Shiva Manas Puja With Lyrics and Meaning

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Shiva Manas Puja (Mental Worship of Lord Shiva)
    1. Ratnaih kalpitamāsanam himajalaih snānam cha divyāmbaram Nānāratna-vibhūshitam mrugamadā- modānkitam candanam; Jātī-champaka-bilva-patra-rachitam pushpam cha dhūpam tathā Dīpam deva dayānidhe paśupate hrtkalpitam gruhyatām
    1.O ocean of mercy, O master of bound creatures, I have imagined a throne of precious stones for You, cool water for You to bathe in, Divine robes adorned with many jewels, sandalwood paste mixed with musk to anoint Your body, jasmine and champaka flowers and bilva leaves, rare incense, and a shining flame. Accept all these, which I have imagined in my heart for You, O God.
    2. Sauvarne mani-ratna-khanda-rachite pātre ghrutam pāyasam Bhaksyam panchavidham payodadhiyutam rambhā-phalam pānakam; Sākānāmā-yutam jalam ruchikaram karpūra-khandojjvalam Tāmbūlam manasā mayāvirachitam bhaktyaa prabho svīkuru
    2. Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented with camphor, and betel leaf - I have prepared all these in my mind with devotion. O Lord, please accept them.
    3. Chatram chāmarayoryugam vyajanakam cādarśhakam nirmalam Vīnā-bheri-mrudangakāhalakalā gītam cha nrutyam tathā; Sāshtāngam pranatih stutirbahuvidhā hyetat-samastam mayā Sankalpena samarpitam tava vibho pūjām gruhāna prabho
    3. A canopy, two yak-tail whisks, a fan and a spotless mirror, a veena, kettledrums, a mridang and a great drum, songs and dancing, full prostrations, and many kinds of hymns - all this I offer You in my imagination. O Almighty Lord, accept this, my worship to You..
    4. Atma tvam girijā matih sahacarāh prānāh śareeram gruham Pūjā te vishayopabhogarachanā nidraa samādhisthitih; Sañcārah padayoh pradakshinavidhih stotrāni sarvā giro Yadyatkarma karoti tattadakhilam śambho tavārādhanam
    4. You are my Self; Parvati is my reason. My five pranas are Your attendants, my body is Your house, and all the pleausres of my senses are objects to use for Your worship. My sleep is Your state of samadhi. Wherever I walk I am walking around You, everything I say is in praise of You, everything I do is in devotion to You, O benevolent Lord.
    5. Karacharanakrtam vāk kāyajam karmajam vā Śhravananayanajam vā manasam vāparādham; Vihitam avihitam vā sarvametat kshamasva Jaya jaya karunābdhe śrīmahādeva śhambho (2x)
    5. Whatever sins I have committed with my hands, feet, voice, body, actions, ears, eyes, or mind, whether prohibited by the scriptures or not, please forgive them all. Hail! Hail! O ocean of compassion! O Great God! O Benevolent Lord!