اللهم اجعلني انا وسارة وحنان واخي امين وحسون ووالديه واخوتي واخواتي وجيراني واحبتي واصدقائي وكل من يتعلق بنا والمؤمنين والمؤمنات واحبتك يا ربي ثبتنا على طاعة محمد وال محمد واحشرنا معهم في الجنان في الفردوس الاعلى مع الحبيب المصطفى واله بحق مولاتنا الزهراء بابي هي وامي
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم والعن عدوهم من الأولين والآخرين امين يارب العالمين بحق محمد وال محمد الطيبين مشكورين وجزاكم الله خير الجزاء على هل الزيارات وآل ادعية انشاء الله في ميزان حسناتكم اسألكم الدعاء
السلام عليك يامولاي يا ابا عبدالله الحسين وعلى عاي ابن الحسين وعلى او لاد الحسين وعلى اصحاب الحسين وعلى الارواح التي حلت بفناك وعلى اخيك العباس عليهم السلام
Dua Alqamah: O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! O He who gives answer to the cries of the persecuted! O He who pulls out the grief-stricken from agony and anguish! O He who comes to help those who shed tears in helplessness! O he who brings relief to those who cry for help! O He who is close by, nearer than my jugular vein! O He who makes peace between heart and mind; O He whom people search in the highest and noblest perspectives; in true and evident distinctions! O He who is Beneficent and Merciful in His authority! O He who knows what the furtive eyes betrays and what the secretive hearts conceal! O He whom do not deceive those who do everything in secret! O He whom intermingled voices of the countless callers (supplicants) do not stop from giving answer to each and every one! O He whom wants and needs of the infinite needy do not put in confusion for attending to one and all separately! O he whom clamorous determined pleading of petitioners do not upset! O He who reaches and takes hold of everything that tries to escape! O He who keeps together and brings into harmony people who know and understand! O He who examines the souls when they present themselves before Him after death! O he who, each day, has (new) distinct glory! O Fulfilled of wants and needs! O He who gives confront and respite in distress! O He who liberally satisfies those who solicit His favors! O He who stands by and follow close upon those who humble and fervently call on Him! O He who effectively support those who make sincere efforts! O He who is equal to and can do anything instead of another in the matters concerning all things; and nothing, in the heavens and the earth, can be out of the reach of or is free from His hold. I beseech Thee in the name of Muhammad, the last Prophet, and Ali, the commander of the faithfuls, in the name of Fatima, the daughter of Thy Prophet, and in the name of Hassan and Hussar. I direct myself towards Thee, through them, in my address, through them I try to get a hearing, through them I put forward my case to get Thy favors, in their names I make a request to Thee; bound to Thee by oat, living a life according to Thy commands, I carry out my pledge by every means, in the name of the love and devotion Thou has for them, and the influence and status they enjoy in every dimension of Thy will, the superior most per-eminence in wisdom and character Thou bestowed upon them to transcend above everything in the whole universe, in the name of Thy name Thou revealed to them in trust, on account of which Thou chose them in preference over everything found in the heavens and the earths, through which Thou built their syndrome, developed to perfection their surpassing excellence in knowledge, learning and deeds, out of all the rest of the people, till their completeness surpassed the total achievement of all the people put together; I request Thee to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad; (and) look into the causes of my sorrows, anxieties, burdens, and do away with them, let me be equal to, sufficiently instructed, while dealing with my important enterprises and efforts, (and) carry out and fulfil my obligations, set me free from the clutches of poverty and from the pangs of hunger, let me have enough to live upon, free from the need to turn to others, let me be an adequate match for him who, I am afraid, shall create trouble, thwart the schemes of the one who, I am afraid, shall treat me harshly, let him, who, I am afraid, shall vex me, come to grief, expose and rebuke him, who, I am afraid, shall slander me, layout a plan to defeat him, who, I and afraid, shall try to deceive me by stratagem, take notice and act swiftly against him, who, I am afraid, shall treat me unjustly, take me into Thy custody to keep safe from the one who, I am afraid, shall tyrannize me, exercise Thy supreme authority to keep him in check, who, I am afraid, shall rule over me, outwit him, who, I am afraid, shall lay traps to deceive me cunningly, make ready a fitting reply to him who, I am afraid, shall oppress me; keep off from me the obstinate deceit of the vindictive malicious, and the crafty artifice of the cunning imposer. O my Allah put an end to the intentions of him who desires to destroy me, outwit him who makes plans, keep off from me his deceit and intrigue, his hostility and fancy, keep me aloof, refusing to have anything to do with him, in whatever manner, on any occasion, as Thou wills. O my Allah divert his attention from me and involve him in his own over bearing anxieties which Thou will not cut down, in misfortune which Thou will not make easy to deal with, in waywardness from which Thou will not lead him back on the right path, in spiritless laziness which Thou will never change into fruitful activity, infamy and disgrace from which Thou will not allow him to rise to the surface, in broken fortune which Thou will not let get set. O my Allah let contemptible disgrace stick like a leech on the forehead between his two eyes, expose him to emptiness in every effort he makes, let wicked inclination, distraction and inactivity cut deep into his body and soul, in order that Thou diverts his attention from, me, absorbed in his own pursuits that do not free him to employ himself at another, make him think no more of me as he has willfully neglected and forgotten Thee, take away from me and throw overboard his attention, interest, communication, influence, support, and perverted thinking every evil he commits or draws it on himself, let everything he does go waste, defective and incomplete, and do not give any letup so that he is kept fully preoccupied and gets no time to pay attention to me or think of me. Give enough to me, O He who effectively and completely gives satisfaction. There is no one other than Thee who gives sufficiently, because Thou alone gives enough, no one else gives to the seeker’s satisfaction except Thee. Thou dispels the clouds of sorrows, no one else, save Thee can free the grief-stricken from cares. Thou comes to help, no one else, except Thee, can do a favor when called for help. Thou art near, ready to avert the danger, no one else, save Thee, is close enough to stand by in
Tout à fait douaa alkama douaa al ànnbyaa wa roussoul ajal hada bi Doun chak zayarat achoura c’est des armes longue mèche mais très très efficace contre les tirants des pouvoirs exactement allah akbar kabira Sobhan allah boukrata. Wa as Sila
اللهم بحق فاطمه وابيها وبعلها وبنيها ان تصل على محمد وال محمد ان تسهل امورنا واسالك الصحه والعافيه والستر واشفنا من كل داء لي لجميع المؤمنين ومن دعا لي بالخير وان تعجل ضهور صاحب العصر واازمان ليعم الامن والامان ويخلصنا من فتن الزمان يا الله احفظ العراق واهله
جزاك الله رحم الله ولديك
یا الله ار حمنی و فرج همی
Allah ya Allah 🇲🇦🙏👍👍👍👍👍🌹🌹
السلام عليك يا ابا عبدالله الحسين ع
Mashallah mashaallah LabaiK Ya HzraT imam HuSsAiN a.S
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج بحق آقای ما ابوالفضل فاطمه سلام الله علیها 🤲🌹
السلام عليك يا ابا صالح المهدي ادركني
صوت ولا اروح حفظك الله ولاغاب هذا الصوت نسالكم الدعاء جميعا
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم ياكريم
الهم صلي على محمد وال محمد
SubhahAllallah 😇❤️💕
خدایا به حرمت. حضرت. محمد و. اهلوبیتیش. همه. ی مسلیمین را پیزروز. موفق کوند
لهم صل على محمد وال محمد
اللهم صل علی محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم
خداوند بزرک عالم بچه خواهرم کرونا کرفته کمکیش کن ای خدا خیلی دوست دارم
اللهم اجعلني انا وسارة وحنان واخي امين وحسون ووالديه واخوتي واخواتي وجيراني واحبتي واصدقائي وكل من يتعلق بنا والمؤمنين والمؤمنات واحبتك يا ربي ثبتنا على طاعة محمد وال محمد واحشرنا معهم في الجنان في الفردوس الاعلى مع الحبيب المصطفى واله بحق مولاتنا الزهراء بابي هي وامي
لله يعطيكم العافيه ويقضي حوائجكم
السلام علیکم يا اهلبيت النبوة
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الهم صل على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل على حبيبك ورسولك محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وعلى اهل بيته الطيبين الطاهرين
عجل فرجهم يامولاني ياصاحب الزمان
السلام عليكم يا اهلبيت النبوة
अल्लाह होममा आमैन
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم والعن عدوهم من الأولين والآخرين امين يارب العالمين بحق محمد وال محمد الطيبين مشكورين وجزاكم الله خير الجزاء على هل الزيارات وآل ادعية انشاء الله في ميزان حسناتكم اسألكم الدعاء
دعاء عظيم
(الحمد لله الذي هدانه لهاذى وما كنا لنهتدي لولا هدانه الله)
الله يجزيك خير الدنيا والاخره
يارب بحق دعاء علقمه ترزقني مرادي قريب عاجل كلمح البصر
انا بمحنه مولاي بمحنه صعبه ماعندي غيرك يارب ارجوك اذا تحب الحسين ساعدني ارجوك صحتي ووضعي الطبي كله بايدك
الله يساعدج ويشافيج بحق الحسين 😥
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين
ياكاشف كرب المكروبين اقضي حاجتي وشافي ولدي من كل بلاء ومرض بحق محمد وآل محمد
اللة يشفي كل مريض
اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم يا كريم يالله 🌷🌷🌷
اللهي وسيدي ومولاي انا نسألك ونتجوه اليك بنبيك نبي الرحمة وباهل بيته إذ اخترتهم على علم على العالمين اللهم لين لي صعوبتها وحزونتها وكفني شرها فأنك الكافي المعافي والغالب القاهر اللهم اقضي حواءجنا بحق أصحاب الكساء الخمسة
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
لا يمكن جمع أشرف الخلق محمد و آله مع أعدائهم الاصحاب اللذين إتهموا النبي بالخرف عندما أمرهم بالإلتحاق بجيش أسامة و خالفوه و قتلوا أهل بيته
يا الله يا الله يا الله
Ali Ali سلام
Mahdi Talib husseinahusseinaabassaabassaamineyaallahmalikesalwatekopoolemalikeallahaminefromearif
Y'a allah shukrane amine
Alhamdullilah am proud to be a Muslim and Islam is the best religion
Abdullah Abubakar احلى قران بالدنيا
الله صوته كلش حلو الله ايخليك
اي والله صدق
आल्लाह होकबार
اللهم على محمد وال محمد وال محمد وعجل فرجهم يارب
+Naser Rome ماشاءالله
اللهم صل علی محمد وال محمد و عجل لولیک الفرج
السلام عليك يامولاي يا ابا عبدالله الحسين وعلى عاي ابن الحسين وعلى او لاد الحسين وعلى اصحاب الحسين وعلى الارواح التي حلت بفناك وعلى اخيك العباس عليهم السلام
ياكاشف كرب المكروبين اقضي حاجتي وثبت حملي يارب وارزق كل محروم الذرية
السلام عليك يا مولاي يا رسول الله السلام عليك يا حبيب الله اطلب منك الدعاء لي يامولاي ان يرزقني الله الحج والعمره وزياره قبور البقيع عليهم السلام
زيارت عاشوراء بصوت جميل
يالله احفظ العراق من الفتن
Dua Alqamah:
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! O He who gives answer to the cries of the persecuted! O He who pulls out the grief-stricken from agony and anguish! O He who comes to help those who shed tears in helplessness! O he who brings relief to those who cry for help! O He who is close by, nearer than my jugular vein! O He who makes peace between heart and mind; O He whom people search in the highest and noblest perspectives; in true and evident distinctions! O He who is Beneficent and Merciful in His authority! O He who knows what the furtive eyes betrays and what the secretive hearts conceal! O He whom do not deceive those who do everything in secret! O He whom intermingled voices of the countless callers (supplicants) do not stop from giving answer to each and every one! O He whom wants and needs of the infinite needy do not put in confusion for attending to one and all separately! O he whom clamorous determined pleading of petitioners do not upset! O He who reaches and takes hold of everything that tries to escape! O He who keeps together and brings into harmony people who know and understand! O He who examines the souls when they present themselves before Him after death! O he who, each day, has (new) distinct glory! O Fulfilled of wants and needs! O He who gives confront and respite in distress! O He who liberally satisfies those who solicit His favors! O He who stands by and follow close upon those who humble and fervently call on Him! O He who effectively support those who make sincere efforts! O He who is equal to and can do anything instead of another in the matters concerning all things; and nothing, in the heavens and the earth, can be out of the reach of or is free from His hold. I beseech Thee in the name of Muhammad, the last Prophet, and Ali, the commander of the faithfuls, in the name of Fatima, the daughter of Thy Prophet, and in the name of Hassan and Hussar. I direct myself towards Thee, through them, in my address, through them I try to get a hearing, through them I put forward my case to get Thy favors, in their names I make a request to Thee; bound to Thee by oat, living a life according to Thy commands, I carry out my pledge by every means, in the name of the love and devotion Thou has for them, and the influence and status they enjoy in every dimension of Thy will, the superior most per-eminence in wisdom and character Thou bestowed upon them to transcend above everything in the whole universe, in the name of Thy name Thou revealed to them in trust, on account of which Thou chose them in preference over everything found in the heavens and the earths, through which Thou built their syndrome, developed to perfection their surpassing excellence in knowledge, learning and deeds, out of all the rest of the people, till their completeness surpassed the total achievement of all the people put together; I request Thee to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad; (and) look into the causes of my sorrows, anxieties, burdens, and do away with them, let me be equal to, sufficiently instructed, while dealing with my important enterprises and efforts, (and) carry out and fulfil my obligations, set me free from the clutches of poverty and from the pangs of hunger, let me have enough to live upon, free from the need to turn to others, let me be an adequate match for him who, I am afraid, shall create trouble, thwart the schemes of the one who, I am afraid, shall treat me harshly, let him, who, I am afraid, shall vex me, come to grief, expose and rebuke him, who, I am afraid, shall slander me, layout a plan to defeat him, who, I and afraid, shall try to deceive me by stratagem, take notice and act swiftly against him, who, I am afraid, shall treat me unjustly, take me into Thy custody to keep safe from the one who, I am afraid, shall tyrannize me, exercise Thy supreme authority to keep him in check, who, I am afraid, shall rule over me, outwit him, who, I am afraid, shall lay traps to deceive me cunningly, make ready a fitting reply to him who, I am afraid, shall oppress me; keep off from me the obstinate deceit of the vindictive malicious, and the crafty artifice of the cunning imposer. O my Allah put an end to the intentions of him who desires to destroy me, outwit him who makes plans, keep off from me his deceit and intrigue, his hostility and fancy, keep me aloof, refusing to have anything to do with him, in whatever manner, on any occasion, as Thou wills. O my Allah divert his attention from me and involve him in his own over bearing anxieties which Thou will not cut down, in misfortune which Thou will not make easy to deal with, in waywardness from which Thou will not lead him back on the right path, in spiritless laziness which Thou will never change into fruitful activity, infamy and disgrace from which Thou will not allow him to rise to the surface, in broken fortune which Thou will not let get set. O my Allah let contemptible disgrace stick like a leech on the forehead between his two eyes, expose him to emptiness in every effort he makes, let wicked inclination, distraction and inactivity cut deep into his body and soul, in order that Thou diverts his attention from, me, absorbed in his own pursuits that do not free him to employ himself at another, make him think no more of me as he has willfully neglected and forgotten Thee, take away from me and throw overboard his attention, interest, communication, influence, support, and perverted thinking every evil he commits or draws it on himself, let everything he does go waste, defective and incomplete, and do not give any letup so that he is kept fully preoccupied and gets no time to pay attention to me or think of me. Give enough to me, O He who effectively and completely gives satisfaction. There is no one other than Thee who gives sufficiently, because Thou alone gives enough, no one else gives to the seeker’s satisfaction except Thee. Thou dispels the clouds of sorrows, no one else, save Thee can free the grief-stricken from cares. Thou comes to help, no one else, except Thee, can do a favor when called for help. Thou art near, ready to avert the danger, no one else, save Thee, is close enough to stand by in
إلهي فرج همي واقضي حاجتي لمن اشكي همي وانت موجود
اللهم صل على محمد
البصراوي 07729513363 broshukranefromarifrizashia
البصراوي 07729513363 brofromearifrizamashaalla
قال النبي صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم : لا ( الناهية ) تصلوا علي الصلاة البتراء،أي لا تصلوا علي دون أهل بيتي،
اللهم صلى محمد وآل محمد و عجل فرجهم الشريف
احسنتم وطيب الله انفاسكم
السلام عليك ياابا عبد الله نسألكم الدعاء ام حسن
اللهم ارحمنا يا أرحم الراحمين
اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم يا كريم يالله
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد والعن اعدائهم يا من يجيب المضطر اذا دعاه
يا الاه
For someone .... She knows herself 💣
اللهم يبارك فيك دنيا وأخرة
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
ياللة ياكريم يارحيم
اللهم صل على فاطمة وابيها وبعلها وابنيها وسر المستودع فيها بعدد ما أحاط به عالمك
Y'a malike allah adrikni mi allah Arif salwate amine malike labaika arif
اللهم اجعلنا من الذينة لهجو بذكرك فااكرمتة وتوكل عليك فكفيتة اللهماكفينا شر انفسنا وشرمن يتربص بنا
السلام على الحسين وعلى علي بن الحسين وعلى أصحاب الحسين وعلى الأرواح التي حلت بفنائك وعلى باي الفضل العباس ...
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد 🌳
اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد في العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين محمد في وقت وحين
😭😭😭😭 صوتة يخبل 😭😭😭😭
ربي يقضاء حوائجكم يارب جميعنا بحق محمد وال محمد نسألكم الدعاء
ياالله ياالله ياالله
خدایا مارا ببخش به بزرگی خدت
رزقك الله الجنه من افسح ابوابها ♡♥
Hi 6th
* hawraaloveme
استغفر الله ربي وأتوب إليك
Alhamdullilah am so proud to be a Muslim
Abdullah Abubakar yesimeshiaislamearif
Allah bless you
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد
نسألكم الدعاء مريض وثلاث عمليات بضرف ثلاث اشهر😔
استغفرالله وأتوب إليه ١٠٠٠ 🤲يارب يارب يارب مريض 🤮 الله الله الله الله الله الله الله حمد لله
يربي يشافيك بحق الحسن والحسين عليهم السلام
يالله ارحمني وفرج همي
😢 ya Allah
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
بلا صحبه لان الله لم يأمرنا ان نصلي على صحبه
الله ياجرك
اللهم صلی علی محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجه الشریف و لعن اعدائهم
بارك الله فيك دنيا وأخرة
خدایا به بزرگی خودت قسمت میدم حاجتم و برآورده کن .
يارب من لي غيرك معك احس بلامان
بارك اللة فيك
ماشاء الله صوته كلش حلو بارك الله بيك. بالله عليكم ادعولي بنصر وستر ممن اراد بي سوء واذى
ماشاءالله 💖 یا الله 🌴 😢
یاحضرت علی (ع)
Labaika ya Allah malike dunya malike now after for eveeeer kopoole salwate amine arif
Ya Allah labaika amine
Shukrane malike
Allah salwate kopoole
اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم يا كريم يالله ❤🌷❤🌷❤🌷
اللهم ارزقنه رزقن واسعن ورحمنه رحمة واسعه يارب العالمين اللهم قد ضاق صدري فرج عني ويسر امري يارب العالمين وحفظني بحفضك يا الله فرج امري امنين رب العالمين .رجاء دعولي محتاجه دعاء امري مستعصر
صحاالله انفاسك
Elaahi ameen ya Rabbul alameen
احسنتم وطيب الله انفاسك صوت روعه
Sara Alaa سلاك
Sara Alaa سلام
Sara Alaa يحع
Tout à fait douaa alkama douaa al ànnbyaa wa roussoul ajal hada bi Doun chak zayarat achoura c’est des armes longue mèche mais très très efficace contre les tirants des pouvoirs exactement allah akbar kabira Sobhan allah boukrata. Wa as Sila
اللهم بحق فاطمه وابيها وبعلها وبنيها ان تصل على محمد وال محمد ان تسهل امورنا واسالك الصحه والعافيه والستر واشفنا من كل داء لي لجميع المؤمنين ومن دعا لي بالخير وان تعجل ضهور صاحب العصر واازمان ليعم الامن والامان ويخلصنا من فتن الزمان يا الله احفظ العراق واهله
یا الله
Taqabbal Allah.
ما شاء الله
Mashallah nice recitation
💖💐ماشاءالله 💐💖
My day will the day without listening my suras and dua
Thanks a million
wide to HD
ارتماس دعا مهتاج دعا استم