Hafsah bint ‘Umar (ra) | Part 1| Builders of a Nation Ep.7 | Dr Haifaa Younis | Jannah Institute |
- Опубліковано 4 лют 2025
- #ramadanseries #drhaifaayounis #jannahinstitute #islam
Let’s talk about our mother Hafsah, the daughter of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with her.
Did you know that:
Our mother Hafsah became a Muslim before her father, who is now the famous companion, ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him?
Sayyida Hafsah was married before the Prophet ﷺ and became a widow at age 21?
‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, firstly wanted to marry Hafsah to ‘Uthman or Ali, may Allah be pleased with them?
Sayyida Hafsah was famous for her legendary acts of worship, writing skills and wit?
She was the keeper of the first Mushaf that was written in the time of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him?
Join Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis as she shares some interesting details from the life of our mother Hafsah, the daughter of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both.
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لتفعيل الترجمة العربية اتبعوا الخطوات التالية :
١ - الضغط على ايقونة الإعدادات ⚙ .
٢ -الضغط على خيارات الترجمة (CC)
٣- اختيار اللغة العربية .
Can u please recommend me a book from where I can get complete knowledge abt all the Azwajah e Mutehrat?
I love this series of the women in Islam so much, it’s such an inspiration. Also Dr. Younis‘ Voice is soothing and makes it so easy to listen to. I wish these would be longer 😭❤️
Sheikh Omar Suleiman did the series of the Firsts on Yakeen Institute. It's the stories of the first 100 Muslims with Prophet Mohammed. They are amazing, and the sheik does an amazing job tell their stories. There are so many biographies of Muslim women, starting with his wife Khadijah RA, love the biography of his mother after his mother who was the fifth person to accept Islam.
@@amalabdallah8481 I love Omar Suleiman, the Jannah series is also amazing. Although I didn’t know about the one you said. Thank you so much. I’ll definitely check it out. Allahumma barik ❤️
Characteristics of a Builder of a Nation Ep.7
1. A great worshipper (Salah)
2. Excellent writer
3. Smart and Sharp
4. Trustworthy
jazakAllah Kheiran sister 😘
I love these reminders feel so blessed to have access to all of them Alhamdullilah ❤
Alhamdulillah ♥️😭
My dad says that I'm like hafsa because i love fasting and find it really easy and do night prayer ❤️
حفصة الصوامة القوامة جمعني الله و إياك في الجنة آمين ❤️
I only wish they were longer. May Allah bless Dr Haifa Yonus.
wallahi I love this woman for the sake of Allah I could listen to her the hole day. ❤
I love your voice. These videos are making me become a better Muslim alhamdulilah. I almost lost my way with Allah while growing up now I'm on my path again alhamdulilah.
It's amazing how in that time women had such great roles in Islam, they were very important in the journey of spreading Islam, that's so beautiful ❤
I have always been curious about sayidah hafsa and how she was in her time since my name is hafsa . She is sawama lqawama الصوامة القوامة and Allah swt commanded the prophet pbu to take her back after he divorced her😍 Mashallah what a woman she was❤Thank you so much for you efforts this is such a beautiful serie. May Allah grant u Jannah
Same ❤
Thank you ma'am for presenting this series..the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are truly inspiring..❤
May Allah protect and bless you.
allahumma salli ala sayyadina muhammadin walaa aali sayyadina muhammadin wabarika wa sallim
🌴🤲"Obey Allah in all your affairs because Allah’s obedience has precedence over all other things."🤲🌴
Masha Allah🙏, For me this not only a remainder but is way of guidance. Since the time I started listening to the Sirah of the Builders of the Nation, I am trying my possible best to live my life as a builder of nation. May Allah increase us in knowledge and increase us in eeeman
Masha Allah barek Allah fik 👏👏🤍
Assalamualaikum sister beautiful byan, narrated by u of syeda Hafza Radiallahu Hanha.
May Allah swt reward you for educating us on the wives of our prophet peace be upon him. I used to know so little about them, except for Khadijah ra and Aisha ra, so these videos have been very educational🤍😁
JazakiAllah kheiran. My roll model sister Allah continue blessing you Aameen 🤲
لتفعيل الترجمة العربية اتبعوا الخطوات التالية :
١ - الضغط على ايقونة الإعدادات ⚙ .
٢ -الضغط على خيارات الترجمة (CC)
٣- اختيار اللغة العربية .
Subhanallah may Allah grant us all the honor to meet this blessing mothers. Ameen
Aameen Yaa Rabb!
Valaikkum Assalam varahmathullahi thaala vabarakathuhu
Please do one of Hazrt Fatima A.S
yaa assalaatu wa assalaamu alaika yaa rasoolullah sallellahu alahiwasallim
جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا for these valuable series
Aasalamualikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu..
لا اله الا الله ❤
لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين ❤
Mashallah Sister
MashaAllah ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful ramadan series😍
Very inspiring 😍😍
May Allah guide us to the straight path ameen🤲🏻🤲🏻
Baraka lahou fiki and Jazaki lahou khayran ♥️♥️♥️
Allah u Akbar .❤
ماشاء الله
May Allah forgive us in all our sins in this Ramadhan and guide us to become a better muslim
Aamiin Yaa Rabbal 'Aalameen!
These are the women we should aspire to emulate!
Wa alaikum salaam Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu ukthi Jazakillahu khair Maa shaa Allah ❤I make it possible not to miss it SubhanAllah … Barakalahu Feekum
رضي الله عنها ❤
Mashallah very nice 👍
MashaAllah, such an amazing series. We get to know our Great Mothers❤
Al-Hamdulillah. JazakumAllahu khayran. BarakAllahu feekum
JazakAllah khayr barakAllah
I just love this series and her🥺🤍
بارك الله فيك والله شيء جميل ان نتعلم عن الصحابيات بلغتين ❤️🌹 لغة القرآن و اللغة الحية .
Kindly make video on Rehana bint Zaid(mother of momenee ) may Allah be pleased with her
Love for your clips from Pakistan 🇵🇰
I eagerly wait for you videos.. Jazak Allahu khairan ❤
Subhan Allah ❤
✨️اللهم اعتق رقابنا ورقاب آبائنا وأمهاتنا من النار🤲اللهم انانسألك حسن الصيام وحسن القيام وحسن الختام ووفقنا ليلة القدر واجعلنا ممن يصومون ويقومون ايمانا واحتسابا🤲
‘We will continue tomorrow’ … heartbreaking words!
Ohh beautiful!!
Mashallah 🥺🥺🥺
جزاك الله خيرا ❤
thanks for your love and hard work , in spreading the light of Islam .
I wanna meet you mam. A great fan from Dubai 😍
جزاك الله خير
Mashaallah Thank you so much for sharing♥️
Can’t wait for the next episode..😊
Jazak Allah khairn❤
I love her despite her being a complicated person... very jealous and kinda with attitude. May Allah be satisfied with her nevertheless
Masha'alllah 😍😍
رضي الله عن امهاتنا جميعهن
Please make video on sayyida fatima
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين
I couldn't find a specific reference, as I trust that you've sourced all the information from credible sources. When discussing its merits, it would be beneficial to include references. Additionally, enhancing the narrative with details such as the number of years of marriage and the age at the time of remarriage would enrich the discussion
#Jannahseries #ramadanseries #drhaifaayounis
#ramadanseries #drhaifaayounis #jannahinstitute #islam
You mentioned that after she became a widow, Umar (ra) proposed to Usman (ra) and Ali (ra) for her hand in marriage, whereas the narration in Bukhari (Hadith: 4005 and 5122) mentions Usman (ra) and Abu Bakr (ra). Please clarify this confusion.
Walekum assalam
A Mistake : Umar RA asked Abu Bakr RA that he can have Hafsah RA but Abu Bakr didn't answered as he knew Prophet is thinking to marry her. So he didnt asked Ali RA.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🩷🩷👍👍👍 keep make more videos
كل عام وانتم بخير اذا سمحتي ممكن يكون في ترجمه للحلقات بالله يا اختي من فتره سمعت مقطع وكنت ابحث اتابع حضرتك ارجوكم الترجمه يا اخوات
Her mother was Zainab Bint mazoon you forgot that
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ❤
Türkçe altyazı lütfenn😢
Asalam u Alaikum.
I'm loving this series. I just have one question in this series:
In so many lectures I have been attending, I was told that Umar R.A. first took Hafsa R.A.'s marriage proposal to Usman R.A. and after that to Abu Bakar R.A.
In this series you mentioned proposal was taken to Ali R.A.
Please check and guide. Jazakillah.
Me toooo i know that Omr RA have gone to Osman and Abibakr RA only .. I was surprised when I heard that he have gone to Ali
God loves you and takes care of you for the arrival of this message to you. God is the one who created this universe and He is the one who controls it. The biggest loss that a person loses in this life is to live while he does not know God and the Messenger of Muhammad, the last of the prophets and the Islamic religion, the last of the heavenly religions. From the great intelligence of any person before he He believes in something or does not believe in it, that he read it, study it, and understand it well, and then he has the choice and judgment on it. I advise you to do so before you do not have time for that.
So short talk, it finishes keeping the thirst
Selamün aleyküm sohbetlrin türkçe alt yazılı olmasını çok istiyoruz
The great women of Islam said that he asked Abu Bakr (RA) after asking Uthman (RA) but didn’t mention Ali (RA) … maybe I heard wrong or misunderstood but please clarity 🙏
Ya I heard that too
*Hafsah was the daughter of umar bin khattab. she became a muslim before her dad and married before marry to rosul but her husband died in a battle of badr at age 21 she became a widow. she was well known for her legendary act of worship and knew how to ride and read and memorized a whole Al-quran. she was trusthworty even abu bakar let her keep the only copy of Al Quran with her untill sayyidina uthman make more more copy of Quran. as a human being hafsah had jealousy with other wives of rosul esp with aisha. but later they became close to each other after there are other rosul wives, one time hafsah said to sayyidina safiyyah that she was the daughter of jew and safiyyah cried and Rosul said she shouldn't cry because from their line there was prophets there and even she married to a prophet. eventhough hafsah said that but once rosul told it's not good to day that they will stop and not doing that again. there was an incident where she and aisha made a plan to say to rosul that he doesn't have very good smell of breat because rosul stayed longer in zainab's house and because of that rosul said he would stop eating honey and then Allah revealed that this was actually rosul's wives plan. and the option is rosul have to repent so that his heart will be cleaned and otherwise he may divorce them. in the sirah said there was a plan for divorced or it happened but then the married reconciled. she died at 59 at the time muawiyyah and burried in al-baqi
Jus a suggestion. Why not introduce sahaabiyyah in yr next series. Many r not aware of their existence n their contributions n sacrifices for the deen.
Wallahu a’alam.
Jazaakumullahu khairan for the attention.
Are you seriously kidding me right now, go read the Quran about this woman.