Anyone with chronic pain has suffered more than Jesus. My late husband was crippled at 22, and died at 32. He suffered for 10 years, fighting to stay with our daughter and I. He suffered through a 3 year lawsuit against the company that crippled him, to make sure our daughter and I would be taken care of.
@@MrCanis4 Yeah but acording to the Bible death does not mean that you cease to exist, it's just means the separation of your non-physical soul from your physical body. God has the right to say enough is enough and to decide when to remove you from this world and straight for judgment. And I'm sure that those babies that are caught amongst those evil sinners are in a much better place than you can imagine. God waiting HUNDREDS of years for then to turn away from their evil actions. God had so much patience that it came down to 1 man (Noah) before he took the decision to whipped everything clean, and even then, God gave us another chance AND he came to our rescue himself...
Funny how "Love me or burn 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 " wasn't considered a good thing when my father said it to my mother. He went to jail for years for it. But somehow we are supposed to accept that threat is made in love from an invisible deity? 😮
My daddy ties me up an hits me when im bad an sez he duz it cuz he luvs me. He even said that God told peeple ta stone bad kidz ta deth in the OT an that he iz gonna do that ta me if i make him mad. My daddy sez he is gonna go be with Jeezus in heven an that my mommy iz berning in hell ferver fer not beleeving in him even thou she was reely nice to me and never hit me like my meen daddy duz!
When you had NO science to explain reality, we made shit up. And THOSE IN POWER used it to control YOUR family. Now that we KNOW better, religion still demands we remain ignorant and compliant. Nobody just abandons power.
Drowning billions of animals in a flood instead of getting rid of only the wicked people, giving children leukemia (or progeria), not answering the prayers of starving children, sending people to burn forever just for not believing in him...very good and loving god indeed!
In the story this being murdered all life on the planet because it was angry at 0.00000000000000000000000001 % of life on the planet. It's like getting mugged in Manhattan and dropping a 50 megaton nuke on New York. It is perhaps the sickest story in the bible. Well, next to the need to commit genocide on a people and bring back all the foreskins as a war trophy for god. This god demanded it. Not nearly as destructive but a heck of a lot more perverse.
If God's definition of love is essentially what we consider abusive and toxic, than I want no part in it. Luckily he doesn't exist as far as we can tell.
@@Spirits_And_Swords Not true. Apparently if you don't love him back he sends you to hell, the bastard. Fortunately he does not exist, and neither does hell.
“Now if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that nothing is more powerful than a young boy's wish. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.” - from the movie “Ted”.
Every time a theist caller proudly claims they're all about "logical reasoning" and "sound epistemology," I have to brace myself. I audibly groan the moment that I hear that or when a theist claims to be a scientist and how they're going to disprove evolution which they somehow think will prove their God. I swear, every time Ivan called, it was like he had his foot in his mouth before he even finished the first sentence. Painful…but also kind of entertaining.
Can someone explains why god cares so much whether I worship him or not? If you live a good life, raise your kids well, treat people kindly, what does he possibly care what god you believe in? It’s inconsequential compared to that other stuff
It makes Christians feel special, like their imaginary friend really does give a damn about them and the other 8+ billion evolved primates on this water covered rock.
You have to prove his being real. In order for God to care. Now, if you assume he is. His track record is based on the bible. He seems to not give a hoot
@@craigkelly4278It is a bizarre framework for morality. The god of the Bible seems _WAY_ more concerned that everyone is impressed with and terrified of him, rather than actually trying to convince anyone to he better people.
God didn't tell the Christian that he loves you. The Christian believes that God loves everyone. And that simply isn't true. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loves everyone.
@@Temulon The bible makes it clear that god openly despises all his creations. That's why he keeps torturing them. And why he creates them for the sole purpose of suffering.
It squares just fine for the person indoctrinated into this nonsense as children, before they had the capacity to critically question, and they trusted the things the authority figures in their life taught them were true, whether they were or not.
It's actually interesting because coders are generally logical people. That's exactly why most of them are atheists or not religious. This guy is not using his logic outside of his job.
@@Apostolnixxyeah as an IT person, majority of us are atheists, some who believe in god just keep it for themselves and don't talk about it to anyone. But being able to solve problems with great skill, and formulate a logical arguments, or understand science, are different things.
“Dear Leader Kim loves you very much.” “Dear Leader Jones loves you very much.” “Dear Leader Koresh loves you very much.” “Dear Leader Manson loves you very much.” Rinse and repeat.
His story about the judge and his daughter is ridiculous, that judge should be kicked off the bench for not recusing himself cause of the massive conflict of interest
It didn't happen. No judge would want the scandal that would ensue from such a move. In fact, the judge would never try the case. That would be such a blatant conflict of interest, that recusal from the case would be mandatory under the laws of probably every country on earth. This caller, or someone he is repeating, made this story up. The fact that Ivan is Russian is telling in this case. In Russia official corruption is rampant on a scale that it would be hard for Americans to believe. That is why this story is plausible to Ivan and why Ivan cannot even understand the concept of why a judge trying his own daughter's case is a blatant violation of the principles of justice and accountability under the law. By the way, religiosity is big in Russia these days and promoted by the government. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church blesses the troops that are savagely invading Ukraine and the missiles that are being fired at it-- the missiles that are killing Ukrainian men, women, and children every day. So much for Ivan and his god.
The USA has checks and balances that prevent a judge from presiding over a case involving friends or family. It happens sometimes if the relationship is not known, but father and daughter wouldn't happen.
@tonyclements1147 Yes, he is an imaginary friend. Who is more a or kin to a Santa Claus for grown ups. Given that he is not real and gives presents out of love. Given his logic. Santa is real because of the act of giving things out of love
We can't see the wind or bacteria, but we do know they exist by their effects on other things. There is no such verification for any gods nor the supernatural.
@Darkloid21 difference their Actions would back up their words as proof of said love. You would have to prove beyond doubt that Jesus was the Son of God in order to make his sacrifice valid. Even if you could do that, it seems silly to sacrifice one's self to one's self since the book says that Jesus and the father are one and the same person for a crime, in which the punishment seems to end at the point of physical death.
The unspoken part of “god loves you” is “but he also created a hell to punish the majority of us.” A god defined as Love, should be capable of unconditional love, especially when he demands it from us.
“I think of a little child in East Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator.” (David Attenborough)
Oh good lord, all 3 are ignoring that every damn second of the day someone goes through perpetual excruciating pain that’d make Jesus himself cringe. By accident, by malintention, and in sacrifice to a loved one or stranger or nation. Get over the fleeting pain of violent death as “ultimate” already! For crying out loud the emotional torture of even seeing a loved one die in pain for months, or helplessly witnessing one’s child dying of starvation, makes the torture of the “cross” absolutely tame.
Christians love to tell that Jesus suffered sooo much,for us.The so called witches was tortured so unbelievable cruel,millions, tortured so cruel,each of them suffered much more than Jesus at the Cross...
While the idea that 'God is love' is meaningful to many, I believe that love is a fundamental aspect of human nature that arises from our social interactions and the need for connection. We can experience and express love without attributing it to a divine source."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loves everyone. In Addition to “God Loves Everyone” Not Being In The Bible, The Bible Speaks Of Billions That Were Killed by the Hand of God and Are Condemned To Hell. Billions. Not loved.
@@BIayne Well, according to Christians, God would love you and keep you from Hell but you have to believe in him. During your life and even after your death it appears as though you just can't escape rules.
@@BIayne You know the deal: The biblical god isn’t reasonable. It can be an utter jerk to all of humanity, while nevertheless expecting to be worshipped. In the OT, think “Iron Age absolute monarch” and you’ll get the idea.
@@BIayne I'm not sure because I'm no expert on Christian Dogma, but I believe what will occur is that you'll have a belief in a supernatural, all powerful asshole.
Attributing God to pure social evolutionary thinking and behaviour is not LOGICAL. Love is an affinity people developed for things and people but the name itself was invented to describe the feeling. It has nothing to do with any GOD.
To break it down logically for Ivan, the Judeo-Christian God is presented as All Powerful, All Knowing and All Loving. BUT simultaneously, that same god contradicts those attributes. If He's All Loving, He doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. If He's All Knowing, He knows how to prevent anyone from going to Hell. And if He's All Powerful, He has the POWER to have created a universe that met those conditions. He didn't, which is a contradiction of his supposed attributes. Ergo, LOGICALLY, the Biblical god cannot exist. Can a non-Biblical god exist? Perhaps, but we see no evidence for any god existing.
Jesus didn’t sacrifice shit. He died after a few days and then according to the story, he came back to life and had upgraded powers. He continued to do his mission and preached his message to people for 45 days with the ability to walk through walls and didn’t need to eat or sleep. Then he flies back to heaven to be god. Wtf sacrifice is that?!!!! How are semi-intelligent people saying this is a sacrifice?!!! Ahhhh!!!!
God is the creator of reality, so God is more than just love, he is also hate, kindness, jealously ect. And a good Friday morning AXP fans and theists ❤❤❤ Peace Love Empathy From Australia 🤠
I think the fact that organized religion still successfully markets empty promises of an afterlife is fairly good evidence that this life here and now, the only one we actually know of, ain't all it's cracked up to be. That's a bit of a bummer.
Someone claiming they love you from afar and expecting you to reciprocate is a sign of delusion. It’s even more ridiculous if that person claims to love everyone equally, making their obsession with anyone in particular disingenuous. I don’t want for or care if any God thinks they love me because there’s no way to be sure of the truth of such a claim. Also, there’s really no value in being loved by some intangible entity that doesn’t interact with reality in any meaningful way. Ivan, I’ve had hand surgery without anesthesia and while it hurt at the time and for a few days after, I survived. Doesn’t prove any God exists…
“Strange a God who mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness, then invented Hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none Himself; who frowns upon crimes yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon Himself; and finally with altogether divine obtuseness, invites the poor, abused slave to worship Him!” (Mark Twain)
Gozer the Traveler will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
If "God is Love..." then can the claim "I Love You" actually be perceived or practiced as an equivalency to "I see and will treat you like god sees and treats you?"🤔
"God loves you very, very, very much." The thing about that is that there is a clause to it. If you don't do or follow a certain set of rules and regulations according to the bible or the koran or whatever religious book your particular religion or denomination adheres to and however your particular religion or denomination interprets your holy book, then that so-called love gets voided.
What started to wake me up from Bible God is, I gradually felt disgusted listening at church and from pastors and followers them repeating God is Love, in same time they KNOWING this world is a big mess with chaos😅They would even say, Let’s be thankful to God he is waiting 6000 years for people to repent, them KNOWING there were full of sorrowful history events😮
If there IS/WERE a "God," I suspect his PURPOSE in creating this universe was kinda like a bored kid with a LEGO set. "Let's just throw all this shit together with a few basic rules of interaction, like light and gravity, then let's see what happens."
The daughter father story is not true. A) in the US we are not sentenced to forced labor and B) the judge must recuse himself if the defendant is his relative.
The story about the judge and the traffic ticket was complete bs. A judge would have to recuse himself from ruling on any cases involving a family member. Clearly this Russian doesn't understand how American court systems operate
God loves me? Weird way of showing making sure that I have Fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos Type 3, Asthma, ADHD, Depression, and a little sprinkle of Dyspraxia and Dyslexia to top it off.
Lille Ivan springer över fältet, AK hackar Ivan faller ner, Blod och tarmar ligger där och ruttnar, Lille Ivan springer aldrig mer.... Also, Ivan sounds Swedish which means we have to hunt him, as we do.
@@tonyclements1147 Well, my buddy Tom went in for open heart surgery. Before they put him under, Tom asked the surgeon to see what was written on his heart. The next day the nurse handed Tom a note from the surgeon. It read: "Warranty void if seal is broken" Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Let's pretend that the Christian god exists: why does God need a messenger to speak on his behalf? Why can't he talk to the person that he wants to himself? Is he shy? Scared? It can't be he's too busy because he's all powerful and also lives outside space/time.
Anyone with chronic pain has suffered more than Jesus. My late husband was crippled at 22, and died at 32. He suffered for 10 years, fighting to stay with our daughter and I. He suffered through a 3 year lawsuit against the company that crippled him, to make sure our daughter and I would be taken care of.
And I bet he would do it again and again if he knew that suffering would cease to exist in the world.
Boy are you f*cking wrong🤣🤣🤣
How did JC end suffering exactly?
@@tonyclements1147 he didn't.
your husband was a hero
"God Is Love!"
And then he drowned everyone and everything that disagreed with him.
or for his "fuck up"
Not even Hitler tried to kill everyone, just a few millions...
@@MikeBeltMikeBelt YES, if there is a god, its a invisible mass slaughter!
God drown unicorns like a water-obsessed voldemort!
@@MrCanis4 Yeah but acording to the Bible death does not mean that you cease to exist, it's just means the separation of your non-physical soul from your physical body.
God has the right to say enough is enough and to decide when to remove you from this world and straight for judgment. And I'm sure that those babies that are caught amongst those evil sinners are in a much better place than you can imagine.
God waiting HUNDREDS of years for then to turn away from their evil actions. God had so much patience that it came down to 1 man (Noah) before he took the decision to whipped everything clean, and even then, God gave us another chance AND he came to our rescue himself...
“I have no clue” is the only honest and true statement Ivan has made.
“You can’t just say there is a God because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children.” (Steven Fry)
IME, this world is ugly and hurts more than it is beautiful simply because as long as there is undue suffering, it cannot be a beautiful world.
My bible states children are born in sin, so they deserve it, but god love them??
🎶 What is love?
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more 🎶
*holds up boombox
Hell yeah. That's funny. Also you beat me to it lol.
Ahhh, German Music
"Deity don't hurt me"
Funny how "Love me or burn 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 " wasn't considered a good thing when my father said it to my mother. He went to jail for years for it. But somehow we are supposed to accept that threat is made in love from an invisible deity? 😮
My daddy ties me up an hits me when im bad an sez he duz it cuz he luvs me. He even said that God told peeple ta stone bad kidz ta deth in the OT an that he iz gonna do that ta me if i make him mad.
My daddy sez he is gonna go be with Jeezus in heven an that my mommy iz berning in hell ferver fer not beleeving in him even thou she was reely nice to me and never hit me like my meen daddy duz!
Most people are better than Yahweh, the Israelite's God as portrayed in the Bible.
When you had NO science to explain reality, we made shit up. And THOSE IN POWER used it to control YOUR family. Now that we KNOW better, religion still demands we remain ignorant and compliant. Nobody just abandons power.
Drowning billions of animals in a flood instead of getting rid of only the wicked people, giving children leukemia (or progeria), not answering the prayers of starving children, sending people to burn forever just for not believing in him...very good and loving god indeed!
In the story this being murdered all life on the planet because it was angry at 0.00000000000000000000000001 % of life on the planet. It's like getting mugged in Manhattan and dropping a 50 megaton nuke on New York. It is perhaps the sickest story in the bible. Well, next to the need to commit genocide on a people and bring back all the foreskins as a war trophy for god. This god demanded it. Not nearly as destructive but a heck of a lot more perverse.
I don't want god to love me. Is there anything I can do to make him stop?
If God's definition of love is essentially what we consider abusive and toxic, than I want no part in it. Luckily he doesn't exist as far as we can tell.
God's love is unconditional.
@@Spirits_And_Swordsit's also unwanted. Make it go away.
@@Spirits_And_Swords Not true. Apparently if you don't love him back he sends you to hell, the bastard. Fortunately he does not exist, and neither does hell.
@@Spirits_And_Swords which god?
It's a reliable tell that someone who says they are "a logical person" is not one.
Im a logical person, and i wanna tell you that Jesus exists 🇲🇽😂
“Love is the most powerful thing in the world”. Nope. Try to break my pencil with love. Didn’t work? Ok, now kneel before my pencil.
Hail stabitha the pencil goddess
“Now if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that nothing is more powerful than a young boy's wish. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.”
- from the movie “Ted”.
Mighty pencil 😮
@@Apostolnixx sharp is her tongue, and mighty are her written words. Scribble on to eternity.
Nuclear weapons are more powerful than love. A Saturn V rocket engine is more powerful than love.
Every time a theist caller proudly claims they're all about "logical reasoning" and "sound epistemology," I have to brace myself. I audibly groan the moment that I hear that or when a theist claims to be a scientist and how they're going to disprove evolution which they somehow think will prove their God.
I swear, every time Ivan called, it was like he had his foot in his mouth before he even finished the first sentence. Painful…but also kind of entertaining.
So god loves me unconditionally as long as I worship him back.
That's the strangest unconditional thing ever...
I'm so logical that I refuse to even use logic!
I’d like to know what Ivan’s logic says about a book that mentions talking snakes and donkeys and men that live to 600+ years old!
Can someone explains why god cares so much whether I worship him or not? If you live a good life, raise your kids well, treat people kindly, what does he possibly care what god you believe in? It’s inconsequential compared to that other stuff
It makes Christians feel special, like their imaginary friend really does give a damn about them and the other 8+ billion evolved primates on this water covered rock.
You have to prove his being real. In order for God to care. Now, if you assume he is. His track record is based on the bible. He seems to not give a hoot
@@craigkelly4278It is a bizarre framework for morality. The god of the Bible seems _WAY_ more concerned that everyone is impressed with and terrified of him, rather than actually trying to convince anyone to he better people.
Because hes a malignant narcissist.
A God that demands to be worshipped, sociopath, psychopath, or the Grand Narcissist?
Ivan tells a story about a judge and his daughter. "I'll take shit that never happened for $500, Alex"
But even if that happened that doesn't prove god or it is a good example.
God loves everyone - apart from the untold thousands he commanded to be slaughtered.
apart from the billions who have never heard of him.
The evil god has a book that calls for my murder cuz it made me Gay.
And the humans he murdered by drowning and animals, too.
What a swell guy!
@@rogerbee697 The worst character in fiction.
And unless you are gay...
“If there is a God, a caring God, then we have to figure that he’s done an extraordinary job of making a very cruel world.” (Dave Matthews)
Christans: God loves you
Me: ok but WHY DID HE TELL YOU!!!!!
God didn't tell the Christian that he loves you.
The Christian believes that God loves everyone.
And that simply isn't true.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loves everyone.
@@Temulon The bible makes it clear that god openly despises all his creations. That's why he keeps torturing them. And why he creates them for the sole purpose of suffering.
I am a logical person....and I believe in God.....contradiction....😳
That, my poor friend, is called cognitive dissonance.
It squares just fine for the person indoctrinated into this nonsense as children, before they had the capacity to critically question, and they trusted the things the authority figures in their life taught them were true, whether they were or not.
God wanted Ivan to waste his time 😒
And ours 😢
Does this god have a message to some 3000 children who are praying to him for a mouth full of food that they won't die in their sleep tonight?
He might be a programmer, but science and logic does not seem to be his thing.
Correction, he is an idiot. By the way, fuck russia.
It's actually interesting because coders are generally logical people. That's exactly why most of them are atheists or not religious. This guy is not using his logic outside of his job.
@@Apostolnixxyeah as an IT person, majority of us are atheists, some who believe in god just keep it for themselves and don't talk about it to anyone. But being able to solve problems with great skill, and formulate a logical arguments, or understand science, are different things.
“Dear Leader Kim loves you very much.”
“Dear Leader Jones loves you very much.”
“Dear Leader Koresh loves you very much.”
“Dear Leader Manson loves you very much.”
Rinse and repeat.
Dear cult leader Jesus loves you very much.
His story about the judge and his daughter is ridiculous, that judge should be kicked off the bench for not recusing himself cause of the massive conflict of interest
It didn't happen. No judge would want the scandal that would ensue from such a move. In fact, the judge would never try the case. That would be such a blatant conflict of interest, that recusal from the case would be mandatory under the laws of probably every country on earth. This caller, or someone he is repeating, made this story up.
The fact that Ivan is Russian is telling in this case. In Russia official corruption is rampant on a scale that it would be hard for Americans to believe. That is why this story is plausible to Ivan and why Ivan cannot even understand the concept of why a judge trying his own daughter's case is a blatant violation of the principles of justice and accountability under the law.
By the way, religiosity is big in Russia these days and promoted by the government. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church blesses the troops that are savagely invading Ukraine and the missiles that are being fired at it-- the missiles that are killing Ukrainian men, women, and children every day. So much for Ivan and his god.
The USA has checks and balances that prevent a judge from presiding over a case involving friends or family. It happens sometimes if the relationship is not known, but father and daughter wouldn't happen.
But not, evidently, doesn’t mind a judge that was literally appointed by the defendant.
Apparently this doesn't apply to the supreme court... 🤔 /S
@MichaelBristow137 unfortunately, we have a stacked Supreme Court that no longer follows the rules.
The worst part is that it's clear that the caller learned nothing from this conversation.
God claims to be jealous, angry and vengeful, never once did god claim to be love.
He says he is a logical person. Yet, he believes in something he can not see. Seems to be contradictory thing to me am i wrong
Some of them even have a ‘relationship’ with it too.
@tonyclements1147 Yes, he is an imaginary friend. Who is more a or kin to a Santa Claus for grown ups. Given that he is not real and gives presents out of love. Given his logic. Santa is real because of the act of giving things out of love
Well we all believe in things we cannot see, like when someone tell you they love you.
We can't see the wind or bacteria, but we do know they exist by their effects on other things.
There is no such verification for any gods nor the supernatural.
@Darkloid21 difference their Actions would back up their words as proof of said love. You would have to prove beyond doubt that Jesus was the Son of God in order to make his sacrifice valid. Even if you could do that, it seems silly to sacrifice one's self to one's self since the book says that Jesus and the father are one and the same person for a crime, in which the punishment seems to end at the point of physical death.
The unspoken part of “god loves you” is “but he also created a hell to punish the majority of us.”
A god defined as Love, should be capable of unconditional love, especially when he demands it from us.
“I think of a little child in East Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator.” (David Attenborough)
God is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more...
Oh good lord, all 3 are ignoring that every damn second of the day someone goes through perpetual excruciating pain that’d make Jesus himself cringe. By accident, by malintention, and in sacrifice to a loved one or stranger or nation. Get over the fleeting pain of violent death as “ultimate” already! For crying out loud the emotional torture of even seeing a loved one die in pain for months, or helplessly witnessing one’s child dying of starvation, makes the torture of the “cross” absolutely tame.
Not sure about the USA justice system but where I live you can not have a trial when the judge is related to anyone else in the trial.
Christians love to tell that Jesus suffered sooo much,for us.The so called witches was tortured so unbelievable cruel,millions, tortured so cruel,each of them suffered much more than Jesus at the Cross...
...and unlike JC, none of them knew in advance that they would be back alive two days later.
While the idea that 'God is love' is meaningful to many, I believe that love is a fundamental aspect of human nature that arises from our social interactions and the need for connection. We can experience and express love without attributing it to a divine source."
I see NOTHING loving about the Abrahamic God.
How about this loving gawd dropping mana from heaven for the 10 THOUSAND children starving to death DAILY?
He is busy slaughtering other species around the universe 😂
The Biblical god doesn't 'love' you unless you worship it, and even then you're not safe from being tormented for shits and giggles. Just ask Job.
I'm pretty sure it's a breach of judicial ethics to adjudicate your daughters trial.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loves everyone. In Addition to “God Loves Everyone” Not Being In The Bible, The Bible
Speaks Of Billions That Were Killed by the Hand of God and Are Condemned To Hell.
Billions. Not loved.
@@BIayne Well, according to Christians, God would love you and keep you from Hell but you have to believe in him. During your life and even after your death it appears as though you just can't escape rules.
@@Temulon what if I believe in him but believe he's an asshole?
You know the deal: The biblical god isn’t reasonable. It can be an utter jerk to all of humanity, while nevertheless expecting to be worshipped. In the OT, think “Iron Age absolute monarch” and you’ll get the idea.
@@BIayne I'm not sure because I'm no expert on Christian Dogma, but I believe what will occur is that you'll have a belief in a supernatural, all powerful asshole.
It REPEATEDLY talks about God's love, even going so far as to claim that "God is love". Apparently torture is love as well.
If god loves me that doesn't make it real, any question?
If Jesus was God how could he suffer pain unless he allowed it?
Attributing God to pure social evolutionary thinking and behaviour is not LOGICAL. Love is an affinity people developed for things and people but the name itself was invented to describe the feeling. It has nothing to do with any GOD.
If the caller’s story actually happened, it would be evidence of a corrupt judge not a sign of the love of a father.
A feeling in his heart? Unless he's having a heart attack or angina, there is no feeling in ones heart.
12:20 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭 this dude this people are born yesterday.
🎶God is love!
Jesus, don't hurt me!
Don't hurt me, no more!🎵
To break it down logically for Ivan, the Judeo-Christian God is presented as All Powerful, All Knowing and All Loving. BUT simultaneously, that same god contradicts those attributes.
If He's All Loving, He doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. If He's All Knowing, He knows how to prevent anyone from going to Hell. And if He's All Powerful, He has the POWER to have created a universe that met those conditions. He didn't, which is a contradiction of his supposed attributes. Ergo, LOGICALLY, the Biblical god cannot exist. Can a non-Biblical god exist? Perhaps, but we see no evidence for any god existing.
Jesus didn’t sacrifice shit. He died after a few days and then according to the story, he came back to life and had upgraded powers. He continued to do his mission and preached his message to people for 45 days with the ability to walk through walls and didn’t need to eat or sleep. Then he flies back to heaven to be god. Wtf sacrifice is that?!!!! How are semi-intelligent people saying this is a sacrifice?!!! Ahhhh!!!!
God is love, baby don't hurt me.
God is the creator of reality, so God is more than just love, he is also hate, kindness, jealously ect.
And a good Friday morning AXP fans and theists ❤❤❤
Peace Love Empathy From Australia 🤠
I think the fact that organized religion still successfully markets empty promises of an afterlife is fairly good evidence that this life here and now, the only one we actually know of, ain't all it's cracked up to be. That's a bit of a bummer.
Someone claiming they love you from afar and expecting you to reciprocate is a sign of delusion.
It’s even more ridiculous if that person claims to love everyone equally, making their obsession with anyone in particular disingenuous.
I don’t want for or care if any God thinks they love me because there’s no way to be sure of the truth of such a claim. Also, there’s really no value in being loved by some intangible entity that doesn’t interact with reality in any meaningful way.
Ivan, I’ve had hand surgery without anesthesia and while it hurt at the time and for a few days after, I survived. Doesn’t prove any God exists…
The story is ridiculous, the father/judge could not rule on his daughter given the gross conflict of interest.
“Strange a God who mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness, then invented Hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none Himself; who frowns upon crimes yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon Himself; and finally with altogether divine obtuseness, invites the poor, abused slave to worship Him!” (Mark Twain)
Theists want to have their faith and treat it true...
If “God’s love” involves killing my mom of cancer in 2012 and basically almost everyone I knew around me then no thanks
Gozer the Traveler will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
If "God is Love..." then can the claim "I Love You" actually be perceived or practiced as an equivalency to "I see and will treat you like god sees and treats you?"🤔
"God loves you very, very, very much."
The thing about that is that there is a clause to it. If you don't do or follow a certain set of rules and regulations according to the bible or the koran or whatever religious book your particular religion or denomination adheres to and however your particular religion or denomination interprets your holy book, then that so-called love gets voided.
LOL logic is everything that i am. Comedy gold!
"love me or else" isn't love. It's also not unconditional.
"I'm extremely logical."
Except for when I ignore all logic, facts and reason to believe in what I know is a lie that has zero evidence to support it.
In fact love in the spiritual romantic sense that we like to think of it, like "true love", cannot even be proven to be real
What started to wake me up from Bible God is, I gradually felt disgusted listening at church and from pastors and followers them repeating God is Love, in same time they KNOWING this world is a big mess with chaos😅They would even say, Let’s be thankful to God he is waiting 6000 years for people to repent, them KNOWING there were full of sorrowful history events😮
This called a stalker, when someone bothers you with any kind of emotion and expects attention from you.
"How could God love me if he's going to judge me?"
Out of the mouths of babes.
If there IS/WERE a "God," I suspect his PURPOSE in creating this universe was kinda like a bored kid with a LEGO set. "Let's just throw all this shit together with a few basic rules of interaction, like light and gravity, then let's see what happens."
I nearly spew when friends and family say "god loves you"
The daughter father story is not true. A) in the US we are not sentenced to forced labor and B) the judge must recuse himself if the defendant is his relative.
Shannons eyes are starkly beautiful.
She's beautiful, intelligent, humourous, caring, articulate and atheist.
She's the perfect woman!
Evidence: “A to Zed” is evidence that at least 50% of ‘the panel’ is Canadian eh! 🇨🇦 😂
Poor Ivan thinks he is logical, it's truly sad that this guy thinks this nonsense is logical
Thanks for making me aware of the excellent word "glurge".
I Love God Amen ✝✝
Religious people "I'm a God fearing whatever!" A God that forces you to submit under the fear of torment isn't worth loving!
LOL the love that only a mafia boss could give.
So love is more powerful than logic and therefore I don’t need any logic at all. 😅
*God's a lot of things, good, bad, worse, awful and immoral. Love is nowhere in that spectrum, not even as a coincidence.*
The story about the judge and the traffic ticket was complete bs. A judge would have to recuse himself from ruling on any cases involving a family member. Clearly this Russian doesn't understand how American court systems operate
Or the Russian court system.
God loves me? Weird way of showing making sure that I have Fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos Type 3, Asthma, ADHD, Depression, and a little sprinkle of Dyspraxia and Dyslexia to top it off.
Severe asthmatic, and epileptic here..God loves us so much.
/heavy sarcasm
For somebody "logical", he sure makes a lot of illogical statements.
Gawd is love only if you love him back
god is love except when it is not.
Walk in to a childrens cancer ward and say out loud...god is love.
Lille Ivan springer över fältet,
AK hackar Ivan faller ner,
Blod och tarmar ligger där och ruttnar,
Lille Ivan springer aldrig mer....
Also, Ivan sounds Swedish which means we have to hunt him, as we do.
If this guy is logical , what does illogical look like ?
At first, i did not believe then i had surgery and now im gods strongest warrior.
Gawd loved the Amalakites
God is hurt: baby do hurt me, do hurt me all the time
i am a real logical person, until i start talking about god.
Random person: God loves you.
Me: Is that a threat??
This was in 2020, I do wonder if Ivan and his daughter are alright.
Love isnt the most powerful thing or Ivan could use it to stop his leader invading another country.
Jesus Christ in a Jets Jersey! What a fool!
Shannon- are you sure you are not in a clone cycle with Taylor Swift? - I see you 👀!😜😍
If she's older than Taylor than Taylor is a clone
@ then there is also zena lafey...🎃
'a feeling in my heart' translates to self-deception! apparently his loving god needs delusional 'logical' messengers to spread some loving around.
Hearts don't feel, except perhaps cardiac arrests, but not love.
Nothing is ‘written on” our hearts either.
Well, my buddy Tom went in for open heart surgery. Before they put him under, Tom asked the surgeon to see what was written on his heart. The next day the nurse handed Tom a note from the surgeon. It read: "Warranty void if seal is broken" Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Let's pretend that the Christian god exists: why does God need a messenger to speak on his behalf? Why can't he talk to the person that he wants to himself? Is he shy? Scared? It can't be he's too busy because he's all powerful and also lives outside space/time.
The potato vodka in Russia is damn strong
"God is love" ? If so, he sure has a creepy way of showing his love.