Failz clips - Classic WoW Elemental Shaman PVP PvP -
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- I want to start series of clips on Northdale , i will try to upload every 2 weeks hopefully . Sub/like if you enjoyed teh video.
addons: (not setup)
Maduk - Take You There
Trash the Rental(Crystal Castles Remix)
This is the stuff i was looking for to motivate me to level a shaman!
Need more clipz :D
This made me rethink my class of choice from hunter to shaman.. Great video!
Love it!
where is your shaman on fresh?
he slacker
Cant wait till classic.
Mattie when is the date release?
bboyxen people are speculating some time in 2019 but an official release date has not been announced
@Tarinia Doomarenn Wow thats only in a year or so... RIP
Badass Failz, keep it up. Lok'tar Ogar!
ton of fun to watch this, thanks for the great video
keep ele content coming gj
thank you :D i will
Between you two, I can't decide on shaman or druid. Too much inspiration. I guess I should thank you for that either way ;)
cant decide??? then i dont belive youve seen stormx rolling druid
@abdul Kek, mannnn they are both so good though. Sometimes slamming out fat chain lightnings sounds fun, othertimes swarming peoples faces with insects and sticking some claws in their back sounds fun too!
1:40 hey that's me and i'm not being huntarded!
Its an absolute honor to have PvP'd beside you and to also be in one of your videos :)
yw :D we kinda rape that night
Even 14 years after the release , vanilla is still a lot of fun.
Love this clip, music goes perfectly with it👍
A great example on how fun it is to play Ele shamans. Chain lightning was so effective back then.
DUUUD IT'S SKIIIIL! :D nice movie bro
awesome clips!
thanks bro , i love ur content too !
Realy good montage LOVED IT!!!
Love you for that CC track.
Nice one! Damn i want that UI! :D
What's your strategy for gearing at 60 on a fresh server? Dungeons and raids as resto and then respec to ele for PvP? Maybe heal as ele? Or just PvP as ele for PvP gear? Asking since I really find ele PvP highly interesting (although I guess running OOM often must suck) , but I'm not too fond of the healer role. And respeccing all the time seems expensive. Enjoyed the video. :)
Edit: And if you don't mind elaborating... Which ranks of spells do you use? I imagine that rank 1 Lightning Bolt and Earth Shock are useful occasionally for saving mana, utility, as well as proccing clearcasting, but other than that, do you just use max rank spells generally?
Edit2: And regarding leveling... Can you reveal your preferred leveling spec? And do you go ele straight from level 10, or maybe enhancement for the first x levels beyond 10? Any pro tips and tricks for leveling a shaman that you can provide? :)
Good looking frames and cast bar addons
That was fun to watch, didn't know a low lvl shaman could crit that hard.
Amazing, love me some elemental shaman pvp
Awesome mate brutal af
Very good man! :)
Love your videos
ShamPow ❤️
Nice videos just went through all the myself, keep it coming! Would love to know the enemy cast bar addon since my Luna doesn't stop the cast if the cast us interrupted, it will just finish off the cast
holy guacamole!
Great video!
thanks !
Man this looks so fun, but i just cant get myself to endure the leveleing...
nice clip m8
You inspired me to go train for classic! Could you give us the details of your talents?
nice, love it
thank you for awesome server and your team! if you are real WK xD
Do you normally level as full Ele at 40+ or only here for the pvp video ? Also would you recommend Tauron or orc is your planing to roll as ele for pvp at 60 and in general just world pvp as ele/resto ?
About to ding 40 on my shaman on Northdale. Respeccing ele when I do. Are you skipping the Reverberation talent? PvP while leveling is higher priority to me than leveling efficiently.
Hey, nice vid ;) I have only two questions: where do you playing and can you share yours addons please ? :)
Northdale , i'll try to upload my addon folder somewhere soon
Nice video
come back :(
Failz sry . mb was later )
what kind of gear were you wearing?
What kind of equip do you use? Or what are your prio stats while leveling.
My Ele Shaman is now 39, but with massive cloth items. Not really viable in wpvp.
edit: Great vid, keep up!
Turtle Scale set from lw is good example what you should use as ele pvp spirit isnt that bad for lvling you wana focus on of the eagle stuff and mail/leather gear with some good armor shield there isnt much sp b4 60 (wildthorn mail eng goggles only sp items worth using imo) or even at 60 so ele is in really bad state atm pre Dire Maul (after DM it gets alot better) i will personally go resto for premades on 60 but thats just my opinion
I think at lowerlevels especially SP gear is worthwhile as you need to drink much longer because DPS is lower when using int gear. Just get 120 water for your level from a mage each time you start your game session and you can drink every second mob and still got some left for a dungeon run at the end of the night.
Stuff like Robe of the Magi, Elven Spirit Claws, Starbelt (if you can get it cheap), Red Mageweave Pants are worth it. You lose like 8% damage reduction from gear pieces but lots of shields are incredibly strong such as the SM shield which alone gives like 25% damage reduction.
I mean warriors are kinda shitty to begin with while leveling, hunters eat you alive no matter what with lupos and you can nuke most people reliably.
When I was lvl 48 things really took off. 1100-1300 chain lighting crit (elemental mastery), 450+ earth shocks, plus 450 LBs really nuked anything that came across and didnt engage first.
rip stamina with it bro idk too squishy imo
Much thanks Failz, I'll go for the turtle-set + SM Shield + RfD Dagger!
np , in my opinion going class canon as lowbie ele is bad idea unless you are grping with some disco priest or smth even then ppl will eat you alive and ur not mage to have shields/block/blink + ur playing mastery spec wich means no ns = every1 will try to nuke you 1 spell interupt = ded so just get tanky as much as you can so you can survive some damage
Aaah hated u during my 1-60 caus u ganked me plenty of times. Glad to see I weren't in any of the videos thou. Fun enough the one time u didn't kill me when u passed me in Un goro that one mob I were just then killing dropped Edgemaster's Handguards. Thanks for sparing me! 🤗
haha :D gz on golds
new link for the addons? the current link dosent work.
at 7:05 you trinket a 0 second harmstring haha feelsbadman
tough i trinket intercept >.
Nice vid but 2:05 is basically a 1v1 since it's a ret pala.
Yo, it's SmokeKush from Northdale if you remember me :) Bro wtf are you?
Do you play as elemental while leveling at low levels and doing low level instances?
Hey mate) nice vids!! need new link for u addons) can u make it pls?
Great video! Shouldn't it be instead "Failz Clips Ele Shaman lowbie PvP?" :P
Private server? Or closed beta of blizz's classic server? (Not sure it even exists)
goddamn sham and failz always gave me problems while leveling. Could only get like 2 kills out of them.
great clips! whats the name of your nameplates? :)
part of modui
Whats your resolution ? 1920x1080?
How to make the same font as on video?
you make folder in ur wow vanilla folder called fonts then you download any font you like from some font website and put it there
what ui do u use?
those mages hard casting into grounding and not fake casting the earth shock ughh....Here's a tip for all would be mages out there, rank 1 frostbolt is your friend, use it to take out grounding totem, and vs purge happy shaman, rank 1 frost armor or int will do the trick, if he's smart he'll stop purging, if not he'll oom himself.
What addon do you use for totem timers?
mod ui
Ty. Nice video btw keep them coming
in discription
Failz thanks missed it
some good scenes...but u fight always vs noobs...some better duels vs some pvp players will be a honour...
1v1 sure , 1v2 people with same skill lvl as you is close to imposible and you have to be super lucky
yeah u right.. but the most of your enemys dont build engineering...u know every pvp-ler use this...
btw...Shaman is very op in pvp too..
your music is bis i play your videos in background just for music sometimes
Ele is so weak and this is good evidence for that claim you need rngjesus if u wanna be good
thats true tbh , i cant wait for bwl
Main reason for leaving K3?
im still raid loging there coz i like guild im in , respect Omen and others , reason i left close to no world pvp and 1 hr bg ques on horde side , most of my friends i was close with rolled on LH too
Gailz me boy u got discord?
Nothing special but not bad either
wtf is this music lol
bobbs is better
Useless and pointless low lvl pvp like all pvp in vanilla. If u have half brain choice a powerful class and spaniming eng. And choice a subject whos lower lvl, have half spells at his lvl, without trinket, flasks, potions and ping over 100!
Awesome video!
Which UI addon do you use, what is the one that shows enemy CD times