perfection is 100, we divide 400 by 100 to get 4, we divide 600 by 100 we get 6. 4/6 is equal to 2/3 and 3/9, all of which have a ratio of 66.666666666, by which they can divide the Horizon down to seconds, and thus navigate the globe knowing both its dimensions and be able to make accurate maps.
86,400 ÷ 400 is 216
216 x 2 is 432
432 + 216 is 684
432 x 2 is 864
So rather than divide 864,000 by 2160, they divide 86,400 by 216, which is 400, rather than 40,000. This means a Megalithic Clock would go around 40 times, with each second broken down into tenths. 6 times 6 times 10; 3600. 400 ÷ 6 is 66.66666
These numbers all divide into each other. Half of 216 is 108, just as the Earth orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr. The interior angles of a regular Pentagon are also 108, and the interior angles of a Star of David add up to 1,440, times 100 is 144,000. Half of 108 is 54.
It takes 360 Full Moons to span the night sky Horizon to Horizon, 720 total, 72 times 3 is 216. 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 = 864
Which means a full moon is equivalent to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes, meaning 2 Full moons per 10 minutes. This means seconds represent tenths of the Moon, a Minute (6 times 10 times 10) being 2 Full Moons or 1 degree of arc. Multiply the Moon's diameter by 18.6, the number of years in a Metonic Cyle, and get 40,175, the diameter of the Earth plus 100. 40,000 times 100 is 4,000,000, the Earth's circumference in meters.
Multiply 18.6 by 2150 (actual diameter of the Moon) and you get 39,990, just 10 km short. This means they measured the Earth with the Orbit of the Moon, and based their metrics off of the Full Moon, cubing and squaring it to find the relationships between the heavenly bodies. Half of the Pyramid's base equals one 86,400th of the Earth's Circumference. Divide the Base by the height and get Pi. The height of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Polar Circumference of the Earth.
Also the Circumference of the Base of the Great Pyramid times 43200
equals the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth.
An equilateral Triangle formed within the face of the Great Pyramid is 6,666 inches along each side, it represents one half of the Star of David, 720 degrees, as above so below, so we double it, 1440 ÷ 6 is 240, the number of hours on a clock times ten. 24 being 6 x 4, combining both ratios of of Sun and Moon, hence Solomon. The Pyramid itself is Squaring the Circle, by reducing the proportions of the cosmos to squares and roots based on Phi and Pi and Euler's number as a ratio to feet, and the Star of David is what allows them to do it, like a proto Antikythera mechanism.
I can't say if they went to hundredths of a second, because I'm not even that much of a mathematician (majician) but they definitely did tenths, and it equates to the same nautical metrics we use today.
Enoch also buries 36,525 scrolls, the number of days in a year, times 100. Oh by the way, this shows that our current measure of time is based on the principle of 1/6, the basis of an Egyptian Royal Cubit, but first they built the first ring at Stonehenge, which is 100 metres (330 ft) wide, with an area of 2160 square feet, a Cube's interior angles also add up to.. 2160.
This produces a Calendar of 60 6 day weeks plus five. Every 4th year a 366th day makes exactly 61 weeks. This means every 216 years this calendar produces 1 extra day, so after 648 years 3 days must be removed. This is when the Phoenix arrived, and stepped onto the Alter of Ra or Holy Grail, completing the Metonic cycle and bringing the Calendar back into sync with the first New Moon of the Spring equinox. The Capstone of the Pyramid is even called the Benben Stone, the Egyptian Phoenix is called the Bennu. It likely relates to Deneb, in Ophiuchus, the 13th Starsign of the Zodiac. The base of the Pyramid is exactly 13 Acres, as is Teotihuacan, because they share the exact same base dimensions.
Such a location would be ideal for calculating the speed of light using the transit of Venus. Incidentally the Great Pyramid's Latitudinal coordinates are the speed of light.
1440 ÷ 108 = 13.333333
11 and 3 are the most sacred Celtic numbers of royalty, and also happen to be the proportions of the Earth to the Moon, and the Great Pyramid.
The starsigns also precess 1 degree every 72 years
72 x 3 is 216
2160 ÷ 648 is 3.3333333
The Aztec Calendar also begins with a double transit of Venus, in 3116BC.
This whole code can be encoded into a single Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 666 by 630, by 216, this is the Key of Solomon, 33 is the inverse of 66.
100 is the "perfect number" because it represents 10 6 unit metrics times 10 6 unit metrics, a unit being 6.66
ie 60 x 60 (3600) the number of Arcdegree seconds in a second, or a one second unit on a clock the size of Earth
This means seconds represent 10ths of the Moon; 216, or 6 x 6 x 6 (100 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 = 2.7): Euler's number, and the number of feet to a Megalithic Yard, 3/11 is .27 and the number of days in a sidereal month is also 27.
11/3 is 3.66, the number of days in a Canicular leap year, the character of Thoth, Cuchulainn, and kukulkan, the Dog Star, and star by which the Sothic Calendar is determined. 3 x 11 is 33, the years in a Great Solar Return. As the Sun and Moon inhabit respective house of the Zodiac they animate the character within, playing out the dramas and battles we know as myths, for example the Moon traveling through each of the Zodiac houses each month, for a grand total of... 144 (12 x 12)
I’m only 3:57 into this and my mind has been blown multiple times already. This will be a great treat. Thank you so much for your work and bringing this info to light for a person like myself.
so it's so mind blowing and so interesting that you stopped after 4 minutes and felt the need to do something else like commenting here, huh?
I'm drunk, painting, and smoking 😜 and I found this by happenstance.
If your brain was made from gunpowder, you couldn't blow your own nose.
My knowledge is expanding my love grows
I'm binging on your content, Dan! Such great work! 🤓
Awesome! Glad you're enjoying it. It seems this particular video has been getting an uptick with the algodaimones recently.
@@TheModernHermeticist What are algodaimones?
hey this is great work, Dan. bring it forth, i sympathise with your knowledge sharing ethic. sending love
Thanks, I appreciate that.
Just bought it for a dollar on Apple Books and listening to this for the second play through (back to back).
Thanks Kitty
Very well written. (I will neither confirm nor deny any secret knowledge of the hidden divine. Adonai. The glory of fools is displacement of discernment unheeded)
Had never heard of this before , ty so much 4 sharing...fascinating.
Thank you! Makes understanding things so much more better!
Pls continue! uploading other material!
Just put out a new one.
Thank you for reading this I would not have learned else wise... Blessings
Let my words be few, Jesus so in love I am with you 🙏🏾🕊🔥🕊♥️🌹. (Thanks mr and mrs UA-cam. 🙏🏾❤️🎩 for your love and support are authentic blessings to my life. From the depths of my heart 🙏🏾🌹🎵🕊❤️blessings comfort & much peace and love 🎵🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Gratitude for this audio.
Bedside book worthy.
😇GVB. It's true, that modern day "witchcraft " will turn you against the word magic. Even lately It's becoming difficult to listen to these videos without being hacked into,and my phone being turned off.😊I appreciate your videos. Grace Victoria ❤
as the little drummer boy, I was and still are not rich. Yet I'd like to thank you for being here on UA-cam our new community as in former community that have neighbors who help there neighbors thank neighbor if I may call you my neighbor too sir.ty
Thanks neighbor. Cheers!
I pray that you continue to get bigger Dan
Your prayers are working (on this video)
I have been lucky as to where I got both the practical Picatrix, plus the academic Picatrix, all the authors of both have good points. This stuff is so deep! Understanding the complex practices of astrology, is kind of what makes it difficult.
The Emerald tablets of thoth are very intriguing also! Don't miss out! Any similar texts, please inform me!
Another powerful esoteric healing from light....
Thank you for this experience. I really apprechiate it.
I am glad to see you highlighting this text here : ) I got into it after learning about it from Silent Hill. There is a puzzle where the keys are named after the Olympian spirits. It would be interesting to me to play it after a refresher on the text to see if there is any thematic significance to this occult deep cut!
I’m only just realising how silent hill (2 for me) was so instrumental in waking me up, even though I didn’t know it. In hindsight SH2 really presented concepts of manifestation and quantum leaping based on subconscious thought
Namaste, are you talking about Silent Hill the movie 1 & 2?
@@rosepalinkas8495 The PS1 game actually. The first movie is based in broad strokes on the first game, but with some differences.
Silent Hill is a hidden artifact camouflaged with the illusion of simply being an occult themed horror survival game. The men and women whom worked on such game were being influenced by the divine in some sort of way i'm almost certain. Mediums for a force by which I cannot comprehend to this day.
My heart sings when You speak old language.
We can see the lineage of hysteria in the minds of ancestors here. How berserk. This held the place for comic books to advent much later on. How fascinating!!
Myths, legends, tales of that sort are the relative "comicbooks" of the time. But they larped it out & greek yehudis had the most fun magic material, they pretty much invented it & what our supernatural magic stems from. Egypt is there too, but they're core fundamentals are espoused in modern witchcraft/ceremonial magic. And if it is associated with Egypt it's probably a yehudi-egyptian.
Thank you for your beautiful message
Thanks for listening
Thank You!!
Incredible work sir!
Thank you kindly
Let God be thy guide in all ways
Thank you for sharing the information ……🌞
Yes yes I’m intrigued!!
Thank you, Thank You, Thank You
Glory to God. Thank you
Hello Dr . Do you read second book of arbatel in this video? Dou you have the file of second or third book of arbatel ?
This is brilliant! Resonates very much with my herbal medicine practices!
Amazing video and info. How in the world did you learn to speak that language. wow Thanks for sharing! Love and blessings to you from Michigan.
Thank you 🌹
You're welcome, thanks for listening.
So Good!
So this is the first section. Do you have videos on the others? Or is there a complete book somewhere to buy? I gotta know the rest!
thank you
This got deep.
This book was fascinating
Thanks for listening
Thank you.for your reading and sharing your gift😊
Aphor.5. is missing
Thou sht love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbour as thy self: (Luke 10:27) And the Lord woll keep thee as the apple of his eye, and will deliver thee from all evil, and will replenish thee with all good; and nothing shall thy soul desire, butthou shalt be fully endued therewith, so that it be contingent to the salvation of thy soul and body.
Amazing material
Thank you! Cheers!
Thank you for doing this.
blessings brother this is arguably ones of the most important book for those seeking true power
Thank you🥰
Thanks for listening.
Had to restart this and put on my ears.
Where can I find this book?
Thank you verry mutch
You are welcome
Thank You 💚🙌🐢
Thanks for listening 🐢
My yia yia was a Maggos. I have been a practioner of the occult, astrology and all Witcher since I can remember.
Astrology is just born from a misunderstanding of alchemy and its associated diagrams.
And I think you meant Magus. And what's a yia yia? Is that a pet name for your grandmother? Just askin.✌️
Divide the world's Circumference by six and get 6,666. Divide the number of seconds in a day by 400 and get 216, 2160 is the length of an astrological age. The Moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, which is 864,000 miles wide, just like there are 86,400 seconds in a day. The planet orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr or 66,600 miles an hour.
If we divide the angled side of the Pyramid (186.6 x 100 = 18,660) by 21.6 we get 863.8, plus .2 is 864. The base of the Pyramid minus the height is also Pi times 100, and Al Nitak follows Sirius past the King's Chamber in 100 minutes.
If we divide the height by Euler's number we get the square root of Pi, times 2 is 354, the number of days in 12 lunar months.
If we divide the diameter of the Sun by 6 we get 144,000
The hands of our 24 hr clock go around 60 times 60 times 10, which is 36,000, the number of Arc degrees in one second times 10, which means each second is one 360th of a circle, times 100.
This shows that the Star of David was used as a kind of calculator to devise time and do complex equations using a hexadecimal system. The Egyptian number of perfection is 100, we divide 400 by 100 to get 4, we divide 600 by 100 we get 6. 4/6 is equal to 2/3 and 3/9, all of which have a ratio of 66.666666666, by which they can divide the Horizon down to seconds, and thus navigate the globe knowing both its dimensions and be able to make accurate maps.
86,400 ÷ 400 is 216
216 x 2 is 432
432 + 216 is 684
432 x 2 is 864
So rather than divide 864,000 by 2160, they divide 86,400 by 216, which is 400, rather than 40,000. This means a Megalithic Clock would go around 40 times, with each second broken down into tenths. 6 times 6 times 10; 3600. 400 ÷ 6 is 66.66666
These numbers all divide into each other. Half of 216 is 108, just as the Earth orbits the Sun at 108,000 km/hr. The interior angles of a regular Pentagon are also 108, and the interior angles of a Star of David add up to 1,440, times 100 is 144,000. Half of 108 is 54.
It takes 360 Full Moons to span the night sky Horizon to Horizon, 720 total, 72 times 3 is 216. 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 = 864
Which means a full moon is equivalent to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes, meaning 2 Full moons per 10 minutes. This means seconds represent tenths of the Moon, a Minute (6 times 10 times 10) being 2 Full Moons or 1 degree of arc. Multiply the Moon's diameter by 18.6, the number of years in a Metonic Cyle, and get 40,175, the diameter of the Earth plus 100. 40,000 times 100 is 4,000,000, the Earth's circumference in meters.
Multiply 18.6 by 2150 (actual diameter of the Moon) and you get 39,990, just 10 km short. This means they measured the Earth with the Orbit of the Moon, and based their metrics off of the Full Moon, cubing and squaring it to find the relationships between the heavenly bodies. Half of the Pyramid's base equals one 86,400th of the Earth's Circumference. Divide the Base by the height and get Pi. The height of the Great Pyramid times 43200 equals the Polar Circumference of the Earth.
Also the Circumference of the Base of the Great Pyramid times 43200
equals the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth.
An equilateral Triangle formed within the face of the Great Pyramid is 6,666 inches along each side, it represents one half of the Star of David, 720 degrees, as above so below, so we double it, 1440 ÷ 6 is 240, the number of hours on a clock times ten. 24 being 6 x 4, combining both ratios of of Sun and Moon, hence Solomon. The Pyramid itself is Squaring the Circle, by reducing the proportions of the cosmos to squares and roots based on Phi and Pi and Euler's number as a ratio to feet, and the Star of David is what allows them to do it, like a proto Antikythera mechanism.
I can't say if they went to hundredths of a second, because I'm not even that much of a mathematician (majician) but they definitely did tenths, and it equates to the same nautical metrics we use today.
Enoch also buries 36,525 scrolls, the number of days in a year, times 100. Oh by the way, this shows that our current measure of time is based on the principle of 1/6, the basis of an Egyptian Royal Cubit, but first they built the first ring at Stonehenge, which is 100 metres (330 ft) wide, with an area of 2160 square feet, a Cube's interior angles also add up to.. 2160.
This produces a Calendar of 60 6 day weeks plus five. Every 4th year a 366th day makes exactly 61 weeks. This means every 216 years this calendar produces 1 extra day, so after 648 years 3 days must be removed. This is when the Phoenix arrived, and stepped onto the Alter of Ra or Holy Grail, completing the Metonic cycle and bringing the Calendar back into sync with the first New Moon of the Spring equinox. The Capstone of the Pyramid is even called the Benben Stone, the Egyptian Phoenix is called the Bennu. It likely relates to Deneb, in Ophiuchus, the 13th Starsign of the Zodiac. The base of the Pyramid is exactly 13 Acres, as is Teotihuacan, because they share the exact same base dimensions.
Such a location would be ideal for calculating the speed of light using the transit of Venus. Incidentally the Great Pyramid's Latitudinal coordinates are the speed of light.
1440 ÷ 108 = 13.333333
11 and 3 are the most sacred Celtic numbers of royalty, and also happen to be the proportions of the Earth to the Moon, and the Great Pyramid.
The starsigns also precess 1 degree every 72 years
72 x 3 is 216
2160 ÷ 648 is 3.3333333
The Aztec Calendar also begins with a double transit of Venus, in 3116BC.
This whole code can be encoded into a single Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 666 by 630, by 216, this is the Key of Solomon, 33 is the inverse of 66.
100 is the "perfect number" because it represents 10 6 unit metrics times 10 6 unit metrics, a unit being 6.66
ie 60 x 60 (3600) the number of Arcdegree seconds in a second, or a one second unit on a clock the size of Earth
This means seconds represent 10ths of the Moon; 216, or 6 x 6 x 6 (100 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 = 2.7): Euler's number, and the number of feet to a Megalithic Yard, 3/11 is .27 and the number of days in a sidereal month is also 27.
11/3 is 3.66, the number of days in a Canicular leap year, the character of Thoth, Cuchulainn, and kukulkan, the Dog Star, and star by which the Sothic Calendar is determined. 3 x 11 is 33, the years in a Great Solar Return. As the Sun and Moon inhabit respective house of the Zodiac they animate the character within, playing out the dramas and battles we know as myths, for example the Moon traveling through each of the Zodiac houses each month, for a grand total of... 144 (12 x 12)
@@ThunderboltWisdom ancient people worshipped 360 different spirits based on which stars were in the sky, alchemy is related to metallurgy, they are 2 different things
@@uncannyvalley2350 I am glad you attempted to engage with me. It justifies my replying to you.
Which ancient people are you talking about? Neolithic? Iron age? Bronze age? Copper age? Stone age?
Once you decide which ancient people you are talking about then you can ask yourself about the significance of the number 360. The only significance of 360 is as an approximation of 365, the number of days in a year. So, if anything, "ancient" people would worship the number 365.
I have been following your comments for many years now, and I have always marvelled at your ability to talk endless amounts of "esoterica".
I would suggest that you make one point well, rather than fail to make 100 points badly, which is what you do. And you do it so well. In fact, you remind me of Colin Robinson, the energy vampire. In that, you drain anybody who tries to read your comments all the way through. Personally, I felt myself being drained when I was only a few lines in. So consider yourself good at what you do.
And, as for your name, I reckon that you fall into that chasm that they call the "uncanny valley". Only because you bear a rough approximation to a real person and freak actual people out because of your similarity to one.
@@uncannyvalley2350 And don't get me started on alchemy. I don't want to see you cry
is there a way to get a PDF of this book
Yep, on archive dot org
@@TheModernHermeticist the version i find on there is only 36 pages by robert turner is that the right one?
It's not the one I used to make this, but unfortunately Internet Archive was hacked and is down, so I can't look for it at the moment.
Amazing lord RAH
Love your channel . About details : I find it hard to believe that other entities only can appear during certain times of day or times of year, it seems like details that wouldn’t matter . It just doesn’t make sense to me that only certain names will come to you during certain times of day or time of year. If you’re operating in the ether or the astral it wouldn’t think that they would be subject to laws such as silliness of times of day
Maybe because "they" use our time as points for those that dare to tread into their time? IOW our time is a mere marker to indicate when you should "seek" if that's what you want to jump into but on the grand scheme of things there isn't any time anyway.
A couple of simple solutions: Either it's metaphor, or not everything said here is 100% true.
Should be the first book they ever give us in school
This is a great resource and I've just subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to more content!great
Welcome aboard
What are the oldest versions of these texts? Only because 17th century was already so far removed from ancient cultures. So just curious if you knew. Thanks
This is era-specific, this topic was highly popular during that time.
This text is only the first book of a much larger tome if im not mistaken, are you going to continue the remaining chapters?
At 22:56 Aphor 5 was skipped? Not to be picky just mentioning, enjoying following your reading, never heard of this material before.
I’ve heard these exact or similar rituals and prayers and procedures almost the exact same in demonology. Less restrictive and whilst retaining your own will instead of begging for power from one who can say no. Almost exactly the same minus the requirement of giving your power to something then ASK for it back. Instead it says not to fear anything but to stand confident in your own power and authority unwavering and unbowed. I have personally witnessed eternal I have accessed the place of pillars where all knowledge is held. I have unwittingly been doing it since I was a child but doing so intentionally with intention has been interesting. But I always learn things I didn’t intend to learn with the information I had sought.
Did you go out of body?
@@SootSootSootSooty yes. Partially. It’s hard to describe like pushing through a bubble without popping it. I was in such extreme pain that everything looked very dark oily viscous with shades of purple mixed in with black and grey.
@@michaelthemadsoldiertist wow. 😯 & Thank you for taking the time to reply. 🙏 Is the place of pillars the same as what some people term the Halls of Amenti? And that’s where there was this dark oily substance? Also when I read that, my mind immediately went to a remote viewing session of Brett Stewart and another I’ve heard along the way. It seems like that substance is around where ET (mantis) bases here are and I feel it could be linked to AI as well. Like places where AI permeates. What were your feelings towards the substance? Repulsion? Avoidance? General bad juju, or something else???
@@SootSootSootSooty no it wasn’t a substance it was just the general coloration as viewed through the veil between the physical and spiritual world the part that was like a soap bubble i had to go through to get there. My immense pain made everything on the other side appear tainted somehow like polluted or something. Once I finally went through it looked a lot like something you’d see in Egypt mixed with an acid trip. Stone Pillars filled with books stretching on into eternity. That’s just how my mind interpreted it. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. I get the distinct impression that it’s all based on your perceptions of what you would think it would look like the only reason I knew it was real and not just a pain based hallucination is because I came back with knowledge that I had never learned before I knew things that I had never known before. Otherwise, I would think it was just a pain based hallucination.
Good work. Nice videos 👏
❤ Thank You 🙏 Thank you !! For this wonderful Information!! 👏
This is the wildest comment section I've ever seen.
This video blew up 😳. NICE!
Where is the background images behind the text from ? all those creatures and symbols.
Would you be interested in doing a reading of Crowleys 8 lectures in yoga?
The Audible version is terrible!
I don't know what I was watching but my intuition understood the whole thing hmm cool maybe because I'm spiritually awake that's how I understand it thank you I enjoyed it
Thanks for sharing this 👍
You bet. Thanks for listening.
Where can I get a book copy 😢
What are those pictures serving as the background?
your voice sounds just like Dr. Justin Sledge. I can tell you both have little lisp. Hermes I'm sure chuckles when you both say Trismegistus while trying keep the tongue off the teeth. I love your Channel and content! You have a beautiful voice by the way. Comfortable, clean and articulate. Thanks Dan!
Your wisdom is so great..
The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC, 80 years before the Antikythera mechanism, and was called the _Vaticanus Graecus;_ Son of the Divine Serpent, a reference to Fomalhaut in Aquarius, the sign associated with John the Baptist, who was a Setian, the root word of Satan. Just as israel is the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, Fruit of Isis and Ra. In the Second Century AD Astrologer Vettori Valentinus used the _Vaticanus Graecus_ to construct a lunar zodiac of 13 months, this correlates to the 18.6/ 19 year Metonic Calendar, found in the earliest known ancient temples, the Bible, Antikythera mechanism, New Grange and the Bru na Boinne, the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Celts, Phoenicians, and inscribed into the Golden Enoch Horns of the Magi, the Galatian (Celtics of Galicia in iberia) Eunuch Druid Priests of Cybel, or Kythera, the "Great Mother", (who has 216 names) found in Germany and France. A Druid took 19 years to train, and the Phoenix was associated with 19 flames. These number sets and astrological associations are the same for Megalithic sites found all over the world, from Egypt to the Baltic, India, Ireland, America, and the Pacific, there is only one culture that could have accomplished such a feat, and like the celts it was obliterated from history in 146BC when Carthage was sacked _"not one stone upon the other"_ to the fall of Tyre in 70AD, after a 13 yr seige. Sound familiar? 146 plus 70 is 216.
One Megalithic hour is 240 minutes, or 14,400 seconds (1/4)
There are 6 Megalithic hours to the day, each made up of 6 minutes, each of which is 6 seconds long. If the Megalithic hour was divided into 60 minutes, each would be 1,440 of our seconds, times 100 is 144,000.
One Megalithic second is 400 of our modern seconds, divided by 60 (to get minutes) is 6.6666666....
360 ÷ 6.66 is 54
54 x 2 is 108
108 x 2 is 216
To effect this the hands on a clock count out 10 (units of 6) x 10 (units of 6) × 4 (=400 units of 6) Therefore the relationship of the Megalithic second to our current form is mathematically proportional to the ratio between the Sun and Moon. A Megalithic second is 6.66 minutes (400 seconds). A Megalithic Minute is 40 minutes, or 2,400 seconds. 6 x 6 x 6 x 400 = 86,400, the number of seconds in a day. This would mean a clock with 216 seconds would go around 40 times in a day.
This means 1 Megalithic second is 6.66 of our modern minutes, meaning their metric system is based on the Full Moon, of which 360 fit into to the night sky, and 720 will encircle the globe, divided by half gives us the 360 degree circle, and the basis for our present hexadecimal system of time. Which is why 1 degree of Arc on the Moon = 100 Megalithic Yards (2700ft). This means the Beast, the hidden hand of the Masonic fraternity, is the Moon; and Time. The white limestone covering of the Pyramids denotes the Pale Moon in Megalithic Ireland, like at New Grange, where Enoch describes a Crystal Palace illuminated by the Full Moon every 19 years.
The Byblos Baal, or Book of Baal is the Phoenician Almanac, a coded book of Astrological cycles used by the Priest Class of Egypt; the Phoenicians, to navigate the oceans. Phoenicians, Celts, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Egyptians and Jews all started the new day at Dusk, and celebrated their New Year in September, the 7th month, the Sunsign of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, associated with the healing Gods, and marked by the first New Moon in the 7th month after the start of the Zodiac in Easter, when Ophiuchus is the East Star. In September the East star is Helel in Orion, (Helel means Shining One, associated with Lucifer) aka Osiris, aka Set, Lord of the Dead. Hence the Aleph, and the Zayim, Alpha and Omega. It's also the Birthday of Jesus, and when he said he would return, at the end of the Age during Rosh Hashanah. It's reversed to keep the code secret, and written in metaphor so no one could know what was contained therein.
The Essenes studied the Mysteries of Pythagoras. His name means Heart (Bel) of the Serpent. The star Alphard is at the heart of Hydra, and is known as the Vermillion Phoenix in China. The cycle of the Phoenix encodes the astrological calendar by which they removed 3 days every 630 years. This was expressed in a Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions
216 by 630 by 666. This star appeared on the Eastern Horizon on the Winter Soltice..
6 x 6 x 6 is 216, there are 2160 years in an astrological age, and the Moon is 2160 miles in diameter, the solar metonic calendar using 60 6 day weeks produces 1 extra day every 216 years. There are also 216 Megalithic seconds in a day, and 216 letters in the name of the Hebrew God, Just as Solomon has 36 or 72 scrolls, and Muhammed speaks of 72 sects.
The Dionysian Masonic Architects of Solomon's Temple also used hexadactyl poetry, perhaps expressing the 12 mathematical constants, found within the Great Pyramid, themselves memorized as allegories. Dionysus worship arose at the same time as Arkenaten's cult of Atum. Arkenaten was born Amunhotep IV, his father's name translates to Hermes Trismegistus, or Amunhotep III, as Amunhotep means "Happy is the Moon" a reference to the New Moon. Enoch and Hermes Trismegistus are the same character, placing his Emerald Tablets/ Scrolls in the Ark of Amun, and burying them under Pillars of Emerald and Gold, the only Temple that matches this is the Temple of Melqart in Tyre, which means Rock, and sat just offshore from Urshu Shalom, City of Peace, or City of the New Moon, root of the name Jerusalem. Methuselah lives 969 years; the number of days between Black Moons.
These Magi were known as the Horoscopoi, Watchers of the Hour, Hour being related to Horus, the Son of the Dragon, or Dawn/Dusk. A rising star is Masculine, and a setting one feminine, Atum, and Evening, being androgynous at the Zenith, and responsible for what happens on Earth at the time. So the Sun and Moon and their Metonic Calendar bring Order out of Chaos, the Ancients also saw stars as eyes, hence Ezekiel's vision is a representation of the Zodiac, or Mazzaroth in Hebrew, and the strange descriptions of Angels... Daemons being the stars of winter, or the Underworld; Invernos infact the Sun and Moon were seen as the Left and Right Eyes of Horus.
Hebrew and Iber as in Iberia also have the same root, meaning over, as in over seas. Anglo comes from Ankh, meaning Angle, or to bend, perhaps denoting around the corner, as Plato describes Atlantis being beyond the Pillars of Hercules, being the same Pillars of Solomon, or Melqart, the Gates of Gibralter, or Gabriel's Alter, due West from Tyre, the direction of the rising New Moon. The Christian Cross derives from the Cross of Baal, the Phoenician Sun God, their Almanac, and secret to navigating by the stars was preserved in the Byblos Baal, the book we now call the Bible. All mythology is based on the transit of stars through the seasons, and even today in India and New Zealand, at opposite ends of the earth, they celebrate the Summer and Winter Soltices based on the appearance of Pleaides, seen as a bird, sitting at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The famous Hummingbird of Nasca is a representation of Pleaides, used by navigators to find land in the Pacific, also the Phoenician Princess Europa rode the Bull of Taurus just as Pleaides, Paris too is derived from Par Bull and Isii isis, being founded by Celts around 500BC.
Pleaides sits at 33 degrees on the Zodiac, Ophiuchus is at 216 degrees
So the Arc of the Covenant, the Garden of Eden, Troy, are metaphors for the Square of Pegasus, Typhon, aka Ladon, aka Tphens or Jorgumandr, are Gaia, or Hydra, the 100 headed, which takes up 100 degrees of the Zodiac. Hence the Son of the Dragon Adonis denotes both the first star at night, and Fomalhaut in Aquarius, shaped like an eye, the Sign of John the Baptist, a Setian, the root word of Saturn, or Satan, appearing on the Eastern Horizon on the Summer Solstice, the Day of the Pharoah, Osiris' Crowley and Trump's birthday, which was on a Super Wolf Blood Moon.
The Pheonician God of Healing was Eschmun, his Egyptian Sarcophagus found in Sidon (means fish :the Phoenician Symbol for which is *X* hence Xmas) is inscribed with a short poem, the longest unbroken piece of Phoenician language we have, in which Eschmun, whose Temples were built over hot water springs, was known as the *_Scion of the Widow_* (Isis). His symbol is the Caduceus, the Serpent Staff of Asclepius, which can be found in the hands of Hercules, at 210 degrees. Around the staff is Cerberus, the 3 headed Serpent and guardian of the entry to the underworld. The same symbol you see on the side of medical vehicles; the Winged Serpent. Sidon is also where Jezebel daughter of Hiram and wife of Solomon came from, as well as Pythagoras.
This points a lot of fingers at Rameses II being King Ahaz, King of Tyre, Regent of israel, aka Solomon, who built the Temple of Melqart to mark his alliance with Hiram Abiff, King of Assyria, creating the Neo Assyrian Empire in 911BC
Truly an incredibly blind n mislead individual.. Long as you're breathing u still have time tho
@@vinny.deadmou5d46what do you mean? This channel is misleading and still time for what? Thank you
I thought Ophiuchus was supposed to be in Dec, not Sept?
Wow when was this written
Keep the word of god keep it to the holy the evil ones dont take it...wisdom 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🤦🤦🙇🤦🙇🤦🙇🤦🙇🤦🙇
I'm glad I heard this