I was a Naval Officer, in CIC, on board the USS Camden, off the coast of SoCal/Mexico/San Clemente Island, as part of the battle group conducting warfare exercises in 2004. We were along side the carrier from which those fighter jets chased the "Tic-Tac". I saw the Tic-Tac on radar in CIC and verfied with Senior Chief and the E5 operations specialist manning that system, that the equipment was not malfunctioning. The radar was ranged out and the Tic-Tac hopped from one end of the screen to the next in a literal blink of an eye. After about three days of excitement and incessant talking about it, we were instructed by the XO to not talk about it off the ship and then a few days later to not talk about it ever again.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever "hooping" you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping bogus contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the "Tic Tac event". The "tic tac" in that video is Russian platform that was launched from the submarine... when Fravor went haywire.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever "hooping" you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping bogus contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the "Tic Tac event". The "tic tac" in that video is Russian platform that was launched from the submarine... and Fravor saw the launch.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever hopping you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping radar contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the event. It was a Russian platform launched from the submarine... and Fravor saw the launch.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and the "hopping" was Electronic Attack (EA) jamming platform that both US and Russia use since 1971, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the event.
The only explanation I can think of for a top-secret level weapon leaking like this would be to warn adversaries, as a form of deterrent, without officially disclosing, to leave the confusion of potential - "surprise, they're real" warfare scenarios in the cards, however, if it were the case that the US government had such superior maneuverability, they could demonstrate it to other world leaders up close and personal. That sounds like nimble maneuverability that could sidestep a missile.
Well, part of the government still denies it, and a different faction in the government says it's real. So if you're planning on basing the truth based on what the government says, I got bad news lol
Quick point: you'll notice the AARO heat map coincides where the US military does most of their operations - that's why the sightings are in those locations.
I have listened to him and my brain got in deepest state of confusion, I thought:"what the Hell is he talking about, doesn't he simply put words together no matter the meaning?" and if there were tachyons, I would say, he stole it from Star Trek. For a second I have just watched him opening mouth and telling words, it was so confusing moment and a feeling. 😅
If aliens were advanced enough to come to earth, they wouldn’t even care about the surpassed concept of a „leader“ who gets to spend the money from other people without their individual consent just because he won a popularity contest.
I was born in Estonia during cold war. Being part of punk culture we hoped, that UFO's will help us to get out from Communistic regime. Therefore, we organised trips to island Hiiumaa, where on clear august nights you can see stars and UFO's. And somethimes we are lucky to see stars making 90 degree turns and chasing each other. Later, after the collapse of Soviet Union I found out, that those stars was US Blackbird constantly violating Soviet Airspace and Soviet MIK's trying to catch it. But was interesting times.
Even more funny are the claims that the SR-71 was supposedly "stealth", when in reality it was lightning up like a flare on all the southern Baltic coastal radars. Yes, the spielbook didn't change that much since those days.
There is no-way these objects can be reverse-engineered by humans at this time. It's possible the US Gov is keeping _artifacts_ , but these are probably accreting dust in some dark USAF hangar.
The U.S. government can't even guarantee health care for all of its citizens. So there's nothing there, just lots of greed, corruption, and incompetence.
Complete clown show. Unless everything science says and thinks about the universe is wrong, I'm utterly convinced there is other life out there. Do I believe the government is hiding bodies and crashed alien vessels ? Absolutely not. This is nonsense.
We are all frustrated, but don't give up. Everything he shared had to literally be approved for release by the Inspector General's Office. Plus, he is a decorated Afghanistan combat veteran, and he is under oath here.
My theory is that we're being visited by aliens filming short documentary videos called "r/PeopleOfEarth" and "r/StupidHumans". With an occasional feel-good story about how they adopted a cute little human that had been abandoned on a country highway and was starving before they saved it.
@@BitBlinkThat sort of grates with my logic "unidentified anomalous" aren't all unidentified things anomalous, and if it's anomalous you've probably identified it as such, can't we just call them flying saucers and leave it at that.
@@mandygershon8603 By the way, equating Neil Tyson as an equivalent to Sabine is funny. Its not about their junk, "Clapback Barbie", even if you want to spin it that way. They don't have the cortex to ace these subjects, in a way that's too complex to put into text. You got wrecked. Next. 🏁
'Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them, meaning that they find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises. '
USAF fighter pilots used to play a little trick where they'd turn off their lights, then pull up to the right side of an airliner, turn on their cockpit light, and make wild gesticulations with their arms. Once enough passengers noticed, they'd turn off their cockpit light, drop down below the airliner to the other side, and repeat. Then the pilot would turn the cockpit light off again, drop below the airliner, and then shoot ahead of the airliner at a high speed, so the pilots only saw the afterburner. Everyone reported something different. Needless to say, a fighter pilot can get into a lot of trouble for doing this, so it's not 'fessed up to very often.
@@OtterFlys Not accurate. After DOSPR approved an additional set of information for public disclosure, David Grusch snd his attorney, the first IC IG, Charles McCullough, during a 6 minute BBC radio interview around August, was able to acknowledge he had actually seen first hand evidence that he mentioned of previously. Which the 40 other IC IG whistleblowers also have first hand knowledge of, being either present or former crash retrieval program members.
As someone who's gone down the UAP rabbit-hole, I do appreciate this video. There is one issue, that is the reliance on the AARO report; When I've seen other scientifically minded people talk about it, it's been called alot of things, but good science it's not. Also, there is a lot of witnesses which we know has been at AARO to testify, yet the report does not account for any of them; Danny Sheehan, Michael Herrera etc. And if I remember correctly, David Grusch did not trust AARO, because they are one of the gatekeepers of this thing, so he went another route to get the word out. Plus, Sean Kirkpatrick, who lead AARO at that point, has since gone to work at one of these companies which is assumed to be involved in this whole debacle. I know the Americans are the most loud people in this sphere, but it's not like these stories doesn't happen in the EU either; Belgian UFO wave 1989 etc. etc. South America does also have a deep history with the subject, but I think we as Europeans are a little bit biased because of the english language
I'm pretty sure the Belgen airforce chased tictac in the late 80's early 90's. The Soviets' also had a lot of documentation on Missile silos being 'messed with' by orbs. Google "Usovo UFO". Australia has a bunch, but that was mostly back in the 80\90's in WA. But, yes I agree, most of the recent activity has been over the USA.
There is another major event involving a children’s school in Africa. The Ariel School in Zimbabwe, 1994. 60 school kids of various ages. Midday landing and direct contact. Certainly there are critics, but this is a widely reported and studied story.
That's what I was thinking. Person makes a claim the govt has been lying to people for decades -> govt report says it's not true -> "Welp, I'm convinced, the govt wouldn't lie to us!!!" The map of UAP reports are also totally clueless, you'd have to be pretty stupid to think UAP's only get reported in USA and, what was it, Japan & Middle East?
I'm still waiting for that darned pilot that said he'd definitely come back to pick us up and not leave us on this stinking planet. There are a lot of weird aliens here and I'm gonna do something I'll regret if I don't get outta here soon.
Huh?? what does a marketable portion size sold cheaply in bulk have to do with aliens? What, do you think aliens only drink from buckets?? How could you think those are remotely related?
Sabine, it's a long story, but I was involved with ufology around a decade and a half ago... There's too much craziness in it, no doubt about that... And I became a skeptical. But... There's a few really weird cases... The issue is how exactly do you extract evidence from things that happened years ago? (One example is the Brazilian UFO night, that happened in 1986... Objects were detected by radar, then civilian pilots saw them... Then the Brazilian airforce sent fighter jets, which also interacted with the objects and so on... And then the government, a dictatorship at the time, called the press and told everything that happened.) Now, at this exact moment, we're seeing the drone drama, that is happening even in Germany. We don't know what they are either, but everybody is calling them drones now. Anyway, I know nothing. But I'm following what is happening, basically for curiosity. Let's see what happens. Merry Christmas! Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
Rather similar to Tehran 1976 ufo incident... Unfortunately Wikipedia gives completely misleading account of the Tehran case... the page has been heavily moderated by skeptics who don't approve official US gov documents for the event!
@@MCsCreations At first the military, the press, and part of a newly so-called goverment that was trying to build itself (the dictatorship ended in 1985) said "Yes, they saw it" ... a few days later the Brazilian Airforce Spokesman said it "Nothing happened, they were confused by natural lights, case closed, no more questions - bye". Very strange indeed.
The UK too! In the late 1960s * a friend and I used to visit "Cradle Hill" in Wiltshire (Southern England). He was fascinated by UFOs and collected stories. We both saw lights doing things we could not explain (we are both "scientists/engineers") and heard lots of stories. He tried to publish some and was visited by some "high up" people who told him not to! * Yes, it was the 60s and yes, we knew about the cultural imperatives. Well done Sabine!
I saw some STEVEs recently. And they tend to come coupled with Sky-glow. I don't know about you, but in the 1960s, that would definitely have looked like UFOs to anyone's eyes. Same for Ball-lightning.
None of the videos in question actually depict objects moving particularly fast, they can all be explained by parallax issues. If you don't how close or far an object is it's very easy to misjudge its speed and acceleration.
Except the Tic Tac video which not only corroborates the pilot accounts but was also able to go from a zero ground speed hover to so fast the FLIR pod lost the lock
Few errors in video: - There is an initiative about UAPs on an european, EU level - There is a heatmap from previous years (2022-2023) highlighting Europe - it is changed to Unidentified Anomalous (not aerial) Phenomena.
Hi Sabine, I'm Aryan (33 yrs old) from U.P., India. When I was a 2 year old, I had keen interest in aeronautics, at the age of 5 I could name any plane or chopper by hearing the noise & looking at it. One night in 2007 I was walking with my mother on the terrace & heard a sound I never heard before. I was similar to a mechanical buzzing bee. When I looked up I noticed 2 disc-shape aerial vehicles hovering slowly from North to South which they passed from above us. I told my mother that instant it is not a chopper. Why? Because I could see them. When you notice a chopper flying over you, you can see its rotors rotating easily. Thats how you identify a chopper at night. But what I saw...was DIFFERENT. I might explain it like this...let us consider looking at a circle, then draw another circle in that circle...it becomes a concentric circle...right? The Aerial Phenomenon I saw had an inner circle rotating anticlockwise. I could notice that at night because the outer circular surface had a fixed purplish hue light facing the inner rotating area. Both those objects were identical...but one was approx 300m high and the other was more than 300m. With years of experience about studying planes and helicopters etc...before that moment...i couldn't process and identify it. Thats when I figured they are UFOs. I heard that same buzzing sound after 6 years on a rainy day but couldn't see any flybys. Now you tell me what it was or what tech it could've been. But after that incident...my interest in cosmos, E.T., Quantum Physics skyrocketed...and here I'm following you.
What makes you think its technological and not psychological? And objective observer would at least consider the possibility. I do a lot of sky watching. I live a few hundred miles from Cape Canaveral and there is a dark isolated place on the beach about 30 minutes drive from my house. Great place to watch meteor showers, rocket launches from the Cape, you can see the Milky Way. A few years ago I went there with a few friends to watch a Falcon 9 launch and offshore landing. There were a few strangers there doing the same thing. Before the launch one of us notices this thing floating around in the surf. We were standing on a elevated wooden platform around 20 meters above the beach. We all see this "thing" floating in the water and emitting an orange glow. My first thought was that someones tent must have blown off the beach into the water. It must have a light inside. Then someone says it looks like a trashcan. I thought to myself yeah, it does kind of look like a trashcan. But why would a trashcan glow like that? There is no artificial lighting at this place. By this time everyone on the platform is watching this thing. Someone says "oh look, its a sailboat!" And again, it starts to look like a sailboat, which would also explain the light. We are all watching this thing change and morph in front of our eyes. We are all completely sober, I dont drink and its a long drive anyway. Nobody says it but we are all starting to think that this must be something really strange. Maybe even a UFO. Its clearly right there in the surf, maybe 200 meters from where we're standing. At some point I look around and ask where is the Moon? Everyone looks around, doesnt see the Moon and goes back to watching this object. What could the Moon have to do with this thing in the water anyway? Then the clouds out on the horizon that we hadnt noticed clear and we can plainly see that this object which was just right there bobbing around in the surf is actually just the Moon rising. The combination of weather conditions and our elevated viewing position caused some kind of weird perspective illusion. Our eyes and brains are not cameras and memory cards. We are hallucinating the reality around us all the time. Its just how our perception works. I've seen some other weird optical illusions that I was able to figure out. One was called Ghost Light Road and according to the locals story was the ghost of a headless motorcyclist. It was actually just a long dark road through the woods with a highway that curved past the end. When the conditions were right it looked like a bright light was coming right at you before vanishing. I drove down to the end of the road and saw headlights on the highway. I've heard about other Ghost light Roads all over the world. My point is that you can't trust your own eyes and ears when you don't know what you are looking at. Your brain fills in the gaps with wild guesses based on your life experience. And the more times you think about it after the fact the more your mind tries to fill in the gaps. Its probably a survival instinct left over from the time when humans were not the top of the food chain. We see patterns whether they are really there or not because it's better to guess and be wrong than not guess and get eaten by the tiger hiding in the bushes. I know people do not like this explanation but that doesnt make it untrue. We can be fooled by lines and colors on paper right in front of our faces. Theres no shame in admitting something fooled you. But insisting that it must be something amazing because you can't possibly be wrong is something else.
@@allineedis1mike81 man I am from the most populated country...I have really sharp eyes. If that "brain makes you believe its something special" thing was with me...I would've seen those things again & again. I never had the privilege to see that again. I also understand the psychology behind these stuffs & people's behaviour when they see UFOs. Most of the times what you said REALLY DOES HAPPEN with people. But a very few people who always take it as brain's pretending you is something exotic but isn't...people miss what EXACTLY is was. Maybe you never got the privilege to see that. But I did...I have very sharp eyes & I focus on facts. Maybe you're one of those who don't believe that E.T. exist. Thats what the majority says. Dude, I belong to a country of superstition yet I stand apart from what the majority believes in & I only focus on the facts. And what I saw was hard to handle for everyone who are non believers. Then I stopped talking about it for a decade until this post. I assume non believers still won't believe even after E.T. attack the world just like guys who believe earth is flat lmao...Lol JK.
@@bodystomp5302 anytime brother. Thanks for believing because out of 100...98 of them are hoax. Just because of those 98 hoaxes...people don't take the rest 2 seriously. Everything I mention in my comment is 100% authentic.
Ezekiel 1:15-21. In this passage, Ezekiel describes a vision he had, which includes the famous imagery of “a wheel within a wheel.” Here’s a brief excerpt: “As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.” (Ezekiel 1:15-16, NIV)
Please, keep covering this topic. We may need additional time to uncover the most fundamental law of physics by ourselves, but we can certainly accelerate the process with the support of our NIH colleagues. Thank you for approaching this possibility with an open mind, without dismissal or ridicule, as it seems to grow closer to reality with each passing day.
It's a false-flag event coordinated by the US Military/Gov to get the public to open their wallets for another unnecessary Fed Dept of course they're NOT going to investigate themselves.
They’re the US’ my friend. Get real and a clue… it very likely involves reconnaissance and investigation of the actual UFOUAP phenomenon. Due time friend, in all due time.
I think you should look up the Belgium Wave. Remember also that David Gruach said that the first UFO crash was in Italy, and the US secured that craft. So they visit from time to time
Apparently the French invited the aliens to a friendly lunch alnd they're still in an ICU recovering from all that red wine. Expect a death star soon after.
Saw as a grade schooler along with hundreds of other students, family members, and school staff a metallic silver pyramid about the size of a school bus spinning in place no more than 50 feet above PS 54 Bronx NYC back in either 1970 or 1971. It was NOT an optical illusion since its sides reflected sunlight. It was NOT a balloon because despite the heavy winds that day the craft never wobbled, never drifted, it kept spinning perfectly in place. A few minutes into me watching it a black helicopter arrived and began circling it, further proving it was an ACTUAL OBJECT. The bell sounded ending recess, we all went back into the school building but nobody ever again spoke about it. I know what I saw but I have found ZERO mention of it on the net, not even the standard government “debunking” article/tv segment. I provide the following names of staff members hoping that one or more of them told family, friends, acquaintances, and others about the incident and one or more of them or their descendants can come forward to corroborate what I saw! Principal Mr. Guterman, Vice Princial Mr. Kingsley, 4th grade teacher Ms Levy, teacher assistant Ms Etsig, 5th grade teacher Ms Zane, staffers Mr Asherman and Mr Becker.
docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf here you can see that his academic background is in deed related to physics.
If the Pentagon can investigate itself regarding the allegations, if one day I'm accused of something, I also want to be appointed to investigate myself, and see if I can also find myself innocent. I promise to be honest. Pentagon's word.
I'm waiting for a non-ridiculous explanation as to why an extraterrestrial civilization would go to the trouble and expense of coming here for the apparent purpose of playing peek-a-boo.
The non-ridicuous explanation is that they don't because a) they don't exist or b) if they do exist, they are unable to travel the vast distances involved
the chance of them coming here after we were born is extremely low, the universe is much older than us. Much more likely they are here since our beginnings, observing, or lightly interacting. It's just a mathematical consideration.
Your question is riddled with hidden assumptions about "how much trouble and expense" it is for them. There are simply too many unknown unknowns that you are conveniently glossing over.
UAP actually now stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Because they kept going in and out of water and space as well. So "Aerial" didn't really cut it anymore. Yes - you read that correctly. This was a well balanced video, Sabine - thankyou for bringing some (at least) neutral and intelligent attention to the topic.
there is a phenomenon you can observe going in and out of water on a daily basis. It's called "the sun hiding behind the horizon" and it looks exactly like the recordings of these "UAPs" that I've seen 😂
No one is covering all the UDOs (Unidentified Driving Objects), I have seen far to many things traveling our roads and bouncing along mountain & forest trails. Some are completely quiet, others are belching noxious fumes and extreme audio disturbances. There are far to many well documented cases of people being disoriented and even temporarily blinded by bright lights especially at night. Erratic movements and sudden turns on red without stopping can easily support the belief that beings not of this world without even the basic knowledge of our traffic laws are out there. We do not have to look up to find aliens, they are in the lane next to you.
the most unbelieveable thing about the entire story would be that w eare able to reverse engeneer such a tech. its like sayin someone in the midages can replicate an iphone
@@mike-0451 The very fact that technological progress is exponential is the precise reason that the technology of a society much older than us would be completely out of our reach to understand.
@@mike-0451 It's exponential only to a certian point. Then it becomes an s-curve approaching the upper bounds set by physics and practical engineering. Currently known concepts of FTL drives require millions of stars worth of energy which - if possible at all - is obviously much farther away in the future than we are from ancient Rome or even Egypt.
what was the most interesting revelation in the latest hearing compared to the Grusch one was that apparently congress has now also found out about recorded injuries of state personel, because they got their hands on the payments for those injuries. They didn't really go further than the spokesperson mentioning it in a question to the panel, but it's still new info that Grusch hinted at in his hearing under oath that apparently lead to successful investigations.
When I was a kid a whole bunch of neighbors gathered on the sidewalk to point and stare at this strange glowing thing in morning light sky. I got my telesope out to have a look. It was clearly a weather balloon, you could see the instrument package hanging beneath it. The sunlight had caught it in a very particular way making a strange light show. If i had not identified it those neighbors would have probably gone thru life occasionally talking about 'that time they saw a UFO'.
Don’t compare civil sightings of just a glowing thing with a lot of expert pilots seeing physical objects performing impossible manoeuvres. The fact that your neighbours were fooled by a balloon doesn’t tell us anything on serious sightings
@@silvio5266 The sad fact is that even "expert pilots" are capable of being deceived. And what is a "serious sighting"? Just because someone can pilot an aircraft does not make them a reliable witness.
@@cbnewham_ai there are sightings with multiple occurrences in a short period of time, with multiple expert testimonies and corroborated with radar data (still classified to this day), the most iconic and famous one is the Nimitz case. You want to tell me that it’s just an hallucination or a balloon? lol
@silvio5266 "corroborated with radar data that is still classified to this day..." Honestly, can you not see the contradiction in that single sentence?
Its interesting Sabine that you, like many others, dont give a fair hearing to this topic. You leave out important details, such as the fact that very senior senators (Schumer, Rubio, Rounds) last yeah wrote a 64 word ammendment called the UAP Disclosure Act 2023 (you can google it) which makes it clear that these senators have been told explicitly that the US government holds UAP craft. The reason it cannot be talked about publically is because it is classified. These senators have been told in closed classifed briefings that UAPs are absolutely real and this is being hidden from Congress by elements of Intelligence Community and 3 letter agencies. I know it sounds completely crazy, as a scientist i was very resistant to the idea, but as scientists we need to be aware of our own bias against dangerous or outlandish ideas or concepts.
I saw a UFO once, in Mexico. It was almost a decade ago, and it looked like a shiny metal ball surrounded by flames. Like the Emperor’s ship in Dune 2, but the size of a Yoga ball. It just floated there, suspended in the air for several minutes, floating at around a 4-5th floor height, moved a little bit, and then it just vanished in an instant.
Must have been the unfluence of drugs, or you were dehydrated, or just had a daydream, or ... it was a drone ( absolutely normal these days ) ....there are no aliens !
@@KikkerFish Yup. I was poor as shit back then and couldn’t afford a phone, and I’ve never had another chance to see anything like that ever since. That’s literally the only UFO or strange thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And the worst part is that the damn thing stood there for several minutes and wasn’t even that far away or moving. It happened in downtown Tijuana, and despite lots of people being there, only myself and another dude across the street saw it (I guess most people don’t look at the sky while walking idk), and when it finally disappeared we just looked at each other like “You saw that? Crazy eh?” and went on with our days. And now that you mention it… I’m pretty sure the other guy wasn’t recording either lol. To be fair it’s a sight that really captures all your attention. Unless you’re looking for them, it really takes your brain a minute or two just to realize that you’re seeing something truly strange.
My father was a radar technician for the Canadian Armed Forces. Back in the early seventies I overheard him talking to my mother about how the radar system was picking up fast moving objects that were making right hand turns! He even took us out twice looking for UFO’s on lake Nippising North Bay Ont. We were not disappointed! Even were I live now in Northern Manitoba we get orbs, even strange crafts coming down the Churchill River floating above the water! 3 years ago hunters 30 miles north of Churchill saw a triangle craft parked 2000 feet above their heads. 40 years ago exactly the same spot I flew in with my Ultralight to go fishing with some friends. One of the guys saw a baseball sized orb check out my plane!
When I shine a laser dot on the wall the cat goes berserk chasing it. It can change direction pulling thousands of g, seemingly dissappear and reappear somewhere out, confusing the hell put of the cat. The thing about UAPs is that we are the cat, and we understand them about as well as the cat understands lasers. So projections is used to describe them is a metaphor I think. The other thing is we are meant to see them, if whoever controls them didn't want you to see them, you wouldn't.
Thank you. A lot of the times when skeptics (which skepticism is healthy, especially regarding this topic) dismiss this topic, they usually are simply uninformed on a lot of the developments, both in the US and globally. These phenomena certainly aren't unique to the US nor are they unique to modern day. There is a lot of historical precedence for similar phenomena across the globe and throughout time.
@@TomGerritsen-o9r you don’t think that what’s going on right now with the drone sightings are real problems, especially if they are UAP’s? UAP’s are a real phenomenon, as accepted by the pentagon and whistle blowers, risking their freedom to give us the info.
In Europa gibt es im Verhältnis zur Bevölkerung sogar mehr Sichtungen von UAPs, als in den USA. Wir haben nur eine deutlich diskriminierende Kultur bezüglich dieser und ähnlicher Ereignisse, weshalb man kaum davon erfährt. In diesem Punkt irrt Sabine, hat sich offensichtlich nicht in der Tiefe mit der Thematik, was Europa angeht, beschäftigt. Klar ist, es gibt diese Flugobjekte und über sie wurde bereits im Mittelalter mehrfach berichtet, mit geheimer US-Technologie haben sie daher nichts zu tun.
i completely agree, but to be fair she is also quite new to the subject going by what she has presented here and I think maybe she would do well to visit the SOL Foundation site which I'm sure you are familiar with , certainly she would understand among the Academics there the propositions that they have tabled and the science , psychology and politics proposed to approach this complex subject.🛸🖖
Usually it's just a mistress or two, some misappropriated funds, or some shenanigans in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.
Lady, Dr. Sabine, you are smart, you are adorable, and I am really thankful for your UA-cam channel. I started watching your videos a while back because I wanted to learn more about Physics. I come from a third world country, and I feel that there is so much for me to explore in the Scientific World. My education was not good! I was so happy to find your lessons on Physics. Thank you for everything. Sending blessings and hugs from Texas. I am praying for your country too. Peace. You are great!
With all due respect but there is 70+ years of credible people and great indirect compelling evidence that this subject should be seriously studied? i feel many scientists want to but scared of reputation is ruined and lose jobs. Same scientist's will say alien technology possibly be thousands of years more advanced probably would look like magic to us. Then same scientists say impossible to travel interstellar distances ?😂 Humanity ego is unfounded? Our knowledge of physics is couple of hundred years old? Imagine the technology and knowledge of a civilization 100000 years old would be like 😮😢
I think your numbers are off. A comprehensive dataset from 11 European countries, including contributions from organizations like GEIPAN in France and the Italian Air Force, shows that there were approximately 4,400 UAP reports annually over the past five years. In comparison in the U.S., Combining data from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and the Department of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the average number of UAP reports in the U.S. over the past five years is approximately 5,000 reports annually.
Thanks for talking about it. Skepticism is important in finding the truth. An investigation is needed to find out why certain people within the government don’t want transparency. If there’s nothing to hide why did they block the legislation trying to uncover nothing? Why were these men threatened? For a little history look up the church committee, the Robertson panel, and operation paperclip. They laid the groundwork for what we’re seeing here.
The same way a civilization capable of building aircraft with sensor fusion data link single engine vtol low radar cross section crashes on occasion… do you even hear yourself right now?
@@mike-0451 "They can travel between star systems within a lifetime but _our_ pilots use vertical takeoff and landing, radar stealth, a computer that can process from multiple peripheries, and a radio to talk to other planes."
They're falling from the sky right and left. Even the Vatican has some. I wonder if the qualify for AAA. (Honesty, the idea that clowns like Grusch and Elizondo can appear in public without being laughed at is astounding. Yet here they are being treated as serious people by Congress.)
I'm glad to see Sabine giving this issue some serious coverage. It's important that people be prepared for disclosure in the coming years. Wild times ahead for humanity.
I’m not sure you understand how burden of proof works. We need credible evidence that does more than support our biases and feed our urges to do anything more than dismiss it all as misidentification, human fallibility, and mischief.
@@JonS I know exactly how the burden of proofs work, son. I don't really care if you believe it or not. It's going to happen. People like you who think they are rational actors will deny it right up until you're forced to accept it. Either way we (humanity) will get there. Enjoy the ride. Also, there's tons of evidence if you're willing to actually look into the subject for more than the 5 minutes that it takes you to biasedly dismiss it.
European ATCO here. I have had several phenomena during my carreer. And there are plenty more incidents I've heard from colleagues, but they just don't get reported. Partly because they are too common and partly because we'd not know what to write into the report ... the safety reports would not really be actionable by the investigators :) What kind of incidents? Pilot reports of weird traffic, that is not on civil or military radar. Pilots avoiding objects or traffic - actually maneuvering due to something that civil or military units are not aware of. I have a quora post written about an incident, but for some reason YT does not like me adding it to the comment.
@@batmanonholiday4477 I'll try like this, adding spaces into the link: q r . a e / p 2 8 F h a Just copy paste that into the browsers URL slot, remove spaces.
@@batmanonholiday4477 Try googling a question from there "For those in air traffic control, what is one of the most interesting conversations you've heard from the pilots?" There's not too many answers, and mine starts with: "The following is written based on my recollection of an event that happened a few years ago when I was working in the Tallinn East ACC sector."
As someone who’s seen a black triangular craft in August of 2007 larger than my house hover completely silently over it close enough I could have hit with a baseball, I think it’s very credible. Even if I hadn’t had that once and a lifetime sighting though, there are an estimated 200 billion trillion stars (2 x 10²³) in the observable universe. Is it really that hard to imagine that other species exist with vastly superior intelligence and technology? Who the hell are we but tiny specks of carbon on a grain of sand. 🤷🏼♂️
@@bg9919there are thousands of stories like yours and not shred of evidence. If these things fly that close to the ground how has nobody ever filmed or photographed it
10:18 It's not that it doesn't happen elsewhere It's that the military industrial contractors that have the power and ability to hide and develop these technologies are primarily based out of the United States. It's not so much the official government but contractors who can silo the information and not be held subject to the Constitution or the public
I don't blame them, it's something you have to see for yourself to begin to understand the reality, after your brain processes all the ontological shock it causes.
Agree 1000% it's really crazy Because it is so obvious . That tells more about humans and their fear of reality than anything else... Scientists being maybe the most arrogant and blinded people of course...
Pentagon - 'We need $3 trillion to investigate this' Gov - here's the check. Btw 'what are those drones? ' 'sorry we don't know who/what/when/where/why' :)
They've moved on from debunking sightings on the basis of misidentification ("it's a weather balloon") to the "we don't know what it is" non-explanation. It all seems a bit desperate to me, on the basis that they once apparently knew what they were and now don't - surely in the light of evidence that would go the other way. Then there's oddity of these crashed "weather balloons" needing a whole bunch of people with guns to stop civilians having a look. If it's just a weather balloon, why can't we have a peep? All very curious.
a societal framework that puts individuals into positions of power (law making, creating and maintaining the rules that decide who gets how much of what) while those individuals naturally follow 'the laws of nature' will only have one outcome.. the one we observe. Any other expectation is anomalous. Seriously.
For those of you asking why sightings don't occur in Europe and other places, follow Ross Coulthart of Newsnation. Not only do sightings occur in every other location in the world, but there is an arms race between China, Russia, and US to study and *perhaps* reverse engineer the technology (if it's technology).
some of it is "technology", as in they're misidentified balloons, aircraft, satellites, drones or kites. Some of them are not, they're misidentified birds, clouds, celestial objects or lens flare/bokeh. Not a single UAP is an alien spacecraft for a very simple reason - if you can prove it's an alien spacecraft, congratulations ! You have just identified it, therefore making it an Identified Flying Object.
The data on European UAP reports comes from various national and civilian organizations across Europe. For example, a comprehensive dataset from 11 European countries, including contributions from organizations like GEIPAN in France and the Italian Air Force, shows that there were approximately 4,400 UAP reports annually over the past five years.
The most disturbing aspect of all these hearings is that all people participating seem to be taking this joke seriously. Have they all collectivel lost their mind?
If you want circumstantial evidence, there's an overwhelming amount. Hard evidence is harder to find because the allegation here is that there's an unacknowledged special access program that has all the hard evidence. And they aren't sharing.
I appreciate Sabine's open mindedness about this topic, where unscientific claims seem to flourish. I like to quote a great Italian Astrophysicist on this, Margherita Hack, who said: "We have to be careful what we wish for, on this. If we were visited by an alien population, obviously way more technologically advanced than us, we may end up like North American First Nations post contact."
Worse. We would simply go extinct. The simple fact that we are here means that "they" either don't exist or if they do they are very far away and cannot reach us.
Anyone is entitled to believe in whatever they choose, but others don't have to accept anything that the likes of Grusch has to say. The whole idea that there are UAPs (e.g. drones), therefore they must aliens, is logically absurd.
I think it is a lot easier to think that there are aliens rather than the whole thing being some elaborate scheme. This government isn't smart enough to pull off that type of stunt.
Why? There are thousands of reports from around the world. Some by scientists, police and military personnel. They can't all be delusional! ua-cam.com/video/sm6AL5lA4Zc/v-deo.html
The Hubris of Sabine here is a little to much. Yes she is a Physicist and very intelligent, much more so than 99.9% of any of us here including myself but this can lead to her not realising that there are many things not understood or even known about in Physics. Not to be overly harsh but she has not made any discoveries of note at all herself in physics so maybe should be a bit more humble and consider what could be possible but is outside our current understanding. UAP / UFO are definitely real and they are using a propulsion system that we do not understand yet but will be part of the laws of physics of course. Eventually we will catch up with our understanding of how these craft are flying. When you have so many experts and professionals that have seen these craft up close sometimes then you have to accept it as real. It is easy to scoff until you see something undeniable yourself.
"I saw a very secure email" Wow, can't wait for the quantum computers come out so we can have actually secure emails. Or maybe that means no email will ever be secure. I can't tell which.
More likely only those with significant access to quantum computing will have secure communications and the ability to read classically secure communications.
@@TheNamelessOne888 If the aliens existed (and were able to travel here) they would have occupied the Earth long time ago. We wouldn't even be here. But we are.. so...
Sabine thank you for this exposé. I appreciate your interest in reviewing this from your valued perspective. It would be great if you would follow this phenomena no matter how crazy it sounds like from todays perspective
I have not expected you would cover such topics, but I am happy you do! I am not a scientist, but it always baffles me, how they are talking about UAPs and G forces. If you can create gravity (which I suppose a highly advanced species could) then you can bend time and space. With such technology, travel would be almost instantaneous. Distances loose all meaning and G forces do not play a role, if you have spaced warped around your craft. In theory, completely possible. We do not know how that would be done, but for me a logical explanation.
You can't reverse engineer anything if you don't know the science behind it and if your technology is not high enough to replicate the material and manufacturing technology employed in the manufacture of the thing you want to reverse engineer. That is why I think all those talk about reverse engineering alien tech is hogwash.
Thanks a lot for your summary and your insight, it seems to be a never ending story, in the second generation meanwhile😂. Sad, that Europe is not of interest, since we have in Erich v. Däniken one of the greatest "philosophers" in this field. 6:54 "misallocated taxpayer dollars" - Mr. Elizondo seems to have a point.😂
I've noticed that none of the reports mention rectangular or cubic objects. Also, to my knowledge, there are no rectangular or cubic mints. That can not just be coincidence.
That's my working theory - it's a distraction from a number of developments that the 'powers that be' do not want "We, the People" to notice or question - generally, the fragility of the U.S. dollar and U.S. military - developments that involve vast corruption and U.S. perfidy around the world. The distraction (aliens!) may get more intense. I do think that alien visitations are possible but I've also learned the following "rule of thumb" for almost anything that is asserted by the U.S. government or its vassal media: Whatever they say, the opposite is true, and whatever they accuse others of doing, THEY are doing or planning to do. That's my problem and our problem overall: The government that lied about "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq is still lying, big time. Millions have died (Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Indonesia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, Iraq, Gaza, Syria, Libya, Chechnya, Ukraine..to name some) and trillions are being spent on war and the overthrow of decent governments with virtually no accountability. How are we to believe this government on ANYTHING?
Why would UAP's contain lifeforms of any kind, as an advanced civilisation would use remote senseing, this isn't the 1950's! We are comforted by the idea of alien life, in an attempt to reassure us that we are not alone in the tractless wastes of space, remember we are born as part of another but die alone, so being alone in the universe could be a reminder of our solitude.
As a student of behaviour and culture- we cannot make assumptions that other intelligence will follow our cultural values. They may rely on physical observation and not remote sensing, or vice versa. They may come from a different framework to us.
Well, I am willing to contemplate the idea that other civilizations just don't value biological life the same way we do. Maybe for them it's not any more valuable than a robot would be too us? Or maybe they *are* robots, just biological in form?
Possibly these are biological drones and we're not dealing with a civilization at all, just a von Neumann probe with an ancient AI on it. The possibilities are endless, until we get some actual data.
@@SabineHossenfelder It would be more about efficiency as this would be at the top of their priority list. Biological meatsuits are about the worst choice you could make if you want to travel through space in an efficient way.
I'm always amazed at how alien technology is always at the cusp of the latest "Popular Science" future projections. Were they inter-dimensional prior to Einstein's GR paper?
I was a Naval Officer, in CIC, on board the USS Camden, off the coast of SoCal/Mexico/San Clemente Island, as part of the battle group conducting warfare exercises in 2004. We were along side the carrier from which those fighter jets chased the "Tic-Tac". I saw the Tic-Tac on radar in CIC and verfied with Senior Chief and the E5 operations specialist manning that system, that the equipment was not malfunctioning. The radar was ranged out and the Tic-Tac hopped from one end of the screen to the next in a literal blink of an eye. After about three days of excitement and incessant talking about it, we were instructed by the XO to not talk about it off the ship and then a few days later to not talk about it ever again.
Very interesting. Ty for sharing that. And, your secret is safe with me!😉😁
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever "hooping" you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping bogus contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the "Tic Tac event". The "tic tac" in that video is Russian platform that was launched from the submarine... when Fravor went haywire.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever "hooping" you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping bogus contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the "Tic Tac event". The "tic tac" in that video is Russian platform that was launched from the submarine... and Fravor saw the launch.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and whatever hopping you saw is irrelevant, all Electronic Attack (EA) platforms create those hopping radar contacts since 1971, all US and Russian platforms can do that, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the event. It was a Russian platform launched from the submarine... and Fravor saw the launch.
Chad Underwood recorded "Tic Tac" while it was jamming his radar. It's obviously Earth tech and the "hopping" was Electronic Attack (EA) jamming platform that both US and Russia use since 1971, including the EA-6B Prowler from Nimitz that was in the air during the event.
If only the United States could reverse-engineer extraterrestrial healthcare and basic science instruction.
@@ctimmons4722 what makes you think aliens are carbon based
The only explanation I can think of for a top-secret level weapon leaking like this would be to warn adversaries, as a form of deterrent, without officially disclosing, to leave the confusion of potential - "surprise, they're real" warfare scenarios in the cards, however, if it were the case that the US government had such superior maneuverability, they could demonstrate it to other world leaders up close and personal. That sounds like nimble maneuverability that could sidestep a missile.
Why should they? Americans believe to be the best of the best without decent healthcare.
“I used to believe aliens were real, but now that the Government said it, I’m not so sure.”
- Duke Nukem, 2024
Well, part of the government still denies it, and a different faction in the government says it's real. So if you're planning on basing the truth based on what the government says, I got bad news lol
Also they allegedly harvest alien tech, yet cannot handle a bunch of ballons and drones over their territory. :/
@@merowing8588 Potential Alien balloons. It's the same as all the other human balloons, but it sounds much scarier.
They are still doing everything in their power to deny it. Just watch latest fbi report.
They're probably out there, but they've never been here, and never will.
And we'll never go there.
At least the aliens are trying to comply with the law by having lights on their crafts.
Or maybe we're just unable to detect the ones that don't
These ailens are known for their politeness.
In Peru we dont have a secret program but we sell alien merch.
You have even sent alien mummies to be shown at the Mexican Congress! 😂
Don't you have your "Pela Caras" over there?
Could we all agree to call it UFO again, plz?
Flying saucers
Little green men!
Yes, at least it's obvious some extraterrestrial aliens are involved
well, these objects are not just flying, so i guess the answer is no.
And name Pluto a planet Again , I and my Interdimensional fellows Agree
US Congress is a total circus.
😂 for sure!
Theyre being used as pawns by those running this psyop.
no it isnt
@@KaffeeSpot very unlikely at this point
@@bambusbjorn3508 bahahahaha
🛸👽....I love it 🤣
Quick point: you'll notice the AARO heat map coincides where the US military does most of their operations - that's why the sightings are in those locations.
Or they're all over and the military are the only ones with the ability to track and monitor this phenomena.
“Whatever this man has seen, physics literature ain’t it” 😂
Sabine ain’t got no chill lol
When I listened to him, I had exactly the same thought.
He has tasted _chemistry,_ which is just fancy physics~
As a star trek fan I'm qualified to identify techno babble.
I have listened to him and my brain got in deepest state of confusion, I thought:"what the Hell is he talking about, doesn't he simply put words together no matter the meaning?" and if there were tachyons, I would say, he stole it from Star Trek. For a second I have just watched him opening mouth and telling words, it was so confusing moment and a feeling. 😅
But she is also wrong.
There is no proof that is not possible to enter lower dimensional spaces.
aliens: "take me to your leader". us: "that's a bit embarrassing...".
"Sorry ..He's either sleeping or slipping" 😂😂😂😂
If aliens were advanced enough to come to earth, they wouldn’t even care about the surpassed concept of a „leader“ who gets to spend the money from other people without their individual consent just because he won a popularity contest.
😂 😂 😂
😂Favourite comment on the internet. 😂
Embarrassingly true 😂😢😂
To aliens: are you sure, perhaps you'd rather "pass" on that experience, specially if you can read minds.
I was born in Estonia during cold war. Being part of punk culture we hoped, that UFO's will help us to get out from Communistic regime. Therefore, we organised trips to island Hiiumaa, where on clear august nights you can see stars and UFO's. And somethimes we are lucky to see stars making 90 degree turns and chasing each other. Later, after the collapse of Soviet Union I found out, that those stars was US Blackbird constantly violating Soviet Airspace and Soviet MIK's trying to catch it. But was interesting times.
Truth is even crazier than fiction my friend. The US wants us to think aliens as a distraction.
Even more funny are the claims that the SR-71 was supposedly "stealth", when in reality it was lightning up like a flare on all the southern Baltic coastal radars. Yes, the spielbook didn't change that much since those days.
Thought the explanation is… vodka
Well, just a different kind of aliens I suppose. (Referring to the aircrafts themselves not the US persons within them LOL)
@@rosomak8244 Doesn't exactly need much stealth when it's going that fast in that era.
US Pentagon literally trolling on a new dimensional level.
The aliens have a book titled "How to Serve Mankind". But...it is a cookbook.
I dont taste good
Whoopi Goldberg is one of them.
...and they look remarkably like Richard Kiel.
Yep, so if any of them invite you aboard their UAP, don't do it!
I saw that episode of “Twilight Zone”!!
I like how the U.S. has been reverse-engineering alien tech for decades and yet still struggles to create a reliable hypersonic missile
Camouflage 😉
Please seek some medication for those delusions.
The US just announced it tested a Mach 17 hypersonic missile. The missile is capable of flying along the nape of the earth.
There is no-way these objects can be reverse-engineered by humans at this time. It's possible the US Gov is keeping _artifacts_ , but these are probably accreting dust in some dark USAF hangar.
The U.S. government can't even guarantee health care for all of its citizens. So there's nothing there, just lots of greed, corruption, and incompetence.
"Pentagon spends $22 million ..." Now that's not something you hear every day. It should read, "Pentagon spends *ONLY* $22 million ..."
its $22 mil per year on a defunct program that hides its data from the public
Pentagon spends more for sneezing 😂
Do you know what they did? They sat around in rooms and supposedly remote viewed things. How much money should have been spent on that and why?
Every penny on this bullshit is one to many!
Dunno William those tricksters from Israel are expensive.
"I was informed"
"I know of multiple colleagues who got injured"
"I can't get into specifics in this open environment"
and on it goes.
I suspect it’s a disinformation program to what avail I have no idea
Hilarious ey,
I know nothing but here is what i know.
Ok ✅
Complete clown show.
Unless everything science says and thinks about the universe is wrong, I'm utterly convinced there is other life out there.
Do I believe the government is hiding bodies and crashed alien vessels ?
Absolutely not. This is nonsense.
There are punishments for whistleblowers. There are things which can be said and things which can't.
We are all frustrated, but don't give up. Everything he shared had to literally be approved for release by the Inspector General's Office. Plus, he is a decorated Afghanistan combat veteran, and he is under oath here.
My theory is that we're being visited by aliens filming short documentary videos called "r/PeopleOfEarth" and "r/StupidHumans". With an occasional feel-good story about how they adopted a cute little human that had been abandoned on a country highway and was starving before they saved it.
You know....this is the first theory I've heard that ACTUALLY explains why aliens only abduct hicks and weirdos...
And after they sent him back, he founded a social media company 😂
Yeah, """him"""
One of them took a 64K photo of me taking a dump behind a bush. I know for a fact it's gonna be in their documentary.
it's too bad reddit is so censored and over-moderated
I'd like to see the video with accurate measurements of a 3000g acceleration of these objects.
I guess the question is whether they are "objects" to begin with?
a beam of light or a ball of plasma feels no G forces and there is nobody inside them to get turned to mush
That would imply they have scalar weaponry Sabina ?
Edit: sorry Sabine ?
@@SabineHossenfelderI’m pretty sure some of them didn’t read as high temperature.
Holding them in position and manoeuvring them prior to letting them fly off implies technology long denied
UAP = Unidentified ANOMALOUS Phenomena.
All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office: All-domain = space, sea, land, air. So 'aerial' is just part of it.
You missed the 'Supercar' series from Gerry Anderson from the 60s then. Google for it.
But it doesn't take into account radars malfunctions, people misinterpret things, lying or being dumb -> UCBDP = Unidentified Claims By Dumb People
Yep, they changed the acronym from “aerial” to “anonymously to encompass all domains.
It's a UFO.
@@BitBlinkThat sort of grates with my logic "unidentified anomalous" aren't all unidentified things anomalous, and if it's anomalous you've probably identified it as such, can't we just call them flying saucers and leave it at that.
Somebody asked one of the Star Trek producers this question. "How do those transporter Heisenberg compensators work? The answer was "Very well!"
Thanks, Sabine, for covering this. It's about time physicists start asking these questions and I applaud you for it.
its about time? its not time for asking the questions, that shall be done long time ago. Now its time to do research work like professor Avi Loeb
Sabine is arrogant, ignorant, and LATE bro. Quit glazing your labia over a do-nothing
@@eZwoodb1ne You don't get much research done w/out asking questions.
@@mandygershon8603 By the way, equating Neil Tyson as an equivalent to Sabine is funny. Its not about their junk, "Clapback Barbie", even if you want to spin it that way. They don't have the cortex to ace these subjects, in a way that's too complex to put into text. You got wrecked. Next. 🏁
@@mandygershon8603 Neil is a shill, nobody cares what he has to say on this topic
'Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them, meaning that they find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises. '
Douglas was way ahead of his time.
USAF fighter pilots used to play a little trick where they'd turn off their lights, then pull up to the right side of an airliner, turn on their cockpit light, and make wild gesticulations with their arms. Once enough passengers noticed, they'd turn off their cockpit light, drop down below the airliner to the other side, and repeat. Then the pilot would turn the cockpit light off again, drop below the airliner, and then shoot ahead of the airliner at a high speed, so the pilots only saw the afterburner. Everyone reported something different.
Needless to say, a fighter pilot can get into a lot of trouble for doing this, so it's not 'fessed up to very often.
@@Poes_Law fighters are extemely loud though
Ford Prefect has joined the chat.
"non-human bodies" sounds mysterious and intruiging until you realize that a dead bird is also a non-human body.
And you have to remember that it’s still hearsay. He doesn’t say he saw it himself.
@@OtterFlys Not accurate. After DOSPR approved an additional set of information for public disclosure, David Grusch snd his attorney, the first IC IG, Charles McCullough, during a 6 minute BBC radio interview around August, was able to acknowledge he had actually seen first hand evidence that he mentioned of previously. Which the 40 other IC IG whistleblowers also have first hand knowledge of, being either present or former crash retrieval program members.
With respect to these UAP's David Grusch is completely FOS.
Yeah but why would they make a big deal out of that.
People are desperate to believe, especially the immature and I reasoning impaired types
As someone who's gone down the UAP rabbit-hole, I do appreciate this video. There is one issue, that is the reliance on the AARO report; When I've seen other scientifically minded people talk about it, it's been called alot of things, but good science it's not. Also, there is a lot of witnesses which we know has been at AARO to testify, yet the report does not account for any of them; Danny Sheehan, Michael Herrera etc. And if I remember correctly, David Grusch did not trust AARO, because they are one of the gatekeepers of this thing, so he went another route to get the word out.
Plus, Sean Kirkpatrick, who lead AARO at that point, has since gone to work at one of these companies which is assumed to be involved in this whole debacle.
I know the Americans are the most loud people in this sphere, but it's not like these stories doesn't happen in the EU either; Belgian UFO wave 1989 etc. etc. South America does also have a deep history with the subject, but I think we as Europeans are a little bit biased because of the english language
Yep we saw a UFO come to us in UK and this was before Brexit
The Rendelsheim forest incident also did not occur in the U.S.
I'm pretty sure the Belgen airforce chased tictac in the late 80's early 90's. The Soviets' also had a lot of documentation on Missile silos being 'messed with' by orbs. Google "Usovo UFO". Australia has a bunch, but that was mostly back in the 80\90's in WA. But, yes I agree, most of the recent activity has been over the USA.
There is another major event involving a children’s school in Africa. The Ariel School in Zimbabwe, 1994. 60 school kids of various ages. Midday landing and direct contact. Certainly there are critics, but this is a widely reported and studied story.
That's what I was thinking. Person makes a claim the govt has been lying to people for decades -> govt report says it's not true -> "Welp, I'm convinced, the govt wouldn't lie to us!!!"
The map of UAP reports are also totally clueless, you'd have to be pretty stupid to think UAP's only get reported in USA and, what was it, Japan & Middle East?
As an alien, I often ask myself the opposite question:
Are you humans even real?
I'm still waiting for that darned pilot that said he'd definitely come back to pick us up and not leave us on this stinking planet. There are a lot of weird aliens here and I'm gonna do something I'll regret if I don't get outta here soon.
@@OneWildTurkeyI feel you, bro!
No, didn't you watch the video? We're clearly holograms, but we're really good at it.
@@TheMelnTeam 😂
10:21 We have had a UAP hearing in the EU 9 months ago "UAP: Reporting and scientific assessment in the EU"
I bet aliens prefer American fastfood and are too lazy to check local dishes
Any findings, reports, etc.?
France has a fairly open governmental UAP study department.
French Cometa Report proposed The ExtraTerrestial Hypothesis as the answer to UAP/UFOs.
Brazil too got hearings and its somewhere here in youtube.
The word "resolution" was in AARO’s name. Their mission was to RESOLVE the cases. Swamp gas = a resolution.
5:59 if we had alien technology I cannot belive we would have such tiny water bottles in a congressional inquiry
That's the best!!
They're so small that I didn't even notice them
Huh?? what does a marketable portion size sold cheaply in bulk have to do with aliens? What, do you think aliens only drink from buckets?? How could you think those are remotely related?
@@EclipseClemensSome of these “skeptics” don’t sound like real people…
@@EclipseClemens Classic coke bottle from the 1950's 8 fluid OZ 1986 SuperBig gulp 44 fluid OZ as society advances beverage containers increase
Sabine, it's a long story, but I was involved with ufology around a decade and a half ago... There's too much craziness in it, no doubt about that... And I became a skeptical.
But... There's a few really weird cases... The issue is how exactly do you extract evidence from things that happened years ago?
(One example is the Brazilian UFO night, that happened in 1986... Objects were detected by radar, then civilian pilots saw them... Then the Brazilian airforce sent fighter jets, which also interacted with the objects and so on... And then the government, a dictatorship at the time, called the press and told everything that happened.)
Now, at this exact moment, we're seeing the drone drama, that is happening even in Germany. We don't know what they are either, but everybody is calling them drones now.
Anyway, I know nothing. But I'm following what is happening, basically for curiosity. Let's see what happens.
Merry Christmas!
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
I am Brazilian and that absolutely happened. No idea what it was. No one knows.
@vidal9747 Yeah, and I've never seen a good explanation for it either.
Rather similar to Tehran 1976 ufo incident...
Unfortunately Wikipedia gives completely misleading account of the Tehran case... the page has been heavily moderated by skeptics who don't approve official US gov documents for the event!
Hmmm. Drones flying over military bases. Who could it be? Surely it must be aliens. There's no other possible explanation.
@@MCsCreations At first the military, the press, and part of a newly so-called goverment that was trying to build itself (the dictatorship ended in 1985) said "Yes, they saw it" ... a few days later the Brazilian Airforce Spokesman said it "Nothing happened, they were confused by natural lights, case closed, no more questions - bye". Very strange indeed.
The UK too! In the late 1960s * a friend and I used to visit "Cradle Hill" in Wiltshire (Southern England). He was fascinated by UFOs and collected stories. We both saw lights doing things we could not explain (we are both "scientists/engineers") and heard lots of stories. He tried to publish some and was visited by some "high up" people who told him not to! * Yes, it was the 60s and yes, we knew about the cultural imperatives. Well done Sabine!
Amazing, thanks for sharing!
I saw some STEVEs recently. And they tend to come coupled with Sky-glow.
I don't know about you, but in the 1960s, that would definitely have looked like UFOs to anyone's eyes.
Same for Ball-lightning.
Thank you for your imput Chris.
You’re as simple as she is regarding this topic. You’re all so smug and simple. Research this objectively for years then give an opinion.
UK govs are intertwined with the UFO phenomenon. It seems it involves many state secrets. Defence etc
None of the videos in question actually depict objects moving particularly fast, they can all be explained by parallax issues. If you don't how close or far an object is it's very easy to misjudge its speed and acceleration.
Except the Tic Tac video which not only corroborates the pilot accounts but was also able to go from a zero ground speed hover to so fast the FLIR pod lost the lock
Roman Empire: Bread and Circuses.
United States: Corn dogs and UFO's.
No, Soup and Seinfeld...
@@vikingsoftpaw NO SOUP FOR YOU!
I like corndogs
I would rather be in the Roman Empire, at least the bread and circus were real
@@warminsterop7591 Corn dogs are real...
Few errors in video:
- There is an initiative about UAPs on an european, EU level
- There is a heatmap from previous years (2022-2023) highlighting Europe
- it is changed to Unidentified Anomalous (not aerial) Phenomena.
Hi Sabine, I'm Aryan (33 yrs old) from U.P., India. When I was a 2 year old, I had keen interest in aeronautics, at the age of 5 I could name any plane or chopper by hearing the noise & looking at it. One night in 2007 I was walking with my mother on the terrace & heard a sound I never heard before. I was similar to a mechanical buzzing bee. When I looked up I noticed 2 disc-shape aerial vehicles hovering slowly from North to South which they passed from above us. I told my mother that instant it is not a chopper. Why? Because I could see them. When you notice a chopper flying over you, you can see its rotors rotating easily. Thats how you identify a chopper at night. But what I saw...was DIFFERENT. I might explain it like this...let us consider looking at a circle, then draw another circle in that circle...it becomes a concentric circle...right? The Aerial Phenomenon I saw had an inner circle rotating anticlockwise. I could notice that at night because the outer circular surface had a fixed purplish hue light facing the inner rotating area. Both those objects were identical...but one was approx 300m high and the other was more than 300m. With years of experience about studying planes and helicopters etc...before that moment...i couldn't process and identify it. Thats when I figured they are UFOs. I heard that same buzzing sound after 6 years on a rainy day but couldn't see any flybys. Now you tell me what it was or what tech it could've been. But after that incident...my interest in cosmos, E.T., Quantum Physics skyrocketed...and here I'm following you.
This comment is for those who still seem to think the UAP enigma is limited to the United States. Thank you for sharing this.
What makes you think its technological and not psychological? And objective observer would at least consider the possibility. I do a lot of sky watching. I live a few hundred miles from Cape Canaveral and there is a dark isolated place on the beach about 30 minutes drive from my house. Great place to watch meteor showers, rocket launches from the Cape, you can see the Milky Way. A few years ago I went there with a few friends to watch a Falcon 9 launch and offshore landing. There were a few strangers there doing the same thing. Before the launch one of us notices this thing floating around in the surf. We were standing on a elevated wooden platform around 20 meters above the beach. We all see this "thing" floating in the water and emitting an orange glow. My first thought was that someones tent must have blown off the beach into the water. It must have a light inside. Then someone says it looks like a trashcan. I thought to myself yeah, it does kind of look like a trashcan. But why would a trashcan glow like that? There is no artificial lighting at this place. By this time everyone on the platform is watching this thing. Someone says "oh look, its a sailboat!" And again, it starts to look like a sailboat, which would also explain the light. We are all watching this thing change and morph in front of our eyes. We are all completely sober, I dont drink and its a long drive anyway. Nobody says it but we are all starting to think that this must be something really strange. Maybe even a UFO. Its clearly right there in the surf, maybe 200 meters from where we're standing. At some point I look around and ask where is the Moon? Everyone looks around, doesnt see the Moon and goes back to watching this object. What could the Moon have to do with this thing in the water anyway? Then the clouds out on the horizon that we hadnt noticed clear and we can plainly see that this object which was just right there bobbing around in the surf is actually just the Moon rising. The combination of weather conditions and our elevated viewing position caused some kind of weird perspective illusion. Our eyes and brains are not cameras and memory cards. We are hallucinating the reality around us all the time. Its just how our perception works. I've seen some other weird optical illusions that I was able to figure out. One was called Ghost Light Road and according to the locals story was the ghost of a headless motorcyclist. It was actually just a long dark road through the woods with a highway that curved past the end. When the conditions were right it looked like a bright light was coming right at you before vanishing. I drove down to the end of the road and saw headlights on the highway. I've heard about other Ghost light Roads all over the world. My point is that you can't trust your own eyes and ears when you don't know what you are looking at. Your brain fills in the gaps with wild guesses based on your life experience. And the more times you think about it after the fact the more your mind tries to fill in the gaps. Its probably a survival instinct left over from the time when humans were not the top of the food chain. We see patterns whether they are really there or not because it's better to guess and be wrong than not guess and get eaten by the tiger hiding in the bushes. I know people do not like this explanation but that doesnt make it untrue. We can be fooled by lines and colors on paper right in front of our faces. Theres no shame in admitting something fooled you. But insisting that it must be something amazing because you can't possibly be wrong is something else.
@@allineedis1mike81 man I am from the most populated country...I have really sharp eyes. If that "brain makes you believe its something special" thing was with me...I would've seen those things again & again. I never had the privilege to see that again. I also understand the psychology behind these stuffs & people's behaviour when they see UFOs. Most of the times what you said REALLY DOES HAPPEN with people. But a very few people who always take it as brain's pretending you is something exotic but isn't...people miss what EXACTLY is was. Maybe you never got the privilege to see that. But I did...I have very sharp eyes & I focus on facts. Maybe you're one of those who don't believe that E.T. exist. Thats what the majority says. Dude, I belong to a country of superstition yet I stand apart from what the majority believes in & I only focus on the facts. And what I saw was hard to handle for everyone who are non believers. Then I stopped talking about it for a decade until this post. I assume non believers still won't believe even after E.T. attack the world just like guys who believe earth is flat lmao...Lol JK.
@@bodystomp5302 anytime brother. Thanks for believing because out of 100...98 of them are hoax. Just because of those 98 hoaxes...people don't take the rest 2 seriously. Everything I mention in my comment is 100% authentic.
Ezekiel 1:15-21. In this passage, Ezekiel describes a vision he had, which includes the famous imagery of “a wheel within a wheel.” Here’s a brief excerpt:
“As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.” (Ezekiel 1:15-16, NIV)
Please, keep covering this topic. We may need additional time to uncover the most fundamental law of physics by ourselves, but we can certainly accelerate the process with the support of our NIH colleagues. Thank you for approaching this possibility with an open mind, without dismissal or ridicule, as it seems to grow closer to reality with each passing day.
Man, I'm so glad you don't do clickbait
Yeah, you can see her cringe. It must be a slow week in realty land.
Man is a lady.
Correct pronoun please, or I will inform your local branch of woke police & enforcement.
Meanwhile, the Government can't even figure out what's going on with drones made by terrestrial life forms.
It's a false-flag event coordinated by the US Military/Gov to get the public to open their wallets for another unnecessary Fed Dept
of course they're NOT going to investigate themselves.
Possibly due to the fact that most aren't drones, and the government isn't allowed to track commercial aircraft. Apparently.
They’re the US’ my friend. Get real and a clue… it very likely involves reconnaissance and investigation of the actual UFOUAP phenomenon. Due time friend, in all due time.
More like they aren't even drones at all.
Was looking for this comment.. people don't even realize what's going on
Isn't it strange that Mr.Grusch's hand becomes weird glitchy, the exact moment he's saying 'holographic principle' ? (3:03)
LOL he's one of them
I inmediately demand a formal complaint sent to the alien interdimensional embassy for not visiting Europe.
I think you should look up the Belgium Wave. Remember also that David Gruach said that the first UFO crash was in Italy, and the US secured that craft. So they visit from time to time
There was also a Norwegian wave and a British wave. And one of the craziest UFO gurus had a commune of sorts in Switzerland.
Schengen Visa could be a bureaucratic nightmare to obtain for our fellow aliens.
Apparently the French invited the aliens to a friendly lunch alnd they're still in an ICU recovering from all that red wine. Expect a death star soon after.
Saw as a grade schooler along with hundreds of other students, family members, and school staff a metallic silver pyramid about the size of a school bus spinning in place no more than 50 feet above PS 54 Bronx NYC back in either 1970 or 1971. It was NOT an optical illusion since its sides reflected sunlight. It was NOT a balloon because despite the heavy winds that day the craft never wobbled, never drifted, it kept spinning perfectly in place. A few minutes into me watching it a black helicopter arrived and began circling it, further proving it was an ACTUAL OBJECT. The bell sounded ending recess, we all went back into the school building but nobody ever again spoke about it. I know what I saw but I have found ZERO mention of it on the net, not even the standard government “debunking” article/tv segment. I provide the following names of staff members hoping that one or more of them told family, friends, acquaintances, and others about the incident and one or more of them or their descendants can come forward to corroborate what I saw! Principal Mr. Guterman, Vice Princial Mr. Kingsley, 4th grade teacher Ms Levy, teacher assistant Ms Etsig, 5th grade teacher Ms Zane, staffers Mr Asherman and Mr Becker.
Do you remember if it's producing any heat or do you remember someone getting ill after having a near contact with it?
Why would anyone go away when there was something like this happening in front of their eyes?
Sure you did.
I think I recall that movie effect.
"not in the standard government "debunking" " sure bud
"Whatever this man has seen, physics literature wasn't it" perfect line 10/10
docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf here you can see that his academic background is in deed related to physics.
According to Puthoff there are classified physics. Probably Sabine is not privy to.
The arrogance of humans to think their science is all science. Whatever they use to come here and move around I'm sure we know nothing about.
@@josephbasile7978 we do.
Physics literature is at child level...........
But the child think they are adults.
Sabine… the UK incident at a US Air Force base, Rendelshan forest is a UAP event well documented.
If the Pentagon can investigate itself regarding the allegations, if one day I'm accused of something, I also want to be appointed to investigate myself, and see if I can also find myself innocent. I promise to be honest. Pentagon's word.
I'm waiting for a non-ridiculous explanation as to why an extraterrestrial civilization would go to the trouble and expense of coming here for the apparent purpose of playing peek-a-boo.
Maybe they are scientists?
The non-ridicuous explanation is that they don't because a) they don't exist or b) if they do exist, they are unable to travel the vast distances involved
the chance of them coming here after we were born is extremely low, the universe is much older than us. Much more likely they are here since our beginnings, observing, or lightly interacting. It's just a mathematical consideration.
Exactly. You'd think that if they had that advanced level of technology that they would "appear" in a much different fashion and location.
Your question is riddled with hidden assumptions about "how much trouble and expense" it is for them. There are simply too many unknown unknowns that you are conveniently glossing over.
The US whenever they want to justify their military budget:
Wouldn't it just be easier to pass an audit? Until then they pretty much have a carte blanche.
glad you covered this subject thanks sabine
UAP actually now stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Because they kept going in and out of water and space as well. So "Aerial" didn't really cut it anymore.
Yes - you read that correctly.
This was a well balanced video, Sabine - thankyou for bringing some (at least) neutral and intelligent attention to the topic.
USO unidentified submerged object
there is a phenomenon you can observe going in and out of water on a daily basis. It's called "the sun hiding behind the horizon" and it looks exactly like the recordings of these "UAPs" that I've seen 😂
No one is covering all the UDOs (Unidentified Driving Objects), I have seen far to many things traveling our roads and bouncing along mountain & forest trails. Some are completely quiet, others are belching noxious fumes and extreme audio disturbances. There are far to many well documented cases of people being disoriented and even temporarily blinded by bright lights especially at night. Erratic movements and sudden turns on red without stopping can easily support the belief that beings not of this world without even the basic knowledge of our traffic laws are out there. We do not have to look up to find aliens, they are in the lane next to you.
the most unbelieveable thing about the entire story would be that w eare able to reverse engeneer such a tech.
its like sayin someone in the midages can replicate an iphone
We’re closing to faster than light travel than Egypt was to Rome. Technological progress is exponential, not linear.
@@mike-0451 The very fact that technological progress is exponential is the precise reason that the technology of a society much older than us would be completely out of our reach to understand.
@@mike-0451no we are not. It's not even possible
@@mike-0451 It's exponential only to a certian point. Then it becomes an s-curve approaching the upper bounds set by physics and practical engineering. Currently known concepts of FTL drives require millions of stars worth of energy which - if possible at all - is obviously much farther away in the future than we are from ancient Rome or even Egypt.
what was the most interesting revelation in the latest hearing compared to the Grusch one was that apparently congress has now also found out about recorded injuries of state personel, because they got their hands on the payments for those injuries. They didn't really go further than the spokesperson mentioning it in a question to the panel, but it's still new info that Grusch hinted at in his hearing under oath that apparently lead to successful investigations.
When I was a kid a whole bunch of neighbors gathered on the sidewalk to point and stare at this strange glowing thing
in morning light sky. I got my telesope out to have a look. It was clearly a weather balloon, you could see the instrument package hanging beneath it. The sunlight had caught it in a very particular way making a strange light show. If i had not identified it those neighbors would have probably gone thru life occasionally talking about 'that time they saw a UFO'.
Don’t compare civil sightings of just a glowing thing with a lot of expert pilots seeing physical objects performing impossible manoeuvres. The fact that your neighbours were fooled by a balloon doesn’t tell us anything on serious sightings
@@silvio5266 The sad fact is that even "expert pilots" are capable of being deceived. And what is a "serious sighting"? Just because someone can pilot an aircraft does not make them a reliable witness.
@@cbnewham_ai there are sightings with multiple occurrences in a short period of time, with multiple expert testimonies and corroborated with radar data (still classified to this day), the most iconic and famous one is the Nimitz case. You want to tell me that it’s just an hallucination or a balloon? lol
@@silvio5266 They are 'seeing' it on display screens - and advanced detector systems w/complex optics are prone to ghost images and false images.
@silvio5266 "corroborated with radar data that is still classified to this day..." Honestly, can you not see the contradiction in that single sentence?
Its interesting Sabine that you, like many others, dont give a fair hearing to this topic. You leave out important details, such as the fact that very senior senators (Schumer, Rubio, Rounds) last yeah wrote a 64 word ammendment called the UAP Disclosure Act 2023 (you can google it) which makes it clear that these senators have been told explicitly that the US government holds UAP craft. The reason it cannot be talked about publically is because it is classified. These senators have been told in closed classifed briefings that UAPs are absolutely real and this is being hidden from Congress by elements of Intelligence Community and 3 letter agencies. I know it sounds completely crazy, as a scientist i was very resistant to the idea, but as scientists we need to be aware of our own bias against dangerous or outlandish ideas or concepts.
I saw a UFO once, in Mexico. It was almost a decade ago, and it looked like a shiny metal ball surrounded by flames. Like the Emperor’s ship in Dune 2, but the size of a Yoga ball.
It just floated there, suspended in the air for several minutes, floating at around a 4-5th floor height, moved a little bit, and then it just vanished in an instant.
Must have been the unfluence of drugs, or you were dehydrated, or just had a daydream, or ... it was a drone ( absolutely normal these days ) ....there are no aliens !
It’s tradition in such cases to NOT film it, so there is no evidence.
Did you follow this tradition?
@@KikkerFish That is gold.
@@KikkerFish Yup. I was poor as shit back then and couldn’t afford a phone, and I’ve never had another chance to see anything like that ever since. That’s literally the only UFO or strange thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And the worst part is that the damn thing stood there for several minutes and wasn’t even that far away or moving.
It happened in downtown Tijuana, and despite lots of people being there, only myself and another dude across the street saw it (I guess most people don’t look at the sky while walking idk), and when it finally disappeared we just looked at each other like “You saw that? Crazy eh?” and went on with our days. And now that you mention it… I’m pretty sure the other guy wasn’t recording either lol. To be fair it’s a sight that really captures all your attention. Unless you’re looking for them, it really takes your brain a minute or two just to realize that you’re seeing something truly strange.
@@MarcosFMolina Ok I understand in this case. You are forgiven and I’ll revoke my sarcasm 👍
The stock footage at 9:55 had me rolling: “I’m sorry, your friend didn’t make it” 😂
My father was a radar technician for the Canadian Armed Forces. Back in the early seventies I overheard him talking to my mother about how the radar system was picking up fast moving objects that were making right hand turns! He even took us out twice looking for UFO’s on lake Nippising North Bay Ont. We were not disappointed! Even were I live now in Northern Manitoba we get orbs, even strange crafts coming down the Churchill River floating above the water! 3 years ago hunters 30 miles north of Churchill saw a triangle craft parked 2000 feet above their heads. 40 years ago exactly the same spot I flew in with my Ultralight to go fishing with some friends. One of the guys saw a baseball sized orb check out my plane!
Swam gas 👍
When I shine a laser dot on the wall the cat goes berserk chasing it. It can change direction pulling thousands of g, seemingly dissappear and reappear somewhere out, confusing the hell put of the cat. The thing about UAPs is that we are the cat, and we understand them about as well as the cat understands lasers. So projections is used to describe them is a metaphor I think. The other thing is we are meant to see them, if whoever controls them didn't want you to see them, you wouldn't.
Mexico, Japan, and Peru have also held congressional hearings. Likely, more to come…
Thank you. A lot of the times when skeptics (which skepticism is healthy, especially regarding this topic) dismiss this topic, they usually are simply uninformed on a lot of the developments, both in the US and globally. These phenomena certainly aren't unique to the US nor are they unique to modern day. There is a lot of historical precedence for similar phenomena across the globe and throughout time.
Great, more time, money and energy down the drain while we have real problems on this planet that need to be solved!
@@TomGerritsen-o9r you don’t think that what’s going on right now with the drone sightings are real problems, especially if they are UAP’s? UAP’s are a real phenomenon, as accepted by the pentagon and whistle blowers, risking their freedom to give us the info.
Mexico, right... those vax figurines.. Hilarious! :)
France released ufo files publicly too.
UFOs love Europe ... There are tons of UFO sightings in Europe, Asia, South America, Oceans, everywhere.
"Whatever this man has seen, it is not science literature." A most wonderfully understated sense of humour as usual.
In Europa gibt es im Verhältnis zur Bevölkerung sogar mehr Sichtungen von UAPs, als in den USA. Wir haben nur eine deutlich diskriminierende Kultur bezüglich dieser und ähnlicher Ereignisse, weshalb man kaum davon erfährt. In diesem Punkt irrt Sabine, hat sich offensichtlich nicht in der Tiefe mit der Thematik, was Europa angeht, beschäftigt. Klar ist, es gibt diese Flugobjekte und über sie wurde bereits im Mittelalter mehrfach berichtet, mit geheimer US-Technologie haben sie daher nichts zu tun.
i completely agree, but to be fair she is also quite new to the subject going by what she has presented here and I think maybe she would do well to visit the SOL Foundation site which I'm sure you are familiar with , certainly she would understand among the Academics there the propositions that they have tabled and the science , psychology and politics proposed to approach this complex subject.🛸🖖
Wo kann man diesbezüglich nachlesen? Würde gern mehr über Ufo-Hotspits in Europa, v.a, kontinental, erfahren
@@deinemam7115 SOL Fundation
Hast du die aufnahmen gesehen? Die objekte wechseln form, passieren ungehindert durch luft und wasser beschleunigen, ect. 😮
Good on you, Sabine, for taking this seriously… unlike many scientists.
Are you sure she was being serious? She kept a mostly straight face but the eyes tell the tale.
When asked whether the U.S. government is hiding something, the answer is always "yes."
😂 😂 😂
Usually it's just a mistress or two, some misappropriated funds, or some shenanigans in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.
Yeah they're like hiding their passwords. Not alien technology.
True but inadequate. When asked whether *governments* hide stuff the answer is always "yes."
@@FredAmnit Even the government of Tuvalu? I think NOT, sir!
Lady, Dr. Sabine, you are smart, you are adorable, and I am really thankful for your UA-cam channel. I started watching your videos a while back because I wanted to learn more about Physics. I come from a third world country, and I feel that there is so much for me to explore in the Scientific World. My education was not good! I was so happy to find your lessons on Physics. Thank you for everything. Sending blessings and hugs from Texas. I am praying for your country too. Peace. You are great!
With all due respect but there is 70+ years of credible people and great indirect compelling evidence that this subject should be seriously studied? i feel many scientists want to but scared of reputation is ruined and lose jobs. Same scientist's will say alien technology possibly be thousands of years more advanced probably would look like magic to us. Then same scientists say impossible to travel interstellar distances ?😂 Humanity ego is unfounded? Our knowledge of physics is couple of hundred years old? Imagine the technology and knowledge of a civilization 100000 years old would be like 😮😢
The acronym UAP now stands for unidentified anomalous phenomena, it was previously called unidentified aerial phenomenon like you stated but not now.
Ah, sorry about that!
I think your numbers are off.
A comprehensive dataset from 11 European countries, including contributions from organizations like GEIPAN in France and the Italian Air Force, shows that there were approximately 4,400 UAP reports annually over the past five years.
In comparison in the U.S., Combining data from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and the Department of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the average number of UAP reports in the U.S. over the past five years is approximately 5,000 reports annually.
Thanks for talking about it. Skepticism is important in finding the truth. An investigation is needed to find out why certain people within the government don’t want transparency. If there’s nothing to hide why did they block the legislation trying to uncover nothing? Why were these men threatened? For a little history look up the church committee, the Robertson panel, and operation paperclip. They laid the groundwork for what we’re seeing here.
I thought it was "Anomalous", not "Aerial".
Because of the Trans medium nature of the Unknowns.
.... im sticking with Foo Fighters
So how does an alien civilisation so advanced that they can do interstellar travel be so clumsy as to crash on earth and allow reverse engineering.
Dont UFO and drink!
The same way a civilization capable of building aircraft with sensor fusion data link single engine vtol low radar cross section crashes on occasion… do you even hear yourself right now?
@@mike-0451 "They can travel between star systems within a lifetime but _our_ pilots use vertical takeoff and landing, radar stealth, a computer that can process from multiple peripheries, and a radio to talk to other planes."
They're falling from the sky right and left. Even the Vatican has some. I wonder if the qualify for AAA. (Honesty, the idea that clowns like Grusch and Elizondo can appear in public without being laughed at is astounding. Yet here they are being treated as serious people by Congress.)
They may have figured out how to violate some of our laws of physics, but haven't figured out how to violate the second law of thermodynamics.
I'm glad to see Sabine giving this issue some serious coverage. It's important that people be prepared for disclosure in the coming years. Wild times ahead for humanity.
I’m not sure you understand how burden of proof works. We need credible evidence that does more than support our biases and feed our urges to do anything more than dismiss it all as misidentification, human fallibility, and mischief.
@@JonS I know exactly how the burden of proofs work, son. I don't really care if you believe it or not. It's going to happen. People like you who think they are rational actors will deny it right up until you're forced to accept it. Either way we (humanity) will get there. Enjoy the ride. Also, there's tons of evidence if you're willing to actually look into the subject for more than the 5 minutes that it takes you to biasedly dismiss it.
3:50 "Whatever this man has seen, physics literature is not it." 😅😅😅 I can't stop laughing 😅😅
European ATCO here. I have had several phenomena during my carreer. And there are plenty more incidents I've heard from colleagues, but they just don't get reported. Partly because they are too common and partly because we'd not know what to write into the report ... the safety reports would not really be actionable by the investigators :)
What kind of incidents? Pilot reports of weird traffic, that is not on civil or military radar. Pilots avoiding objects or traffic - actually maneuvering due to something that civil or military units are not aware of. I have a quora post written about an incident, but for some reason YT does not like me adding it to the comment.
how to find your longer post with google?
@@batmanonholiday4477 I'll try like this, adding spaces into the link: q r . a e / p 2 8 F h a
Just copy paste that into the browsers URL slot, remove spaces.
@@batmanonholiday4477 Try googling a question from there "For those in air traffic control, what is one of the most interesting conversations you've heard from the pilots?"
There's not too many answers, and mine starts with:
"The following is written based on my recollection of an event that happened a few years ago when I was working in the Tallinn East ACC sector."
I believe it when I see.
Not before,
and maybe not even after
Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.
I got this advise from one of my teachers back in the day.
@@rdsii64 Teacher should have said to trust your own intuition and not rely on anyone else's.
I don't believe this is credible, but it concerned me that this got in front of Congress.
As someone who’s seen a black triangular craft in August of 2007 larger than my house hover completely silently over it close enough I could have hit with a baseball, I think it’s very credible. Even if I hadn’t had that once and a lifetime sighting though, there are an estimated 200 billion trillion stars (2 x 10²³) in the observable universe. Is it really that hard to imagine that other species exist with vastly superior intelligence and technology? Who the hell are we but tiny specks of carbon on a grain of sand. 🤷🏼♂️
@@bg9919 where are the pictures?! and the chances of intelligent life are not that great and they still have to abide the laws of nature!
@@bg9919there are thousands of stories like yours and not shred of evidence. If these things fly that close to the ground how has nobody ever filmed or photographed it
@@bg9919 No, you didn't see sh-t.
Everybody has stories, nobody has it on tape.
10:18 It's not that it doesn't happen elsewhere It's that the military industrial contractors that have the power and ability to hide and develop these technologies are primarily based out of the United States. It's not so much the official government but contractors who can silo the information and not be held subject to the Constitution or the public
Its crazy how evidence is in our face and people are ignoring it! Lol
The evidence that congress hearings are a joke
I don't blame them, it's something you have to see for yourself to begin to understand the reality, after your brain processes all the ontological shock it causes.
Evidence that morons and grifters are being taken seriously by the US congress
Agree 1000% it's really crazy
Because it is so obvious . That tells more about humans and their fear of reality than anything else... Scientists being maybe the most arrogant and blinded people of course...
Pentagon - 'We need $3 trillion to investigate this' Gov - here's the check. Btw 'what are those drones? ' 'sorry we don't know who/what/when/where/why' :)
Yep. Whether you like chuck or not, his ufo briefing the other day was a complete 🙄🤦♀️.
UFO is so much better….why change it?
Because they are not all flying
Anything that is on the air or space is flying.
The fact that Dr. Gallaudet very much reminds me of the Cigarette Smoking Man (C.G.B. Spender) from X-Files doesn't really help 😂😂😂
In the German translation, he was called "Der Krebskandidat" , the cancer candidate . . .
This has been going on since the 50's; Project Blue Book.
Constantly being renamed - to create confusion or to make it look like “something is being done”.
They've moved on from debunking sightings on the basis of misidentification ("it's a weather balloon") to the "we don't know what it is" non-explanation. It all seems a bit desperate to me, on the basis that they once apparently knew what they were and now don't - surely in the light of evidence that would go the other way. Then there's oddity of these crashed "weather balloons" needing a whole bunch of people with guns to stop civilians having a look. If it's just a weather balloon, why can't we have a peep?
All very curious.
Check out the Pentacle Memo
Since 47
Since the nazi stuff and the nazi scientists landed in the US.
Too bad Congress can't devote themselves to attending to matters that would actually make the lives of their constituents better.
a societal framework that puts individuals into positions of power (law making, creating and maintaining the rules that decide who gets how much of what) while those individuals naturally follow 'the laws of nature' will only have one outcome.. the one we observe. Any other expectation is anomalous. Seriously.
For those of you asking why sightings don't occur in Europe and other places, follow Ross Coulthart of Newsnation. Not only do sightings occur in every other location in the world, but there is an arms race between China, Russia, and US to study and *perhaps* reverse engineer the technology (if it's technology).
some of it is "technology", as in they're misidentified balloons, aircraft, satellites, drones or kites. Some of them are not, they're misidentified birds, clouds, celestial objects or lens flare/bokeh.
Not a single UAP is an alien spacecraft for a very simple reason - if you can prove it's an alien spacecraft, congratulations ! You have just identified it, therefore making it an Identified Flying Object.
I saw a UFO when I was up pendle hill one October.
OK magic mushrooms grow wild up that way, and my next statement is "no comment"
The data on European UAP reports comes from various national and civilian organizations across Europe. For example, a comprehensive dataset from 11 European countries, including contributions from organizations like GEIPAN in France and the Italian Air Force, shows that there were approximately 4,400 UAP reports annually over the past five years.
The most disturbing aspect of all these hearings is that all people participating seem to be taking this joke seriously. Have they all collectivel lost their mind?
"Have they all collectivel lost their mind?"
I assume You are talking about the folk in US of A if so then the answer is resoundly. Yes.
And the evidence for this claim exists, where?
If you want circumstantial evidence, there's an overwhelming amount. Hard evidence is harder to find because the allegation here is that there's an unacknowledged special access program that has all the hard evidence. And they aren't sharing.
I appreciate Sabine's open mindedness about this topic, where unscientific claims seem to flourish. I like to quote a great Italian Astrophysicist on this, Margherita Hack, who said: "We have to be careful what we wish for, on this. If we were visited by an alien population, obviously way more technologically advanced than us, we may end up like North American First Nations post contact."
Will we open a casino?
Well, if it were other humans, that would be a possibility. But if they are not human, chances are they lack greed and violent behavior....
@@TheKarlslok Personally I can't reliably predict behaviour of my fellow humans, I don't think it would be easier with aliens.
@@TheKarlslok Why would you believe that? Even an AI can show "greed", in principle. And engage in kinetic action.
Worse. We would simply go extinct. The simple fact that we are here means that "they" either don't exist or if they do they are very far away and cannot reach us.
Anyone is entitled to believe in whatever they choose, but others don't have to accept anything that the likes of Grusch has to say.
The whole idea that there are UAPs (e.g. drones), therefore they must aliens, is logically absurd.
I think it is a lot easier to think that there are aliens rather than the whole thing being some elaborate scheme. This government isn't smart enough to pull off that type of stunt.
Why? There are thousands of reports from around the world. Some by scientists, police and military personnel. They can't all be delusional!
Thank you for covering this topic. 🖖🛸
The Hubris of Sabine here is a little to much.
Yes she is a Physicist and very intelligent, much more so than 99.9% of any of us here including myself but this can lead to her not realising that there are many things not understood or even known about in Physics.
Not to be overly harsh but she has not made any discoveries of note at all herself in physics so maybe should be a bit more humble and consider what could be possible but is outside our current understanding.
UAP / UFO are definitely real and they are using a propulsion system that we do not understand yet but will be part of the laws of physics of course. Eventually we will catch up with our understanding of how these craft are flying.
When you have so many experts and professionals that have seen these craft up close sometimes then you have to accept it as real. It is easy to scoff until you see something undeniable yourself.
Stupid comment 😂
"I saw a very secure email" Wow, can't wait for the quantum computers come out so we can have actually secure emails. Or maybe that means no email will ever be secure. I can't tell which.
He still has a high level security clearance so it can't be passed off so confidently.
More likely only those with significant access to quantum computing will have secure communications and the ability to read classically secure communications.
The aliens are waiting for us to grow up or destroy ourselfs.
Maybe they want the real estate?
@@TheNamelessOne888 If the aliens existed (and were able to travel here) they would have occupied the Earth long time ago. We wouldn't even be here. But we are.. so...
Sabine thank you for this exposé. I appreciate your interest in reviewing this from your valued perspective. It would be great if you would follow this phenomena no matter how crazy it sounds like from todays perspective
I have not expected you would cover such topics, but I am happy you do!
I am not a scientist, but it always baffles me, how they are talking about UAPs and G forces. If you can create gravity (which I suppose a highly advanced species could) then you can bend time and space. With such technology, travel would be almost instantaneous. Distances loose all meaning and G forces do not play a role, if you have spaced warped around your craft.
In theory, completely possible. We do not know how that would be done, but for me a logical explanation.
My grandfather was a career Navy engineer. Yea we are reverse engineering tech. Poorly
Reverse engineering tech from a dream is really difficult. That's why it costs so much.
You can't reverse engineer anything if you don't know the science behind it and if your technology is not high enough to replicate the material and manufacturing technology employed in the manufacture of the thing you want to reverse engineer. That is why I think all those talk about reverse engineering alien tech is hogwash.
Thanks a lot for your summary and your insight, it seems to be a never ending story, in the second generation meanwhile😂. Sad, that Europe is not of interest, since we have in Erich v. Däniken one of the greatest "philosophers" in this field.
6:54 "misallocated taxpayer dollars" - Mr. Elizondo seems to have a point.😂
Ah yes, the good old argument of 'we don't have any idea what it is so it must be aliens'...
Has anyone ever discerned any mints other than tictacs in the sky moving anomalously?
The Mentos Wave of 1973.
@@ssdfgardiner1233 We do know that Mentos are an incredible source of free and unlimited energy.
Most Polos are ground based.
I've noticed that none of the reports mention rectangular or cubic objects. Also, to my knowledge, there are no rectangular or cubic mints. That can not just be coincidence.
Always brought out when a distraction is needed.
yeah, everyone forgot about Epstein's list.
That's my working theory - it's a distraction from a number of developments that the 'powers that be' do not want "We, the People" to notice or question - generally, the fragility of the U.S. dollar and U.S. military - developments that involve vast corruption and U.S. perfidy around the world. The distraction (aliens!) may get more intense. I do think that alien visitations are possible but I've also learned the following "rule of thumb" for almost anything that is asserted by the U.S. government or its vassal media:
Whatever they say, the opposite is true, and whatever they accuse others of doing, THEY are doing or planning to do.
That's my problem and our problem overall: The government that lied about "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq is still lying, big time. Millions have died (Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Indonesia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, Iraq, Gaza, Syria, Libya, Chechnya, Ukraine..to name some) and trillions are being spent on war and the overthrow of decent governments with virtually no accountability. How are we to believe this government on ANYTHING?
Why would UAP's contain lifeforms of any kind, as an advanced civilisation would use remote senseing, this isn't the 1950's! We are comforted by the idea of alien life, in an attempt to reassure us that we are not alone in the tractless wastes of space, remember we are born as part of another but die alone, so being alone in the universe could be a reminder of our solitude.
As a student of behaviour and culture- we cannot make assumptions that other intelligence will follow our cultural values. They may rely on physical observation and not remote sensing, or vice versa. They may come from a different framework to us.
Well, I am willing to contemplate the idea that other civilizations just don't value biological life the same way we do. Maybe for them it's not any more valuable than a robot would be too us? Or maybe they *are* robots, just biological in form?
Weird you talked about europe not doing anything when GEIPAN has pushed this topic for decades. @@SabineHossenfelder
Possibly these are biological drones and we're not dealing with a civilization at all, just a von Neumann probe with an ancient AI on it. The possibilities are endless, until we get some actual data.
@@SabineHossenfelder It would be more about efficiency as this would be at the top of their priority list. Biological meatsuits are about the worst choice you could make if you want to travel through space in an efficient way.
I'm always amazed at how alien technology is always at the cusp of the latest "Popular Science" future projections. Were they inter-dimensional prior to Einstein's GR paper?