BIBLE STUDY UPLOAD DANIEL CH9 WK26 PART 3️⃣ The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks NOTES ADDED 7.2.2024

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024
  • Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: BOOK Of Daniel
    WEEK 26 PART 3
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.” ● THE REVELATION OF THE SEVENTY SEVENS OF ISRAEL ● The Messiah cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel● The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024


  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  3 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (B)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch9⃣📖✅
    WEEK 25 PART 3
    📍 The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks📍
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.”
    ● The Messiah is cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple
    ● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel●
    The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024
    9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy
    people and upon thy holy city,
    ●to finish the transgression, and
    ●to make an end of sins, and
    ●to make reconciliation for iniquity, and
    ●to bring in everlasting righteousness, and
    ●to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most
    Holy. In the concluding four verses of Daniel 9, one of
    the most important prophecies of the Old
    Testament is contained. The prophecy as a whole
    is presented in verse 24.
    The first sixty-ninesevens is described in verse 25. The events
    between the sixty-ninth seventh and the
    seventieth seventh are detailed in verse 26. The
    final period of the seventieth seventh is
    described in verse 27. A very important aspect of the prophecy given at
    the start is that the period of time in question
    relates to “thy people” and “thy holy city.” ●Even in
    ruins, Jerusalem remains the city set apart in the
    heart of God (cf. 9:20) and Daniel shared this
    love for the city which is central in God’s program
    for His kingdom both in the past and the future.●
    Unlike the prophecies of Daniel 2, 7, and 8, which
    primarily related to the Gentiles, this chapter is
    specifically God’s program for the people of
    ●In Daniel 9:24-27, 7 Weeks + 62 weeks = 483
    years. After the 69 weeks, there will be a gap
    before we arrive at the 70th week●. From this
    point forward, there would be another 434 years
    as Israel waited for the coming of the Messiah.
    Again, if you use a literal translation of the 434
    years and consider the 360-day calendar, we
    mentioned earlier, this would bring us into the
    time of Jesus in 33 A.D. ●This part of Daniel’s
    prophecy was fulfilled in 33 A.D. when Jesus
    made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. After
    Christ presented Himself to Israel as her
    Messiah on Palm Sunday and was subsequently
    “cut off”, a nearly 2,000 year gap ensued.●
    ●When Christ was “cut off”, the time clock was
    effectively stopped.● Then, in May of 1948, Israel
    was once again back in the land. That was
    significant because she had to be back in the land
    before the prophecy to Daniel (9:24-27) could be
    fulfilled. ●God had dealt with Israel as a nation up
    to the time when Messiah was cut off. He does so
    again when He resumes the program with Israel
    for the 70th week, the final seven years.● As
    Daniel would obviously interpret it. To make this
    equivalent to the church composed of both Jews
    and Gentiles, is to read into the passage
    something foreign to the whole thinking of Daniel.
    ●The church as such has no relation to the city nor
    to the promises given specifically to Israel
    relating to their restoration and repossession of
    the land.●
    Once it has been established that the prophecy
    relates to the people of Israel and the holy city
    Jerusalem, six important purposes of God are
    clearly discerned in verse 24:
    (1) “to finish the transgression”;
    (2) “to make an end of sins”;
    (3) “to make reconciliation for iniquity”;
    (4) “to bring in everlasting righteousness”;
    (5) “to seal up the vision and prophecy”;
    (6) “to anoint the most Holy.”
    ●The first three, however, do deal with sin named
    in three ways: “the transgression,” “sins,” and
    “iniquity.” ●

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  3 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (D)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch9⃣📖✅
    WEEK 25 PART 3
    📍 The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks📍
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.”
    ● The Messiah is cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple
    ● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel●
    The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024
    9:25 Know therefore and understand, that
    from the going forth of● the commandment to
    restore and to build Jerusalem unto the
    Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and
    threescore and two weeks: the street shall be
    built again, and the wall, even in troublous
    times.● At the outset of the revelation of the details of
    the seventy sevens, Daniel is exhorted to know
    and understand the main facts of the prophecy
    (cf. Dan 9:22). It is preferable to consider it an
    exhortation.● Verse 25 introduces the timing of the fulfillment
    of the prophecy. The 70 weeks of this prophecy
    represent a period of 490 years, based on the
    biblical principle that prophetic Scripture often
    uses a day to represent a year (Ezekiel 4:4-
    6; Numbers 14:33-34). In verses 25 and 27, the
    period of 70 weeks is divided into three time
    periods: seven weeks (49 years), 62 weeks (434
    years) and one week (seven years).
    The 70 weeks of Daniel were to begin “from the
    going forth of the command to restore and build
    Jerusalem” (verse 25). In 457 B.C., in the seventh
    year of his reign, King Artaxerxes issued a
    decree giving Ezra permission to return to
    Jerusalem to complete the efforts to rebuild the
    city (Ezra 7:6-10; Ezra 9:9).
    ● Where Do We Find Ourselves at the End of 69
    Using 457 B.C. as the starting point, we see that
    during the first seven prophetic weeks (49 years)
    the Jews who returned rebuilt the walls and city
    of Jerusalem despite the efforts of their
    enemies to thwart their work (457 to 408 B.C.).
    ● The Messiah was to come after another 62 weeks
    (434 years). Counting 434 years from 408 B.C.
    brings us to A.D. 27-the year during which Jesus
    Christ was baptized and started His work as the
    Messiah.● The first phrase in verse 26 says that the
    Messiah would be “cut off” after the 62
    prophetic weeks (counting the first seven, a total
    of 69 prophetic weeks or 483 years).
    9:26 And ● after threescore and two weeks shall
    Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and
    the people of the prince that shall come shall
    destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the
    end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto t● he
    end of the war desolations are determined.
    In summarizing the period of the sixty-nine
    sevens, the statement is made in verse 25 that
    ● the period will be “unto the Messiah the Prince.”
    Most conservative expositors have interpreted
    this as a reference to Jesus Christ● .
    ● The ‘anointed one’ is Jesus Christ, who was cut off by His death
    upon the Cross of Calvary.”● If this interpretation
    of verse 25 is correct, it provides the key to
    verse 26 which states that after “threescore and
    two weeks,” that is, the 7 plus 62 sevens, or after
    the end of the sixty-ninth seven, the Messiah
    shall be “cut off.” ● The verb rendered “to cut off”
    has the meaning, “to destroy, to kill, it refers to
    the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross.●
    As this relates to the chronology of the prophecy, it
    makes plain that ● the Messiah will be living at the
    end of the sixty-ninth seventh and will be cut off,
    or die, soon after the end of it.●
    The prominence of the Messiah in Old Testament
    prophecy and the mention of Him in both verses
    25 and 26 make the cutting off of the Messiah
    one of the important events in the prophetic
    enfoldment of God’s plan for Israel and the world.
    How tragic that, when the promised King came,
    He was “cut off. ● The unbelief of Israel and the
    calloused indifference of religious leaders when
    confronted with the claims of Christ combined
    with the hardness of heart of Gentile rulers to
    make this the greatest of tragedies.● Christ was
    indeed not only “cut off” from man and from life,
    but in His cry on the cross indicated that He was
    forsaken of God. ● The cry “My God, my God, why
    hast thou forsaken me?” reveals not only the
    awfulness of separation from God but points also
    to the answer-the redemptive purpose● . He was
    the sacrificial lamb of God sent to take away the
    sins of the world. Outwardly it appeared that evil
    had triumphed.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  3 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (C)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch9⃣📖✅
    WEEK 25 PART 3
    📍 The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks📍
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.”
    ● The Messiah is cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple
    ● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel●
    The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024
    ●The First Aspect ---The expression to finish is derived
    from the piel verb form of the root ka„la‚ meaning “to finish” in the sense of
    bringing to an end. The most obvious meaning is
    that Israel’s course of apostasy and sin and
    wandering over the face of the earth will be
    brought to completion within the seventy sevens.
    The restoration of Israel which Daniel sought in
    his prayer will ultimately have its fulfillment in
    this concept.
    ●The second aspect of the program, “to make an
    end of sins,” carries the idea of taking away sins
    or bringing sin to final judgment.
    Thus also God seals the hand of man that it
    cannot move, Job 37:7, and the stars that they
    cannot give light, Job 9:7… The sins are here
    described as sealed, because they are altogether
    removed out of the sight of God.”
    ●The third aspect of the program, “to make
    reconciliation for iniquity,” seems to be a rather
    clear picture of the Cross of Christ in which
    Christ reconciled Israel as well as the world to
    Himself (2 Co 5:19). As far as the Old Testament
    revelation of reconciliation is concerned, the
    Hebrew word kippe„r when used in relation to sin
    means to “cover,” to “wipe out,” to “make… as
    harmless, non existent, or inoperative, to annul (so far as God’s
    notice or regard is concerned), to withdraw from
    God’s sight, with the attached ideas of
    reinstating in His favour, freeing from sin, and
    restoring to holiness.
    While the basic provision for reconciliation was
    made at the cross, the actual application of it is
    again associated with the second advent of Christ
    as far as Israel is concerned, and an
    eschatological explanation is possible for this
    phase as well as an historic fulfillment.
    ●The fourth aspect of the program is “to bring in
    everlasting righteousness.” There is a sense in
    which this also is accomplished by Christ in His
    first coming in that He provided a righteous
    ground for God’s justification of the sinner. The
    many Messianic passages, however, which view
    righteousness as being applied to the earth at the
    time of the second coming of Christ may be the
    ultimate explanation. Jeremiah, for instance,
    stated, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord,
    that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch,
    and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall
    execute judgment and justice in the earth. In
    his days, ●Judah shall be saved, and
    ●Israelshall dwell safely: and this is his name
    whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR
    RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jer 23:5-6). The righteous
    character of the Messianic kingdom is pictured
    in Isaiah 11:2-5 (cf. Is 53:11; Jer 33:15-18).
    ●The fifth aspect of the program, “to seal up the
    vision and prophecy,” is probably best
    understood to mean the termination of unusual
    direct revelation by means of vision and oral
    prophecy. The expression to seal up indicates
    that no more is to be added and that what has
    been predicted will receive divine confirmation
    and recognition in the form of actual fulfillment.
    Once a letter is sealed, its contents are
    irreversible (cf. 6:8).
    ●The sixth aspect of the prophecy, “to anoint the
    most Holy,” has been referred to the dedication
    of the temple built by Zerubbabel, to the
    sanctification of the altar previously desecrated
    by Antiochus. Others believe that the final seven
    years is still eschatological future, it would
    therefore broaden the possibility of fulfillment
    to the second advent of Christ and events related
    to it such as the millennial temple.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  3 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (A)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch9⃣📖✅
    WEEK 25 PART 3
    📍 The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks📍
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.”
    ● The Messiah is cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple
    ● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel●
    The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024
    The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks
    Daniel Chapter 9
    PART 2
    9:20-23 And while I was speaking, and praying,
    and confessing my sin and the sin of my people
    Israel, and presenting my supplication before
    the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my
    God; yea, while I was speaking in prayer, even
    the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision
    at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly,
    touched me about the time of the evening
    oblation. And he informed me, and talked with
    me, and said, ●O Daniel, I am now come forth
    to give thee skill and understanding●. At the
    beginning of thy supplications the commandment
    came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for
    thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand
    the matter, and consider the vision.
    While Daniel was offering his petition to the
    Lord, the answer was already on the way by means
    of the heavenly messenger, the angel Gabriel.
    ●Daniel implies in verse 20 that the angel was sent
    at the very beginning of his prayer●. As Daniel
    expresses it, it was accomplished “whiles I was
    speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and
    the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my
    supplication before the Lord my God for the holy
    mountain of my God.” According to verse 21,
    Gabriel touched Daniel about the time of the
    evening oblation. It is obvious that the prayer of
    Daniel recorded here is only a summary of the
    actual oral prayer which probably was lengthy and
    culminated at the time of the evening sacrifice.
    ●“The term ‘Gabriel’ means the strong one, or the
    ‘Strong God.●’” Gabriel could be translated “the
    servant, the strong one of the strong God.” In
    addition to the identification by the name itself,
    Daniel adds, “whom I had seen in the vision at the
    beginning,” that is, in chapter 8. Gabriel,
    according to Daniel, “being caused to fly swiftly,”
    arrived at the time of the evening oblation.
    Although he flew swiftly, he did not arrive until
    the end of Daniel’s prayer.
    This sacrifice usually began about 3 p.m., and
    consisted of a perfect lamb offered as a whole
    burnt offering accompanied by meal and drink
    offerings, which typified the future sacrifice of
    Jesus Christ upon the cross as the spotless Lamb
    of God (Heb 9:14). Daniel does not speak
    specifically of the sacrifice but only of “the
    evening oblation,” that is, the meal offering and
    the drink offering. ●God in a sense met the
    spiritual need of His people at the time of the
    sacrifice and oblation, so Gabriel was sent by God
    to meet Daniel’s special need at this time and
    remind him of the mercies of God.●
    Upon arrival, Gabriel talks with Daniel and states
    that the purpose of his coming is “to give thee
    skill in understanding.”
    God, in a word, wants to assure Daniel of His
    unswerving purpose to fulfill all His commitments
    to Israel, including their ultimate restoration.
    In verse 23, Gabriel confirms what is implied in
    verse 20 that he was given instructions to go to
    Daniel early in Daniel’s prayer.
    ●According to Gabriel’s own statement, he had
    come to show Daniel what was necessary to
    understand the entire matter of Israel’s
    program, and specifically, to consider the vision
    of the seventy weeks described in the verses
    which follow.● Gabriel bears witness to the special
    relationship which Daniel had to the Lord in that
    he was one “greatly beloved.
    Gabriel clearly told Daniel that the 70 week
    program would begin when a decree was issued to
    “restore and rebuild Jerusalem…” (Dan. 9:25). It
    is important to note that the decree was to
    restore and rebuild “Jerusalem”. When that event
    took place, the countdown had begun.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  3 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (E)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch9⃣📖✅
    WEEK 25 PART 3
    📍 The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks📍
    ● The Coming of the Angel Gabriel● Gabriel's purpose is “to give Daniel skill in understanding.”
    ● The Messiah is cut- off ●Israel returns for the rebuilding of the temple
    ● The man of Desolation breaks his treaty with Israel●
    The desolator's betrayal heralds the return of the Messiah●
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    July 2, 2024
    The center part of verse 26 states “the people
    of the prince that shall come shall destroy the
    city and the sanctuary.” ●Historically the
    destruction of Jerusalem occurred in a.d. 70
    almost forty years after the death of Christ.●
    The closing portion of verse 26, although not
    entirely clear, indicates that the destruction of
    the city will be like the destruction of a flood and
    that desolations are sovereignty determined
    along with war until the end. Because of the
    reference to “the end” twice in verse 26, it would
    be contextually possible to refer this to the end
    of the age and to a future destruction of
    Jerusalem. ●According to Revelation 11:2, “The
    holy city shall they tread under foot forty and
    two months “probably refers to the great
    tribulation just before the second advent.●
    However, there is no complete destruction of
    Jerusalem at the end of the age, as Zechariah
    14:1-3 indicates that the city is in existence
    although overtaken by war at the very moment
    that Christ comes back in power and glory.
    Accordingly, it is probably better to consider all
    of verse 26 fulfilled historically.
    ●By the time you get to the end of the 69 weeks,
    sin has been atoned for because of the sacrifice
    of Jesus, which is also a reference to him being
    cutoff, mentioned in Daniel.● What we also see in
    verse 26 is ●the rejection of the Messiah by
    Israel and a mention of the destruction of the
    temple in Jerusalem, which happened in 70 A.D.●
    With these things complete, it opens that span of
    time before we get to the 70th and final week
    ●What Do We Know about the 70th Week of
    ●The 70th week of Daniel brings us to the period
    known as the tribulation and brings a new
    character into the picture,● namely the antichrist.●
    ●The tribulation is the 7-year period which begins
    after the rapture of the church and ends when
    Jesus returns to earth again.● During this time,
    the antichrist will rise to power and this will be a
    period of judgment on the earth. It will also be
    the time where God will turn his attention
    towards the nation of Israel. As Daniel mentions
    in this prophecy, ●the antichrist will make a treaty
    with Israel that will last for three and a half
    years and then he will break this treaty.●
    And he shall make a strong covenant with many
    for one week, and for half of the week he shall
    put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the
    wing of abominations shall come one who makes
    desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on
    the desolator” (Daniel 9:27).●Though the antichrist will
    come to power duringthis time, his reign will be short-lived. His end has
    already been decreed and will occur at the end of
    the tribulation.●
    ●The event that will bring this 7- year period of
    tribulation to an end will be the return of Jesus
    at his second coming.● ●When he returns, he will
    immediately judge the antichrist and after that,
    he will establish his millennial reign on the earth.
    When he does this, he will bring in an everlasting
    righteousness and anoint a most holy place, which will
    complete the 70-week prophecy in Daniel.●
    ●What Does This Mean for Us Today?●
    The 70 weeks in Daniel are one of the most
    important prophecies to study in the Old
    Testament. One reason is because it ties
    together so many other prophetic words we find
    in Scripture and helps us to see how God brings
    about what he declares in his word.
    ●With the study of any prophecy, it should always
    motivate you to do two things: one is to tell more
    people about Jesus, and two is to make sure you
    are living right before God.● I know some people
    like to debate over prophetic interpretations, but
    that is not the reason God gave us these
    prophecies. The 70 weeks in Daniel are a
    reminder of the care God takes over his word.
    Right now, we sit somewhere between the end of
    the 69th week and the beginning of the
    70th week. ●While no one knows when that
    70th week will begin, as you watch the events
    happening on the earth, we know that the day is
    drawing closer.● I encourage you to continue
    studying prophecy. Just ●don’t let the study of
    prophecy distract you from its true purpose. Let
    it motivate you to do more for the kingdom,
    especially as we watch the hour drawing near.●