My name is Kezia and I'm from Brazil. Today I was on my bed, searching for a direction, with a worried heart. Then I saw in my white board the word Faith. That shined to me. I thought: " What is faith? Is there a The Bible Project's video about it? And I found it. God brought me here. I understood and remembered He is totally trustful. I heard and prayed and now I'm so much better! Thanks for your obedience talking about God teaches you, it helps me.
Your mind does all your worrying and is a completely wasted emotion, your heart is only a pump and does not "feel" anything short of a coronary. Faith gets you nowhere, and there are no gods so you can stop worrying about that. I just wanted to clear that up for you.
@@jordgubbe9187 I see what you're saying, but what is it as a metaphor meant to represent? I mean it isn't real. As you know a metaphor is simply a language device so Kezia must be experiencing something other than her actual heart. And I suspect that broadly means a conscience like we all have and one that can us make us worry too much and question ourselves in an unhealthy and in the case of believers in an often unnecessary way.
@@jordgubbe9187 OK, but what's wrong with taking anything literally? After all, feelings don't count as a route to truth or as representative of what is or isn't true, they are nebulous at best surely.
Listening to this sermon over and over is not the context of it, dummies. Here is the "bitch slap" pardon my language, to get your attention! It's Time for Action! Get off the fence, the fence is on Satan's property. Literally, die to all your fleshly desires that conflict with walking after our Messiah, live following the will of our heavenly Father, just like our Master did!
@@rudihattingh5041 open reproof is better than hidden love. When a house is on fire, and there are people sleeping in there beds, don't answer a knock, you have to break the door in to wake them up, that's not how I prefer to meet someone, but I am not trying to make friends here, I am trying to make some aware that " repent for the kingdom is at hand', many are in love with this world, and it is passing away, the time is now! to make your decision, die to self, or serve yourself? You can't have it both ways. Agape
Bishop Barron is my rock, with Tim becoming a real beacon and foundational stone in an ever maturing faith journey. Thank You, Lord for sending these messengers of faith.
Wow, incredible sermon. I've never heard a pastor welcome doubt and "poking and prodding" of the Christian faith before. Your perspective on faith is inspiring and enlightened, Thank you so much Dr. Tim! God Bless You.
What he is describing as poking and prodding is asking the Holy Spirit questions as you read scripture because it is He who brings understanding or insight or "seeing". Faith really begins with scripture then it progresses to seeing because you asked and the connections came. In very simple and uncomplicated terms, faith is seeing an unseen reality. It is the Word and the Spirit working together. That's where faith comes from.
Right on the money. This message needs to be shared in short as you are sharing the gospel and the full response to the gospel in obedience to Jesus. Many non-believers, atheist agnostic skeptics know full well what faith is on these terms as it takes a lot more faith to be an atheist among other statuses then it takes to be a Christian.
Always love Tim’s teaching, but did anybody else have goosebumps listening to Micah read the word?? WOW!!! Never heard anyone read scripture like that! Anointed for it! Micah, consider doing an audio book of the Bible! For Heaven’s sake, literally.
I was thinking about whether faith is based on reason or on something else when listening. I would rather say it is based on experience. You would only sit down on an "invisible" chair if you trusted the person guiding you there. So faith is based on the experience you made with that person. (Tim was trusting himself and the audience who told him to step a bit to the left.) If you experienced that this person was trustworthy then when you have to trust again, you have reason to think it is safe trusting the person even though you don't know if it is actually safe. Having faith in God is similar. You hear the word/gospel which makes curious. But trust does not develop from reading alone, because you would trust only people whom you know. That is why I think each one of us have to make their own experience with God and see that he is trustworthy. Then only you can reason that God will do something for you, which is yet unseen. So faith is the result of a relationship with God that starts with a word of truth about Him. That is the thought covered by the different translations of Hebrews 11:1 in my opinion. Else faith was only rational. God bless, Thomas
The Lord God used this message to pierce through my heart and surrender all unfaithfulness to him. This elementary lesson about faith was something I completely missed and therefore, struggled in my walk in it. Thank you for this video and God bless you abundantly for acting on your faith to serve Him.
We live with ourselves all our lives and come to know and doubt what we are capable of while falling short in the understanding of just who Jesus is and what He is capable of. " to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,"
Leah Chavez I just recently was taught by the Holy Ghost. This is my urgent message for the world. Whosoever can receive it. Bless you Leah. Everybody needs to know this! The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon! INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church. PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18 And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches. And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures. And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation. And Jesus Christ is calling His people out.
Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact. There is still an every word testimony with us! The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on. It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it! The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out. I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone. I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed. This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon. The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it. (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on. here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.” It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either. This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on. If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying. freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.” Matt 10:8
I am so thankful to the one who recorded these sermons and have shared them with others. I never would’ve heard such teachings if it had not been for you. Thank God for you and for Tim Mackie, the excellent teacher!
Dear Tim, thanks for untangling these big topics that seemed unreasonable to me. By the love of Jesus, I’m coming together with the messages and becoming a part of me. I love what you do for Jesus. Thank you!
43:55 Thank you, Tim. For your years of academic effort, the precipitated lucidity of overview, ("...Kool Aid at the door...sexual preservation in the light of The World vs the community of Believers, wonderful et cetera!). We support you, The Bible Project ALL THE WAY!
Dr. Mackie is exactly right that faith is action not just simply belief. Faith as defined by Apostle Paul in Romans is “active obedience” or a response to your belief. Dr. Mackie gives such great examples like the flower blooming after the snow as metaphor of Jesus’ resurrection! He is such a great teacher! Thanks Dr. Mackie!
"Now faith is that which sub-stands, (Greek: hupo-stasis, sub-stance) things hoped for..." Faith supports hope. In Mk. 11:22 Jesus says, not "Have faith in God," but rather, "Have God's faith." Greek "Echete pistin Theou."
@@gL1135 Saving faith is the gift of God. It is not something we are born with or can muster up. Saving faith is not a work of the flesh, but of the Holy Spirit. Why do you need me to explain Scripture? These are Jesus' words, not mine.
I love Tims delivery and they way the brings The Word alive for me, as an English person I have never experiance Church in this way, and gave up trying...... I would love to know if anyone knows of a Church like this in the UK...I would love Pastor Tim to create a CD of him singing the Hebrew preyers it is so beautiful and moving.... Many Thanks Susie
Start one yourself if you can't find one. You don't need much more than a couch, a Bible and a few friends. Start with one of Tim's videos weekly... Just a thought.
I feel the full weight of obedience as faith is described to me… following Jesus becomes more difficult the more I learn about it. I feel my faith is so weak and petty. I pray God will save me from being tempted beyond what I can bear.
I thank GOD that I came across The Bible Project and now Tim's sermons. My children have learned so much about the bible thanks to The Bible Project. I've learned SO much from Tim's sermons - and I LOVE watching them, they're never boring and always give me a new way of looking at things I either thought I understood or helped me to understand things I've struggled with. Tim helps wash away the dust of the world every day so I can focus on Jesus. God bless you Tim and your family! Thank you from me and my family!
Tim, thank you for your faith teachings made available to us. The word never grows old and the teaching is always relevant. Always ready to open eyes. Bless you.
I started a quest a number of years ago that I called the mechanics of faith and this is the best explanation that I could find. With me it was the failure to make the connection between belief and action even though I used an example of turning on electric light as being an example of faith.
Thank you so much for your lessons. This is no ordinary sermon... but extraordinary in-depth study. There is no excuse not to be literally shaken up by the verses in the Bible which can fix us firmly in our Christian faith.
It is extraordinary sermon about faith. It indeed require rational understanding which derive from God, which let us meet Him and understand Him more once we search him.
35:51 "It's not faith unless you do something about it", a great summary of what James was getting at in James 2:14-26, and yet only one part of a brilliant and encouraging message (go watch all of it).
Just listened to first of a lecture of this man...blown over...where are you tim? in sad and sorry-full south shut up dead quiet..goodness...what eloquence with thought and word..thanks..ive not heard this particular podcast yet...reacting to story re the good news you do in about 25 mins..blessings.peter
Ohh Tim! Spot on w faith, sexual morality, relationships restoration and forgiveness. I lived fake Christian life and this teaching confirms I was wrong and need Jesus grace and faith to live in faith and choices
Peter's front loaded optimism lacked it's with dubious wavering, Thomas's dragging pessimism ended with it's solid conviction, John's belief it's a gifted grace so death is not end of life, James's hope on Christ's return continues at works sans it's futility, and Paul's expectant it's rewarded won't stop after evidential trusting alone by Master slave relationship, God bless Tim's lesson fathering a child it's far reaching confidence?!
Tim has such a gift. His sermons blow me away every time.
Somehow the short BibleProject clips isnt enough right
@@jorellitorres Nope.
I feel the same way. His sermons are biblical based. Therefore, it is also Truth to me.
@Thought Crimes he's never claimed to be a prophet
What makes him a false teacher/prophet?
My name is Kezia and I'm from Brazil. Today I was on my bed, searching for a direction, with a worried heart. Then I saw in my white board the word Faith. That shined to me. I thought: " What is faith? Is there a The Bible Project's video about it? And I found it. God brought me here. I understood and remembered He is totally trustful. I heard and prayed and now I'm so much better! Thanks for your obedience talking about God teaches you, it helps me.
Your mind does all your worrying and is a completely wasted emotion, your heart is only a pump and does not "feel" anything short of a coronary.
Faith gets you nowhere, and there are no gods so you can stop worrying about that.
I just wanted to clear that up for you.
@@thesheffinator7124 Aren't they talking about the metaphorical "heart"?
@@jordgubbe9187 I see what you're saying, but what is it as a metaphor meant to represent?
I mean it isn't real.
As you know a metaphor is simply a language device so Kezia must be experiencing something other than her actual heart.
And I suspect that broadly means a conscience like we all have and one that can us make us worry too much and question ourselves in an unhealthy and in the case of believers in an often unnecessary way.
@@thesheffinator7124 I think it's supposed to represent her feelings. You are taking things too literally. Also, which believers?
@@jordgubbe9187 OK, but what's wrong with taking anything literally? After all, feelings don't count as a route to truth or as representative of what is or isn't true, they are nebulous at best surely.
This is one of those sermons that I can just listen to over and over again.
I know. It's so funny.
4th time through already...
Listening to this sermon over and over is not the context of it, dummies. Here is the "bitch slap" pardon my language, to get your attention! It's Time for Action! Get off the fence, the fence is on Satan's property. Literally, die to all your fleshly desires that conflict with walking after our Messiah, live following the will of our heavenly Father, just like our Master did!
@@brianallen2372 , wow that wasn't a very nice thing to say
@@rudihattingh5041 open reproof is better than hidden love. When a house is on fire, and there are people sleeping in there beds, don't answer a knock, you have to break the door in to wake them up, that's not how I prefer to meet someone, but I am not trying to make friends here, I am trying to make some aware that " repent for the kingdom is at hand', many are in love with this world, and it is passing away, the time is now! to make your decision, die to self, or serve yourself? You can't have it both ways. Agape
Christian Faith always begins with reasons and completed by faithful action & obedience 15:26
Tim is the best pastor I have ever listened to.
He is for sure
Bishop Barron is my rock, with Tim becoming a real beacon and foundational stone in an ever maturing faith journey. Thank You, Lord for sending these messengers of faith.
“Faith is an experience that you have because of the choices you are making.”
Thank you Pastor Tim. You have taught me so much over the months listening to your podcasts
If you are reading this Tim. We appreciate what you do for us. Thankyou ❤
I have listened to this sermon ten times before bed and read Hebrews in the morning. You won't believe how God speaks through that time with Him.
Keep it up Vincent. You will go places
Ok... Hire Micah to do a "The Bible Project" Audio bible. Oh my gosh!!!! I could listen to that ALL DAY!!!!
Me too :)
I know right!!! He made it sound so poetic and epic!!!
Agree! This needs to happen!
Gino: Yeah, he's easy to listen to and easy to understand. I'm pretty new, but I understand his explanations.
Yes please hire me I need a job
Wow, incredible sermon. I've never heard a pastor welcome doubt and "poking and prodding" of the Christian faith before. Your perspective on faith is inspiring and enlightened, Thank you so much Dr. Tim! God Bless You.
What he is describing as poking and prodding is asking the Holy Spirit questions as you read scripture because it is He who brings understanding or insight or "seeing".
Faith really begins with scripture then it progresses to seeing because you asked and the connections came. In very simple and uncomplicated terms, faith is seeing an unseen reality. It is the Word and the Spirit working together. That's where faith comes from.
how to make a non-believer who is very closed minded to have some faith?
Right on the money. This message needs to be shared in short as you are sharing the gospel and the full response to the gospel in obedience to Jesus. Many non-believers, atheist agnostic skeptics know full well what faith is on these terms as it takes a lot more faith to be an atheist among other statuses then it takes to be a Christian.
@@hhmaster789 can't be done by a human being. Only the creator can save a person.
Always love Tim’s teaching, but did anybody else have goosebumps listening to Micah read the word?? WOW!!! Never heard anyone read scripture like that! Anointed for it!
Micah, consider doing an audio book of the Bible! For Heaven’s sake, literally.
I was thinking about whether faith is based on reason or on something else when listening.
I would rather say it is based on experience. You would only sit down on an "invisible" chair if you trusted the person guiding you there. So faith is based on the experience you made with that person. (Tim was trusting himself and the audience who told him to step a bit to the left.) If you experienced that this person was trustworthy then when you have to trust again, you have reason to think it is safe trusting the person even though you don't know if it is actually safe.
Having faith in God is similar. You hear the word/gospel which makes curious. But trust does not develop from reading alone, because you would trust only people whom you know. That is why I think each one of us have to make their own experience with God and see that he is trustworthy. Then only you can reason that God will do something for you, which is yet unseen. So faith is the result of a relationship with God that starts with a word of truth about Him.
That is the thought covered by the different translations of Hebrews 11:1 in my opinion. Else faith was only rational.
God bless, Thomas
The Lord God used this message to pierce through my heart and surrender all unfaithfulness to him. This elementary lesson about faith was something I completely missed and therefore, struggled in my walk in it. Thank you for this video and God bless you abundantly for acting on your faith to serve Him.
Leah Chavez amen 🙏
We live with ourselves all our lives and come to know and doubt what we are capable of while falling short in the understanding of just who Jesus is and what He is capable of. " to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,"
No he didn't, it's all in your imagination.
Leah Chavez I just recently was taught by the Holy Ghost. This is my urgent message for the world. Whosoever can receive it.
Bless you Leah.
Everybody needs to know this!
The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon!
INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church.
PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God.
Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth."
Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18
And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches.
And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures.
And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation.
And Jesus Christ is calling His people out.
Rev 18:4
“And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:”
The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you.
1 John 2:27
“But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”
It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact.
There is still an every word testimony with us!
The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on.
It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it!
The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out.
I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone.
I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed.
This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon.
The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it.
(it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on.
here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer"
"(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.”
It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either.
This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on.
If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying.
freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.”
Matt 10:8
I’m at this point in my life where God is trying to grow me up in faith, and I run across this video
"Reason to believe without certainty" -great lesson
This completely changes how i pray with an inside sure sure sure crocus feeling
The same voice in the Bible Project. I always love the explanation in every topic. Very crystal clear.
I am so thankful to the one who recorded these sermons and have shared them with others. I never would’ve heard such teachings if it had not been for you. Thank God for you and for Tim Mackie, the excellent teacher!
Just when I was struggling with mine..I see this!! That is faith!! Thank you!!..❤️🙌
I think it’s the most tangible definition of “Faith,” I have heard so far. Thank you
Jesus is teaching me his love through these videos, God bless you!
Dear Tim, thanks for untangling these big topics that seemed unreasonable to me. By the love of Jesus, I’m coming together with the messages and becoming a part of me. I love what you do for Jesus. Thank you!
The penny dropped for me at 36 mins in , thanku, thanku, thanku , thanku , thankyou
Thank you Dr. Tim Mackie. I love studying the Bible with you.🙏🏾
Tim brought me back to faith so cheers to that
I feel like this was exactly what i needed to hear. Thank you Jesus! And thank you Tim!
I think you are an incredible teacher. I benefit so much from your teaching through your channel. God Bless You
I pray for a partner who seeks God like he does. In Jesus' name, amen
Jeanette Michele Marie Gutierrez me too
I pray to our God that u find someone like this man friend 🙏
So do I. Amen!
43:55 Thank you, Tim. For your years of academic effort, the precipitated lucidity of overview, ("...Kool Aid at the door...sexual preservation in the light of The World vs the community of Believers, wonderful et cetera!).
We support you, The Bible Project ALL THE WAY!
Dr. Mackie is exactly right that faith is action not just simply belief. Faith as defined by Apostle Paul in Romans is “active obedience” or a response to your belief. Dr. Mackie gives such great examples like the flower blooming after the snow as metaphor of Jesus’ resurrection! He is such a great teacher! Thanks Dr. Mackie!
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." KJV
"Now faith is that which sub-stands, (Greek: hupo-stasis, sub-stance) things hoped for..." Faith supports hope. In Mk. 11:22 Jesus says, not "Have faith in God," but rather, "Have God's faith." Greek "Echete pistin Theou."
@@jacktyrell8496 please explain "Have God's Faith"
@@gL1135 Saving faith is the gift of God. It is not something we are born with or can muster up. Saving faith is not a work of the flesh, but of the Holy Spirit. Why do you need me to explain Scripture? These are Jesus' words, not mine.
@@gL1135Hebrews 11:1….she quoted scripture… “ Faith is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.”KJV. Blessings to u
Thanks God we have Tim :)
I watch this sermon once a month and every time I learn something new 💜
Wow! What a powerful reading of that scripture!
Really appreciate the imagery used in your talks and with the Bible Project
Perfect explanation. God bless you Pastor Tim.
This is a true man of God.
I respect his scholarship and faith. He is a shinning example to weak Christians like us. We thank God for you and your good examples
Such an encouragement to me today!
Gosh he's so freaking awesome. Every time he blows my mind and inspires me to live out my faith in a deeper way.
What a startlingly beautiful young man!!!
My pastor preached on this today and now I’m here, praise God
Is this the same pastor who does the BIBLE PROJECT? His voice...
Yes! It's him.
Absolutely, it is Tim Mackey himself! 🙂
Yep. ;)
Mahalo for clarity n simple explanation 👌
The best explanation heard so far, and I am old!
I love Tims delivery and they way the brings The Word alive for me, as an English person I have never experiance Church in this way, and gave up trying...... I would love to know if anyone knows of a Church like this in the UK...I would love Pastor Tim to create a CD of him singing the Hebrew preyers it is so beautiful and moving.... Many Thanks Susie
Where in the UK are you?
Start one yourself if you can't find one. You don't need much more than a couch, a Bible and a few friends. Start with one of Tim's videos weekly... Just a thought.
I feel the full weight of obedience as faith is described to me… following Jesus becomes more difficult the more I learn about it. I feel my faith is so weak and petty. I pray God will save me from being tempted beyond what I can bear.
Thank you Sir for your hard work and transparency. I’m 57 and so blessed by your long hard efforts in studying.
Micah is such an outstanding reader!
All Praise to the Most High, the day he lit a young skateboarding dude, living in the basement, on fire!!
Just WOW 💞
wow, the song, awesome😃💞stired my heart!
I thank GOD that I came across The Bible Project and now Tim's sermons. My children have learned so much about the bible thanks to The Bible Project. I've learned SO much from Tim's sermons - and I LOVE watching them, they're never boring and always give me a new way of looking at things I either thought I understood or helped me to understand things I've struggled with. Tim helps wash away the dust of the world every day so I can focus on Jesus. God bless you Tim and your family! Thank you from me and my family!
I absolutely love Tim Mackie’s ministry!
I really like the humor in Tim's talks. Plus the talk itself, of course.
I love the Bible project! So great to hear this
What an excellent teaching, a more perfect way to look at these verses, Thank you Pastor Tim!!
Amen that last prayer was emotional and beautiful .Shalom to you all.
This is truly a teaching that is needed, thank you !
Powerful teaching! May God continues to bless you❤
Tim, thank you for your faith teachings made available to us. The word never grows old and the teaching is always relevant. Always ready to open eyes. Bless you.
WOW! I didn't know Tim could sing.
This is an excellent message. Thank you.
Absolutely remarkable Tim. Thank you very much for all that you do. God bless you brother 🙏🏽
What a wonderful sermon. Thank you!
So thankful for these Tim Mackie Archives. 🙌 thank you for your insight!
oh my God .. such a blessing!
Thank you for this. I have never had Faith explained as well as you did it.
Thank you Sir for the valuable message..!! May God bless you abundantly for his way..!
I started a quest a number of years ago that I called the mechanics of faith and this is the best explanation that I could find. With me it was the failure to make the connection between belief and action even though I used an example of turning on electric light as being an example of faith.
Micahs voice captivated me. I would like to hear more from him.
This guy's brilliant.
excellent sermon. thank you
This guy is incredibly gifted. Wow, thank you Jesus
Great teaching. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you Dr Tim for this talk! I understand now why Jesus said our love for one another shows the world we belong to Him.
From the big picture to the smallest detail, Tim tells the stories from the Bible in understandable ways and a depth as to be life changing
Thank you so much for your lessons. This is no ordinary sermon... but extraordinary in-depth study. There is no excuse not to be literally shaken up by the verses in the Bible which can fix us firmly in our Christian faith.
Wonderful explanation of Faith and what it actually means to have faith, Thank you very much Tim.
Thank you Pastor Tim! It is a blessing to get to hear your explanation on faith.
What a gift of such a voice to hear God's word from!
Brilliant teaching. Brilliant!
God Bless you Sir, Ty God for blessing me with this video. I just wanna tell you Tim you truly are a Jesus' follower. Thank you so much.
It is extraordinary sermon about faith. It indeed require rational understanding which derive from God, which let us meet Him and understand Him more once we search him.
Summer is here! I needed this so much today.
YESSSSSS! & AMEN thank you for this, love the education with the different translations too, SO good.
Such an amazing and refreshing perspective. I love the way you have been empowered to deliver this insight into God's Word Tim, keep it up! :-)
35:51 "It's not faith unless you do something about it", a great summary of what James was getting at in James 2:14-26, and yet only one part of a brilliant and encouraging message (go watch all of it).
Love and appreciate this so much. Heartfelt thank you.
What a challenge!! So well-explained! Thank you.
Aaamen Dejon. Dr. Tim's teaching is a blessing indeed!
Aawww what a gift to hear you sing! ❤ So beautiful, I thank you for helping us grow our faith in the Lord! ❤❤
Just listened to first of a lecture of this man...blown over...where are you tim? in sad and sorry-full south shut up dead quiet..goodness...what eloquence with thought and word..thanks..ive not heard this particular podcast yet...reacting to story re the good news you do in about 25 mins..blessings.peter
Very useful Tim thanks for all the teachings. I love it so much to listen and understand how you explain with Hebrew scriptures.
Ohh Tim! Spot on w faith, sexual morality, relationships restoration and forgiveness. I lived fake Christian life and this teaching confirms I was wrong and need Jesus grace and faith to live in faith and choices
33:53 key point "faith and obedience are part of the same coin."
Thank You Pastor Tim.......Thanks a ton.......The Lord blessed you manyfold
This sermon and verses are very relevant on recent days.
We need faith to endure on last days
Peter's front loaded optimism lacked it's with dubious wavering, Thomas's dragging pessimism ended with it's solid conviction, John's belief it's a gifted grace so death is not end of life, James's hope on Christ's return continues at works sans it's futility, and Paul's expectant it's rewarded won't stop after evidential trusting alone by Master slave relationship,
God bless Tim's lesson fathering a child it's far reaching confidence?!
Realize now what's I'm the doorway to Abode with God's not closed one to those untrustworthy without real accessways onesided Knowledge...
I enjoyed this. Thank you.
Thank you so much Pastor Tim. God bless you