I cannot grasp how all of the financial media agrees the labor market and economy are good when they're located in my hometown of NYC which has been absolutely plaqued with layoffs, hiring freezes, and outsourcing jobs. The job market here seems way worse than the reports show, no way these people don't know awesome people who are unemployed and can't even find (real) jobs to apply to
i can answer this. its becasue the media is there to control a narritive theyre the mouth piece for government and to maintain the illusion that all is well when it is not. atleast not for the bottom 90-95 percent. now the top 5 percenters are ding very well. theres two economies, rich and poor. hence why we are that much closer to feudalism.
I cannot grasp how all of the financial media agrees the labor market and economy are good when they're located in my hometown of NYC which has been absolutely plaqued with layoffs, hiring freezes, and outsourcing jobs. The job market here seems way worse than the reports show, no way these people don't know awesome people who are unemployed and can't even find (real) jobs to apply to
i can answer this. its becasue the media is there to control a narritive theyre the mouth piece for government and to maintain the illusion that all is well when it is not. atleast not for the bottom 90-95 percent. now the top 5 percenters are ding very well. theres two economies, rich and poor. hence why we are that much closer to feudalism.
Indeed. Hearing from contacts in Finance who are saying layoffs are happening right before bonuses. That is never a good sign.
do you all want you rdollar to purchase more or less. if you want it to purchase more e need higher rates so we can have a stronger dollar
Rates are atleast 200 bpts too high