Tennis Forehand Transformation - How To Improve Your Forehand Alone (5 DRILLS)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
    @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +5

    Download our FREE forehand guide here -

    • @ArielBerloto
      @ArielBerloto 4 роки тому

      guys, your email automation was spamming on me with this guide, check out your email setup.

  • @Rin_o7
    @Rin_o7 4 роки тому +11

    Every time I come here, I learn something new or realize something I need to adjust to better my game in every aspect. Thank you TTT

  • @julianszymanski6711
    @julianszymanski6711 4 роки тому +4

    Good lesson 👍 not biting arround bushes, good English as well. There are also older players and they shouldn't be forgotten. Amen.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @BrunoatCanada
    @BrunoatCanada 2 роки тому +1

    Simon, Very good video. I will try by myself in the park. Thanks for your help.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching 👍
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      Best regards,

  • @francescomancuso4960
    @francescomancuso4960 4 роки тому +16

    Simon, this is fantastic and seriously good especially because a lot of us end up playing a lot of matches etc with friends but not spending time on proper training and good to practice alone especially in times when money to tight for a lot of people. Thank you again
    Will you create a similar one for the Backhand? Please please please please please 😊 🙏

  • @ChiTsang
    @ChiTsang 4 роки тому +2

    Helps a lot, thanks

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Glad it was helpful!
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @youguess8979
    @youguess8979 3 роки тому +1

    Sir , I am thankful. Thanks for this video.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching 👍
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in 2021?
      All the best

  • @colinmerry4854
    @colinmerry4854 4 роки тому +16

    please do a similar video for the backhand if you can, loved this one

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      We'll do our best!

    • @robertgurtler3777
      @robertgurtler3777 4 роки тому

      Collin do you have idea how to play and whats is really important to do ? or you just learn from videos like this?

    • @colinmerry4854
      @colinmerry4854 4 роки тому

      @@robertgurtler3777 hey there, no i'm a pretty seasoned player, 4.0 USTA, so i'm no professional but i know my way around the court. I'm always looking to improve and since this pandemic am especially looking for more drills to do on my own.

    • @robertgurtler3777
      @robertgurtler3777 4 роки тому

      @@colinmerry4854 Hi Colin..Thats nice and good that you try to improve in these time as much is possible just I wanna give you advice be aware what you going to do on the court or better say what you going to implement in your tennis techinque..I dont want disapoint you but the things what Simon speaks about are complytely unuseful..For following reasons...If you imeagine that you wanna try hit 22 M long ball but you use this brushing way plus you will get up from your knees you can try to find the ball on the moon or in some another state of USA..Yes maybe you creat a big spin but the ball has not lengh not energy and many of them you dont hit need extremly lot energy creat the spin but the ball are not really dangerous...
      Check Sampras Federer Agassi or Djokovic if they do this brushing...If you want you can contact me privatly and I explain you more deeply..Have a nice day.

    • @ODSfilms
      @ODSfilms 4 роки тому +1

      @@robertgurtler3777 Well, if you're referring to Agassi that's a bit strange as he personally recommends executing similar drill for the forehand. Well, the only difference is that you'll need one more person to feed you the balls. If you're curious, you can check it's short video preview in Agassi's online course here:
      Andre's forehand section.
      If you can create a good spin for the almost still ball, you will definitely can make it with the ball coming from the other side of the court. Most of the coaches I met say that you have to brush the ball to make a spin. All the drills in Simon's video are not about the power, it is about the technic at each stage of the full motion. No sense in working on power if your technic is weak. There're multiple cases when beginners simply can't handle a specific part of the motion while doing the rest of it correctly. Don't want to argue, actually - I'm not a pro, and haven't played more than 15 years, and now starting from scratch. But what I'm confident in, is that Simon tells so many tips and details in his videos, which I've never heard from any of the coaches I dealt for the last several months.
      of course, training alone isn't a panacea, but what else should you do if you do not have a training wall near, or a partner, or money to pay for coach and regular training? I think this is better than nothing.

  • @jdromero2130
    @jdromero2130 6 місяців тому

    Great video Simon! This is perfect for me as I train most of the time by myself, I get the chance to play with a hitting partner on very few ocassions! I would appreciate if you could make another video on training forehand alone and also one for two handed backhand

  • @MrMrlosteruk
    @MrMrlosteruk 4 роки тому +3

    Excellent as usual, and the slow mo at the end illustrates the points trained. Great work 👍 👍 👍

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @MD-of2xv
    @MD-of2xv 2 роки тому +1

    Great drills. Great conscious of tennis mechanics. Many thanks. You are one of the best tennis coach online I found and I watched really a lot of staff. I'm passioned of tennis and I'm greatful for your entire work. Regards

  • @RossCallen2028
    @RossCallen2028 4 роки тому +3

    Wow! What an awesome video. Very helpful! People don’t realize how important it is to do those exact drills even when your at an advanced level. With all the new ways of hitting you need to find the exact way that works for you and this is how you find it. I’m an advanced player and I still do these types of drills by myself when I feel I have to work on something!! Excellent!! Great job and very detailed!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the nice comment Ross
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @alejandrotoledo763
    @alejandrotoledo763 4 роки тому +2

    Tks for sharing this lessons Simon
    I've been learning allot and using them with my students

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @ral4187
    @ral4187 4 роки тому +3

    Useful self training. I would awesome some sort of self training to improve the one hand backhand

  • @namjinjung1726
    @namjinjung1726 4 роки тому +1

    your teaching is wonderful, it is easy to understand. Additionally please give a one hand backhand lesson!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks for the support
      Here are some one-handed backhand lessons -

  • @djalilz7901
    @djalilz7901 4 роки тому +2

    This video is the exact answer of what I've asked, as always these are top videos and explanations 👍🏼👍🏼🔥💥

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching 🙏
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @aulacoelho
    @aulacoelho 4 роки тому +3

    Hey, guys. I just want let you know that your videos made possible my transformation on the forehand to wide stance. I am lean but heavy and these new way of play completely transformed my game. Can not wait for a video with tips on the inside out forehand. Great work!!

  • @jimclarke6344
    @jimclarke6344 3 роки тому +1

    This was great

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for the support 🙏
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @lsc21
    @lsc21 4 роки тому +1

    Very very good video. I struggle with contact point timing. I think these drills will help.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @jdogfunk100
    @jdogfunk100 4 роки тому +1

    Another great tutorial, thanks.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @jeffcoffey8970
    @jeffcoffey8970 4 роки тому +1

    Phenomenal coaching! Thank you!!!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching, we hope the videos have helped your game!
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @coffeedude2024
    @coffeedude2024 4 роки тому +1

    Some great drills here Simon. Thanks for sharing.

  • @alangoudie2299
    @alangoudie2299 4 роки тому +1

    Another very helpful lesson.A good practice if you are on your own. Thank you.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @powerslavenegi
    @powerslavenegi 4 роки тому +1

    Nice video ; what is that white colour racket ? I see the other is Dunlop srixon 95 .

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      The all white racket is a prototype frame.
      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @michaelvincentmamongcara1208
    @michaelvincentmamongcara1208 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you coaches!

  • @pinnacletennisacademy6375
    @pinnacletennisacademy6375 4 роки тому +1

    Great Drills Simon

  • @ΒουλαΚαραμπ
    @ΒουλαΚαραμπ 4 роки тому +6

    I dont have questions this lesson is perfect

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much.
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @ΒουλαΚαραμπ
      @ΒουλαΚαραμπ 4 роки тому +2

      Do you have a video with banana forehand ?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +4

      No, we do inside one of our courses but not on UA-cam.
      If enough people would like to see it, we'll make one

  • @karanpanwar7344
    @karanpanwar7344 4 роки тому +1

    Super....Thanks Simon...Wat grip you play with Simon...can we change our grip ...according to the ball we get.Thanks again....Cheers!!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching Karan
      I use the eastern forehand grip and a continental (bottom hand) and eastern forehand (top hand) on my backhand.
      If you constantly change grips on a particular stroke, you won't build up a consistent, reliable weapon, you'll always have to adjust the strike zone, I've never seen a pro player constantly change grips.
      All the best

  • @marcomarchionni4617
    @marcomarchionni4617 4 роки тому +1

    this is what I'm going to do next thursday. Thanks Simon. Always extremely helpful.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching
      Any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @nltennis2429
    @nltennis2429 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing video. The best out there for tennis coaching

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Appreciate that!
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @nltennis2429
      @nltennis2429 4 роки тому

      Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons Honestly the only thing I would want to see is injury prevention. I had knee pain for a while and splints as well. You guys cover every stroke really really well

  • @Tommy7urbo
    @Tommy7urbo 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for this Simon! Late to the party with this one. Used the video today on the court and it really helped me with my forehand and footwork. Excellent video! Would be great to see of these for a one hand backhand if possible?? Thanks Tom

  • @keshavahuja6359
    @keshavahuja6359 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you sir
    I really appreciate the fact that u are regularly uploading videos for us. Again ty very much. Hope to see these types of videos in the future too. These kind of high class content for the viewers is really appreciably.👍🏻

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching 🙏
      Any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @keshavahuja6359
      @keshavahuja6359 4 роки тому +1

      Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons i want see a lesson regarding your match with one of the best coach from team TTT or any other player which has a game like yours.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      @@keshavahuja6359 Many people have enjoyed this match -

    • @keshavahuja6359
      @keshavahuja6359 4 роки тому +1

      Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons I had already seen it but what I mean is that we want a proper match with scoring and all and also want a good competitor. Hope to see in the future.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      @@keshavahuja6359 Ok, we'll do our best

  • @augustblood6810
    @augustblood6810 4 роки тому +1

    Love this video, so useful.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much.
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @fumpapumps
    @fumpapumps Рік тому +1

    Great video

  • @santoshbenda6092
    @santoshbenda6092 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks ttt because I learned a lot from you and might come and meet you in person

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much.
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @santoshbenda6092
      @santoshbenda6092 4 роки тому

      About tactics for matches or more about fitness

  • @sauliuszickus3582
    @sauliuszickus3582 4 роки тому +1

    Hy Simon, many time takes me to training tennis alone. Thank you..Best regards from senior.:)

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @TheNteesh
    @TheNteesh 4 роки тому +1

    I was struggling with my contact point and this video addresses that. Thanks a lot ttt

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @TheNteesh
      @TheNteesh 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial more videos on how to improve strokes alone similar to this video

  • @jcelerin
    @jcelerin 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing video. Thanks for your work, Simon. Take care, all the best. :)

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @jcelerin
      @jcelerin 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I love your videos. Always inspirating and helpful. Well if I can say, I would be grateful for some tactic guide -for ex. in which situation is better play cross than down the line, when you want to attack and when is just good idea to defense and wait etc...:) I would be also curious how you would play against pretty athletic heavy lefty puncher who attacks almost every ball :) I struggle with this when i play one of my mates :)
      All the best,

  • @samanharahap6815
    @samanharahap6815 7 місяців тому +1

    Love this vidio..

  • @mikeobiwon
    @mikeobiwon 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for posting this video. Great content as always! I'm generally not available to play or hit at the same time as most of my tennis friends, so these solo drills are great for me to utilize.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Glad you enjoyed it!
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @mikeobiwon
      @mikeobiwon 4 роки тому

      Honestly, just continue to do what you guys are doing because you're creating great content for us tennis enthusiasts!

  • @brucezidane
    @brucezidane 4 роки тому +2

    Simon, that forehand of yours is way too good, great tips by the way.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much.
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @franciscomelendez238
    @franciscomelendez238 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Simon, thank you for the video. I was wondering, can we let the ball bounce before hitting it when doing the drills instead of hitting it before it reaches the ground as you show in the video?

  • @simonelsley7795
    @simonelsley7795 4 роки тому +3

    One/Two Handed Backhand Transformation Video Please!!!!
    If focus drills could be shot from the side as well as back would be great
    Awesome work as always TTT Long time fan

  • @alexnguyen9606
    @alexnguyen9606 4 роки тому +3

    Could you make a video, explaining more in depth on how to use racket lag? I couldn’t quite understand it from watching the video on the atp forehand.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +3

      I cover lag and show a simple drill to improve it in this lesson but check out these lessons:
      Video one -
      Video two -
      Video three -

  • @SomeGuy62121
    @SomeGuy62121 4 роки тому +1

    Ayyy I feel heard. Thanks for this!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching
      Any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @SomeGuy62121
      @SomeGuy62121 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I think a strategy video could be interesting. I feel like I've never seen a tutorial on how to win points, or different strategies you can take during a match to pick up easy points. I'm not sure if tennis can be broken down that way, but it might be interesting if you had a lot of insight into that. There's reviews of existing matches, but never any ideas for drills or ways to practice that are built around setting up points like a chess game, or a play in a football textbook. Just an idea for ya though
      Thanks again!

  • @jpleaae5126
    @jpleaae5126 4 роки тому +1

    Where did you get that racket!? @ 0:12

  • @Geetu-qc3lr
    @Geetu-qc3lr 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks ttt for such good lessons, just had a question how to increase endurance

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +5

      For tennis, it's important to do a lot of interval training. Stop and start, just like a tennis match.
      But for pure endurance, longer runs are the best. In my playing days, I would do my long runs the day before my off day.
      That would normally be a Saturday, Sunday would be my rest day. So on Saturday's I would normally train 2 hours in the morning 730-930 on court, play some sets etc or work on strategy, then do an hour of weight lifting, go home, eat and have a nap for two hours, then around 4pm go for my long run. Between 2-3 hours most weeks. Then Sunday I rest and Monday I've recovered.
      Check out this workout too -

  • @thecasualmuslim
    @thecasualmuslim 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Simon, can there be variation in power position?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Yes, absolutely.
      There are many different power positions, I speak about this at 8:55 in the video

  • @mphomorake6989
    @mphomorake6989 4 роки тому +1

    Would you please make a video on anxiety, I tend to be anxious amd stiffwhen things get tough

  • @chenko5729
    @chenko5729 3 роки тому +1

    Hi, I'm a beginner player, with your videos I improved my forehand (and topspin) in few months, and so first of all, thanks! I have a question: from your videos, I don't understand how much is important the body weight during the shot. I see you shift it from right to left leg. It's correct? Is that weight's shift that help me to have more boost to the ball? Because I don't succeed in having deep shoots. Ok topspin, but my balls are "short". Thanks a lot!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  3 роки тому +1

      Try to work on using the neutral stance more often and transfer the body weight from the back leg to front as you make contact. That will help you with depth and power
      All the best

  • @jandifraser313
    @jandifraser313 4 роки тому +1

    Please do more lessons for Lefties!

  • @user-sj8ng1wy4h
    @user-sj8ng1wy4h 4 роки тому +2

    Mr.Simon, do you think you could show a sideways(right preferably) view of your demonstration next time you make a video because i think that would really help people understand better?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Will do, thanks for the feedback
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

    • @user-sj8ng1wy4h
      @user-sj8ng1wy4h 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Wow....ok, i would like to see a video on the serve, especially when it comes to how to practice alone. The proper technique of the serve is one that i dont really understand yet and i know you will be able to help. Thank you for asking!!!!

  • @rahulrajaram6138
    @rahulrajaram6138 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Simon, what green strings and tension are you using? Sounds nice off the racket.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      They are cheap poly strings, strung at 50lbs but they're much looser now, probably less than 40lbs
      They haven't been strung for a good year

  • @youngsuit
    @youngsuit 4 роки тому +4

    I just want to know how to find these beautiful grass courts

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      This was filmed in Oxford, England.
      Visit us in the UK and you'll find many grass courts

    • @youngsuit
      @youngsuit 4 роки тому

      @@Emolga6274 yo. people's moms be dying in hospitals with covid right now, make this comment when the vaccine comes thanks

  • @PapperStipes
    @PapperStipes 4 роки тому +1

    When moving from the power position to the lag position. So basically the dropping of the racket. Should you just extend your forearm or should you drop the racket from your shoulder. Just trying to figure out how to connect the to positions

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      The entire arm will drop if you have used a loop, a circle.
      At the same time the arm drops, the forearm starts to open and the racket starts to lag
      All the best

  • @degrad9
    @degrad9 4 роки тому +1

    Should the racket strings face completely downwards when I initiate the swing from the "racket drop position" (using semi-western grip)? I've been trying to find the right "angle" during practices and to me it feels like it does affect the ball trajectory.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      At 6:18 in this video, I talk about this.
      When you close the strings more towards the ground, it's easier to get more topspin and when you keep them facing the right side of the court, it's easier to flatten out the shot

  • @anishjoshi9485
    @anishjoshi9485 4 роки тому +1

    Ok so we have to coil, and then rech towards the ball right??

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Coil and pivot around the right foot then sprint towards the ball. The footwork will change when dealing with deep or short balls though

    • @anishjoshi9485
      @anishjoshi9485 4 роки тому +1

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thanks for that !!! :-):-):-):-)

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      @@anishjoshi9485 You're most welcome

  • @andrewhornby5880
    @andrewhornby5880 4 роки тому +2

    Love your videos! Could you please do a video about the swing path of groundstrokes and explain the difference between swinging from inside to outside rather than outside inside? Thanks!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching Andrew
      When you say inside to outside vs outside to inside, I don't know what you're referring to exactly?
      I've heard an online coaches use that terminology but there could be a few ways to take that

    • @andrewhornby5880
      @andrewhornby5880 4 роки тому +1

      Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons I don’t mean hitting an inside out shot, I’m talking about the way you take the racquet back away from your body then bring it in closer to the body before swinging away from your body and out to the ball (inside to outside). And that same swing path applies for both cross court or down the line shots. It’s something I’m trying to correct on my forehand at the moment as I tend to take the racquet back and start swinging to the ball while my racquet head is far from my body causing me to have more of an outside to inside swing path. Is that a bad thing? Why/why not?

  • @historyisthebest5831
    @historyisthebest5831 4 роки тому +1

    Sorry how do you work on closing the strings. Sometimes when I'm trying to brush it up, I open my strings too much and the ball goes high in the air.

  • @BarathManohar
    @BarathManohar 4 роки тому +1

    I have a small doubt and this might sound silly... I would like to know what exactly is a split step?...Is it getting off the ground by jumping or spreading the feet slightly wide before getting ready for the shot. I am a beginner tennis player and would appreciate your clarification..

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      When you're just starting tennis, you can focus more on having a good ready position, feet around 1.5 shoulder widths apart, knees slightly bent and your body weight on the balls of your feet.
      From there, it will be easier to push off into the direction of the ball.
      As you advance, you'll use that same stance but progress to jumping up off the court slightly to initiate the push towards the ball, using the ground like a springboard

    • @BarathManohar
      @BarathManohar 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thank you for the response Mr Simon..I have begun practicing split step drills after watching one of your videos on footwork drills..I believe it would help me to improve my footwork..

  • @santoshbenda6092
    @santoshbenda6092 4 роки тому +1

    When will be your next camp?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      We'd love to know ourselves honestly, we were thinking to do one in London in September and maybe Malta in November but who knows what will happen with the travel restrictions.
      We're working on it though

  • @EricHan
    @EricHan 4 роки тому +2

    Simon, quick question. My club coach says self feeding doesn't help your game because the ball is stationery, whereas in a proper game, the ball is coming to you, not stationery. Thus, won't improve your game. Thoughts?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +4

      I see his point but I don't agree with him.
      A stationary ball is the ideal way to improve your technique and focus solely on what you're doing with your racket/body.
      Self-feeding can be a great way to improve your strokes alone, especially when you don't have a training partner, coach, wall or machine.
      When you work on technique, even with a coach, the majority of good coaches will start off with drop feeds, where the ball is "dead" then progress on to live feeding, hitting then points.
      To dismiss something totally is never a good idea
      All the best

  • @npjpro475
    @npjpro475 4 роки тому +1

    what is that white racket

  • @eduardohsb
    @eduardohsb 4 роки тому +1

    I practiced so many hours and took so many lessons, actually spent a lot of money on it but my forehand is garbage.
    My serve is good, backhand, slices, volley, everything BUT the forehand. I gave up and actually haven't played much tennis since it is very frustrating.
    I think this it's nice to see people who already know what they are doing practicing like this but I believe not everyone can learn it, especially by themselves.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Well if you film yourself hitting forehands and then compare it to the forehands in this lesson You might spot what you're doing wrong and can fix it!

    • @eduardohsb
      @eduardohsb 4 роки тому +1

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial thank you, I must have watched all your videos multiple times, you make really excellent content. I'll give it another try :)

  • @zurabshelia143
    @zurabshelia143 4 роки тому +1

    I hit always late time on contact point why??? Thank you

  • @shekharguptaSG
    @shekharguptaSG 4 роки тому +1

    Well, I use these drills for training alone but when it comes to matches, I have hard time applying the learnt techniques.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +3

      Yes, it takes much practice and progressions to apply it in matches.
      Check out this video -

    • @shekharguptaSG
      @shekharguptaSG 4 роки тому

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial Thanks for the reply. Great videos by the way and these videos are helping me a lot. A big thank you from all the newbies out here.

  • @lungchan1729
    @lungchan1729 4 роки тому +2

    someone dislike those tips... how dare them???

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      😂 Thank you for the support
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best

  • @dmitryprivate6558
    @dmitryprivate6558 4 роки тому +1

    Can you have a video on "how to improve your forehand alone without tennis balls, racquet, and the court"? :)

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +3

      Come on now Dmitry!
      That's too easy!
      I thought you were going to challenge me, something like "How to improve your forehand when sleeping" or "How to improve your tennis when cooking dinner"

    • @dmitryprivate6558
      @dmitryprivate6558 4 роки тому +1

      @@TopTennisTrainingOfficial I like to start with easy questions; in this country we call it "playing softball"

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1


  • @PL-fh8cz
    @PL-fh8cz 4 роки тому +11

    Someone forgot to water the grass court.

  • @santoshbenda6092
    @santoshbenda6092 4 роки тому +3

    Sir, I work very hard on each and every ball my coaches are not giving me enough attention and time.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +6

      The only thing you can do is keep working hard and see what happens.
      As long as you focus on building good technique yourself, and work hard (and smart) then you'll improve and the coaches should take notice. If they don't after a while, time for new coaches!!!
      All the best

  • @casperjansen53
    @casperjansen53 4 роки тому +1

    Those Nikes fall out smaller then the size hey! I have 2 pair of those. Is that why your shoe leases are lose? Again I do the same.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      They aren't the most comfortable shoe that's for sure.
      I keep them open so they don't dig into my feet as much!
      Won't be getting another pair for sure

  • @kyousuke8512
    @kyousuke8512 4 роки тому

    Isn’t it preferable to take two big steps during the movement drill rather than several small steps?

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Yes, when you have bigger distances to cover, bigger steps work better of course.
      It all depends on how much court you need to cover, to get in the right position.

    • @kyousuke8512
      @kyousuke8512 4 роки тому

      Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons I guess I’m just thinking in terms of “train the way you play”. If I’m running to the sideline for a ball I’m going to do two large steps then try to take the ball open, so that’s the way id think to do the drill. I really was trying to ask if you think it’s better to do the drill the way you demonstrated, and if so, why?
      Your game is light years ahead of mine and your drills always make intuitive sense to me as to why they are the way they are, but this one had me scratching my head a bit.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +3

      @@kyousuke8512 Feel free to use big steps.
      In my demo, I'm focused more on coiling and getting the racket set in the power position, I'm also not under pressure here to cover distance at high speeds, so I can focus more on my technique.
      But like I said, feel free to use whichever method makes more sense to you.
      The lessons are a guide, not a tennis bible

  • @historyisthebest5831
    @historyisthebest5831 4 роки тому +2

    But sometimes when I brush up, it goes too high. Haha.

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      Work a lot on drill one and two, the contact and lag phases
      The more you practice, the better you'll get at it

  • @alezinocarazo1113
    @alezinocarazo1113 4 роки тому


  • @robertgurtler3777
    @robertgurtler3777 4 роки тому

    Simon Please dont teach people this bulshit...

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +2

      The only bullshit here is your comment. Alex

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      @Robert - Debunk the video and send us a link when it's done.
      Looking forward to having a good laugh at you trying to teach tennis with that serve Robbie!

  • @aleksandarnorsic9970
    @aleksandarnorsic9970 4 роки тому +1

    Great lesson! BIG thank you!

    • @TopTennisTrainingOfficial
      @TopTennisTrainingOfficial  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching
      Are there any lessons you would like to see in the near future?
      All the best