Great respect to Mr. Neritan Caka who speaks openly about the past. The term Greek is generally accepted today (English term taken from Graekos) , deliberately imposed confusion by the creators of the Renaissance and Classicism. The very word Graekos is use first time with the new Latin but the old Latin was called Daikos. Both term have same meaning an idolatry (an religious culture) which according to the god Helios and his followers, they get the term Hellene. Religious culture itself is spreading among the population, and of course among the Illyrians. Where does the error and confusion lie? The problem is, religious culture is delivered to the world as a people. • Scholars in early modern Europe shaped, used and gave meaning to Greek learning but also refers to how we build and articulate our own perceptions of Hellenism in this period. Instead of starting from one single perspective or discipline, the articles approach early modern Hellenism from diverse viewpoints, such as the history of classical scholarship (Gerald Sandy), book history (Natasha Constantinidou), philology and literary history (Filippomaria Pontani) and Oriental and Jewish studies (Asaph Ben-Tov and Bernd Roling). • The word Hellenismus was defined as ‘litterarum Graecarum notitia’: knowledge of, or familiarity with, Greek letters, or Greek learning. In current scholarship, too, ‘Hellenism’ is often used to refer to Greek erudition, with shifting emphases according to the context, whether Byzantium, Classical Islam or German Romanticism. In Renaissance and early modern studies, the term has been used casually, and in a mostly unreflective manner, to denote the increasing knowledge of ancient Greek and Greek literature in humanist circles. • From the end of the fourteenth century onwards, Greek studies spread from Florence to other Italian cities, mainly Venice and Rome; from there, Greek learning was carried beyond the Alps, not only by travelling Greek scholars such as George Hermonymus (fl. 1475-1508) and Janus Lascaris (c. 1449-1535), but also by Northern European scholars such as Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522) in the German-speaking lands and Guillaume Budé (1467-1540) in France. This period also saw pioneering work in the critical study of the ancient Greek sources themselves and in making this study productive for so many domains of art and knowledge, from literature and history to medicine and geography. Whereas early students of Greek concentrated mainly on ‘classical’ literature and (to a lesser extent) patristics, two centuries after Petrarch’s death, the improved knowledge of Greek in learned circles, and the renewed interest in the Greek New Testament, had even stimulated a serious critique of the Latin Vulgate. • What Greek learning, or Hellenismus, meant to early modern scholars becomes apparent if we take a quick look at some of the ways the word was used in the Republic of Letters. The Renaissance borrowing of the Greek term Ἑλληνισμός and its Latin rendering encapsulate the ancient linguistic meaning of Hellenism, while also adapting it and adding a wider, cultural dimension to the ancient notion. In ancient Greek, Ἑλληνισμός had denoted the use, and especially the correct use, of the language, and several works entitled On Hellenism (Περὶ Ἑλληνισμοῦ) reportedly circulated in antiquity. When the term was adopted by Latin authors, it denoted the imitation of Greek constructions in Latin poetry, mainly Virgil. The humanists took over this ‘linguistic’ meaning of the term, and Ἑλληνισμός/Hellenismus for them referred to the Greek language. In particular to the use of a good Greek style and idiom, following the example of approved ancient Greek authors. As such, the term represented a Greek counterpart to the humanist ideal of Latinitas, or a set of normative criteria for language correctness. Additionally, and more specifically, the Latin word and its vernacular cognates came to mean what we would now call a Graecism: an (allegedly) Greek idiom or grammatical feature, or the imitation of Greek constructions, in Latin or any other language. This kind of Hellenism had a special cultural significance, especially for humanists who tried to demonstrate the affinity of their native languages to ancient Greek, as did Andreas Althamer (d. c. 1539) for German and Henri II Estienne (1531-1598) for French. By demonstrating the affinity between ancient Greek and their own languages, they tried to lend dignity to their native tongues: Hellenism becomes a cultural Kampfbegriff (Combat term) of sorts directed against Italian claims to ‘Latin’ and ‘Roman’ cultural primacy. • Beyond the linguistic level, Ἑλληνισμός/Hellenismus in humanist discourse also referred to the worldview of the ancient Hellenes in both its philosophical and religious aspects. This wider usage of the term, too, at least partly had roots in Greek sources, where Ἑλληνισμός could refer to the philosophy or the religion of the ancient Hellenes. With this meaning, it was normally used polemically in religious contexts to denote the opposite of what was seen as ‘orthodoxy’ (from either Jewish or Christian perspectives) and thus came to mean paganism or heresy. In order to capture something of the complexity of Greek learning in early modern Europe, the term ‘Renaissance Hellenism’ has sometimes been used in recent Anglophone scholarship as a retrospective label which yokes together, for analytical convenience, a whole range of early modern engagements with the Hellenic tradition. As such, the term is used to mean not just knowledge of ancient Hellas but also refers more broadly to the ways in which this learning was built up, used and valued in new contexts. This is also how the word is used in the title of this small collection of papers. Thus, importantly, it does not represent a unified view of Greek civilization; it is not the culture of the historical period which is known, with different emphases, from the work of Johann Gustav Droysen (1808-1884) and Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975), nor the philosophical notion which is found in the work of Matthew Arnold (1822-1888). The urgency of creating the term Greek lies with the onslaught of the Ottomans and the conquest of parts of Europe. It is no coincidence that the period of the creation of the term Greek, if we read the above mentioned personalities and creators, we will understand the political background for that creation. To understand the term Greek itself, we need a historical study of early European culture, their ideology (from a Christian point of view), the need for "ancient peoples", while forgetting the expulsion of idolatry (Hellenism) from the Roman Empire (Christendom) and the destruction of all pagan temples. The concept is as follows, with the imposition of "Hellenic" as a term, a special people is created who call themselves Romeoi, even at the height of Ottoman rule who still lives on the Illyrian Peninsula and the Ionian Islands. By studying and knowing the tradition of the mentioned places, where the old culture and tradition is mixed with Christianity (especially Orthodoxy), the peak of the started ideology begins at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. Russia and European powers are making every effort to provoke unrest in the Ottoman Empire for the internal weakening and awakening of Christians. It is no coincidence that there were revolutionary struggles from 1821 to 1830, a struggle for dominance depending on whether the Russian or European side will prevailed. Markos Botsaris (an Albanian) who struggle against Ottomans and create Greece, Karagjorgje (with Albanian backgroud, his grand father was called Gjin Marash from Kliment family) who struggle Ottomans and create Serbia, Ibrahim Temo (an Albanian) who creates the idea of the Turkish nation through the Young Turks....and many others who were linked with mentioned powers who imposed their ideology, language (Slavic + Greek) and culture into already religious divided Albanian (Arber) population. The most biggest mistake is made with adding/accepting Albanian term instead Arber/Arberia and the language Arvareshu which is direct link to Illyrian language. Vittorio Sgarbi seems very upset defending the Greek thesis forgetting that the basis of Hellenism was freedom of thought, philosophy, and speech. To protect the created lie, early European modernists and their followers (although they also understand) including Vittorio Sgarbi, have formed a framework for scientific study which does not allow other fact but imposing exclusivity of Greeks. Should we forget who is Lord Bayron? Why he settled and work together with Ali Pasha of Ioannina?
@@albodab1468 Romans picked up a pre existing name to call us.They didnt invent the word.We had different collective names like Danaoi,Dorians,Hellens and so on
@@albodab1468 Well search up aristotle first...he is way older than the presence of the Romans in Greece...and the name Graikos is way older than aristotles too.he mentions it is the older name of the greeks.Cheers shiptar
Italiani nuk ja ka idene se per cfare flet, nuk arrin dot ne nivelin e Cekes, dhe flet brockulla...Zoti Ceka, mos bini ne kete nivel, ju jeni madheshtor...
Të paçim për jetë I madhi Profesor Ceka. Ke qen aq i qart saqë jam emocionuar aq shum. Jan mësuar kundërshtuarët tanë të manipulojn Historin ton me njerz të thjesht, tradhëtar ose historijan frigalaç. Jeni shum me rëndësi për ne (Kumanova)
@Orenc Koni Po të kesh "fatin" të bisedosh vetëm një herë me Zgarbin kupton sa njeri i ulët që është . Që kur ka filluar të bashkëpunoj me ignorantin kulturor Berlusca , Zgarbi hypi shkallët drejt e në politikë për të zënë një karrige në parlament . Ky ishte qëllimi i tij, të mund të gjente një investitor INJORANT dhe të mund të bënte zhurmë (gjoja se din të flasë) . Dhe fakti që Italia, vëndi i tij që ai llomotit ka rënë në një krizë kulturore, sepse që me ardhjen e Berluskës kanë zënë vënde në politik njerëz si Zgarbi .! Kështuqë debil Zgarbi nuk do mund të merrte me vete një të ditur për të njohur një vënd të ri . Sepse në të vërtetë nuk i hyn në punë ai vëndi i ri nqse nuk i mbushet conto në bankë . Por si thash më lart është një sahanlëpirës për të arritur një qëllim , KARRIGEN QË I PJELL €/$ . Ai nuk di të flasë një fjalë anglisht, ose gjermanisht . Duke menduar që historia arkeologjike flet këto dy gjuhë . Kuptojeni vetë kategorin e një "studiuesi" që nuk di të lexoj . Ai është vetëm një tregtar i rëndomt që me hilet e tij do të tërheqi vëmëndjen për të mbushur xhepat . ! Ishte loja e disa bashkëpunëtorëve të tij që me mënyrat e tyre hileqare (dhe duke marrë parasysh gjaknxehtësinë e shqiptarëve) do ushqeheshin .!! Çdo gjë ishte e menduar mirë.!
Profesor je nji thesar. Elbasani ka nji thesar si familja Ceka. Edhe mos i thuj koleg ktij pleres. E more vesh miku kujt esht ? Te uroj jet te gjat. Do zoti merr nga ditet e ktij dhe mikut te tij. Shendet.
Cfare moderimi skandaloz. "Cfare na djeg ne?" Cfare te djeg ty zonje qe nderhyn ne vendin e gabuar dhe menyren e gabuar. Mos te flasim per pyetjet tuaja qe as mund te konsiderohen te nivelit gazetaresk.
“Emision prestigjoz” moderatore qe me shqetsim ka te bej Sgarbin qe te mos acarohet dhe te mos nderroj mendimin per te ardhur ne shqiperi sasa ti japi hapsiren zotit Ceka qe te flase me argumenta ate qe eshte faktike.
Tixeros Panta me Shum Grek ka ne turqi sod se ne Greqi mos ke frik Shqipetarit Nuk i duhet kultura Greke Shikojeni ADN ju edhe do e kuptoni Prejardhjen Nga Vini Ju Patriota
Tixeros Panta Erare Humanum Est Kjo Esht normal Toka Nuk i Takon As nje kombi Toka esht e Zotit Shko Ose Shkoni ju qe mendoni jeni Grek Bereni Testin ADN Oso DNA ju jeni aq qesharak qe filmin e Trojes dhe filmin e Aleksandrit te Madh e Prezentoni me Flokt te Bardha Zotri me vjen keq po ju keni komplekse me vet veten Lexo Librin 12 Planet e kupton kush jan Greket
Per fat tkeq perkthyesi u perpoq por sja doli t ja thot te gjitha ato qe tha Ceka. Nese ja thonte te gjitha Sgarbi tpakten nga ana morale duhet tkerkonte ndjes
Ne kete rast besoj se vlen ajo shprehja " Reklama me e keqe eshte reklama me e mire".Sigurisht qe Sgarbi eshte Sgarbi dhe ne kete rast na doli edhe goxha i sjellshem por e gjithe kjo mesele do Zoti i vlen si reklame Shqiperise, do Zoti behen njerezit kurioze e shkojne te vizitojne Shqiperine.
Ca di Sgarbi per historine tone Shqiptare Greke, s'ka faj keshtu eshte kur historia e manipulur kaq shume sa eshte radikuar ne mendje saqe e kane te veshtire te shohin kuadrin gjeneral
Nuk e kuptoj perse ne shqipetaret per cdo gje do te krijojne grindje. Sgarbi thote se nuk e kam fjalen per token por per kulturen dhe ketu krijohet polemika se bylisi eshte shqipetar. Per cdo gje njeri i bie gozhdes e tjetri patkoit. Dhe fatkeqesia me e madhe tek ne eshte se kete e bejne njerez me kulture.
Sgarbi eshte mesuar te flasi vete dhe te degjoje po vete. Eshte shume egoist paguhet per te bere rremuje neper kanale televizive. Por Zoti Ceka u tregua shume here me i kulturuar bravo Zoti Ceka.
Bravo zoti neritan ceka flet shum drejt si nga ana historike dhe nga ana politike te ndjek shpesh dhe je shum i sakt mjer ne shiptart qe mbroim vetem te keqen dhe injorancen turp per ne qa shteti kemi e qfar ministrish
Ceka per kultur je shum i njesh.kurse le nje difekt me politiken se njeriu i kultures nuk meret me politik si nga Berisha Nanua apo Rama o Meta. E mos haro se ne kohen e berishes nuk ke qen ndonje far burri.prandaj komplimente e vazhdo me kulturen e popullit ton se je me i miri.tregoja botes historin ton te bukur se po na e vjellin greket e poshter
Bravo te lumte z.Ceka ashtu duhet tu tregohet gjithe armiqve shekulor vendin ku ju takon ...le te shkon e te deklaron ne athin se korfuzi eshte vend ilir e le ti sheh reagimet e tyre...
Profesor NERITANI tregoi botes kushe Jemi ne ,dhe cfare kulture kemi .Ne Populli ILIRI (Populli pagan,Barbar me gluhen me te vjeter ne bote)megjuhen me te vjeter.Qe dhe HOMERI fliste dhe shkruante.
Respekte per prof.Neritan Ceka qe ja kushtuar jeten studimit dhe zbulimit arkeologjik , sigurisht edhe per viziten e prof. Vitorio Zgarbi, por mendoj se prof.Zgarbit pa dashje i kane rene syzet ne pusin e Bylysit ne historine mijevjecare te Shqiperise dhe si kap me. (Durres)
Sgarbi per sa i perket historis se lashte ai asht nji injorant ndersa sa i perket prof ceka per mua ashte shum ma i afte se sgarbi me ate mund te flisni per politik ose per Berlusconin
Respekt per profesor Ceken e kam pare ne vitet tetedhjet ne ORIKUM per zbulimet e ORIKUT te lashte dhe eshte nje turp i madhe per kete skandal Historik qe ka bere buje ne kanalet greke
Zoti profesor Ceka je numri 1 ne kete fushe . RRESPEKTE 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Sa bukur ja tregoj vendin gazetares, zemra mal mu ba
Bravo ceka hallall qumeshti i nenes 🇦🇱🇽🇰🇦🇱🇽🇰
Great respect to Mr. Neritan Caka who speaks openly about the past. The term Greek is generally accepted today (English term taken from Graekos) , deliberately imposed confusion by the creators of the Renaissance and Classicism. The very word Graekos is use first time with the new Latin but the old Latin was called Daikos. Both term have same meaning an idolatry (an religious culture) which according to the god Helios and his followers, they get the term Hellene. Religious culture itself is spreading among the population, and of course among the Illyrians. Where does the error and confusion lie? The problem is, religious culture is delivered to the world as a people.
• Scholars in early modern Europe shaped, used and gave meaning to Greek learning but also refers to how we build and articulate our own perceptions of Hellenism in this period. Instead of starting from one single perspective or discipline, the articles approach early modern Hellenism from diverse viewpoints, such as the history of classical scholarship (Gerald Sandy), book history (Natasha Constantinidou), philology and literary history (Filippomaria Pontani) and Oriental and Jewish studies (Asaph Ben-Tov and Bernd Roling).
• The word Hellenismus was defined as ‘litterarum Graecarum notitia’: knowledge of, or familiarity with, Greek letters, or Greek learning. In current scholarship, too, ‘Hellenism’ is often used to refer to Greek erudition, with shifting emphases according to the context, whether Byzantium, Classical Islam or German Romanticism. In Renaissance and early modern studies, the term has been used casually, and in a mostly unreflective manner, to denote the increasing knowledge of ancient Greek and Greek literature in humanist circles.
• From the end of the fourteenth century onwards, Greek studies spread from Florence to other Italian cities, mainly Venice and Rome; from there, Greek learning was carried beyond the Alps, not only by travelling Greek scholars such as George Hermonymus (fl. 1475-1508) and Janus Lascaris (c. 1449-1535), but also by Northern European scholars such as Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522) in the German-speaking lands and Guillaume Budé (1467-1540) in France. This period also saw pioneering work in the critical study of the ancient Greek sources themselves and in making this study productive for so many domains of art and knowledge, from literature and history to medicine and geography. Whereas early students of Greek concentrated mainly on ‘classical’ literature and (to a lesser extent) patristics, two centuries after Petrarch’s death, the improved knowledge of Greek in learned circles, and the renewed interest in the Greek New Testament, had even stimulated a serious critique of the Latin Vulgate.
• What Greek learning, or Hellenismus, meant to early modern scholars becomes apparent if we take a quick look at some of the ways the word was used in the Republic of Letters. The Renaissance borrowing of the Greek term Ἑλληνισμός and its Latin rendering encapsulate the ancient linguistic meaning of Hellenism, while also adapting it and adding a wider, cultural dimension to the ancient notion. In ancient Greek, Ἑλληνισμός had denoted the use, and especially the correct use, of the language, and several works entitled On Hellenism (Περὶ Ἑλληνισμοῦ) reportedly circulated in antiquity. When the term was adopted by Latin authors, it denoted the imitation of Greek constructions in Latin poetry, mainly Virgil. The humanists took over this ‘linguistic’ meaning of the term, and Ἑλληνισμός/Hellenismus for them referred to the Greek language. In particular to the use of a good Greek style and idiom, following the example of approved ancient Greek authors. As such, the term represented a Greek counterpart to the humanist ideal of Latinitas, or a set of normative criteria for language correctness. Additionally, and more specifically, the Latin word and its vernacular cognates came to mean what we would now call a Graecism: an (allegedly) Greek idiom or grammatical feature, or the imitation of Greek constructions, in Latin or any other language. This kind of Hellenism had a special cultural significance, especially for humanists who tried to demonstrate the affinity of their native languages to ancient Greek, as did Andreas Althamer (d. c. 1539) for German and Henri II Estienne (1531-1598) for French. By demonstrating the affinity between ancient Greek and their own languages, they tried to lend dignity to their native tongues: Hellenism becomes a cultural Kampfbegriff (Combat term) of sorts directed against Italian claims to ‘Latin’ and ‘Roman’ cultural primacy.
• Beyond the linguistic level, Ἑλληνισμός/Hellenismus in humanist discourse also referred to the worldview of the ancient Hellenes in both its philosophical and religious aspects. This wider usage of the term, too, at least partly had roots in Greek sources, where Ἑλληνισμός could refer to the philosophy or the religion of the ancient Hellenes. With this meaning, it was normally used polemically in religious contexts to denote the opposite of what was seen as ‘orthodoxy’ (from either Jewish or Christian perspectives) and thus came to mean paganism or heresy.
In order to capture something of the complexity of Greek learning in early modern Europe, the term ‘Renaissance Hellenism’ has sometimes been used in recent Anglophone scholarship as a retrospective label which yokes together, for analytical convenience, a whole range of early modern engagements with the Hellenic tradition. As such, the term is used to mean not just knowledge of ancient Hellas but also refers more broadly to the ways in which this learning was built up, used and valued in new contexts. This is also how the word is used in the title of this small collection of papers. Thus, importantly, it does not represent a unified view of Greek civilization; it is not the culture of the historical period which is known, with different emphases, from the work of Johann Gustav Droysen (1808-1884) and Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975), nor the philosophical notion which is found in the work of Matthew Arnold (1822-1888).
The urgency of creating the term Greek lies with the onslaught of the Ottomans and the conquest of parts of Europe. It is no coincidence that the period of the creation of the term Greek, if we read the above mentioned personalities and creators, we will understand the political background for that creation. To understand the term Greek itself, we need a historical study of early European culture, their ideology (from a Christian point of view), the need for "ancient peoples", while forgetting the expulsion of idolatry (Hellenism) from the Roman Empire (Christendom) and the destruction of all pagan temples.
The concept is as follows, with the imposition of "Hellenic" as a term, a special people is created who call themselves Romeoi, even at the height of Ottoman rule who still lives on the Illyrian Peninsula and the Ionian Islands. By studying and knowing the tradition of the mentioned places, where the old culture and tradition is mixed with Christianity (especially Orthodoxy), the peak of the started ideology begins at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. Russia and European powers are making every effort to provoke unrest in the Ottoman Empire for the internal weakening and awakening of Christians. It is no coincidence that there were revolutionary struggles from 1821 to 1830, a struggle for dominance depending on whether the Russian or European side will prevailed.
Markos Botsaris (an Albanian) who struggle against Ottomans and create Greece, Karagjorgje (with Albanian backgroud, his grand father was called Gjin Marash from Kliment family) who struggle Ottomans and create Serbia, Ibrahim Temo (an Albanian) who creates the idea of the Turkish nation through the Young Turks....and many others who were linked with mentioned powers who imposed their ideology, language (Slavic + Greek) and culture into already religious divided Albanian (Arber) population. The most biggest mistake is made with adding/accepting Albanian term instead Arber/Arberia and the language Arvareshu which is direct link to Illyrian language.
Vittorio Sgarbi seems very upset defending the Greek thesis forgetting that the basis of Hellenism was freedom of thought, philosophy, and speech. To protect the created lie, early European modernists and their followers (although they also understand) including Vittorio Sgarbi, have formed a framework for scientific study which does not allow other fact but imposing exclusivity of Greeks. Should we forget who is Lord Bayron? Why he settled and work together with Ali Pasha of Ioannina?
Aristotle said that the word Graikos is the ancient name of the Hellenes,a tribe in Epirus...i cant stand your bullshit anymore Albos
@@MrAbagaz romans called you graikos
@@albodab1468 Romans picked up a pre existing name to call us.They didnt invent the word.We had different collective names like Danaoi,Dorians,Hellens and so on
@@MrAbagaz yes they did search it up
@@albodab1468 Well search up aristotle first...he is way older than the presence of the Romans in Greece...and the name Graikos is way older than aristotles too.he mentions it is the older name of the greeks.Cheers shiptar
Profesor Ceka ! Eshte mjeshter i kultures dhe historise . Shume i drejt
Flet shum gabim
... ngatron kekun me byrekun, lali
Italiani nuk ja ka idene se per cfare flet, nuk arrin dot ne nivelin e Cekes, dhe flet brockulla...Zoti Ceka, mos bini ne kete nivel, ju jeni madheshtor...
Po zgarbi eshte palaco ,profesor ceka kurre sdo binte ne nivelin e keti palaco makaroni
Të paçim për jetë I madhi Profesor Ceka. Ke qen aq i qart saqë jam emocionuar aq shum. Jan mësuar kundërshtuarët tanë të manipulojn Historin ton me njerz të thjesht, tradhëtar ose historijan frigalaç. Jeni shum me rëndësi për ne (Kumanova)
Të lumtë Shqipe 🦅
Kishit mare nje muratore nga kavaja qe jeton ne Itali edhe e kishte qare perkthimin!
😂 E sigurt plak,mka mek fare kur e bënte përkthimin fiks siç fliste sgarbi me emocione 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Domethen domethen me mir mos tè perktheje se e kuptojme me mire
"Domethënë, domethënë"😅
@Orenc Koni
Po të kesh "fatin" të bisedosh vetëm një herë me Zgarbin kupton sa njeri i ulët që është .
Që kur ka filluar të bashkëpunoj me ignorantin kulturor Berlusca , Zgarbi hypi shkallët drejt e në politikë për të zënë një karrige në parlament .
Ky ishte qëllimi i tij, të mund të gjente një investitor INJORANT dhe të mund të bënte zhurmë (gjoja se din të flasë) .
Dhe fakti që Italia, vëndi i tij që ai llomotit ka rënë në një krizë kulturore, sepse që me ardhjen e Berluskës kanë zënë vënde në politik njerëz si Zgarbi .!
Kështuqë debil Zgarbi nuk do mund të merrte me vete një të ditur për të njohur një vënd të ri . Sepse në të vërtetë nuk i hyn në punë ai vëndi i ri nqse nuk i mbushet conto në bankë .
Por si thash më lart është një sahanlëpirës për të arritur një qëllim , KARRIGEN QË I PJELL €/$ .
Ai nuk di të flasë një fjalë anglisht, ose gjermanisht . Duke menduar që historia arkeologjike flet këto dy gjuhë .
Kuptojeni vetë kategorin e një "studiuesi" që nuk di të lexoj .
Ai është vetëm një tregtar i rëndomt që me hilet e tij do të tërheqi vëmëndjen për të mbushur xhepat . !
Ishte loja e disa bashkëpunëtorëve të tij që me mënyrat e tyre hileqare (dhe duke marrë parasysh gjaknxehtësinë e shqiptarëve) do ushqeheshin .!!
Çdo gjë ishte e menduar mirë.!
Profesor je nji thesar. Elbasani ka nji thesar si familja Ceka. Edhe mos i thuj koleg ktij pleres. E more vesh miku kujt esht ? Te uroj jet te gjat. Do zoti merr nga ditet e ktij dhe mikut te tij. Shendet.
Cfare moderimi skandaloz. "Cfare na djeg ne?" Cfare te djeg ty zonje qe nderhyn ne vendin e gabuar dhe menyren e gabuar. Mos te flasim per pyetjet tuaja qe as mund te konsiderohen te nivelit gazetaresk.
“Emision prestigjoz” moderatore qe me shqetsim ka te bej Sgarbin qe te mos acarohet dhe te mos nderroj mendimin per te ardhur ne shqiperi sasa ti japi hapsiren zotit Ceka qe te flase me argumenta ate qe eshte faktike.
Drus Topia sa mire e ke thene
Kjo perpiqet te tregohet e mencur prandaji dhe nuk e fsheh dote ate qe eshte .
🇦🇱🇦🇱🙏🙏 Bravo Ceka 🙏🙏🇦🇱🇦🇱.
Bravo Zoti Ceka.
Rrespekt nga Kosova per z.Neritan Ceka vertet qdo fjal e jotja mka prek thell ne zemer je i madj Zoti trujt .
S'me mbetet gje tjeter vecse te citoj "Pallatin 176":
"Ua sa te thella paskan qene keto pune, pupupu"
Te lumte goja neritan
Zoti ceka ti je nje gladiator I dites te sotmve.
Bravo zotri Ceka zoti ju rujt.
Bravo ceka. Je. I. Zoti.
Ke. punuar. dhe. Shtjuduar
RESPEKT Ceka. Normale që quhet kreke çdo gjë ! Se historinë e Illirisë e Kan Fshirë
Te lumte Ceka.
Meritan Ceka RESPEKT
Respect per Neritan Ceka💖🇦🇱
Pushojeni nga puna ktë përkthyes që përdor terma të huaj
po cfare perkthyesi hahahahahah vetem domethen domethene domethene thot sgarbi hahahahahahahahahahahaha domethene
Kjo shushke qe do ta ndrespes Prefesorin pa mbaruar fjalin
Respekt per Profesor Ceken.
mik i ramed qenke.... shume mire, mos eja me ketu dhe jemi ne rregull.
I madh profesor Ceka ❤️🇦🇱
Ti profesor n.c mos i dëshpëro.ti me gjith shokët je simbol i arkeologjisë shqiptare jeni nderi i komb.
Greket vet e pranojn se kan prejardhje Aziatike Bravo zotri Ceka je i Mrekullushem 👐🇦🇱👐
Tixeros Panta me Shum Grek ka ne turqi sod se ne Greqi mos ke frik Shqipetarit Nuk i duhet kultura Greke Shikojeni ADN ju edhe do e kuptoni Prejardhjen Nga Vini Ju Patriota
Tixeros Panta Erare Humanum Est Kjo Esht normal Toka Nuk i Takon As nje kombi Toka esht e Zotit Shko Ose Shkoni ju qe mendoni jeni Grek Bereni Testin ADN Oso DNA ju jeni aq qesharak qe filmin e Trojes dhe filmin e Aleksandrit te Madh e Prezentoni me Flokt te Bardha Zotri me vjen keq po ju keni komplekse me vet veten Lexo Librin 12 Planet e kupton kush jan Greket
@@magnagrecia1420 salutate la merdagrecia 💩💩💩💩💩💩
Per fat tkeq perkthyesi u perpoq por sja doli t ja thot te gjitha ato qe tha Ceka. Nese ja thonte te gjitha Sgarbi tpakten nga ana morale duhet tkerkonte ndjes
Ne kete rast besoj se vlen ajo shprehja " Reklama me e keqe eshte reklama me e mire".Sigurisht qe Sgarbi eshte Sgarbi dhe ne kete rast na doli edhe goxha i sjellshem por e gjithe kjo mesele do Zoti i vlen si reklame Shqiperise, do Zoti behen njerezit kurioze e shkojne te vizitojne Shqiperine.
ahhh te lumte goja profesor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Flm profesor Ceka dhe vazhdo te lutem te punoni keshtu
Na u desh Vittorio qe tna reazoj pak ujrat e patriotizmit dhe te atdhedashurise.Respekte te perzemerta z.Neritan Ceka
Dyrahu eshte emertim helen.
Oj loqe tokat e pjerrta quhen rrahe esht puro shqip 2 rrahe..
Llapaqen italian
Të lumtë goja Profesor Ceka.
Zoti professor jeni Shum I sakte faleminderit
Respekt të madh për Profesorin Neritan Ceka!! Ju lumtë!!
Rrespekt Z Ceka trujt zoti madh. Kjo esht ajo çfare kam pritur prej nje shqiptari tvertet. 🇦🇱🇦🇱
Respekte, Neritan Ceka !
Qa, nderhyn kjo Moderatorja ? S‘e lejon njeriun me shpreh mendimin. !
Bravo Prof. Ceka për përfaqësimin dinjitozë
Complimente. Per. Emisionin. E. Per. Il professor. Ceka. 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Perkthyesi 1 fare. Domethene Domethene Domethene Domethene
Ca di Sgarbi per historine tone Shqiptare Greke, s'ka faj keshtu eshte kur historia e manipulur kaq shume sa eshte radikuar ne mendje saqe e kane te veshtire te shohin kuadrin gjeneral
Ku ta di ky i uruar që illirët dhe grekët e vjetër jan i njëjti popull
respekt per zotin Ceka
jan trembur shum fqinjet se po del historia e vertet mbi shqiptaret.bylis esht mu ne zemer te iliris
Sgarbi ben nje diskutim dhe prezantim primitiv. Bravo Ceka dhe Tare qe nuk bini ne nivelin e tij!
Bravo Ceka je nje zoteri i vertete
Faleminderit profesor Ceka per njohurite e sakta.
Bravo profesor Neritan Ceka.Duhet tu ja tregojm edhe grekeve se jan ilire dhe kush jan ilir.
Bravo Profesor Ceka respekte plasua te verteten keture gjasme historjan leshi.
Respekt zoti Ceka
Mbravo zoti Neritan cdo gje èshte mar nga kultura greke
Ktè duhet te kuptoij populli shqiptar
Ishte i nevojshèm ky debat !!!
Edhe nje here faleminderit Eni qe nuk na le te mesojme asnji gje prej emisionit tând!! Rrofte polemika!!
Bravo zoti Ceka.
Po thuaj, se sa monumente ka vjedh ugolini,si puna jote
Jà bere shume neve jemi popull autokton me i vjeteri ne europe
Zoti te Bekoft NERITAN CELA
Respekt per Profesor Neritan Ceken te shquar si arkeolog dhe studiues i se vertetes historike iliro - shqiptare!
Mos o ozot ky qe perkthen esht skandal....
Neritan Ceka je Profesor I Nderuar.
Sa i pa diciplinuar ky Sgarbi !
Nuk e kuptoj perse ne shqipetaret per cdo gje do te krijojne grindje. Sgarbi thote se nuk e kam fjalen per token por per kulturen dhe ketu krijohet polemika se bylisi eshte shqipetar. Per cdo gje njeri i bie gozhdes e tjetri patkoit. Dhe fatkeqesia me e madhe tek ne eshte se kete e bejne njerez me kulture.
Zgarbi mos i rras undet ku nuk duet
Bravo bravo bravo Neritan ceka 👏👏👏👋👏👏👏👏👏👏🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱💪
Bravo zoti nritan ceka🇦🇱💪🌟💞
Bravo z.Ceka
Sgarbi eshte mesuar te flasi vete dhe te degjoje po vete. Eshte shume egoist paguhet per te bere rremuje neper kanale televizive. Por Zoti Ceka u tregua shume here me i kulturuar bravo Zoti Ceka.
Neritan Ceka lind nena 1 her ne 500 vite .... zoti te bekoft .
Zoti bekoft Neritan Ceken ... nena nuk lind me 😢
Hahhahhaaaa sa i fort je zoteri .
Bravo Neritan Ceka.
Bravo Profesor Neritan Ceka
Bravo zoti neritan ceka flet shum drejt si nga ana historike dhe nga ana politike te ndjek shpesh dhe je shum i sakt mjer ne shiptart qe mbroim vetem te keqen dhe injorancen turp per ne qa shteti kemi e qfar ministrish
Ceka e Tare jeni historianet me te mir !!!
Zgarbi mo ngadal mor burr??
Rrespekte profesor Ceka
Sgarbi non te la prendere non è successo niente tempesta in un bicchiere d'acqua
Puna esht ca jemi sot ?
Ky asht nje cop injoranti ne itali Po pse merri me kete
Ceka per kultur je shum i njesh.kurse le nje difekt me politiken se njeriu i kultures nuk meret me politik si nga Berisha Nanua apo Rama o Meta. E mos haro se ne kohen e berishes nuk ke qen ndonje far burri.prandaj komplimente e vazhdo me kulturen e popullit ton se je me i miri.tregoja botes historin ton te bukur se po na e vjellin greket e poshter
Cdo respekt per arkeologun e shquar Neritan Ceka
Nuk ka Greek der ne within por Jan ne turqi
Bravo te lumte z.Ceka ashtu duhet tu tregohet gjithe armiqve shekulor vendin ku ju takon ...le te shkon e te deklaron ne athin se korfuzi eshte vend ilir e le ti sheh reagimet e tyre...
.. Ishalla kjo polemikë sherben per të sjellë ndonjë fluks turistash.. Lek...
Respekte per zotin neritan ceka historian njeri i lexuar
Profesor NERITANI tregoi botes kushe Jemi ne ,dhe cfare kulture kemi .Ne Populli ILIRI (Populli pagan,Barbar me gluhen me te vjeter ne bote)megjuhen me te vjeter.Qe dhe HOMERI fliste dhe shkruante.
I Dashur Sgarbi në shqipëri😃😀😃😀😃😄😃😀😃
Përkthyesi është i papërshtatshëm
Respekte per prof.Neritan Ceka qe ja kushtuar jeten studimit dhe zbulimit arkeologjik , sigurisht edhe per viziten e prof. Vitorio Zgarbi, por mendoj se prof.Zgarbit pa dashje i kane rene syzet ne pusin e Bylysit ne historine mijevjecare te Shqiperise dhe si kap me. (Durres)
Turp per ministrin e kultures
Rrespekte per neritan cekn me kemb ne tok.
Prfesor Ceka jeni shumë i sakte
domethene domethene 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌
Sgarbi per sa i perket historis se lashte ai asht nji injorant ndersa sa i perket prof ceka per mua ashte shum ma i afte se sgarbi me ate mund te flisni per politik ose per Berlusconin
Neritan ceka sibpolitikan me vjen te vjell, po ne kte rast, bravo, gjigand
Z Ceka i nderuar, krenar per ju jetoj ne Itali gati 20 vjet Sgarbi nuk me pelqen fare 😅
Respekt per profesor Ceken e kam pare ne vitet tetedhjet ne ORIKUM per zbulimet e ORIKUT te lashte dhe eshte nje turp i madhe per kete skandal Historik qe ka bere buje ne kanalet greke