9:15 He tells the man to be easy on Laura because she is of delicate mind and he says, "How does it feel to be dead?" HAHAHAHAH. I love that snob so SO much. What a doltish comment. Also, 13:50, "I know when you are sleeping, I know when your awake.....ho ho ho" lol. I do love this show. I am addicted.
And here, I thought my family was weird. Episode 152. The brilliant plot thickens as the illustrious Laura appears to succeed in her scheme, but wait: she was driven out of her mind once. It could happen again. I'm waiting to find out which relative is locked up in the cellar. Now, there's an idea.
Spooky! But I was hoping that Vicki was giving Frank directions to the spot where you watch the submarine races. Just an aside, whenever they're outside, whether an actual outside location or a studio set, it definitely does not look like Maine in January!
Cool car scene and nice spooky drive, with Vicky and Frank, to the old graveyard at the end of this episode. Very atmospheric. Underneath the sounds of crickets and frogs, there's a weird bird sound. I've heard it many times, but don't know what kind of bird does that. Can anyone identify it?
It's a Kookaburra, native to Australia and New Guinea. Oh well, I love the way they sound, even if they don't really exist in Maine. They make the coolest spooky sound. And Collinsport is a world where just about anything is possible.
Your right Helen the blue whale is a dive...hell the diner is nicer than that bar. Maybe its the only bar in collinsport lol. So david was right when he first saw his mother and said that she wasnt his mother...his real mother is dead, burnnt in a fire in Phoenix...hmmmm the plot thickens...i still havent seen her eat anything..quick give the woman some raw meat, that is what birds eat isnt it?????
So much for Laura Collins (Diana Millay). Viki looks like a Cinderella in her 60's boufant hairdo. Love it now, butI hated it when I was younger because it made women look older. That's why there are retro styles of fashion these days. Everything old is new again.
You mean to tell me and I'm supposed to accept that the blue whale is such a high class establishment to have expensive French wine that Frank had when he was in France? I think its just the local Pub to grab a beer or drink and they serve pub food! Look at it! It looks a little run down.. also if you are a man interested in dating a lady and making a decent living as a lawyer like frank I think he can afford to take her to a very nice restaurant like the one they were in Bangor...I love Vicky's hair! ! I wish she would wear it up more often!
Great cliffhanger
9:15 He tells the man to be easy on Laura because she is of delicate mind and he says, "How does it feel to be dead?" HAHAHAHAH. I love that snob so SO much. What a doltish comment. Also, 13:50, "I know when you are sleeping, I know when your awake.....ho ho ho" lol. I do love this show. I am addicted.
vicki, what on earth??/ frank may be beginning to think you are Daffy!
Vicki looks absolutely stunning on her date with Frank (hubba-hubba!).
A medical examination of Laura- that'll be interesting!!
Viki would be standing there by herself.
And here, I thought my family was weird. Episode 152. The brilliant plot thickens as the illustrious Laura appears to succeed in her scheme, but wait: she was driven out of her mind once. It could happen again. I'm waiting to find out which relative is locked up in the cellar. Now, there's an idea.
+Tamara Rutland-Mills Yes we still don't know who is moaning and wailing in that basement!
Vickie is spooky to me in this episode.
Roger in these episodes strikes me as being very similar to Quentin during 1897. Especially their brandy habits.
Vicky is beautiful😍😍😍Angeliqque is the prettiest one in this series such a beauty, Laura Parker😚😚😚
47 seconds.... "Oh Liz, someday they will invent joint custody and we will have no show if anyone ever mentions that".
@ 15:33 Josette has turn by turn GPS powers as well
Spooky! But I was hoping that Vicki was giving Frank directions to the spot where you watch the submarine races. Just an aside, whenever they're outside, whether an actual outside location or a studio set, it definitely does not look like Maine in January!
Cool car scene and nice spooky drive, with Vicky and Frank, to the old graveyard at the end of this episode. Very atmospheric. Underneath the sounds of crickets and frogs, there's a weird bird sound. I've heard it many times, but don't know what kind of bird does that. Can anyone identify it?
It's a Kookaburra, native to Australia and New Guinea. Oh well, I love the way they sound, even if they don't really exist in Maine. They make the coolest spooky sound. And Collinsport is a world where just about anything is possible.
Ah, the good old days of no seat belt laws.
I guarantee you that Roger wouldn't have talked to Lt. Kojak like he did this cop in the episode!
And if Roger'd talked that way to Lt. Columbo, then Columbo would've said, " apologize, Mr. Collins. Oh, just more thing...".
Correction to the above. Columbo would've said, "I apologize...". I'd accidentally omitted the "I".
Why are these graveyards always so foggy.
Your right Helen the blue whale is a dive...hell the diner is nicer than that bar. Maybe its the only bar in collinsport lol. So david was right when he first saw his mother and said that she wasnt his mother...his real mother is dead, burnnt in a fire in Phoenix...hmmmm the plot thickens...i still havent seen her eat anything..quick give the woman some raw meat, that is what birds eat isnt it?????
I hope they are going to check Laura's teeth too.
Oh yes, let's get Mark Harmon and the CSI squad to come to Collinwood!
Laura could have just said that she had a twin that she discovered after Roger left her! That would at least take some of the suspicion off of her.
+bldali twins don't have identical dental records.
So much for Laura Collins (Diana Millay). Viki looks like a Cinderella in her 60's boufant hairdo. Love it now, butI hated it when I was younger because it made women look older. That's why there are retro styles of fashion these days. Everything old is new again.
You mean to tell me and I'm supposed to accept that the blue whale is such a high class establishment to have expensive French wine that Frank had when he was in France? I think its just the local Pub to grab a beer or drink and they serve pub food! Look at it! It looks a little run down.. also if you are a man interested in dating a lady and making a decent living as a lawyer like frank I think he can afford to take her to a very nice restaurant like the one they were in Bangor...I love Vicky's hair! ! I wish she would wear it up more often!
+helen anderson The Blue Whale has a wine cellar! Who knew!?
Vicky & Frank make a nice Couple she needs to stay away from Burke, Frank has that baby face😊😊😊
I think I may be getting it. Is Laura's grave in that cemetery?
Atlantic what episode does Vicky get killed by the Leviathans?
Laura Collins is dead? Well, then, she can vote in the Illinois elections!
Maybe she voted for Hillary Clinton to become President, right, RovingRoy/
She probably voted for Trump, given he likes to FIRE people!
RovingRoy i knew it, it wasn't the Russians. it was the....argh...arghh...
She's just his his type. He would grab his tic tac and go for it.
Hilary is a phoenix. She won't go away.
The cuckoo bird is singng