My Grandfather gave me rules with bartering. Both parties should be happy with the trade or it's a bad deal. Don't be afraid to walk away and trade with someone else. Be fair when you offer something- it might not be worth what you think. Don't rip people off- if you need to trade to survive, you'll be out of luck because no one with deal with you.
Definitely don’t go alone anywhere even today. That one brings me back to when I was a lot younger. I went to look at a rv camper alone and ended up almost getting robbed and killed. We’ll just say a police officer saved me that night. So yes do not go alone. Ever. Also great video guys. Great information. I agree 100%. Keep em coming.
I have always viewed bartering in an SHTF situation as a way to begin to rebuild the community, much like the old Trading Post were in the west. I would be the one trying to establish a known location to begin the trades, and trying to grow it into something like a Flea Market over time. If each person who was coming to trade was willing to help through contributing time/money-or what passes for money/goods/etc... then who ever was overseeing the operation could hire guards, keep the Trading Post safe and peaceful, it would do great things to bring back some normalcy to a very messed up world. Maybe I ran a dry-goods store in a past life! But this is where I would try to go with Bartering. Munro
Rendezvous', the place where the rich with supplies ripped off the mountain men of old. one risked his life for a beaver pelt, the other offered $3 for a product he could transport away and sell for $10, Then he could sell $3 worth of whisky, flour, sugar and salt, or ammunition and traps back to the mountain man for $10. To me, FREE or FAIR trade are the first things to disappear in SHTF, The other thing to consider is threats of what you have vrs what you can get, your very life is more valuable if you can get it, than if you are unarmed and already have it. Market places have attracted thieves since biblical times, Better to de-centralise and act as a travelling merchant, establish customer base and do like -Coke- Produce/ find/ acquire, but make money on distribution. look at the rise of UBER, deliver them the goods is where the money is.
Great video! Very good points to be conscious of. The only thing I didn't hear, and maybe I missed it, was about building up goodwill. I feel that if something happens then people will tend to gravitate towards like minded people, we do it anyways, but if you build goodwill it becomes like an alive, living network of mutual support. And, sometimes giving a little extr, instead of getting as much as you can out of a deal can build goodwill. Someone will remember you positively, and will come back again because they know that they can trust you, instead of some unknown person. Also, goodwill is built by being honest, fair, kind and compassionate. Then people will say, so and so is a good person to deal with, go see him. Businesses used to call that free advertising. Then also you can create a semblance of a thriving community and network. Blessings.
Its best to ONLY barter with established contacts and NEVER with strangers or new acquaintances. Set up your barter buddies ahead of SHTF. For example, start buying eggs and beef from a local rancher, so that you can barter with him later. There are 3 phases to barter: (1) pre-collapse, (2) during the collapse, and (3) post-collapse. Avoid bartering during the collapse. Either barter now before the collapse, or wait until afterwards when things have settled down.
Ive just learned of ya'll tonight and think your video's are great. Thanks for posting. I know as a prepper and one who has taught many this is a bit of work! THANKS for your awesome info! Will be sharing them often!
I may have missed you saying this item but it is crucial to have clear plastic. It can be used to gather water from a tree (but not pines). Make a sack, attack it to the end of a leafy branch, put a small rock in it so it hangs down and wait. Depending on the tree you can get a couple pints a day. So put lots of bags out. Make sure the water tastes sweet or it is poisonous so us a different type of tree. Then the next day you can reuse the same branches. Check out other videos on how to get water from a tree by making a small cut in it.
Frankly I would prefer to NOT barter bullets to many other things on my list that are better then bullets that as they admitted could come back to you but not in a return one would prefer.
One thing is for sure when you go to the trading area for the first time, make sure you all recon the area prior to meeting in that area. Know all the infil & exfil routes. Have the intelligence officer of your group do a threat analysis of the most likely course of action, & the the most dangerous course of action, a potential enemy can do in case bartering goes bad. Good video. 👍🏾
an other tip i would add is trying to have something to trade that needs skills and or work you produce or manufacture yourself (food tools whatever) and not only trade finite resources, this way they have something to lose in the future if they rob ,hurt, or kill you.
Econ 101 - Focus production on that which you produce most efficiently (or have stored in great quantity) and trade it with those that produce what you need more efficiently. Furthermore, the establishing of markets (lines of trade with multiple parties or trading posts) creates price competition and pricing information to "consumers." By this prices become more stable for various goods and value doesn't become quite as subjective which allows more people to make fair deals. Example; on person wants to rip you off for antibiotics, but another party comes in and is willing to trade for less; competition brings prices down and establishes a price. The more people/groups contributing to the market place the better access to goods there is at a better and fair markets help everyone. I love this video and could spend hours talking about this topic. Maybe I missed it, but it might be worth making another video on items to never trade, rarely trade, or only trade if you absolutely must...your primary weapons, magazines, water filters...
Very interesting. I can sew with a manual machine but that wouldn’t be of interest until quite some time had passed. I don’t make jeans and stuff like that. May need to think of what people would need and what I would be needing in exchange.
Machine repair?? If u are good at sewing u can already offer repairs in exchange for something. In mybarea its been tough trying tonfind someone to adjust my old singer.
Unless its a stable black market area. Like a farmers market. Think like the hunger games. The black market was an old coal warehouse. It was a stable trade area.
There's likely to be a common trading place established. In a real SHTF scenario, you may not be able to communicate with people prior to meeting ... won't be no Craigslist. You'll show up with what you have and try to trade like a flea market or swap meet.
Nice! @21:33, it makes sense now! It also makes me think on the importance of preparing as a community. How do yall feel about the idea of posting on your gate a simple sign, that says: " trade circle from #time to whenever, on said day", or something like that? Would we just set a trap for ourselves? Or maybe a sign that says, trade circle's info at town square, or something... just thinking outloud... curious what you think?
I see myself mostly bartering with a local trader that I know and trust. He will have the broadest supply range and every incentive to keep good relations.
You can use radios with an earpiece. You can talk or communicate silently by pushing buttons. A lower tech version are whissles and especially dog whissles.
Really luv these topics and they really get u thinking. All of them were great points and exactly what u should be thinking in situations like that. It’s about building relationships and alliances with other groups. I really do think there will be more bad groups than good but that’s why the good people have to come together to help each other and also watch each other backs. Desperate people do desperate things and they will come for u. I believe we shouldn’t wait for our enemy to come. We should take the fight to them and if there is any groups that are not good they need to be taken out ASAP. It’s a cold thing to say but in a world without law the only thing that will save us is action and fighting for what’s yours. I really like ten “Stranger Danger” 😆. But in all reality it will be hard to trust anybody in situations like that. “ Be polite to everybody but have a plan to kill them” good stuff! 👍
What's your thoughts on setting yourself up as a middleman. It'll be rough starting out but if you can pull it off you can basically set up a trading post where if John wants X and has Y be can come to you and you log it down and if a week later Rick shows up looking for X and has Y then you interchange goods for a small commission. Neither has to even see each other or know who or what is going on. You can also slip your own supplies in under a fake name so that no one knows it's your stuff. And make sure your commission is always in consumables. So that no one thinks you have anything worth stealing
I think its a decent idea, though I don't agree on just taking only consumables as commission. If your running a trading post people are going to assume your getting something out of it, anyone thinking it was out of the kindness of your heart only would probably have been stolen from or worse already. So that trust won't last long. For commission I would keep it on the down low though for sure. Jimmy doesn't need to know the 10 oranges he's offering for a hammer your starting offer to John will be 5 oranges for a hammer, tool belt, screwdriver(not an unreasonable request really as I live in a small place in town and I have multiple of each)leaving wiggle room to haggle for you and the tool owner. You could walk out of there 5 oranges and a toolbelt and screwdriver richer and all parties are happy. Personally for me I would prefer a mobile operation compared to a trading post, that way I'm not one fixed location that can be ambushed while your setting up or whatever, more mobility is more options to flee and if you become a trusted source people will get ahold of me and wouldn't mind me coming to their house. Part ice cream truck and part drug dealer mentality. You could have semi regular routes so people know when roughly to expect you. I would also have 2 hired guns working on commission so they can amass their own trade stockpile. I would start now by joining local Facebook groups for bartering, trade, and free stuff(some people that give stuff away for free all the time could be easy commissions in shtf) and start making your name known on those groups. Take advantage of the free groups by using them to be the "go-to guy" in the bartering groups, pay attention to posts in the bartering groups and be on it to tag members in new posts that appear, gives the impression this guy can get anything and connect people wanting to trade. Builds your brand as it were. Oh Jane is looking for x, I remember last week Phyllis was getting rid of x so tag Phyllis in Jane's post. If people allow pickups or drop offs at their home then take a note of it so after shtf a familiar face and voice shows up one day and asks if they need anything it will be met with slightly less suspicion. That's all me though🤷♂️ a standalone trading post has its advantages as well
Great Video! Very understated topics, But they are Important Planning Considerations for Before/During/After the trade. Yes absolutely, you gotta be ready to walk/run away from the deal. The only other thing I would cover is an Exit Plan with my buddy.
We have a acre foodforest in the city and several buckets of seeds , huge green house for plant starts, rabbit's for meat we have been here for 35 years.
Wow, when SHTF I want to live in your camp. Awesome points that are often overlooked. I might add to rule #3: Don't go alone. The situation may not end up being dangerous but it could involve needing a witness later on. So, in a WROL, how would you safely set up a barter with someone?
Also, you can have trade boards hung up, as to who's looking for what, and what they'll trade you for it. You can use a chalkboard, or a dry earse board and marker. I'm sure that certain areas will be well guarded little general stores, in which to barter.
very good points, Ithe travel bottles you can buy in various stores are great for dividing larger quantities, the little "pill pouches" ziplock bags are also a great way to divide small quantities like salt, sugar etc for barter
Agree to meet prior on neutral ground and agree on the trade. Ask what they need and never pry them with questions about what they have…you’ll sound shady. Shake hands on the deal and return with only the agreed items. That’s it. Make trading partners and forge trust over time.
Agree with not trading at night but I'd suggest trying to keep things as friendly as possible. Make small talk. Pet their dog. Show a calmness and lack of fear it projects strength through assuredness
In a wrol anytime that you go to trade you no longer have the upper hand. The person you are trading with knows that you need this item. If you didn't why would you be out here trying to acquire it. I agree with do not show all you have but, anyone left alive in an extended wrol will most likely not be stupid enough to think you brought everything out here with you. One of the best ways is to deflect. Finding out something that they need. Through natural conversation with someone. Not from the point of "Hey I need this item do you have it?" But, if you start from "Hey are you okay? IS there anything you are looking for?" This works especially well if it is a person you know. Lastly NEVER trade anywhere that you do not know, or with anyone you do not know. You guys mentioned this to a point. Make the meeting point somewhere neutral, Not public like a market or something like that. Mostly though, plan ahead to not need to trade. At least for a s long as possible. If you are trading then you are already behind the eight ball.
Good info for those who targeting to be barter merchant. it will be far more better if we can plan ahead and avoid doing any bartering. but, we need to act doing scrapping and look desperate. acting to join the crowd of desperate people.
if u know somebody who was a drug addict/drug dealer in a past life or a car salesmen, insurance salesmen, try to get them on board to either be the trader for the group or to give u some tips and train u how to barter, cuz these folks know what they r doing. one of my good friends was a former drug addcit/dealer. he is now into high end jewelry sales. he can sell shit to a cow, literly. I have never know somebody who was that good at selling things. so people like that r very good to have on board in ur group. dont b judgemental if u know they used to be an addict or dealer cuz as long as they have proven they have changed, their past life skills can help tremendously in these types of situations
Yeah, here I am. Learning how to barter just in case. At 3:36PM EST. I really thought bartering was just a skill for shopping and such but it turns out it’s a survival, post apocalyptic strategy lmao.
I repeat what someone else asked. How do set up the barter itself? Assume no landlines and no cell and you don’t want to barter with some passerby banging on your gate/front door? Do you mean only barter with your neighborhood? How do you find others to barter with? Do you set up the next barter at the time of your initial barter? How do you let them what else you might have to barter? Should you say what you’re looking for, for the next barter session? I’m thinking it might be wise to not tell what you have to barter, maybe say “ I’ll see if I can find that for you”
Meeting places organically form as convenient areas of which you are both familiar. I'd be willing to bet coffee shops, malls, and grocery stores are going to be predominant large meeting areas, and gas stations as more local options. People gotta find food. Don't get trapped in your bubble and never leave. All prepping is doing for you is allowing financial independence in the end times.
If we have a shtf I want to be a trade lord. I want to run trades to get stuff, sell that stuff, rinse and repeat. I want multiple traders so that people don’t pick up on the fact that I’m running it.
What would be your advice on keeping your trade a secret? Because we all know people talk and how do you prevent people coming to you for the same materials if word got leaked? It's crazy to think about how one minor screw up could get you in a whole lot of trouble. Good video tho guys. 🙈🙉🙊
Lots of advice to protect from aggressive people. Any advice how to be the aggressor? How to set up the ambush? When to pull out your Billy club? What situation is better to threaten VS when to go straight to violence?
Everyone is good hearted until backed into a corner. Read the story of what happened at the New Orleans Super Dome during Katrina. 3 old tv shows to watch to learn bartering, MASH 4077, Hogan's Heros, and McHale's Navy
How about trading skills? I am going to go somewhere that is looking for people that can work with renewable energy and entertainers. So I am educating myself in the one and learning a few instruments for the other. How do I work out a trade for those?
One time when my history teacher started to teach about the Great Depression and events afterwards he brought up hobos and the like and how if you gave out one can of food to a single hobo you'd find fifty more knocking on your door the next day , much of what you guys said in this video can be associated with certain parts of the depression and I think another depression is a lot more likely to happen than a complete chaotic , government collapse and it may at times be WROL
What people may not know, is that Hobos had signs that they would leave for later Hobos. Like 'Kind Woman: Will usually feed you'; 'Odd Jobs: You can work for few bucks here'., etc. It really is fascinating! Of course the signs did not look like that...
One thing I plan on doing when bartering is to say I don't have it, but I know someone who might. Lemme see what I can do. Involve a third party, even if it's fictitious.
I've done a trade off with my buddy before. Bartering for certain things if one person isn't having the luck needed we have a pre-arranged signal where they back away and the other person takes the lead and goes into the negotiation with different tactics
I loved the video, except for one thing. You’re bartering ammo? You’re gonna trade away something, that can be used to kill you and yours? Not a good plan.
#6, Establishing Trade Lines, that whole talking to people who then talk to other people in order to get your hands on something you or your nearest trading friends can't works kinda like the Six Degrees To Kevin Bacon thing. In SHTF, you might not have direct long-distance communication, nor will supplies get moved quickly if transportation infrastructure is screwed, but you can still reach out to contact someone who has the doohickey you're looking for, given enough time and people willing to chat about it may end up being not so much Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon, but rather far more like Sixteen Degrees To Getting Hickory Wood For Smoking Bacon...but you could actually get some kind of long-distance trade going, even if you don't live anywhere near where hickory trees grow. (On the downside, this could mean a lot of people will know you're looking for something, and if it's something especially shiny/rare/valuable, they might try to take it for themselves to keep it from you, or will try to corner the market to jack up the prices...but again that rule #5, don't look desperate, definitely comes in handy here.)
It would seem to me that bartering ammo would best be done with individuals/groups you're already established with and I mean having had a long track record of dealing with them so you have a good read on their character and integrity.
Never barter away something that can be returned when or in a manner that you DON'T want it to be. People can change when put in stressful situations, and are capable of justifying anything that they want to. Yes, there will be those who will remain true to their morals and beliefs, but that will be the exception rather than the normal. It's not just 'others' that can change once Survival is the main driving force -- we can be convinced all we want that WE will never become 'that' kind of person, but unless we prepare OURSELVES mentally, then we WILL find ourselves making justifications for pushing our OWN bar of Standards further and further out. Civilization is what keeps most people in check, but Civilization is what breaks down the fastest. Don't depend on relying on people being the same after SHTF, as they are now. The person you trust the most is the person who can betray you the easiest, and do the most damage -- whether unintentionally or not.
Barter is the exchange of one use-value for another use-value. When money is involved in a transaction than the formula is different, one use-value (money) for another use-value (commodity). Regardless of the difference between barter and commodity exchanges, they are both based on a simple equation A=B. These guys are talking about how to conduct a transaction in a barter situation, they are not talking about what makes a used vacuum cleaner (A) equal to a case of bottled water (B) as an example. This rule worked really well when everything was hand made or manufactured but when things are machine made and mass produced the amount of time it takes to make bottle water and to make a vacuum cleaner would equal the cost of what it makes to make bricks because so many were made, their value is spread over tons of product. So need becomes the barter system and a match of needs, putting together the owner of a use-value with the owner of other use-values, a central community space. These guys are thinking barter on an individual basis as if this were still the 19th century, a barter arrangement would be different today, to avoid crime and social catastrophe, it has be organized, where you would bring in your use-value(s) and trade them for other use-value(s), to circulate to use-values throughout society where needed by the population. These guys sound paranoid and like tough guys because they are thinking like a merchant to create a barter system that has all the goods and desperate people come to them like they do go to a Salvation army store. That is not going to work in a society like America. Use-values have to be circulated to broad swaths of the population for stability.
also one thing i would say that goes along with dont push your luck, is know the approximate value of the item your bartering, example dont trade a pack of cigarettes for a case of ammo. those are not nearly of equal value and ammo is gonna be a necesity while smoking isnt. so dont ask for a ludacris amount of something for a small amount of something else to keep it short
Barter/trade day market :). Flea market/block trades . I like a vehicle big cargo truck ,riding in a tribal convoy . It makes going to trade/barter markets quick set-up and load and go . A well trained dog is a must . I will take a second person . I prefer a calm shooter, when in a hostile situation . Oops ,information is critical and free,listen. When it hits We plan on a trading Post ;). Thirty-forty full time and traffic in and out, garden, fruit trees, water well ,all the comforts for rent .
What about "petty bartering" with stuff that spoils like eggs, rabbits and such things? You could barter with such things even if you don`t "need" something. Not sure if it´s worth the risk though.
Mr D: sure, you get rid of things with a short life (eggs, rabbits) and trade them for things you don't need but can trade much later, plus you have made a trade connection.
@@MarksREmarks Yes but the problem i see is what do you trade for? If you go too low people will guess/know you have stuff and if you go too high peole will become mad and probably come to get it or to get "revenge" on the profiteer. What comes to my mind is trading with a certain circle of people (e.g. how the shadow economy in germany worked and still works to a large degree).
Good video! One thing when I was young my father would do swap and trade. These men would yell and shout! I thought they were mad and angry. No,this is how they bartered. Called horse trading. Just saying. I'm 60 years old now.
I love your information! Lots of stuff I hadn't thought about and that is amazing! Hubby has the shower set up so I gotta type fast. You were talking about dividing a bottle of Jack Daniels. I got this easy would it be to poison that Jack? Get rid of competition! I am now thinking I will never drink anything anyone gives us!! Poison your competition? You get all their stuff!! Too easy and certainly a good strategy after SHTF!! But turn it around to imagine getting rid of a group of Zombies and you have them at a buddy buddy point but you know it won't last and you will become dinner... Trust NO ONE not even those you know. Every person has a zombie inside of them that comes out when survival mode is enacted! Especially when thirsty or hungry and scared to death. All of us have a monster inside that will kill to survive, no matter what. Be able to eat beloved pets, dead neighbors. Not kidding! Don't trust yourself either! The brain and spinal cord need readily available calories in our blood, blood sugar, blood glycogen to be able to think and react! The brain and spinal cord do not use any other resource for fuel. So if you've not eaten for awhile, you should NOT BE BARTERING! You should not be fighting, shooting, no driving! No big decisions if at all possible. Get to know those carbohydrates all around us in the wild or even urban settings. Just one poisonous plant and there are PLENTY will cost you your life. Mushrooms, never eat any mushroom unless you've got brain fuel and know what you are doing! Best not to take the risk. When SHTF, you will not be the person you think you are right now!
My Grandfather gave me rules with bartering. Both parties should be happy with the trade or it's a bad deal. Don't be afraid to walk away and trade with someone else. Be fair when you offer something- it might not be worth what you think. Don't rip people off- if you need to trade to survive, you'll be out of luck because no one with deal with you.
I'm a firm believer that both parties should be satisfied with the deal.
You basically prove bartering is problematic
Very wise words from your Grandfather. Thank you for passing that down. Much ❤
Good info. 👍🏻
My motto is :
“Better to be paranoid than taken by surprise.”
Be prepared ,not scared.
Definitely don’t go alone anywhere even today. That one brings me back to when I was a lot younger. I went to look at a rv camper alone and ended up almost getting robbed and killed. We’ll just say a police officer saved me that night. So yes do not go alone. Ever.
Also great video guys. Great information. I agree 100%. Keep em coming.
I have always viewed bartering in an SHTF situation as a way to begin to rebuild the community, much like the old Trading Post were in the west. I would be the one trying to establish a known location to begin the trades, and trying to grow it into something like a Flea Market over time. If each person who was coming to trade was willing to help through contributing time/money-or what passes for money/goods/etc... then who ever was overseeing the operation could hire guards, keep the Trading Post safe and peaceful, it would do great things to bring back some normalcy to a very messed up world. Maybe I ran a dry-goods store in a past life! But this is where I would try to go with Bartering.
Rendezvous', the place where the rich with supplies ripped off the mountain men of old.
one risked his life for a beaver pelt, the other offered $3 for a product he could transport away and sell for $10, Then he could sell $3 worth of whisky, flour, sugar and salt, or ammunition and traps back to the mountain man for $10.
To me, FREE or FAIR trade are the first things to disappear in SHTF, The other thing to consider is threats of what you have vrs what you can get, your very life is more valuable if you can get it, than if you are unarmed and already have it.
Market places have attracted thieves since biblical times, Better to de-centralise and act as a travelling merchant, establish customer base and do like -Coke- Produce/ find/ acquire, but make money on distribution.
look at the rise of UBER, deliver them the goods is where the money is.
One of the most useful videos I've ever seen on surviving/bartering in SHTF.
After listening to the two of you, I will keep buying more than what I need so I wont have to get killed bartering LOL!
Great video! Very good points to be conscious of. The only thing I didn't hear, and maybe I missed it, was about building up goodwill. I feel that if something happens then people will tend to gravitate towards like minded people, we do it anyways, but if you build goodwill it becomes like an alive, living network of mutual support. And, sometimes giving a little extr, instead of getting as much as you can out of a deal can build goodwill. Someone will remember you positively, and will come back again because they know that they can trust you, instead of some unknown person. Also, goodwill is built by being honest, fair, kind and compassionate. Then people will say, so and so is a good person to deal with, go see him. Businesses used to call that free advertising. Then also you can create a semblance of a thriving community and network. Blessings.
Its best to ONLY barter with established contacts and NEVER with strangers or new acquaintances. Set up your barter buddies ahead of SHTF. For example, start buying eggs and beef from a local rancher, so that you can barter with him later.
There are 3 phases to barter: (1) pre-collapse, (2) during the collapse, and (3) post-collapse. Avoid bartering during the collapse. Either barter now before the collapse, or wait until afterwards when things have settled down.
Keisha K. Excellent advice. Thinking ahead is always the best tactic. Best comment on here.
Those are good guidelines to follow.
10 good rules, I like them all. Thank you.
This is why there are market places market days, and market overseers. Covers all potential problems and products.
Ive just learned of ya'll tonight and think your video's are great. Thanks for posting. I know as a prepper and one who has taught many this is a bit of work! THANKS for your awesome info! Will be sharing them often!
I may have missed you saying this item but it is crucial to have clear plastic. It can be used to gather water from a tree (but not pines). Make a sack, attack it to the end of a leafy branch, put a small rock in it so it hangs down and wait. Depending on the tree you can get a couple pints a day. So put lots of bags out. Make sure the water tastes sweet or it is poisonous so us a different type of tree. Then the next day you can reuse the same branches. Check out other videos on how to get water from a tree by making a small cut in it.
This is one of my favorite channels on UA-cam. Great content. And I love the books Chris.
Love the videos! Love the RULES! I agree with the do not go alone rule the most. Keep up the great work! :)
Thank you for this important information. My family and I are grateful. May God bless you.
never trade with a stranger especially when they want bullets.
Frankly I would prefer to NOT barter bullets to many other things on my list that are better then bullets that as they admitted could come back to you but not in a return one would prefer.
That's for real...bad thinking to arm a stranger. Stranger danger 😆
This was FASCINATING! Who knew?! This info is eye-opening. You guys are very smart!
well what can i say ,,i love this stuff ,,great info ,,lets just hope we never have to do all this ,great info from you guys thanks
This was a great video, I heard some concepts I had never really thought about before. Great job!
One thing is for sure when you go to the trading area for the first time, make sure you all recon the area prior to meeting in that area. Know all the infil & exfil routes. Have the intelligence officer of your group do a threat analysis of the most likely course of action, & the the most dangerous course of action, a potential enemy can do in case bartering goes bad. Good video. 👍🏾
I’m stockpiling beard oil, yoga mats and kale. I’ll own the entire millennial generation.
Im stockpiling shavers and feminim products for 1K dollar, the girls will love me, they will do anything for me :-)
LOL great plan:)
Survival Dispatch lol
Great idea, sadly we will will lose most of a generation.
an other tip i would add is trying to have something to trade that needs skills and or work you produce or manufacture yourself (food tools whatever) and not only trade finite resources, this way they have something to lose in the future if they rob ,hurt, or kill you.
This was probably the best point
Outstanding List, Gentlemen. Keep Up The Good Work!
Econ 101 - Focus production on that which you produce most efficiently (or have stored in great quantity) and trade it with those that produce what you need more efficiently. Furthermore, the establishing of markets (lines of trade with multiple parties or trading posts) creates price competition and pricing information to "consumers." By this prices become more stable for various goods and value doesn't become quite as subjective which allows more people to make fair deals. Example; on person wants to rip you off for antibiotics, but another party comes in and is willing to trade for less; competition brings prices down and establishes a price. The more people/groups contributing to the market place the better access to goods there is at a better and fair markets help everyone. I love this video and could spend hours talking about this topic.
Maybe I missed it, but it might be worth making another video on items to never trade, rarely trade, or only trade if you absolutely must...your primary weapons, magazines, water filters...
Thank you
for the Info, I was not thinking.
About this
Very interesting. I can sew with a manual machine but that wouldn’t be of interest until quite some time had passed. I don’t make jeans and stuff like that. May need to think of what people would need and what I would be needing in exchange.
Machine repair?? If u are good at sewing u can already offer repairs in exchange for something. In mybarea its been tough trying tonfind someone to adjust my old singer.
Stock up on thread and extra parts. Like needles and bobbins. Also button and hooks and eyes.
# 11 never let the person that needs something call the meeting place. # 12 never meet at same place.
This is a very underestimated point. I'd suggest switching or moving location at the last minute for this reason too
Unless its a stable black market area.
Like a farmers market.
Think like the hunger games.
The black market was an old coal warehouse. It was a stable trade area.
There's likely to be a common trading place established. In a real SHTF scenario, you may not be able to communicate with people prior to meeting ... won't be no Craigslist. You'll show up with what you have and try to trade like a flea market or swap meet.
Nice! @21:33, it makes sense now!
It also makes me think on the importance of preparing as a community. How do yall feel about the idea of posting on your gate a simple sign, that says: " trade circle from #time to whenever, on said day", or something like that? Would we just set a trap for ourselves? Or maybe a sign that says, trade circle's info at town square, or something... just thinking outloud... curious what you think?
Always great info and insight.
I see myself mostly bartering with a local trader that I know and trust. He will have the broadest supply range and every incentive to keep good relations.
what do you do when they take him out?
Very useful. Well done.
You can use radios with an earpiece. You can talk or communicate silently by pushing buttons.
A lower tech version are whissles and especially dog whissles.
Thank you for this. I found your suggestions sensible and logical.
Great video and info gents. Thank you
You are so right.
The most successful trade is where both parties are at least satified.
Thank you for the info.
Great advice.
Bless you.
Really luv these topics and they really get u thinking. All of them were great points and exactly what u should be thinking in situations like that. It’s about building relationships and alliances with other groups. I really do think there will be more bad groups than good but that’s why the good people have to come together to help each other and also watch each other backs. Desperate people do desperate things and they will come for u. I believe we shouldn’t wait for our enemy to come. We should take the fight to them and if there is any groups that are not good they need to be taken out ASAP. It’s a cold thing to say but in a world without law the only thing that will save us is action and fighting for what’s yours. I really like ten “Stranger Danger” 😆. But in all reality it will be hard to trust anybody in situations like that. “ Be polite to everybody but have a plan to kill them” good stuff! 👍
Very good overview of doing the deal.
What's your thoughts on setting yourself up as a middleman. It'll be rough starting out but if you can pull it off you can basically set up a trading post where if John wants X and has Y be can come to you and you log it down and if a week later Rick shows up looking for X and has Y then you interchange goods for a small commission. Neither has to even see each other or know who or what is going on.
You can also slip your own supplies in under a fake name so that no one knows it's your stuff. And make sure your commission is always in consumables. So that no one thinks you have anything worth stealing
I think its a decent idea, though I don't agree on just taking only consumables as commission. If your running a trading post people are going to assume your getting something out of it, anyone thinking it was out of the kindness of your heart only would probably have been stolen from or worse already. So that trust won't last long.
For commission I would keep it on the down low though for sure. Jimmy doesn't need to know the 10 oranges he's offering for a hammer your starting offer to John will be 5 oranges for a hammer, tool belt, screwdriver(not an unreasonable request really as I live in a small place in town and I have multiple of each)leaving wiggle room to haggle for you and the tool owner. You could walk out of there 5 oranges and a toolbelt and screwdriver richer and all parties are happy.
Personally for me I would prefer a mobile operation compared to a trading post, that way I'm not one fixed location that can be ambushed while your setting up or whatever, more mobility is more options to flee and if you become a trusted source people will get ahold of me and wouldn't mind me coming to their house. Part ice cream truck and part drug dealer mentality. You could have semi regular routes so people know when roughly to expect you. I would also have 2 hired guns working on commission so they can amass their own trade stockpile.
I would start now by joining local Facebook groups for bartering, trade, and free stuff(some people that give stuff away for free all the time could be easy commissions in shtf) and start making your name known on those groups. Take advantage of the free groups by using them to be the "go-to guy" in the bartering groups, pay attention to posts in the bartering groups and be on it to tag members in new posts that appear, gives the impression this guy can get anything and connect people wanting to trade. Builds your brand as it were.
Oh Jane is looking for x, I remember last week Phyllis was getting rid of x so tag Phyllis in Jane's post. If people allow pickups or drop offs at their home then take a note of it so after shtf a familiar face and voice shows up one day and asks if they need anything it will be met with slightly less suspicion.
That's all me though🤷♂️ a standalone trading post has its advantages as well
AWESOME! as usual.
Great tips guys
Great Video! Very understated topics, But they are Important Planning Considerations for Before/During/After the trade. Yes absolutely, you gotta be ready to walk/run away from the deal.
The only other thing I would cover is an Exit Plan with my buddy.
Good tips, thanks :-)
Don’t make the full trade at once.Trade in increments. The potential robber is less likely to burn the bridge to you over a small partial amount.
this sounds like excellent advice...God bless...doug
Well done guys 👍🏻
Thank you!
We have a acre foodforest in the city and several buckets of seeds , huge green house for plant starts, rabbit's for meat we have been here for 35 years.
Wow, when SHTF I want to live in your camp. Awesome points that are often overlooked.
I might add to rule #3: Don't go alone. The situation may not end up being dangerous but it could involve needing a witness later on.
So, in a WROL, how would you safely set up a barter with someone?
ANSWER: Unless you are in a life or death scenario, only barter with someone you know! NO EXCEPTIONS
Also, you can have trade boards hung up, as to who's looking for what, and what they'll trade you for it. You can use a chalkboard, or a dry earse board and marker.
I'm sure that certain areas will be well guarded little general stores, in which to barter.
very good points, Ithe travel bottles you can buy in various stores are great for dividing larger quantities, the little "pill pouches" ziplock bags are also a great way to divide small quantities like salt, sugar etc for barter
Agree to meet prior on neutral ground and agree on the trade. Ask what they need and never pry them with questions about what they have…you’ll sound shady. Shake hands on the deal and return with only the agreed items. That’s it. Make trading partners and forge trust over time.
Great info!
Thanks, guy. I am learning a lot from you.
Don’t trade at night. Speak only of trading, not time for gossip. Be weary of people who ask lots of questions.
Daniel Pasko Dang, that would be my in laws. They question why I would purchase a trash can.
However, gossip can also be viewed as news/information. So 'gossip' can also be used as a form of barter.
Agree with not trading at night but I'd suggest trying to keep things as friendly as possible. Make small talk. Pet their dog. Show a calmness and lack of fear it projects strength through assuredness
In a wrol anytime that you go to trade you no longer have the upper hand. The person you are trading with knows that you need this item. If you didn't why would you be out here trying to acquire it. I agree with do not show all you have but, anyone left alive in an extended wrol will most likely not be stupid enough to think you brought everything out here with you. One of the best ways is to deflect. Finding out something that they need. Through natural conversation with someone. Not from the point of "Hey I need this item do you have it?" But, if you start from "Hey are you okay? IS there anything you are looking for?" This works especially well if it is a person you know. Lastly NEVER trade anywhere that you do not know, or with anyone you do not know. You guys mentioned this to a point. Make the meeting point somewhere neutral, Not public like a market or something like that. Mostly though, plan ahead to not need to trade. At least for a s long as possible. If you are trading then you are already behind the eight ball.
Good info for those who targeting to be barter merchant.
it will be far more better if we can plan ahead and avoid doing any bartering.
but, we need to act doing scrapping and look desperate. acting to join the crowd of desperate people.
I think parks could turn into trading places. Also, upon meeting others in the wilderness you may be proposing trades to each other.
if u know somebody who was a drug addict/drug dealer in a past life or a car salesmen, insurance salesmen, try to get them on board to either be the trader for the group or to give u some tips and train u how to barter, cuz these folks know what they r doing. one of my good friends was a former drug addcit/dealer. he is now into high end jewelry sales. he can sell shit to a cow, literly. I have never know somebody who was that good at selling things. so people like that r very good to have on board in ur group. dont b judgemental if u know they used to be an addict or dealer cuz as long as they have proven they have changed, their past life skills can help tremendously in these types of situations
Yeah, here I am. Learning how to barter just in case. At 3:36PM EST. I really thought bartering was just a skill for shopping and such but it turns out it’s a survival, post apocalyptic strategy lmao.
I repeat what someone else asked. How do set up the barter itself? Assume no landlines and no cell and you don’t want to barter with some passerby banging on your gate/front door?
Do you mean only barter with your neighborhood?
How do you find others to barter with?
Do you set up the next barter at the time of your initial barter?
How do you let them what else you might have to barter?
Should you say what you’re looking for, for the next barter session?
I’m thinking it might be wise to not tell what you have to
barter, maybe say “ I’ll see if I can find that for you”
Meeting places organically form as convenient areas of which you are both familiar. I'd be willing to bet coffee shops, malls, and grocery stores are going to be predominant large meeting areas, and gas stations as more local options.
People gotta find food. Don't get trapped in your bubble and never leave. All prepping is doing for you is allowing financial independence in the end times.
Network now so you’ll know and be known by locals, especially in your bug out location.
I was thinking the scoped rifle thing too
If we have a shtf I want to be a trade lord. I want to run trades to get stuff, sell that stuff, rinse and repeat. I want multiple traders so that people don’t pick up on the fact that I’m running it.
How do you trade for land?
What would be your advice on keeping your trade a secret? Because we all know people talk and how do you prevent people coming to you for the same materials if word got leaked? It's crazy to think about how one minor screw up could get you in a whole lot of trouble. Good video tho guys. 🙈🙉🙊
Lots of advice to protect from aggressive people. Any advice how to be the aggressor? How to set up the ambush? When to pull out your Billy club? What situation is better to threaten VS when to go straight to violence?
You're making this sound very scary I've been trying to barter a massage table and chair for a camper all those in the top 10 list thank you
Everyone is good hearted until backed into a corner. Read the story of what happened at the New Orleans Super Dome during Katrina.
3 old tv shows to watch to learn bartering, MASH 4077, Hogan's Heros, and McHale's Navy
That’s false
How about trading skills? I am going to go somewhere that is looking for people that can work with renewable energy and entertainers. So I am educating myself in the one and learning a few instruments for the other. How do I work out a trade for those?
One time when my history teacher started to teach about the Great Depression and events afterwards he brought up hobos and the like and how if you gave out one can of food to a single hobo you'd find fifty more knocking on your door the next day , much of what you guys said in this video can be associated with certain parts of the depression and I think another depression is a lot more likely to happen than a complete chaotic , government collapse and it may at times be WROL
What people may not know, is that Hobos had signs that they would leave for later Hobos. Like 'Kind Woman: Will usually feed you'; 'Odd Jobs: You can work for few bucks here'., etc. It really is fascinating! Of course the signs did not look like that...
One thing I plan on doing when bartering is to say I don't have it, but I know someone who might. Lemme see what I can do. Involve a third party, even if it's fictitious.
I've done a trade off with my buddy before. Bartering for certain things if one person isn't having the luck needed we have a pre-arranged signal where they back away and the other person takes the lead and goes into the negotiation with different tactics
I do the money distribution as well when I travel.. just makes sense.
i dont want to bust your bubble guys, but you guys need to reconsider whole concept of the barter. thanx for video anyways
How do you determine what you are trading is worth?
Never underestimate any body or situation
If I need a couple of full 1lb propane tanks, how do I find out who to barter with?
create a win win situation
What about if you live in a small town?
I loved the video, except for one thing. You’re bartering ammo? You’re gonna trade away something, that can be used to kill you and yours? Not a good plan.
There will be a need to exchange it. How would you solve the problem to prevent someone using it?
Bars of lead can also be bartered. As well as empty brass.
How do people feel about caches, so both the preps you survive on and barter items are divided and hidden, can't all be stolen at once?
Boy, this is exactly the rules I applied back in the day to selling drugs😂
#6, Establishing Trade Lines, that whole talking to people who then talk to other people in order to get your hands on something you or your nearest trading friends can't works kinda like the Six Degrees To Kevin Bacon thing. In SHTF, you might not have direct long-distance communication, nor will supplies get moved quickly if transportation infrastructure is screwed, but you can still reach out to contact someone who has the doohickey you're looking for, given enough time and people willing to chat about it may end up being not so much Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon, but rather far more like Sixteen Degrees To Getting Hickory Wood For Smoking Bacon...but you could actually get some kind of long-distance trade going, even if you don't live anywhere near where hickory trees grow.
(On the downside, this could mean a lot of people will know you're looking for something, and if it's something especially shiny/rare/valuable, they might try to take it for themselves to keep it from you, or will try to corner the market to jack up the prices...but again that rule #5, don't look desperate, definitely comes in handy here.)
It would seem to me that bartering ammo would best be done with individuals/groups you're already established with and I mean having had a long track record of dealing with them so you have a good read on their character and integrity.
6happydude3 definitely you gotta have the foundation of trust in order to trade ammo.
I'm never going to trade ammo or arms.
Never barter away something that can be returned when or in a manner that you DON'T want it to be.
People can change when put in stressful situations, and are capable of justifying anything that they want to. Yes, there will be those who will remain true to their morals and beliefs, but that will be the exception rather than the normal.
It's not just 'others' that can change once Survival is the main driving force -- we can be convinced all we want that WE will never become 'that' kind of person, but unless we prepare OURSELVES mentally, then we WILL find ourselves making justifications for pushing our OWN bar of Standards further and further out. Civilization is what keeps most people in check, but Civilization is what breaks down the fastest. Don't depend on relying on people being the same after SHTF, as they are now. The person you trust the most is the person who can betray you the easiest, and do the most damage -- whether unintentionally or not.
Great now here I am showing up hours early with four friends armed to the teeth setup around the block so I can buy snow tires off gregslist...
What would you say about not keeping your barter inventory in or super near your living space?
Forgot 1...NEVER trade HARD for SOFT!...After 40 years of doing this, this is one rule that came back to haunt me.
Please define
Barter is the exchange of one use-value for another use-value.
When money is involved in a transaction than the formula is different, one use-value (money) for another use-value (commodity).
Regardless of the difference between barter and commodity exchanges, they are both based on a simple equation A=B.
These guys are talking about how to conduct a transaction in a barter situation, they are not talking about what makes a used vacuum cleaner (A) equal to a case of bottled water (B) as an example. This rule worked really well when everything was hand made or manufactured but when things are machine made and mass produced the amount of time it takes to make bottle water and to make a vacuum cleaner would equal the cost of what it makes to make bricks because so many were made, their value is spread over tons of product. So need becomes the barter system and a match of needs, putting together the owner of a use-value with the owner of other use-values, a central community space. These guys are thinking barter on an individual basis as if this were still the 19th century, a barter arrangement would be different today, to avoid crime and social catastrophe, it has be organized, where you would bring in your use-value(s) and trade them for other use-value(s), to circulate to use-values throughout society where needed by the population.
These guys sound paranoid and like tough guys because they are thinking like a merchant to create a barter system that has all the goods and desperate people come to them like they do go to a Salvation army store. That is not going to work in a society like America. Use-values have to be circulated to broad swaths of the population for stability.
also one thing i would say that goes along with dont push your luck, is know the approximate value of the item your bartering, example dont trade a pack of cigarettes for a case of ammo. those are not nearly of equal value and ammo is gonna be a necesity while smoking isnt.
so dont ask for a ludacris amount of something for a small amount of something else to keep it short
Is silver a good item to barter with? I'm talking 90% silver dimes and quarters, and maybe Silver Eagle dollars.
Precious metals have throughout most of our history held a solid value. Not a bad decision investing a bit into silver.
thx guys
Barter/trade day market :).
Flea market/block trades .
I like a vehicle big cargo truck ,riding in a tribal convoy .
It makes going to trade/barter markets quick set-up and load and go .
A well trained dog is a must .
I will take a second person .
I prefer a calm shooter, when in a hostile situation .
Oops ,information is critical and free,listen.
When it hits We plan on a trading Post ;).
Thirty-forty full time and traffic in and out, garden, fruit trees, water well ,all the comforts for rent .
What about "petty bartering" with stuff that spoils like eggs, rabbits and such things?
You could barter with such things even if you don`t "need" something. Not sure if it´s worth the risk though.
Mr D: sure, you get rid of things with a short life (eggs, rabbits) and trade them for things you don't need but can trade much later, plus you have made a trade connection.
Yes but the problem i see is what do you trade for? If you go too low people will guess/know you have stuff and if you go too high peole will become mad and probably come to get it or to get "revenge" on the profiteer. What comes to my mind is trading with a certain circle of people (e.g. how the shadow economy in germany worked and still works to a large degree).
It's always good to have a stockpile of things that #1 Don't go Bad, #2 People will always Want/Need!
Good video! One thing when I was young my father would do swap and trade. These men would yell and shout! I thought they were mad and angry. No,this is how they bartered. Called horse trading. Just saying. I'm 60 years old now.
Sounds more like a farm auction.
I love your information! Lots of stuff I hadn't thought about and that is amazing! Hubby has the shower set up so I gotta type fast.
You were talking about dividing a bottle of Jack Daniels. I got this easy would it be to poison that Jack? Get rid of competition! I am now thinking I will never drink anything anyone gives us!!
Poison your competition? You get all their stuff!! Too easy and certainly a good strategy after SHTF!! But turn it around to imagine getting rid of a group of Zombies and you have them at a buddy buddy point but you know it won't last and you will become dinner...
Trust NO ONE not even those you know. Every person has a zombie inside of them that comes out when survival mode is enacted! Especially when thirsty or hungry and scared to death. All of us have a monster inside that will kill to survive, no matter what. Be able to eat beloved pets, dead neighbors. Not kidding!
Don't trust yourself either! The brain and spinal cord need readily available calories in our blood, blood sugar, blood glycogen to be able to think and react! The brain and spinal cord do not use any other resource for fuel. So if you've not eaten for awhile, you should NOT BE BARTERING! You should not be fighting, shooting, no driving! No big decisions if at all possible.
Get to know those carbohydrates all around us in the wild or even urban settings. Just one poisonous plant and there are PLENTY will cost you your life. Mushrooms, never eat any mushroom unless you've got brain fuel and know what you are doing! Best not to take the risk. When SHTF, you will not be the person you think you are right now!
I guess I'm at a disadvantage, pushing people over the edge doesn't ring a bell. Could someone come up with an example?
Bonus Tip: Switch up the tradesman; never go alone and switch up who plays the "face" so it acts as a proxy
3nertia 3 men crew at the minimum, one examining the items, one 3 feet watching the back and last men watching the whole deal 100 yards away
@@erinkstocco1920 And switch up the point man every time heh