These podcasts are such good good pieces Devin. Really informative and putting all your music into context. Before I was a fan of your music, now I think, I understand your music. Thanks so so much. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Jim have you taken a listen to his Quarantine Project Part 8 - Call Of The Void, what an amazingly beautiful song. If you haven't, I would love to see you do a reaction to it.
the last 2 episodes are really helping me put perspective on my past/present mental health issues right at a time when i need it i cant thank you enough for that!
Im really starting to think im thru with drinking and problems it creates, often similair to Devin's, losing part of your sanity, dealing with shitty people, dealing with yourself and shit you created etc.
I love the powerful vocals with vibrato in the live and re-recorded versions of "Kingdom", but the original will always be my favorite. There's a flatness to the vocals, sure, but there's also a desperation in that performance that makes it resonate emotionally in a much stronger way than the squeaky clean redone versions do. There's a lot of that desperation throughout Physicist; "Planet Rain" in particular is just so beautiful and sums up the feelings on that whole album. It's perfect in every conceivable way, even the muffled mix. (I didn't used to be enamored with Physicist. Saw it as Dev's weakest album for a long time but it's really moved me in recent years.)
The Physicist version of Kingdom is still one of my favorite songs by Dev, i can't say why, maybe it's just pure nostalgia or maybe the unenthusiastic vocal performance makes it more fragile and authentic to me, i don't know. Still this album has always been one of my favorites, especially the vocals, interstingly. It's so weird to be confronted with the artists vision and feelings, and so there is so much musical and artistic value to these podcasts, they are truly a gift.
Unenthusiastic? You mean the way Planet Rain is "unenthusiastic"? I prefer to trust my ears rather than Devin's overly critical take of a period when he was awfull unhappy which is why he diminishes his efforts on Physicist. The way he sung on Namaste and Planet Rain is the polar opposite of lacking interest. We should take Devin's appraisals of his music with a major grain of salt. Someone who was perpetually stoned during a long period can't be able to realistically appraise everything, especially so many years later.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn I do take his impressions about his own music with a grain of salt, i do not believe those vocals are unenthusiastic, i believe the exact opposite, it just find it interesting that he would think they were. Because his own bias against himself or his music are maybe as strong as the bias the fans or the occasional listener have, whether negative or positive. I do as a listener and a fan feel profound serenity and joy listening to Infinity or Physicist. Ironically enough, those albums being drown in complexes evolving around self-perception, make the psychological quality of theses podcasts more interesting.
@@DeToxoid Absolutely yes, the podcasts are just awesome, so honest and interesting - though of course a very subjective take on old events by a man who was always overly critical of his work. I've always considered Physicist a masterpiece, and Infinity as a very good album. Finding out how they were made, under which circumstances, is interesting but doesn't change a thing about how much I enjoy them. Unfortunately, some of Dev's more slavish fans tend to treat him like messiah guru - which is so ironic... If he says A is better than B, then they too say that A is better than B. That's just too religious for me...
At 1:24:07, Devin finally reveals his opinion on what he considers to be one of his favorite songs he's ever written. The song "The Complex", a personal favorite of mine as well and I think a somewhat hidden gem in his back catalog that perhaps less serious fans are familiar with. A really phenomenal tune that deserves the spotlight and attention that hopefully this podcast will give credence too.
I spent from June to 2 days ago fighting my thoughts trying to write music after quitting my job for mental health reasons and had very little to show for it. In 2 days, I've listened to the first 4 episodes of this podcast and (partially) written 4 songs. The opportunity to get out of my head and get a glimpse into someone else's has been freeing. Thank you
The original vocals for Kingdom for me, represented the weight of his problems crushing him down whilst trying to explain himself, a penance? Hence the distant small sound. Oddly perhaps one of my favourite aspects of the album.
It would be a fantastic scene i the inevitable "Devin Townsend - The movie". A young Jim Carrey as Devin and a young Jeff Daniels as Beav :) I have yet to cast the parents...
These DT Podcasts just keep getting better and better. This is why I love Devin's personality and music - it's a great amalgamation of humor and profundity, hope and tragedy. To hear that Devin suffered so deeply of depression and at one point, apathy, really tugged at my heart. But the Manland scenario where his parents came into the crawl space and Beav's reaction cracked me up!
This is why Devin is my favorite artist. He talks so deeply and honestly about the record, the circumstances behind it, the emotions, the production, the humor/tragedy.. just everything. Result of that is that us, fans, appreciate the record more. With knowing all that, even the songs you don't like - you appreciate or start liking it. Every artist should do this, but they are probably nowhere near Devin in explanation and humility.
Unfortunately, his fans will dislike Physicist even more now, after he so thoroughly bashes the record yet again. I could care less about Devin's weird take on "lacking energy in the vocals". He sang Planet Rain wonderfully, and the other tracks too.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn I don't think this is generally true. Most fans wont change their impression of it. But many will understand it better, and perhaps that will have the opposite effect.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn He didn't bash the record. Just the production, which was a result of life circumstances and depression. That being said, I prefer the "badly produced" version of Kingdom than the shiny one on Epicloud.
I hadn’t listened to physicist for ages but I listened to it again yesterday and really enjoyed it as well as giving me a better understanding ,one part that really resonated with me was the “the quiet now (but it’s the end of the world)” when I have only just in the past few weeks has to deal with anxiety and it has been a recurring experience of mine to have to tell the emotional monkey part of myself to be quiet as it continually screams that everything is fucked , I think ultimately I am emotionally retarded and having someone who can convey how they’ve felt into a form that helps me objectivity it is incredibly helpful, whenever I try and write music it is just a series of notes rather than anything of any meaning ,
@@Robfnord Music is and always will be a series of notes, regardless of whether we inject meaning into it or not. There are great musicians who write music without Dev's philosophical musings, and that music is awesome too. Music doesn't need it. I as a listener am not interested in whether music has "profundity" or not, it only needs to resonate on a sonic level.
No other musician (that I pay attention to) is doing this. You are further adding so much value to your collection of music. Thank you so much for going through and doing all of this. Much love from Nagasaki Japan
Every time I hear Dev going in deep with any particular aspect of his frame of mind and mental health makes me also kind of go into some introspection of my own. He's gone through so much internally! All of these have been amazing, but I think the chapter I'll be waiting for the most is definitely Alien. I always plunge into those songs when I'm feeling seriously down, wishing I could scream as he did in Shitstorm or Shine. He's mentioned the anxiety he experienced during that time, so I think I'd relate. This is like a new way of connecting with music for me, and it's fascinating how visceral that can be...
Right? I'm also waiting for Alien, I know it was a very toxic record for him to make, but it's so, so therapeutic to listen to Alien when I'm really, really angry. Alien for pure anger and Accelerated Evolution for frustration, I NEED to play these records whenever I'm down.
Shit man, the parts about being obsessed about sex while totally failing to actually making the connection that's supposed to go along with that hits home. I'm sure not just for me, but for many. I get the feeling my shit is (fortunately for me) not as deep and burdensome as yours was, but it's shit nonetheless and it's always good to not feel as alone. Anyway, you have me laughing out loud one minute and emotionally invested the next. If you read this Dev, don't feel pressured to "finish what you started" but do know that these podcasts have actual therapeutic value for me that goes beyond entertainment into recognition and inspiration. And maybe reading that will genuinely increase your appetite for finishing these podcasts, which would be a better reason to do it than a neurotic manifestation. Though for selfish reasons, if that's the reason you do them, I won't complain.
In some way, I would like Dev read this comment just to tell him: thank you. Thanks for the music and thanks for the podcast. I'm an Italian guy who actually discovered Dev just a few years ago, but I fell in love immediatly to his music. I'm still working in this days of quarantine and this podcast really it's something that makes me feel less alone. When I was a kid (8-9 yo) I used to listening to music because i thought artists had some secrets to share, some experiences of their lives that they needed the world to know about. Still to this very day when I listen to music, maybe some new artists, I try to truly understand what the hell they are trying to say with their music, lyrics, artbook and so this podcast it's actual gold for me. And don't worry Dev... Yes, that 1st person view and everithing, the christ complex and so on... I can understand, and I do felt ashamed and sorry as you did at the time I discovered what a jackass full of shit I was. So thank you Dev to be so transparent and honest, it's so inspiring to...trying to be a better person for yourself and the person around you I guess....wich is A LOT.
Dev, I met you on the Physicist tour in Toronto at the bar. I think you guys were playing with Black Label Society. You couldn't have been nicer. You took my wife and I into the entryway so we could talk, and you signed my (shitty!) guitar. My wife always remembers that you were an absolute gentleman. Thank you.
I don't know if you're reading these comments, Dev, but you're helping people better understand your music, but also your creative trajectory. There were moments during the Infinity podcast that just struck me, about how much I've sacrificed to make my own creative endeavors, and how I should make those more sustainable. Thanks for your work and I hope to hear as many of these podcasts as you can create.
Dude, this kind of transparency is really refreshing. Thank you so much for releasing all this recent content. I’m not a little fanboy and would normally never take the time to say something like this, but for some reason this really hit me hard and I don’t know how to say how much I appreciate you talking about this. Thanks Devin. Love from the Okanagan.
I saw and heard from Devin the first time at Rock am Ring. There should have be another band at this time. I was so confused about what I saw and what he said during the songs that I had to google this Band Strapping Young Lad after the weekend. It was such a strange Performance, I couldn’t believe it what I saw. On the internet so many said he is a genius, I was much more confused. I went to his Homepage where you could listen to every album for free. His solo stuff was so different, I was even more confused 😄 until I heard Namaste, I couldn’t stop listening to it, it was my entrance to his world and I‘m so glad I found the entrance. Nobody of my friends listen to his music, I often drive over 200 km alone to his concerts and I don’t mind. I love the music so much (of course also SYL after I get what its all about) and also the podcast. Thanks for all, keep em coming. Greetings from South Germany ✌🏻
Dev, just so you know, the experiences you had during the 'gestational period' for Physicist (everything from smoking weed until you fall asleep, waking up and smoking again, killing time until you could go to sleep, suicidality, lying to psychiatrists about drinking and drug use, stealing from your wife for weed money etc.) reminds me so much of my experience. Thankfully I haven't had to smoke weed (or use any unprescribed mind or mood altering substance) since May of 2008. Your words and music have been super helpful in keeping me grounded, healthy, and sober over the years, as I always feel I can relate to you. Keep doing these, if you feel you're able to emotionally. I know it's helping me at least.
This is my favorite episode out of all of them. So inspirational, and shows how someone can overcome hitting rock bottom. Shows that there is always hope, no matter what.
Thanks so much for making these podcasts. It’s all the information a person as a fan wants to know but never gets to. They are a fascinating insight not only into the music but into you and your process as well.
I love phsssst and i have fond memories of when it came out, I have the CD version with computer program where you talk about the album from that basement. I'm amazed that what you actually were going through at the time, really makes me sad, like I wanna cry, everything is so intense, with all the albums so far, so intense. These albums up to this point were such a joy. Literally my favourite albums. And you were going through so much...i also have the metal magazine with the crazy scientist photoshoot too, and I always felt like phsssst was a black metal pop album from the future. I'm glad you don't want to change it anymore, it's a kick ass album with great songs. Much love my friend.
Christopher Rocky I agree I kind of feel bad for the amount of enjoyment I have had listening to these albums when I start to realise the true human turmoil and pain that permeate them , but I also appreciate the honesty and reality of it all , thinking that I in any way know what they’re about when my life has been easy af in comparison !
@@Robfnord I listened to phssssst today on a bike ride and it sounded actually really positive. And now knowing the context of the lyrics it's like dev was trying to be positive even in the midst of his depression... Saying that.. I actually think devs had it pretty good, in that, he as a musician got lucky and picked to sing for vai which launched his career. Myself as a musician who has struggled with not much luck, have had it way worse in regards to 'career' but it's not right to compare. There's always someone who has it worse. I just feel betrayed when a popular artists self deletes themselves or is bit grateful...And hearing dev now, he's grateful for vai and also hes willing to confront himself to grow. That is inspiring. But I think the majority of artist would feel so jealous that someone could focus on all the music they wanted to write with no other jobs. I mean honestly other jobs are like working in hell when your a musician. Your confronted with your value when your not using your skills and talents you wish to pursue. I guess that goes for any person with a passion though.
Just wanna say this is the most brutally honest and relatable story about depression I've heard so far in a sea of "positive vibes" and "I care about your mental health" platitudes
The most revealing about this episode was that I always thought you were not fond of Physicist in hindsight - and that included the music itself, the songs. I knew you didn't like the mix etc. It was great to finally understand that you felt the music itself was strong and great. I have to say this gave me a new pair of ears for this record and I like it a lot more now too! Thanks Dev
Same thing here man. I loved this album so much but knowing that in some way he wasn't happy with it limited a bit my enjoyment of it. Loved hearing what he really thought about it here.
Wow, everything he says about his escapism, drug use, and fatigue among other things... Im sure that resonates with alot of people here, especially musicians. Its really inspiring to hear his story.
Loving these podcasts. It helps to humanize or fully bring all your good, bad, and Corrupted qualities out in the open. I think it helps atleast me see you as a person instead of a rock god but also more importantly accept you (good and bad). I mean we can't truly love someone until we can accept their good, bad, and ugly right? Again thanks
Thank you so much. For everything. Please keep doing it, it hits home. Having had the privilege to see you and meet you a few times, I continue to be so humbled and comforted by your honesty. You are once-in-a-generation! THANK YOU. Chicago support forever.
I don't know if you read your comments, but thank you for doing this. Other than the wildly successful music career it's like you're describing my life, and its nice to know I'm not the alone in my experience, and that other people have survived this experience.
These are amazing, insights into the creative process and the man. It explains so much about the albums i love and my attachment to songs. To hear the problems and issues with creation makes so much sense why some of the material works and why some doesn't. When I heard the live version of Kingdom on Retinal Circus i was playing that live version in vast preference to what was already one of my favourite songs, this explains why that happened. Amazing.
Hi... once again great podcast. I remember the Physicist cd had a media section where Dev resumed in a very laconic fashion what each song was about and, as a curiosity exercise went and listened to it again. And it is funny how, while you have the same approach on a considerable number of songs, regarding others you were still in the "eye of the storm" and either didn't have the insight of what was the true meaning or simply weren't at ease to admit others due to the awkwardness we all feel with some situations. Nevertheless I'm enjoying tons to listen to these analysis of each of your works. Thanks for the treat and I'm eager for the new podcast. Peace!
ANOTHER incredible journey through your life and creativity. This episode is of particular significance to me as I agree with your long term assessment of this work that it was inadequate or something was wrong, but only NOW realizing that this is EXACTLY how it has to be, how it is, WHAT it is. It was the first time I heard a piece of yours that I didn't understand or resound with in some level and that PROFOUNDLY confused me as I had WHOLLY resounded with your works to that point (mostly SYL, to be frank, but the previous 2 solo records, as well)! SO thank you ONCE again for this insight and raw clarity of who and what you were when you created this fascinating piece of your musical and artistic catalog.
The more you speak on your life and different peaks and valleys you have been threw as a person as just you flat out honestly speak about everything. All I want to do is grind us up some fresh coffee I would want to listen to more. Find out how possible it would be to break the cycle I've been in for the last year. Your prospective of life is truly amazing your not afraid to be blunt and the world needs that more especially in these times we are living in
I've always thought this about Physicist - strong material, really great riffs and melodies. Production always seemed off but it gives the album the 'greyness' that is so greatly represents. It's interesting he mentions that he thought the SYL guys could track it because there are definitely similarities there too as Dev said. So interesting to hear everything behind the records - thanks Dev and hope your King Tut's beard is doing well.
A couple rules with tripping. One being don’t look at yourself in the mirror. I have broken that rule many times. It’s always an instant bummer/panic attack. A conversation could dissect why that is. But it is just best to avoid.
I actually really enjoy Physicist. I didn't discover it until 2019. Up until then I had known Strapping Young Lad and the more recent stuff but have been going through the catalogue (going through the catalogue was inspired by the live album at Royal Albert Hall)
Thank you again for these. It was so good to hear you talk about Material, it has always been one of my absolute favourite songs of yours and hearing the meaning behind it makes it even more special.
Yeah, same here. Material along with Planet Rain were always the most obviously special to me off of this record, and to hear more about them was great. The Complex is one that I didn't as clearly see as Dev is presenting it here, but I'll be going over it with a more finely toothed comb going forward.
First townsend album i bought. Ordered it at a trax store, took 3 months lol. Stayed up all night on local 3 hours of power metal station, came across namaste, recorded it on tape, and down the rabbit hole i went
Ha! Just finished listening to your Infinity podcast now, and was wondering when Physicist would be uploaded. Well lucky me it was uploaded an hour ago :)
Holy cow, you really can tell things in a way that one can empathize with your feelings. Here's how well you're doing that: the episode on your testicle operation made me feeling physical pain. I'm a girl.
Despite its flaws, or perhaps because of them, this is my favorite of your solo records. It has always struck a deep chord in me, and I'm glad that revisiting it has allowed you to have a new more positive perspective on it as well. I also appreciate your candor regarding your mental health experiences. Love and respect.
Prefab housing, in UK its called 'Affordable Housing' it's basically one level up from Council Housing which are tenant blocks. Thrown up with minimal cost, very quickly constructed and paper thin walls. Everyone lives on top of each other essentially and funnily enough, only the show house at the entrance is build with care and attention. Local councils and municipalities throw this garbage up to meet quotas for new houses and the rising population.
First Devin album I ever bought. Picked it up because I liked the cover, and enjoyed the album. I had not long before discovered Alien by SYL, but I had no idea who any of the members were. Didn't take too long for me to realise the similarity between the vocals on the two albums, and then a quick Google search later, I knew. Been a fan ever since! SYL @ Download 2006 is still one of the greatest shows I've ever seen.
for some reason i've always have and will be waiting for the day he'll be invited onto the rogan podcast but, these are way better than that would be it really is amazing how much this humanizes dev's epic music. i don't like being a fan of things, but i have been a fan of the music and these podcasts really evolve that fanship into an understanding and through that understanding it feels like i can in a way "'move on" from the almost otherworldy mystic of the music-if that makes sense. so cool!
Thanks yet again! Have a good weekend everyone, and dev I think you are way too harsh on yourself for both honest mistakes you’ve made or things you have had no choice over! Seems like you are a very honest person to bare all to us like this and you are genuinely interested in doing what is right, if only everyone had that sort of attitude!
Reminds me of when I had my mental breakdown in freshman year in high school, my mind was racing and all I could do was think about figuring the square roots of everything, square root of 1 is 1, square root of 2 is root 2, etc.
I discovered you with Physicist 20 years ago and I loved this album, despite (or maybe because) of its strange mixing, but hearing it was partly influenced by the sound of Digimortal makes total sense now. Fantastic album nonetheless
Brother your vocals on the live e m g kingdom version are absolutely’s a beautiful thing,and to be honest I have gotten more therapy out of listening to your journey in 4 podcasts then 20 years of shrinks and counselers......thanks eh?
This is the album Devin's fanboi army dislikes/underrates just because Townsend himself had criticized it so often. What they don't understand is three things: 1. Who cares what a creator thinks of his creation. It's about what YOU like. 2. He is criticizing the PRODUCTION, not the music. 3. Physicist is one of his best 5 albums. It is awesome. It is sublime. 4. He pretty much admits in the podcast that it's the mismanagement of Kingdom that annoys him most about the album: vocals and lyrics. 5. He actually likes most of the material here, no less than many other albums.
After reading all these comments, I noticed how many people said they like the original version of Kingdom more than the redone one on Epicloud. I’m in agreement but no one mentioned the reason being the high pitched voice at the very beginning going “ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow”, that’s always been my favorite part of the song. It’s just so unexpected and catchy.
In Nepal everybody salutes with 'namaste'. Country folk only say 'ste!' It's a replacement for 'hello' and if I remember correctly it means 'may god be with you'. But how mystical the Indian subcontinent is, it's very plausible it means different things in different contexts.
Dev, if you're reading this, please please please keep doing this.
I'm not sure if he realises just how much some of us need these podcasts!
@@PeteHawthorne exactly! These podcasts hold a value as big as the music itself! The depths he goes into is fascinating!
These podcasts are such good good pieces Devin. Really informative and putting all your music into context. Before I was a fan of your music, now I think, I understand your music. Thanks so so much. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Jim have you taken a listen to his Quarantine Project Part 8 - Call Of The Void, what an amazingly beautiful song. If you haven't, I would love to see you do a reaction to it.
I'm the guy that was next to Dev after his surgery for a week (not joking). It's okay Dev. :)
Russian5 well the album art was baddass man!
Do you still do artwork?
the last 2 episodes are really helping me put perspective on my past/present mental health issues right at a time when i need it i cant thank you enough for that!
Im really starting to think im thru with drinking and problems it creates, often similair to Devin's, losing part of your sanity, dealing with shitty people, dealing with yourself and shit you created etc.
I love the powerful vocals with vibrato in the live and re-recorded versions of "Kingdom", but the original will always be my favorite. There's a flatness to the vocals, sure, but there's also a desperation in that performance that makes it resonate emotionally in a much stronger way than the squeaky clean redone versions do. There's a lot of that desperation throughout Physicist; "Planet Rain" in particular is just so beautiful and sums up the feelings on that whole album. It's perfect in every conceivable way, even the muffled mix. (I didn't used to be enamored with Physicist. Saw it as Dev's weakest album for a long time but it's really moved me in recent years.)
The Physicist version of Kingdom is still one of my favorite songs by Dev, i can't say why, maybe it's just pure nostalgia or maybe the unenthusiastic vocal performance makes it more fragile and authentic to me, i don't know. Still this album has always been one of my favorites, especially the vocals, interstingly. It's so weird to be confronted with the artists vision and feelings, and so there is so much musical and artistic value to these podcasts, they are truly a gift.
Unenthusiastic? You mean the way Planet Rain is "unenthusiastic"? I prefer to trust my ears rather than Devin's overly critical take of a period when he was awfull unhappy which is why he diminishes his efforts on Physicist. The way he sung on Namaste and Planet Rain is the polar opposite of lacking interest. We should take Devin's appraisals of his music with a major grain of salt. Someone who was perpetually stoned during a long period can't be able to realistically appraise everything, especially so many years later.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn I do take his impressions about his own music with a grain of salt, i do not believe those vocals are unenthusiastic, i believe the exact opposite, it just find it interesting that he would think they were. Because his own bias against himself or his music are maybe as strong as the bias the fans or the occasional listener have, whether negative or positive. I do as a listener and a fan feel profound serenity and joy listening to Infinity or Physicist. Ironically enough, those albums being drown in complexes evolving around self-perception, make the psychological quality of theses podcasts more interesting.
@@DeToxoid Absolutely yes, the podcasts are just awesome, so honest and interesting - though of course a very subjective take on old events by a man who was always overly critical of his work. I've always considered Physicist a masterpiece, and Infinity as a very good album. Finding out how they were made, under which circumstances, is interesting but doesn't change a thing about how much I enjoy them. Unfortunately, some of Dev's more slavish fans tend to treat him like messiah guru - which is so ironic... If he says A is better than B, then they too say that A is better than B. That's just too religious for me...
At 1:24:07, Devin finally reveals his opinion on what he considers to be one of his favorite songs he's ever written. The song "The Complex", a personal favorite of mine as well and I think a somewhat hidden gem in his back catalog that perhaps less serious fans are familiar with. A really phenomenal tune that deserves the spotlight and attention that hopefully this podcast will give credence too.
I spent from June to 2 days ago fighting my thoughts trying to write music after quitting my job for mental health reasons and had very little to show for it. In 2 days, I've listened to the first 4 episodes of this podcast and (partially) written 4 songs. The opportunity to get out of my head and get a glimpse into someone else's has been freeing. Thank you
I can not begin to explain how much I relate to this particular podcast/album/era of this artist.
The original vocals for Kingdom for me, represented the weight of his problems crushing him down whilst trying to explain himself, a penance? Hence the distant small sound. Oddly perhaps one of my favourite aspects of the album.
"Testicular fortitude" is my new favorite phrase.
right up there with Zappa's "Mammalian protrusions".
I know it was a difficult time for him but that part about "Manland" is some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard
It really was a magical moment, I wish I was half as interesting as that.
It would be a fantastic scene i the inevitable "Devin Townsend - The movie". A young Jim Carrey as Devin and a young Jeff Daniels as Beav :) I have yet to cast the parents...
@@MrChrister123 Patricia Routledge and Clive Swift from Keeping up Appearances would be epic haha. Aka Ms Bucket and Richard.
@@xavilend haha yeah, seems like a nice fit!
1:34:15 😂🤣🥴
These DT Podcasts just keep getting better and better. This is why I love Devin's personality and music - it's a great amalgamation of humor and profundity, hope and tragedy. To hear that Devin suffered so deeply of depression and at one point, apathy, really tugged at my heart. But the Manland scenario where his parents came into the crawl space and Beav's reaction cracked me up!
This is why Devin is my favorite artist. He talks so deeply and honestly about the record, the circumstances behind it, the emotions, the production, the humor/tragedy.. just everything. Result of that is that us, fans, appreciate the record more. With knowing all that, even the songs you don't like - you appreciate or start liking it.
Every artist should do this, but they are probably nowhere near Devin in explanation and humility.
Unfortunately, his fans will dislike Physicist even more now, after he so thoroughly bashes the record yet again. I could care less about Devin's weird take on "lacking energy in the vocals". He sang Planet Rain wonderfully, and the other tracks too.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn I don't think this is generally true. Most fans wont change their impression of it. But many will understand it better, and perhaps that will have the opposite effect.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn He didn't bash the record. Just the production, which was a result of life circumstances and depression. That being said, I prefer the "badly produced" version of Kingdom than the shiny one on Epicloud.
I hadn’t listened to physicist for ages but I listened to it again yesterday and really enjoyed it as well as giving me a better understanding ,one part that really resonated with me was the “the quiet now (but it’s the end of the world)” when I have only just in the past few weeks has to deal with anxiety and it has been a recurring experience of mine to have to tell the emotional monkey part of myself to be quiet as it continually screams that everything is fucked , I think ultimately I am emotionally retarded and having someone who can convey how they’ve felt into a form that helps me objectivity it is incredibly helpful, whenever I try and write music it is just a series of notes rather than anything of any meaning ,
@@Robfnord Music is and always will be a series of notes, regardless of whether we inject meaning into it or not. There are great musicians who write music without Dev's philosophical musings, and that music is awesome too. Music doesn't need it. I as a listener am not interested in whether music has "profundity" or not, it only needs to resonate on a sonic level.
No other musician (that I pay attention to) is doing this. You are further adding so much value to your collection of music. Thank you so much for going through and doing all of this. Much love from Nagasaki Japan
Every time I hear Dev going in deep with any particular aspect of his frame of mind and mental health makes me also kind of go into some introspection of my own. He's gone through so much internally!
All of these have been amazing, but I think the chapter I'll be waiting for the most is definitely Alien. I always plunge into those songs when I'm feeling seriously down, wishing I could scream as he did in Shitstorm or Shine. He's mentioned the anxiety he experienced during that time, so I think I'd relate. This is like a new way of connecting with music for me, and it's fascinating how visceral that can be...
Right? I'm also waiting for Alien, I know it was a very toxic record for him to make, but it's so, so therapeutic to listen to Alien when I'm really, really angry. Alien for pure anger and Accelerated Evolution for frustration, I NEED to play these records whenever I'm down.
Beav is the kind of friend everyone needs.
Shit man, the parts about being obsessed about sex while totally failing to actually making the connection that's supposed to go along with that hits home. I'm sure not just for me, but for many. I get the feeling my shit is (fortunately for me) not as deep and burdensome as yours was, but it's shit nonetheless and it's always good to not feel as alone.
Anyway, you have me laughing out loud one minute and emotionally invested the next. If you read this Dev, don't feel pressured to "finish what you started" but do know that these podcasts have actual therapeutic value for me that goes beyond entertainment into recognition and inspiration. And maybe reading that will genuinely increase your appetite for finishing these podcasts, which would be a better reason to do it than a neurotic manifestation. Though for selfish reasons, if that's the reason you do them, I won't complain.
It's always nice to hear an artist you love talk about enjoying other things you love... Duckman and Ween 😍
In some way, I would like Dev read this comment just to tell him: thank you.
Thanks for the music and thanks for the podcast.
I'm an Italian guy who actually discovered Dev just a few years ago, but I fell in love immediatly to his music. I'm still working in this days of quarantine and this podcast really it's something that makes me feel less alone.
When I was a kid (8-9 yo) I used to listening to music because i thought artists had some secrets to share, some experiences of their lives that they needed the world to know about.
Still to this very day when I listen to music, maybe some new artists, I try to truly understand what the hell they are trying to say with their music, lyrics, artbook and so this podcast it's actual gold for me. And don't worry Dev... Yes, that 1st person view and everithing, the christ complex and so on... I can understand, and I do felt ashamed and sorry as you did at the time I discovered what a jackass full of shit I was.
So thank you Dev to be so transparent and honest, it's so inspiring to...trying to be a better person for yourself and the person around you I guess....wich is A LOT.
..."Like these podcasts, now I'm going to get to the end of 'em."
I truly love this statement
Wow. Devin i had no idea about what you went through to capture these albums. Really appreciate the brutal honesty 🦋❤🦋
Dev, I met you on the Physicist tour in Toronto at the bar. I think you guys were playing with Black Label Society. You couldn't have been nicer. You took my wife and I into the entryway so we could talk, and you signed my (shitty!) guitar. My wife always remembers that you were an absolute gentleman. Thank you.
I don't know if you're reading these comments, Dev, but you're helping people better understand your music, but also your creative trajectory. There were moments during the Infinity podcast that just struck me, about how much I've sacrificed to make my own creative endeavors, and how I should make those more sustainable. Thanks for your work and I hope to hear as many of these podcasts as you can create.
It's like going on holiday with a friend who knows all the best spots, thanks dev :D
Dude, this kind of transparency is really refreshing. Thank you so much for releasing all this recent content. I’m not a little fanboy and would normally never take the time to say something like this, but for some reason this really hit me hard and I don’t know how to say how much I appreciate you talking about this. Thanks Devin. Love from the Okanagan.
I saw and heard from Devin the first time at Rock am Ring. There should have be another band at this time. I was so confused about what I saw and what he said during the songs that I had to google this Band Strapping Young Lad after the weekend. It was such a strange Performance, I couldn’t believe it what I saw. On the internet so many said he is a genius, I was much more confused. I went to his Homepage where you could listen to every album for free. His solo stuff was so different, I was even more confused 😄 until I heard Namaste, I couldn’t stop listening to it, it was my entrance to his world and I‘m so glad I found the entrance. Nobody of my friends listen to his music, I often drive over 200 km alone to his concerts and I don’t mind. I love the music so much (of course also SYL after I get what its all about) and also the podcast. Thanks for all, keep em coming. Greetings from South Germany ✌🏻
Physicist is one my favorite albums, for what it's worth.
It is awesome, despite what Dev and the fanbois say.
@@Qwerty-ks8dn Always said this too, even to Dev in person.
Dev, just so you know, the experiences you had during the 'gestational period' for Physicist (everything from smoking weed until you fall asleep, waking up and smoking again, killing time until you could go to sleep, suicidality, lying to psychiatrists about drinking and drug use, stealing from your wife for weed money etc.) reminds me so much of my experience. Thankfully I haven't had to smoke weed (or use any unprescribed mind or mood altering substance) since May of 2008. Your words and music have been super helpful in keeping me grounded, healthy, and sober over the years, as I always feel I can relate to you. Keep doing these, if you feel you're able to emotionally. I know it's helping me at least.
This is my favorite episode out of all of them. So inspirational, and shows how someone can overcome hitting rock bottom. Shows that there is always hope, no matter what.
Thanks so much for making these podcasts. It’s all the information a person as a fan wants to know but never gets to. They are a fascinating insight not only into the music but into you and your process as well.
Devin you are an incredible human being. An absolute inspiration in so many ways.❤
Dev wishing you all good, these podcasts are definately helping me cope with the situation.
Do every single album Dev!!! Do the right thing. Your die hard fans want it!
I love phsssst and i have fond memories of when it came out, I have the CD version with computer program where you talk about the album from that basement. I'm amazed that what you actually were going through at the time, really makes me sad, like I wanna cry, everything is so intense, with all the albums so far, so intense. These albums up to this point were such a joy. Literally my favourite albums. And you were going through so much...i also have the metal magazine with the crazy scientist photoshoot too, and I always felt like phsssst was a black metal pop album from the future. I'm glad you don't want to change it anymore, it's a kick ass album with great songs. Much love my friend.
Christopher Rocky I agree I kind of feel bad for the amount of enjoyment I have had listening to these albums when I start to realise the true human turmoil and pain that permeate them , but I also appreciate the honesty and reality of it all , thinking that I in any way know what they’re about when my life has been easy af in comparison !
@@Robfnord I listened to phssssst today on a bike ride and it sounded actually really positive. And now knowing the context of the lyrics it's like dev was trying to be positive even in the midst of his depression... Saying that.. I actually think devs had it pretty good, in that, he as a musician got lucky and picked to sing for vai which launched his career. Myself as a musician who has struggled with not much luck, have had it way worse in regards to 'career' but it's not right to compare. There's always someone who has it worse. I just feel betrayed when a popular artists self deletes themselves or is bit grateful...And hearing dev now, he's grateful for vai and also hes willing to confront himself to grow. That is inspiring. But I think the majority of artist would feel so jealous that someone could focus on all the music they wanted to write with no other jobs. I mean honestly other jobs are like working in hell when your a musician. Your confronted with your value when your not using your skills and talents you wish to pursue. I guess that goes for any person with a passion though.
Your podcasts are just perfect man.
That is exactly what I needed right now. Thank you sir.
Please keep doing it.
Happy Birthday Dev! Keep them coming. I'm loving this.
Just wanna say this is the most brutally honest and relatable story about depression I've heard so far in a sea of "positive vibes" and "I care about your mental health" platitudes
The most revealing about this episode was that I always thought you were not fond of Physicist in hindsight - and that included the music itself, the songs. I knew you didn't like the mix etc. It was great to finally understand that you felt the music itself was strong and great. I have to say this gave me a new pair of ears for this record and I like it a lot more now too! Thanks Dev
Same thing here man. I loved this album so much but knowing that in some way he wasn't happy with it limited a bit my enjoyment of it. Loved hearing what he really thought about it here.
Some of this is brutal to hear
Wow, everything he says about his escapism, drug use, and fatigue among other things... Im sure that resonates with alot of people here, especially musicians. Its really inspiring to hear his story.
Keep them coming!!!! I am so happy you’re doing this. All your material means so much to me.
I like how each album is a snapshot of time, the lyrics, the sound, the imperfections, that's what makes it so unique.
Jupiter and Planet Rain, now that's some good old fashion greatness, right there. I say whip it, and whip it good!
Always amazing how cathartic Devin's music is for him! Boosh!
Loving these podcasts. It helps to humanize or fully bring all your good, bad, and Corrupted qualities out in the open. I think it helps atleast me see you as a person instead of a rock god but also more importantly accept you (good and bad). I mean we can't truly love someone until we can accept their good, bad, and ugly right?
Again thanks
Thank you so much. For everything. Please keep doing it, it hits home. Having had the privilege to see you and meet you a few times, I continue to be so humbled and comforted by your honesty. You are once-in-a-generation! THANK YOU. Chicago support forever.
Talk about a man baring his soul. This is worthwhile listening, not to mention pleasant.
Devin Townsend podcast, sponsored by the word "participate"
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in listening to this podcast...
This is all amazing Dev, we need to hear this, it helps us too.
I don't know if you read your comments, but thank you for doing this. Other than the wildly successful music career it's like you're describing my life, and its nice to know I'm not the alone in my experience, and that other people have survived this experience.
0:58:32 Namaste
1:01:41 Victim
1:08:23 Material
1:12:14 Kingdom
1:20:03 Death
1:22:26 Devoid
1:24:30 The Complex
1:29:58 Irish Maiden
1:35:09 Jupiter
1:38:20 Planet Rain
1:44:40 Forgotten
I still have my Roland VS2480 Harddisc recorder standing behind me! Not been used for years though.
These are amazing, insights into the creative process and the man. It explains so much about the albums i love and my attachment to songs. To hear the problems and issues with creation makes so much sense why some of the material works and why some doesn't.
When I heard the live version of Kingdom on Retinal Circus i was playing that live version in vast preference to what was already one of my favourite songs, this explains why that happened. Amazing.
Hi... once again great podcast. I remember the Physicist cd had a media section where Dev resumed in a very laconic fashion what each song was about and, as a curiosity exercise went and listened to it again. And it is funny how, while you have the same approach on a considerable number of songs, regarding others you were still in the "eye of the storm" and either didn't have the insight of what was the true meaning or simply weren't at ease to admit others due to the awkwardness we all feel with some situations. Nevertheless I'm enjoying tons to listen to these analysis of each of your works. Thanks for the treat and I'm eager for the new podcast. Peace!
ANOTHER incredible journey through your life and creativity. This episode is of particular significance to me as I agree with your long term assessment of this work that it was inadequate or something was wrong, but only NOW realizing that this is EXACTLY how it has to be, how it is, WHAT it is. It was the first time I heard a piece of yours that I didn't understand or resound with in some level and that PROFOUNDLY confused me as I had WHOLLY resounded with your works to that point (mostly SYL, to be frank, but the previous 2 solo records, as well)! SO thank you ONCE again for this insight and raw clarity of who and what you were when you created this fascinating piece of your musical and artistic catalog.
The more you speak on your life and different peaks and valleys you have been threw as a person as just you flat out honestly speak about everything. All I want to do is grind us up some fresh coffee I would want to listen to more. Find out how possible it would be to break the cycle I've been in for the last year. Your prospective of life is truly amazing your not afraid to be blunt and the world needs that more especially in these times we are living in
Thank God for Devin making this record, if for no reason other than Planet Rain is breathtaking.
I've always thought this about Physicist - strong material, really great riffs and melodies. Production always seemed off but it gives the album the 'greyness' that is so greatly represents. It's interesting he mentions that he thought the SYL guys could track it because there are definitely similarities there too as Dev said.
So interesting to hear everything behind the records - thanks Dev and hope your King Tut's beard is doing well.
19:30 now we know where the Transdermal Celebration cover came from
Devpodcast became enormously helpful and healing for me. thank you for doing this Devin.
A couple rules with tripping. One being don’t look at yourself in the mirror. I have broken that rule many times. It’s always an instant bummer/panic attack. A conversation could dissect why that is. But it is just best to avoid.
Enjoying these podcasts a lot ❤️
I actually really enjoy Physicist. I didn't discover it until 2019. Up until then I had known Strapping Young Lad and the more recent stuff but have been going through the catalogue (going through the catalogue was inspired by the live album at Royal Albert Hall)
Hey Dev, would love to hear the motivation behind Noisy Pink Bubbles. Thanks for doing these podcasts. I loves ya.
Thank you again for these. It was so good to hear you talk about Material, it has always been one of my absolute favourite songs of yours and hearing the meaning behind it makes it even more special.
Yeah, same here. Material along with Planet Rain were always the most obviously special to me off of this record, and to hear more about them was great. The Complex is one that I didn't as clearly see as Dev is presenting it here, but I'll be going over it with a more finely toothed comb going forward.
"Just flying through the grey, infinite goop" 😂
Really love these podcasts. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. May only positivity be with you.
A lot of this resonates well with me. Truly, thank you for being able to look back at all this through fresh lenses. Gives me hope for the future
Great! One more..... I'll start listening right now :)
First townsend album i bought. Ordered it at a trax store, took 3 months lol.
Stayed up all night on local 3 hours of power metal station, came across namaste, recorded it on tape, and down the rabbit hole i went
Ha! Just finished listening to your Infinity podcast now, and was wondering when Physicist would be uploaded. Well lucky me it was uploaded an hour ago :)
Damn dude, this shit hits hard.
Holy cow, you really can tell things in a way that one can empathize with your feelings.
Here's how well you're doing that: the episode on your testicle operation made me feeling physical pain. I'm a girl.
having the motivation, nay, the willpower to "finish what you start" as you say, I see that as a good trait rather than a bad one.
This one made me cry and laugh.
Despite its flaws, or perhaps because of them, this is my favorite of your solo records. It has always struck a deep chord in me, and I'm glad that revisiting it has allowed you to have a new more positive perspective on it as well. I also appreciate your candor regarding your mental health experiences. Love and respect.
Prefab housing, in UK its called 'Affordable Housing' it's basically one level up from Council Housing which are tenant blocks.
Thrown up with minimal cost, very quickly constructed and paper thin walls. Everyone lives on top of each other essentially and funnily enough, only the show house at the entrance is build with care and attention.
Local councils and municipalities throw this garbage up to meet quotas for new houses and the rising population.
1:24:07 the inner little girl in me is squealing at the complex being one of dev's favorites!!!!
hahaha I had the same happy reaction
Yessir, please keep it up! Love this insight into these records!
One of the most dinamic album what i ever SHOULD remake Jupiter! Sometimes it makes me cry with its awesomeness :)
First Devin album I ever bought. Picked it up because I liked the cover, and enjoyed the album. I had not long before discovered Alien by SYL, but I had no idea who any of the members were. Didn't take too long for me to realise the similarity between the vocals on the two albums, and then a quick Google search later, I knew. Been a fan ever since! SYL @ Download 2006 is still one of the greatest shows I've ever seen.
These are the best! Please keep going!
Maybe the most interesting podcast i have heard.
Thanks Dev. Love you
A Roland VS1680? Only know it from using it to demo songs for the next record in 2001? Maybe?
for some reason i've always have and will be waiting for the day he'll be invited onto the rogan podcast
but, these are way better than that would be
it really is amazing how much this humanizes dev's epic music. i don't like being a fan of things, but i have been a fan of the music and these podcasts really evolve that fanship into an understanding and through that understanding it feels like i can in a way "'move on" from the almost otherworldy mystic of the music-if that makes sense. so cool!
not saying i cOmpletely understand, that would be stupid HOH, , more like puzzle pieces coming together
Thanks yet again! Have a good weekend everyone, and dev I think you are way too harsh on yourself for both honest mistakes you’ve made or things you have had no choice over! Seems like you are a very honest person to bare all to us like this and you are genuinely interested in doing what is right, if only everyone had that sort of attitude!
Reminds me of when I had my mental breakdown in freshman year in high school, my mind was racing and all I could do was think about figuring the square roots of everything, square root of 1 is 1, square root of 2 is root 2, etc.
Good to see you made the journey my friend. Love and light...
Hey Dev, why are all episodes about 1:45 mins long ?
Damo Revo He’s a genius, it wasn’t hard for him to calculate it that way
I discovered you with Physicist 20 years ago and I loved this album, despite (or maybe because) of its strange mixing, but hearing it was partly influenced by the sound of Digimortal makes total sense now. Fantastic album nonetheless
Thank You for this podcast. Stay safe and Happy Easter to everyone.
Brother your vocals on the live e m g kingdom version are absolutely’s a beautiful thing,and to be honest I have gotten more therapy out of listening to your journey in 4 podcasts then 20 years of shrinks and counselers......thanks eh?
Keep doing you Dev! I would love if you continue this pawdcast thing
This is the album Devin's fanboi army dislikes/underrates just because Townsend himself had criticized it so often. What they don't understand is three things:
1. Who cares what a creator thinks of his creation. It's about what YOU like.
2. He is criticizing the PRODUCTION, not the music.
3. Physicist is one of his best 5 albums. It is awesome. It is sublime.
4. He pretty much admits in the podcast that it's the mismanagement of Kingdom that annoys him most about the album: vocals and lyrics.
5. He actually likes most of the material here, no less than many other albums.
Awesome stuff, thank you Devin for making these!
After reading all these comments, I noticed how many people said they like the original version of Kingdom more than the redone one on Epicloud. I’m in agreement but no one mentioned the reason being the high pitched voice at the very beginning going “ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow”, that’s always been my favorite part of the song. It’s just so unexpected and catchy.
In Nepal everybody salutes with 'namaste'. Country folk only say 'ste!' It's a replacement for 'hello' and if I remember correctly it means 'may god be with you'. But how mystical the Indian subcontinent is, it's very plausible it means different things in different contexts.
Enjoying the podcasts so far, keep them coming.