I have this one, it’s no problem adjusting the aperture after charging the shutter. I have also changed speeds after charging the shutter as well, still works, but it’s probably not recommended. Got mine for $20 in Japan in 2008, no fungus, no problem.(dim finder though)
Ah, the very same camera I acquired back in March and still works so well, it blew many people off, including folks who sold me 120 films. It was nearly destined to be a collectors exhibit, but the shutter suddenly worked and I ended up getting it at a much lower pricing than it was originally quoted at. But it’s a heavy camera I now limit myself from using unless the occasion calls for it. And a favourite camera I used to educate younger generations, so they will never forget or be inspired to continue what we currently do in future. A gentle reminder to them that “film never died”.
Was pleasantly surprised to see a K-Market in the video. Hienoja otoksia!
I have this one, it’s no problem adjusting the aperture after charging the shutter. I have also changed speeds after charging the shutter as well, still works, but it’s probably not recommended. Got mine for $20 in Japan in 2008, no fungus, no problem.(dim finder though)
Amazing night pics !
Wow that’s awesome!
What was the aperture and shutter of the first Image and the one with the cat staring out the window? These are all amazing photos.
Just bought one..Hope it comes in the mail soon..
Nice. It's a good one.
Impressive 👏👏👏
NEVER too many camera's
Hienoa nähdä suomalaisia videoita Yashica-kamerasta! Ostin viikko sitten oman Yashica-C:n, saa nähdä tuleeko samalaisia kuvia!
Interesting video! I also own an older Yashika tlr, very reliable and easy to use. 📸
Good to hear. What film stocks do you like to shoot the most?
Just ordered mine.
Great to hear
hi, thinking of getting one, what are the film options? thanks a lot.
Any 120 film will work
Love my Yashica B
Cool. What kind of film stocks would you recommend?
@@too_many_cameras I shoot mostly portra 400, or ilford fp4. Rollei retro also suits this camera 📸
I like it
Ah, the very same camera I acquired back in March and still works so well, it blew many people off, including folks who sold me 120 films. It was nearly destined to be a collectors exhibit, but the shutter suddenly worked and I ended up getting it at a much lower pricing than it was originally quoted at.
But it’s a heavy camera I now limit myself from using unless the occasion calls for it. And a favourite camera I used to educate younger generations, so they will never forget or be inspired to continue what we currently do in future. A gentle reminder to them that “film never died”.