VoicePlay Feat. AleXa - Enemy - Imagine Dragons (Arcane League Of Legends) | SINGER REACTION

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Doinita.
    @Doinita. 2 роки тому +12

    Check out all VoicePlay reactions 😊 :

  • @mityakiselev
    @mityakiselev 11 місяців тому +6

    They all popped off here, Eli did such a good impression of the original singer and belted insane notes, Layne dubstep-beatboxed like crazy, Geoff hit a D5 and an A0 in the same song like it's nothing (shame they didn't focus the attention on him more for his head voice run after his verse, most people seem to miss that it's _him_ in the high register up there), like holy sh!t these guys are good

  • @kelleyoneal2578
    @kelleyoneal2578 2 роки тому +81

    Alexa is a KPop singer from Oklahoma but lives in South Korea. I am pretty sure her backup dancers choreographed the moves and the guys learned from her team. She filmed her part in SK and Layne and Eli worked their editing magic to make it look like she was there.

  • @chlistens7742
    @chlistens7742 2 роки тому +38

    AleXa is a K-pop artist and winner of America Song Contest (raised in Oklahoma and a US citizen). Enemy is from League of Legends Arcane series and AleXa is in character of Jinx the lead in the Arcane series.

  • @christinamoxon
    @christinamoxon 2 роки тому +33

    It's the little hip shift AleXa does at the end that gets me. Sassy girl. I am a fan of Imagine Dragons and I can't fault this. For an acapella cover this was genius. Loved it. For me, Cesar stole the show. His sound was perfect for this.

  • @lkayh
    @lkayh 2 роки тому +29

    Been waiting all DAY for your reaction to this, Qofy! I am still processing. Every single one of the people on this video did things that shouldn’t be legal. On top of hitting (I think) his highest note ever and rockin’ it with that gritty tenor, Eli’s facial expressions-dang! He’s singing with this neutral expression, and then a slight tilt of his head and a small shift and he looks downright wicked (and yeah, that beard-it is PERFECT). Cesar brought it, too-way high up there and wailing away, and his expressions were FIERCE! Geoff-OMG. Those slides, drops, that flex with his range, and those deep percussive notes (when Layne wasn’t doing them-I can’t tell who did which) and Layne just laying it down and throwing out some beatboxing magic we’ve never seen before. And then AleXa-the choreography, the vocals, she’s got it going on! Plus Layne and Eli did the arrangement, which is unreal, and then the backgrounds, costumes, makeup, hair-WOW. So much going on I keep forgetting to breathe! I keep thinking these guys can’t top themselves and they go and do it again!
    Anyway, awesome reaction, as USUAL (which is why I always wait for your videos to come up). Great analysis!!

  • @pzycho_reclas1794
    @pzycho_reclas1794 2 роки тому +16

    They all brought it on this one!!! Well they always do But very few people have noticed Geoff hitting those super sky high notes after his bass part!!!

  • @kashtonhansen2766
    @kashtonhansen2766 2 роки тому +30

    So in this song Geoff is repeatedly hitting his lowest chest note which is F#1. We’ve heard him sing it one other time in their video ‘Superstition’ and he hit it for a brief second but in this song the bass line just alternates from G1 to F#1 in chest, sometimes subharmonic. That slide that he did near the end was the lowest note he’s ever sang which ended down at an F#0 which is insane!

    • @johndeeregreen4592
      @johndeeregreen4592 2 роки тому +6

      From what I personally heard, he overshot the F#0 on the slide by just a hair and actually went slightly lower. I will have to run it through my analyzer and see just how low he got.

    • @Guest.7289_2
      @Guest.7289_2 6 місяців тому +1

      Guys its an A0 how the fuck yall getting F#s

  • @michaelg-plante4074
    @michaelg-plante4074 2 роки тому +4

    Geoff hit a d5 🤯

  • @Wildecat10
    @Wildecat10 2 роки тому +9

    AleXa is KPop star in South Korea. We found out during the premier this morning that her people contacted VoicePlay and said she would like to work with them. They already had the arrangement for Enemy about done, so the collab came together fairly quickly.

  • @elizabethstrong6057
    @elizabethstrong6057 2 роки тому +4

    That face you make into the camera when Geoff does something unbelievable 🤣🤣

  • @bjspeck4337
    @bjspeck4337 2 роки тому +8

    I understand AleXa sent her part in from S. Korea. Amazing job by Eli to make it seamless.

  • @joezaster4978
    @joezaster4978 2 роки тому +13

    AleXa is actually a K-pop idol so I was very positively surprised when I found out about this cover

  • @christinestromberg4057
    @christinestromberg4057 2 роки тому +17

    AliXa is a singer, dancer, actress and now K pop artist based in South Korea where she was recorded and filmed on green screen and then added in. Another banger. I think it's probably Layne sounding like a lion. But then Geoff does one too at the end.

  • @letheardaw
    @letheardaw 2 роки тому +4

    Vocal chameleons. I can't even guess who is doing what anymore. Kudos to you for figuring it out. And Eli...my god, Eli and his rock voice.

  • @martinschafer7404
    @martinschafer7404 2 роки тому +5

    Arcane is a Netflix series made in the world of the game League of Legends. Alexa is playing the character of Jinx a woman driven crazy by tragedy. The song is the theme song of the show. I was drawn into this becaus I love her. This is an amazing performance by everyone.

  • @allisoncameron-dicker2737
    @allisoncameron-dicker2737 2 роки тому +6

    Voiceplay did it again..... Words are not enough.

  • @primlan8214
    @primlan8214 2 роки тому +16

    Arcane is a Netflix show about a video game. I don’t know ANYTHING about the game, and it’s still one of my favorite shows. It’s a masterpiece in both story-telling and visuals. But of course, music too. This is such a good song for VoicePlay to cover, really cool how it turned out. 😄👍

    • @EnsembleStantePede
      @EnsembleStantePede 2 місяці тому

      Yes, Arcane is/was an awesome show, well worth watching! What a bummer it got axed.
      And the title song covered here is not the least of reasons for that!
      This cover is outclassing the excellent original for me.
      And AleXa gets her Jinx CosPlay on point! Her dance moves cover the disturbed nazure of Jinx perbectly!

  • @ilonadever8249
    @ilonadever8249 2 роки тому +6

    Great reaction, Voiceplay not only hit it out of the park, I think they hit it off of the planet!

  • @suzybailey5501
    @suzybailey5501 2 роки тому +7

    It should not be possible for these guys to do the things they do or sound the way they do, but boy I'm overjoyed that they can! Another epically entertaining and phenomenal VoicePlay rendition! I so enjoy your reactions, thank you! 🙂👍

  • @lurecyyy
    @lurecyyy 2 роки тому +4

    Geoff goes down to F#1 full chest voice in this song. Also, I love Alexa's voice

  • @Aurora-cv5to
    @Aurora-cv5to 2 роки тому +9

    I listened to the audio a couple of times before the video was released - and I was certain that deep laugh was Layne, because we've heard him do it before. Nope. Geoff. I totally agree that Layne absolutely killed this one. Everyone is fabulous. But Layne. OMG. His arrangement, of course - it has that "Layne feel."

  • @vulcanivy
    @vulcanivy 2 роки тому +20

    I know that Layne uses inhale notes to hit into the contrabass range. Geoff has talked about the fact that he can’t do inhale notes because he doesn’t understand them. So basically, if you hear an inhale note during a Voiceplay song, it’s Layne.

    • @Benjaminberino
      @Benjaminberino Рік тому +2

      He sometimes uses throat bass notes for the contra range as well (he is a beat boxer, after all), and in this specific example, he used a throat bass note to hit that F#1.

    • @vulcanivy
      @vulcanivy Рік тому +1

      @@Benjaminberino I forgot to include that detail, thanks.

    • @Benjaminberino
      @Benjaminberino Рік тому

      @@vulcanivy no problem

  • @Traci2000
    @Traci2000 2 роки тому +3

    They've definitely leveled up, lol! When I watched the preview I said the same thing as you about Layne and Geoff. Their foundation is just so strong, it's crazy. This one just seems so complex and it's so, so good. Great reaction and breakdown, as always! ❤️💗

  • @unabrujamas1299
    @unabrujamas1299 2 роки тому +8

    AleXa looks like Jinx 👀
    And holly #$@! The guy of bass voice o.o
    League of lengends (LoL) is a game Arcane: League of lengends is an serie based on the world and story of the game! the soundtrack they use is great
    (sorry eng is not my first language xD)

  • @alexwalker8440
    @alexwalker8440 2 роки тому +6

    Another amazing arrangement and delivery! WOW!! 🔥🤯💯

  • @marshayoung9387
    @marshayoung9387 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for another great reaction. Layne knocked this out of the park. He is awesome.

  • @Mike_1947
    @Mike_1947 2 роки тому +2

    Geoff high note was a D5 :)

  • @azazelarms5623
    @azazelarms5623 2 роки тому +4

    13:40 I can be wrong but I think that was Layne and I love it! Also always so impressed of Geoff hitting hight notes (and low of course)

  • @bonniewells9208
    @bonniewells9208 2 роки тому +2

    Geoff's low notes and high notes are absolutely awesome! How long does he hold that high note?

  • @bradbaker8285
    @bradbaker8285 2 роки тому +2

    Just gonna say it like i said it in the comments of the original video - LAyne fully ate a whole soundboard in the making of this glorious video 🤣

  • @christinakyleloves
    @christinakyleloves 2 роки тому +3


  • @reckerpro6466
    @reckerpro6466 2 роки тому +5

    -8:45. Subharmonics can sound a bit different depending on how the singer chooses to produce the sound naturally. Kinda like any note, you can change the way it sounds with your vocal folds. also with the way your mouth is shaped, in some cases Geoff sings subs with his mouth semi-closed or semi--open, which gives it a different sound, and that may be what makes it difficult to tell whether it is or not.

  • @rosedouglas9586
    @rosedouglas9586 2 роки тому +1

    OMG!! Oh My Geoff!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Amazing!! You're the best QoFy ❤️🎶✨💗

  • @joshnoe5523
    @joshnoe5523 2 роки тому +3

    "I don't know about Arcane League of Legends. Is it a game? Is it an anime? A cartoon?"

  • @caitlinkavanagh3298
    @caitlinkavanagh3298 2 роки тому +4

    Great reaction and yes, it's hard to tell who is doing what quite often. I love listening to the karaoke version on Patreon to be able to hear the background singers much easier. Even then sometimes I have a hard time telling between Layne and Geoff.

  • @ericturner7824
    @ericturner7824 2 роки тому +1

    I think Geoff's 'inhaled note' sounds like he is saying "YI"........Layne's inhaled notes (Think the end of We Don't Talk about Bruno)......>^^

  • @Ben_Sacksteder
    @Ben_Sacksteder 2 роки тому +7

    That slide at the end by Geoff, according to my humble calculations (don’t hold me to my word) but I wanna say bflat0?🤯

    • @candilunsford2878
      @candilunsford2878 2 роки тому +4

      His high belt was awesome too.

    • @annoyingthing6238
      @annoyingthing6238 2 роки тому +4

      I've heard multiple notes. I've heard everything from Bb0 down to F#0 so I got no clue

    • @Guest.7289_2
      @Guest.7289_2 6 місяців тому +2

      It's an A0 but your closer to the guys saying he hits an F#0 like he's gonna hit a new lowest note by 5 semitones

  • @jonadabtheunsightly
    @jonadabtheunsightly 2 роки тому +4

    Yeah, you don't generally notice it, because he's busy making vocal percussion; but it turns out Layne's vocal range is even more all-encompassing than Geoff's. Also, he's been doing some very innovative stuff with the vocal percussion lately (last three releases in a row at least); traditionally, I have regarded Kevin Olusola as the best currently-active acapella beat boxer, but at this point Layne is starting to be in the running for it as well. I kinda want to see him do a multitracked solo cover, where five Laynes cover all the parts of an arrangement. It would need to be something with absolutely ridiculous rhythms, obviously.

  • @maloxi1472
    @maloxi1472 2 роки тому +1

    12:23 Yes ! That was one of those rare clean chest F#1s from Geoff ! It sounds as difficult as his G1s used to sound around 2019-2020s, but at least he doesn't need to slide down to that note anymore or use a chest-fry mix like in Superstition (though, tbf, he'd demonstrated brief chest F#1s on Patreon then).
    Prepare to hear clean, resonant, sustained chest F#1s from Geoff in about 2 years, y'all... before he decides to go down again and own F1 😊

  • @spiderfingers86
    @spiderfingers86 2 роки тому +2

    VoicePlay is a great acapella group

  • @kellie7180
    @kellie7180 Рік тому

    That was fantastic!!

  • @z3n_z
    @z3n_z 6 місяців тому

    So happy to be the 1,000 LIKE 🔥🔥

  • @Doinita.
    @Doinita. 2 роки тому +3

    Pretty awesome as usual 🥰

  • @JaviaMusic
    @JaviaMusic 2 роки тому +4

    Love your reaction, basically the same as mine. Disbelief all the way

  • @cocomusicstation326
    @cocomusicstation326 2 роки тому +1

    Geoff hit an A0 man

  • @DravenGal
    @DravenGal 2 роки тому +3

    Is it just me, or is it getting hard to tell who is singing which parts? They’re all so skilled and have incredible ranges!

  • @BassManMatteo
    @BassManMatteo 2 роки тому +4

    I checked Geoff’s low note at the end of song in an audio editing program and it seems to be around A0/Bb0 which is his new lowest note! Not sure of the technique, though I think it could be subharmonics.
    Edit: it’s growl

    • @welty9787
      @welty9787 2 роки тому

      For the note your right but it's the growl technique 😉

    • @Guest.7289_2
      @Guest.7289_2 6 місяців тому

      One thing I've noticed with notes off or nearly off the piano is notes are pitched at either the right note or a F#0

  • @RemovingtheShackles
    @RemovingtheShackles 2 роки тому

    at 13;30- remember we've heard Eli take over the base line before - like in the moana medley ;)

  • @patrickdioh5098
    @patrickdioh5098 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Qofy love your content hope you have a great day 👍🏾

  • @joshuakre125
    @joshuakre125 2 роки тому +1

    Y'all know the video is fire when you see Qofy with the stank face

    • @QofyReacts
      @QofyReacts  2 роки тому

      ooohhh yeahhhh

    • @laundrygoddess4
      @laundrygoddess4 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah we he starts channeling widd then you know it's fire. And the big big smiles

  • @cliffmorain7215
    @cliffmorain7215 2 роки тому

    Geoff put out a video and said he didn't know what a chest-fry note even is.

  • @wayneclark7048
    @wayneclark7048 2 роки тому

    She is a J-Pop singer. Born in the US.

  • @unabrujamas1299
    @unabrujamas1299 2 роки тому +1


  • @ambrossialynn4041
    @ambrossialynn4041 2 роки тому +1

    Don't say it... don't say it... don't say it... 🤪
    As always, really enjoyed watching you have a good time! When I watched it, I was like you.. "Dude, Layne getting even more insane!" lol 🌹💋

  • @jerlynneallison6361
    @jerlynneallison6361 2 роки тому

    Hey Layne, what are the top 10 weirdest noises you can make? Layne: Here you go! 😳🤯🥰

  • @danielhughes3758
    @danielhughes3758 2 роки тому

    You definitely should check out Arcane. It's an amazing animated series based on League of Legends lore, but you don't need to know anything about the game to watch and follow along

  • @lizlilliman3644
    @lizlilliman3644 2 роки тому +1

    There was more dance moves practiced, all I will say is the behind the scenes was an eye opener on that

  • @moonkim6254
    @moonkim6254 2 роки тому

    I think you will really like Alexa's songs, react to WONDERLAND or REVOLUTION

  • @lurecyyy
    @lurecyyy 2 роки тому

    I think it goes down to a B0 in growl at the end too

  • @gameruler8674
    @gameruler8674 2 роки тому

    I think that is in chest, he's just using a lot of air to make it thick

  • @gameruler8674
    @gameruler8674 2 роки тому

    Arcane is an anime

  • @janielvandolder8762
    @janielvandolder8762 2 роки тому

    the last growl was a d#1

    • @mariodiaz2911
      @mariodiaz2911 2 роки тому +2


    • @Guest.7289_2
      @Guest.7289_2 6 місяців тому

      How the hell does everyone pitch an F#0 or F0 on a note that isn't near it its just an A0 lol