Papanomaly is literally evolning, a year ago, he would jsut accept the bullying from anyomaly. Now he is literally hitting him back. Its getting violent o.o
For the next one, you should have a friend setup the list and both you and Papa have to guess the price, testing your own skin price knowledge too, 900iq
I just wanted to say that your videos give me life. Never stop being you. I hope everyone involved in making these awesome videos is doing well. Thank you
For anyone interested, in the intro he was saying: "Hello guys, Anomaly and Papanomaly from Sweden here. And today we have a very special video for you."
Eventually Anomaly and Papanomaly will just be all out, bare knuckle fist fighting and will get the video taken down. I, for one, am excited to see it. I'm betting on the old man winning over the fat one
1 mILON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shutup jk
No birch
papa looks like a real gnome
papanomaly leaked?
@@swedishbloke he has become the gnome boi but how are he do it
Papagnomaly ?
* _G N O M E _ *
Papa, blink twice if you are being held hostage.
Thats why anomaly has a mask
@@siriusdish3549 shut, ur not funny go back to watching leafy’s reuploads
@djrusyaxis 100 sorry I only hold that record
@@distnky what did he say?
Wow what an original joke😑
0:05 subtitles “Hello guys here is anomaly and papa normally auschwitz”
BROOO 💀💀💀💀
Is that u in pfp😲
@@trvecels ye
Fitting, almost on time for hitlers birthday too
Anomalys pronunciation of German words is actually pretty good :O
yes it is :)
@@koenw he's not?
@@koenw man he is russian lol
How stupid can you be he lives in germany
@@koenw He is, he moved to Germany a while back but yes he is Russian as fuck.
Anomaly is finally starting his German embassy!
He's making me happy ;)))
Yo he's good at it. Sound so amazing😂
@@Zebaschtian I think that this intro was finally one that i could understand clearly hahaha
@ERIKツ moin moin meine aktiven freunde
Subtitles at 0:25 : [Music]
Ah yes, hearing Papanomaly beat Anomaly is music to my ears
Therapist: German Anomaly doesn’t exist, he can’t hurt you.
German Anomaly: 0:02
Did he say, Auschwitzen?
@@specs_u no he said from Sweden in german
@@specs_u he said "aus Schweden" which is from Sweden in german
Wie zur hölle kann man den Unterschied nich hören zwischen ausschwitz und aus Schweden nur spaßten die sich wünschen dass er es gesagt hätte
@@crackpulli420 keine Ahnung.
Es steht zwar in den automatischen Untertiteln aber es hört sich trotzdem überhaupt nicht so an
Papa’s hair is slowing transferring from his head to his beard
Anomaly: literally a trade master
Also Anomaly: Sapphire is the most rare doppler pattern
haha came to the comments right after he said that XD
OH NOOOOOO!!! Most people agree that my vids are the worst on UA-cam. I agree to disagree. Please agree to disagree with the haters, dear aner
what's the rarest doppler pattern?
@@lime4 black pearl
@@lime4 Phases are 90% chance, Sapphire and Ruby somewhere less than 10% and Black Pearl less than 1%
Love papanomoly he deserves so serious respect for putting up with anomaly and not beating the shit outta him
Papanomaly is literally evolning, a year ago, he would jsut accept the bullying from anyomaly. Now he is literally hitting him back. Its getting violent o.o
1million sub they 1v1?
bruh why he got satanic shirt tho lol
@@Wab2007 idk but i like it
@@Wab2007 papanomaly joined a cult or he's getting to the edgy phase
mfs getting volatile tonight
I'm very glad that papanoamly finally uses his self-defenses moves against the fatman.
0:25 For a second there papa was about to beat up anomaly, and i felt proud dont know why.
Your german in the intro was really good tbh
Man you guys are the best, i swear! I`m just looking at videos for 3-4 hours with u and ur father, and can't get enough. Thats really nice. Keep up!
''we have rare skins, expensive skins, and foreskin'' 😂😂
Anomaly: cant be funny
Whats going in anomaly's mind: punch papa
i love that papa's starting to fight back
The first 30 seconds basically sums up this entire channel
few years back Anomaly said that he will do this video with Mamanomaly, im still waiting for it
Your not the only one
Tak uvidíme, je mi 16, toho se dožiju
you should make a papa signature grotto with a shitton of expensive stickers on it
You have no idea how painful it is to get your beard pulled like this xD
Hope your team got promoted soon
For the next one, you should have a friend setup the list and both you and Papa have to guess the price, testing your own skin price knowledge too, 900iq
So happy to see papa finally reaching for his dream and becoming amish 💜💕❤
Its always shocking how f*cking good Anomaly can speak german, like if I only watched the intro I'd believe hes a native
0:18 Begin of an Anime battle
0:20 Top 10 Anime hits
0:21 Top 10 Anime contra hits
0:29 Top 10 Anime dying sounds
When Anomaly compares skin prices:
“You can probably get muammar gaddafi’s palace for this price”
I just wanted to say that your videos give me life. Never stop being you. I hope everyone involved in making these awesome videos is doing well. Thank you
Schönes Anfangs Intro alter fühle ich zu 100% kuss geht raus anomaly
He spoke German so good I didn’t even realize that he did it. 😂 Grüße aus Deutschland
Endlich ein deutscher
We always appreciate when Ahmed makes a cameo in Anomaly's videos
Press F to pay respect and RIP Anomaly's vocal cords
That intro was a 🎢
From a nice normal intro to shattering the sound barrier to domestic violence
Robbers nowadays:"Your skins or your life!"
i like the little wink you did there 😉 12:05
if anomaly would sell all of his skns, he could become a millionare
Mate, I just love these random german passages. :D
Daumen hoch!
00:10 - papa woke up and chose violence..
Kinda funny as to how a few pixels are worth so much if you manage to convince people that they are rare.
Papa is one of the funniest person in this world 🤣
4:48 papa flinches like hes about to get hit. poor papa
Alternative title: fat guy from sweden makes fun of his dad because he doesn't know how much a skin costs
12:03 Anomaly: “Would somebody put the actual stickers?”
No one:
I bet we can find an apartment for that skin
That flinch by Papa at 4:48.
14:29 when i hit my brother
true bro
the intro was really good and the grammar was MWA *chefskiss*
Anomaly: making ”pewdiepie hitler” jokes in 2021
Also anomaly: getting banned from Twitch for having a hitler skin in minecraft
Love the instant family violence from the start :DD
these videos are gettin more violent everytime...
and i love it :DDDDDDDDDD
4:47 anomaly goes for a high five and papa thinks he is gonna get punched says alot about their relationship lol
Hi Anomaly! Im from Argentina, i follow you since you have 300k subscribers! I sent you all of my love
Its good to see papa fighting back and not just being abused the whole time lmao
If you think about it, CSGO skins are the original NFT
0:17 just beautiful
0:22 anomaly sound like pingu when he get mad LOL
Your videos give me good feeling and so much energy ❤️
that intro with him fighting and screaming had me in stitches xd
Dad: hears perfectly and gets easily scared
Anomaly: Ả̷̼̻̥̫̤̞̝͇͋͌̈́̒͘A̴̡̢̘̥̝̝̜̟͘Ä̵̮̤͙̮̜́͂̔̊̔͊͘Ą̴̥͇̫̺̳̲̙̤̫́̅̀̂̏͛̇͆̓͝Ą̷̧̛̙̙̫̜̩̋̔̈̓͝A̸̛̬͙͒̓̍̈́̌͊́͘A̴͍̅̈͒̒̋̇̚͝A̸̡̐̾̔̒̈́̍̾̕̚͝Ā̵̱̗̣̌̀ͅA̷̧̮͎̳̺̮̜̘̋͂̒Ǎ̵̟̙̲̻Ǻ̶̟͍̠̄̒̔̅͘͝ͅ
Papanomaly: "Do you have friends?"
Feel the pain.
what i learned from this video is, that papanomaly isnt the only one that cant guess those prices
For anyone interested, in the intro he was saying: "Hello guys, Anomaly and Papanomaly from Sweden here. And today we have a very special video for you."
9:23 going to fix Grotto with some Titan holo stickers
the fact that papa flinched when anomaly lift his hand makes me uncomfortable
mans shattered the sound barrier 18 seconds into the video
That skrillex part from Anomaly was actually nice
i love your dads reaction to the dragonlore selling for 120k 5:49
Finally Papa attacks back ;)
Ah a good intro mein Kamerad
Anomaly: We have rare skins, common skins, expensive skins and ch......
Papa: Foreskins
its not the rarest doppler pattern because black pearls are like 10x rarer, but definitely the most expensive.
The reason Anomaly sounds like a drowned from Minecraft is due to all the ulcers that have popped in his stomach
2:10 damm i did not know you could beatbox xD
4:48 papanomaly defended himself, god knows what anomaly does to papa
my day sucked today but ur vids legit make me feel better inside , thanks man
When you forget you are not in an anime 8:58
Papa looks like evil santa who gives presents for naughty kids
every episode papanomaly gets more aggressive as a result of daily abuse
Papa slowly turned into old armish Megalolgranpa .... big love
Papa literally looks like a alcoholic santa
3:50 is the black pearl not more rare and expensive than a sapphire?
papanomaly: five dollars, (maybe. . .) anomaly: zero point seventeen cents, papa.
me: i hope papanomaly doesn’t drink that much again. . . 😂😂😂
it's the good old duo, ski mask man, and alcoholic Santa
Probly the best dad and son bond
Papa like the number 2? Haha love having the man in the video with you
today i learned that rolling a joint and simultaniously watching anomally isn't very good, laughed and spents the next 15 minutes gathering da herbs
Papa is getting more and more agressive,he is fighting for his life now.
Nice to see papa attacks back
Tbh that intro was not bad bro👌🏻
Would you rather have: a apartment that provides shelter, water and heating + keeps your food fresh in a fridge.
Some blue pixels on a screen?
11:49 elite build that skin is owned by my friend it has like 2-3 stickers and I like very much
Anomaly and Tim from Grand Illusions seem to be very friends in this episode.
*Begins *
Also video:
*Domestic violence *
Eventually Anomaly and Papanomaly will just be all out, bare knuckle fist fighting and will get the video taken down. I, for one, am excited to see it. I'm betting on the old man winning over the fat one
Papa farmer is the fucking best thing i've ever seen
«Foreskins» best papanomaly quote
whoever owns that ak elite build is a legend
Papa looks like he would be a perfect character in the movie "Django: Unchained".
There, he would be forgiven to say the n-word