"First we have to kill the capture target - I mean, capture, the capture target. We wouldn't do anything to hurt him, obviously" - Proceeds to melt him to death with radiation and poison, and dissolve his body while he screams in agony
I'd like to add if your build is strong enough, you can do the mission on steel path and while you wait for the Granum Crown carrier and the sister candidate to spawn, the acolyte can also spawn. That way you're grinding sisters and steel essence / arcanes at the same time.
I also recommend using Protea for clearing the void, She's a heat progenitor and with dispensary and turret spam you can do it in about 30s. When I was using a Toxin progenitor, just doing xoris heavy attack spam i would finish the void in about 1:20-30.
You can only get the guns through liches. The Tenet melee only come from a vendor. I stupidly assumed all the weapons came from the liches just like grinner versions and wasted a bunch of time trying to spawn one. Fair warning
@@deleteduser3455 Just got my first lich. After that you need to open requin relics get these things. After that you got to either try and see what the right one is or mercy kill the lich (attempt) to see if your right if it's wrong you got to go get the right one. More relics yay
Quick Note: when you do your regular stuff to kill your Corpus Lich, once you get all 3 Requiem sorted out and defeat your Corpus Lich, you don't get the good stuff just yet. Instead you need to go back to your Orbitor, get on Railjack then Confront your Corpus Lich on their Capital Ship. Not sure how it is like on Grineer side of things now, but it sure is not the same as them. I nearly opened a ticket thinking it was a bug lol
The new tenet weps are actually getting me back into this grind after 8 months of taking off. Im liking this gun buff to try out builds ive never had before. It is a bittersweet change of pace that I support.
The Lich/sister system being the only way to get kuva or tenet weapons is highly dumb tho because it’s a very annoying system aspecially for tenet weapons because granum void is way too difficult I’m MR 15 and I can’t even get close to enough kills
As DE is knows for retarded game design. no one is going for a 8% drop chance on a minimum of 20 min that rounds up at 80 min playing for 1 chance, just for a weapon that you dont need for legendary 1 unless youre utterly bored or you WANT to litterly waste you time, why is this weapon/parts not tradable reason is simple, they want to up playtime in railjack from the player base, but most will just farm 120 holo tokens and will leave this weapon alone until its tradable ot forever forgotten.
I actually kinda struggled with this, I assume you're recommending using his 4 but I found all the specters were too high up for it to hit or if I got on top of a pillar, too low to the ground
@@Sarberos909 I'm not sure, maybe you need more range? I usually stand on something but I just use the 4 until things are dead then I just go to the next group of enemies.
Liches is pretty much the only content i have left in this game and it keeps me from even starting the game... I never hated a system so much in my life.
I'm really curious about what you have to say about the sisters' damage reduction. I don't know how or why DE decided to fuck this up, but goddamn, my fully modded Arquebex was dealing double digit damage at a point, barely triple digit. On a sidenote, if you guys don't want to convert the sisters, then focus on getting the murmurs without trying to parazon them and levelign them up. This will make the final fight much quicker.
Yeah when you bring a fully boosted chroma swinging a 12x gaundao prime at them and your doing maybe 100 then you know they fucked it up. Like DE this is the guy that i bring to kill giant sentient robots the fuck else you want me to do against these ladies lol
Yeah it’s way too obnoxious of a system to get them even with the new Lich system they have dealing with a toxin kuva tonkor Lich that can instant kill me with one grenade or cursed ground which covers the whole tile set I wasdone with liches forever until DE nerfs liches because they are op tho I could get a sister cuz step sister it isn’t worth it for her weapons though because simply put it’s too much work for it to be worth anything regardless of how good the weapons are just like how the old Lich system wasn’t worth it but multiplied by how hard it is to get a sister to begin with
Thought about giving this a try after I did a big fat "no" when I experienced the wave rider quest but all this for a lich I don't want even before its creation? Lol, nah.
@@drdread0 the lich has a 20% chance of having an ephemera, but you can only tell once the lich is active. Every progenitor element has it's own ephemera, you can see which one gives which on the wiki.
@@blitzfyre669 magnetic is useful now because it's another proc for the condition overload mods that doesn't combine when you add heat. With magnetic, viral and heat you're adding 3 status procs to whatever the base gun has. You can choose between magnetic and rad, but if the gun has innate radiation (like the nukor), you're not getting an extra status. As a plus, magnetic is pretty useful against the corpus liches.
I feel like you should've just actually completed it using only the Xoris/weapons instead of just mentioning it as a footnote, since the whole point is that you can't rely on a specific Warframe if you want to be able to get a specific element. I think that would fit the purpose of a guide a bit better.
But he specifically said that you only need rank 1, if you can't get at least rank 1 using any warframe WITHOUT xoris then you probably shouldn't be focusing on liches...
@@vgamesx1 Well then what's even the point of a guide if "you're supposed to be able to do it or you shouldn't even watch this"? I'm not saying it's hard, I just think the approach of using a specific Warframe to show this off in the easiest way takes away from the point of a guide supposed to help as many people as possible. It's minor and the rest of the content of the guide is perfectly fine, but I think it would be better to show the most general way to complete a task easily, not the most efficient one that only gets you Magnetic.
I agree. The min maxing can really start to suck the fun out of this game. I'm mr 19~ have over 1000 hrs in, and I can't enjoy public missions in any way. It's a sprint to the finish line and erything is already dead all you can do is bullet jump the whole map grabbing resources while 3 people wait for you
@@bradleymanuel4586 well, after tennogen skin's are added to the game, they are not removed. I'm playing on PC, so all tennogen skin's are still there. I don't know how this loock's like on the consol
Thank you this helped a lot, as of 25JAN24 I am barely obtaining a set of tenet diploma using mag. I am curious to see how many status I can toss on these
1. Against the corpus liches magnetic damage comes in very handy. 2. For regular content the additional status helps when using the condition overload mods.
I'm eagerly waiting on your tactic on defeating the sisters. I mean, the process itself is simple, more interested in if there are ways to kill them fast, despite them having absurd DR system
after many missions of the sister not spawning the all chat told me if you have an active lich, she will not spawn, to find out if you have one active press esc, if in the left bottom right there is a red or blue box, you have an active lich ...
The wildest way to do this is use protea and run to an edge of the map, throw down a max duration turret or two, and beat tier 3 in maybe 15 seconds haha. Also octavia is busted as always although i think she is an impact progenitor so
I was trying to use Mesa to start my lich but I’ve been encountering the problem of never having enough energy or survivability to get the 25 kills before the time runs out
Do I need to reach rank 3 in the granum void or is rank 1 enough? I have run these missions about 10 times by now and never had a candidate spawn after waiting around for roughly 5 minutes
Still haven't gotten a sister to spawn and I've gotten the 75 kills required over 10 times. Is there any like quest pre reqs or something stupid? Because I have access to the granum void but nothing is spawning.
I’ve done three granum runs on hydra got the 75 kills and did it before killing my capture tartlet and have gotten no spawn what am I doing wrong please
Magnetic weapons are better? I'm sorry I am kinda new and havent played for 3 years so I am out of the loop. I learned that Gas was nerfed and rn Toxin(Viral and Corrosive) are the go-to types??
Something I've found if you want a toxin progenitor and don't have your xoris anymore cause you're an idiot (couldn't be me), use saryn's 2 ability and your archgun and you should be able to hit around 30 in 1:05
Hey um, i have done this for about 2 hours now and the lich hasnt spawned at all within those 2 hours, do you know if there's anything wrong with the spawn?
This just isnt working for me, is the guide out of date? Done it 3 times now doing 25+, 50+, and 75+ kills in the granum void respectively with the zenith crown as shown and none of the 3 attempts gave me the spawn to get a sister
Im finally trying to get my 1st sis lich, and im gettin my 25 kills in the the hand place...but it hasn't spawned yet...does the chances of them spawning depend on the rank u get in the hand place? And if you completed the mission when the lich didn't spawn do u have to do the hand process again or can i jus go into the mission again and wait for them to spawn?
It's not that hard to solo... it's actually better since you only need 25 Specter kills. For each squad member, you need 25 per person and I've failed that when the squad didn't get enough kills.
@@samvalois1678 I had a Kuva litch active and didn't realize you couldn't have both at the same time. Felt pretty dumb when I figured it out, but I don't think that was explained anywhere. Hope that's all it is for you!
@@austinwelch1132 I'm having the issue without a lich active. Very irritating going through this process several times and not even getting one spawn knowing Im gonna have to get a bunch to spawn to eventually see the arca plasmor im looking for
Hey brozime, have you checked out the Garuda gloom combo? It’s actually perfect for garuda as it fixes the survivability problem of her completely, with the insane slow and lifesteal on hit which works with her 4, and you can always keep gloom up because of her 3. I think this is better than breach surge on her.
You have to do a specific chore for the Sisters, but you can be done with a Lich/Sister 4x as fast now. Really no reason to complain. I got 4 liches in a single mission multiple times, which basically clears up a murmur and a half of cleareance
i just came back to warframe realized they made the corpus litchs finally then bam they nerfed the shitty ass grind to know their weakness i feel like i am in a dream
Doing the Granum void adds so much extra time to rolling for the weapons you need. It's already unreasonable with the existing kuva liches, when you can spend upwards of an hour repeating capture runs on Saturn just to try to get the single Kuva Weapon that you're still after. Adding yet more time to the same bullshit RNG is not adding anything of value and not respecting my time. Rather than rush out this ludicrous grind, I wish DE instead fixed the core design problems that update 29.10's and 30's reward tables still have. It doesn't seem like the updates we've gotten these last 4-5 months have actually added anything worthwhile to the game. They've just been updates for the sake of updates. It doesn't seem like DE knows or is capable of doing what they want to do with Warframe. This translates into an incredibly unenjoyable experience in-game. I hope this changes, but it doesn't seem like DE is actually going to do anything about the problems the existing game has. Rather, the game is just stagnating in its years old state. And frankly it's starting to smell.
Wish there was a way you could tell which lich has ephmeras or not I'm on my 7 largo sister got the arcade plasmid 3 times in a row good weapon drops only got radiation so far..
Done this mission 4 times now and done the hand thing 4 times, even tryed on survival 2 times, one time 25min and done the hand and then 35min and done the hand, no lich spawn....... DE needs to get this fixed ASAP! Tirred of doing thise lame missions over and over again without any lich/sister spawning.
How do you damage the spectors in the void? No matter what Warframe I take, or what weapons I use, they are immune to damage. Arc guns don’t work, my lich can’t damage them, nothing effects at all. They also seem to be capable of killing Valkyr when she is in Hysteria mode.
Try for Radiation since you can get 4 status types on there with the proper build (Radiation/Viral etc.), plus Rad procs make the enemies shoot each other and not you, not to mention Condition Overload. Magnetic can also get you 4 statuses I believe, but it's a matter of choice really unless you are having trouble taking down the Sister.
Something like the arca plasmor, it comes with radiation so with magnetic as the progenitor you can also mod for viral and heat and have 4 status types at once which not many weapons can do
While the Xoris’ Spectral Boom is a feature that is useful in the Granum Void, you don’t necessarily need it. You do, however, need to complete the Deadlock Protocol to access the Pimp Hand of Parvos.
I collected the weapon once and now I can’t do it again ….everytime after I killed 25 in the portal , I come back and kill it and then she doesn’t give me a weapon … when does it restart ?
Thats because they nerfed multiple frames in the void if you do a certain damage rapidly they get damage reduction. I cant even kill the ghots past 6 in steel path with mesa but at realease i could kill 75 easily.
"First we have to kill the capture target - I mean, capture, the capture target. We wouldn't do anything to hurt him, obviously"
- Proceeds to melt him to death with radiation and poison, and dissolve his body while he screams in agony
I wouldn’t turn on the gas and throw a lot match in the oven if my friend Rocky was in there, would I?
Dont you mean melts him to happiness with Love and Friendship, than disassemble his negative energies while he yells with joy
I'd like to add if your build is strong enough, you can do the mission on steel path and while you wait for the Granum Crown carrier and the sister candidate to spawn, the acolyte can also spawn. That way you're grinding sisters and steel essence / arcanes at the same time.
You must be really strong
Are you a god?
@@RellyYu yea he’s gotta be a god
@@RellyYu l
Acolyte and Sister spawn at the same time: We'll get him this time.
I also recommend using Protea for clearing the void, She's a heat progenitor and with dispensary and turret spam you can do it in about 30s. When I was using a Toxin progenitor, just doing xoris heavy attack spam i would finish the void in about 1:20-30.
Octavia also works perfectly if you need a Radiation progenitor, just placing 1 - 3 - 4 will end the void in about 40-50s.
@@candy-ass4915 how to do for toxin progenitor without xoris? i sell my xoris xD
@@rizezaki u can get it from simaris
@@rizezaki Hope you got it back
@@rizezakiyeah you’re gonna need to grind out Cephalon Simaris standing to buy the parts back and make it again
You can only get the guns through liches. The Tenet melee only come from a vendor.
I stupidly assumed all the weapons came from the liches just like grinner versions and wasted a bunch of time trying to spawn one. Fair warning
What vendor?
@@Leach-ez7dq Ergo Glast on any relay at the perrin sequence room
helpfulness tip thanks
God damn this process is longer than expected
It’s awful I can’t beat granum void
@@deleteduser3455throw xoris, heavy attack while its in air and it explodes
Just got my first lich. After that you need to open requin relics get these things. After that you got to either try and see what the right one is or mercy kill the lich (attempt) to see if your right if it's wrong you got to go get the right one.
More relics yay
Quick Note: when you do your regular stuff to kill your Corpus Lich, once you get all 3 Requiem sorted out and defeat your Corpus Lich, you don't get the good stuff just yet. Instead you need to go back to your Orbitor, get on Railjack then Confront your Corpus Lich on their Capital Ship. Not sure how it is like on Grineer side of things now, but it sure is not the same as them. I nearly opened a ticket thinking it was a bug lol
For Grineer is the same, just in Saturn Proxina instead of the other planet.
Mesa, Octavia, and Baruuk can do it with abilities alone
I’ve made Saryn work using Spores, Toxic Lash, and the Cortège Archgun
Super helpful and I like the format, not much empty talk big thumbs up for you!
This is a great video. Answered all of my questions in a quick precise manner. Thank you
Vermisplicer primary is an excellent weapon for taking out those specters as it chains between them.
The new tenet weps are actually getting me back into this grind after 8 months of taking off. Im liking this gun buff to try out builds ive never had before. It is a bittersweet change of pace that I support.
The Lich/sister system being the only way to get kuva or tenet weapons is highly dumb tho because it’s a very annoying system aspecially for tenet weapons because granum void is way too difficult I’m MR 15 and I can’t even get close to enough kills
@@deleteduser3455 dif you build the xoris? It can be a pain to learn, but it's quite good.
Will there be a video on the "Ambassador"-Rifle? The new non-lich rifle, and of course the grind to get it?
As DE is knows for retarded game design. no one is going for a 8% drop chance on a minimum of 20 min that rounds up at 80 min playing for 1 chance, just for a weapon that you dont need for legendary 1 unless youre utterly bored or you WANT to litterly waste you time, why is this weapon/parts not tradable reason is simple, they want to up playtime in railjack from the player base, but most will just farm 120 holo tokens and will leave this weapon alone until its tradable ot forever forgotten.
You can use Revenant ridiculously easy also. Using him for Cold so he can start the viral combo.
I actually kinda struggled with this, I assume you're recommending using his 4 but I found all the specters were too high up for it to hit or if I got on top of a pillar, too low to the ground
@@Sarberos909 I'm not sure, maybe you need more range? I usually stand on something but I just use the 4 until things are dead then I just go to the next group of enemies.
Mesa is Zime's hammer and every problem a nail.
Back to Back with the BroZ vids
Liches is pretty much the only content i have left in this game and it keeps me from even starting the game... I never hated a system so much in my life.
Thank you so much 😭😭 I got my first sister with this guide!!
Brozime are you excited to be MR1 again? (very soon?)
I mean it is extremely underwhelming after years of playing
@@sarlight9626 The legendary core woulda alot more useful way before LR1.
Yeah, I was confused earlier after seeing my first legendary 1
@@fadingspace7103 yeah, but it'll be convenient for a galvanized mod at least
Wait are we getting reset?
I've done everything and still haven't spawned a sister. Is there a bug fix or anything else I should do?
Same, i have no lich active and did exactly what i need to, but i just don't get them.
you need to finish call of the tempestarii
You got a part 2? What to do next? Would be cool to link it in the description
1-2 forma xoris heavy attack build and spam the detonate button. super easy 1:05-1:30 average time
thank u looked at your post use the xoris it murdered everyone!
Awesome info just what i needed :D👌
I'm really curious about what you have to say about the sisters' damage reduction. I don't know how or why DE decided to fuck this up, but goddamn, my fully modded Arquebex was dealing double digit damage at a point, barely triple digit. On a sidenote, if you guys don't want to convert the sisters, then focus on getting the murmurs without trying to parazon them and levelign them up. This will make the final fight much quicker.
Yeah when you bring a fully boosted chroma swinging a 12x gaundao prime at them and your doing maybe 100 then you know they fucked it up. Like DE this is the guy that i bring to kill giant sentient robots the fuck else you want me to do against these ladies lol
DE knows that they'll get more backlash blanket nerfing weapons directly than doing it under the hood for every new enemy.
Just need banshee apparently, brozime has been pretty much one shooting his sisters
Yeah it’s way too obnoxious of a system to get them even with the new Lich system they have dealing with a toxin kuva tonkor Lich that can instant kill me with one grenade or cursed ground which covers the whole tile set I wasdone with liches forever until DE nerfs liches because they are op tho I could get a sister cuz step sister it isn’t worth it for her weapons though because simply put it’s too much work for it to be worth anything regardless of how good the weapons are just like how the old Lich system wasn’t worth it but multiplied by how hard it is to get a sister to begin with
Players foolishly ask for difficulty which is idiotic
Thought about giving this a try after I did a big fat "no" when I experienced the wave rider quest but all this for a lich I don't want even before its creation? Lol, nah.
Was supwr easy to me. Just need time and patience
Cheers my dude, actually helpful 😁👌
I’ve been screwed out of all of my zenith coins, got 25 kills and everything. No Lich, no coin carrier. Fun times.
Same here did you figure out why
@@tobymacintyre7861 probably it's because you guys haven't done the call of the tempestarii quest yet
What’s a good way to get zenith coins in the first place?
Why do you like magnetic? I've heard nothing but bad things except in the instance of actually using it to kill the Hounds. Would like ur thoughts
how to do know what ephemera they are carrying
@@drdread0 you don't until you actually get the Sister/Lich
@@drdread0 the lich has a 20% chance of having an ephemera, but you can only tell once the lich is active. Every progenitor element has it's own ephemera, you can see which one gives which on the wiki.
@@blitzfyre669 magnetic is useful now because it's another proc for the condition overload mods that doesn't combine when you add heat. With magnetic, viral and heat you're adding 3 status procs to whatever the base gun has. You can choose between magnetic and rad, but if the gun has innate radiation (like the nukor), you're not getting an extra status. As a plus, magnetic is pretty useful against the corpus liches.
1:35 you are welcome
My potential sister despawned before I even got the chance to check the weapon on a wiki or smth, put me off entirely
I feel like you should've just actually completed it using only the Xoris/weapons instead of just mentioning it as a footnote, since the whole point is that you can't rely on a specific Warframe if you want to be able to get a specific element. I think that would fit the purpose of a guide a bit better.
But he specifically said that you only need rank 1, if you can't get at least rank 1 using any warframe WITHOUT xoris then you probably shouldn't be focusing on liches...
@@vgamesx1 Well then what's even the point of a guide if "you're supposed to be able to do it or you shouldn't even watch this"? I'm not saying it's hard, I just think the approach of using a specific Warframe to show this off in the easiest way takes away from the point of a guide supposed to help as many people as possible.
It's minor and the rest of the content of the guide is perfectly fine, but I think it would be better to show the most general way to complete a task easily, not the most efficient one that only gets you Magnetic.
I agree. The min maxing can really start to suck the fun out of this game. I'm mr 19~ have over 1000 hrs in, and I can't enjoy public missions in any way. It's a sprint to the finish line and erything is already dead all you can do is bullet jump the whole map grabbing resources while 3 people wait for you
i love the look of your Mesa
do u know how to get that skin? or was it a limited time kind of thing?
@@bradleymanuel4586 it's a tennogen skin, and it's still there. I just like the color combo of your Mesa
@@reyvenpl3525 i was looking but i dont see it anywhere. is it a pc skin or something?
@@bradleymanuel4586 well, after tennogen skin's are added to the game, they are not removed. I'm playing on PC, so all tennogen skin's are still there. I don't know how this loock's like on the consol
@@reyvenpl3525 i dont see that skin on xbox
Thank you this helped a lot, as of 25JAN24 I am barely obtaining a set of tenet diploma using mag. I am curious to see how many status I can toss on these
don't know about you but they didn't change kuva liches- they are still slower to do compare Sisters
THANK YOU, this is so incredibly helpful, even to someone like me whos an MR15 but was struggling to find a good spawning method
Did I miss something? Why is magnetic a good damage type now?
1. Against the corpus liches magnetic damage comes in very handy.
2. For regular content the additional status helps when using the condition overload mods.
out of curiosity why is the budget build viral but the not budget build is corrosive?
I'm eagerly waiting on your tactic on defeating the sisters. I mean, the process itself is simple, more interested in if there are ways to kill them fast, despite them having absurd DR system
Do you have to use the zorus or will any weapon work. I didn't like the weapon so I threw it out
after many missions of the sister not spawning the all chat told me if you have an active lich, she will not spawn, to find out if you have one active press esc, if in the left bottom right there is a red or blue box, you have an active lich ...
I don’t. But sister still doesn’t spawn. I need help I’m losing my shit here.
The wildest way to do this is use protea and run to an edge of the map, throw down a max duration turret or two, and beat tier 3 in maybe 15 seconds haha.
Also octavia is busted as always although i think she is an impact progenitor so
this is my 5th time doing nightmare granum void and finishing it with atleast 25 kills , not even once a candidate spawned.
I thought you needed 75 which is dumb
I did like 15 runs most rank 3, lich didnt spawn.
@@weizenbrot6847 Any idea how to fix this? It's really annoying
God i have no clue how you got it, i have tried around 5 times, and gotten 0 sisters, despite literally walking to the end and not even sprinting.
Its so broken it spawn sometimes but i don want the weapon they give
I noticed that if the hand you use is less than 300m away from extraction the sister doesn't spawn
@@Ashe_-gn8lw i thought that was it, then i did one over 1000. Def not that
Watching this after being stuck on a kuva lich for a year, I usually kill them within 3 weeks but I stopped playing and now I don’t know anything new
I was trying to use Mesa to start my lich but I’ve been encountering the problem of never having enough energy or survivability to get the 25 kills before the time runs out
Do I need to reach rank 3 in the granum void or is rank 1 enough?
I have run these missions about 10 times by now and never had a candidate spawn after waiting around for roughly 5 minutes
Still haven't gotten a sister to spawn and I've gotten the 75 kills required over 10 times. Is there any like quest pre reqs or something stupid? Because I have access to the granum void but nothing is spawning.
Must beat call of the tempestarii
I’ve done three granum runs on hydra got the 75 kills and did it before killing my capture tartlet and have gotten no spawn what am I doing wrong please
Are you using the Zenith coin?
I rlly wanna know if you can activate a Corpus Lich if you have a Kuva Lich Active?
Magnetic weapons are better?
I'm sorry I am kinda new and havent played for 3 years so I am out of the loop.
I learned that Gas was nerfed and rn Toxin(Viral and Corrosive) are the go-to types??
Probably a dumb question… If you have a kuva lich already, can you still get it?
Something I've found if you want a toxin progenitor and don't have your xoris anymore cause you're an idiot (couldn't be me), use saryn's 2 ability and your archgun and you should be able to hit around 30 in 1:05
Hey um, i have done this for about 2 hours now and the lich hasnt spawned at all within those 2 hours, do you know if there's anything wrong with the spawn?
same… help
Sweet thanks for the help
I know old video,but sometimes when you do all this sister still doesn't spawn
This just isnt working for me, is the guide out of date? Done it 3 times now doing 25+, 50+, and 75+ kills in the granum void respectively with the zenith crown as shown and none of the 3 attempts gave me the spawn to get a sister
Do i really need that throwing ring? I had it once and sold it.
Im finally trying to get my 1st sis lich, and im gettin my 25 kills in the the hand place...but it hasn't spawned yet...does the chances of them spawning depend on the rank u get in the hand place? And if you completed the mission when the lich didn't spawn do u have to do the hand process again or can i jus go into the mission again and wait for them to spawn?
is the lich a guarantee spawn when doing the 25 because mine hasn't spawned
If You See This This May Anwser Questions What If You Already Have A Lich?
Man idk what I’m doing wrong but I’ve been trying hours and a life hasn’t spawned
Update I figured out that you have to do the savogoth quest to even get them to spawn
Excuse me sir. How are you moving while using Mesa’s peace maker?
Something waltz
Do you have to reach 25 specter kills in order to spawn your corpus lich?
So are the ephemeras the sisters have random and not dependent on element like kuva liches? They don't seem very elemental from what I've seen
I do every step correctly yet the sister still doesn’t spawn
What is your Mesa build? I've never used mesa but after seeing this.. I want
He showed it bruh
If this is done with a squad, can everyone pick up the weapon, or only one person?
Only the person who has the lich gets the weapon, but you can farm the murmurs needed to kill a lich with a party
Only one larvae spawns, and only one person can get a lich per mission
Ok, I was hoping they changed that. Maybe with the "Infested liches" update, lol
It's not that hard to solo... it's actually better since you only need 25 Specter kills. For each squad member, you need 25 per person and I've failed that when the squad didn't get enough kills.
@@Safetyman99 Yeah, that really shouldn't scale linearly, just because I can manage that amount solo doesn't mean everyone else is on equal footing.
At least I know I'm not doing it wrong. I've been pretty unlucky the last 10 tries with no sister spawns, thought maybe I missed something lol.
same.. found a fix yet?
@@samvalois1678 I had a Kuva litch active and didn't realize you couldn't have both at the same time. Felt pretty dumb when I figured it out, but I don't think that was explained anywhere. Hope that's all it is for you!
@@austinwelch1132 I'm having the issue without a lich active. Very irritating going through this process several times and not even getting one spawn knowing Im gonna have to get a bunch to spawn to eventually see the arca plasmor im looking for
Hey brozime, have you checked out the Garuda gloom combo? It’s actually perfect for garuda as it fixes the survivability problem of her completely, with the insane slow and lifesteal on hit which works with her 4, and you can always keep gloom up because of her 3. I think this is better than breach surge on her.
Gloom banshee
if your going after the weapons this is a good set up. For ehemeras nope
Do you have to use the Xoris?
what skin and colors are those. Those are sick
They made lichs more grindy.. DE really don't learn do they..
@Marc Michaud Looked more grindy from the video.. Ill check it out i guess
@Marc Michaud Nice. Thanks for info bud. Ill go check it out today. Made me interested now :)
You have to do a specific chore for the Sisters, but you can be done with a Lich/Sister 4x as fast now. Really no reason to complain. I got 4 liches in a single mission multiple times, which basically clears up a murmur and a half of cleareance
i just came back to warframe realized they made the corpus litchs finally then bam they nerfed the shitty ass grind to know their weakness i feel like i am in a dream
is the Xoris Required to even be able to get them to spawn?
Can you get her to become a lich, even if you have one ?
I haven’t played in a while, is magnetic a good status effect now?
Good vs corpus
Also is another status effect to scale the dmg of the new condition overload mods for guns
Doing the Granum void adds so much extra time to rolling for the weapons you need. It's already unreasonable with the existing kuva liches, when you can spend upwards of an hour repeating capture runs on Saturn just to try to get the single Kuva Weapon that you're still after. Adding yet more time to the same bullshit RNG is not adding anything of value and not respecting my time. Rather than rush out this ludicrous grind, I wish DE instead fixed the core design problems that update 29.10's and 30's reward tables still have. It doesn't seem like the updates we've gotten these last 4-5 months have actually added anything worthwhile to the game. They've just been updates for the sake of updates.
It doesn't seem like DE knows or is capable of doing what they want to do with Warframe. This translates into an incredibly unenjoyable experience in-game.
I hope this changes, but it doesn't seem like DE is actually going to do anything about the problems the existing game has. Rather, the game is just stagnating in its years old state. And frankly it's starting to smell.
Wish there was a way you could tell which lich has ephmeras or not I'm on my 7 largo sister got the arcade plasmid 3 times in a row good weapon drops only got radiation so far..
Done this mission 4 times now and done the hand thing 4 times, even tryed on survival 2 times, one time 25min and done the hand and then 35min and done the hand, no lich spawn....... DE needs to get this fixed ASAP! Tirred of doing thise lame missions over and over again without any lich/sister spawning.
For some reason I have difficulty seeing the triangles that extend time. Any Idea?
How do you damage the spectors in the void? No matter what Warframe I take, or what weapons I use, they are immune to damage. Arc guns don’t work, my lich can’t damage them, nothing effects at all. They also seem to be capable of killing Valkyr when she is in Hysteria mode.
Why is magnetic a good element for Tenet weapons? I was under the impression that magnetic was a useless damage/status type.
Try for Radiation since you can get 4 status types on there with the proper build (Radiation/Viral etc.), plus Rad procs make the enemies shoot each other and not you, not to mention Condition Overload. Magnetic can also get you 4 statuses I believe, but it's a matter of choice really unless you are having trouble taking down the Sister.
Something like the arca plasmor, it comes with radiation so with magnetic as the progenitor you can also mod for viral and heat and have 4 status types at once which not many weapons can do
Is there a way to know if the larva is gonna give an ephemera?
Is the Xoris necessary or do you just have to do the quest that gives it?
While the Xoris’ Spectral Boom is a feature that is useful in the Granum Void, you don’t necessarily need it. You do, however, need to complete the Deadlock Protocol to access the Pimp Hand of Parvos.
my coin guy spawns first and i havent got the sister after 4 runs
Must beat call of the tempestarii
Did that change it or something? Y r my enemies level 90 instantly in normal star chart?
I can't get them to spawn. I've done the golden hand run about 15 times and still nothing!
Any luck same thing is happening to me
@@immasqueeze7626 It doesn't seem to matter which frame I use or which weapon I'm using, I never get 25 kills in 1 minute!
@@jamming8519 Are you using the Zenith coin?
@@Joey-gy5vj I can't get enough enemies to spawn to get 25 kills!
If it’s the weapon you don’t want leave the mission and do you have to get the 25 kill again or just start the mission again
So if You get a sister that doesn’t have an Epherma what do I do?, do I just need to kill the lich or can I get rid of it somehow and start over
I collected the weapon once and now I can’t do it again ….everytime after I killed 25 in the portal , I come back and kill it and then she doesn’t give me a weapon … when does it restart ?
So actually you can use mirage too as she obliterates the enemies
Can u still get the lich if u have a kuva one active or kill the kuva one first ?
1 loch at a time
Spawned in my first sister and then as I got to her she decided to just despawn lol
So you dont have to get all 75 kills. You can just get 25 and you're good right? Or do I have this confused?
how do you change the colours of your buffs?
Options, interface, HUD, customize colors
@@kirzu2280 cheers
Do you have to defeat you kuva lich to get the sister
Yes, you can only have one or the other at a time.
Does it work with the Orvious too?
All we need now is infested liches and senitent liches
Can i have a kuva and corpus lich active at the same time?
Dumbfuck me tried to do that. And to think ive had the kuva one dor months
Do you have to use xoris just I deleted it after getting it to lvl30
I have so much trouble with the granum void.
Thats because they nerfed multiple frames in the void if you do a certain damage rapidly they get damage reduction. I cant even kill the ghots past 6 in steel path with mesa but at realease i could kill 75 easily.