All About Toucans

  • Опубліковано 13 сер 2020
  • #toucans #ngscience #birthday
    Fun video all about Toucans. This video can be used as part of the NGSS Next Generation Science workbook activities for grades K, 1 and 2.
    Amazing Toucans!
    Toucans are birds that live in tropical rainforests. They are well-known for their large and colorful bills. Compared to the size of their bodies, toucans have the longest bills of all birds. Although their bills are very big, they are also very light.
    Toucans mostly eat fruit. They use their bills to pluck and pick fruits such as figs, papayas, oranges and guavas. Some toucans also eat insects and small lizards.
    Toucans have small wings and are not very good at flying. They mostly move about using their legs and claws to hop between trees.
    There are about 40 different kinds of toucans. The biggest is the toco toucan. They can be as long as 70 centimetres and weigh up to 1 kilogram!
    1. The Magical Colors of a Toucan's Beak
    Isn't it curious how the toucan's bill is so bright and colorful? These colors aren't just for show! They help toucans attract mates and also act as a warning to other animals that might want to mess with them. It's like they're saying, "Look at me, I'm confident and strong!"
    2. Where Do Toucans Sleep?
    Just like you snuggle up in your bed at night, toucans need a cozy place to rest too. They sleep in holes in trees. These holes are usually made by woodpeckers or are natural gaps in the tree. The toucan will curl its long tail over its head and snuggle into the tree hole, safe and warm.
    3. How Do They Talk?
    Toucans have a unique way of communicating. They make a variety of sounds ranging from croaks to high-pitched whistles. Some people say their calls sound like frogs! They use these calls to chat with other toucans, especially when they are looking for a partner or warning others about danger nearby.
    4. Toucans Play Games Too!
    Yes, birds can play! Toucans enjoy playing a game of catch. They toss berries or small fruits to one another in mid-air using their bills. This not only is fun for them, but also helps them practice their catching skills, which are important when they're hunting for food.
    5. Are All Toucans the Same?
    Not at all! As we mentioned earlier, there are about 40 different kinds of toucans. Each type has its unique size, color, and pattern. The Channel-billed Toucan, for instance, has a blue and yellow beak, while the Keel-billed Toucan sports a beak with green, red, orange, and even some blue!
    6. Baby Toucans
    When baby toucans, known as chicks, are born, they don't have those big bills right away. Instead, they have a small beak that grows as they get older. Mother and father toucans take turns feeding their chicks and keeping them safe from predators.
    7. Best Climbers Around
    Even though their flying skills might not be the best, toucans are amazing climbers. Using their sharp claws and strong legs, they can hop and climb up and down trees with ease. This helps them search for food and escape from any dangers.
    8. Friends of the Forest
    Toucans play a vital role in the health of the rainforest. By eating fruits and then spreading the seeds in different locations, they help new plants grow. This is super important for the well-being of the forest and all the creatures living in it.
    9. Toucan's Natural Umbrella
    Remember the long tail we talked about? Apart from helping them balance, toucans use their tails as a sort of natural umbrella. When it rains, they turn their tail up over their back and head to shield themselves from getting too wet.
    10. A Symbol of the Tropics
    Many cultures and people view the toucan as a symbol of playfulness, communication, and showmanship. Because of their vibrant colors and unique appearance, they're often found in artwork, stories, and even as mascots for different brands.
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