Who's Your Daddy? #2/4: Life Giving Spirits Live By Word

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @raisingamazingkids
    @raisingamazingkids Рік тому +4

    Everytime I listen to this it blesses me and brings me back to the peace of the true gospel

  • @ikobi
    @ikobi 4 роки тому +18

    I simply cannot get enough of Chris' simplicity yet with depth and potency. God bless you Chris, you have helped me understand deep mysteries without spooking those of us that don't have mystic backgrounds. Your "no airs" genuineness is really refreshing

  • @emmamack429
    @emmamack429 Рік тому

    I have listened to Mr blackaby for a while, thanks to God for this word we are sons of god by believing the word.much freedom.75yr.old, love covers it all.emma Mack

  • @emmamack429
    @emmamack429 2 роки тому +1

    As he is close to Florida, this word has help me so much wish I could attend a meeting.emma Mack. God is so good to give us a chance to become a son.

  • @karenmarienorman7
    @karenmarienorman7 3 роки тому +1

    We will live on Him and only Him, I believe soon enough.

  • @lizarossouw111
    @lizarossouw111 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you for making your resources free!!

  • @singarajukusampudi6567
    @singarajukusampudi6567 4 місяці тому

    Wonderful ❤

  • @tonyrayer1733
    @tonyrayer1733 3 роки тому +1

    We need you in Cardiff Wales UK the churches are starving to hear and receive the real good news. Justin Paul Abraham. Rick Joyner. Mike Parsons Ian Clayton. Nancy coen. Kevin zadai I honour you guys
    You are feeding a new generation of sons

  • @lisasollenberger2022
    @lisasollenberger2022 3 роки тому +1


  • @cejay5288
    @cejay5288 3 роки тому +3

    Chris ! This message makes my heart sing, full of Wisdom & revelation galore. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  • @EstablishTheKingdom
    @EstablishTheKingdom 3 роки тому


  • @wingedinfinity777
    @wingedinfinity777 3 роки тому

    😍😭😍 SO MOVING .... WOW !!!

  • @kathyschick2225
    @kathyschick2225 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you Chris! You are such a blessing to me! Glad you have come to America...for such a time as this.🙏🏻❤️🔥

  • @annalizeblake7556
    @annalizeblake7556 4 роки тому +2

    Truth will change facts. YES!

  • @Aspiringchild5187
    @Aspiringchild5187 3 роки тому +3

    It's interesting to me... I had words prophesied over me a few years ago (from more than one person) for which I had no context. Your teaching is giving me the biblical context and mindset to understand what was spoken. It's exciting! Thank you!

  • @shelleywhite1949
    @shelleywhite1949 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Chris. May you walk in the fullness of Christ!

  • @MR-lv3sk
    @MR-lv3sk 4 роки тому +2

    Wow, this is such a blessing! Your words confirm Jesus' Words to me and they bring new revelation; so profound. Thank you so much for sharing these teachings.

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому +11

    I asked Father one day , what's this humble yourself and pray stuff mean ?
    He said , Quit thinking that you have all of the answers and come to Me for the answers .
    Hear Yahweh's voice and Obey
    He counts it to you for righteousness and calls you perfect .
    Hebrews 11 .

  • @lisaarcher1621
    @lisaarcher1621 4 роки тому +2

    Truth will change facts. BOOM! 💥 AMEN!!

  • @lifelessonsfortheheart6429
    @lifelessonsfortheheart6429 4 роки тому +2

    Oh my I can only echo the words of
    He said all I want to say. Thank you Chris for allowing God take you on this journey. It helps us so much.

  • @sylviastrauss7190
    @sylviastrauss7190 4 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing this word!!

  • @djangobojangles5979
    @djangobojangles5979 4 роки тому +1

    Hello, brother chris.

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому +3

    sABBAth under the instructions , law is an appointment with God on the 7 the day to fellowship .
    sABBAth under Grace is 24-7 , You don't need an appointment .
    LIVE by Every Word that Proceeds out of the mouth of God
    🌲🔥 Tree of LIFE 🔥🌲
    Burning Bush News .
    Hear Yahweh's voice and Obey so it will be well with You .

  • @brentbrooksofficial
    @brentbrooksofficial 10 місяців тому

    Hey brother. Would like Chris to give understanding on Genesis with the use of Elohim that is used in plural

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому +2

    All will be taught by God ,,, taught here is sound down into the ears .

    • @cholettemcjimpson3548
      @cholettemcjimpson3548 3 роки тому

      Pop!!! You are teaching within these comments. Where are your videos?? You are releasing truth!!

    • @popscott3748
      @popscott3748 3 роки тому

      It's just elementary stuff .
      Glad you liked it .

  • @bjones5791
    @bjones5791 3 роки тому

    coo coo.

  • @michaelaruth4818
    @michaelaruth4818 3 роки тому +1

    You don't need to qualify yourself, you don't need to disqualify yourself. It's irrelevant.
    It's the wrong page of the wrong book. 35:32

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому

    God doesn't except anyone the way they are ,,,, He meets Them where they are at and takes them to where He wants them to be ,,,,
    The Nenivites worshiped the Fish god , when the Great Fish spit that dude out on the beach , he was their messenger of god .

  • @brentbrooksofficial
    @brentbrooksofficial 10 місяців тому

    Elohim is an interesting use here.
    It means “sons of gods” gods
    Someone clear this up

  • @su....
    @su.... 3 роки тому

    wonder full! thank you. i have a question.. how is it possible there is a father but not a mother in trinity? how is it that most have no problem referring to god as 'he', but cringe at the thought of god also 'she'? and is christ as second adam as much 'she' as 'he' after the resurrection, different than men and women being part of his body, i mean? thank you!

  • @wrshpr4lf
    @wrshpr4lf 3 роки тому

    why are people asking if you're a Universalist?

  • @dennyanthonymusic
    @dennyanthonymusic 3 роки тому

    Chris, I see this differently. I see that Father made Humanity "One New Man" in Christ (Ephesians 2:14-15) and that Jesus made a whole New Creation altogether. Meaning creation itself is now "purchased" by His Blood and belongs to Father (even though it was always His, that is how Righteous He is) and, therefore, all who have being are "in Him". Just as the death of Christ was "Once for all" so I see our Birth in Christ was also once for all. Pentecost was the Birthday of Humanity as a New Creation. Those who believe inherit Father's Dominion now, those who do not, do not. But it makes us no less born of God. Our brother John prophesied about the "Threshing Floor" that Jesus was to clear (before ascending and returning to Father). There will never again be such a harvest because we will never again go from Old Covenant to New Covenant. That was the "Threshing Floor" period of time... the sign that is was completely cleared was the destruction of the Temple, when the generation passed that Jesus talked about, "This generation will not pass away until all these things have been accomplished."
    Now there is no temple in the New Jerusalem, because the Lamb and the Lord are the Temple. That's us. :)
    So all that was not born of God was "Adopted" and "Grafted into the True Vine", thus making the two into "One New Man".
    So now, I see that in our generation, we don't wrestle against fallen Angels, but the "Pattern" or principles, rules, and hierarchies ("Authorities"). I see we wrestle against Ideation, not flesh and blood. All other "threshing floor" periods of Harvest ever since Pentecost have been from Glory to Glory, not from OT to NT, so the "weeds" and the "wheat" are not people, rather, they are "Ideologies" or schools of thought most know to be "satan". All that which is thrown into the Lake of Fire are not people (in the Greek, there is no reason to add personhood to those Greek words in Revelation 20:15 and others like it). These "Names" that will be thrown into the lake of fire and "blotted out" of the Book of Life are not people, but, in our modern times, would be "Titles" that describe vocation (like a Name would be in the ancient world, denoting what that person did as a vocation). For example, when there are no more sick people, the name "doctor" will be blotted out of the Book of Life because it doesn't exist anymore and the Book is always True of the I AM and His experiences and those within His experiences. We are Books, but only His Book matters most.
    So I see that there is "One Baptism" we were called to as a Humanity (Pentecost), and this Baptism has already occurred. Humanity (as "One New Man" placed in Christ) has already been crucified with Christ. And Just as Levi paid the tenth to Melchizedek through His ancestor Abraham (because Levi was still in the "bowels of his ancestor"), then how much more have we paid the wages of sin through our Spiritual Ancestor, Jesus Christ of Heaven? We were in His Heart when He did the work and He represented all of Mankind, as well as Godkind, therefore what is true of Jesus on the cross, is also true of Mankind, as well as Godkind, "Whatsoever you loose on Earth, will be loosed in Heaven..."
    So, you see, Jesus made it to where we are all born of God so that "Everyone who calls upon the Name of the Lord will be saved" will not only be true of Jews, but of anyone and everyone within the world.
    Also, notice, Acts 2 reveals that what actually happened is not as Christianity preaches it happens today. There were 120 expecting the Lord to manifest and 3000 who did not and did not believe (if they did, they would not have been "added to their number" that Day in that particular location). We know that Cornelius was also born again that day, but he was not present in that same location... the same goes for the Ethiopian Eunuch.
    So what happened? ALL FLESH was born again. Peter then stands up and explains that. THEN the people were "cut to the heart" because they believed what Peter said (the Gospel Sermon), which made them ask what they should do about it. THEN Peter said repent and be baptized so that you can receive the Gift that the Holy Spirit (already within them all) would give them... but only if they believe. Then he explains what this yields for us (what kind of Salvation it yields) in Acts 2:40, "Save yourselves from this wicked generation" (because Peter knew the Threshing Floor was being cleared out). So when we believe, we enter our Inheritance now, Father's Life, the Life Father always lived, which happens to be Eternal, which Jesus calls "the Kingdom of God"... the very Dominion of our Father Himself. Our reward, is Father Himself and that smile on His face when He says, "Well done..."
    So you see? If we had to DO something (like believe, for example) in order to BECOME born of God, Jesus would have publicly preached and taught that. But He only told Nicodemus in secret "at night" and nobody ever preached what anyone can do to become born of God. He only tells Nicodemus what He Himself must do, "...be lifted up like the Serpent in the desert..." so that everyone can be born of God, right after describing Pentecost, "The wind... so it is with EVERYONE born of the Spirit". Jesus only teaches (as do the Apostles) what we must do to ENTER the Kingdom of God reserved for Father's children. Believe (John 6:28)... that's it... and we can't believe Truth while already believing a lie, unless we "change our mind" which we know to be "repentance".
    I firmly believe that Jesus transformed the Human species when the Immortal married the Mortal and gave birth to a New Creation. So the generation born to the "Old Wineskins" who either believe what happened or didn't, were born the way Jesus was, of the flesh and of the Spirit, in a single birth. :O Yes, I believe we are all born this way. But, in this realm, our consciences can become "seared as with a hot iron" so it is up to those who believe (Truly) to display the same Heart of our father we see on the cross, "...forgive them, for they know not what they do..." about the ungodly and unrepentant.
    There is so much I could say about this... It is so simple, yet to overcome doctrine? That's not easy, because, as you know, doctrine is the veil of out NT. It will soon be removed and chucked away. ;) I see so much about this, Chris... but not many will listen to what I have to share. I don't say I'm right or wrong or that anyone must agree. I simply share what I see, how I see it during my time with Father. I love you, Brother-Love.

    • @dennyanthonymusic
      @dennyanthonymusic 3 роки тому

      One last thing... what people say we need to do to be born again is what I see we must do to Enter the Kingdom, because it is already our Inheritance, because we are already born of God Because of Jesus (see John 14:6 in Greek "come into being"). So, no person comes into being except through Christ, by Him, and because of Him. John 1:13 makes it clear that being born of God is not a human decision. so if we believe some Bible translations of John 1:12 to mean that we have the "right" to "become" children of God when we believe and receive, then isn't that a human decision we would have to make in order to become "born of God"? John 1:13 infallibly says it is not something a human can decide. So then, John 1:12 must be saying that to those who believed in His name, "He gave them the POWER to BE..." who He already designed us to be, "...children of God." In other words, unless we believe, we don't have the power to overcome the world through the Kingdom of God. We can't enter this Dominion to overcome the world, until we believe in the One who overcame the world and showed us our Father.
      I hope this is powerful for others as it is for me. It set me free to know this, in so many ways. It also empowers me to love all without condemnation in sight. :O THAT is a miracle right there! LOL!

  • @albertodelgado721
    @albertodelgado721 4 роки тому

    If we are a new creation and the old is dead were can we go , can we go back to our Birth (nicodemus) !

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому

    Jesus says , Sssssssss , Sssssssss SUP ?

  • @popscott3748
    @popscott3748 4 роки тому +1

    A double minded person is unstable in all of their ways .....
    John was double minded , he announced the Lamb of God and then asked are you the One ?
    We in effect cut our own head off during the renewing of the mind process .
    Double Minded or of two souls , the soul / mind of the old nature and the soul/ mind of the ,.
    New Creation , the Mind of Christ
    His Government is on Your Shoulders in the mind of Christ .