I'm late but anyway. It's from a hidden collection that's only accesible if you click in either the green or red circles in the chapter select menu(green for the easy chart, red for the hard one). Swipe until you're in chapter IV but don't click to enter, instead pick one of these circles and you're in
that song gives me THE feelings.
just it, no more to say.
Another perfect song. :3
why dont i have this song in my cytus?
I'm late but anyway.
It's from a hidden collection that's only accesible if you click in either the green or red circles in the chapter select menu(green for the easy chart, red for the hard one). Swipe until you're in chapter IV but don't click to enter, instead pick one of these circles and you're in
西元一零到一一年 簡姿恬小四