Nace and Friends Reacts To Nace and Friends Memes #1 (Gacha Club)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Ігри


  • @mycahsmith8088
    @mycahsmith8088 12 годин тому +14

    1:09: Not Again Dude
    6:54: Welp, he done for

  • @donovanrice7555
    @donovanrice7555 6 годин тому +3

    Happy third anniversary NAF!!! And what a sweet animation teaser at the end!

  • @whytheheckdoeshandlesexist101
    @whytheheckdoeshandlesexist101 10 годин тому +6

    6:08 Do I have to repeat myself?

  • @legendsmachine
    @legendsmachine Годину тому +1

    10:28 no way my childhood such good times 😢🥹

  • @josejaviermarmol8712
    @josejaviermarmol8712 6 годин тому +4

    Happy 3rd Anniversary to the Nace and Friends series,🎉🎊

  • @verybigAL437
    @verybigAL437 5 годин тому +2

    6:14 Reverse Psychology: *Don’t* make them kiss.

  • @CtheTB
    @CtheTB 10 годин тому +4

    Happy 3rd anniversary bud! Thanks for all the laughs & excitement through these years!

  • @Lucinacumber
    @Lucinacumber 11 годин тому +10

    10:11 lore 👀

  • @curtistaylor5323
    @curtistaylor5323 6 годин тому +3

    Someone should tell John that he can enter the mines now.

  • @ttgtnintendoanimationstudi5742
    @ttgtnintendoanimationstudi5742 2 дні тому +15

    Oh boy... IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT...

  • @ljr_prod
    @ljr_prod 12 годин тому +5

    This was so amazing!! I am so happy that they reacted to two NoodlePikmin meme videos that I made. Check out their reactions: 7:36 , 8:15 . Happy 3rd anniversary of Nace and Friends!!

  • @kenyonthespeeddemon2-tu8xl
    @kenyonthespeeddemon2-tu8xl 8 годин тому +3

    Welp, happy 3rd anniversary you guys!^^
    Me and my characters are happy for ya and ready to see what you have planned for 2025!

  • @nopartyleftthatsworthit4330
    @nopartyleftthatsworthit4330 8 годин тому +2

    Happy Anniversary Noodle!

  • @donovanrice7555
    @donovanrice7555 6 годин тому +2

    6:54 the pizza villain has gotten defeated, and your not approved Sammy 👎🍍🍕👎

  • @nathangaming73265
    @nathangaming73265 12 годин тому +4

    Thanks alot for featuring my old gacha videos !
    (I might make more in the future)

  • @Darkheart-v1
    @Darkheart-v1 День тому +5

    Let him cook...I said LET HIM COOK!

  • @ВикторМинаев-о8й
    @ВикторМинаев-о8й 10 годин тому +1

    8:43 I remember this scene after the credits of Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse!

  • @TahjayThePuyoPlayer07
    @TahjayThePuyoPlayer07 12 годин тому +4

    I just definitely missed half of that…

  • @MarkNapper439
    @MarkNapper439 16 годин тому +2

    Happy 3rd Birthday to this series 🎉🎂

  • @Cyclops_Devil
    @Cyclops_Devil День тому +2

    this will probably be one of the most popular memes, I can't wait.

  • @BeauDuplechin
    @BeauDuplechin 6 годин тому +1


  • @mugheadproductions1424
    @mugheadproductions1424 12 годин тому +4

    Remaking Gacha Life Videos with Gacha Club? I’ve been considering doing that myself for a while, but never really found the motivation…

  • @ВикторВолохонский

    Nace & Friends Reacts became popular this day. Or no!?

  • @Gsizetheanimator2024
    @Gsizetheanimator2024 12 годин тому +3

    …two years… 9:39

  • @AstroRedShark-2001
    @AstroRedShark-2001 12 годин тому +4

    I shall ask, May I make some animations for you?

    • @noodlepikmin
      @noodlepikmin  12 годин тому +1

      I only work alone. You can make some for either a meme, or a video. Just remember I don't do collaborations

    • @AstroRedShark-2001
      @AstroRedShark-2001 12 годин тому +1

      @@noodlepikmin Okey. Anyways I just want to make a Play My Way animation, which one of your characters are the most crazy?

    • @noodlepikmin
      @noodlepikmin  12 годин тому +1


    • @AstroRedShark-2001
      @AstroRedShark-2001 12 годин тому +1

      @@noodlepikmin Thx

  • @Aaron-n3i
    @Aaron-n3i 4 години тому +1

    Happy anniversary Noodle and Special thanks to Tal_on as well.

  • @InkB
    @InkB 2 дні тому +7

    So wait. It’s memes, based on themselves?

  • @GustavoOliveira19022
    @GustavoOliveira19022 11 годин тому +2

    All I Had To Do Was Show Up My Video

  • @Pacman.3129
    @Pacman.3129 2 дні тому +3

    NiiiiiiiiiinTENDO MemES

  • @Itzlucca2024
    @Itzlucca2024 13 годин тому +1

    I thought it was 6 pm lol

  • @BeauDuplechin
    @BeauDuplechin 6 годин тому

    Perhaps you should have the gang rank Windows startup and shutdown sounds. Make sure to include the video by Nostalgia Channel (Windows Expert) that tells us the real and fake startup and shutdown sounds. To tell you ahead of time, Windows NT 5.0 Beta 1 to Beta 2 has an original startup sound.

  • @galaxtia
    @galaxtia 4 години тому +1

    YES, YES, YES!!!

  • @Carad3434
    @Carad3434 2 дні тому +4

    Ok Here's serious, right.I got a school tomorrow

    • @noodlepikmin
      @noodlepikmin  2 дні тому +2

      It's changed to the 18th. Stupid UA-cam had to email me that it can't monetize after one song which I thought wasn't copyrighted.

    • @Carad3434
      @Carad3434 8 годин тому

      I feel bad for you

  • @joshuathehedgehog8368
    @joshuathehedgehog8368 2 години тому

    Do you think you can add my character to one of your videos, just this once, please?

    • @noodlepikmin
      @noodlepikmin  2 години тому

      I do not do collaborations, so no.