Don't blame you for wanting to check yourself out in between takes. ;) Also, props for being willing to wait until the next day to edit. Whenever I make a video I will generally stay up all hours of the night/morning until it's done because I'm too excited to wait.
The magic's not gone Frank... You're the magic. I really appreciate how meticulous you are with your production process at this point and your attention to detail. I wish I had that attention to detail with anything in my life.
@heather mcdougall 😂 Omg, that is soooooo true! Honestly, my dream appliance that would make my world so much easier... a dishwasher! And then I can rule the world again 🤣 Why am I like this?!?! 😭
me, a person with a botched sleeping schedule who's up till 6am scrolling on yt: frank james: 16 Personalities: Behind the Scenes *1 minute ago* me: or maybe i don't have to sleep
From his interviews and speech I see quite a lot of Si-Ne and Fi-Te to be honest, and he has quite an eye for details (which is Si). I don't know, he might be an NFP/STJ. Again, it's just my thought and I could be wrong. I'm an ISTJ and I see so much of myself in his personality
Yeah, we INFPs are good at organizing their own stuff... just don't look behind the cabinets and under the bed, oh and the table? That's what we call an organized chaos! 😂😂😂
You: Organized, technically proficient, adding in little details I didn’t even notice Me: Writing the lines in my bathrobe and pajamas, laughing aloud at my own stupid jokes
The J life is so organized. My P self has a shoot set up that looks like the tornado from the wizard of oz came through band dropped off some off their shit on my set.
I love how thoroughly organised you are and all the little details that you put into your videos!! Shows all the dedication and effort you put into your work :)
I kill the time by sleeping during the night and day. Its a new low for me. It helps cos im stuck with my family and id rather sleep then chill with them. This is my motivation to one day live on my own.
IN TJ I’m so sorry, but that is a motivator. In my 20s, I had to live with my parents again, and even though they are great, there’s nothing like having your own space, which is why I was out of there in 3 months. I hope this is over soon and you meet your goals and one day, you’ll have your own place.
Please know that this kind of videos is very appreciated. Thank you a million for the work and thought you put into helping us all understand ourselves and each other a little better.
As an INFJ, myself, I can absolutely relate to how “fail-safe” this process is, haha! I especially liked that the color roses were for specific types (ST, SF, etc.) And the bow on the wall as a marker for where your eye goes - very “These are my methods. They’re different, but they work for me.” Haha! ☺️
It is quite fun to see this. We forget how much work goes into such professional sketch videos! I enjoy them a lot they are really funny and i can not get enough of them :)
FJ: 'just a _basic_ behind the scenes...' Also FJ: goes through exact hair products used, the camera settings and details about the sounds that the microphone makes when interacting with chest hair
Me, an INFJ, watching this video like yeah, ok, expected thats how people work. Reads the comments and realised that everyones saying how amazingly organised FJ is. Me: Ah. I see.
Brilliant organisation and attention to the little details, really harnessing that "perspective" and getting into the types "shoes". I think that if you had to write the sketches too, you'd be too exhausted to bother acting it all out so well. Thanks Holly N for writing the sketches, and thanks FJ for the "magic"
Thank you for making that cool video. I think we're all curious about how you go about making your videos. I like to know. And, now I know that it's magic that makes your videos so cool and attractive! Sincerely, Carly
I'd bet money that meticulousness grew with the process. We're always agonizing about how to improve processes. It helps ease anxiety and gives a sense of accomplishment and competency 😁
Ooo... behind the scenes look! Love it. It didn’t take away the magic, the practicality just enhanced it. Thanks, for sharing the in’s and out’s of your high-quality one-man production process.
I missed this one somehow. I really enjoyed watching how you do this. It doesn't take the mystery out of it. It just makes me appreciate how much you have to go through. Thanks for all the laughs. Sincerely, Carly
My smile watching this morphed into laughter at the whole bit about the mic, but I totally lost it at, "The sound is negligible!" The nervousness about the second camera is so relatable. Every little detail was heartwarmingly adorable. Just all makes me want to give you a hug!
I thought this video was as everyone else said-- a "behind the scenes" of the 16 personalities personal lives, but I'm not disappointed of what this video actually is. Is it just me, but does FJ have the most adorable personality? Every time he laughed at himself, I couldn't help but laugh with him 😂😭
Been following you since you had (I think) around 20k followers... love how you’ve grown your channel and this is proof that your meticulous planning has a lot to do with it 😉 You’ll go far FJ!
But what kind of magic are we talking about here Frank? Something along the lines of Conjuration and Illusion? Maybe more like Alteration and Enchantment? I'm convinced there's a bit of Restoration thrown in, because I always feel better after watching your videos. ;)
You didn't ruin the magic. For me, personally, it made it somehow even more intriguing :) I always adore how you put effort to details. And, aside from the technical aspect, I am always amazed how you depict each personality so "on point". Your videos make recognizing personalities thousand times easier than descriptions on the internet. Thank you
You deserve every dollar you takes work (and skill) to create good videos. The great idea is just a starting point. It is all about execution! *whew*
I LOVE behind the scenes stuff, thanks for showing us your process. You're naturally hilarious, I don't think I've laughed so hard at one of your videos before. Specifically the internal conflict about not knowing which camera to talk to for your documentary was delightful. I was anticipating some more of that when we saw your editing process, which sadly was missing. I'm keenly curious how you would handle documenting your editing process and then editing that footage through your editing process into a documentary scene about how you edit your stuff. It's like the abyss, man. Mirrors reflecting themselves to infinity... Maybe in part II? LOL
I already was satisfied with this video when I saw your Boston shirt. I was born and raised in Boston. Got the accent and I still live in Massachusetts. Felt the need to share that.
You are so hilarious! seriously it's particularly funny for me because I feel our personalities are so similar, that it's fun to not only laugh at what youre saying... but also feel like i'm also laughing at myself, and I like it. Since I tend to be a pretty sincere person who doesn't joke around very much, its good to be able to laugh at something that reminds me of myself. if that makes sense. anyway, ive had a few days off and i've totally been binge watching your videos, thank you for making them!
That was very interesting! You've got quite the set-up there. I found myself laughing at your perfectionism quirks because I have perfectionism quirks. Have a wonderful week Frank, looking forward to the finished video.
Thanks for watching!
Subscribe for more 👉
Instagram @yourboyfj
I won't be able to do difficult thing like that by myself
Don't blame you for wanting to check yourself out in between takes. ;) Also, props for being willing to wait until the next day to edit. Whenever I make a video I will generally stay up all hours of the night/morning until it's done because I'm too excited to wait.
@@tikaardhany7568 Not with THAT attitude. ;)
Are you studying cinematography?
Frank James thanks for doing these vids!
For a moment i thought this will be 16 personalities and how they behave behind the scenes....
James should do this though
same lmao
also me ×)
The magic's not gone Frank... You're the magic.
I really appreciate how meticulous you are with your production process at this point and your attention to detail. I wish I had that attention to detail with anything in my life.
I was thinking the same thing😄
I agree, FJ is the magic
Infjs are like that but in that I'm their opposite. Infp
@@heiresslaite2950 No, that'd be ESTP
I just LOVE how his voice is kind of monotone, but not reeeeally... does anyone know what I mean? 😅😂
jimins thighs Well there are a lot of inflections in his voice but he never really go really higher in pitch or louder
@@antoinemartin1651 Ya he plays with emphasis and pacing; sometimes tweaks enunciation a little bit, for humor
Yeah it's very dry, I like it :D
Tbh, this is what my brother and I sound like as well 😂 and we're both INFJs
I wonder if it is an INFJ thing
I firmly believe that this is the most attractive kind of male voice for women (ok, at least for me)
I thought this was going to be what personality types really do when they're alone
Ikr xD
Haha me too!
me too haha
I thought that as well, good idea for another video! Still enjoyed this one though:)
me tooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
True INFJ. Trying to be organised.... gets embarrassed by dirty dishes :D
Yes. And that might have been a strategic move to make it more "relatable" INFJ - you never know, they might be two steps ahead :)
@@anthill1510 nah, the dishes will stack. It's all about priorities 😅
Yup, so me
@@destree6348 Yeah, but now and again we Blitz it. Do the whole lot and our kitchen is pristine, which then lets us start again piling it up.
@heather mcdougall 😂 Omg, that is soooooo true! Honestly, my dream appliance that would make my world so much easier... a dishwasher! And then I can rule the world again 🤣 Why am I like this?!?! 😭
me, a person with a botched sleeping schedule who's up till 6am scrolling on yt:
frank james: 16 Personalities: Behind the Scenes *1 minute ago*
me: or maybe i don't have to sleep
Yea I guess I've decided 3am is a good wake up time for the day.
Denisse Dobronsky I guess I'm lucky to work graveyard because I get to watch his videos early too, haha
It's 1:49 AM. Frank James video suggested. Me: "Sure. Why not?"
oh my god this is me rn
and this is solid proof that you're definitely a judging type and not a perceiver. this hurt my entp brain
how can you tell? I'm really new to this.
Yeah I never see INFPs get this obsessive about details.
@@sooyaa942 judgers are more organized and careful than perceivers, who are more spontaneous
From his interviews and speech I see quite a lot of Si-Ne and Fi-Te to be honest, and he has quite an eye for details (which is Si). I don't know, he might be an NFP/STJ. Again, it's just my thought and I could be wrong. I'm an ISTJ and I see so much of myself in his personality
@@dangermenatwork ah got it. thanks!
A true organised INFJ
An infj with a drive for a project, possibly a passion.
@Rocky yes! Otherwise there's no drive to organize, speaking for myself as an infj.
Me: they say Js are organized and Ps are not, but I’m an INFP and I am kinda organized
*Accidentally looks at my desk*
Ok never mind 😅
Yeah, we INFPs are good at organizing their own stuff... just don't look behind the cabinets and under the bed, oh and the table? That's what we call an organized chaos! 😂😂😂
Also INFP. I have phases. I let my room descend into a gradual chaos until I go full Monica from Friends, and the cycle starts over.
I’m an INFJ and I’m HELLA disorganized (due to ADD and depression)
Catarina that’s what I do exactly😂😂😂
Why do I feel personality attacked
I never realized how much work went into's way too easy to take for granted good-quality YT videos
At first I thought the video was gonna be about how the 16 personalities behave behind the scenes 😄
Thks for showing your work : )
Me too!
@Dorcas Deroneth ☺
INFJs create elaborate worlds, then people are like, "So, what do you do?" and we're like, "Um..." #tryingtojustifyexistence
You: Organized, technically proficient, adding in little details I didn’t even notice
Me: Writing the lines in my bathrobe and pajamas, laughing aloud at my own stupid jokes
Holly N I write on my bed and laughed at a necrophilic your mom joke I wrote for two months straight
what's your type?
@@Gloomysushiroll you can't just comment that and not tell us the joke
LittleMissAmy1997 I am also curios, but I am very scared.
“The way I actually make these videos is with magic” now that’s more like it
The J life is so organized. My P self has a shoot set up that looks like the tornado from the wizard of oz came through band dropped off some off their shit on my set.
I love how thoroughly organised you are and all the little details that you put into your videos!! Shows all the dedication and effort you put into your work :)
Glad to know I’m not the only one whose sleep schedule is off.
he always uploads at night
risha a Well, I suppose I have no idea what time zone he’s in, but for me, this was at 4:something am.
c n Yard sale kitsch describes my wardrobe well
I kill the time by sleeping during the night and day. Its a new low for me. It helps cos im stuck with my family and id rather sleep then chill with them. This is my motivation to one day live on my own.
IN TJ I’m so sorry, but that is a motivator. In my 20s, I had to live with my parents again, and even though they are great, there’s nothing like having your own space, which is why I was out of there in 3 months. I hope this is over soon and you meet your goals and one day, you’ll have your own place.
I can't imagine doing this alone tbh. thought you had a crew for wardrobe, atleast. great job on the videos!
"So they're not just all wearing navy blue, Because that's mostly what I have or blue shirts" Such an Infj Frank 😂
Please know that this kind of videos is very appreciated. Thank you a million for the work and thought you put into helping us all understand ourselves and each other a little better.
You're the actor, camera man, sound check guy, lines helper, wardrobe, stylist in one!?
This was really interesting! But I can't believe how bothered I am by the fact that you didn't check the last type on the list... 😂
I found it amusing that he felt compelled to explain why, but very relatable nonetheless. 😊
ocd is real
@Natalie 1234 ikr! god i love checking things off a list. i think that's more of an Si thing tho. Ni types have already moved on with their life.
ISTJ here who agrees with you~~but loved that he explained why and I could relate. The explanation felt very ISTJ-like.
As an INFJ, myself, I can absolutely relate to how “fail-safe” this process is, haha! I especially liked that the color roses were for specific types (ST, SF, etc.) And the bow on the wall as a marker for where your eye goes - very “These are my methods. They’re different, but they work for me.” Haha! ☺️
i was honestly expecting this video to be showing all of the 16 personalities and what each of their set up would be lmao
Me too😂
It is quite fun to see this. We forget how much work goes into such professional sketch videos! I enjoy them a lot they are really funny and i can not get enough of them :)
That was very... intimate. I feel I've seen stuff I shouldn't have 🤣
"The way I actually make these videos is with magic" pretty sure that's for the INFPs out there (PS I love y'all precious souls)
It did make me say "omg he's so cute" when I read that 😄
~Magic is real~
As an INFP too, I relate to your reaction lol, so cute that last message of him 😁😍
Is anyone else singing America's "You can do magic. You can have anything that you desire..."
J in this is very strong in this one. I feel satisfied lol
i love your random yet somehow cohesive furniture and home decor.
The J life is the light, the truth, and the way
😂 “It’s like a double XL. How fat was I?”
This was awesome!
FJ: 'just a _basic_ behind the scenes...'
Also FJ: goes through exact hair products used, the camera settings and details about the sounds that the microphone makes when interacting with chest hair
"Oh look, my dishes," ... "Oh, there's me."
Don't know if it's an INFJ thing, but I would totally also be amused by those things and point them out.
Me, an INFJ, watching this video like yeah, ok, expected thats how people work.
Reads the comments and realised that everyones saying how amazingly organised FJ is.
Me: Ah. I see.
Brilliant organisation and attention to the little details, really harnessing that "perspective" and getting into the types "shoes". I think that if you had to write the sketches too, you'd be too exhausted to bother acting it all out so well. Thanks Holly N for writing the sketches, and thanks FJ for the "magic"
Your work is appreciated FJ. I always look forward for these videos!
LOL, I thought it was 16 personalities of what they're like behind the scenes. What a supprise to find that it is behind the scenes. What a treat :)
So basically your interviewer is the bow 🎀😄😂how cute! I appreciate all you do Frank 👏
I always wondered about your costume strategy 😄 how many shirts do you own ? 200 ? It's still magical btw.
Thank you for making that cool video. I think we're all curious about how you go about making your videos. I like to know. And, now I know that it's magic that makes your videos so cool and attractive! Sincerely, Carly
awesome! love behind the scenes stuff - thanks!
Way more meticulous and professional than I expected.
I'd bet money that meticulousness grew with the process. We're always agonizing about how to improve processes. It helps ease anxiety and gives a sense of accomplishment and competency 😁
Ooo... behind the scenes look! Love it. It didn’t take away the magic, the practicality just enhanced it. Thanks, for sharing the in’s and out’s of your high-quality one-man production process.
So much respect for this one man production
I missed this one somehow. I really enjoyed watching how you do this. It doesn't take the mystery out of it. It just makes me appreciate how much you have to go through. Thanks for all the laughs. Sincerely, Carly
My smile watching this morphed into laughter at the whole bit about the mic, but I totally lost it at, "The sound is negligible!" The nervousness about the second camera is so relatable. Every little detail was heartwarmingly adorable. Just all makes me want to give you a hug!
I thought this video was as everyone else said-- a "behind the scenes" of the 16 personalities personal lives, but I'm not disappointed of what this video actually is. Is it just me, but does FJ have the most adorable personality? Every time he laughed at himself, I couldn't help but laugh with him 😂😭
We highly appreciate you Frank
hearing FJ laugh so much mid-sentence was so weird but nice after all the serious INFJ videos I binged lol
I bet Timmy has inferior hair product than my boy FJ?!😱
Your hard work shows as the finish product is absolutely gold! Nice!
I loved how organized and well thought out this is, not that I’m surprised.
Why did I find this so perfectly enjoyable to watch 😄 And why do I find it so funny the way you say 'the sound is negligible'
Been following you since you had (I think) around 20k followers... love how you’ve grown your channel and this is proof that your meticulous planning has a lot to do with it 😉 You’ll go far FJ!
Why I watch these videos:
33% This is my sense of humour and mbti has slowly consumed me (or have I consumed it?)
67% His voice is so soothing.
This is so fun to watch. I love how you even thought of including roses and assigning a color to each types. Thank you!
The surprise "They paired!"
Love the details. Behind the scenes videos are always fun to watch, really interesting seeing the process
I relate with your humor so much. "Can you seee?" *stuffs box in front of the camera lens backwards*
as an INFP, the sheer Ni-Ti energy that radiates off of this process is both alien and intriguing
But what kind of magic are we talking about here Frank?
Something along the lines of Conjuration and Illusion?
Maybe more like Alteration and Enchantment?
I'm convinced there's a bit of Restoration thrown in, because I always feel better after watching your videos. ;)
I really enjoyed this. Educational, but enjoyed the casual interation with 'us'/ the camera 😊
You didn't ruin the magic. For me, personally, it made it somehow even more intriguing :) I always adore how you put effort to details. And, aside from the technical aspect, I am always amazed how you depict each personality so "on point". Your videos make recognizing personalities thousand times easier than descriptions on the internet.
Thank you
so cool to see the behind the scenessss! love the videos!
we all love a hard-working man
You deserve every dollar you takes work (and skill) to create good videos. The great idea is just a starting point. It is all about execution! *whew*
I love this! Ur so creative! Thank you for the behind the scenes 🤣 A+
So glad to see more personality sketches! Thank you, from all your fans!
I LOVE behind the scenes stuff, thanks for showing us your process. You're naturally hilarious, I don't think I've laughed so hard at one of your videos before. Specifically the internal conflict about not knowing which camera to talk to for your documentary was delightful. I was anticipating some more of that when we saw your editing process, which sadly was missing. I'm keenly curious how you would handle documenting your editing process and then editing that footage through your editing process into a documentary scene about how you edit your stuff. It's like the abyss, man. Mirrors reflecting themselves to infinity... Maybe in part II? LOL
How meta of you! Thanks! Cooool and inspiring.
😆 Thinking about the INFPs shirt in that skit when you said you had some wardrobe choices already planned.
This was nice to watch. Especially the level of dedication, perseverance and precision. You're very inspirational.
LOVED THE VIDEO :) Thanks!!! :) :)
I love this behind the scenes video. I will probably rewatch it a few times.
Honestly, the behind the scenes of how you make videos are my favorite videos that you do.
I would improvise all on the go and then work with my chaos i couldn't be so organized. -Infp
ditto, I think the only thing I'd have planned are the outfits haha
Same. Sincerely, your ENFP sistren.
That’s my INFP life motto
The ending was so cute lmao! It's still magical, maybe even more than before✨❤️
This was very interesting and awesome! Thank you!
Thank you for your service! This is an amazing video!
I am so glad that I'm a sucker for the behind-the-scenes stuff. The process is as interesting as the result.
I already was satisfied with this video when I saw your Boston shirt. I was born and raised in Boston. Got the accent and I still live in Massachusetts. Felt the need to share that.
It's fun to see behind the scenes! I like the creative touches you add like the different colors of flowers
You are so hilarious! seriously it's particularly funny for me because I feel our personalities are so similar, that it's fun to not only laugh at what youre saying... but also feel like i'm also laughing at myself, and I like it. Since I tend to be a pretty sincere person who doesn't joke around very much, its good to be able to laugh at something that reminds me of myself. if that makes sense. anyway, ive had a few days off and i've totally been binge watching your videos, thank you for making them!
I love this!!! Thanks for showing us how you make your content!
I got excited to see the editing process for some reason, then the video ended. Great BTS either way!
Wow this is so cool to see! I learned a lot!
This is awesome! Thanks for all the work, your videos are amazing
It was so awesome to see how you work, and to find out about every little thing that goes into your videos. Keep up the good work! ☺️
This is my favourite channel, you make me miss acting.
You are amazing, Frank JAmes!!!
I appreciate your dedication; keep making the magic!
Thanks for sharing.
I liked to see your set up.
Nothing ruined.
Your videos are great. Very good work.
Have a wonderful week end and stay safe.
Wait a minute, these 16 guys are all you? My world is collapsing 🤯😂
Keep up the great work, love your videos, greetings from Germany 😊
Thanks for walking us through the magic of making your video. ♥️
Love you FJ! You are absolutely precious 😘
Really appreciate all of your work, fellow infp, go figure
Wow that's a lot of work! Thank you for sharing all the dynamics of all 16 personalities
That was very interesting! You've got quite the set-up there. I found myself laughing at your perfectionism quirks because I have perfectionism quirks. Have a wonderful week Frank, looking forward to the finished video.
You’re so freaking adorable. I loved this, very cool to see the whole process
This is my FAVORITE video. I love behind the scenes.