Introduction to Sin and Repentance - 7 Noahide Laws

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Introduction to Sin and Repentance
    Noahide Project | Together we will change the word | Support Us noahideworldcen...


  • @rebeccacarroll3554
    @rebeccacarroll3554 3 місяці тому

    Oh my goodness I love these older lessons from you Rabbi! So good to see you! ❤

  • @matildafaltyn6253
    @matildafaltyn6253 5 років тому +5

    What is wrong with Moses Ten Commandments? Your byline says "Together we will change the word". WHAT!! Are you losing your minds? Do you know what happens to those who twist God's word? Obviously not.

    • @ziondanielkashani3843
      @ziondanielkashani3843 5 років тому

      The 10 commendments are for the Jewish people

    • @aspenenglish4976
      @aspenenglish4976 3 роки тому

      Been a Christian my whole life and the 10 commandments are for us too. It's in our bible. It's not exclusively for Jewish people. I'll not accept that sin is temporary insanity. No, you made a bad choice. Period.

    • @matildafaltyn6253
      @matildafaltyn6253 3 роки тому

      @@aspenenglish4976 Correction, the Jews are confined to the old covenant. The Christians adopt the Two Great Commandments that Jesus spoke about. Jesus fulfilled the whole law and the prophets.

    • @aspenenglish4976
      @aspenenglish4976 3 роки тому

      Matilda Faltyn yes. I'm aware.😊

  • @SimonCohn56
    @SimonCohn56 2 роки тому +1

    excellent letcure, I like his delivery,what a fantastic Rabbi

  • @jillo60
    @jillo60 7 років тому +8

    At 8:40 Rabbi says angels cannot sin/repent, because they have no choice, but didn't a third of the angels choose to follow Lucifer? I've thought of this many times...

    • @charliedilltarde9881
      @charliedilltarde9881 6 років тому +4

      jillo60 if the old testament says one thing and the new testament says something else, what do u think is more likely to be true? I'd say the Tenak ("old" testament) is true, God doesn't speak unnecessarily. Read the Tenak and you will see that God is God, what I mean is that the world isn't divided into two parts with one part being ruled by some other divine regent, the God who made it runs it. To say otherwise is to say that God has only half the universe under his control and that he only paints in white.

    • @charliedilltarde9881
      @charliedilltarde9881 6 років тому

      Where does it say that angels were given free will? No where. God is one, he did not program duality into the universe he just didn't finish the job of buffing out the rough parts and that is why you and me exist.

    • @BillFromTheHill100
      @BillFromTheHill100 5 років тому

      Why does the Talmud say Jesus raised the dead but says he used black magic from egypt.
      Do you believe black magic?

    • @charliedilltarde9881
      @charliedilltarde9881 5 років тому

      @@BillFromTheHill100 does the old testament say anything about witches? or about people who can perform miracles and prophecy and yet teach against the torah? yes. it says that no matter the sign, any man who reveals a new commandment and claims it is from god is a liar and no miracle he can perform can prove his words. nothing jesus did was anything like what god did at the time of moses, he claimed a private revelation. nothing in the first five books is conflicted with in the rest of the tanach. jesus said the sabbath was for man when clearly the first one to rest on the sabbath was god. paul said the laws were curses while the longest chapter in psalms is david praising the laws. these are obvious conflicts. why would god give a people a curse and act like its a gift? how can god command the killing of lawbreakers and simultaneously go back the law? how can you fulfill a law that doesnt relate to you? how did jesus fulfill modesty if we go to any church or even some synogogues with women not properly clad? how did he fulfill the passover lamb if he was whipped before dying on a cross? every blood offering to god ever was performed with a knife and a severed throat. every offering was in perfect condition, Abraham didnt offer a starved goat instead of his son.

    • @BillFromTheHill100
      @BillFromTheHill100 5 років тому +1

      You idiot. The Sabbath was made for man ment that people need to relax...take a day off but don't be afraid to save your sheep if it needs to be saved.
      So you believe in black magic.
      Can you just answer yes or no?

  • @frberauer
    @frberauer 10 років тому +4

    I would like to hear some more messages by Rabbi Richman about noahide themes!!!

  • @MrLarryhoward1
    @MrLarryhoward1 Рік тому +1


  • @Rosev
    @Rosev 5 місяців тому +1

    Measure for measure.

  • @007mia7
    @007mia7 5 років тому +3

    Let’s be clear as to what sin is:
    1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    It is also written:
    1 Corinthians 3:19
    For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
    With all due respect, when you speak it should not be of your own thoughts, but from the oracles of God. You haven’t explained these man-made “Noahide Laws” with any specificity.
    Matthew 5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

    • @Psalm-119
      @Psalm-119 5 років тому +2

      Mia DoubleZeroSeven...Yes, this could quite possibly be the deception that Yeshua often spoke about.

    • @edsanjenis9416
      @edsanjenis9416 2 роки тому

      Christian have all the truth thanks to Jesus; I agree what you wrote.

  • @trsdarrin
    @trsdarrin 2 роки тому

    Back in 1970 I went to dinner over at my friends house they were Ukrainian and the old woman told me a story about when she lived back in Ukraine during the Ukraine famine. She said In the town where she lived there was a store owned by Jews she recalled there were two different lines to get food. The good food was in one line for the people that could afford and a second line for the poor and starving she said often she had to go there to beg for scraps anything she could get she said that the storekeepers would chase her away calling her Goy. I could tell she did not like being called that name. My question is because I am a naïve American about these words what did the shopkeeper mean when he yelled this out to her. I still remember the wonderful pierogi dinner that she made me and her son and I never have forgot the story she told me of her life in the Ukraine in those difficult times and the name she was called Goy.

  • @nexusreplicant143
    @nexusreplicant143 9 років тому +2

    So repent could be described as the ability to notice, understand and correct the deviation from the path that led us towards the light?

    • @Rosev
      @Rosev 5 місяців тому

      Everyone has to answer first their own sin.

  • @toliveforchritigain
    @toliveforchritigain 5 років тому +2

    No Noahide for true Christians!!!

  • @fencefriend
    @fencefriend 4 роки тому +1

    IF the son's of Noah were given 7 Noahide laws, it would follow that their tribal customs would have memory about such laws. But not a single tribe or nation outside Israel has memory of such laws ever being given. All agree said laws were received relatively recently from the Hebrews by way of their Torah. The nations never had such laws because 613 commandments were given EXCLUSIVELY to the family of Jacob by the Elokim-Judge the Isrealites encountered at Mt. Sinai. The nations were not there, had no contact with that lofty being. Thus as Rabbi Ariel Cohen Alloro staes so well; "the Nations are above the Torah, they never received it." Thus this looks to me like more us and them, more dualism, more division for tribal gain, when the lord's way is love/unity.

  • @elizabethiloveelohim137
    @elizabethiloveelohim137 5 років тому +3

    The only way to truly repent is putting our trust In Yehoshua messiah , who is Yehovah's Word, and following His instructions

  • @cameronmarron5056
    @cameronmarron5056 9 років тому +1

    So if I spent most of my 30 years living in sin. drinking, and fornicating, creating 30 years worth of destructive messengers to torment me and accuse me after I leave this body, I need 30 more years of good deeds to destroy those dark angels? what if I die before that time? and I don't have enough time to build a defense? Is my case hopeless?

    • @GospelGirl1Cor15
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 4 роки тому +1

      Believe the good news gospel 1 Corinithians 15:1-4, how Christ died for our sins shedding his blood on the cross, he was buried, and arose again for our justification. Forget these Noahide laws. That's from the devil. We are not justified by the deeds of the law. We are justified by faith and faith alone in what Christ did for us!

    • @tehufn
      @tehufn 4 роки тому +2

      I am hardly an expert, but I don't think it works that way, year by year. If you've turned away from that lifestyle and repented, the "demons" (which are just a metaphor for the negative wake of your actions) should be diminished or gone.
      When you repent God listens, and forgives.
      I know this reply is a few years late, but I hope it helps you or maybe someone else.

    • @GenXican84
      @GenXican84 4 роки тому +3

      Listen to what the Rebbe says..You have to DO the work of repentance...ain't nobody gonna DO IT for you..You must work to change your self created foolish reality into one that allows you to connect with Hashem. This business of I sinned ssssooo much there's not enough time...
      "8"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," says the Lord
      Isaiah 55:8
      So..get to studying and know you can connect with the Almighty..(get an actual tanak tho..)

  • @stevenandlanafowler6491
    @stevenandlanafowler6491 11 місяців тому

    I'm curious. What is the penalty for disobeying the Noahide laws?

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed oh so that is in the Torah, the Jews were taught if its not in the Torah its not it, so is it?

  • @Ken-yy5hm
    @Ken-yy5hm 3 роки тому

    Missing the mark. What am I aiming for? Perfection as Hashem is perfect, whole, complete or one. Temporary insanity, If you look it up is ultimately not knowing the difference between right and wrong. Were back to the mark again. So, what is the difference between the righteous and the wicked or good and evil/right and wrong? Since you have access to god as the rabbi says, I won't tell you.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому +1

    anyway I am not an idolater, I worship G-d directly

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed maybe you are right, and for me that would make the gospels biased too, certainly G-d did not dictate it like the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Maybe you need to listen to Robert Eisenman's lectures the historical Jesus look it up here in youtube its quite long, you'll need a little patience.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed oh yeah your right, and you are saying this on a Christian perspective, historically these Jews were part of the Jesus movement, the ones who followed the Law, read your Acts 21, did James not tell Paul to go to the Holy Temple (to do some Jewish stuff) so that the people will see that Paul still believes in the Law, because he went around the empire preaching against the law. The Law or Torah is our liberty, it is our guide, it is our teacher.

  • @ResilientWon
    @ResilientWon Рік тому

    What standards are Jews held for their sins?

  • @outlawedtunes7299
    @outlawedtunes7299 Рік тому +1

    The soul that sins shall surely die

    • @outlawedtunes7299
      @outlawedtunes7299 Рік тому

      @@npc6352 we all like sheep have gone astray each has turned to his own way, but the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

    • @outlawedtunes7299
      @outlawedtunes7299 Рік тому

      @@npc6352 God laid on Jesus the punishment for our sins, Jesus said on the cross "it is finished" there is no more need of any sacrifices, all that is needed is to believe that Jesus is the Christ and it is finished.

    • @outlawedtunes7299
      @outlawedtunes7299 Рік тому

      @@npc6352 John 5:39-40 "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life"

  • @greglindstrom2733
    @greglindstrom2733 7 років тому +2

    Essential! understanding.. Thank you!

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed The prophets had to stay within the the Laws of Israel. That means that if it is not in the Torah, that is not what he meant. And if you think that is what it means, it is up to you, but do not put the meaning of those in to the mouths of the prophets.

  • @thereshope7016
    @thereshope7016 5 років тому +2

    You remind me of Gene Wilder...maybe cou sins ? No ?

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed listen none of us said we can save ourselves nor do the Jews, the Jews believe that G-d is their salvation and savior not Jesus, but G-d alone. The law is nothing more but a guide for us, on how we must behave as a human being. Our faith is in the G-d of Israel, He alone is our Savior.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed and you are saying the Jews do not have faith in G-d, and they are not putting their faith into actions. When you do good things you are practicing to be good, and in accordance with the law that G-d gave to the Jews. If Jesus was to fulfill the Law then he was a Torah follower. Did Jesus also not do good deeds then? Face it worshiping Jesus is idolatry, the Torah never says to worship Jesus explicitly or to any person. The Torah was given without any hidden mysteries or secrets.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed I was never lying to you, I have always used 'The Jews' to imply that I was not a Jew, but when I said we, I meant I stand one with their belief, my apologies if u had that impression. I do not do what Jews do because d commandments n d Torah was for d Jews. If u read Acts 15 and 21 u can hear James there telling Paul that he has written to the gentiles on what to do, what laws to follow, which is similar to the message in the dead scrolls called mmt. And parts of the Noahide laws.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed your understanding of G-d is different from our view. If G-d cannot forgive us of our sins (G-d forbid) then he is not an all powerful deity that he needs another one to do it.
    Our G-d can forgive our sins, when we ask for forgiveness. Definitely He will know if its genuine or not, no lip service, when I ask forgiveness, there is genuine repentance on my part.
    He does not care f you believe n Him or not, He will still forgive u and save u in the end.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    Oh by the way they do have faith, faith in G-d, and they are showing it by their works. Oh I can quote the NT too James 2:14-24 read it... here is some of it on v17 'In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead..
    ...Abraham...offered his son Isaac on the altar, his faith and his actions were working together, ... his faith was made complete by what he did.'
    The Rabbi says repentance did he not. That is also to pray to G-d ask forgiveness and repent.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed by the way the Jews didn't kill Jesus the Romans did. Historians will disagree with that view. Oh by the way at the judgement I will say that about the Torah part, it also says not to add or remove from it. Your Paul was the exact prototype in Deut.13.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed why are the Jews lost? in what way are they lost? Did not James also mentions the Law, the Torah. It was Paul who says no more Torah. Even your Jesus says 'I did not come to abolish the Law(Torah) and the Prophets...' yet Paul says just believe in Jesus. Or is everything in conflict now.
    Of course Paul's works could not save him he persecuted the original followers of Jesus, who only aims to keep the Torah.

  • @monroecorp9680
    @monroecorp9680 5 років тому

    So, could Eichmann have been forgiven, even?

  • @GospelGirl1Cor15
    @GospelGirl1Cor15 4 роки тому +3

    believe the good news gospel 1 Cor 15:1-4. Noahide laws are from the devil!

    • @edsanjenis9416
      @edsanjenis9416 2 роки тому

      Because you are a Christian, you have the truth; only Jesus can save.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed hahaha... indeed indeed... but no, never been to any Jewish school. I'm down here in southeast asia. I do not know what the logical answer to both of the chapters in Acts for you will be, but I was never satisfied with the answers when I was in cell groups that was about two decades ago. If you are confused about it, try asking biblical historians. The answer is also long and I don't think it can be explained in a few hundred characters.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed The gospels were written during the Jewish revolt of 66CE, Mark was written around that year and perhaps ended around 70CE. Mark is the oldest of the Gospels, John is different from the three. Each of these gospels tell of different events. The oldest copy of Mark is shorter. The gospels have been redacted by the early Christians to conform to their pagan thought and anti-Jewish views. This was written to appease the Romans. So how much of the gospels are accurate??? I can't say.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed if we do not know good and evil we will be like robots. You are simply viewing this on the Christian perspective. Are you sure that is what the original language meant, was that written in your language, culture...

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed Only the pagans during the 1st century believed in Hell, Judaism does not believe in hell. Hell is a pagan belief. In Judaism everyone goes back to G-d as long as you are righteous, he does not care what you are, what you have been. He is eternally forgiving.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed if Adam did not sin then we will not be perfect, that is why Adam has to sin so that we will be in G-d's likeness.
    Now the Lord God said, "Behold man has become like one of us, having the ability of knowing good and evil, and now, lest he stretch forth his hand and take also from the Tree of Life and eat and live forever." Gen.3:22
    Before Christianity was around there were pagan religions with their own version of trinity. Even your version is still Idolatry.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed of course we have free will I didn't know if you believed in it because some people don't. Of course G-d is the author of sin, he is the author of evil too. He does all of this to test us. I am simply saying if we don't have freewill and not sin at all, we will be like robots. So are you saying you don't sin anymore? Then a mazel tov to you if you don't.

  • @robertpol5679
    @robertpol5679 5 років тому

    YEHOWA IS NAME OF GOD IF YOU FORGOT and Moses and rest was falling on face, you think know everybody better ?

  • @andersbra
    @andersbra 13 років тому

    According to the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 7 - 9 in Hebrew the Jewish Messiah would be a human born by two human parents; and would not be divine NOR a "Saviour". Christians perverted the teachings and the name of the historical first century Y'hoshua [the Jewish Messiah], a Torah-observant Jew; whom taught his followers to do their utmost to keep the mitzwot of Torah, including only praying to the Creator.

  • @holdingfast7
    @holdingfast7 5 років тому +1

    read the Torah. not the talmud!! you are so very deceived and deceive the people with
    the traditions of the so called rabbis, Yahusha condemned your fathers and will tend to you. No where in Torah do we find oral law or noahide!!!!

    • @holdingfast7
      @holdingfast7 5 років тому

      @Allen Marlin the noahide replace the 10 laws given by Moses.. No my eyes are wide open... what foolishness...and their Talmud does away with Torah..

    • @ziondanielkashani3843
      @ziondanielkashani3843 5 років тому

      @@holdingfast7 can you tell me how without the talmud you keep the Sabbath? Can you tell me from the scripture alone how to circumcised?
      Duteranmy 12:
      21 If the place where the Lord your God chooses to put his Name is too far away from you, you may slaughter animals from the herds and flocks the Lord has given you, as I have commanded you, and in your own towns you may eat as much of them as you want. 22 where did god commended us on how to slaughter the animals? Can you tell me how to make a tzizit????????????????
      I would LOVE an answer!

    • @ziondanielkashani3843
      @ziondanielkashani3843 5 років тому

      @@holdingfast7 We are the Jewish people, we are gods people, we are the one who preserved the Jewish holy books from generation to generation untill gentiles decided it's doesn't belongs to us but to the new Jews, the new Abrahams seed, the church. Some none Jews who wrote some shitty book filled with human errors claiming it is divine, give me a break will you?
      WE are the only one who will tell you who our Mashiah is. We, the one who is holding the Torah, who practice the commendments, who are faithful to God and not a man, we are the suffering servent of the lord, and we will tell you how a gentile should live his life in a way righteous to god, you don't like it? You can keep you idolatry ways and lose your share to the world to come, and keep believing in the dead man of yours, but don't you dare saying shit about our talmut and our faithfulness to God.
      Thanks and have a good day.

    • @michellelyon7046
      @michellelyon7046 4 роки тому

      @@ziondanielkashani3843 Um you did nothing unless God allowed it. Remember He runs the universe.
      How you can be blinded to Jesus the Jewish messiah is beyond me.
      Isaiah 53?
      Pray ask God with a sincere heart to reveal who Jesus is.
      God bless you.

  • @nemabubunigeoffrey4842
    @nemabubunigeoffrey4842 3 роки тому +1

    What is sin? Sin is any action namely, thought, emotion or behaviour, done in the absence of the Glory of God...
    Romans 3
    23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    I can't reply 2 your responses I have a lot on my hands right now, just to give u a hint, I'm not Jewish, I am a history n archaeology buff. Reading from other sources aside the bible; Christianity didn't make sense anymore. Yes I was somewhat like u, I went 2 Presbyterian Churches and fundamentalist Churches. All my life I was in a Protestant school. In my quest to find the purest of Christianity because there is so many iteration of it, I found Judaism and I guess the rest is history.

    • @GospelGirl1Cor15
      @GospelGirl1Cor15 4 роки тому

      You need to believe the good news gospel, 1 Cor 15:1-4 , how Christ died shedding his blood for our sins, was buried, and arose again!

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому +1

    @locustweed you know what you lost me here I don't even know what are you talking about liar and history. The NT is full of conflicts you said it yourself somewhere here "James was in error..." Anyway I still have not had an answer about the rebellion in heaven where is it in the bible, or is this one of those traditions of men that you talked vehemently against of.

  • @robertpol5679
    @robertpol5679 5 років тому +1

    I dont wont even to speak with you becuse you read to much this talmud and kabbalah, later you gona wake up maby if you dont mason.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed you might want to look for the historical jesus to in pbs dot org

  • @andersbra
    @andersbra 13 років тому

    @locustweed If you studied Tana''ch in Hebrew yourself instead of relying on erronous translations you would find out that you are in error.
    If you read the prophecy in Isaiah 7-9 in Hebrew and related verses of the Hebrew Bible you will see that king Hizkiah was a partial fulfilment of that prophecy and he was a human, and not divine, nor a ‘Saviour’. Thus, neither the Messiah would be divine, nor a ‘Saviour’.
    Check out some of the resources in my UA-cam-page if you are interested of truth

  • @happyjoyjoy9379
    @happyjoyjoy9379 8 років тому

    Helpful video, thank you.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed wow all caps, are you shouting at me?

    • @jacksson9391
      @jacksson9391 4 роки тому

      You would have to click the reply box by locustweed's comment to have any chance of your reply being seen by locustweed.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed The oldest copies not the best? So how much of it is preserved, how much of it was changed, since the oldest copies are not the best. Definitely the new one must be an edited version, but for whose view the Vatican's or yours.
    The thing is there is even an older copy of Matthew and its not in Greek its in Hebrew, and the Jesus there different from your Jesus. Look for it Hebrew Yeshua vs Greek Jesus.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed The Original Testament does not mean that it is hell according to your belief, it is simply also called as Gehinnom, or the grave. It is an almost equivalent to the Catholics' purgatory. Again go ask a Rabbi or a learned Jew. Only the pagans of the 1st century believed in your kind of hell, although it went in some Judaic literature like the dead sea scrolls, but never in mainstream Judaism, because only pagans believe in your type of hell.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    you also did not answer my question do the Jews have faith, the statement of James is basically the Jewish message.
    'repent of sins' what are you saying, the word in Hebrew if I recall is teshuva, it means repentance.
    Really read all of James, the book of James if you put it in a Jewish perspective is basically a Jewish message not a Christian message, it says more of the Law, while Paul preaches no more circumcision, no more law.
    Paul is the exact person describe in Deut 13.

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed First of all if you read the whole context of Yeshayahu, it does not mean the angel HaSatan, its the king of Babylon. Ask any learned Jew go to chabad dot org slash library slash bible_cdo slash aid slash 15945
    Now that is a more accurate translation than your NIV and KJV, what does verse 4 say 'And you shall bear this parable against the king of Babylon'

  • @danlettuce8429
    @danlettuce8429 5 років тому

    DEUTERONOMY 13......has this well off bearded black-hat rebel read it?

  • @alminomalazajr
    @alminomalazajr 13 років тому

    @locustweed The hell in the Original Testament is never your kind of Hell. Pagans on the other hand believed in your kind of hell because it was part of their tradition. Outside of the NT it is found only in later Judaic text such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and in pagan beliefs. Am I listening to traditions of men am I doing it or are you, name the tradition that I am listening to. Worshiping a man god was never part of Judaism or even in Israel. Worshiping Jesus is IDOLARY!