The Corrs - One Night (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mitchmendoza9025
    @mitchmendoza9025 Рік тому +37

    2023 and still listening to this song. Andrea is so beautiful even until now. Just saw them a few nights ago at their concert. 😊

  • @barbarachase5824
    @barbarachase5824 3 роки тому +76

    I believe this song, "One Night," to be one of the most PERFECT songs that I've ever heard! From the lyrics to the melody, to the fantastic singing by one of the BEST bands that ever entered a recording studio, this song enters every fiber of my being. Unfortunately I've not seen it performed at any of the Corrs concerts, at least on any released video, and it makes me wonder why. Truth be told, I heard it on the radio on my way home from work one day and immediately went to a record shop before going home, and purchased everything that the shop had of the Corrs. Needless to say, my evening was spent getting to know and greatly appreciate who the Corrs were. This fantastic song is the one that brought me to the Corrs and I've been a diehard fan ever since!

    • @giovannisalamon2706
      @giovannisalamon2706 2 роки тому +1

      Interesting. I found out about this song earlier this month. I've been re-watching this video along with other Corrs videos. Reminds me of Prozaak's Mediterranean Lady / Europa (which I did listen to around the time it was released - whereas Corrs is a recent discovery with me).

    • @NazriB
      @NazriB Рік тому

      Lies again? NASA Inspector General

    • @emmanuelcaleb3200
      @emmanuelcaleb3200 Рік тому

      ...and I still remember the movie mad about Mambo.

    • @GrettelS2602
      @GrettelS2602 Місяць тому

      Now, go and listen the spanish version... you will love it for sure!

  • @friddahmamaregane2262
    @friddahmamaregane2262 11 місяців тому +164

    Who's Listening in 2024

  • @alexcunanan9906
    @alexcunanan9906 4 роки тому +242

    This song makes you feel in love even if you're not in a relationship 😔

  • @cyborg9652
    @cyborg9652 3 роки тому +38

    One of the most beautiful dreamiest and calming songs ever heard. I hear this pleasant song in my dreams. It makes me feel warm and comfortable. The Irish are really magical. I love them. Andrea's singing is very good. Andrea is an angel and her voice is heavenly. She is my favorite band member. That's why I wanna visit Ireland. My favorite country.😍😍😍😍😍😍😳😳😳😳😳😳🍀🍀🍀🍀💚💚

  • @pmc7723
    @pmc7723 2 роки тому +35

    Beautiful song with a gentle gorgeous melody. Why don't they make music like this now?

    • @NazriB
      @NazriB Рік тому

      Lies again? Free Nasi Biryani Free Carlsberg

  • @Chubbylito11
    @Chubbylito11 Рік тому +13

    Just came from their concert in Manila! Sad they didn't play this song! definitely one of their iconic songs

    • @flightforge30
      @flightforge30 Рік тому +1

      yup..same as all the love in the world

  • @DenisIgua
    @DenisIgua 2 роки тому +13

    A wonderful song that will be timeless in my collection. Such a talented group The Corrs. Thank you @RHINO for sharing.

  • @rantym35
    @rantym35 4 роки тому +106

    2020 Quarantine, just remembering good old times - reflecting how much love is valuable for human beings and many care not about it...if we as humans would've taken another route would not be in this mess, peace out

  • @eavenhascht
    @eavenhascht 2 роки тому +9

    The melody is romantic yet sensual.. but nurturing at the same time.

  • @oscarferrer4103
    @oscarferrer4103 4 роки тому +69

    Sound nice in English also in spanish with Alejandro Sanz , I remember when I heard it for the first time I was 20 years old I'm 40 now . Lovely song

    • @jaddcrey8403
      @jaddcrey8403 3 роки тому +3

      were same

    • @sebaslasalle7598
      @sebaslasalle7598 3 роки тому +2

      Sounds better un Spanish

    • @flightforge30
      @flightforge30 3 роки тому +1

      im 42 now and this song was so famous back in the early months of 2001

    • @fined4i
      @fined4i 2 роки тому +1

      i just listened to this song 8 hours ago for the first time and im 29 years old. suddenly feel in love with this song❤

  • @cristinaborjal0226
    @cristinaborjal0226 4 роки тому +28

    I miss this group! Specially andrea corr she so pretty

  • @charliechuck1021
    @charliechuck1021 2 роки тому +14

    My Goodness. What an amazing song!

  • @nauraanindya8054
    @nauraanindya8054 5 років тому +75

    One Night
    The Corrs
    Long day and I'm ready, I'm waiting for your call
    'Cause I've made up my mind
    My heart aches with a hunger and the want that you were mine
    No, I cannot deny
    So for one night, is it all right
    That I give you
    My heart, my love, my heart?
    Just for one night
    My body, my soul
    Just for one night
    My love, my love
    For one night, one night, one night
    When morning awakes me
    Well, I know I'll be alone
    And I feel I'll be fine
    So don't you worry about me
    I'm not empty on my own
    For inside, I'm alive
    That for one night, it was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart, my love, my heart
    Just for one night
    My body, my soul
    Just for one night
    My love, I loved
    For one night, one night, one night
    For one night, it was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart, my love, my heart
    Just for one night
    My body, my soul
    Just for one night
    My love, my love
    For one night, one night, one night
    One night

  • @athifairshania8031
    @athifairshania8031 5 років тому +205

    Still pretty good song... 2019 who is still listening

    • @jungzejim5
      @jungzejim5 5 років тому +2

      Listening here in Texas.. Love Andrea.. her voice calms me.

    • @pocholobatata2800
      @pocholobatata2800 5 років тому +3

      Meeeee!!! May 2019!

    • @dimphophamela1734
      @dimphophamela1734 5 років тому +2

      Am here I always play this song in my dancing classes 😍

    • @anselmchimezieotika2198
      @anselmchimezieotika2198 5 років тому +1

      I ,myself and myself.

    • @sintiaalbarran2060
      @sintiaalbarran2060 5 років тому +1

      no la había escuchado en e inglés 😞....... y que creen😩m encantoooo! 😍julio 2019

  • @lemorena9975
    @lemorena9975 2 роки тому +14

    LYRICS :
    Long day and I'm ready
    I'm waiting for your call
    'Cause I've made up my mind
    My heart aches with a hunger
    And the want that you were mine
    No, I cannot deny
    So, for one night
    Is it all right
    That I give you
    My heart
    My love
    My heart
    Just for one night
    My body
    My soul
    Just for one night
    My love
    My love
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    When morning awakes me
    Well, I know I'll be alone
    And I feel I'll be fine
    So, don't you worry about me
    I'm not empty on my own
    For inside I'm alive
    But, for one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart
    My love
    My heart
    Just for one night
    My body
    My soul
    Just for one night
    My love
    I loved
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    For one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart
    My love
    My heart
    Just for one night
    My body
    My soul
    Just for one night
    My love
    My love
    For one night
    We loved
    One night
    One night
    One night

  • @wilbergarcia3059
    @wilbergarcia3059 9 років тому +81

    Definitivamente en la versión en español... esta mujer canta con un sentimiento, que realmente te transmite y su voz suena tan dulce, ella misma dijo que en español es mucho mejor...Amo esta canción

    • @ruswsanchez
      @ruswsanchez 9 років тому +10

      +WilO GarHer Si, acabo de ver su entrevista mientras grababan "Una noche" y ella dijo que le gusto mas la cancion en español, que la hizo sentir mas cosas, que esa cancion fue hecha para ser cantada en español, siempre pense que esa cancion era de Alejandro S. y que the Corrs solo lo acompañaron pero fue al revez, Alejandro S. fue el invitado lol

    • @wilbergarcia3059
      @wilbergarcia3059 9 років тому +7

      Sydney23 Así es... Aun que la versión en español se encuentra en el disco de Alejandro Sanz, igual yo siempre pensé que ellas era la que lo acompañaban, pues hay que disfrutarla. Saludos :)

    • @jja.r5259
      @jja.r5259 7 років тому +4

      yo recien me entero de que existia una version en ingles alv :'v ...... mejor es en español porque la escuche de niño

    • @camilagalarza6370
      @camilagalarza6370 6 років тому

      Ciriaco Alcañiz vi nadar delfines en tu voz es pura poesía

    • @dannielpichihua2977
      @dannielpichihua2977 6 років тому

      @@ruswsanchez NO SABÍA

  • @ixiec1689
    @ixiec1689 4 роки тому +15

    It's 2020 and I'm still listening. I hope the universe listens to me too. This song is for the man in my dreams. :)

  • @hriatikhuptawng2821
    @hriatikhuptawng2821 3 роки тому +13

    This song is so nostalgic I sang it in my college festival n won first’s been 15yrs since then.I still love it❤️

  • @drei_lady9631
    @drei_lady9631 6 років тому +32

    The Corrs is on my top 5 favorite artists! I love them since my childhood.

  • @michaellitan6872
    @michaellitan6872 Рік тому +2

    When Andrea Sharon and Caroline harmonized perfectly 2:30 excelente!!! 🎼🎶 See you in Manila Oct. 22, 2023

  • @davidvelasquez4284
    @davidvelasquez4284 Рік тому +5

    This song take on me to 2001, when i had 20 years old, A time of great songs.

  • @michaelmomo8081
    @michaelmomo8081 4 роки тому +45

    Now I'm here on March 2020
    All modern music is such disappointment to even listen
    I really miss those time when the music makes sense

  • @benjaminzhao6635
    @benjaminzhao6635 6 років тому +5

    How beautiful a sleepy lazy relaxed afternoon song really is! How I wish all of us just look like the sleepy afternoon looking cat, relaxed and worry free.

  • @wandafath
    @wandafath 7 років тому +62

    Listening this again after 12 years ago. And still my fave song 😊

  • @irwanpratama3659
    @irwanpratama3659 3 місяці тому +1

    Time past so fast, i listen first time while on senior high school, now i have two children. This song still beautiful to listen.

  • @brunomadero7054
    @brunomadero7054 5 років тому +6

    Soy de los que opina que la canción en inglés está bien, la letra no pierde su significado y sigue siendo hermosa la melodía como para una boda, pero en español, Alejandro se encargó de agregarle un matiz más profundo.
    "Se me llenó de luz la noche y es que yo ví nadar delfines en tu voz" ¡Dios! Bello ese verso. Hasta Sharon reconoció que en español la canción es más hermosa. Como sea, las dos versiones son excelentes.
    PD: Alejandro, en ese traje, se ve muy elegante.

    • @normadom
      @normadom Рік тому

      You're absolutely right and l neither understand nor speak Spanish. Sung in Spanish the song sounds so much more romantic. An achingly beautiful melody that bespeaks passion and longing. The video is excellently produced as it captures the essence of the song with a perfect blend of the voices of Andrea and Alejandro.

  • @laritafitrina3472
    @laritafitrina3472 3 роки тому +6

    always loovee andre's voice and of course The Corrs since 12 years agoo....

  • @abadgarciaorozco
    @abadgarciaorozco 2 роки тому +12

    Al escuchar las versiones de este poema -tanto en español como en ingles-, la piel se me sonroja...voz y sonidos que parecieran salir de algo extraterrenal...

  • @rosemerry7571
    @rosemerry7571 6 років тому +33

    2018 still love this song, missing those years when songs were still real and beautiful..

    • @MbariMbayo007
      @MbariMbayo007 6 років тому +1

      I miss those days too when songs were powerful, and touching.

  • @roxana8432
    @roxana8432 Рік тому +1

    I just remembered it now, after many years, it was singing in my head, thinking of a man I'm in love with. And I can't believe Alejandro Sanz is there... I love him😊

  • @rofieqnurrozaqrobarwarto4609
    @rofieqnurrozaqrobarwarto4609 9 років тому +45

    my father often plays this song when i was child, this makes me miss him,

  • @joaquim.Nilton7
    @joaquim.Nilton7 Рік тому +3

    This song is perfect, i don't think i will ever get enough of it!

  • @simonmukisa6901
    @simonmukisa6901 2 роки тому +3

    This generation music will never die. So romantic 🥰😍

  • @rauldelaflor9183
    @rauldelaflor9183 2 роки тому +10

    Excelente canción en la versión de una noche de la banda irlandesa the corrs. Aquí solo aparece Alejandro Sanz como actor en el videoclip.

  • @DMompreneur
    @DMompreneur 4 роки тому +3

    One of my fave teenage groups until now. di nakakasawa pakinggan songs nila...😍

  • @flightforge30
    @flightforge30 6 років тому +3

    wow!!! now i can see it in HD! thanks for uploading this beautiful masterpiece from the Corrs!

  • @Lillian.Chidinma.Mbachu
    @Lillian.Chidinma.Mbachu Рік тому +3

    Hearing such a melodious song for the first time... Saw it played in a movie today and had to look for it... I do love it❤

  • @tantelilis3017
    @tantelilis3017 6 років тому +6

    Love The Corrs from Indonesia.

  • @estherhadassahsendeza1091
    @estherhadassahsendeza1091 7 років тому +5

    The way my heart melts to this song... it is a beautiful piece

  • @mauriziofederici4017
    @mauriziofederici4017 6 років тому +1

    Ci sono momenti ed emozioni che sono cristallizzate in una canzone ... e quando questa melodia riaffiora .... nella mente si riaprono quelle immagini, quegli istanti vissuti. Nostalgia e ricordi da vivere con un malinconico sorriso ed un pensiero lontano. Una di quelle canzoni è questa.

  • @mariaaparecida-xw9qb
    @mariaaparecida-xw9qb 4 роки тому +7

    Que música linda!Não canso de ouvir!!!

  • @dannielpichihua2977
    @dannielpichihua2977 6 років тому +7

    con tanto sentimiento canta esta chica, su voz se mete en mi corazón

  • @tim1877
    @tim1877 3 роки тому +3

    It’s not just their music. I love everybody in the band.

  • @candyfashion4265
    @candyfashion4265 7 років тому +6

    Can't get enough of this song. It keeps me in the mood all day

  • @cherryanntimcang9797
    @cherryanntimcang9797 Рік тому +3

    I really loved this song..❤❤❤❤

  • @re3654
    @re3654 6 років тому +121

    This song is 18 yrs old and still amazing. Who still listening in 2018 ?

  • @fey5
    @fey5 5 років тому +2

    Beautiful songs, beautiful family 💜

  • @princessathena4966
    @princessathena4966 5 років тому +4

    One of my fav song by The Corrs 😍

  • @walterpoluzzi9846
    @walterpoluzzi9846 2 роки тому +3

    The woman in red at 0,55 ( one of the sisters ) looks like in an umbelieveble way my girlfriend, who reached the angels in 2011 and even if eleve years have passed i feel the same pain.of the day i lost her. People say " time heals your wounds..." No, it's not true.
    Ok, now i better shut up. So, thank you Coors for this masterpiece and for what it reminds me.
    Ciao Anna, i'll love you forever.

    • @regalchic
      @regalchic 6 місяців тому +1

      So sorry for your loss..

    • @walterpoluzzi9846
      @walterpoluzzi9846 6 місяців тому +1

      @@regalchic Thank you, i appreciate.

  • @ramadhananto9836
    @ramadhananto9836 3 роки тому +1

    Depok 2006.. Dengerin seputaran margonda raya pukul 03.00 WIB ditemenin cungkring berkendara sama si "fusso" ...Berharap yg pasti tidak akan terjadi kembali

  • @flaviaribeiro9766
    @flaviaribeiro9766 9 років тому +10

    Amo está música. Será a minha preferida para sempre.

  • @sweetienatalie3603
    @sweetienatalie3603 7 років тому +2

    Na miss yong taong minigay quna lahat iniwan lng dn aqu pero ganon pa man subrang thankful padin aqu kc May isang one night

  • @hamdahdina369
    @hamdahdina369 7 місяців тому +3

    20 thun ku cari lagu ini... Coz almarhum ayah slalu stel kaset ini... Dan aku blom faham bahasa lagu ini... Dan skrang otak ku trasa sdikit plooonggg

    • @hamdahdina369
      @hamdahdina369 5 місяців тому

      Sama... Kyak ada yang lega di kantor prasaan ku....

  • @ra7008
    @ra7008 3 роки тому +2

    The way Alejandro Sanz stared at Andrea in the middle of the room, I melted lol

  • @marcandatti9037
    @marcandatti9037 24 дні тому +2

    Somebody in november 2024? 🤔
    I'm from México 🇲🇽

  • @chukwuemekareznorugwueje2642
    @chukwuemekareznorugwueje2642 7 місяців тому +1

    This songs touches the soul and makes friends with our emotions.

  • @miladaud9063
    @miladaud9063 9 років тому +2

    Nice song n lyrics 💕🎵🎶#onenight #thecorrs #goodnite

  • @jejebynature1192
    @jejebynature1192 11 місяців тому

    This song makes you feel in love even if you're not in a relationship 😍😍🥰

  • @patrringgpinas
    @patrringgpinas Місяць тому +1

    i've been singing rarely sang best songs on PH karaoke bars, and this one is one of them

  • @desertflower6964
    @desertflower6964 5 років тому +2

    Nostalgie ❤️

  • @balieRGazu
    @balieRGazu 3 місяці тому +1

    I have been searching for this song 🤌😊

  • @elinonika772
    @elinonika772 2 місяці тому

    Saya suka lagu ini,Mengingatkan saya pada seseorang,Pada suatu masa,Pada suatu kondisi dimana saya merasa damai dan tenang mendengarkan lagu ini.Dari jaman dulu umur 20an sampai sekarang umur 38 saya masih suka dengan lagu ini...Terima kasih The Corrs.

  • @hadi_setiyo
    @hadi_setiyo 7 місяців тому +1

    This song reminds me of my late father and Sister. They have passed away in 2007 & 2021. Sometomes, I imagine that The're still alive.

  • @laLa-cu4fz
    @laLa-cu4fz 7 років тому +13

    This song is so beautiful so nostalgic

  • @kamilmus
    @kamilmus 10 років тому +2

    Beautiful song. Andre's voice is heavenly. At 0:33 Alejandro while walking, from the back looks like Messi, kind off.

    • @dorxlab
      @dorxlab 2 місяці тому


  • @alessandrasousa1263
    @alessandrasousa1263 6 років тому +15

    Só eu acho essa uma das músicas mais bonitas do Corrs?

  • @ramigalaxy
    @ramigalaxy 6 років тому +22

    One night.
    Long day and I'm ready
    I'm waiting for your call
    'Cause I've made up my mind
    My heart aches with a hunger
    And a want that you were mine
    No I can not deny
    So for one night
    Is it alright
    That I give you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love my love
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    When morning awakes me
    Well I know I'll be alone
    So don't you worry about me
    I'm not empty on my own
    For inside I'm alive
    That for one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love I loved
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    For one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love I loved
    For one night
    We loved one night
    One night
    One night

  • @morrishat2408
    @morrishat2408 2 роки тому +1

    This romantic song brought me back a few years, when I lived in Ireland.
    I had a friend who resembled a lot in Andrea.
    Between music text and Andrea came a nostalgia attack.

  • @jpamanta
    @jpamanta 10 років тому +3

    i have always loved this song, and The Corrs, of course. thanks for posting

  • @mariafemieposadas4970
    @mariafemieposadas4970 3 роки тому +2

    One of the best songs...ilove the CoRrs..

  • @antoniofombuenavidal9150
    @antoniofombuenavidal9150 2 місяці тому +1

    Que dulzura!❤❤❤❤

  • @trevorchikweche5391
    @trevorchikweche5391 3 роки тому +1


  • @edermontolezi2304
    @edermontolezi2304 4 роки тому +6

    Essa música é linda em qualquer idioma ❤❤❤

  • @endiatisudjana
    @endiatisudjana 6 місяців тому +1

    I was read my old post on FB it was more than 10years ago.and i wrote bout this song.then I come here to watch it again..oh . remember my old lover from Norwegia❤

  • @m.a.8874
    @m.a.8874 7 років тому +2


  • @imjelo
    @imjelo 4 роки тому +4

    Every time I hear this song, it reminds me of the movie "Mad About Mambo" with Kerry Russel.

  • @emmanuelcaleb3200
    @emmanuelcaleb3200 Рік тому +1

    First time I heard this song was in the movie "Mad about Mambo". I had to go find the song on line then. Still one of my best RnB songs

  • @bluntmillenial
    @bluntmillenial 7 років тому +5

    And after all these years, I still am in love with this song...

  • @pearlaliza5342
    @pearlaliza5342 4 роки тому +1

    Wohooo so glad I finally found this song....soundtrack in a movie I loved so much

  • @juanitaallen3034
    @juanitaallen3034 5 років тому +3

    Thank you! This is an awesome song💖

  • @MonaChan-oo5iq
    @MonaChan-oo5iq 11 місяців тому +2

    and I'm ready
    I'm waiting for your call
    'Cause I've made up my mind
    My heart aches with a hunger
    And a want that you were mine
    No I can not deny
    So for one night
    Is it alright
    That I give you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love my love
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    When morning awakes me
    Well I know I'll be alone
    So don't you worry about me
    I'm not empty on my own
    For inside I'm alive
    That for one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul

  • @songsdontcare
    @songsdontcare 10 років тому +7

    her voice is so angelic and perfect....

  • @sunnysanderson3124
    @sunnysanderson3124 2 роки тому +4

    Lyrics : Long day and I'm ready
    I'm waiting for your call
    'Cause I've made up my mind
    My heart aches with a hunger
    And a want that you were mine
    No I can not deny
    So for one night
    Is it alright
    That I give you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love my love
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    When morning awakes me
    Well I know I'll be alone
    So don't you worry about me
    I'm not empty on my own
    For inside I'm alive
    That for one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love I loved
    For one night
    One night
    One night
    For one night
    It was so right
    That I gave you
    My heart my love my heart
    Just for one night
    My body my soul
    Just for one night
    My love I loved
    For one night
    We loved one night
    One night
    One night


    It is a very lovely song. Better to have love, then to never love at all !!

  • @nosmigmarbun7106
    @nosmigmarbun7106 Рік тому +1

    Nice to meet you again BadEnglish, God
    or Lord bless you, always amieee

  • @presidentjoel
    @presidentjoel 5 років тому +2

    I love this song! ❤️ The Corrs ❤️❤️❤️

  • @okae1016
    @okae1016 Рік тому +1

    i miss this kind of music. i was young back then when this song was release but i still memorize the lyrics.

  • @5u1ton
    @5u1ton Рік тому +3

    Lagu pengantar tidur

  • @dowhatIdo
    @dowhatIdo 4 роки тому +4

    There's no more song like this :')

  • @weyouno1261
    @weyouno1261 4 роки тому +2

    This song is my lullaby years ago when i just graduated from highschool then worked in a factory for the very first time.
    2007. Such a nostalgic
    Miss everything

  • @johnokocha5357
    @johnokocha5357 5 років тому +2

    I love this song. Just remembered the song after so many years.

  • @blessinglive4D1899
    @blessinglive4D1899 5 років тому +2 ...pure passion... privately personally soulmate's love secret.. lifelong love song...

  • @janealley6349
    @janealley6349 5 років тому +5

    2019 and Im here still loving this song. 😍

  • @byemeleemelchurclose
    @byemeleemelchurclose 10 років тому +3

    Such a perfect piece.

  • @gerald4133
    @gerald4133 Рік тому

    One night wouldn't be enough, true love 💕 last a lifetime.💘

  • @polarburr3307
    @polarburr3307 4 роки тому +2

    *This hits real hard*

  • @lucky_d_seven
    @lucky_d_seven 4 роки тому +3

    Today is the last day on 2020 and still listening. Salam from Indonesia. 🙏🏻

  • @uliramirez9459
    @uliramirez9459 6 років тому +7

    2018 and I'm still in love with this beautiful song 💜

  • @itsjustthatoneguy9657
    @itsjustthatoneguy9657 2 роки тому +1

    This is my number 1 song for many years and will continue to be.