JoeKind1958 I have a bernina Artista 165 with a broken screen. Just black lines and a small crack in the corner. Also a little damage to the plastic around the screw holes for the left side of the screen. I can't seem to find a good
hi, I have a 170 model. But, screen is not working. Apparently the screen looks good, but does not work. the circuit board also has no apparent fault. so, how would I repair it please? If I get a new spare screen where to get one please?
Last night I checked the hours on my machine and it said 287 but a service man told me years ago that I had over 500 hours. I have used this machine a lot for couture sewing and quilting. Does the counter go back to zero at some point like 999?
Hi Bill,I bought a Bernina 185 Artista from Japan, second hand, the writing on the machine is Japanese, is there anything I can do to change the language to english? Thank you in advance.
You need to either reinstall the same version you have or update the firmware to the last version Bernina made for the 185. Most likely because it is a 185 chances are good that it already has V4 firmware in in now. When installing the firmware you are prompted to select what language you want and that is how it is changed. Do you have any Bernina dealers anywhere near where you live because the firmware is only available through a dealer.
Hi, thank you so much, If you get software in, please let me know, will Designer Plus 5,6,7 work on artista 180? The computer I use for my machine is XP, but my laptops are windows 10. I am hoping you get in very soon.....cant wait to begin creating my own designs.Many thanks for your valuable knowledge
Hi, Forgive me if screw this up as it has been 5 years or so since I have worked with a 200 or 730. I think in that model there is a “ i “ button for the information screen. It’s in there where you can turn the sensor off. You will need to go through the different screens and look around till you find it. Sometimes Bernina uses a eye 👁 for a symbol. When the eye is open that item is on and when the eye is closed then that item is turned off. Other models use a check mark ✅ or a X. I do believe in one of my 200 or 730 videos I discuss the lower bobbin sensor and show exactly how to turn it off. On the 200 and 730 models, like their older version like the 165, 170, 180 and 185 are all FANTASTIC machines that unlike some of the latest models, were actually made in Switzerland. Don’t let a dealer talk you into purchasing a new machine by telling you that you have a “outdated” model. Don’t fall for that sales pitch as in my opinion you have one of Berninas best models. Just my opinion 😁
Does the 180 need a card in the module for it to work? I have mine all hooked up but do not have a card. Get the screen with the module and teddy bear. It is just flashing. I did the steps to see the Version. The machine is 2.08. The module is blank. I am having no luck with calling Dealers. All stores say they send it into Chicago. I called stores in Chicago say anything electronic they send into Bernina in Aurora, Il.
Hi Joe, how do I reset the embroidery pictures back to default when it was manufactured, it seems the alphabet was cleared off the embroidery menu screen, the book says it can go back to default,Many thanks
Hi, I am looking for software to digitise embroidery pattterns on the artista 180, which would you recommend and where would i get it from? Many thanks and enjoy your day
The only software I can recommend would be Berninas Designer Plus software for digitizing. Brand new it is rather expensive. You could spend close to $2,000.00 for the latest version 7 brand new in the box. If you want to save some money you could look for some used Designer Plus V6 rather than the latest V7. You cold even go back to V5 software. Do not get any v4 software as that will only work in Windows XP or older. When buying older software you need to make sure it includes a active (working) USB security dongle. Sometimes I do have some used software for sale. Right now I don't have any but that changes from week to week. One last note. The software must be able to creat a design in Berninas .art embroidery format. That's the main reason why you need to stick with Bernina software. Plus it really is good stuff. You definitely get what you pay for.
I just checked my hours on my 165 and it’s 282 strange how the numbers could be that close! But thank you........i always wondered how to check the hours.....
As long as the embroidery module and the machine are running the same firmware version. Unless there is a electronic problem, everything should work. That being said, some of the earlier embroidery modules do not have internal memory. They rely on the use of a blank Bernina memory rewritable card. So that possibly could be your problem. Most all of the embroidery modules that do have internal memory inside of them have a sticker/decal on the end of the module saying 2mb inside or4mb inside. Embroidery modules that did not come with internal memory also came with an alphabet font memory card. Normally there are a couple fonts in the memory in the modules that have internal memory. When a module does it have interal memory, that is when those fonts were originally included on memory cards . Keep in mind that you must use a blank Bernina memory card that is made for use with a 165, 170, 180 and185. Some of the 200/730 blank rewritable cards won't work. Hope this helps.
+JoeKind1958 Does the embroidery module, if it is an early model without internal memory and assuming it does not have another issue, need to have a memory card installed for the version number to be displayed on the sewing machine?
I don't remember ever having the need to put in a memory card for the module to show its version number. The version information and firmware for the module to function is stored on the circuit board inside of the module, not on a memory card.
+JoeKind1958 Thank you! That is what I have been wanting confirmed! One more question though, will the firmware version number of the embroidery module show up on the sewing machine setting screen regardless of whether they have the same firmware, or do they need to have the same firmware version to even communicate that information?
Hi joe, I checked the hours ,thank you, but the version says 3 but when i touch the embroidery module it doesnt give any version only the picture of the embroidery module.
This might be a silly question. But do you have the embroidery module hooked up to the machine? If so it should be communicating with your machine unless there is a problem. If the machine embroiders the way it should then I would not be concerned. But from what you are saying, it sounds like something is wrong. Bill
The 185 has a auto thread cutter and a newer designed embroidery module. A big deal was made about these two items when the 185 came out, but in reality the then newer designed embroidery module worked just the same as the180 module and the 185 still did it have a USB outlet on the machine. So it's almost a Bernina 200 but not really. Mechanically it's the same as a 200 or a 730. But on the electronics end its still a 180. Kind of what I would call a "halfway in between" model. There is nothing wrong with a 185 as like the 180 these are great machines. It's just a slightly improved 180 though you would not notice the difference in performance between any of these models as they are all great machines. Bill
It's been about 12 years since I last serviced and sold one of those. I simply forget what buttons needed to be pressed to show the hours on the screen.
Thanks, you wrote me a long time ago and shared this information, but I lost the email. I am going to be selling my 180E and needed to find out how many hours are on it. Is there a site that tells what these machines are worth? I will be selling with the Version 4 software, all the original stuff with only 43 hours on it.
Hi Bill, I have Artista 185, and some years ago a dealer updated the machine, and machine and module uses version 04.04 so it should work. After the update i have only used it for 22 hrs. I do Couture design in Denmark and the machine has some of my design in its memory, which i want to use again. But now the machine says I have to change to larger frame. But I actually the large frame on - so its not able to embroider my motive.... I really dont know what to do! do you have any suggestions? I really need help! hope you are able to tell me what to do. Greeting from Denmark!
Johnny Alexander Wichmann Hi from the US, Actually the embroidery designs are saved in the memory that is in the embroidery module. When you talk about the large frame I am guessing you are talking about the large embroidery hoop. When using Berninas ArtLink software you must select the correct embroidery hoop in that software. Is it that the design is too big for the selected embroidery hoop? If so you need to make the design smaller. If you could explain what is happening a bit better as I don't think that I completely understand what problem you are having. If the correct size hoop is selected, the design is sized correctly for the hoop you are using and the embroidery module is detecting your hoop size as it should, everything should work. If you can, explain your problem a bit better. From what you wrote it sounds like the machine/module is not detecting what hoop you have attached? Greetings from the US, Bill
Johnny Alexander Wichmann It sounds like the embroidery module is not sensing what hoop is attached. It would be much easier for me to email you a short video showing you what to check rather me attempting to explain it here. Email me at then I can email you a short video. Bill
You have a version 3 (V3) machine so you need to get a version 3 (V3) embroidery module. To find out what version the embroidery module is, it needs to be hooked up to a 180, turn on the 180 in the service mode like I show in the video and select the symbol I show to view the version number. You will see a embroidery module symbol to tap on to view the version of the module. The version number can be 3.01, 3.02, 3.03 ect. All are V3. Same for the other versions. The numbers after the "." Do not need to match. Just the first number. This version number refers to the firmware version of the machine/module. The firmware version of a machine or module can be advances or rolled back so a module and machine are running the same version. You would need to take your 180 to a Bernina dealer to have this done, but it most likely would be hard to find a dealer that would help you with this as most will try and talk you into a new machine rather than helping you with a older model. I think that is kind of sad as the older models like the 180 are fantastic machines capable of doing most anything that the latest model can do. It's like saying that a few years back it was a great machine but now it's not because we have something new to sell you.
Hi Ruth, Let me try and explain. Firmware is the correct term for the software that runs the machine. So it is software that was loaded in your machine most likely when the machine was manufactured at the Bernina plant. There were some firmware/software updates over the years and you needed to take your machine to a Bernina dealer to have them update the firmware in your 180. Each firmware update gave it a different version number. Changing the firmware in your machine requires hooking it up to a computer and loading the new firmware. This is not something you can do. Only a Bernina dealer can do this as they are the ones that have the software. You have version 3 firmware in your machine so there is no need to change it. Keep your machine the way it is. You just need to find a version 3 embroidery module so it will work with your machine. The firmware/software that is in a embroidery module needs to be the same version as the firmware/software that is in your machine or it will not work. In simple terms the module will not even able to communicate with the machine if is running a different firmware version. There is nothing marked on the outside of a module that tells you what software/firmware version it is. As I had said it needs to be hooked up to a machine (plugged into a 180) and checked in the service mode to see what version software/firmware is in the embroidery module. Again this is not something that you can change yourself. You need to find a Bernina dealer that is willing to help you. If you really get stuck possibly I can help you out but that would require you to pack and ship an item to me. I am not clear on if you have purchased a embroidery module for your 180 or you are looking to purchase one but you need to know what software/firmware version a module is before you purchase it as there would be a one in three chance that a module would not work with your machine. This is because there are three main version numbers for the 180. V2, V3 (what you have) and V4.
JoeKind1958 I haven't purchased an embroidery module for the machine yet, but I was just trying to make sure that I didn't just purchase one assuming that it would be fin and then find it wasn't. So you explanation was really helpful. I was trying to make some sense of the numbers shown on the modules on ebay and there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to them. Your explanation makes sense of that.
Many years ago I used to check hours on machines like the 160. It's been a long time and I just simply forget how. Any dealer should be able to help. Don't let them tell you that you can't check the hours on those machines, because you can. If I had one sitting in front of me I could probably figure it out but I don't right now.
Hi Joe, I have been following you for many years. I have some sad sad news. I have an Artista 180E(original owner). The LCD touch screen went white. so it is hard to see what I am selecting. I took it to the local Bernina Dealership and He told me that I need a new screen which cost $1800.00. I about had a heart attack. He told the total with surgery would come out close to $2000.00. My question to you is there any other options: Can I use a new model Artista screen? or a 2 source? We have been sewing for almost 20 years together. Seeds to Sew Valérie Breyton
Valérie Breyton $1800.00.... Oh my God, They are nuts!!! That’s highway robbery!!! At the most that screen would cost around $300 plus about $100 for labor. I could sell you a completely reconditioned 180 for $600.00 so $2000.00 for the complete job is completely unacceptable. If you have no other options it just might pay you to send me your 180 for repair. Though I am not sure where you are located. I am in the Eastern Pennsylvania area near Reading. I could also sell you a nice lower hour Bernina 630 for just under $1500.00. Just can not believe that price. I can be emailed at My name is Bill. JoeKind is just a user name for this account.
One last thought, did you try to adjust the screen contrast? Sometimes the screens get brighter or darker over time and the contrast simply needs to be adjusted. Does the machine still sew ok even though you can not see the screen. Just asking that as there could possibly be another problem but it still would not cost that much.
Thank you for showing this Joe. Does the number below the machine hours in this service menu show the stitch count?
Hi Bill,You're the best! Thanks so much for putting all your helpful videos on UA-cam for us.I for one would be lost without your help!😀
Thank You!!!!
JoeKind1958 I have a bernina Artista 165 with a broken screen. Just black lines and a small crack in the corner. Also a little damage to the plastic around the screw holes for the left side of the screen. I can't seem to find a good
Can the embroidery cards for any Artista machine work on my Artista 165?
hi, I have a 170 model. But, screen is not working. Apparently the screen looks good, but does not work. the circuit board also has no apparent fault. so, how would I repair it please? If I get a new spare screen where to get one please?
How can I go back from service mood to normal mood
Just turn off the machine and when you restart it, will be back to normal.
How do you get the screen out of service mode??
Last night I checked the hours on my machine and it said 287 but a service man told me years ago that I had over 500 hours. I have used this machine a lot for couture sewing and quilting. Does the counter go back to zero at some point like 999?
Hi Bill,I bought a Bernina 185 Artista from Japan, second hand, the writing on the machine is Japanese, is there anything I can do to change the language to english? Thank you in advance.
You need to either reinstall the same version you have or update the firmware to the last version Bernina made for the 185. Most likely because it is a 185 chances are good that it already has V4 firmware in in now. When installing the firmware you are prompted to select what language you want and that is how it is changed. Do you have any Bernina dealers anywhere near where you live because the firmware is only available through a dealer.
P.s. Yes I did get your email. I was just on UA-cam and thought I would give you a quick reply.
Hi, thank you so much, If you get software in, please let me know, will Designer Plus 5,6,7 work on artista 180? The computer I use for my machine is XP, but my laptops are windows 10. I am hoping you get in very soon.....cant wait to begin creating my own designs.Many thanks for your valuable knowledge
Hi Bill.can yuo plase show mi haw I turn off the sensor on my Bernina 200 bobbin is fine everything is clean en ok . Thanks
Hi, Forgive me if screw this up as it has been 5 years or so since I have worked with a 200 or 730. I think in that model there is a “ i “ button for the information screen. It’s in there where you can turn the sensor off. You will need to go through the different screens and look around till you find it. Sometimes Bernina uses a eye 👁 for a symbol. When the eye is open that item is on and when the eye is closed then that item is turned off. Other models use a check mark ✅ or a X.
I do believe in one of my 200 or 730 videos I discuss the lower bobbin sensor and show exactly how to turn it off.
On the 200 and 730 models, like their older version like the 165, 170, 180 and 185 are all FANTASTIC machines that unlike some of the latest models, were actually made in Switzerland. Don’t let a dealer talk you into purchasing a new machine by telling you that you have a “outdated” model. Don’t fall for that sales pitch as in my opinion you have one of Berninas best models. Just my opinion 😁
Does the 180 need a card in the module for it to work? I have mine all hooked up but do not have a card. Get the screen with the module and teddy bear. It is just flashing. I did the steps to see the Version. The machine is 2.08. The module is blank. I am having no luck with calling Dealers. All stores say they send it into Chicago. I called stores in Chicago say anything electronic they send into Bernina in Aurora, Il.
Hi Joe, how do I reset the embroidery pictures back to default when it was manufactured, it seems the alphabet was cleared off the embroidery menu screen, the book says it can go back to default,Many thanks
Hi, I am looking for software to digitise embroidery pattterns on the artista 180, which would you recommend and where would i get it from? Many thanks and enjoy your day
The only software I can recommend would be Berninas Designer Plus software for digitizing. Brand new it is rather expensive. You could spend close to $2,000.00 for the latest version 7 brand new in the box. If you want to save some money you could look for some used Designer Plus V6 rather than the latest V7. You cold even go back to V5 software. Do not get any v4 software as that will only work in Windows XP or older. When buying older software you need to make sure it includes a active (working) USB security dongle. Sometimes I do have some used software for sale. Right now I don't have any but that changes from week to week.
One last note. The software must be able to creat a design in Berninas .art embroidery format. That's the main reason why you need to stick with Bernina software. Plus it really is good stuff. You definitely get what you pay for.
I just checked my hours on my 165 and it’s 282 strange how the numbers could be that close! But thank you........i always wondered how to check the hours.....
As long as the embroidery module and the machine are running the same firmware version. Unless there is a electronic problem, everything should work. That being said, some of the earlier embroidery modules do not have internal memory. They rely on the use of a blank Bernina memory rewritable card. So that possibly could be your problem. Most all of the embroidery modules that do have internal memory inside of them have a sticker/decal on the end of the module saying 2mb inside or4mb inside. Embroidery modules that did not come with internal memory also came with an alphabet font memory card. Normally there are a couple fonts in the memory in the modules that have internal memory. When a module does it have interal memory, that is when those fonts were originally included on memory cards . Keep in mind that you must use a blank Bernina memory card that is made for use with a 165, 170, 180 and185. Some of the 200/730 blank rewritable cards won't work. Hope this helps.
+JoeKind1958 Does the embroidery module, if it is an early model without internal memory and assuming it does not have another issue, need to have a memory card installed for the version number to be displayed on the sewing machine?
I don't remember ever having the need to put in a memory card for the module to show its version number. The version information and firmware for the module to function is stored on the circuit board inside of the module, not on a memory card.
+JoeKind1958 Thank you! That is what I have been wanting confirmed! One more question though, will the firmware version number of the embroidery module show up on the sewing machine setting screen regardless of whether they have the same firmware, or do they need to have the same firmware version to even communicate that information?
Hi joe, I checked the hours ,thank you, but the version says 3 but when i touch the embroidery module it doesnt give any version only the picture of the embroidery module.
This might be a silly question. But do you have the embroidery module hooked up to the machine? If so it should be communicating with your machine unless there is a problem. If the machine embroiders the way it should then I would not be concerned. But from what you are saying, it sounds like something is wrong. Bill
Hi Joe, what is the difference between the Bernina Artista 185 and the 180.Many thanks
The 185 has a auto thread cutter and a newer designed embroidery module. A big deal was made about these two items when the 185 came out, but in reality the then newer designed embroidery module worked just the same as the180 module and the 185 still did it have a USB outlet on the machine. So it's almost a Bernina 200 but not really. Mechanically it's the same as a 200 or a 730. But on the electronics end its still a 180. Kind of what I would call a "halfway in between" model. There is nothing wrong with a 185 as like the 180 these are great machines. It's just a slightly improved 180 though you would not notice the difference in performance between any of these models as they are all great machines. Bill
I have the same question as the last comment, would you please tell how to check hout on Virtousa 155?
It's been about 12 years since I last serviced and sold one of those. I simply forget what buttons needed to be pressed to show the hours on the screen.
Thanks, you wrote me a long time ago and shared this information, but I lost the email. I am going to be selling my 180E and needed to find out how many hours are on it. Is there a site that tells what these machines are worth? I will be selling with the Version 4 software, all the original stuff with only 43 hours on it.
Hi Bill, I have Artista 185, and some years ago a dealer updated the machine, and machine and module uses version 04.04 so it should work. After the update i have only used it for 22 hrs. I do Couture design in Denmark and the machine has some of my design in its memory, which i want to use again. But now the machine says I have to change to larger frame. But I actually the large frame on - so its not able to embroider my motive.... I really dont know what to do! do you have any suggestions? I really need help! hope you are able to tell me what to do. Greeting from Denmark!
Johnny Alexander Wichmann
Hi from the US,
Actually the embroidery designs are saved in the memory that is in the embroidery module.
When you talk about the large frame I am guessing you are talking about the large embroidery hoop.
When using Berninas ArtLink software you must select the correct embroidery hoop in that software.
Is it that the design is too big for the selected embroidery hoop? If so you need to make the design smaller.
If you could explain what is happening a bit better as I don't think that I completely understand what problem you are having.
If the correct size hoop is selected, the design is sized correctly for the hoop you are using and the embroidery module is detecting your hoop size as it should, everything should work.
If you can, explain your problem a bit better. From what you wrote it sounds like the machine/module is not detecting what hoop you have attached?
Greetings from the US,
Yes its the large hoop, but the machine keeps saying it needs a larger hoop.
Johnny Alexander Wichmann
It sounds like the embroidery module is not sensing what hoop is attached. It would be much easier for me to email you a short video showing you what to check rather me attempting to explain it here. Email me at then I can email you a short video.
Did you get my mail address?
What numbers are you looking for on a module for a Bernina 180, that matches with a version 3.01?
You have a version 3 (V3) machine so you need to get a version 3 (V3) embroidery module. To find out what version the embroidery module is, it needs to be hooked up to a 180, turn on the 180 in the service mode like I show in the video and select the symbol I show to view the version number. You will see a embroidery module symbol to tap on to view the version of the module.
The version number can be 3.01, 3.02, 3.03 ect. All are V3. Same for the other versions. The numbers after the "." Do not need to match. Just the first number.
This version number refers to the firmware version of the machine/module. The firmware version of a machine or module can be advances or rolled back so a module and machine are running the same version. You would need to take your 180 to a Bernina dealer to have this done, but it most likely would be hard to find a dealer that would help you with this as most will try and talk you into a new machine rather than helping you with a older model. I think that is kind of sad as the older models like the 180 are fantastic machines capable of doing most anything that the latest model can do. It's like saying that a few years back it was a great machine but now it's not because we have something new to sell you.
So there isn't any way a regular person can change the firmware setting to match their machine?
Hi Ruth,
Let me try and explain. Firmware is the correct term for the software that runs the machine. So it is software that was loaded in your machine most likely when the machine was manufactured at the Bernina plant. There were some firmware/software updates over the years and you needed to take your machine to a Bernina dealer to have them update the firmware in your 180. Each firmware update gave it a different version number. Changing the firmware in your machine requires hooking it up to a computer and loading the new firmware. This is not something you can do. Only a Bernina dealer can do this as they are the ones that have the software.
You have version 3 firmware in your machine so there is no need to change it. Keep your machine the way it is. You just need to find a version 3 embroidery module so it will work with your machine.
The firmware/software that is in a embroidery module needs to be the same version as the firmware/software that is in your machine or it will not work. In simple terms the module will not even able to communicate with the machine if is running a different firmware version.
There is nothing marked on the outside of a module that tells you what software/firmware version it is. As I had said it needs to be hooked up to a machine (plugged into a 180) and checked in the service mode to see what version software/firmware is in the embroidery module.
Again this is not something that you can change yourself. You need to find a Bernina dealer that is willing to help you. If you really get stuck possibly I can help you out but that would require you to pack and ship an item to me.
I am not clear on if you have purchased a embroidery module for your 180 or you are looking to purchase one but you need to know what software/firmware version a module is before you purchase it as there would be a one in three chance that a module would not work with your machine.
This is because there are three main version numbers for the 180. V2, V3 (what you have) and V4.
I haven't purchased an embroidery module for the machine yet, but I was just trying to make sure that I didn't just purchase one assuming that it would be fin and then find it wasn't. So you explanation was really helpful. I was trying to make some sense of the numbers shown on the modules on ebay and there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to them. Your explanation makes sense of that.
Hi Joe, Can you tell me how to check the hours on a Virtuosa?
Many years ago I used to check hours on machines like the 160. It's been a long time and I just simply forget how. Any dealer should be able to help. Don't let them tell you that you can't check the hours on those machines, because you can. If I had one sitting in front of me I could probably figure it out but I don't right now.
Hi Joe,
I have been following you for many years. I have some sad sad news. I have an Artista 180E(original owner). The LCD touch screen went white. so it is hard to see what I am selecting. I took it to the local Bernina Dealership and He told me that I need a new screen which cost $1800.00. I about had a heart attack. He told the total with surgery would come out close to $2000.00. My question to you is there any other options: Can I use a new model Artista screen? or a 2 source? We have been sewing for almost 20 years together. Seeds to Sew Valérie Breyton
Valérie Breyton $1800.00.... Oh my God, They are nuts!!! That’s highway robbery!!! At the most that screen would cost around $300 plus about $100 for labor. I could sell you a completely reconditioned 180 for $600.00 so $2000.00 for the complete job is completely unacceptable. If you have no other options it just might pay you to send me your 180 for repair. Though I am not sure where you are located. I am in the Eastern Pennsylvania area near Reading. I could also sell you a nice lower hour Bernina 630 for just under $1500.00. Just can not believe that price. I can be emailed at My name is Bill. JoeKind is just a user name for this account.
One last thought, did you try to adjust the screen contrast? Sometimes the screens get brighter or darker over time and the contrast simply needs to be adjusted. Does the machine still sew ok even though you can not see the screen. Just asking that as there could possibly be another problem but it still would not cost that much.