good to have ! i have the same 2200I redundancy for your whole set-up and to help someone else as needed. I've had mine on board since the beg. @ 5 yrs F/T . I use it rarely but most to run my roof top A/C when needed... more when traveling the east coast. I do have a cable lock so i can lock it to the truck when running outside in remote areas ... ~peace~
good to have ! i have the same 2200I redundancy for your whole set-up and to help someone else as needed. I've had mine on board since the beg. @ 5 yrs F/T . I use it rarely but most to run my roof top A/C when needed... more when traveling the east coast. I do have a cable lock so i can lock it to the truck when running outside in remote areas ... ~peace~
Cable lock. Note taken. I like that idea. Thank you for sharing :-)
Your experience with stuff that doesn’t work is good information. Expensive for you but good for us. 😀
lol great observation. My goal is to flip this concept around ;-)
A heavier cord, and the shorter the better to. I think it would help
Yes, you are absolutely right. I noticed how warm the power cord got. I have a 12-gauge cord coming in already.