@@jcap8391 Shut the hell up. We get it karen your life is oh so terrible that you have to push others down to lift yourself up. Get a life. You are nobody Kyle was an amazing man who helped thousands of people just like Chester Bennington. Be quiet.
@@rowenchaos I mean he overexaggerated but it is accurate to say that he was average and WCAR has been very generic at times. Stating facts doesn't have to be taken so negatively like you did nor does it mean the people making them are unhappy in their lives.
When I think of suicide, I always come to this song. When I can’t find the strength to keep going, I come to this song. RIP Kyle, thank you for giving so many people Hope.
What I found out is that he had been struggling with heroin. He didn't kill himself. His girlfriend knew and was the one who found him. I know from my own experience that my wife can't stop me. It's really only the power of God that pulls me out of the fire every time. Everyone's situations for use is different. Some people are so sheltered and come from such strong family's. My family are abusive, ex cons and have/had addictions. Never be afraid to say something if you see the signs it could mean someone's life.
@@jenkem69 ^^^ Kyle didnt even sing his own verse's live the other vocalist literally didnt everything, esp in later years. In retrospect it was prolly cuz kyle was too high all the time to perform.
R.I.P Kyle Pavone 1990-2018 He's in a better place as much as we don't want to accept his death, he doesn't have to be hurt any longer. May his kind, happy, caring soul, smile, & personality remain with his spirit and in our hearts 💔
Met Kyle at Leeds Fest, just walking around on the last night. Genuinely the nicest fucking guy I've ever met, not even joking. Spoke to us for like 20 minutes like we'd known him for years; totally down to earth. Wanted a picture with him - without seeming like typical 'fangirls' - but all our phones had died by that point, so he told us not to worry, took a selfie with us on his phone and posted it on his Instagram. Best story to a picture ever. Now I just appreciate him and his work even more.
Leon Reid That was the worst part for me. There I was seeing someone I've been a fan of for so long, just stood talking to us and I didn't even go see them play! It was a choice between seeing them or going to the Architects signing, so:/! What difficulties did they have?
sounds like such a nice guy :) hard to find these days with some bands, only started listening to these yesterday, their second album: Understanding What We've Grown to Be caught my eye so I thought I'll give em a listen, great decision :D they sound sick
I don't care what anyone says, they are great. There are a few artists that songs actually mean something to people, and this band makes it feel like more than just "music".
Words can't describe how impactful his lyrics were... You helped me through so many rough moments in life. Rest in peace Kyle Pavone. You are a legend now, "Your home is in our hearts."
It's weird I mostly listen to Black metal and Death metal but i love these guys. Their instrumentals are fucking amazing and the vocals aren't bad ether.
I'm just glad I have the memory of being at Warped Tour watching him perform this with a smile on his face. A handicapped girl in the crowd even got lifted up in a mosh pit during the middle of the song. I'll never forget how united we all were with just a few songs.
This song came across my YT reccs. I’m pleasantly surprised. Ever since Kyle passed away I never really listened to these guys too much after. This was like my all time favorite song for a while back in the day. As always save us spot up there Kyle 🙏🏻
The song that got me into core music. I owe pretty much half of my music taste to this band, especially kyle for providing those clean vocals that made this band an easy gateway. RIP man.
His legacy lives on in every breath you take on this Earth. And yours lives on in every person you help. So sorry Kyle is gone. But this is the one true hope, I think.
"Stand up You have a voice to be heard You're worth more than words So let your fire burn Oh, your flame will be lit Again when a candle is burned at both ends And there's nothing left You can change You can become selfless You're not set in stone You will wade through mistakes that we all make But just hold on Don't fade away (hold on)" As someone that's literally been to hell and back these words have always resonated with my soul. Really grateful that I was able to hear this live and sing it with you guys.
We came as romans were one of the first bands that got me into metal core. I got to see them Live 3 times and they blew me away each and every time. They truly care about their fans and they put all of themselves into their work. Kyle you will be forever missed and you will never fade away brother...Rest In Peace.
First time hearing these guys and I must say I am impressed. It sucks to know the vocalist passed away at such a young age. May he rest in peace and may we always listen to his music to remember him well.
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh I am your everything, your one foundation Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh I am the voice of your generation Stand with me, become the person you were always meant to be Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh I am the voice of your generation
If you ever had a dream, the dream to be somebody If you have a hard time at school Always believe in yourself, and let my voice guide you into the light
Kyle thanks for being the voice of hope for the hopeless. Thanks for being there through your songs in the darkest day of my life. Thanks to WCAR I persisted in life and didn’t gave up. Thanks brother. You won’t be forgotten NEVER.
I don’t listen to these guys much, but this song always comes up when I start to lose myself or I’m finding my way. The universe works in weird ways man.
Right? Do that these days in certain areas and you're in trouble. Illegals running wild making normally safe streets dangerous as can be. Rising crime. Ever since covid, this world has gone nuts.
Going through my old phone and I found a photo seeing them as a group at the last UK warped..... Wish you were still here buddy. You saved me that day.
Released during my senior year of high school. 10 years have passed, I’m 27 now, and I feel like I haven’t done anything with my life. No children, still working paycheck to paycheck, and still living at home. I just really want to start a family. I can’t keep going like this :/ I keep coming back to this video as a reminder of who I was, and to relive the days I wasn’t so caught up in the monotony of adulthood.
Just work on yourself buddy all you can do wether that be fitness, gaining capital, some skills, or just refining yourself as a gentelman. Don't worry too much lots of people don't have thier life situated till pretty late, I'm 23 but this seems to be true from the many I've spoken to.
Im 27 also and no kids. Still figuring myself out. Everyone's lives are different and not a linear journey where everyone has to accomplish the same things. Just enjoy your time on earth. Sometimes just existing is an accomplishment. It's okay to be where your at. You don't have to have it all figured out. The most important thing is being happy
Seen them live three times and I cried like a fan girl when I heard that they we're just as good live as their videos. Imagine the vibes in the videos times like ten. Hands down, back in my heavy metal days. This band saved my heart and they still do whenever I slip up and have to remember who I am(self-medicating is a terrible reoccurring nightmare every day btw) this song plays in my head and once I'm not so stubborn and actually play it out loud.. That's when I start to really give myself the drive it takes to quit, to choose to live and find meaning in life.. Because of this band and one's alike, the Ghost Inside is amazing, mmf, I love this genre of music and I apprieciate that people like these singers have the guts it takes to share their poetry for the entire world to see and judge. I wish I could get a hold of myself to bring such a beautiful gift for us all, and sometimes these songs are the only thing that makes me want to keep on keeping on.. So thank you anyone who took time to read this comment, I hope one day I'll see the band's I love so much again, I've been gone for five years away from what I'm passionate about and the music you guys give us is so pure and truly life saving- so thank you for sharing your art with the world, it has really been what makes or breaks me everytime while struggling with my addiction. I love you guys and stay true. I hope the best of days to you all. Goodnight, much love. -Brandi Rae Holthaus
adaytoremembro Not at all, whenever I mention this band, people know who they are. They got me into the genre with their EP in 2008, and they've grown such a huge reputation over the years. I don't understand why people say they are underrated
Man I was shook up when they took X from the world, but now I'm fucking devastated. You changed my life Kyle, and I'll never forget the first time I saw you guys in Dallas my Junior year. I'm going to cover my entire back with the Tracing Back Roots tree, I love you Kyle, RIP.
I miss kyle so much. Wcar is growing and I will never stop supporting. I am truly sorry for your loss guys. Keep doing yalls thing and just know we love all of you. Thank you for not stopping. Iteans the world. My 3 year old loves you guys andy wife hates it haha. She loves yall too justlow key.keep up the good work fellas and thank you for keeping your friend in yalls heart. Love yall
Still can't believe he's gone, I get goosebumps everytime I listen to them now. Your voice was truly unique and we are all so lucky to have experienced your talent before you passed. RIP buddy.
It's nice to see a band who always has a positive message all the time. They continue to grow on me, and are quickly becoming one of my favorites. Keep kicking ass We Came As Romans!!!!
Remember him grabing my hand at the concert while they were playing and pointing to the guitarist to give me his guitar pick. What a great and humble guy. Love him and miss him
i remember seeing this live and i got shivers. i posted a rip to him on my insta, but since i’m looking for songs to cover on here i thought i’d drop by. rest in peace my dude. your legacy is the people you gave hope to.
"So this is where it ends, the road we took together..." Never thought it would make me feel like this, you were the first band I ever saw live and you were incredible, over the years your songs helped me and barely anyone understands that so thank you❤ Today is sad but I will be blasting your music all day, RIP Kyle🖤
Everyone share their first WCAR experience here, in memory of Kyle :) Mine was hearing "Mis//Understanding" at a pub once night and being blown away by the wall of sound & Kyle's soaring vocals during the chorus. It's still my favourite WCAR song to this day, followed immediately by this one simply for the message (and the beat lol). Rest in paradise, Kyle.
Back in 2016 i was working 3 different jobs and ended up breaking up with this girl which i was living at her apartment. So i slept in my mother of my childrens vehicle while she worked 3rd shift. My best friend who was working all 3 of the same jobs i was had somewhere for him to sleep but not i also so instead of going under a warm roof he made sure i wasnt alone and okay. Hed go home a couple times a week. Mind you this was winter time in michigan. He then hooked up with one of our single coworkers and we bunked at her place for a few months after. We would get shitfaced everynight and i stumbled across WCAR either song was dreams or hope, but i fell in love instantly, told doug this band is gonna be huuuuge!! Never stopped listening to them and they are in my top 5 fav bands of all time. Rip to Kyle, such heartbreak it is to see the band lose such a wonderful brother, us fans to know all thats left from him is what we have now and the rest of the world for his soul was a beautiful one
I must say this is the first time that I´m listening to We Came As Romans but I wanted to pay respect to his other bandmembers, fans, family members or anyone who love WCAR. The lead singer Kyle will be not forgotten. So for all the WCSR fans I know how you feel, but stay strong. RIP Kyle
This was the first song I practiced while trying to get good at screaming vocals... Kyle will always have a place in my heart... So heartbreaking that we're losing so many talented individuals...
No freaking wonder why I'm instantly sucked into WCAR's music now... I'm Kyle's age, and he died of an OD back in 2018... when my struggle with addiction began. I forgot about that bcuz i never really LISTENED to their lyrics back then. 😭 Now I'm really sad, I'm obviously connected to his music, his words, bcuz I feel that hurt now that he once felt when he was struggling w/addiction. That's hitting me HARD yo. 🥺 I'm just glad I'm fighting that fight everyday now, idl where TF I'd be without music in general but now I can add WCAR to the vault. 💗
I came here as I heard about the passing of Kyle. I haven't ever heard this group's music before or delved into the genre of metalcore much. But I am really glad I am came. The legacy of Kyle will live on with OG fans and new fans discovering this genre and this great band. R.I.P Kyle Pavone
That "yeah" yell at the beginning always gave me chills because of the high note and sheer vocal talent. Now, it's almost like he's yelling it from beyond the grave to keep inspiring us. Truly passionate dudes. RIP Kyle Pavone. #Hope
I am listening to this song whilst reading the first 10 comments or so, and now I'm crying lol - "SO" good to see tons of you all that feel the exact same way. -Cheers all
I'm proud to have their symbol of Hope engraved in ink on my arm. It reminds me of all the times I saw them live, and the time I got to meet them in person. May we meet again in the future, Kyle.
This is the song that got me into WCAR back in October, early in my senior year along with some other songs that really made me like you guys more. Kyle, I wish I could've met you at least once, but I'll always be thankful to have your music in life. To the rest of WCAR, I'm so sorry about this, I can't imagine how you guys feel right now, but Kyle would want nothing more then for you guys to live your lives to the fullest for him. Rest in Peace Kyle Pavone. The first note that you ever played and sang will always be remembered.
His voice is one in a million. This world is not the same anymore. Miss you bro
Yes..his voice is the reason I fell in love with this band in 2009♡ RIP Kyle. You will never be forgotten
@@kellilouge9523 Me too 😥
@@kellilouge9523 He's a terrible average at best singer for a vanilla generic band. Rip tyo
@@jcap8391 Shut the hell up. We get it karen your life is oh so terrible that you have to push others down to lift yourself up. Get a life. You are nobody Kyle was an amazing man who helped thousands of people just like Chester Bennington. Be quiet.
@@rowenchaos I mean he overexaggerated but it is accurate to say that he was average and WCAR has been very generic at times. Stating facts doesn't have to be taken so negatively like you did nor does it mean the people making them are unhappy in their lives.
RIP Kyle, you won't fade away
ladismn217 how did he die?!?
@@VulgarMidas no cause of death yet, just hope it wasn't painful
@@VulgarMidas Drug overdose
Damn, people don’t start doing drugs...how many people have to od before people stop starting doing drugs??
Yeah I heard it was drug overdose
whos still hear in 2020.
man... that breakdown
The most beautiful one
Still here 👍😁🙏🙏
I do...
Of course here ✌🏼
A message to the future generations. Don't let this song die.
One for all
Facts !!!! don’t let this bad fall into irrelevance
@@escanor2388 Full cowl, United state of SMASH!!!!!
lol shits wack
Bro this song doesn't even sound 10 years what the hell
When I think of suicide, I always come to this song. When I can’t find the strength to keep going, I come to this song.
RIP Kyle, thank you for giving so many people Hope.
Was here myself today, and played this song for that very reason, and came across your comment. Guess I'm not alone after all.
@@PGFXKiu keep your head up bro .. you’re wanted on this planet.. fukc whichever humans whom make you feel anything different 🙏🏿
Were all so grateful your still here. We all love you and care even when you feel we don't. You are the one true HOPE!!!
What I found out is that he had been struggling with heroin. He didn't kill himself. His girlfriend knew and was the one who found him. I know from my own experience that my wife can't stop me. It's really only the power of God that pulls me out of the fire every time. Everyone's situations for use is different. Some people are so sheltered and come from such strong family's. My family are abusive, ex cons and have/had addictions. Never be afraid to say something if you see the signs it could mean someone's life.
Keeps your heads up gentlemen. Better are ahead life gets hard, but dont give up!
Just heard about Kyle’s passing. Truly devastating to me as he had one of the best voices in the metalcore genre. So young too
I'm new to listening to this band, excuse my ignorance, but which one is kyle? I'm sorry for everyone who will miss him. rest in peace
Tristan Bond the black hair singer, clean vocals
Noah L awwwww! I really liked him! :( :( His voice is so good! Rest in peace
Lotte Yanson no hate to the dead but he was trash live..
@@jenkem69 ^^^
Kyle didnt even sing his own verse's live the other vocalist literally didnt everything, esp in later years. In retrospect it was prolly cuz kyle was too high all the time to perform.
I swear this is one of the most under rated bands ever their music speaks to the soul who couldn't like them?
Tylor Morgan truth
There is In Fear And Faith, they are way more underrated and have same kind of lyrics
They were pretty big back in Myspace day, before Rise records band (sws, omam, cte) blew up
i honestly like the screaming, clean vocals are way to present to my personal taste, this song is awsome tho
im checking these guys out because im going to see them tomorrow, its not my style.
R.I.P Kyle Pavone
He's in a better place as much as we don't want to accept his death, he doesn't have to be hurt any longer. May his kind, happy, caring soul, smile, & personality remain with his spirit and in our hearts 💔
he was the same age as me
I solely support your reason !
He is away and happy !
Hard to believe it's already been 2yrs without him..
Amen! 🙏🙏
@@matthewparson3879 hard to believe its been 3 😢
Met Kyle at Leeds Fest, just walking around on the last night. Genuinely the nicest fucking guy I've ever met, not even joking. Spoke to us for like 20 minutes like we'd known him for years; totally down to earth. Wanted a picture with him - without seeming like typical 'fangirls' - but all our phones had died by that point, so he told us not to worry, took a selfie with us on his phone and posted it on his Instagram. Best story to a picture ever. Now I just appreciate him and his work even more.
That's so awesome!!
renchen831 Honestly, couldn't believe it. Such a nice dude!
Managed to catch their set at Leeds aswell man. Fucking sick show , shame they had so many technical difficulties
Leon Reid That was the worst part for me. There I was seeing someone I've been a fan of for so long, just stood talking to us and I didn't even go see them play! It was a choice between seeing them or going to the Architects signing, so:/! What difficulties did they have?
sounds like such a nice guy :) hard to find these days with some bands, only started listening to these yesterday, their second album: Understanding What We've Grown to Be caught my eye so I thought I'll give em a listen, great decision :D they sound sick
I love the positive message of this song
I don't care what anyone says, they are great. There are a few artists that songs actually mean something to people, and this band makes it feel like more than just "music".
camshaft53149 few artist that mean something to people
I find that highly unbelievable
This bad is cancer
Can’t believe it’s been 5 years since we lost Kyle. Man I miss hearing his voice. Still has the best soft vocals
RIP man thanks for all the good JAMZ!
This song saved my life. RIP Kyle Pavone you will be missed 😭
Chino Amor Same
Chino Amor I cried when they played it live
Mine too... TT so sad...
Shit is cookie cutter. Never heard of him or this band but clicked on here to see what they were about. One site said he was a “great”. Really?
Words can't describe how impactful his lyrics were... You helped me through so many rough moments in life. Rest in peace Kyle Pavone. You are a legend now, "Your home is in our hearts."
It's weird I mostly listen to Black metal and Death metal but i love these guys. Their instrumentals are fucking amazing and the vocals aren't bad ether.
Harrison Visser Wow I agree but some people think the clean vocalist sucks. I know he uses autotune but he sings IMO very good.
monsterhunter445 Just saw them live. Kyle sings just as well live.
Harrison Visser You discrace me and Satan.
Uriel This is literally the only metalcore band i listened too.
Harrison Visser your cover picture redeemed you. Be carefull brother. Satan is watching you... in the shower.
This song certainly saved my life and got me through the darkest time in my life. Rip Kyle you are missed
Yes, Sir!!
I'm just glad I have the memory of being at Warped Tour watching him perform this with a smile on his face. A handicapped girl in the crowd even got lifted up in a mosh pit during the middle of the song. I'll never forget how united we all were with just a few songs.
This song came across my YT reccs. I’m pleasantly surprised. Ever since Kyle passed away I never really listened to these guys too much after. This was like my all time favorite song for a while back in the day. As always save us spot up there Kyle 🙏🏻
Man they played this song after an encore and the whole band was enotional listening to Kyle sing the beginning of this. Love this band rip Kyle
Rest in Paradise(RIP) Kyle Pavone.
Rest in peace !!
lol 😂
@@chillingguy8386 what's funny?...
Love this band. Always. Rip Kyle 💔😞
I remember seeing them in Hartford getting chills down my body just thinking about it
The song that got me into core music. I owe pretty much half of my music taste to this band, especially kyle for providing those clean vocals that made this band an easy gateway. RIP man.
You guys helped me get through a really tough time in my life. I'll miss your voice my dude. RIP Kyle .
His legacy lives on in every breath you take on this Earth. And yours lives on in every person you help. So sorry Kyle is gone. But this is the one true hope, I think.
Yet he couldn’t help himself
This song is the reason why I started listening to metal. And kyle, your voice was amazing. You will be missed. RiP 😥
"Stand up
You have a voice to be heard
You're worth more than words
So let your fire burn
Oh, your flame will be lit
Again when a candle is burned at both ends
And there's nothing left
You can change
You can become selfless
You're not set in stone
You will wade through mistakes that we all make
But just hold on
Don't fade away (hold on)"
As someone that's literally been to hell and back these words have always resonated with my soul. Really grateful that I was able to hear this live and sing it with you guys.
Seen them Live in Harrisburg, Pa with my Kids and they LOVED The Show they put on and they still talk about it this day. Best band interaction ever.
We came as romans were one of the first bands that got me into metal core. I got to see them Live 3 times and they blew me away each and every time. They truly care about their fans and they put all of themselves into their work. Kyle you will be forever missed and you will never fade away brother...Rest In Peace.
Rest in peace Kyle. The catchiest singing voice in all of this genre. Goodbye buddy
I haven’t listened to this band in years and omg I had no idea the singer died. RIP❤
I went to elementary school with Kyle and his brother. I remember having a little crush on him. So much talent. Dont do hard drugs people!!!
RIP KYLE!! Your voice wont ever fade away!!!
First time hearing these guys and I must say I am impressed. It sucks to know the vocalist passed away at such a young age. May he rest in peace and may we always listen to his music to remember him well.
i used to skate to this when i was 16 im 26 now man how time flys by well forever miss you Kyle
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh
I am your everything, your one foundation
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh
I am the voice of your generation
Stand with me, become the person you were always meant to be
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh
I am the voice of your generation
"I am the cure to every sadness
I am protection from every fear
I am the cure to all diseases
I am the only true salvation"
If you ever had a dream, the dream to be somebody
If you have a hard time at school
Always believe in yourself, and let my voice guide you into the light
+Daniel Brooke Was looking for this comment! Found it! Hahaha
You bitch
***** bro your such a fuckin snotty little bitch
Kyle thanks for being the voice of hope for the hopeless. Thanks for being there through your songs in the darkest day of my life. Thanks to WCAR I persisted in life and didn’t gave up. Thanks brother. You won’t be forgotten NEVER.
One of the VERY few songs I never have to be in the mood for to be able to enjoy c':
Don’t fade away!!!! 🟣🟣🔺🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🟣🟪
Listening to a song with someone who’s passed in the metal world is...bittersweet. The fallen shall forever be remembered as the emperors finest.
Seeing someone doing music with such a passion is a beautiful thing. You will be remembered.
Preach ❤
RIP Kyle, what a guy. What a voice 💔
Started listening in 2013 I was 14 now it's 2024 Im 25 and I still LOVE YOU GUYS ❤
I don’t listen to these guys much, but this song always comes up when I start to lose myself or I’m finding my way. The universe works in weird ways man.
My favorite song by them. RIP Kyle. Thankyou💖
I miss this era of music, just earbuds in and walking down the street , contemplating life wondering where I’ll end up.
Right? Do that these days in certain areas and you're in trouble. Illegals running wild making normally safe streets dangerous as can be. Rising crime. Ever since covid, this world has gone nuts.
Going through my old phone and I found a photo seeing them as a group at the last UK warped..... Wish you were still here buddy. You saved me that day.
Never let this song die y’all. Not ever.
Released during my senior year of high school. 10 years have passed, I’m 27 now, and I feel like I haven’t done anything with my life. No children, still working paycheck to paycheck, and still living at home.
I just really want to start a family.
I can’t keep going like this :/
I keep coming back to this video as a reminder of who I was, and to relive the days I wasn’t so caught up in the monotony of adulthood.
I'm 29 now and i know how u feel bro, the feeling of stay stuck in the time 💔
@@xchim8639 entering elder emo days
UA-cam isn't a therapy session you lonely fuck. Seek a therapist or someone willing to give you a meaningful hug.
Just work on yourself buddy all you can do wether that be fitness, gaining capital, some skills, or just refining yourself as a gentelman. Don't worry too much lots of people don't have thier life situated till pretty late, I'm 23 but this seems to be true from the many I've spoken to.
Im 27 also and no kids. Still figuring myself out. Everyone's lives are different and not a linear journey where everyone has to accomplish the same things. Just enjoy your time on earth. Sometimes just existing is an accomplishment. It's okay to be where your at. You don't have to have it all figured out. The most important thing is being happy
anyone just find this after years and have so many flashbacks?
Yea and it pains me that kyle is dead
He's gone, but he didn't fall to his knees and he didn't fade away. Rip to one of the best singers of my time.
RIP Kyle. You've inspired so many people & will continue to do so from a better place. Rest easy brother.
Seen them live three times and I cried like a fan girl when I heard that they we're just as good live as their videos. Imagine the vibes in the videos times like ten. Hands down, back in my heavy metal days. This band saved my heart and they still do whenever I slip up and have to remember who I am(self-medicating is a terrible reoccurring nightmare every day btw) this song plays in my head and once I'm not so stubborn and actually play it out loud.. That's when I start to really give myself the drive it takes to quit, to choose to live and find meaning in life.. Because of this band and one's alike, the Ghost Inside is amazing, mmf, I love this genre of music and I apprieciate that people like these singers have the guts it takes to share their poetry for the entire world to see and judge. I wish I could get a hold of myself to bring such a beautiful gift for us all, and sometimes these songs are the only thing that makes me want to keep on keeping on.. So thank you anyone who took time to read this comment, I hope one day I'll see the band's I love so much again, I've been gone for five years away from what I'm passionate about and the music you guys give us is so pure and truly life saving- so thank you for sharing your art with the world, it has really been what makes or breaks me everytime while struggling with my addiction. I love you guys and stay true. I hope the best of days to you all. Goodnight, much love. -Brandi Rae Holthaus
i can hear you.
RIP Kyle… “don’t fade away” ❤
There will never be another band like this with such a beautiful dynamic 😭😭😭🫶🏻🖤🖤
1990-Forever 💔😭😭💔💔 RIP Kyle, thank you so much for everything 😭😭😭
this band is so underrrated...
They are awesome :D
Not at all, they are one of the most recognizable of the genre
kangaroodude34 most recognized? Dude they are super underated. Are you a new fan of this genre
adaytoremembro Not at all, whenever I mention this band, people know who they are. They got me into the genre with their EP in 2008, and they've grown such a huge reputation over the years. I don't understand why people say they are underrated
kangaroodude34 go watch some apma's dear :-) you will know who is underated & who is mostly known
I've discovered this band right now! So glad that I'm still searching for good bands in YT. They're awesome! Greetings from Brazil
Your voice introduced me to this band, Kyle. RIP, bruh. Let your voice be heard wherever you are.
Man, I still listen to this song at least once every 2-3 days. Kyles vocals were some of the best!
Kyle Pavone's death still hits me hard. I can't believe it's already been 6 years. He changed so many people's lives for the better. Rest his soul.
It was insane, saw them in March, talked to him and a couple others. Dude was the same age as me, and 5 months later, saw the news.
Man I was shook up when they took X from the world, but now I'm fucking devastated. You changed my life Kyle, and I'll never forget the first time I saw you guys in Dallas my Junior year. I'm going to cover my entire back with the Tracing Back Roots tree, I love you Kyle, RIP.
I miss kyle so much. Wcar is growing and I will never stop supporting. I am truly sorry for your loss guys. Keep doing yalls thing and just know we love all of you. Thank you for not stopping. Iteans the world. My 3 year old loves you guys andy wife hates it haha. She loves yall too justlow key.keep up the good work fellas and thank you for keeping your friend in yalls heart. Love yall
I just started listening to them like 10 min ago. and I really like them 😁😁😁
You should listen to "An Ever-Growing Wonder". It's the 1st song of theirs that I'd listened to, about 2 years ago. It's still my favorite song.
+Erin Cajigas okay. thanks, I've been so obsessed! they're definitely one of the best
No problem ^-^ Hope they become your favorite band, too.
No problem ^-^ Hope they become your favorite band, too.
No problem ^-^ Hope they become your favorite band, too.
Listening to these guys won’t be the same anymore.. we’ll miss you brother ❤️
Still can't believe he's gone, I get goosebumps everytime I listen to them now. Your voice was truly unique and we are all so lucky to have experienced your talent before you passed. RIP buddy.
It's nice to see a band who always has a positive message all the time. They continue to grow on me, and are quickly becoming one of my favorites. Keep kicking ass We Came As Romans!!!!
Remember him grabing my hand at the concert while they were playing and pointing to the guitarist to give me his guitar pick. What a great and humble guy. Love him and miss him
Am I the only one who freaking loves the part at 2:43?
It's a great part tbh
No I like that part also
My fav part
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+Daniel Foley nope. When djent kicks in. Everyone's in. :D
Legitimately found a new band to listen to daily, I love all the songs wow. We came as Romans are dope as hell
Wasn’t the first WCAR song I found, but by far my favorite. Lyrics, rhythm, melody, meaning - it has everything.
Rip to one of most HOPEFUL voices ever
i remember seeing this live and i got shivers.
i posted a rip to him on my insta, but since i’m looking for songs to cover on here i thought i’d drop by.
rest in peace my dude. your legacy is the people you gave hope to.
One of the best metalcore songs out there. A classic for the ages, truly.
"So this is where it ends, the road we took together..." Never thought it would make me feel like this, you were the first band I ever saw live and you were incredible, over the years your songs helped me and barely anyone understands that so thank you❤ Today is sad but I will be blasting your music all day, RIP Kyle🖤
R.I.P. Kyle! You have such an amazing voice! You will be missed greatly!
Everyone share their first WCAR experience here, in memory of Kyle :)
Mine was hearing "Mis//Understanding" at a pub once night and being blown away by the wall of sound & Kyle's soaring vocals during the chorus. It's still my favourite WCAR song to this day, followed immediately by this one simply for the message (and the beat lol).
Rest in paradise, Kyle.
Back in 2016 i was working 3 different jobs and ended up breaking up with this girl which i was living at her apartment. So i slept in my mother of my childrens vehicle while she worked 3rd shift. My best friend who was working all 3 of the same jobs i was had somewhere for him to sleep but not i also so instead of going under a warm roof he made sure i wasnt alone and okay. Hed go home a couple times a week. Mind you this was winter time in michigan. He then hooked up with one of our single coworkers and we bunked at her place for a few months after. We would get shitfaced everynight and i stumbled across WCAR either song was dreams or hope, but i fell in love instantly, told doug this band is gonna be huuuuge!! Never stopped listening to them and they are in my top 5 fav bands of all time. Rip to Kyle, such heartbreak it is to see the band lose such a wonderful brother, us fans to know all thats left from him is what we have now and the rest of the world for his soul was a beautiful one
Goodbye man, thanks for the hope you give me all over the years. You'll be missed.
This band is inspiration to me you have a voice to be heard we won't fall rip Kyle
I must say this is the first time that I´m listening to We Came As Romans but I wanted to pay respect to his other bandmembers, fans, family members or anyone who love WCAR. The lead singer Kyle will be not forgotten. So for all the WCSR fans I know how you feel, but stay strong. RIP Kyle
This was the first song I practiced while trying to get good at screaming vocals... Kyle will always have a place in my heart... So heartbreaking that we're losing so many talented individuals...
No freaking wonder why I'm instantly sucked into WCAR's music now... I'm Kyle's age, and he died of an OD back in 2018... when my struggle with addiction began. I forgot about that bcuz i never really LISTENED to their lyrics back then. 😭 Now I'm really sad, I'm obviously connected to his music, his words, bcuz I feel that hurt now that he once felt when he was struggling w/addiction. That's hitting me HARD yo. 🥺 I'm just glad I'm fighting that fight everyday now, idl where TF I'd be without music in general but now I can add WCAR to the vault. 💗
RIP Glenn, best drummer ever. sad I'll never get to see you live.
August Burns Red when did he die?!
hahahaha yes, but this is Eric Choi
When did he die
Last season I guess
I came here as I heard about the passing of Kyle. I haven't ever heard this group's music before or delved into the genre of metalcore much. But I am really glad I am came. The legacy of Kyle will live on with OG fans and new fans discovering this genre and this great band. R.I.P Kyle Pavone
Rest In Paradise Kyle 💕🙏🏽 … just know we’re still fighting strong .. even tho your gone , you’re still here with us 💕🤘🏽 ..
That "yeah" yell at the beginning always gave me chills because of the high note and sheer vocal talent. Now, it's almost like he's yelling it from beyond the grave to keep inspiring us. Truly passionate dudes. RIP Kyle Pavone. #Hope
Saw them yesterday, still crying because they're perfection oh my gosh.
Aw don't cry c:
What songs did they play???
and they like... good looking girllllll !!
That explains your name
Thank you ☺️ and they played basically every song from their "tracing back roots" album.
Rest In Peace Kyle. This song and your personality brought so much positivity to this world, you’ll be missed dearly
Rest In Peace Kyle you will be missed but your music will live forever in all of our hearts
It's been a while since I've heard y'alls music but it absolutely sucks hearing that a fellow band member passed away. Rest easy Kyle 💔✊
RIP Kyle. I've heard this song a million times and it rocks!
I am listening to this song whilst reading the first 10 comments or so, and now I'm crying lol - "SO" good to see tons of you all that feel the exact same way.
-Cheers all
A decade later and it STILL RIPS. RIP KYLE
R.I.P Kyle x(
sak1cz0 thats why im here...
Right here with ya'll
how did he die?
Midas710 • hasnt been confirmed yet.
Its officially now :(
Just saw WCAR last night at warped tour! They were amazing! So was Attila and AA
Danny Jerome everyone at Warped killed it!!! :D
They were amazing!!
All these years later, this is still just as powerful as the first time I heard it. Rip Kyle, I still think about you often🤘💙
I'm proud to have their symbol of Hope engraved in ink on my arm. It reminds me of all the times I saw them live, and the time I got to meet them in person. May we meet again in the future, Kyle.
He was one of the best in the scene, still miss your voice.
34 and still loving this style of music.
Still a classic but oh the memories 😅🔥
This is the song that got me into WCAR back in October, early in my senior year along with some other songs that really made me like you guys more. Kyle, I wish I could've met you at least once, but I'll always be thankful to have your music in life. To the rest of WCAR, I'm so sorry about this, I can't imagine how you guys feel right now, but Kyle would want nothing more then for you guys to live your lives to the fullest for him.
Rest in Peace Kyle Pavone. The first note that you ever played and sang will always be remembered.