Эволюция не существует , это не доказано научно. Это просто гипотеза Дарвина. Душа Дарвина сидит на том мире и говорит. : я же сказал что это гипотеза:
Остановил ровно на на одной минуты фильма и зашёл в комментарии,,анимация и композиции шикарные и я всё таки досмотрю пожалуй,,,,но знаете, человек произошел не от обезьян к счастью а от земли и после смерти тело человека превратится обратно в землю,, Аллах велик, создатель всех миров и сущностей,,я всё,продолжаю смотреть сказку 😊😊
В ролике показывают этих обезьян начало' рычат самцы деруться'меняеться климат'планета' проходит время7 миллионов диктор сказал 'и что мы видим опять эти обезьяны нисколько не изменились рычат и живут на деревьях волосатые' страшные 'это просто обыкновенные звери 'котрые жили до людей 'а людей Бог на землю поселил красивых☺😊🥰😁
As an attractive, very happily married late 20's female of today: It's simply amazing to me how little has changed between the Toumai males and the 20 something males of today!
@Winasvoaka Adam, Eve and the garden of Eden are metaphorical fables. The tree of the fruit of knowledge signifies the leap in our brain, from being mere animals with no concept of good and evil, (animals without a concept of morality) to human, creatures with an understanding of right and wrong. It's not a literal Garden and a literal tree that contained a fruit. We were animals and then we evolved (took the fruit).
This (our) story that is always in my mind, and deeply rooted in my soul. The best documentary in this topic, I swear! I am totally emotional that others are connected too to our ancestors that they made this movie so detaild and beautiful. To be honest, I cried out my eyes while watching it. I can’t tell exactly why, but I know that there is a part in me that feels honored to be on this planet trough genesis of these beings. I am here after almost a half year and I’m ready to watch it again! Truly, thank you for your hard work to show us what is the journey of who we are now from the very beginning. Even if it’s sounds weird, one of my dreams came true by seeing this. Truly love you all, thank you and thank you and thank you! ✨🙏🏻 ✨
Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy. THi sis one of three amde for french TC prgarmms that was exported. Was recieved well world wide.
@@الصحراءالشرقية-ك1ذ La théorie de l'évolution a été prouvée. Et elle n'est pas incompatible avec l'hypothèse d'un dieu. Même si Dieu n'est qu'une hypothèse non prouvée (contrairement à la théorie de l'évolution).
@Theother1two34 The fakest part was that they were all white. Our ancestors were brown for 2 million years and literal gorilla black for millions of years before that. We’re the first “peach” skin apes.
And I reject that these weren’t people. Humans are apes. Hairless bipedal apes. There’s NO scientific criteria that separates us from other animals in kind. Only degree. So saying that we are people but our early ancestors (or living nonhuman relatives) aren’t is fundamentally illogical. But hey, if we recognize that all animals are people suddenly we realize it’s unethical to be predatory animals and kill billions of highly intelligent and emotionally advanced mammals to eat their corpses.
I love these movies too. They do such a great job on creating them. It brings me right back to that time They should make more movies like this and put them in the theaters. To teach the kids the history of our plai think that's the best way to teach them.Let them watch movies
Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy. I just did some digging and this clip we are watchign is aprt of a trilogy. This is also the last in the series. French made for TV but exported and received good viewing figures world wide. I like it. Ill dig up the other two.
El ser humano es peor que animal,los animales todavía son mejores que nosotros,ellos no tienen lo que Dios le dio al hombre,es un insulto a los animales jajajajjaj jamás un animal quiere ser humano!!
जैसे उस युग में लोग भोजन के लिए, अपनी भूख के लिए कुछ भी करने को तैयार थे ऐसे ही इस युग में भी लोग धन, दौलत, संपत्ति के लिए कुछ भी कर करने को तैयार हो जायेगे रिश्ते नाते तो बस नाम के रह जायेगे
Naja, aber damals hatten diese Menschen fast kein Gehirn. Meinen Sie, die Menschen, die das so auch heute machen haben auch fast kein Gehirn und sind so unentwickelt, wie diese Menschen vor Milionen Jahren???
Я посмотрю на что будешь способен ты, когда у тебя будет много денег, но в мире не будет еды или опять же , военное положение, блокада. Про блокаду Ленинграда слыхал?
1:29:12 Our ancestors were really tough, they conquered the whole world. I believe that other human species were probably more backward, so much so that they died in war.
اللہ کریم ہی خالق حقیقی ھے۔۔ باقی سب گمراہی ھے اور لایعنی باتیں ہیں۔۔ انسان کو اللہ رب العالمین نے پیدا فرمایا۔۔ میں گواھی دیتا ھو کہ وہ ھی سب حاکموں کا حاکم ھے۔
Bravo 👏,,, C'est bien fait ,surtout quand vous evoquez le cote compassionnel de nos ancetres et les contactes charnels, les magouilles et les complots,aussi,, des ptits malins,,😅.C'etait necessaires pour former les petits groupes et petit a petit les societes. Pour avoir suivi un peu les resultats des recherches genetiques, C'est vraiment bien resume, amusant aussi 👌 ...!!!
Naja zwischen Lucy Skelet und anderen Skeletten der damaligen Menschen fählen aber ca. 1 Milion Jahre Entwicklung. Das heisst keine Skellete da zwischen, erst wieder nach 1 Milion Jahren. Was ist in dese Milionen Jahren passiert sagt dieser Film nicht.
What a wonderful story. This it turns out is the last of a trilogy so looking for the others now. Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy
Быт 1:25-27: "Бог создал разные виды диких зверей, и скота, и все виды пресмыкающихся. И увидел Он, что это хорошо. Потом Бог сказал: «Создадим человека - Наш образ и Наше подобие, - пусть он царствует над рыбами морскими и птицами небесными, над скотом, над всей землей и над всеми пресмыкающимися». Так Бог сотворил человека по образу Своему, по образу Божьему Он сотворил его; мужчиной и женщиной Он сотворил их."
Are they sure this is the way it happened? How could they know? 15 million years ago. Skepticism. The film portrays what happens as definite reality.. How could they know?
Complex Acheulean stone tools start to be produced and are the dominant technology until 100,000 years ago 600,000 YA Homo Heidelbergensis lives in Africa and Europe. Similar brain capacity to modern humans 500,000 YA Earliest evidence of purpose-built shelters - wooden huts - are known from sites near Chichibu, Japan 400,000 YA Early humans begin to hunt with spears 325,000 YA Early human fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 300,000 years old. Anatomically modern human remains of eight individuals dated 300,000 years old. Flint blades showed signs of having been burned (hardened). 300,000 YA
Fiction, of course. But we DO know that intelligent Hominins were hunting and walking and surviving 15 million years ago and we DO have some shared ancestry.
“Penting untuk diketahui bahwa kisah penciptaan manusia dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam Al-Qur'an, dan itu dimulai dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menciptakan ayah kita Adam, saw, dari tanah liat, dan kemudian meniupkan ruh-Nya ke dalam dirinya. . dengan kebenaran ilahi yang Tuhan sampaikan kepada kita dalam Kitab Suci-Nya. Kami menghormati ilmu pengetahuan dan mengambil manfaat darinya, tapi Kita harus menyadari keterbatasannya dalam persoalan ghaib, yang kebenarannya hanya Allah yang mengetahui. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan tentang kisah keberadaan manusia, saya menyarankan Anda untuk merujuk pada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Nabi, karena mereka adalah sumber utama fakta yang berkaitan dengan topik ini.”
@@Maystro_eg ولاتخجل ان تعلق حتى قبل المشاهدة تملك الوقت فقط لقراءة كتاب يعود لأكثر من الف سنةً مرارا وتكرارا وتعيدوه بخزعبلاته ويؤجوجه ومؤجوجه وابليس والحصان الطائر ونوح وسفينته التي حملت الخلائق آخر من يتكلم عن التخاريف هم عباد الخرافات
Bahkan di indonesia yang mayoritas islam pun mengadopsi mata pelajaran dari barat untuk di ajarkan di sekolah tentang asal manusia dari binatang,dulu percaya tapi sekarang saya dan banyak orang di sini menganggap itu hal bodoh ini adalah propaganda barat tapi entah walau pemerintah sudah tau tapi hal seperti itu masih di ajarkan di sekolah😂
Because it's the new UA-cam laws. It's becoming T.v. internet was originally suppose to be for the adult people no Government or children how long did that last . There are other sites that are coming out with similar formats that don't Censor everything. UA-cam is the new children Net work.
Was it neuroscientists, modern Affective scientists. or Darwin's "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals " that drew the hypothesis that empathy, was active in Pierolas?
Ja genau, nur der Islam ist von allen Religionen der Jüngste, ca 650 Jahre jünger als der Christentum und ca 5 000 Jahre jünger als der Hinduismus oder Budismus. Mann kann heute der Alter von allen Schriften und anderen Sachen sehr gut feststellen. Danke für Ihr Verständnis.
I love these kinds of movies! keep them coming👍🏼
Jj si solo pinches películas 😂 pero dicen que las hormigas se transforman en caballos y podemos montar
@@damarisalfaro5973that was kind of rude.
Эволюция не существует , это не доказано научно. Это просто гипотеза Дарвина.
Душа Дарвина сидит на том мире и говорит. : я же сказал что это гипотеза:
La evolución esta más que comprobada XD@@FrederikValesko-qv6dw
it is really amazing , great job!!!
Thankyou so much for this video
Остановил ровно на на одной минуты фильма и зашёл в комментарии,,анимация и композиции шикарные и я всё таки досмотрю пожалуй,,,,но знаете, человек произошел не от обезьян к счастью а от земли и после смерти тело человека превратится обратно в землю,, Аллах велик, создатель всех миров и сущностей,,я всё,продолжаю смотреть сказку 😊😊
If man came from the earth where did the other animals come from?
That's right
Не надо воспринимать буквально, из земли значит из неживой материи Всевышний создаёт все живое, важны смыслы везде.
Why is there a need to censure an intresting documentary like this?
Yea I think were advanced enough now to know what the human body looks like.
I have really enjoyed this documentary. Thanks!
Amazing we need more like this❤
Ciekawe zrealizowany film ( spełdodokument ) 😮 fajne buziaki 😊. Dobranocka dla starszej młodzieży. Świetne kostiumy ( zakrywają klejnoty rodowe ) 💕🥺💕 💕 😏 Wlelka Przygoda pochodzenia człowieka Serdeczne pozdrowienia dla wszystkich
تفاهات وسخافه ..الحمد لله علئ نعمه الاسلام ..الله كرمنا باحسن خلق اذا انتم واجدادكم قرود فهذا شانكم ..ابونا اادم وادم من تراب
Thankyou so much🥰❤❤❤❤very nice
A fairy tale, an invention, and an anti-scientific one, or rather a lie that clogs people's heads.
Tamil tttr
0:00 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Как хорошо, что Вы там побывали и можете Нам все это поведать😂😊😊
Хватит сочинять''мы не от обезьян 'это были животные'иони вымерли'
😂😂😂 Я такого же мнения как и Вы, это ирония 😊@@ЛюдмилаКручинина-у1с
В ролике показывают этих обезьян начало' рычат самцы деруться'меняеться климат'планета' проходит время7 миллионов диктор сказал 'и что мы видим опять эти обезьяны нисколько не изменились рычат и живут на деревьях волосатые' страшные 'это просто обыкновенные звери 'котрые жили до людей 'а людей Бог на землю поселил красивых☺😊🥰😁
Сега маймуните все още са маймуни, а не хора 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks Best Documentary for adding audios in so many different langauages....Its rare in UA-cam Video
Die Übersetzungen macht heute Computer und das in allen Sprachen. 1:28:41
Wow.. awesome work... ❤ What a fine touch documentary.... Hatsoff to the whole team... Grateful to them for creating tis unimaginable video....
Lachen ist eine hochinteressante soziale Fähigkeit, eines der Wunder in der Natur.
Danke für die Herausarbeitung von Wissen.❤
As an attractive, very happily married late 20's female of today: It's simply amazing to me how little has changed between the Toumai males and the 20 something males of today!
Yup pretty❤
It’s visually beautiful and is a wonderful example of one of the theories of our origin.
theorie is the good word yes!
@Winasvoaka plz keep ur religion for urself ...
@Winasvoaka you have sereious prablems 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Winasvoaka Adam, Eve and the garden of Eden are metaphorical fables. The tree of the fruit of knowledge signifies the leap in our brain, from being mere animals with no concept of good and evil, (animals without a concept of morality) to human, creatures with an understanding of right and wrong. It's not a literal Garden and a literal tree that contained a fruit. We were animals and then we evolved (took the fruit).
@Winasvoaka you live 1000 years in the past my friend, open your eyes and you will see
Brilliant Documentary ♥
Seeing those dudes jumping around in trees in ape costumes was funny AF
This (our) story that is always in my mind, and deeply rooted in my soul. The best documentary in this topic, I swear! I am totally emotional that others are connected too to our ancestors that they made this movie so detaild and beautiful. To be honest, I cried out my eyes while watching it. I can’t tell exactly why, but I know that there is a part in me that feels honored to be on this planet trough genesis of these beings.
I am here after almost a half year and I’m ready to watch it again!
Truly, thank you for your hard work to show us what is the journey of who we are now from the very beginning. Even if it’s sounds weird, one of my dreams came true by seeing this.
Truly love you all, thank you and thank you and thank you! ✨🙏🏻 ✨
This human documentary is better than a bollywood film❤
A fairy tale, an invention, and an anti-scientific one, or rather a lie that clogs people's heads.
@@uioray1750tell me why that is?
@@BrysonGregory-nb7kr Because there is not a single fact proving all this nonsense. Everything here is pure fiction.
This is an awesome documentary..It should be a series and take us up to more modern times.From the pierola to walking on the moon..
Quien llego ala luna?
Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy. THi sis one of three amde for french TC prgarmms that was exported. Was recieved well world wide.
@@suminshizzles6951 I'm going to have to check out the others.
@@Jose-wr8io I don't know did we reach the moon.🤔
Piękny film , wspaniale zrealizowany , serdecznie polecam dla całej rodziny , lektor mistrzostwo świata Dzięki Pozdrawiam 😁😁😁❤❤❤
С тех пор, как перевод стал делать робот, я узнал много новых слов и оборотов 😂
Но вообще за работу большое спасибо !
Да всё из за тех двух пьяных баб, которые обожрались гнилого инжира😂.... Палки, камни по голове самцам, не правильные ударения в переводах от туда же😂
Не могу,смеюсь при каждом слове как услышу,новые слова и обороты😂
Да, роботоперевод ужасен.
In this scene, some emotions have been portrayed dramatically, like a play. There's a lot to learn from it overall. Thank you.
Sehr gut erklärt und super gemacht der Film.
Bis auf die nervtötende KI
"You’re doing amazing! Keep shining. 🌟"
Автор бегал с ними и добежал до наших дней, всё из первых уст😂😂😂😂👍👍👍
هنا عام ريغ❤😢😢😢❤
Это реконструкция событий, неуч😂
Not even 10 minutes in & this male left his family & almost got beat up for looking at another female. 💀💀💀💀
well, what do you expect from N_ _ _ _ _S?
Damn even a million years ago we was still fighting OVER THE CHEEKS 😭😂
Good fiction
Every species on the planet fight for the cheeks 😂
its called natural selection
this is the best documentary
What a clown
Спасибо за очень познавательный фильм. Спасибо большое.🎉❤❤❤
Sensacional! Melhor documentário já produzido…
This was a fantastic documentary. Well done
Good fiction
documentary is not fiction or fantasy like this silly totally fake video.
Excellent documentaries...loved everything about it
سطحي للغاية..... نؤمن بوجود الله تعالى ونؤمن بالجنة والنار والكتب السماوية والرسل والملائكة ...
@@الصحراءالشرقية-ك1ذ La théorie de l'évolution a été prouvée. Et elle n'est pas incompatible avec l'hypothèse d'un dieu. Même si Dieu n'est qu'une hypothèse non prouvée (contrairement à la théorie de l'évolution).
@@الصحراءالشرقية-ك1ذThen watch a religious video. You're not forced to be here.
Watching from Philippines ❤❤❤
Again, An excellent opportunity to see this post ❤ John Barnett aka A Voice In The Mall ❤❤❤❤❤
Soon as you start blurring body parts, that’s the “first man.” If it wasn’t a person, they wouldn’t have to blur anything.
@Theother1two34 The fakest part was that they were all white. Our ancestors were brown for 2 million years and literal gorilla black for millions of years before that. We’re the first “peach” skin apes.
And I reject that these weren’t people. Humans are apes. Hairless bipedal apes. There’s NO scientific criteria that separates us from other animals in kind. Only degree. So saying that we are people but our early ancestors (or living nonhuman relatives) aren’t is fundamentally illogical.
But hey, if we recognize that all animals are people suddenly we realize it’s unethical to be predatory animals and kill billions of highly intelligent and emotionally advanced mammals to eat their corpses.
Hello everyone !!!!whoever watching or watched this film...we are one ...we are family..😊🤍🫶🏻
Hi sis 😂
Hiii sis 😊😅
Hy nice
Incroyable, et tellement beau, l'histoire de la vie
Amazing Documentary thank you
Best documentary ever ❤
34:21 jet engined planes have been around for longer than i thought!
actually good one dude ahhahaha
Na that's the camera crews time machine.
رائع جدا شكرا
نرجو مزيداً من الفيديوهات المماثلة❤
هل انت مسلم
كل هاذا خاطىء .. سيدنا آدم خلق و علم من كل شيء .. وليس حيوان كما في الفيلم ... تلعبون ب عقول الناس لكن ليس ب عقل مسلم و الحمد لله
@@ghilesnour306 I am ex Muslim atheist. I left Islam after finding the truth
Адам и Ева 😊а не обезяны наши предки,библию надо читать 😮 это не нашие предкие 😂!!!!
This is best documentry really
Best video 1st evolution of human
Этот обман придуман для вас специально,дураков.
Это огромный обман глобалистов.
Like pokemon
Great Documentary
🤣🤣🤣 DOCUMENTARIES ARE ABOUT REAL STUFF WITH REAL HISTORY, not fantasy remade with fake special effects.
I am addict of best doc.
me from soon:)
I love these movies too. They do such a great job on creating them. It brings me right back to that time They should make more movies like this and put them in the theaters. To teach the kids the history of our plai think that's the best way to teach them.Let them watch movies
Muy interesante lo ví todo y me suscribí 😮
Pura mentira o homem nunca veio do macaco quem crer nestas mentiras e porque não lê a bíblia sagrada 👎👎
Tremendo documental, precioso, gracias, acabo de suscribirme porque quiero seguir disfrutando de más de estos documentales.
I wish all of prehistoric videos were all on one playlist!!
Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy. I just did some digging and this clip we are watchign is aprt of a trilogy. This is also the last in the series. French made for TV but exported and received good viewing figures world wide. I like it. Ill dig up the other two.
Hola cómo estás
The story is quite entertaining 😁
A great adventure 🎉🎉
El ser humano es peor que animal,los animales todavía son mejores que nosotros,ellos no tienen lo que Dios le dio al hombre,es un insulto a los animales jajajajjaj jamás un animal quiere ser humano!!
जैसे उस युग में लोग भोजन के लिए, अपनी भूख के लिए कुछ भी करने को तैयार थे ऐसे ही इस युग में भी लोग धन, दौलत, संपत्ति के लिए कुछ भी कर करने को तैयार हो जायेगे रिश्ते नाते तो बस नाम के रह जायेगे
Naja, aber damals hatten diese Menschen fast kein Gehirn. Meinen Sie, die Menschen, die das so auch heute machen haben auch fast kein Gehirn und sind so unentwickelt, wie diese Menschen vor Milionen Jahren???
Я посмотрю на что будешь способен ты, когда у тебя будет много денег, но в мире не будет еды или опять же , военное положение, блокада. Про блокаду Ленинграда слыхал?
WOW! great show very captivating
Güzel bir belgesel olmuş emeği geçenlere teşekkürler.
1:29:12 Our ancestors were really tough, they conquered the whole world. I believe that other human species were probably more backward, so much so that they died in war.
Could ride a 🚲 and had no COVID mask
Genau so war es. Das ist das Naturgesetz. Die Natur vordert das Kluge- Starke und nicht das Schwache- Dume
This piece of documentary is one of the extraordinary....
وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ (1) وَطُورِ سِينِينَ (2) وَهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ (3) لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ (4) ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ (5) إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ (6) فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ (7) أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الْحَاكِمِينَ (8)
بارك الله فيك ❤
@@محمدقدوتي-ذ6ذ hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
اللہ کریم ہی خالق حقیقی ھے۔۔ باقی سب گمراہی ھے اور لایعنی باتیں ہیں۔۔ انسان کو اللہ رب العالمین نے پیدا فرمایا۔۔ میں گواھی دیتا ھو کہ وہ ھی سب حاکموں کا حاکم ھے۔
@@arifjaved7376 ،خذ لك رز ومحلبية ونم في مكان بعيد عن المعرفة أحسن لك؛ كلام الناس المغيبة المذهولة.
Bravo 👏,,, C'est bien fait ,surtout quand vous evoquez le cote compassionnel de nos ancetres et les contactes charnels, les magouilles et les complots,aussi,, des ptits malins,,😅.C'etait necessaires pour former les petits groupes et petit a petit les societes.
Pour avoir suivi un peu les resultats des recherches genetiques, C'est vraiment bien resume, amusant aussi 👌 ...!!!
I had no idea lucy was reclassified as an evolucionary dead end. A really good film,
Naja zwischen Lucy Skelet und anderen Skeletten der damaligen Menschen fählen aber ca. 1 Milion Jahre Entwicklung. Das heisst keine Skellete da zwischen, erst wieder nach 1 Milion Jahren. Was ist in dese Milionen Jahren passiert sagt dieser Film nicht.
Everything about very early humans seems to end in an evolutionary dead end. AKA the old reliable missing link.
Still, she is our great, great, g.........g...t grand aunty .
I demand praise for the actors👏🏻
Demand away
Gerçekten muhteşem bir belgesel. Emeğinize sağlık
Great Knowledge ❤
Отличное видео!
What a wonderful story. This it turns out is the last of a trilogy so looking for the others now. Odyssey of the Species, Homo Sapiens and Rise of Man trilogy
Love these kinds of shows wish they would make more new ones
Tons of thanks to the cameraman.
So where is the camera man?
@@juliusackah790This was millions of years ago. The cameraman died.
Beautiful video❤thanks for sharing
Excelente, faltan muchos detalles, pero es excelente
Magnífico documentário.
Быт 1:25-27: "Бог создал разные виды диких зверей, и скота, и все виды пресмыкающихся. И увидел Он, что это хорошо. Потом Бог сказал: «Создадим человека - Наш образ и Наше подобие, - пусть он царствует над рыбами морскими и птицами небесными, над скотом, над всей землей и над всеми пресмыкающимися». Так Бог сотворил человека по образу Своему, по образу Божьему Он сотворил его; мужчиной и женщиной Он сотворил их."
And then the evilman evolved and changed the world
можно сколько угодно это повторять, но это так и останется только словами, которые ничем не подкреплены, и реальность от этого не поменяется.
Bloody good story tellers them Jews 😅
Very informative documentary... thankyou
I thought that was Taylor Swift in concert on the thumbnail.
Are they sure this is the way it happened? How could they know? 15 million years ago. Skepticism. The film portrays what happens as definite reality.. How could they know?
Complex Acheulean stone tools start to be produced and are the dominant technology until 100,000 years ago
600,000 YA
Homo Heidelbergensis lives in Africa and Europe. Similar brain capacity to modern humans
500,000 YA
Earliest evidence of purpose-built shelters - wooden huts - are known from sites near Chichibu, Japan
400,000 YA
Early humans begin to hunt with spears
325,000 YA
Early human fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 300,000 years old. Anatomically modern human remains of eight individuals dated 300,000 years old. Flint blades showed signs of having been burned (hardened).
300,000 YA
They couldn’t lol. It’s 80% fiction.
Fiction, of course. But we DO know that intelligent Hominins were hunting and walking and surviving 15 million years ago and we DO have some shared ancestry.
they make assumptions
Carbono 14 esa es la conexión con el pasado, infórmesen, no digan que son suposiciones, lo que ustedes afirman!! Si son suposiciones.... Sabían?????
this is amazing
Very nice
Mujhe बहोत ज्यादा intrest है हिस्टरी मे
अच्छा लगता है पुरानी चीजो मे
Mare realizare!!!Mulțumim!
“Penting untuk diketahui bahwa kisah penciptaan manusia dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam Al-Qur'an, dan itu dimulai dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menciptakan ayah kita Adam, saw, dari tanah liat, dan kemudian meniupkan ruh-Nya ke dalam dirinya. . dengan kebenaran ilahi yang Tuhan sampaikan kepada kita dalam Kitab Suci-Nya. Kami menghormati ilmu pengetahuan dan mengambil manfaat darinya, tapi Kita harus menyadari keterbatasannya dalam persoalan ghaib, yang kebenarannya hanya Allah yang mengetahui. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan tentang kisah keberadaan manusia, saya menyarankan Anda untuk merujuk pada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Nabi, karena mereka adalah sumber utama fakta yang berkaitan dengan topik ini.”
Hanya Adam? Apakah Adam bisa melahirkan generasi tanpa perempuan?
Thanks my brother from Islam 😊
😂😂😂 sei divertente
Vous respectez la science et vous pensez que l'homme a été créé avec de l'argile ?
this video is very hard and beautiful, thanks for waching guys
Thank you very much I like it.
كل هذا لتقولو أننا خلقنا من أجل ألغرائز فقط.
وان المراه اذكي من الرجل ويحق لها القيادة لانها بتعرف تستنج وتحلل المواقف افضل - بيحاولوا تمرير افكار من خلال هذا البراذ الذي ينشرونه للناس
هذا ما فهمته بعد ساعة ونصف من المشاهدة من حسن الحظ اننا نتكلم لغة مختلفة فضحتونا أمام البشرية
@@Vr-Developer-e6i ومن قالك اني شاهدت مثل هذه الترهات والتخلف والقاذورات . انه مجرد تصفح خلال دقيقتين . ليس مثلك اضيع نصف ساعة في خبل.
@@Maystro_eg ولاتخجل ان تعلق حتى قبل المشاهدة تملك الوقت فقط لقراءة كتاب يعود لأكثر من الف سنةً مرارا وتكرارا وتعيدوه بخزعبلاته ويؤجوجه ومؤجوجه وابليس والحصان الطائر ونوح وسفينته التي حملت الخلائق آخر من يتكلم عن التخاريف هم عباد الخرافات
مايقولونه افتراء وكذب لماذا هم والقرود بيننا حتى اليوم ولم يتطورو 😂😂
I am proud of our ancestors🇮🇳
In india people are not so different XD
En serio crees que existe la evolución?
لقد خلقنا الانسان فى احسن تقويم
Bahkan di indonesia yang mayoritas islam pun mengadopsi mata pelajaran dari barat untuk di ajarkan di sekolah tentang asal manusia dari binatang,dulu percaya tapi sekarang saya dan banyak orang di sini menganggap itu hal bodoh ini adalah propaganda barat tapi entah walau pemerintah sudah tau tapi hal seperti itu masih di ajarkan di sekolah😂
God doesn't exist
@@KhanKhan-xl1rfلال شو 😊
Jai purkhon ki ❤maza aa gya ❤
जंगल ने मानव को जीवन दिया और आज का मानव जंगल को ही खत्म कर रहा है या कह लो खत्म कर दिया।।
Excellant !!!
حضرت آدم علیہ السللام پہلے انسان تھے جنہیں اللہﷻ نے اپنے ہاتھوں سے بنایا۔ انسان اشرف المخلوقات اور بندر حیوان ہیں ۔
What a Joke 😂🤣
thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏
Buen documental yo si creo en la evolución
Wonderful movie my journey 💞
Выходи за меня красавица
Будем вместе смотреть такие передачи и фильмы
Увлекательная история
Нет, вы все как хотите,но это не мои предки!Я от Адама и Евы.
@@АнатолийПавловский-с8ж La théorie de l'évolution a été prouvée. Contrairement à ton hypothèse d'Adam et Eve qui n'a jamais été prouvée.
Great work good doucmentary
Why are so many things blurred out?
Because it's the new UA-cam laws. It's becoming T.v. internet was originally suppose to be for the adult people no Government or children how long did that last . There are other sites that are coming out with similar formats that don't Censor everything. UA-cam is the new children
Net work.
Was it neuroscientists, modern Affective scientists. or Darwin's "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals " that drew the hypothesis that empathy, was active in Pierolas?
Даа... хорошо ещё то время было историк всё это снимал и записовал. Хвала Аллаху я родился мусульманином и я знаю что мои предки Адам и Эва.
Автор про своих предков рассказывает😂
Предок Адама и Евы тоже был обезьяной.
@@ekaterinaobert9153Adam or hawwa se pahle duniya khali thi to purvaz kaha kaise huwe ye sab tumhare purvaz honge
@@abdullahkhan-zg4gg ? Очень интересно, только непонятно!
@@ekaterinaobert9153 your thinking is wrong. 😂
Muito bom muito explicativo
اكثروا من الصلاه على النبي اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين
bye bye with your rapist God and prophets
Ja genau, nur der Islam ist von allen Religionen der Jüngste, ca 650 Jahre jünger als der Christentum und ca 5 000 Jahre jünger als der Hinduismus oder Budismus. Mann kann heute der Alter von allen Schriften und anderen Sachen sehr gut feststellen. Danke für Ihr Verständnis.
This documentry it's wrong 😅
Please use a stick and draw what you mean.