Is Rambly The Racoon Actually Evil? - Story Explained

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Indigo Park is the newest mascot horror game where you discover the secrets of Rambley the racoon and the other mascots that have come to life in the theme park.
    In this video we find out if rambly the racoon is actually evil or not. We also look into the full story of indigo park and all of the secrets that come with it.
    In this video we break down the full game and all of the easter eggs. If you enjoy horro game theory videos and playthroughs like this make sure to leave a like and hit that subscribe button.


  • @Snowball87754
    @Snowball87754 4 місяці тому +312

    It was already Confirmed by Uniquegeese multiple times that Rambley is not evil, but he does say things or do things that he sometimes is/isn't programed to do.

    • @kevinponsrodz
      @kevinponsrodz 4 місяці тому +30

      Really because the way rambley he’s been treating Lloyd that way that’s kinda sus beside for what I heard from mollie animatronic she said rambley hurt Lloyd

    • @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon
      @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 4 місяці тому +28

      Creators are known to lie about a lot of things for fun. You know to keep folks talking out there and online.

    • @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon
      @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 4 місяці тому +19

      @@Dashx1130 I hate to tell you this but characters can have different negative intentions for helping someone.
      Just because someone helps you doesn't mean its for the better. Keep that in mind.

    • @kevinponsrodz
      @kevinponsrodz 4 місяці тому +4

      @@Dashx1130 I doubt that because the way he treated Lloyd badly and for what I heard from mollie animatronic she said rambley hurt Lloyd

    • @kevinponsrodz
      @kevinponsrodz 4 місяці тому +3

      @@Dashx1130 yeah I doubt it because for what I heard from mollie she said he hurt Lloyd do you think that’s friendship because it’s not

  • @alezx_west6181
    @alezx_west6181 4 місяці тому +18

    14:19 the reason why I am Mollie was saying like "why the long face and body" and "you known me for 100 years" was because she was stalking us and also repeating the words she has heard

  • @Digidragon55
    @Digidragon55 4 місяці тому +117

    I doubt the A.I Rambly is overall evil.
    While, I believe he’s letting on than what he knows. But, not in a completely willful way!

    • @shrubman3422
      @shrubman3422 4 місяці тому +7

      Yeah I agree. If there was a mascot version then that would evil and the Ai version is still pure.

    • @mispi408
      @mispi408 4 місяці тому +2

      I do not thing he is ai

    • @shrubman3422
      @shrubman3422 4 місяці тому +1

      @@mispi408 You think he is a ghost or a possessed Ai?

    • @Digidragon55
      @Digidragon55 4 місяці тому +2

      @@shrubman3422 The A.I Rambly can’t be cyborg or a possessed machine?!

    • @Digidragon55
      @Digidragon55 4 місяці тому +2

      Besides, there’s not enough to conclude either one!

  • @0Cocoron0
    @0Cocoron0 4 місяці тому +56

    Why do people think that just cuz Rambley has a poor relationship with Lloyd it means he's "evil". Like even his rant about the Lloyd plushie doesn't really come across to me as someone being malicious, he even goes so far as to insinuate that Mollie and Finley deserve a plushie too, if this distribe was truly suppose to emphasize some kind of nefariousness on part of Rambley's character I think he would've put all focus on him and wouldn't have even mentioned his other friends.
    His rant seems far more indicative of him being upset at someone getting their way when he believes they didn't deserve it. Him hypothesizing that Lloyd only got the plushie because he's the "loudest" kinda gives a larger glimpse into what is probably going on between them than a lotta people realize. I think Rambley was very specific in his choice of words there, it's already evident that Lloyd is LITERALLY loud, that much is obvious. But there's another definition for the term "Loud" which is "Someone who complains/whines/demands to such a degree that it becomes difficult to ignore their demands". I don't think Rambley ONLY means that Lloyd is "the most audible" but that he's also "the most uptight and demanding".
    I have a further theory that goes into this, and it relies on the Retro Lloyd to begin with. I think Lloyd perhaps may have been Isaac Indigo's first cartoon character (much in the way Oswald the Rabbit was for Walt Disney). However, for whatever reason, Indigo decided to stick with Rambley. Using him as a Mascot, bolstering his popularity, making him the main character. Maybe Rambley's cartoon just happened to be the one that gave Indigo his fame. In this scenario, it would make sense for Lloyd to be somewhat resentful of being shoved aside for someone else who has eclipsed his popularity. Whether or not Lloyd was MALICIOUS about it, we really can't tell yet. But we do know at the LEAST it effected Lloyd's behaviour and attitude enough to affect he and Rambley's relationship.
    Most likely, I don't really think Lloyd is maliciously evil either. Or at the least, I don't think he's "the big bad". But he may have more of a reason/motive to be duped by whoever the actual antagonist is to go along with their "plan" (if such a one exists).
    As for Rambley's point of view, I don't really think it goes any deeper for Rambley than the fact that he thinks Lloyd is a pompous jerkass. He may be unaware even of the deeper reasoning behind Lloyd's behaviours. To Rambley, Lloyd would looks like some egotistical douche nozzle who constantly tries to draw attention to himself. He's self-centred and just a bit narcissistic. More than anything, Rambley seems to find Lloyd /annoying/ and to be honest, it's really not Rambley's fault for being made the main character. Any resentment Lloyd feels against him, or any action he's done including trying to show Rambley up, would, to Rambley, just seem unfair and asinine. If I were in that position I'd probably think "man, if it bothers you that much take it up with Indigo not ME"
    Another thing I wanna bring up is Mollie's animatronic. A lot of people only seem to focus on the "Rambley he hurt Lloyd" part of what she's saying despite the fact that she can clearly be heard saying "Not Rambley". In fact, when listening a bit closer to the sound of her voice, and having an ear for the way she's emphasizing and enunciating certain words it sounds more like this.
    "not /Rambley/, he hurt Lloyd- he hurt Lloyd"
    She noticeably emphasizes and draws out the word "Rambley" when stating it in this quote. As though she really wants to emphasize that, in response to whatever this phrase is being uttered to, that Rambley is NOT "it". I can see how some people can take this to mean that she's trying to say "No, not Rambley he's evil he hurts people". But consider that it is an animatronic that is replaying audio, it's not telling you something direct, it's replaying a recording of a previous conversation. Also, there's noticeable distortion before she says what we can decipher, which gives more credence to the fact that we are only being "told" the last couple words of a longer conversation. This is just a hypothesis, but my theory is that the full conversation is more along the basis of:
    "[Mollie, who did this to Lloyd? Was it Rambley?]
    "[It was ------,] not /Rambley/, he hurt Lloyd."
    Another thing to bring up is that, in the original conversation she is most likely not saying "he hurt Lloyd" repeatedly, again, this is a recording and a highly damaged one at that. When it's being replayed to us this repetition is most likely just the skipping of Mollie's audio speaker as the animatronic dies.
    The interesting thing about this theory is that it also implies
    1. Something happened to Lloyd or a Lloyd animatronic etc..
    2. Mollie saw it/knows about it
    3. Rambley was framed (or they attempted to frame Rambley until Mollie told them otherwise)
    Take all these facts together, and this is what I think happened so far. Someone pretending to be Rambley destroys a Lloyd animatronic, Mollie tells whatever authority charged with figuring things out at the time that it wasn't Rambley who did it but /someone else/. Lloyd either misses this memo or doesn't care anymore and, pissed off that "Rambley" besmirched his name like so, conspires against him/the park. Essentially this event would be "the straw that broke the camel's back" (er, lion I guess) for Lloyd. We can use what we know already with the plushie and Rambley's relationship with Lloyd to infer that he already harboured resentment, so he may have just needed a "shove" in the "right" direction.
    Of course, all of this is just me theorizing. We still have X amount of chapters to get through! If I can write a freaking college essay about this one small facet of the First chapter I can only imagine what I'm gonna be able to think up as the series progresses!

    • @brissadlr9939
      @brissadlr9939 4 місяці тому +4

      They’re assuming and it’s not good to assume like that

    • @tacodrago2125
      @tacodrago2125 4 місяці тому +3

      A potential explanation was judging by the arcade mini game later in chapter 1 that Salem was behind the shift. When Rambley first bugs out at the railroad repeating his audio, was Salem's demolished exhibit (note that other exhibits were not damaged majorly). Salem's "potions" tampers friendship saying how they view others, Mollie was affected and became violent after their encounter with Rambley in the mini game. Since the mascots are confirmed to be live beings, and Salem's influence can exist (seeming as Mollie and Lloyd's eyes are pitch black, and the "potions" only affect living beings, this could be influencing primal aggressive instincts in the mascots). Either Salem is a real character causing problems from the get go based on the nature of the mascots, or Salem is a nickname for a person tampering with the mascots in hopes of bringing down the amusement park. This would go along with the broken Mollie's audio [it ...,] (Not Rambley), [she] (hurts Lloyd), [she] (hurts Lloyd). [ ]=unconfirmed audio ( )=confirmed audio

    • @pizzacatiscute3658
      @pizzacatiscute3658 4 місяці тому +3

      Yeah I agree, I think considering him evil from one small dialogue and him not liking someone is a stretch. Also something I was thinking about is what does he gain from being evil? Like it’s a theme park, it has some monsters running around sure, but it’s still a theme park, taking it over and being evil with it gets him nothing. Now maybe it has a lab to make more evil mascots that he could control or something but like… they wouldn’t be that much of a threat to any military since they are mortal… and if he just wanted to escape the park then like he could probably just ask, the main character is a fan, so I doubt they would be unwilling to help upload rambley to the internet or whatever. So basically I just don’t see a motive.

    • @0Cocoron0
      @0Cocoron0 4 місяці тому +1

      @@tacodrago2125 yeah! The sources point to Salem for sure. I guess I hesitate to call out Salem because I feel like it's too early. Like would we get our answer that early? Unless Salem is also being misled and used by a yet unknown person. It's pretty obvious that regardless Salem is very important for the story given the evidence you brought up.

    • @R3dyDoesStuff
      @R3dyDoesStuff 4 місяці тому

      i aint reading allat

  • @FuzionVR
    @FuzionVR 4 місяці тому +49

    Btw Rexter when Mollie was saying the words she was saying what Rambley and Finley were saying to each other and she knows those words cause she was there the whole time. She was behind you at the Lloyd lion part and was at the mollie part when you got there on the left side of the whole stadium. The others were probably from her past! If you do go back into the game to check again or see Mollie in the railroad can you show this comment in the video PLEASE!

  • @jonasmcneal2382
    @jonasmcneal2382 4 місяці тому +15

    14:18 No Mollie was repeating what she heard from the ride when she said “Ive known you for 100 years” the only things we didn’t hear on the ride was “get back in your cage.” And “The customer is always right.”

    • @kenishachisholm5692
      @kenishachisholm5692 2 місяці тому

      And don't touch that son we also didn't hear that on the train ride

  • @STCatchMeTRACjRo
    @STCatchMeTRACjRo 4 місяці тому +5

    I have a hunch why Rambly is Lloyd's jelos. Looking at the park's white-black commercial, we can see Lloyd on the wall where Rambly is currently. If that commercial was the first, then Lloyd was part of the first generation of characters, and Rambly may be the last. According to the audio recording of the two employees conversing, they say that they recently procured a raccoon suit but are being replaced by the new mascots. In addition, if we are careful, we can see a statue of Lloyd in backstage at the theatre; which could fit nicely at the entrance to the park where the Rambly one now stands.

  • @deaflizard9721
    @deaflizard9721 4 місяці тому +25

    You can see Lloyd's picture behind Isaac Indigo, so it makes me wonder if which first one, Lloyd or Rambley... Or, is Lloyd became more famous than Rambley? You can see the picture of Lloyd and Rambley being friendly friends in Lloyd's Stage. What happened to their friendship.... or something happened in the park that was closed eight years ago?
    And Finley mentioned he knew Rambley for 100 years. Could be 100 years of Indigo Park until it closed eight years ago? It means it put the same timeline as Disney, that may means Rambley could be either a cartoon by drawing.... or a first Mascot robot until he somehow become a digital A.I. Mascot 100 years later? Until eight years ago, something happened to Rambley become glitch a lot?
    Rambley didn't even looked sad over Molly's fate.
    Speaking of someone's fate. What happened to Salem? Her stage is completely destroyed! Rambley glitched so badly at Salem's stage. What exactly happened in the Indigo Park eight years ago??? If Salem's destroyed stage exists, then where is Salem's amusement park/building? All Mascots Including Rambley have fun spots... except Salem's.
    So many questions, yet so little answers!

    • @ethanwilde4716
      @ethanwilde4716 4 місяці тому +1

      Most people will probably assume it was her doing. Especially given the minigame we played how she used some toxin to cause Molly to turn on Rambley.

    • @deaflizard9721
      @deaflizard9721 4 місяці тому +3

      @@ethanwilde4716 - I assumed it was her doing, too. At first. But until I looked at the places more closely, I realized I didn't see anything that belongs to Salem beside the destroyed stage and the minigame. All mascots' items and pictures are there, including the Mascots themselves.... Except Salem. I wouldn't know Salem exists until the destroyed stage and the minigame. I often wonder if I did miss anything related to Salem during my tasks.
      Did you even noticed there's not even a Salem stuffed/plush toy either? (scratch head)
      Hopefully we'll find out more lore when we get another chapter of this game. It's really interesting!

    • @ethanwilde4716
      @ethanwilde4716 4 місяці тому +1

      @@deaflizard9721 we smashed the Kickstarter goal so it will be out. Be awhile.

    • @kavtheproto
      @kavtheproto 4 місяці тому +1

      well, Rambley views the world through a childs perspective which could mean Rambleys ai automatically deleted the video of Mollies death, but thats my threory. also UniqueGeese confirmed Rambley sees the world through a childs perspective.

    • @SleepyNightmarez-
      @SleepyNightmarez- 4 місяці тому

      ⁠@@kavtheproto that’s messed up

  • @kacklina
    @kacklina 4 місяці тому +8

    I think the "Rambley hurt Loyd" part, refers to the bracelet, and since the noise it makes can hurt him, Rambley obviously controls the bracelet. its weird the bracelet didn't do the same to Molly, although...technically Rambley decapitated her haha. On other topics I think this game is very charming, but it's not scary. Whatever it is, I hope it has a lot of lord. I hope the game author doesn't start changing the story because people guess the story in theories. it looks as he has a plan for his characters, I hope he follows it instead of feeling as he has to do something that looks improvised. The 100 years thing molly said is clearly from the train, the sea serpent ( I forgot his name) says "you've known me for 100 years" Rambley also responds "get out of your shield" at some point.(Edit) Rambley said all the dialogues in the train infront of us, Molly was chasing us on the train, outside of the "freak go back to your cage" and "the customer is always right" dialogues, everything she repeats is from the train, It is simply a confirmation that she was following us.

  • @ADudeWhoDo
    @ADudeWhoDo 4 місяці тому +48

    I think Lloyd was Indigo park’s original mascot and somewhere along the way Rambley became the main mascot but recently Lloyd has had a resurgence in popularity.

    • @piercelindenberg6842
      @piercelindenberg6842 4 місяці тому +6

      Rambley is the game’s expy of Mickey Mouse. Sure, there have been Disney characters beforehand, but Mickey is the leader and most famous. Rambley is the same.

    • @chigginnuggie7681
      @chigginnuggie7681 4 місяці тому +2

      @@piercelindenberg6842but that doesn’t explain why Lloyd got a retro doll and Rambley doesn’t.

    • @piercelindenberg6842
      @piercelindenberg6842 4 місяці тому +2

      @@chigginnuggie7681 Lloyd was the fan favorite. He would be more marketable to customers. Given how full of himself he was, it’s not surprising Rambley doesn’t like him.

  • @thetealturtwig5667
    @thetealturtwig5667 4 місяці тому +4

    Personally I doubt that Rambly is evil. Atleast the AI version, we don't know if a real version of him was made like Molly, loiyd, and Finley.
    Also Molly's knowing you for 100 years, why the Long face, and coming out of our shell lines. Was her repeating Rambly when he took us through Finley's section of Rambly Railroad. We know she was present as we see her lurking in a door in her room of the ride, and after we get through on the wall of monitors for photos one of them shows her rushing down the track.

  • @Sanimatez7865
    @Sanimatez7865 4 місяці тому +6

    I’m pretty sure the lines Mollie says “You’ve known me for a hundred years” and “Why the long face and body” are lines she has recently gotten and repeat, as they are the same lines Rambley and Finley exchange to eachother when the protagonist has to go on the train ride.

    • @laraprisma6381
      @laraprisma6381 4 місяці тому +2

      She appears hiding on the train ride, it is not impossible to believe that she heard the conversation and repeated it.

  • @FuzionVR
    @FuzionVR 4 місяці тому +19

    My god you sound so much like your brother FusionZGamer I thought I clicked on Fusions video! Love your vids btw

  • @lunamelody2025
    @lunamelody2025 4 місяці тому +8

    I don't think Rambley is evil. But I have a theory if Rambley doesn get hijacked, it might be Isaac or Salem being the cause.

  • @kaijukid1443
    @kaijukid1443 4 місяці тому +15

    I personally don't think he's evil. While I do think it's possible he's hiding something, it is possible something in his programming is preventing him from saying so.

  • @samvanroon5041
    @samvanroon5041 4 місяці тому +3

    Here is an Idea what if its not maliciousness with his lack of reaction to Molly's decapitation, Rambley is an A.I one that's shown able to grow and learn to a degree, so what if while Rambley is aware of stuff like injuries and physical danger but he doesn't actually understand the concept if death yet?( plus his programming likely even if only subconsciously prioritises "visitors to the park'" over staff)
    It does sound like something that the staff and programmers likely wouldn't be in a hurry to explain to him.
    And I can definitely see Rambley realising what he did in a shocking moment in a later chapter(maybe doing the A.I equivalent of barfing) and at least part of the chapter after that being him coming to terms with it possibly with the player helping them.

  • @justinberry396
    @justinberry396 3 місяці тому +2

    This is my theory.
    I believe Isaac Indigo was able to make all the mascots as living beings in some way, and at first it worked perfectly.
    Eventually these beings were CLONED, and each clone was used at the park but quickly started to deteriorate or become violent, not to mentioned also mistreated as they were actively taking jobs away, the originals were never to be truly cloned correctly.
    Eventually the clones took over which led to parks closure whether they hurt/killed anyone idk.
    I think the Molly we killed was simply a clone and the originals all may be locked up somewhere, that’s why Molly is locked up in the retro game, the one we fought was also a clone
    Ramble also doesn’t mention Mollys death at all despite them being best friends, he knows it’s not the original.
    Idk if the originals will be friendly or not at this point, but I actually think Salem will be a good guy to us

  • @mixerupper2023
    @mixerupper2023 3 місяці тому +2

    7:31 Salem's part of the ride isn't after Lloyd's part, it's between Lloyd and Finley's parts of Ramblely's Railroads. Just trying to make sure people know.

  • @Wizen65
    @Wizen65 4 місяці тому +1

    I would like to point out that some of the sentences repeated by Molly could be heard during the train ride. Mainly related to Finley ("I've known you for 100 years", "come out of your shell") or to Molly herself.

  • @stephanievazquez1525
    @stephanievazquez1525 4 місяці тому +5

    Some strange reason rambley doesn’t get shocked 😳 mollie died as we did get shocked 😳 fear 😰 and I did notice a red sticky note 📝 said “mom’s favorite” this base on Ed’s mom favorite character is mollie herself flying on airplane ✈️

    • @0Cocoron0
      @0Cocoron0 4 місяці тому +3

      I am curious about that too. I have been going through comment threads acting as the #RambleyDefender on videos I find....but Rambley's lack of shock at the fact that he just guillotined someone who he, 20 minutes earlier, called his "best friend" is to me the most suspicious thing remaining about Rambley. He definitely knows at least a bit more than what he's revealed so far that much is true. After killing Mollie and coming clean to the player, Rambley is about to comment on the mascots (he says "The mascots are...") but he noticeably covers his mouth and stops himself from saying more. Coupling that with his complete disregard for decapitating his best friends leads me to believe that.
      - Rambley shows no fear or care or shock at Mollie's death, nor does he even draw attention to her still bleeding severed head that lays like 5 feet LITERALLY IN FRONT OF HIM
      - He shows no fear or shock because he expected this would happen. This doesn't mean he expected the ENTIRE thing to happen, but that he knows (if crush head on door, head come off).
      - Rambley focuses more on the players REACTION to events around him, rather than on his own reaction. Another clue pointing to the fact that a lot of this is stuff is things Rambley already knows about.
      - Rambley straight up admits that he's been witholding information from the player and apologizes to him for it. But he noticeably stops himself from revealing /any more/ info as well. Why? We aren't sure, it could be entirely benign, maybe Rambley just doesn't want to scare us with the details. Maybe, as a computer AI, he figures that we can already definitively see that the Mascots are flesh and blood and therefore doesn't require further explanation.
      - This is entirely a theory as well but Rambley's lack of remorse over Mollie's death may also indicate that he is aware that she's not "the real" Mollie. It may also indicate that he's aware that there are several Mollie's and killing one is as morally questionable as killing a zombie. If these are things Rambley is aware of they are also things he is keeping from the player. It's probably also what Rambley was going to explain before cutting himself off.
      I don't think Rambley is evil, he's fairly straight forward. I genuinely think he just wants to turn the park on again and get it running. I think he is unaware as to the fact that the park is a lost cause and cannot be brought back. It might be a symptom of his programming that he just cannot imagine keeping the park closed for so long and not getting it open again when he has an opportunity. Is he morally questionable at times? Probably. He might be using the player a bit more than he lets on. But the antagonist? Nah.

    • @stephanievazquez1525
      @stephanievazquez1525 4 місяці тому

      @@0Cocoron0 this is a good theory and I got shocked 😲 😳 in Surprise because if there is a lot of mollies that would mean we will find 😉 on chatper two then if there a real mollie still around who is the real mollie in chatper one this mollie was a copy!?! huh??!! then where is the real mollie at and is she a good girl or an evil girl

  • @void_summoner_89
    @void_summoner_89 4 місяці тому +5

    I believe rambly closed the door on molly, because when you play the arcade game, who beats molly, rambly

    • @laraprisma6381
      @laraprisma6381 4 місяці тому +4

      based on what UG said that Rambly doesn't seem to understand the horrors that are happening in the park, so maybe he can't see that the other mascots are violent and is only able to see the player's expressions and see that he might be having problems, especially since at no point does he seem to recognize that Molly or Lloyd are violent or different than they used to be. Maybe he really doesn't know what's going on 100%.

  • @wall9663
    @wall9663 2 місяці тому +1

    Wonderful theory! Personally I don't think Rambley is evil, but I think there's a chance he could one day fall apart, and I'm a little scared it will happen, I'd be so sad if this really happened, just hope the little raccoon fella was okay!🥲

  • @Max-bd3yz
    @Max-bd3yz 4 місяці тому +1

    6:43 Man Rambley hate LLOYD and he’s NOT HAVING IT AT ALL

  • @Siren_Melodic
    @Siren_Melodic 4 місяці тому +1

    Mollie follows you on the train ride so most of those lines come from that.

  • @Drave_Jr.
    @Drave_Jr. 4 місяці тому +2

    It's not 8 year anniversary. Leap Years means it's two days before anniversary

  • @Insane_Scorpio
    @Insane_Scorpio 4 місяці тому +1

    You know, I have been thinking about it, but there is another point of Rambly being evil. When the player entered the room Rambly could have shut the door at any time, and yet he waits until his supposedly "Friend" was in a position to be caught in it. And any argument if felt won't make sense as I will also point out that door came down fast enough and with enough force to decapitate.

  • @sahindoganay1624
    @sahindoganay1624 4 місяці тому +3

    l have a theory firstly all black eye mascots are controlled and turned evil by salem the skunk and we know rambly doesnt have a mascot but mollie says he hurts loyd how can it be we know employes abuse mascots for stealing their job thats when the theory comes in the audio in the rambly mask have two employes and they want their job back so one of them weared the mask and hurt loyd and mollie thinks rambly did it because of the mask and salem turned loyd and mollie evil not on purpose she was testing her potion and didnt know the effects and then an event like joy time started and everyone died and when they turned evil l think they attacked salem and looked for her thats why salems place is destroyed because they were tryanna find salem and kill him l think they succeded and when the rambly think scared and make loyd runaway is because l think they had a chip in their head for protection and thats all

  • @stephanievazquez1525
    @stephanievazquez1525 4 місяці тому +2

    Hmm 🤔 Ed’s mom is going to be bigger role for future maybe 🤔 I could be very wrong

  • @tampaflbeastforlife
    @tampaflbeastforlife 4 місяці тому +3

    i wonder being nobody brought this up MOLLY has blood on her beak and hands could that be from fighting Lloyd because his whole body is SCRATCHED up from some one with CLAWS like MOLLY what do ya think about that theory? oh and by the way RAMBLEY is not EVIL he's just ANNOYED and AGGRAVATED with LIOYD so i don't no how you came up with RAMBLEY being EVIL because he dislike LIOYD hell i get ANNOYED and AGGRAVATED with people everyday at work don't mean I'm EVIL i think your reaching way to far he's not acting like the characters from FNAF SMH lol

  • @Skoolitz
    @Skoolitz 4 місяці тому

    14:18 this was one of finley’s lines

  • @caitlingarner2377
    @caitlingarner2377 3 місяці тому

    Actually when you see the abandoned Molly McCaw she actually says "it's not rambly he hurt Lloyd he hurt Lloyd he hurt"

  • @kavtheproto
    @kavtheproto 4 місяці тому

    UniqueGeese confirmed Rambley is a good character.

  • @kenishachisholm5692
    @kenishachisholm5692 Місяць тому

    9:02 finally somebody said rambley was the first character born or created bye iscac indigo himself and am tired of people saying Lloyd was born or created first like bro Finley literally said in rambley's railroad "you know me for a 100 years rambley"

  • @chrisandamyharris562
    @chrisandamyharris562 4 місяці тому +1

    12:18 did anybody notice that one thing in the corner

  • @jonathanvo7991
    @jonathanvo7991 4 місяці тому +5

    I don’t think Rambley's evil.

    • @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon
      @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 4 місяці тому

      I have to respectfully disagree. He's keeping a lot of stuff from Ed. Also allowing Mollie to chase Ed for a couple of minutes before shutting the doors to end her. Now why didn't Rambly do that before? I find that to be sus?

    • @kevinponsrodz
      @kevinponsrodz 4 місяці тому

      @@BurningFlamesofDivineDragon yeah and the way he’s been treating Lloyd badly

    • @jonathanvo7991
      @jonathanvo7991 4 місяці тому

      What does that mean?

    • @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon
      @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 4 місяці тому

      Also yeah Rambley hurting Lloyd. That could have also been an employee in a mascot costume. Who knows?

    • @azaleamartinez1048
      @azaleamartinez1048 4 місяці тому

      ​@@BurningFlamesofDivineDragonor it could be Monster/feral rambley who hurt Lloyd?

  • @Paintra
    @Paintra 4 місяці тому

    8:14 fun fact if you reverse it the scrambled words ya get if i remember corectly „he kils he kils he kils”

  • @nothanks7263
    @nothanks7263 4 місяці тому

    I think you've got it backwards. I believe LLOYD was the first. Lloyd's face is on the gates of the park on opening day. That same spot has Rambley's face now. This is also why Lloyd is the only one with a retro plush. This is also why Lloyd is more popular. Indigo rebranded with Rambley at some point and Rambley is likely unaware, hence his jealousy and confusion.

  • @Beau-ry5rg
    @Beau-ry5rg 4 місяці тому +1

    Did they make day shift at Freddy’s reference?

  • @121boyce
    @121boyce 4 місяці тому +1

    How could rambly hurt Lloyd if he's is a digital character

  • @pec-chest
    @pec-chest 4 місяці тому

    Is the software COMPLETELY USLESS if I don't own a quest two? Or I can use it with ivry and my phone?

  • @qantj
    @qantj 4 місяці тому

    Rambley said it wouldn't be able to resussitate you, not being unable to help you

  • @jennahughes6044
    @jennahughes6044 4 місяці тому

    I think when Lloyd got stopped by the box he was asking for Help because he put his hand out and opened his mouth like he was going to say help me and the second time I think he was asking the same question but the player hit him so he ran away

  • @aceramos408
    @aceramos408 4 місяці тому

    im going to say that how an arcade cabinet, spat out a collectible that was from a game, a certain skunk might be a reason why the park became it was.

  • @Wolfstrikers
    @Wolfstrikers 4 місяці тому

    When he talks about mollie talking it was rambly

  • @gabrielreveles2453
    @gabrielreveles2453 4 місяці тому +1

    I feel bad for rambley the racoon

  • @LaniaFrancisco
    @LaniaFrancisco 4 місяці тому

    He can just want those cranberries, really cranberries

  • @draconahoshi5504
    @draconahoshi5504 4 місяці тому

    lets not forget that the statue of mr indigo at the start of the games head follows you as you walk around lol.

  • @StellArRose_1
    @StellArRose_1 3 місяці тому

    Lloyd was after the ride broke down not before 7:27

  • @blazefireninjahej2697
    @blazefireninjahej2697 4 місяці тому

    idk if mollie macaw was on the ride to because how would she say why the long body and face and the other voice lines i think she was on the ride after the ride finished on the camaras you can see mollie macaw on the railroad that proves why she has some of thos voice lines of finnly

  • @Eisenwald64
    @Eisenwald64 4 місяці тому

    4 minutes 33 seconds? That means silence...

  • @blazefireninjahej2697
    @blazefireninjahej2697 4 місяці тому

    idk if its me but on the trains ride while you comeacross finly at the end when the train is leaving you can hear mollie macaw say smt check it out

  • @skistorm739
    @skistorm739 4 місяці тому

    Maybe ramley just possessive like help was

  • @diypropsmodels7064
    @diypropsmodels7064 4 місяці тому

    But how did they created a living version of their mascots? Don’t tell me, it was another experiment. Isaac Indigo probably learned about Playtime Co’s secret and thought he can make money out of it lol

  • @SunshineBIGSCARY
    @SunshineBIGSCARY 3 місяці тому

    The creator confirmed that rambley is not evil

  • @AlonsoCampos-y2c
    @AlonsoCampos-y2c 3 місяці тому

    Do you know edigo 2 in the ending in the window have water so editors 2 will be a water park

  • @honeyzen_cutiepie5588
    @honeyzen_cutiepie5588 4 місяці тому

    I remember when I was watching rambley's voice actor's he likes Salem 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • @archosaur_enjoyer824
    @archosaur_enjoyer824 4 місяці тому

    its quite possible that salum (i think that was her name) the skunk villain we seen in the arcade is the good mascot in the real world while rambly is evil but however this could be the exact opposite this comment will be outdated

  • @floppaShorts_1
    @floppaShorts_1 4 місяці тому

    15:28 dsaf reference!!!

  • @blairrebholz1474
    @blairrebholz1474 3 місяці тому

    OK, I want you talk about other friends there too

  • @LiamTorres-uw8qj
    @LiamTorres-uw8qj 4 місяці тому +1

    Rambler is nice

  • @JesperBundgaard-dt6ku
    @JesperBundgaard-dt6ku 4 місяці тому +2

    And I'm quickly here to this bunch of programme by Isaac indigo himself so he program by he have since intent. I think he's just falling away.He was programmed.He's just acting like his tour guide.Like he was programmed to and wasnid1878.The intentions you don't go

  • @themoviestudios6688
    @themoviestudios6688 3 місяці тому

    So you're saying what the theory is implying is that rambly is a hybrid between GLaDOS and circus baby.

  • @randomusernameCallin
    @randomusernameCallin 4 місяці тому +1

    Evil no. Pure no. He does not like Lloyd and there hit he may have hit Lloyd.

  • @Jaymeson-bq6fy
    @Jaymeson-bq6fy 4 місяці тому

    Order of things about the birds have been a long face and long body I don't know you saw the thing at the end of the game right yeah that thing has a long body and probably the long face too cuz I know that thing is based off of is ramblin says you're on the train ride

  • @Allbean
    @Allbean 3 місяці тому


  • @AubreyIvy-tv7wt
    @AubreyIvy-tv7wt 4 місяці тому +1

    I think rrambly is evil because he locked the door in the game

  • @cyndell4140
    @cyndell4140 3 місяці тому

    I knew it! Rambly hates lloyd

  • @kenert1534
    @kenert1534 4 місяці тому


  • @adnilzeke
    @adnilzeke 4 місяці тому

    8:23. well no mollie said he not rambly

  • @redkyote1863
    @redkyote1863 3 місяці тому


  • @blazefireninjahej2697
    @blazefireninjahej2697 4 місяці тому

    the costumers always right its probrably a karen possibly a kevin

  • @MoxieGamez
    @MoxieGamez 4 місяці тому

    0:53 spelt Laura wrong oops 😅

  • @nikitawouters4457
    @nikitawouters4457 3 місяці тому

    Dat I know you for 100 years was from the train ride from fliny

  • @adnilzeke
    @adnilzeke 4 місяці тому

    13:50 no it was finley that told her because you kono13:50 no it was finley that told her because you Known me for 100 years

  • @PureArts-iq5jk
    @PureArts-iq5jk 3 місяці тому

    rambley is just an AI right??? How can rambley hurt lyoid

  • @winnerwintong-ur2qu
    @winnerwintong-ur2qu 4 місяці тому

    i wish he had free will

  • @kyrie-s8b
    @kyrie-s8b 3 місяці тому

    Rambley the raccoon

  • @SinisterSaneW
    @SinisterSaneW 4 місяці тому +1


  • @felipestaudt4601
    @felipestaudt4601 4 місяці тому

    Rambley is actually good

  • @blairrebholz1474
    @blairrebholz1474 3 місяці тому

    Y’all gonna lie when your brother I was not that big into way poo but I only like two characters tiger and the donkey

  • @amarap190
    @amarap190 3 місяці тому

    how can i know rambly the racoon is actually evil?

  • @Fox_c185
    @Fox_c185 4 місяці тому

    I know!

  • @Kimberlylikes
    @Kimberlylikes 2 місяці тому +1


  • @offbrandsangwoo
    @offbrandsangwoo 4 місяці тому


  • @ashleyburden7668
    @ashleyburden7668 4 місяці тому

    Bro is jealous get some fame too😂 6:47

  • @Jiman-m1f
    @Jiman-m1f 4 місяці тому

    Rambley is not evil

  • @madayalonso5538
    @madayalonso5538 3 місяці тому


  • @Zack-rb3py
    @Zack-rb3py 4 місяці тому


  • @RambleyDaRaccoonRP
    @RambleyDaRaccoonRP 4 місяці тому


  • @charlotterobertson1811
    @charlotterobertson1811 Місяць тому

    I Love you

  • @IgorjayMargallo
    @IgorjayMargallo 4 місяці тому

    Aq Aq

  • @miriamsmither1808
    @miriamsmither1808 4 місяці тому

    your evil

  • @miriamsmither1808
    @miriamsmither1808 4 місяці тому

    you are soooooo evil

  • @Luffycrew1223
    @Luffycrew1223 4 місяці тому

    Please pin me I’m first

  • @michaelbontecou1025
    @michaelbontecou1025 4 місяці тому

    Well it could have been ramble or salem that hurt lioyd we don't know yet

  • @loganentertainment1814
    @loganentertainment1814 4 місяці тому +7

    8:19, It’s hard to hear Mollie say that Rambley hurt Lloyd, and while your theory is really good, UniqueGeese confirmed that Rambley isn’t evil.

  • @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon
    @BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 4 місяці тому +19

    Didn't even think about the possibility of Ed's mom disappearing. Now that's a very interesting thought going into the mystery if Indigo Park.

  • @kpoplover4193
    @kpoplover4193 4 місяці тому +9

    I thought the lines about the 100 years the long face and the come out of your shell was from when molly was stalking us at Finley section at the train ride

  • @crazyhiena9135
    @crazyhiena9135 4 місяці тому +4

    I have a theory for the beef between Rambley and Lloyd.
    I heard that Lloyd was one of Indigo Park's first mascots, if not the first (which would explain why only he would have a plush in the classic cartoon style). When Rambley was created, he began to threaten the lion's prestige due to his overwhelming popularity. With that, Lloyd began trying to outdo the raccoon, making him annoying and inconvenient in Rambley's eyes. This makes sense when Rambley says "Is it because he's the loudest? I can be the loudest too!'' Lloyd being the loudest would be one of the ways to get more attention than the new mascot during performances.

  • @vitordarosa-ke3oy
    @vitordarosa-ke3oy 4 місяці тому +9

    Good theory but unlikely