  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • In 1912 the Homerule crisis was coming to a head. In Ulster the Loyalist people were mobilising to defend their place firmly within the United Kingdom. Ably led by Lord Edward Carson a volunteer citizen army was formed. The Protestants of the small province flocked to the cause smuggling in rifles at Larne and Donaghadee aboard the ship the Clyde Valley. The ship dubbed the Mountjoy 2 recalling the exploits of their forebears carried guns supplied by German Jewish emigret to Ulster Benny Spiro whoes brother Bruno supplied Major Fred Crawford with 216 tons of weapons to supply the Ulster Volunteer Force as it had become known. Unfortunately Bruno was to fall foul of another tyrant during WWII perishing in Hitlers death camps.The Spiros had escaped from Tsarist pogroms to set up linen mills in Belfast. The Citizen army became the most highly trained and efficent force in the land and proved it's mettle four years onwards on the 1st July 1916 on the bloodiest day in the history of the British Army on the Somme. 5500 Ulsters sons fell that day never to be forgotton nor the cause for which they fell. Thir battlecry was
    and it's echo will never fade!