I still remeber diz movie, this song brought my childhood memories back...Its been more than 11yrs now but still it touches the heart...i can understand lil bit of Sharchok language coz iam also a Sharchokpa region person but from India..💛
my fav song. I used to listen to this song alot. is really nice sharchop song. No sharchop song is ever produced better than this. Congratulations to Ata .
More Tshangla songs please! We are the original inhabitants and major population of Bhutan, but now our language and our ethnicity becomes minority because of the Bhutanese Monarch's politics. Same on you Monarch! Love Tshangla.
Original inhabitants of Bhutan was Lhop in west & monpa in east. But Tshangla is mixture of Tibetan descents of followers of Tibetan prince & some are like mon tawang.
Sharchokpa is not minority la. I think sharchokpa is greater than Us ngalop in population. Every direction is sharchokpa!! 😅😊 but we should thank our great zhabdrung for bringing us all together. 😮🙏💝 and yes we are all Drukpa a son of dharma king & queen 😊❤
Those of you who leave stupid comments, just look for urself in the mirror and enjoy the song. Don't try to be a critic that u aren't. Sharchokpa songs are great and melodious. It won't fit into ur big skull so leave giving comments.
Please post more Tshangla song, thiz language should be our national language! Dzongkha is brought by Monarch not by people, so it is the time to start a debate on bringing tshangla(Sharchokha) back in track as a national language. Keep up your good work brother!
Tshangla unlike Dzongkha is not origin of classical dharma language…😅😅😅 #universal fact😀 more over tsangla ppl in Bhutan is doing great!! 😊 they preserve their language ❤ and that’s more than enough…. Spread no hate…
wow somebody seems so happy singing near the sewage tank in babesa lolz..we cant stand the smell when we pass through that way,thumps up for u for bearing the whole shit the entire shooting haha
hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha..................... hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaa..................... super funny Ata khawjai long jay khong jay...hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahhahahahhahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahhahahaahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha,...this is fukcinggg funnnny
😅tho I don’t understand Tshangla.. I find this song nostalgic 😮😮😮😮 this is heart drop song for Sharchokpa😀😀
I still remeber diz movie, this song brought my childhood memories back...Its been more than 11yrs now but still it touches the heart...i can understand lil bit of Sharchok language coz iam also a Sharchokpa region person but from India..💛
Love this song forever, and still listening……….
Old is Gold ❤
One of my favorite song🎵🎵🎵🎵
I was teen ager when this movie release....sharchok india dirang
my fav song. I used to listen to this song alot. is really nice sharchop song. No sharchop song is ever produced better than this.
Congratulations to Ata .
great song..
I listen so many times this song but have not seen movie. Anyway can upload, I appreciate from Taiwan (Sharchokpa )
Who else watched this movie at rang Jung school with me in the year 1999.
DHA I watched nisho
More Tshangla songs please! We are the original inhabitants and major population of Bhutan, but now our language and our ethnicity becomes minority because of the Bhutanese Monarch's politics. Same on you Monarch! Love Tshangla.
are u evev a bhutanese? oh exiled..
Original inhabitants of Bhutan was Lhop in west & monpa in east. But Tshangla is mixture of Tibetan descents of followers of Tibetan prince & some are like mon tawang.
Sharchokpa is not minority la. I think sharchokpa is greater than Us ngalop in population. Every direction is sharchokpa!! 😅😊 but we should thank our great zhabdrung for bringing us all together. 😮🙏💝 and yes we are all Drukpa a son of dharma king & queen 😊❤
Iska full movie upload karo
Beautiful song with beautiful couples
Those of you who leave stupid comments, just look for urself in the mirror and enjoy the song. Don't try to be a critic that u aren't. Sharchokpa songs are great and melodious. It won't fit into ur big skull so leave giving comments.
I was in grade one when this movie was release .
Old hero
Is there still watching ....in 2022
plesse anyone uploadfull movie la.
I want this movie please put it on UA-cam those who have it
My favorite song and movie when I was child. Please upload other sharchokpa songs of Ata khawjay if you find in your channel 😊😁
Old is gold😊😊😊
My friends favourite song😀
I need it in Karoke
this is the mtv and the song which i appreciate and liked very much,,
i watched this movie at rang jung school.
I too
The male singer is Tenzin Jamtsho
evergreen song
nice song. .....but can you upload more old sharchogpa song. .plz. ......
And in one part i thought the back round was lake or sth back then😀
love this song....1ce this song ws 1 of the fav song among sharchops
my favorite
My you tube
Nam Tho Mawa Yigu Thur
Please post more Tshangla song, thiz language should be our national language! Dzongkha is brought by Monarch not by people, so it is the time to start a debate on bringing tshangla(Sharchokha) back in track as a national language. Keep up your good work brother!
u shout lyk braking dog and it will never happen as u want.
Tshangla unlike Dzongkha is not origin of classical dharma language…😅😅😅 #universal fact😀 more over tsangla ppl in Bhutan is doing great!! 😊 they preserve their language ❤ and that’s more than enough….
Spread no hate…
wow somebody seems so happy singing near the sewage tank in babesa lolz..we cant stand the smell when we pass through that way,thumps up for u for bearing the whole shit the entire shooting haha
hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha..................... hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaa..................... super funny Ata khawjai long jay khong jay...hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahhahahahhahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahhahahaahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha,...this is fukcinggg funnnny
acting is sooooooooo DAMN funny. hahahhahahahahhaha. i think he over acts so much