5:45 Tasha scolding Jesse again hahaha it's my fave part in her vlogs tbh 😂 AND CAN I JUST SAY THAT TASHA'S MAKE UP IS SOOOO ON POINT! 😍 make up tutorial please~ 😘 love it!
I love that in every vlog Natasha tells Jesse to "stop it" ahahhaa. I wish someday to be there but at least I have FIL Guadalajara here in México. I hope someday you get to come guys!
Natasha!!! please do a hair and makeup tutorial on this look if you can please! you look amazing! You are such an inspiration for me personally (a girl who is on the larger side) you thought me how to be confident irrespective of my size! Thank you!
Hey Natasha! I know you are a super busy person, but if you ever have the time, would you consider doing a make-up tutorial video on your eyes? They're always gorgeous and on fleek!
Sasha and her bread at 5:56 LOLOL
Omg I was thinking exactly the same hahah!
+Britt Reads I'm pretty sure she's saying it the correct way. I try to, but it just doesn't come out right. :/ lol
5:45 Tasha scolding Jesse again hahaha it's my fave part in her vlogs tbh 😂 AND CAN I JUST SAY THAT TASHA'S MAKE UP IS SOOOO ON POINT! 😍 make up tutorial please~ 😘 love it!
It's like 1 am and I'm binge watching these with the biggest smile on my face I can't wait to go to BEA in the future omfg
Zoe seems so lovey💕
Christines hair in this video is amazing!
Why am I not surprised cheesecake made an appearance!
I love that in every vlog Natasha tells Jesse to "stop it" ahahhaa. I wish someday to be there but at least I have FIL Guadalajara here in México. I hope someday you get to come guys!
Zoe is so funny! Ahh I love her
Ohmygosh, that Cheesecake factory though! I ended up going there a couple days later, and I was like, "Am I in Alice in Wonderland right now?"
Your vlogs are my favourite!!
You're so gorgeous, Tasha! I've been living for all these BEA vlogs
Natasha!!! please do a hair and makeup tutorial on this look if you can please! you look amazing! You are such an inspiration for me personally (a girl who is on the larger side) you thought me how to be confident irrespective of my size! Thank you!
YESS! I love her hair and makeup
I find it funny that when Jessie wants to bother Natasha he'll say Pierce Brown!
Xiomy'sBookTales jesse*
Loved being able to finally see and talk to you in person😘😘
These vlogs are the best of the best!
aaaaah, jesse is the cutest!
Now everybody wonders what you said to Sabaa about your eyeliner 😅
That Chicago hoodie looks really comfy!
These vlogs are so much fun, I love them!
These vlogs are so fun!😊
Tasha, you're uber beautiful
I'm finally catching up on all the vlogs!!! I'm so glad you guys had a great time!
I love how Jesse just says pierce brown randomly. lol!
OMG you, Christine, and Jacqueline have the best hair on booktube #hairgoals #hairenvy
I miss the Cheesecake Factory, we don't have any in Australia :(
I loved this, as usual. :) Can't wait for the next vlog...assuming there is one.
You're so pretty Natasha!!
I met Leigh Bardugo once in Boston and she was so nice and signed a bunch of my books
You all make me want to be young and fun and carefree once again.
Your make up is always so gorgeous!!!
I laughed way too hard at 2:15 XD
Hey Natasha! I know you are a super busy person, but if you ever have the time, would you consider doing a make-up tutorial video on your eyes? They're always gorgeous and on fleek!
I love that no matter where you are, you guys go to the Cheesecake Factory!
GOSH I'm looooving these vloggs :D
I wish I could go to these events and meet all of them in person
It's not a Tashapolis vlog without Cheesecake Factory.
Do we get to see Piersha in the Bookcon vlog(s)?
I just realised that Christine would probably rock shoulder-length hair. But she looks amazing in everything so maybe it's that haha
so good!!
This was so funny!
Natasha you look so gorgeous
OMG i love your dress where did you get it from?
New drinking game: Watch Natasha's vlogs and take a shot every time Jessie mentions Pierce Brown to embarrass Natasha.
I rly wanted to be there (i cry)
Can you get autograph tickets if you have a press badge? And everybody who has a press pass can get interviews? :)
I'm Zoe 6:30
are Kat and Zoe vegan?