WOW!,you have a very very good memory. I've uploaded over 100 videos but despite that you seem to know which videos are on this channel. Yes you are 100% correct this song was uploaded 9 years ago but I had to uploaded this one because its audio quality is much better. I have not deleted the other one, I just set it on "Private"
I believe you posted this track ages ago
WOW!,you have a very very good memory. I've uploaded over 100 videos but despite that you seem to know which videos are on this channel.
Yes you are 100% correct this song was uploaded 9 years ago but I had to uploaded this one because its audio quality is much better.
I have not deleted the other one, I just set it on "Private"
@@Goldhitz I always keep track of all the tracks you post, so my memory is always sharp concerning these
Good to know I'm not alone. Oldies rock and Im 33yrs old yes
@@ribatlawrence2890 24 year old here. PGS UP!!!
@@augustineminimbi5668 Honest iah! People like us are rare