I adore this 'whispers deep in your ears' series, Glow! There's nothing better after a long day at work than just popping on some headphones and listening to you talk about all the amazing things you do and just general chit-chat. Sooo tingly and relaxing! I think I prefer the breathy whispers but the clickly ones are awesome too! It’s soo cool that your continuing your dancing and getting your own studio! Your dancing is amazing and that antifragile one you did might just be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! Really looking forward to seeing how this kids channel turns out too. Sounds really interesting and I’m sure the kids and their parents will so grateful. I don’t think you should ever be worried about putting things out. You are so so talented, Glow! Way more than you give yourself credit for! Believe in yourself. 💫 So happy you found a wedding dress! Can't wait to see it! You got glass slippers too? 🤣 I know what you mean about wanting to learn something but not having the time. I want to learn to work on cars but it's just finding the time for it. 🙄 You can't tease us with your villian! That's just cruel! 🤣 I have no doubt that you've worked so so hard on your book and I cannot wait to see the payoff! You deserve it so much! Thanks so much for the new years encouragement too! That's very kind and you're so truly inspirational and you make me want to become a better person. You have all the qualities of an amazing mother, Glow. You're kind and caring and your kids would never have any trouble sleeping or develop anxiety with your legendary ASMR skills. Any child would be so lucky to have you as a mother! I know what you mean though. One of the reasons why I don't want kids rn is because I don't really want to bring a child into the world with everything going on rn. LOVING your style atm! You always look so classy! Hope you're having a wonderful week and all the best of luck with everything you're doing! 💜
Thank you so much John!!! I did get transparent slippers too lmao!! Let's hope you're right about being a mother haha! and that would be great if my kid could just magically sleep with asmr lmao
@@asmrglow No problem, Glow! Anytime! 😊 OMG, that's brilliant! 🤣I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother! Yeah, if only it were that easy! I'm sure your ASMR would help them sleep massively tho! 💜
Hi Sharon, I share the same problem as you in that I don't have time to learn how to play the piano. I love it so much, but what pains me is that I have other important events going on in my life currently that I can't spend much time learning about it. But whenever I can, I try to watch videos and learn little by little whenever I get the chance to practice. Sometimes it's reassuring that I'm not the only one going through this problem as well, I know we both can get better at the things we want to learn it's just a few baby steps at a time but we'll get there. Thank you so much for always encouraging us to do the things that we love
@@Iyric Just try to ignore them and don't let it get to you if you can. I think people like that are generally just looking for a rise so it's best not to give them that satisfaction. Keep your chin up, you're doing a great job and I'm sure Glow really appreciates all your support and kind words! 🙏
Thank you so much Lyric! I think piano is the perfect example for this kind of struggle! I think really we just have to START. with anything, whatever it is but like just START! otherwise we never end up touching the piano/sewing machine and it just sits there like a scary thing lol
Glow been a fan of your channel since 2018. I have always connected with the passion and creativity you have. I could listen to you talk about your writings, dress making, and your love for fantasy for hours. You are one of my favorite ASMR channel because of all the videos where we get to see your creativity and your passion.
Good luck with your resolutions! And I'm thrilled that the "meet a stranger" series sparked your creativity again, I can't wait to see what you come out with! And I liked both whispers! Thanks for a relaxing video!
Hey Glow, lately I‘ve been struggling a bit with my future aspirations and doubting the purpose of my degree and such. Hearing you talk about your hard work and your struggles with things like the sewing while reassuring us to go for that opportunity as it is our lives had a really healing effect. I just wanted to say thank you as those thing helped me to calm down and clear my mind ❤
you'll never feel completely ready to have a child, but just the fact that you are already this concerned about caring for/protecting one means you'll do a great job. Its very easy to get sucked into thinking the world is an awful place when its all we see on the news/social media, but for every bad story that spreads so quickly theres good you dont see
Gloow! Thanks for the video as always! Sorry if this has been asked a million times but do you have plans to sell any signed copies of your book? Either way I'm excited for it.
omg Taylor!!!!! thank you so so much??? For this launch i'm not sure but i'm really hoping at some point i can have a special edition and i can sign them!
@@asmrglow you are very welcome and no, thank you. Ooh that's cool.I'm assuming that's the version with possibly llustrations and stuff that you were talking about.
So sorry to hear (read) that 😕 I hope whatever is going on in your life will soon be over 🙏 I wish for you to find joy and happiness in the things around you, to meet people who value and accept you for who you are and to get the love and friendship you deserve ❤🙏 Good luck there 🍀
I am so truly sorry to hear that. I used to suffer with that myself so I know what you're going through. I really really hope that things get better for you soon and that you get any help you may need. Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful. Wishing you all the best! 🙏
As a dude who sometimes watches sowing and tailoring vids, sowing is awesome! Most of all I love the historically accurate/inspired yet practical stuff like on Bernadette Banner's channel, but also I sometimes see the elaborate cosplay outfits people are making and they seem to get more incredible and crafty every year.
First up, the video is great and i loved listening to you. Second, I work with children on a regulary basis and I think you underestimate how many kids would be in love with almost anything that you do, because you have a passion for it and that is what sticks the most. I think the word "mistake" is seen so negatively nowadays, that we tend not to do any because we are scared of the outcome. By doing that we dont realise that mistakes are just a normal part of a journey and that kids may see themselves in a better light. When they see, that being an adult doesnt mean you have to be perfect, they are relieved from pressure and are more encouraged to try themselves out, even if the topics are completely different :D Well no matter what, I think you ll slay the kids channel and be a positive influence on any young ones watching. Stay amazing
GLOW!!! We do meditation and ASMR videos with my 4.5 yo daughter who sometimes need them to calm down. There are not many kids videos out there so we would love to see this!
Think of sewing like the gym when it becomes a competition or a chore you get overwhelmed and it gets less fun so after a painful first day back at gym I appreciate the breathy whispers 😁😂😎 also the purple is nice
Hi Shaz, J'adore ces vidéos whispers ! La série ''meet a stranger'' est cool, c'est dommage qu'elle fasse moins de vue. J'apprécie énormément tes vidéos type roleplays Courage pour la chaîne 🤝 Ces vidéos seront forcément une réussite et même si dans le pire des cas tu devais faire une petite erreur, c'est pas grave, tu ne peux que t'améliorer. Au fait, c'est quoi le nom de la chaîne ? Little Glow ? Trop bien pour ta robe !! 🥹 Digne d'une princesse Disney ✨ j'adore les tenues de mariés autant pour l'esthétisme que pour ce que cela représente (surtout depuis que j'ai eu l'honneur d'accompagner une future mariée à la recherche de sa robe, j'étais un des témoins 😊) Je vois ce que tu dis, j'ai aussi des regrets de ne pas avoir porté de l'intérêt sur certaines choses pendant mon enfance. Mais comme on dit il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre. Faut ce forcer a commencer en repensant son emploi du temps et intégrer un moment où se poser pour cette nouvelle chose. Même si les débuts sont hasardeux 😅. La fierté d'avoir commencé est inégalable.C'est comme ça que j'ai amélioré mon anglais par ex. J'aimerais encore apprendre a dessiner (surtout en 3d), mieux cuisiner (j'ai commencé à m'équiper), joué de la guitare électrique ou basse, apprendre + de langues. Mais j'avoue, cette montagne paraît de + en + raide 😅 Trop hâte de découvrir ton trailer !! d'avoir un avant goût de l'univers que tu as créé. 22:02 Merci pour le sneak peak 😁 Tant mieux si finalement tu as choisi de travailler avec des artistes indépendants. La réponse du studio est tellement arrogante. S'ils peuvent te répondre ainsi je ne sais pas si tu aurais apprécié de travailler avec eux Ah le fameux topic des enfants 😄 c'est garanti que cette enfant recevra tout l'amour qu'il mérite et qu'il évoluera dans le meilleur environnement possible. Mais c'est sûr qu'un enfant change radicalement une vie .Tu es déjà une très belle personne mais le fait que tu cherches à t'améliorer prouve que tu sera une excellente mère et modèle pour miniGlow. Si ce n'est pas indiscret, ce serait plus biologique ou adoption ? Les deux types sont sympas mais j'ai une préférence pour le breathy whisper
Salut Glow, j'ai remarqué que beaucoup de vidéos avaient été enlevées sur deezer... en particulier mes préférées Ce serait possible de les remettre? Je les écoute vraiment souvent parce que tu es clairement la meilleure au niveau de l'asmr
Salut , je maîtrise pas trop l'anglais, mais en tout cas tu as l'air heureuse dans ce que tu fais, c'est beau ! Je suis content pour toi 😊 J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais. Du coup il me tarde de lire ton livre 🧐😉
I ❤love love when you just Rambling just talk about wheneverrrrr is on your mind not only your beautiful your personality is amazing beautiful that’s why I subscribe to your channel everything about you what’s that word I’m looking for RELAXING 😌 💆🏻♂️🤝 uhh keep RAMBLING on enjoy yourself goodddd night
i know this video is kind of old but i can't recommend the stitchery enough. her channel is full of her just figuring things out, mostly sewing clothes, and her enthusiasm is so contagious. i'm not a very crafty person and don't make a lot of things but i think she's delightful to watch and she makes me feel motivated to take on my own more mundane projects that i've been putting off or am intimidated by
On sewing, the trick is to not overload yourself. Forget the machine for a while - you can do a lot more by hand, and you should learn how to baste well first anyway. That's just handsewing things together using long strokes, instead of pinning them. 99% of what I do is by hand, just because it's quicker. I only use a machine when I need to do a lot of long seams or hems. Otherwise, you really only need to know how to do like four or five stitches at the most (running stitch, backstitch, ladder stitch, and blanket stitch, maybe herringbone stitch for stretchy stuff) for everything, and you'll only really use two or three of them for the majority of a project. When you get tired of sewing things by hand, that's when you should consider using the machine. 😆
I have the same problem as procrastination for what I think is really important and enjoyable for me. I think the truth is it’s too important for us that we are afraid of messing up. So I think what should been done is to comfort oneself, and do not expect much of it. Even do not think of it, just close your heart and do it.
I know what you mean about learning something new. It can seem daunting and impossible, but mostly I find when you actually begin to do whatever it is, it's easier to get your head around it than you think. Maybe. Anyway, nice to hear the book preps are still coming along😁👍 Also, having us all message you with "where are the kids vids you promised us?" might not be such a good look!😬🤓hahaha!!
i like both types of whispers but clicky are better for me when i'm just having the video playing in the background doing other things and breathy feels better for when i'm trying to sleep
I really want to do more art. I want to take up drawing. I signed up for a class at my local rec center and it starts next week. I work on a computer so I am looking for more ways to disconnect from computers and phones and stuff
I adore this 'whispers deep in your ears' series, Glow! There's nothing better after a long day at work than just popping on some headphones and listening to you talk about all the amazing things you do and just general chit-chat. Sooo tingly and relaxing! I think I prefer the breathy whispers but the clickly ones are awesome too!
It’s soo cool that your continuing your dancing and getting your own studio! Your dancing is amazing and that antifragile one you did might just be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen!
Really looking forward to seeing how this kids channel turns out too. Sounds really interesting and I’m sure the kids and their parents will so grateful. I don’t think you should ever be worried about putting things out. You are so so talented, Glow! Way more than you give yourself credit for! Believe in yourself. 💫
So happy you found a wedding dress! Can't wait to see it! You got glass slippers too? 🤣
I know what you mean about wanting to learn something but not having the time. I want to learn to work on cars but it's just finding the time for it. 🙄
You can't tease us with your villian! That's just cruel! 🤣 I have no doubt that you've worked so so hard on your book and I cannot wait to see the payoff! You deserve it so much!
Thanks so much for the new years encouragement too! That's very kind and you're so truly inspirational and you make me want to become a better person.
You have all the qualities of an amazing mother, Glow. You're kind and caring and your kids would never have any trouble sleeping or develop anxiety with your legendary ASMR skills. Any child would be so lucky to have you as a mother! I know what you mean though. One of the reasons why I don't want kids rn is because I don't really want to bring a child into the world with everything going on rn.
LOVING your style atm! You always look so classy!
Hope you're having a wonderful week and all the best of luck with everything you're doing! 💜
Thank you so much John!!! I did get transparent slippers too lmao!!
Let's hope you're right about being a mother haha! and that would be great if my kid could just magically sleep with asmr lmao
@@asmrglow No problem, Glow! Anytime! 😊 OMG, that's brilliant! 🤣I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother! Yeah, if only it were that easy! I'm sure your ASMR would help them sleep massively tho! 💜
Hi Sharon, I share the same problem as you in that I don't have time to learn how to play the piano. I love it so much, but what pains me is that I have other important events going on in my life currently that I can't spend much time learning about it. But whenever I can, I try to watch videos and learn little by little whenever I get the chance to practice. Sometimes it's reassuring that I'm not the only one going through this problem as well, I know we both can get better at the things we want to learn it's just a few baby steps at a time but we'll get there. Thank you so much for always encouraging us to do the things that we love
@@LS-BKLF with all due respect I spend my money how I want to ☝🏻
@@Iyric Just try to ignore them and don't let it get to you if you can. I think people like that are generally just looking for a rise so it's best not to give them that satisfaction. Keep your chin up, you're doing a great job and I'm sure Glow really appreciates all your support and kind words! 🙏
Thank you so much Lyric! I think piano is the perfect example for this kind of struggle! I think really we just have to START. with anything, whatever it is but like just START! otherwise we never end up touching the piano/sewing machine and it just sits there like a scary thing lol
Glow been a fan of your channel since 2018. I have always connected with the passion and creativity you have. I could listen to you talk about your writings, dress making, and your love for fantasy for hours. You are one of my favorite ASMR channel because of all the videos where we get to see your creativity and your passion.
aw that's so kind!!!
Good luck with your resolutions! And I'm thrilled that the "meet a stranger" series sparked your creativity again, I can't wait to see what you come out with! And I liked both whispers! Thanks for a relaxing video!
thank you very much Christopher!!!
thank you very much Dave!!!
Hey Glow, lately I‘ve been struggling a bit with my future aspirations and doubting the purpose of my degree and such. Hearing you talk about your hard work and your struggles with things like the sewing while reassuring us to go for that opportunity as it is our lives had a really healing effect. I just wanted to say thank you as those thing helped me to calm down and clear my mind ❤
aw!!! Im so glad!
Yay! A Glow video arriving just before bed! 🎉 Sleep will be easier!
I love both types of whispers but I think clicky are my favorite
The breathy whispers were sublime
always love these long deep whisper ones
Love Tuesdays and Fridays!! Thank you for the Monday Video!!
you'll never feel completely ready to have a child, but just the fact that you are already this concerned about caring for/protecting one means you'll do a great job. Its very easy to get sucked into thinking the world is an awful place when its all we see on the news/social media, but for every bad story that spreads so quickly theres good you dont see
I was going to write the same message. She's already thinking about the child's future and they are not here- of course she will be excellent at it!
Gloow! Thanks for the video as always!
Sorry if this has been asked a million times but do you have plans to sell any signed copies of your book? Either way I'm excited for it.
omg Taylor!!!!! thank you so so much???
For this launch i'm not sure but i'm really hoping at some point i can have a special edition and i can sign them!
@@asmrglow you are very welcome and no, thank you. Ooh that's cool.I'm assuming that's the version with possibly llustrations and stuff that you were talking about.
ASMR really is the best thing ever. I don't get tingles but it's still so relaxing ❤
Whenever Glow posts a video I tell my boss to shut up because the rest of the day is a write-off.
You your boss’ boss. 😤 💪
Are you self employed? lol
It’s about sleep
It’s about power
We stay sleepy
We devour
As his boss I can confirm
@@usefirefox Lickin our ears
Brushing our face
Glow makes us feel sleepy and safe.
Perfect video, exactly what I needed tonight❤ Thank you so much for making such quality videos! Have a good night everyone!😴
Thank you! You too! 🙏
Beautiful ASMR that headphones are awesome for thank you Sharon!
i have waited all day for this(i haven’t seen the video yet but i know it’s gonna be fantastic)
Ya always make the Rodes sound SO DAMN GOOD!!!
Just had surgery today, so this is perfect timing to help me sleep later tonight! Thankyou!
So sorry to hear that. Really hope it went well and that you feel better soon! 🙏
ASMR is trending on X. I clicked it, and the first three posts were Glow vids. Go Glow!
Your "tiara" is probably the cutest version I've heard. ❤️
Thank you for another lovely video Sharon!
Have a good sleep everyone! 🌙💤
Thank you! Sleep well too! 💤🙏
Wooooh happy yo be a returning member and back to sleeping DEEP from these
I'm glad that you're enjoying your life Shaz. 👍☺🍵
Very nice !!
Whispers 🌬✨️😌✨️👍Glow 🌟
Very soothing and relaxing!!
Thanks !
Thanks Glow I really needed it I'm going through suicidal thoughts but this type of video helps me keeping that out of my mind.
So sorry to hear (read) that 😕 I hope whatever is going on in your life will soon be over 🙏 I wish for you to find joy and happiness in the things around you, to meet people who value and accept you for who you are and to get the love and friendship you deserve ❤🙏 Good luck there 🍀
I am so truly sorry to hear that. I used to suffer with that myself so I know what you're going through. I really really hope that things get better for you soon and that you get any help you may need. Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful. Wishing you all the best! 🙏
As a dude who sometimes watches sowing and tailoring vids, sowing is awesome! Most of all I love the historically accurate/inspired yet practical stuff like on Bernadette Banner's channel, but also I sometimes see the elaborate cosplay outfits people are making and they seem to get more incredible and crafty every year.
I have two young children and would love to have them listen to your kids channel ❤
7:42 I loved your stranger series
Another ASMR video that opens with noise! Extraordinary!
Appreciate the upload! 😊
Hearing Glow say that she'd like to try rapping along with singing has me going 'heck yes!'. That goal sounds super exciting
That's sooo relaxing, thanks for the upload 😉❤️
Your dress sounds so cute! I'm excited to see it 😁
don’t stress yourself one thing at a time and you’ll be fine I think dancing is your niche and I love your singing too
Yess! A whisper video finally 😭😊
Glow's the best ❤
You can do any thing you put your mind to!!! Always Remember:
Positive Thoughts + Positive Actions =Positive Results
Absolutely love the clicky whisper ❤
First up, the video is great and i loved listening to you. Second, I work with children on a regulary basis and I think you underestimate how many kids would be in love with almost anything that you do, because you have a passion for it and that is what sticks the most. I think the word "mistake" is seen so negatively nowadays, that we tend not to do any because we are scared of the outcome. By doing that we dont realise that mistakes are just a normal part of a journey and that kids may see themselves in a better light. When they see, that being an adult doesnt mean you have to be perfect, they are relieved from pressure and are more encouraged to try themselves out, even if the topics are completely different :D Well no matter what, I think you ll slay the kids channel and be a positive influence on any young ones watching. Stay amazing
Glow, thanks for everything you’ve done. Such a great channel. All the best
Always love the breathy whispers!! 😊
The most beautiful on UA-cam, thanks for the video and for your time. I wish you wonderful days 💗✨🎈
Merci pour ce bon moment passé avec toi 😍🥰❤️
Excellent This is so relaxing Glow
GLOW!!! We do meditation and ASMR videos with my 4.5 yo daughter who sometimes need them to calm down. There are not many kids videos out there so we would love to see this!
Ooooohhhhhh, a floral background! Yes😍
Happy it has the subtitles on!!! 😁♥️💚✨️✨️
I LOVE your strangers series 🙏🍂🍄🌳☕️
Think of sewing like the gym when it becomes a competition or a chore you get overwhelmed and it gets less fun so after a painful first day back at gym I appreciate the breathy whispers 😁😂😎 also the purple is nice
hahah omg i dont go to the gym oh noooo! but i get it haha
Shaz, your accessories are always so beautiful, as are you! Thank you for the amazing ASMR
that's very kind thank you!!
Loved this! both type of whispers is my favorite
Hi Shaz,
J'adore ces vidéos whispers ! La série ''meet a stranger'' est cool, c'est dommage qu'elle fasse moins de vue. J'apprécie énormément tes vidéos type roleplays
Courage pour la chaîne 🤝 Ces vidéos seront forcément une réussite et même si dans le pire des cas tu devais faire une petite erreur, c'est pas grave, tu ne peux que t'améliorer. Au fait, c'est quoi le nom de la chaîne ? Little Glow ?
Trop bien pour ta robe !! 🥹 Digne d'une princesse Disney ✨ j'adore les tenues de mariés autant pour l'esthétisme que pour ce que cela représente (surtout depuis que j'ai eu l'honneur d'accompagner une future mariée à la recherche de sa robe, j'étais un des témoins 😊)
Je vois ce que tu dis, j'ai aussi des regrets de ne pas avoir porté de l'intérêt sur certaines choses pendant mon enfance. Mais comme on dit il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre.
Faut ce forcer a commencer en repensant son emploi du temps et intégrer un moment où se poser pour cette nouvelle chose. Même si les débuts sont hasardeux 😅. La fierté d'avoir commencé est inégalable.C'est comme ça que j'ai amélioré mon anglais par ex. J'aimerais encore apprendre a dessiner (surtout en 3d), mieux cuisiner (j'ai commencé à m'équiper), joué de la guitare électrique ou basse, apprendre + de langues. Mais j'avoue, cette montagne paraît de + en + raide 😅
Trop hâte de découvrir ton trailer !! d'avoir un avant goût de l'univers que tu as créé. 22:02 Merci pour le sneak peak 😁
Tant mieux si finalement tu as choisi de travailler avec des artistes indépendants. La réponse du studio est tellement arrogante. S'ils peuvent te répondre ainsi je ne sais pas si tu aurais apprécié de travailler avec eux
Ah le fameux topic des enfants 😄 c'est garanti que cette enfant recevra tout l'amour qu'il mérite et qu'il évoluera dans le meilleur environnement possible. Mais c'est sûr qu'un enfant change radicalement une vie .Tu es déjà une très belle personne mais le fait que tu cherches à t'améliorer prouve que tu sera une excellente mère et modèle pour miniGlow. Si ce n'est pas indiscret, ce serait plus biologique ou adoption ?
Les deux types sont sympas mais j'ai une préférence pour le breathy whisper
Hearing ur plans for the future about ur book, and other channels and whatnot was amazing and inspiring to hear!!
Thanks for all your work for us
Thanks for listening!
I think its true that love can't solve all problems, but fear will create more
Thank you! ❤
Happy Tuesday ❤
Happy Tuesday to you too! Hope you're having an awesome one! 🙏
You look so beautiful in this video! Thanks for posting it helps a lot!
Tá tudo muito bonito nesse video: iluminação, cenário, paleta de cores... além do asmr em si, obviamente
You have immense talent
Salut Glow, j'ai remarqué que beaucoup de vidéos avaient été enlevées sur deezer... en particulier mes préférées
Ce serait possible de les remettre? Je les écoute vraiment souvent parce que tu es clairement la meilleure au niveau de l'asmr
je vais faire une enquete parce que je savais pas! merci!!!
Salut , je maîtrise pas trop l'anglais, mais en tout cas tu as l'air heureuse dans ce que tu fais, c'est beau ! Je suis content pour toi 😊
J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais.
Du coup il me tarde de lire ton livre 🧐😉
I ❤love love when you just Rambling just talk about wheneverrrrr is on your mind not only your beautiful your personality is amazing beautiful that’s why I subscribe to your channel everything about you what’s that word I’m looking for RELAXING 😌 💆🏻♂️🤝 uhh keep RAMBLING on enjoy yourself goodddd night
My 9 year old brother would definitely love the kids channel
I was just thinking about you the other day and how I have not seen a video from you for a long time😊
i posted last friday as usual!! haha
Glow forever! ❣💯
Awesome! Thank you for the relaxation
My favorite asmr
Oh, wedding dress!? It never crossed my mind but, congratulations!
Thank you!! 😊
I’m super excited for the kids channel !!!!!!!!
I want the kid's channel...I'm really excited for what you'll do there🤗
i know this video is kind of old but i can't recommend the stitchery enough. her channel is full of her just figuring things out, mostly sewing clothes, and her enthusiasm is so contagious. i'm not a very crafty person and don't make a lot of things but i think she's delightful to watch and she makes me feel motivated to take on my own more mundane projects that i've been putting off or am intimidated by
Okay so I haven't seen anyone talking about you liking k-pop? I love it too, and I really wanna see the enhypen sacrifice cover 😍
I get my own lil dance room at the end of April!! Then I’ll be able to dance again 😫
Analyzing the villain sneak peak frame by framee, I am so hyped
Sharon I need another of this video
Who else here can’t believe that it’s already almost FEBRUARY??
I'll be glad when summers back
Ikr! Where's all that time gone?
@JemmaThomas-se7sb same here! After almost 35 years of life I've decided winter is not my favorite season. I'm definitely a spring and summer guy.
@@ronnieperez8519 it rains to much where I am I wanna vacation Lol
i was just telling myself that yesterday
after watching glower 5 years glowup the glow has is glorious
I think you will be a great mum and I wish you the best♥️😊👍
On sewing, the trick is to not overload yourself. Forget the machine for a while - you can do a lot more by hand, and you should learn how to baste well first anyway. That's just handsewing things together using long strokes, instead of pinning them. 99% of what I do is by hand, just because it's quicker. I only use a machine when I need to do a lot of long seams or hems. Otherwise, you really only need to know how to do like four or five stitches at the most (running stitch, backstitch, ladder stitch, and blanket stitch, maybe herringbone stitch for stretchy stuff) for everything, and you'll only really use two or three of them for the majority of a project.
When you get tired of sewing things by hand, that's when you should consider using the machine. 😆
I have the same problem as procrastination for what I think is really important and enjoyable for me. I think the truth is it’s too important for us that we are afraid of messing up. So I think what should been done is to comfort oneself, and do not expect much of it. Even do not think of it, just close your heart and do it.
great video. thank you
I know what you mean about learning something new. It can seem daunting and impossible, but mostly I find when you actually begin to do whatever it is, it's easier to get your head around it than you think. Maybe. Anyway, nice to hear the book preps are still coming along😁👍 Also, having us all message you with "where are the kids vids you promised us?" might not be such a good look!😬🤓hahaha!!
One recipe at a time, and your skill will build up over time. I bet its the same with dress making. ❤
Luv u Glow 💓
Glow is by far one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, keep being amazing & keep smiling 😊❤
i like both types of whispers but clicky are better for me when i'm just having the video playing in the background doing other things and breathy feels better for when i'm trying to sleep
i agree same
0:01 0:02 best part
Hi ASMR Glow, how are you and what did you have for breakfast today?
a raspberry skyr!!! im good how are you!
The world is in a far better shape and safety level than when our grandparents had our parents, youll be absolutely fine.
First like and comment. Une vidéo parfaite 🤗🤗❤❤
I've been watching too many Chris-Chan memes lately.
When you repeated "I'm working on it." , i was expecting Bob to burst through the door.
Omg hahaha
Anyone know how I can replace my little voice in my head with Glow's voice?
Put out the children's videos! My kids would love them! ♥️
plsssss get back to singing!!! my fav asmr of yours to this day is the one soft singing disney songs. i loooove your voice
I really want to do more art. I want to take up drawing. I signed up for a class at my local rec center and it starts next week. I work on a computer so I am looking for more ways to disconnect from computers and phones and stuff
that's amazing!!!
You are gorgeous in this video Sharon, look' s like a princess!