So interesting. I've never had a tarot deck in my life but decided to get one. I was shuffling my new deck and this card popped out. My nights have been very restless and my life has been QUITE difficult and and relationship. And my mother is in the hospital from a fall though doing pretty well. I used to meditate but stopped several months ago.
Thank you I been going thru a lot and use the tarot in the past but stopped for while. But lately I been more Intuitive with things and learning to accept what comes to mind and I thought Of this card without even pulling out my deck. And with that I found this video and I’m glad the sprits and my ability to connect has not been lost. You were a big help in understanding what I’m feeling is a part of life and I should keep my faith in what I believe in. Thank you
This month I received this card because I am moving to Florida next month to be with my bubba cuddles/fiance but it's understandable because I have been in Texas for 44 years now. The nice thing is next month's card is the 2 of cups.
Shuffled a few cards today and got these four as my result....would any of you card wizards help me out with the meaning or message behind it? thanks in advance, I drew as my first the Queen of clubs, second i drew the ace of hearts, followed by the eighth of diamonds. and then the 9th of spades. finding out the last one's meaning was abit chilling...
I drew 5 cards to ask about my person. I pulled the lovers, page of cups, 10 of pentacles, 8 of wands, and 9 of swords... what do you think Spirit is trying to tell me?
What a clear and succinct description!
Many thanks
So interesting. I've never had a tarot deck in my life but decided to get one. I was shuffling my new deck and this card popped out. My nights have been very restless and my life has been QUITE difficult and and relationship. And my mother is in the hospital from a fall though doing pretty well. I used to meditate but stopped several months ago.
Welcome to the cards! It sounds like they're going to be a great tool to help you deal with all that's going on right now. Good luck! 😘
Thank you I been going thru a lot and use the tarot in the past but stopped for while. But lately I been more Intuitive with things and learning to accept what comes to mind and I thought Of this card without even pulling out my deck. And with that I found this video and I’m glad the sprits and my ability to connect has not been lost. You were a big help in understanding what I’m feeling is a part of life and I should keep my faith in what I believe in. Thank you
Angie, you've been such a blessing. Ive learned so much from u! Tysm for all you give and do
Awww, thank you! I'm glad you're finding it helpful.
This month I received this card because I am moving to Florida next month to be with my bubba cuddles/fiance but it's understandable because I have been in Texas for 44 years now. The nice thing is next month's card is the 2 of cups.
Moving is so stressful (even if it's for a wonderful reason). I can totally see this card relating!
Right when I was shuffling why did it just pop out in my spread at that moment clarifying 10 of wands which classified ace of cups
Shuffled a few cards today and got these four as my result....would any of you card wizards help me out with the meaning or message behind it?
thanks in advance,
I drew as my first the Queen of clubs, second i drew the ace of hearts, followed by the eighth of diamonds. and then the 9th of spades. finding out the last one's meaning was abit chilling...
I drew 5 cards to ask about my person. I pulled the lovers, page of cups, 10 of pentacles, 8 of wands, and 9 of swords... what do you think Spirit is trying to tell me?
The Simple Tarot is all about teaching YOU how to read the cards. I'm happy to share my thoughts, but first - how did you interpret these cards? 😘
I drew this card twice for “guidance on relationship with said someone.” What could this mean?
I habe the same question
How do I access the taro cheet sheet?
You can get it here:
Death wants justice ⚖Universal 🌟22