Хороший столик. Когда пьёшь воду из стакана, не отставляй мизинец в сторону. Это дурной тон, ДУРНОВКУСИЕ, не воспитанность. Мизинец должен находиться под стаканом, под дном стакана. Это будет правильное положение пальцев во время питья жидкости из стакана.
An absolute waste of my time, the endless sawing of wood. One cut of each is enough, we get the drift. We want to see the work progress through to completion, then we can judge whether or not it was masterful or just mundane.
Gộ bạn đẹp quá bạn ơi like nhé 🙏🥰👍👏
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
Great looking table!
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
Yep, as I expected, just mundane high school learning level!
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
Am I missing something are the thin wafers held in by varnish or glue????(on the 3D )
Thank you for your interest, I would like to have a beer with you to celebrate!
OMG Amazing woodworking
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
Хороший столик. Когда пьёшь воду из стакана, не отставляй мизинец в сторону. Это дурной тон, ДУРНОВКУСИЕ, не воспитанность. Мизинец должен находиться под стаканом, под дном стакана. Это будет правильное положение пальцев во время питья жидкости из стакана.
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!
An absolute waste of my time, the endless sawing of wood. One cut of each is enough, we get the drift. We want to see the work progress through to completion, then we can judge whether or not it was masterful or just mundane.
Thank you for your interest, I would like to give you a congratulatory bouquet!