Everything in the game becomes easy after learning and perfecting the mechanics. I have struggled with every single thing in the game at first. Dont be deterred. I'm now sitting on 9 inferno kc and almost have every single boss on the hiscores. And yes, I work +40 hours a week and live a normal life. If I can do it, so can you. Gl fellow scapers
Yoyo, I'm sitting at around 300m bank with near maxed cmbt, I wanted to try out inferno but I wanted to not feel too stressed about dying. Should I grind till I get tbow or is it better to catch a acb and go for it?
@@mikenelson6939 full crystal + bofa all day. Dont be afraid to use supplies while learning. Learning to properly deal with the blobs early on will greatly help you when you start consistently making it to the later waves. I highly suggest Xzacts guide. DearLola1 is also a great person to watch and learn from. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. Best of luck
I find myself avoiding trying certain bosses sometimes because I overthink them lol. Slowly starting to learn more and more pvm and it's been really fun.
Can't speak for inferno but yeah. Jad, vorkath, zulrah, pretty much any boss with mechanics I struggled at first but quickly got them down and they're very chill fairly low effort now.
I’ve been putting off Corrupted gauntlet for the longest time. I know I’ll enjoy it but I always make the excuse that I should probably skill or work on other goals
I'm currently dreading the Fight Cave. I know how big of an upgrade the fire cape is but I'm constantly seeing guides that recommend gear that is far outside of my price range. My goal now is to finish getting my ranged to 75 so that I can use a Toxic Blowpipe and then prepping items to give it a shot in the next few weeks.
Use blessed dragon hide and a fury you’ll do fine. People back in RS2 used Karils Xbow or rune c’bow which is worse dps than what we have in osrs today.
For me it has to be Jad. I've never gotten the fire cape before, though I have the stats to do it no problem. What's holding me back is doing the whole process leading up to to it--all the waves, etc, and the time commitment just to take a few solid attempts (~2hrs?). I'm going to try it this weekend, hopefully with some friends watching to make it entertaining.
I did my first attempt a couple months back and got to jad. The healers spawned weird and I couldn’t group them away. But I’m pretty sure it was barely an hour. And I stalled out a couple waves for positioning and stuff. I’ll try again soon. I feel the same way you do but it’s honestly not bad
You got it man, what helped me was to copy and paste a list for the waves in the Notes section on Runelite so you can anticipate the next wave. This will help a lot! Also, don't be afraid to take a small break and stand up/stretch, breath, get a snack or a drink before fighting Jad.
Dude! I fought Jad for the first time last night. I got to him and the healers spawned. I got them to focus fire me and I ignored their attacks while I worked on Jad. I eventually decided to try and wipe them out. Somehow got caught up in the back and forth and died to Jad -he had to have 15-20hp left. It hurt after putting in 85 minutes however I will say I got there with relative ease. The boss fight itself is easy. Best recommendation I can give is don't panic. Zoom in and focus on his attack animations. The prayer switching is pretty easy. Also, I did this with 75 range and 70 def. I plan on beating him tonight. You got this!!!
You can def do it, got my first cape at 67 ranged last week, remember to flick eagle eye (you prob don't have rigour) for a juicy DPS increase and know what to do during Jad beforehand. If you struggle with healing, Guthan's will be the solution, basically eliminating the need for brews (still better to take 2-3 just in case). You can easily heal on blobs when you get rid of the magers and rangers or you can even flinch a 180 (melee) in a safespot. And most importantly, during Jad, switching prayers > EVERYTHING
I’m way in the mid tier still but I’v been messing around with some low level bosses and almost instantly dropped down to 4 hp when I set foot in the deranged archaeologist area…needless to say I’m leveling up afk at ammonite crabs until I’m alittle higher level and going straight back! Can’t wait to get back into bossing!
I want to do Barrows soon. I'm just reaching base 60 combat stats for melee, 65 ranged and magic, and 50 prayer. So getting some better gear and a few more levels before I start. Thanks for the guide!
If you have really low level prayer, you can kill one brother with your prayer and leave to a poh or a rejuvenation pool to get full paryer again to kill another brother. Like in ferox enclave or houseparty in a house in the world 330. There is free teleports to barrows in the world 330 in houseparty. Barrows only reset once you open the chest. World 330 is very crowed for barrows, you may want to hop worlds after a teleport because i already saw noobs dying because there is so many people at one place and you cant see what you need to do. If you have a slayer helm imbued, i consider the best for barrows. Get a god cape when you can. I think you armor progression goes like this: full rune armor or your best, then granite platebody, then dragon armor, then torag platebody with guthan skirt. Square shield and med helms provide less magic attack penalty than kite shields and full helmets, but less defense. Spirit shield dont penalize magic. I recomend you use prayer boosting to kill karil and ahrim faster, especially karil, like eagle eye for example. You can ignore one strong enemy from the tunnels if you dont want to expend in a prayer pot down there, you still the change for the armor from all the other that you killed from the chest, barrows reset once you open the chest. Always kill dharok with protect from mellee. I hope some info here may help you.
@@polentusmax6100 Here is how I tended to do Barrows at about 60 prayer (which isn't that expensive, reanimating giants from 50 to 60 costs about 350k gp). First Dharok with protect from melee, then Ahrim with protect from magic, then Karil with protect from ranged. With my gear, the 60 prayer points last for all 3 of these brothers and then I tank the rest (healing with karambwans). If the tomb of one of the first 3 brothers lead to the cave, I just do it as usual and when he appears in the cave, I sip a dose of a prayer pot and kill him, effectively using 0.5 doses of prayer potion per run.
I have problems with corrupted gauntlet. I think that my K:D ratio is something like 1:30. I stopped for the moment, until I have more time IRL to focus and not rush things.
Hey Koaz! I find God Wars to be very scary! I am a solo Osrs player, and I have finally gotten my combat past base 90.. well almost. A lot of the solo mechanics are terrifying to think of trying and yet duo and trio+ is extremely hard for me to try as I’m unfamiliar with the social side of osrs. I had decided to get my combats up to base 90s so that I had no excuse to start climbing the ladder! Since, I have finally gotten a fire cape, 2 zenytes in under 150 demonic gorillas and so much more! Items I never thought I’d be able to by just pushing my limits. Thanks for the video cause it gave me a renewed faith in climbing that boss ladder!
im a solo player as none of my friends play osrs so trying to solo lots of bosses seem intimidating currently. I have 1 kc at zulrah after about 20 attempts, I can do 1 kill vork trips but i really want to get into GWD but getting kc for a single trip is just a pain in the ass. I would love any of the godswords or hasta from zammy. im going to get base 90s before going back to zammy
I feel you with none of my friends play, so I only play solo. But interested in trying gwd and so on. Hit me up sometime, perhaps we can help each other out. Rsn Traxates
CG is probably best piece of content mid level players should learn before trying out high level raids or inferno. It's a fantastic way to learn character pathing, the importance of DPS over survivability, prayer & gear switching, and paying attention to what's happening on the screen
Honestly, I'm scared of going for my first fire cape. Everyone says it's a massive upgrade, which makes sense, but I feel like I have so little combat experience. I will definitely give it a try eventually. After I get my combat stats up a little more, I will definitely go for the cape.
Fight cave is where I first felt I started to get some pvm concepts. Paying attention to ticks, prayer switches, how to place enemies, it's all there and it's a good place to learn because death only loses you time, not money. Give it a shot, even if you die you'll learn. Took me like 20 tries, I'm very bad lol
It's a fine place to start! Demonic gorilla's was another stepping stone for me and helped preparing for zulrah quite well. I think doing any boss helps with getting used to clicks and movement. Sarachnis trains both prayer switching and movement.
Fire cape in 2022 is a walk in the park. During jad phase just pray accordingly head raise- mage ground pound- ranged. Gear is so overpowered and cheap nowadays there really is no excuse to not have a fire cape.
Hardest part about fight caves is keeping your nerves under control when you get to Jad and making sure you switch prayers correctly. Rest of the fight cave, while long, can be done easily if using certain parts of the caves to get enemies stuck and limit the amount that are attacking you at one time. Main thing that sucks is how long it takes to get to jad in the first place. Jad is a great intro to PvMing however and should be most people's first foray into it.
Corrupted Gauntlet for sure, mainly because I am either too weak or the preparation time is a bit short. Although Leagues was the best thing for me as I got to try a lot of different bosses which i had not killed before. So I'm definetly going to give Gauntlet a try after i level my combat stats a bit more.
Haven’t done much bossing, nor do I really know much about it. But in your opinion how limited is a piety pure acc (60 att and 70 def) account for bossing?
I am trying to get my fire cape but am struggling in the fight caves, I've just gotten the range level for a toxic blowpipe so I'm going to watch a few guides and try again! Hopefully this will help progress my account :)
For me my biggest fear right now is the inferno, i have tried it before but i can't go through wave 40 ish. I feel like i cannot progress but i have to try, thank you for the motivation kaoz :D
I keep being redirected to Sepulchre for learning but just can't do it. True tile indicators is definitely huge on reducing "what? That did NOT hit me!!!" but it's still just fail after fail. What's the best guide you've found to learning it as someone who literally JUST learned running actually teleports you 2 tiles at a time allowing you to teleport over obstacles after playing this point and click adventure game for 20 years?
I have the ability of a lobotomized turtle, so I haven't done a whole lot of bossing yet. I am absolutely terrified of Jad and trying to get a fire cape. I do intend to try this, but I really want all base 70 stats for atk/str/def first. I have seen so many guides talk about toxic blowpipe being the go-to for it, but it has been nerfed in that time and I haven't found any guides post-nerf that talk about what to do. That is the main thing holding me back, aside from my fear. I have been taking small steps towards getting better, though. I killed bryo until I got an essence from her, then I have started fighting hespori. I died on my first attempt against her and need to work on seeing the vines entangle me, but I haven't died again since the one time. Once I get through all my hespori seeds, I think I will work on getting ready to fight the giant mole.
Currently scared of starting any of the raids, scared of wasting time of the people that try to learn it to me. I am eventually gonna learn it but have set my sights of first learning as much as possible about the non-raids bosses and getting more than decent gear.
Exactly this. I've always been a solo player in runescape. I'm a maxed account and a lot of the top tier items, but I feel like i'm missing out on a lot of fun just because i don't want to waste other ppl time learning stuff like raids.
I've been playing this game for over a decade and I still haven't even attempted Jad. Haven't set foot in the hell pit. Mainly due to the massive time sink for everytime I fail. Just can't bring myself to try it. My birthday stream is in a week and I was considering using it as an excuse to fail for 24 hours straight on it. Thoughts?
I've yet to get my first Zulrah kill lol, tried it about 20 times now but I just can't stay alive for the life of me. I have some friends that are a lot more experienced and they helped me learn the phases and patterns but its up to me now to just kill the damn snake. And funny that you mentioned Rigour, because I didn't have it for the longest time because of the price, but since it has gone down to 14m, and after getting a zenyte drop from demonic gorillas, I felt it was a necessary trade off to get my account further into the late game. And I don't regret it at all. Rigour has easily been the best 14m I've ever spent on this game.
ive been terrified of phosani's nightmare ive only gotten 1 kc in what feels like over 50 attempts ive been working on higher stats and gear upgrades to make dps more consistent, been setting up for it maybe ill try tonight. Thanks for the great videos as always.
Night at the Theatre. I recently hit base 80 combats (some higher), so I think I'm going to by a serp helm and send it. I've had several people offer to carry me through it, but I really want to beat it on my own. Also I need to finish Graardor, Kree'arra, and DKS for Fremmy Elite. Mostly just need the time to be able to sit down and do those.
For me it's definitely Zulrah. I've tried multiple times, watched every guide out there, discussed with clanmates and everyone under the sun. That boss is simply beyond me. I had a clanmate run me through a single kill for my Diary, after that i swore to never touch that boss again. I'd rather go do Vorkath any day. RSN: PranThorX
For me its still the fight caves, can do it all except Jad. Need to do abit of research on his pattern and about being on the right prayer for the right attack, hopefully sooner rather than later
After failing out of Entry Mode Theatre a few dozen times, I keep questioning if I'm actually physically able to focus hard enough for hard bosses at this point. I beat DS2, but I can't get through Vorkath to make decent money, and I haven't even tried Zulrah because I keep being told how mechanically punishing it is. I keep watching your videos mostly in hopes that something will resonate, and I guess "just go for it" is the best I can hope for- might as well give it a shot
as someone who died 15 times at their first zulrah, the easiest way to learn a mechanically punishing thing is to repeatedly get dunked on, take note of what kills you and think of how it could have been prevented. After a certain point you start to catch your mistakes before they happen and then you stop getting killed
I just recently made enough money to buy a bond (after 3 months), and finally escape F2P, and been wanting to get a Fire Cape, but i am not comfortable enough with prayer flicking, and don't have good gear yet. I want a better bow and a dragon scimitar to try it for real (as well as some prayer potions, which i need the herblore level to be able to make)
I've been putting off DS2 for a while due anxiety about Galvek. I recently just finished SotF and beat Vanstrom on my first try, but I feel like that was mostly good RNG. I'm currently 84 att, 90 str, 84 def, 85 range, 91 mage, and 99 prayer so I know I have the stats to beat him. I just hate dying lol
Hello,I'm penguin I'm scared of every boss tbh I've asked you lots of times about pvm tips in the streams , I'm happy that the pvm month is here . And I'm planing on going against harder bosses as you said to push my limits I'm going for zulra and vorkath it will take me a while to get the requirements but i think I'll be trying mole at that time being . And again thx for the awesome contents daddy kaoz XD
I’ve been putting off zulrah. I need the kill for the diary, but I wiped too many times with no progress and stopped. It’s the only thing I need left for the hards. I’m going to send some more attempts this upcoming weekend
I’m genuinely afraid of tob, I’ve been through learner groups, I’ve tried running with people, and the final cherry on the cake was I got scammed for my bank by some people who said they would take me in after waiting for a week. But I think it looks super fun and I can’t wait to get my bank back up to try it.
For raids, go find people who are on the same noob level as you. I did cox with my brother, the raid was terrible but we had so much fun and learned a lot. Also entry mode tob is good practise.
I’m terrified of soloing gwd bosses. With all these new methods it should be easy but as soon as I walk into bandos I freak out and get smacked down for all my hp. One day I’ll get the hang of this
Started GIM so I'm doing the same bosses I've already done so not spooked. Planning to go the Gauntlet path later which I have no experience of yet outside of leagues so that's a little scary but I feel motivated!
Currently feel like I’m ready for the inferno but don’t have a tbow or 99 prayer. Hoping to get around to at least the prayer and then give it a go! Thanks for the vids mate
I’ve been putting off Jad for weeks since my last attempt at jad. Supplies cost too much and I feel as though I should just get my stats higher before trying again.
I've always put off Zulrah because I prefer Vorkath more and find it easier but eventually my iron will need to face my challenge! Thanks for the tips!
Current boss I'm nervous about trying is Zulrah. All the rotations and learning them is going to be tough but I plan on trying my first kill soon, been watching a few guides to prepare
I’ve been putting off zlurah for quite some time. I got my 1kc for the diary, but I don’t intend on grinding it until I complete 76 agility and the elite lumbridge diary.
I was introduced to tob at base 60 stats, I learned real quick and could hold my own in veracs armor, gear doesn't mean anything mechanics mean everything
I am scared of cox. I have most base 90 combat and the gear to go, but for whatever reason I have a massive level of anxiety about going. I am definitely going to try and because of this video I am going to see if the clan is willing to try w/ me
Mate, any boss scares me at this point, decided to become member after getting back into the game since like highschool and have been leveling up and doing quests and stuff.
for me it is zulrah. for some reason i just can't get a grip on that snake. i have 2 kc and like 50 deaths with 92 magic and 93 range i just cant seem to stay calm and fuck it all up when i panic
Have had the goal of doing the fight caves and killing Jad for months now, but have kept pushing it off till I get better gear or have higher levels. Then I delay training range because I don't want to do it. But killed the giant mole and KBD for the first time the past week so definitely building up to it.
Every time I've tried zulrah my ring of recoil has broken almost immediately. So I've been trying to grind a suffering, but almost double drop rate so far (on an iron)
Ooh sorry for that lol I play a f2p hcim (just got 100 obor keys last night xD) but I can’t on members lol too much stuff lmao. I have a suffering on my main with 16k recoils lolol
I recently started kill Vorkath. I’m killing it 4 minutes at a time 😂 didn’t think I had good enough stats/gear for it but it can be done and I’m really enjoying it. Currently at 5kc
well, i want to do raids solo but lack the lvl and equips to even try. for now i want to go after Jad but since the blowpipe nerf i feel like i need the necklace of anguish to deal with the mages, so im waiting until i have this kind of money to go do it.
Love the videos. Boss im afraid of is vespula in chambers of xerics, mainly bcuz I don't have much experience. Yes I plan on learning it in the next couple days hopefully. 233kc at cox and only 1 arcane...
I have been working up to fighting daggonath kings on my ironman, as i really really need a dragon axe. Grinding to get to comfortable combat are gear level before hand. As i am intimidated by their levels and damage. But hopefully this week ill be ready to try!
might sound a bit noob but im scared of fight cave boss because i heard it can one shot if you prayer wrong. I have tried fight cave but never even got to him. maybe i will upgrade gear from some skilling money makers but its very stressful trying to manage prayer and which enemy you attack for an hour or so.
The only part where u need to remotely use your brain is when Jad spawns at the end and u need to read 2 animations and pray accordingly. Trust me you are making it much bigger in your head, if u watch a guide it is SO much easier than you think.
I've been working learning gauntlet so I can get the crystal armor and a bofa, so I can feel more confident in killing the Saradomin gwd boss for a sgs.
Vetion. The pet is so cool, they are my two favourite colours but when I completed the 100kc for diary I did it during DMM. Literally every single kill I've gone for since, I have been attacked and I am only 101 kc because it's such a ball ache.
There are 2 bosses for me that I’m afraid of and I’m going to consider short term and long term goals for now. Short term is going to be learning Zulrah even tho I got 1 KC for Western Hard Diary, but with all the positioning and gear switching is still harsh for me and Whenever I retrying the boss, most of the time I got panicked and died and in the end I lose so much money just to learn Zulrah. Long term goal is TzKal-Zuk or the entire inferno run. The only thing that makes me holding back not doing it is because I’m still not used to the game ticks, lack of stats and gears. I saw some people doing it with max gears, great or decent gear with ACB+Ruby+Diamond bolts combo, even low level+gears, but I feel like this is going to be more comfortable for me if I have more experience in game mechanics, the stats and decent gears.
for zulrah overtime you will learn the phases and pre swap, but for now the use of the runelite plug in to remind you of where to position helps a lot. always prioritize swapping prayers first! gl, sorry if u didnt want tips lol
@@brandonhord4163 oh that actually a great tips! Thank you very much! I’m going to try it again for pre switching. Also, since I’m going to learn that, do you recommend to use void to learn Zulrah? Because many guides said it’s not good to use void due to lack of defense.
I'm just trying to get my rcing up so I can do the diary & track the mole. That's my next grind. I'm not a fan of rcing at all lol gotf isn't had but still not a fan of it 🤣. Unfortunately I need rcing lvls. Great video ty gl
Just started my Zulrah grind a few days ago. Spend many resources in the run up to my first kill but when I got that first kill it felt awesome! Learning with every kill, up to 7 now. Final tasks are complete song of elves and ds2 for the final boss unlocks and quest cape! Ps I got firecape after 20+ times and questing helped me learn bossing stats!
Zulrah is the boss I want to do most that I'm afraid I'm not ready for. I need to increase my range lvl but arguably more important is the gear as an Ironman. I'm not sure what I should be aiming for since I can't just buy what I need. I did get a couple rune crossbows doing Crazed Archeologist a while back but I don't have Elite Void (need to finish my diaries).
I am spooked of all bossing. I’ve done song of the elves and DS2, but somebody told me I needed to be maxed to boss when I first started, and that has always stuck with me. The only bosses I have kc on Are skilling bosses, barrows, and one normal vorkath Kill. I bought full Bandos, and have about 150 mill bank value, but still cannot bring myself to train things that are not normal slayer. I’m not part of a clan chat, so I know all Bossing would have to be solo.
I've been putting on fire caves but will do it as I need my fire cape! I know it's probably not that hard but just to be able to spend an hour on it is hard for me.
Been putting off gauntlet and nightmare. Can't find people for nightmare and don't wanna go at it solo because I don't have super dps weps and gauntlet gets me worked up with the time limit. 85 attack and def 97 str 99 mage range hp 77 prayer with all scrolls
Zulrah for me… I want to do 1 kc for the diary and elite void but I’ve tried it 12 times and didn’t even get thru half the hp! I went in with karils and ahrims with blowpipe rune darts and trident of the swamp and still couldn’t manage…I’ve never done these bosses since this is my first time as member ever so I know I just need to learn the mechanics but dang it there a lot to learn just with this boss!
Been putting off the Fight Caves because my mouse has been double clicking. I didn't want to die to Jad because my mouse double clicked my prayer. So I spent an hour disassembling, cleaning and putting my mouse back together just to make sure that I wouldn't have to worry about that.
@@KrisnellA Logitech G600 mmo mouse. I took it apart, gently scraped away any grime and dirt than cleaned everything with some rubbing alcohol. I went a bit further than necessary with the click switch, I took the whole thing apart and gave it a thorough cleaning. But it was a terrible pain in the ass to put back together. I think just dousing the switch in rubbing alcohol would have been enough.
I've been putting off learning nightmare with my clan because they make it sound super complicated and I don't wanna weigh down the team but I'm gonna do some research and give it a go few more levels to combat 85s
I'm scared of fight caves. It's such a long encounter and seems like a big step up in difficulty from everything before it. I'm gonna finish getting my supplies and give it a go this weekend but lordy am I worried.
my number 1 tip is= use f1--5 keys for the right side tabs (prayer and stuff) my number 2 tip is= come prepared (lots of tutorials on yt) my number 3 tip is= just do it bro
I've been putting off corp. I've never tried it, the mechanics seem simple enough, but as an ironman it seems like a lot of effort for minimal reward. Upgrades would be nice to have but the grind is scary
Quest Boss: def the DS2, don't even want to attempt them with my 67 ranged, will prob try at 75 Non-quest boss: The Gauntlet, I suck at it, may retry at base 80 combats
Zulrah mostly the rotations. I've done a few kills but usually use a full invy of food. Getting closer to where I wanna do it on my hardcore so I really should start practicing it on my main.
Definitely scared of vorkath as I need him for the assembler but have struggled on the acid phase a lot before. I think that I will get a BGS for my next attempts and get it before I resume slayer again :)
you should work on just avoiding the acid, dont try to woox walk until you can avoid the acid first. you just need to find a line without any acid and walk back and forth on it.
Im terrified of inferno for obvious reasons. I cant get over the idea of going in multiple hour long attempts just to die and not only not get any profit but lose money. It took my a decent chunk of time to complete fire cape when I was med level and a good amount of attempts to beat tob my first time. Just going off of that I know it will easily take me 5+ attempts before I complete it if not way longer. I dont find the infernal cape worth 10+ hours of failed attempts, pulling out my hair, watching 1 million guides and memorizing the entire infernal wave layouts just for 1 cape. Maybe 1 day when im retired and have 40+ hours of free time every week but I have more important things in life currently.
Jad for me. I've gotten to Jad twice and died both times due to the healers, I want to keep going for attempts but they take like an hour and costs a decent amount for supplies.
I’ve been putting off the fight caves because of the number of waves I have to complete and my lack of confidence in prayer switching while doing other things. I’m going to level my ranged a little higher to help give me better dps but besides that I need to practice prayer flicking.
I’m a bit similar to you it seems, I’ve had a lot of trouble with prayer and gear switching at things like gauntlet and demonic gorillas. I’d recommend getting some prayer levels for the fight caves so your supplies last longer, and also check out anotheruser’s guide. The caves really are not as hard as you think, you just need to give it a shot!
I've been putting off Zuk. I'm 2252 total level and been focusing on maxing before I go for the inferno. Kinda just been using it as an accuse tbh lol I don't wanna be that guy in the maxed pizza cape because I can't do the inferno.
I’ve been putting off inferno for months now. I have all the best gear minus the ely. I know I need to do it and want too. I just hate spending hours on something then resetting
I am putting off several bosses(CoX mostly) because I am primarily a mobile player, and there are surprisingly few guides out there that are tailored to the mobile pvmer. :(
So one boss I'm not really scared of but am very intimidated by is Jad. I still haven't even reached the Jad encounter. Stuck on the waves.... Archers and mage waves wreck me.... Still trying though!
Everything in the game becomes easy after learning and perfecting the mechanics. I have struggled with every single thing in the game at first. Dont be deterred. I'm now sitting on 9 inferno kc and almost have every single boss on the hiscores. And yes, I work +40 hours a week and live a normal life. If I can do it, so can you. Gl fellow scapers
Yoyo, I'm sitting at around 300m bank with near maxed cmbt, I wanted to try out inferno but I wanted to not feel too stressed about dying. Should I grind till I get tbow or is it better to catch a acb and go for it?
@@mikenelson6939 full crystal + bofa all day. Dont be afraid to use supplies while learning. Learning to properly deal with the blobs early on will greatly help you when you start consistently making it to the later waves. I highly suggest Xzacts guide. DearLola1 is also a great person to watch and learn from. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. Best of luck
I find myself avoiding trying certain bosses sometimes because I overthink them lol. Slowly starting to learn more and more pvm and it's been really fun.
Can't speak for inferno but yeah. Jad, vorkath, zulrah, pretty much any boss with mechanics I struggled at first but quickly got them down and they're very chill fairly low effort now.
@@trentsdetails3589 crazy how times change. I'm now at 29kc inferno. Zuk pet. 62 minute pb.
I’ve been putting off Corrupted gauntlet for the longest time. I know I’ll enjoy it but I always make the excuse that I should probably skill or work on other goals
Do it it’s good stuff. Only 11 kc but it’s a good rush
@Barfyman362 I enjoy it, idk why you would tell him that.
I die at the boss a lot I swear my rng on the hits are ass and I have 99 range n mage
@@722Moo tier 2 armor?
I’ll be honest I can do reg but corrupted is absolutely so enraging and I’m almost maxed lol 😂
The beginning is still hilarious 🤣
Great video as always - as That Friend, I appreciate all the help I can get
@@simedinson984 took me like 10+ tries, so don't feel bad. You'll get it!
@@simedinson984 ooh I've never done jad on a task. Gl!
I'm currently dreading the Fight Cave. I know how big of an upgrade the fire cape is but I'm constantly seeing guides that recommend gear that is far outside of my price range. My goal now is to finish getting my ranged to 75 so that I can use a Toxic Blowpipe and then prepping items to give it a shot in the next few weeks.
Yeah def get 75 range for the blowpipe and than give it a go! The blowpipe will help greatly. My advice is to just send it and see how you do
Use blessed dragon hide and a fury you’ll do fine. People back in RS2 used Karils Xbow or rune c’bow which is worse dps than what we have in osrs today.
For me it has to be Jad. I've never gotten the fire cape before, though I have the stats to do it no problem. What's holding me back is doing the whole process leading up to to it--all the waves, etc, and the time commitment just to take a few solid attempts (~2hrs?). I'm going to try it this weekend, hopefully with some friends watching to make it entertaining.
I did my first attempt a couple months back and got to jad. The healers spawned weird and I couldn’t group them away. But I’m pretty sure it was barely an hour. And I stalled out a couple waves for positioning and stuff. I’ll try again soon. I feel the same way you do but it’s honestly not bad
You got it man, what helped me was to copy and paste a list for the waves in the Notes section on Runelite so you can anticipate the next wave. This will help a lot! Also, don't be afraid to take a small break and stand up/stretch, breath, get a snack or a drink before fighting Jad.
Dude! I fought Jad for the first time last night. I got to him and the healers spawned. I got them to focus fire me and I ignored their attacks while I worked on Jad. I eventually decided to try and wipe them out. Somehow got caught up in the back and forth and died to Jad -he had to have 15-20hp left. It hurt after putting in 85 minutes however I will say I got there with relative ease. The boss fight itself is easy. Best recommendation I can give is don't panic. Zoom in and focus on his attack animations. The prayer switching is pretty easy.
Also, I did this with 75 range and 70 def. I plan on beating him tonight.
You got this!!!
You can def do it, got my first cape at 67 ranged last week, remember to flick eagle eye (you prob don't have rigour) for a juicy DPS increase and know what to do during Jad beforehand. If you struggle with healing, Guthan's will be the solution, basically eliminating the need for brews (still better to take 2-3 just in case). You can easily heal on blobs when you get rid of the magers and rangers or you can even flinch a 180 (melee) in a safespot. And most importantly, during Jad, switching prayers > EVERYTHING
It's more about an hour if doing it with a decent setup (blowpipe, good darts, good ranged gear) but it's still a decent time commitment.
I’m way in the mid tier still but I’v been messing around with some low level bosses and almost instantly dropped down to 4 hp when I set foot in the deranged archaeologist area…needless to say I’m leveling up afk at ammonite crabs until I’m alittle higher level and going straight back! Can’t wait to get back into bossing!
I want to do Barrows soon. I'm just reaching base 60 combat stats for melee, 65 ranged and magic, and 50 prayer. So getting some better gear and a few more levels before I start. Thanks for the guide!
If you have really low level prayer, you can kill one brother with your prayer and leave to a poh or a rejuvenation pool to get full paryer again to kill another brother. Like in ferox enclave or houseparty in a house in the world 330. There is free teleports to barrows in the world 330 in houseparty. Barrows only reset once you open the chest. World 330 is very crowed for barrows, you may want to hop worlds after a teleport because i already saw noobs dying because there is so many people at one place and you cant see what you need to do.
If you have a slayer helm imbued, i consider the best for barrows.
Get a god cape when you can.
I think you armor progression goes like this: full rune armor or your best, then granite platebody, then dragon armor, then torag platebody with guthan skirt. Square shield and med helms provide less magic attack penalty than kite shields and full helmets, but less defense. Spirit shield dont penalize magic.
I recomend you use prayer boosting to kill karil and ahrim faster, especially karil, like eagle eye for example.
You can ignore one strong enemy from the tunnels if you dont want to expend in a prayer pot down there, you still the change for the armor from all the other that you killed from the chest, barrows reset once you open the chest.
Always kill dharok with protect from mellee.
I hope some info here may help you.
@@polentusmax6100 Here is how I tended to do Barrows at about 60 prayer (which isn't that expensive, reanimating giants from 50 to 60 costs about 350k gp). First Dharok with protect from melee, then Ahrim with protect from magic, then Karil with protect from ranged. With my gear, the 60 prayer points last for all 3 of these brothers and then I tank the rest (healing with karambwans). If the tomb of one of the first 3 brothers lead to the cave, I just do it as usual and when he appears in the cave, I sip a dose of a prayer pot and kill him, effectively using 0.5 doses of prayer potion per run.
I have problems with corrupted gauntlet. I think that my K:D ratio is something like 1:30. I stopped for the moment, until I have more time IRL to focus and not rush things.
Hey Koaz! I find God Wars to be very scary! I am a solo Osrs player, and I have finally gotten my combat past base 90.. well almost. A lot of the solo mechanics are terrifying to think of trying and yet duo and trio+ is extremely hard for me to try as I’m unfamiliar with the social side of osrs. I had decided to get my combats up to base 90s so that I had no excuse to start climbing the ladder! Since, I have finally gotten a fire cape, 2 zenytes in under 150 demonic gorillas and so much more! Items I never thought I’d be able to by just pushing my limits. Thanks for the video cause it gave me a renewed faith in climbing that boss ladder!
im a solo player as none of my friends play osrs so trying to solo lots of bosses seem intimidating currently. I have 1 kc at zulrah after about 20 attempts, I can do 1 kill vork trips but i really want to get into GWD but getting kc for a single trip is just a pain in the ass. I would love any of the godswords or hasta from zammy. im going to get base 90s before going back to zammy
I feel you with none of my friends play, so I only play solo. But interested in trying gwd and so on. Hit me up sometime, perhaps we can help each other out. Rsn Traxates
@@osrsst6283 for sure dude! i added you, my RSN is mike l0wry
haha great intro!! very helpful Kaoz!! mine is Sire she hates me just got to get my timing right in ph4
CG is probably best piece of content mid level players should learn before trying out high level raids or inferno. It's a fantastic way to learn character pathing, the importance of DPS over survivability, prayer & gear switching, and paying attention to what's happening on the screen
What is CG
Honestly, I'm scared of going for my first fire cape. Everyone says it's a massive upgrade, which makes sense, but I feel like I have so little combat experience. I will definitely give it a try eventually. After I get my combat stats up a little more, I will definitely go for the cape.
Fight cave is where I first felt I started to get some pvm concepts. Paying attention to ticks, prayer switches, how to place enemies, it's all there and it's a good place to learn because death only loses you time, not money.
Give it a shot, even if you die you'll learn. Took me like 20 tries, I'm very bad lol
It's a fine place to start! Demonic gorilla's was another stepping stone for me and helped preparing for zulrah quite well. I think doing any boss helps with getting used to clicks and movement. Sarachnis trains both prayer switching and movement.
Fire cape in 2022 is a walk in the park. During jad phase just pray accordingly head raise- mage ground pound- ranged. Gear is so overpowered and cheap nowadays there really is no excuse to not have a fire cape.
@@ownage11445 Is using a skillcape not a good enough excuse?
Hardest part about fight caves is keeping your nerves under control when you get to Jad and making sure you switch prayers correctly. Rest of the fight cave, while long, can be done easily if using certain parts of the caves to get enemies stuck and limit the amount that are attacking you at one time. Main thing that sucks is how long it takes to get to jad in the first place. Jad is a great intro to PvMing however and should be most people's first foray into it.
Loving the skit at the beginning
Corrupted Gauntlet for sure, mainly because I am either too weak or the preparation time is a bit short. Although Leagues was the best thing for me as I got to try a lot of different bosses which i had not killed before. So I'm definetly going to give Gauntlet a try after i level my combat stats a bit more.
Naruto's flute track is a banger
Haven’t done much bossing, nor do I really know much about it. But in your opinion how limited is a piety pure acc (60 att and 70 def) account for bossing?
I've killed hundreds of Nechryaels and dust devils in the catacombs but I actually didn't know how to properly stack them until today, thanks!
I am trying to get my fire cape but am struggling in the fight caves, I've just gotten the range level for a toxic blowpipe so I'm going to watch a few guides and try again! Hopefully this will help progress my account :)
For me my biggest fear right now is the inferno, i have tried it before but i can't go through wave 40 ish. I feel like i cannot progress but i have to try, thank you for the motivation kaoz :D
you got this bro
The off tune flute while dying had me cracking uppp! ! Lol
I am scared of trying Inferno, but like we chatted in your livestream, I am not yet ready for it!
First of all I need to work on my mage level.
I keep being redirected to Sepulchre for learning but just can't do it. True tile indicators is definitely huge on reducing "what? That did NOT hit me!!!" but it's still just fail after fail. What's the best guide you've found to learning it as someone who literally JUST learned running actually teleports you 2 tiles at a time allowing you to teleport over obstacles after playing this point and click adventure game for 20 years?
I have the ability of a lobotomized turtle, so I haven't done a whole lot of bossing yet. I am absolutely terrified of Jad and trying to get a fire cape. I do intend to try this, but I really want all base 70 stats for atk/str/def first. I have seen so many guides talk about toxic blowpipe being the go-to for it, but it has been nerfed in that time and I haven't found any guides post-nerf that talk about what to do. That is the main thing holding me back, aside from my fear.
I have been taking small steps towards getting better, though. I killed bryo until I got an essence from her, then I have started fighting hespori. I died on my first attempt against her and need to work on seeing the vines entangle me, but I haven't died again since the one time. Once I get through all my hespori seeds, I think I will work on getting ready to fight the giant mole.
Nice video Kaoz! keep the content coming :)
Currently scared of starting any of the raids, scared of wasting time of the people that try to learn it to me. I am eventually gonna learn it but have set my sights of first learning as much as possible about the non-raids bosses and getting more than decent gear.
Exactly this. I've always been a solo player in runescape. I'm a maxed account and a lot of the top tier items, but I feel like i'm missing out on a lot of fun just because i don't want to waste other ppl time learning stuff like raids.
Great job on the skit
I've been playing this game for over a decade and I still haven't even attempted Jad. Haven't set foot in the hell pit. Mainly due to the massive time sink for everytime I fail. Just can't bring myself to try it. My birthday stream is in a week and I was considering using it as an excuse to fail for 24 hours straight on it. Thoughts?
I really want to try COX but apparently no team is willing to teach me. Should i try to learn it solo?
Great editing style, insta sub
great video, definitely very helpful. thanks again Kaoz
Phosanis, haven’t had time to dedicate to grind and research it yet. Been focusing on TOB but will get to it next week.
I've yet to get my first Zulrah kill lol, tried it about 20 times now but I just can't stay alive for the life of me. I have some friends that are a lot more experienced and they helped me learn the phases and patterns but its up to me now to just kill the damn snake.
And funny that you mentioned Rigour, because I didn't have it for the longest time because of the price, but since it has gone down to 14m, and after getting a zenyte drop from demonic gorillas, I felt it was a necessary trade off to get my account further into the late game. And I don't regret it at all. Rigour has easily been the best 14m I've ever spent on this game.
High qual vid Kaoz per usual
ive been terrified of phosani's nightmare ive only gotten 1 kc in what feels like over 50 attempts ive been working on higher stats and gear upgrades to make dps more consistent, been setting up for it maybe ill try tonight. Thanks for the great videos as always.
Night at the Theatre. I recently hit base 80 combats (some higher), so I think I'm going to by a serp helm and send it. I've had several people offer to carry me through it, but I really want to beat it on my own.
Also I need to finish Graardor, Kree'arra, and DKS for Fremmy Elite. Mostly just need the time to be able to sit down and do those.
For me it's definitely Zulrah. I've tried multiple times, watched every guide out there, discussed with clanmates and everyone under the sun. That boss is simply beyond me. I had a clanmate run me through a single kill for my Diary, after that i swore to never touch that boss again. I'd rather go do Vorkath any day.
RSN: PranThorX
For me its still the fight caves, can do it all except Jad. Need to do abit of research on his pattern and about being on the right prayer for the right attack, hopefully sooner rather than later
After failing out of Entry Mode Theatre a few dozen times, I keep questioning if I'm actually physically able to focus hard enough for hard bosses at this point. I beat DS2, but I can't get through Vorkath to make decent money, and I haven't even tried Zulrah because I keep being told how mechanically punishing it is. I keep watching your videos mostly in hopes that something will resonate, and I guess "just go for it" is the best I can hope for- might as well give it a shot
as someone who died 15 times at their first zulrah, the easiest way to learn a mechanically punishing thing is to repeatedly get dunked on, take note of what kills you and think of how it could have been prevented. After a certain point you start to catch your mistakes before they happen and then you stop getting killed
I just recently made enough money to buy a bond (after 3 months), and finally escape F2P, and been wanting to get a Fire Cape, but i am not comfortable enough with prayer flicking, and don't have good gear yet.
I want a better bow and a dragon scimitar to try it for real (as well as some prayer potions, which i need the herblore level to be able to make)
Forget the d scimmy, you don't want to melee the fight caves, just focus on ranged 🤔
I've been putting off DS2 for a while due anxiety about Galvek. I recently just finished SotF and beat Vanstrom on my first try, but I feel like that was mostly good RNG. I'm currently 84 att, 90 str, 84 def, 85 range, 91 mage, and 99 prayer so I know I have the stats to beat him. I just hate dying lol
I did Galvek with stats between 70-80 and I'm absolutely terrible at PVM, Vanstrom took me like 5 tries. So don't worry you have what it takes!
Hello,I'm penguin
I'm scared of every boss tbh I've asked you lots of times about pvm tips in the streams , I'm happy that the pvm month is here . And I'm planing on going against harder bosses as you said to push my limits I'm going for zulra and vorkath it will take me a while to get the requirements but i think I'll be trying mole at that time being . And again thx for the awesome contents daddy kaoz XD
I’ve been putting off zulrah. I need the kill for the diary, but I wiped too many times with no progress and stopped. It’s the only thing I need left for the hards. I’m going to send some more attempts this upcoming weekend
I’m genuinely afraid of tob, I’ve been through learner groups, I’ve tried running with people, and the final cherry on the cake was I got scammed for my bank by some people who said they would take me in after waiting for a week. But I think it looks super fun and I can’t wait to get my bank back up to try it.
You got your infernal caps kaoz gz!!
good tips ^^ im scared of olm, there's so much going on while running the head and then my brain decides to lagg out. xoxo from NL
Zulrah. I killed it once to get the diary but never could again, and I'm still not sure how to tackle it
For raids, go find people who are on the same noob level as you. I did cox with my brother, the raid was terrible but we had so much fun and learned a lot. Also entry mode tob is good practise.
I’m terrified of soloing gwd bosses. With all these new methods it should be easy but as soon as I walk into bandos I freak out and get smacked down for all my hp. One day I’ll get the hang of this
Started GIM so I'm doing the same bosses I've already done so not spooked. Planning to go the Gauntlet path later which I have no experience of yet outside of leagues so that's a little scary but I feel motivated!
Currently feel like I’m ready for the inferno but don’t have a tbow or 99 prayer. Hoping to get around to at least the prayer and then give it a go! Thanks for the vids mate
I’ve been putting off Jad for weeks since my last attempt at jad. Supplies cost too much and I feel as though I should just get my stats higher before trying again.
I've always put off Zulrah because I prefer Vorkath more and find it easier but eventually my iron will need to face my challenge! Thanks for the tips!
Current boss I'm nervous about trying is Zulrah. All the rotations and learning them is going to be tough but I plan on trying my first kill soon, been watching a few guides to prepare
Never give up! You got this. Zulrah becomes brain dead after u get those rotations
@@ralphmaldo3023 that what I've been hearing so hopefully I can learn quickly lol
@@omengl im not gonna lie to you and tell you I learned it the hard way. I was fortunate enough to land a tbow. I learned zulrah shortly after
@@ralphmaldo3023 how do you land a tbow if you cant do zulrah? bonds?
@@Ryan-zp2bc i landed a tbow at 6 kc lol
I’ve been putting off zlurah for quite some time. I got my 1kc for the diary, but I don’t intend on grinding it until I complete 76 agility and the elite lumbridge diary.
I was introduced to tob at base 60 stats, I learned real quick and could hold my own in veracs armor, gear doesn't mean anything mechanics mean everything
I am scared of cox. I have most base 90 combat and the gear to go, but for whatever reason I have a massive level of anxiety about going. I am definitely going to try and because of this video I am going to see if the clan is willing to try w/ me
Mate, any boss scares me at this point, decided to become member after getting back into the game since like highschool and have been leveling up and doing quests and stuff.
for me it is zulrah. for some reason i just can't get a grip on that snake. i have 2 kc and like 50 deaths with 92 magic and 93 range i just cant seem to stay calm and fuck it all up when i panic
Have had the goal of doing the fight caves and killing Jad for months now, but have kept pushing it off till I get better gear or have higher levels. Then I delay training range because I don't want to do it. But killed the giant mole and KBD for the first time the past week so definitely building up to it.
I frinken succeeded on my first try!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS FREAKING GO!
Every time I've tried zulrah my ring of recoil has broken almost immediately. So I've been trying to grind a suffering, but almost double drop rate so far (on an iron)
Ooh sorry for that lol I play a f2p hcim (just got 100 obor keys last night xD) but I can’t on members lol too much stuff lmao. I have a suffering on my main with 16k recoils lolol
Only put on the ring when the snakelings spawn, take it off once they're dead.
I recently started kill Vorkath. I’m killing it 4 minutes at a time 😂 didn’t think I had good enough stats/gear for it but it can be done and I’m really enjoying it. Currently at 5kc
well, i want to do raids solo but lack the lvl and equips to even try. for now i want to go after Jad but since the blowpipe nerf i feel like i need the necklace of anguish to deal with the mages, so im waiting until i have this kind of money to go do it.
Love the videos. Boss im afraid of is vespula in chambers of xerics, mainly bcuz I don't have much experience. Yes I plan on learning it in the next couple days hopefully. 233kc at cox and only 1 arcane...
I have been working up to fighting daggonath kings on my ironman, as i really really need a dragon axe. Grinding to get to comfortable combat are gear level before hand. As i am intimidated by their levels and damage. But hopefully this week ill be ready to try!
I'm almost base 70s (but 88 range) and I want to do zulrah but I just don't think my gear is good enough
might sound a bit noob but im scared of fight cave boss because i heard it can one shot if you prayer wrong. I have tried fight cave but never even got to him. maybe i will upgrade gear from some skilling money makers but its very stressful trying to manage prayer and which enemy you attack for an hour or so.
The only part where u need to remotely use your brain is when Jad spawns at the end and u need to read 2 animations and pray accordingly. Trust me you are making it much bigger in your head, if u watch a guide it is SO much easier than you think.
I've been working learning gauntlet so I can get the crystal armor and a bofa, so I can feel more confident in killing the Saradomin gwd boss for a sgs.
Vetion. The pet is so cool, they are my two favourite colours but when I completed the 100kc for diary I did it during DMM. Literally every single kill I've gone for since, I have been attacked and I am only 101 kc because it's such a ball ache.
Just pvm in general, been working toward Elite Diaries and eant to finish before I dive in but I think its time.
There are 2 bosses for me that I’m afraid of and I’m going to consider short term and long term goals for now.
Short term is going to be learning Zulrah even tho I got 1 KC for Western Hard Diary, but with all the positioning and gear switching is still harsh for me and Whenever I retrying the boss, most of the time I got panicked and died and in the end I lose so much money just to learn Zulrah.
Long term goal is TzKal-Zuk or the entire inferno run. The only thing that makes me holding back not doing it is because I’m still not used to the game ticks, lack of stats and gears. I saw some people doing it with max gears, great or decent gear with ACB+Ruby+Diamond bolts combo, even low level+gears, but I feel like this is going to be more comfortable for me if I have more experience in game mechanics, the stats and decent gears.
for zulrah overtime you will learn the phases and pre swap, but for now the use of the runelite plug in to remind you of where to position helps a lot. always prioritize swapping prayers first! gl, sorry if u didnt want tips lol
@@brandonhord4163 oh that actually a great tips! Thank you very much! I’m going to try it again for pre switching. Also, since I’m going to learn that, do you recommend to use void to learn Zulrah? Because many guides said it’s not good to use void due to lack of defense.
@@HaseoDanette void makes the switches easier, but at the cost of bad defence. try it out, then maybe slowly increase switches back to normal gear
I'm just trying to get my rcing up so I can do the diary & track the mole. That's my next grind. I'm not a fan of rcing at all lol gotf isn't had but still not a fan of it 🤣. Unfortunately I need rcing lvls. Great video ty gl
Just started my Zulrah grind a few days ago. Spend many resources in the run up to my first kill but when I got that first kill it felt awesome! Learning with every kill, up to 7 now. Final tasks are complete song of elves and ds2 for the final boss unlocks and quest cape! Ps I got firecape after 20+ times and questing helped me learn bossing stats!
Inferno again! I got first KC a few months ago and haven’t been back since. It’s a real block for me atm and I don’t know why!
Zulrah is the boss I want to do most that I'm afraid I'm not ready for. I need to increase my range lvl but arguably more important is the gear as an Ironman. I'm not sure what I should be aiming for since I can't just buy what I need. I did get a couple rune crossbows doing Crazed Archeologist a while back but I don't have Elite Void (need to finish my diaries).
I am spooked of all bossing. I’ve done song of the elves and DS2, but somebody told me I needed to be maxed to boss when I first started, and that has always stuck with me. The only bosses I have kc on Are skilling bosses, barrows, and one normal vorkath Kill. I bought full Bandos, and have about 150 mill bank value, but still cannot bring myself to train things that are not normal slayer. I’m not part of a clan chat, so I know all Bossing would have to be solo.
I've been putting on fire caves but will do it as I need my fire cape! I know it's probably not that hard but just to be able to spend an hour on it is hard for me.
Corrupt gauntlet & KQ. Don’t think my stats ready for either or currently
Been putting off gauntlet and nightmare. Can't find people for nightmare and don't wanna go at it solo because I don't have super dps weps and gauntlet gets me worked up with the time limit. 85 attack and def 97 str 99 mage range hp 77 prayer with all scrolls
Zulrah for me… I want to do 1 kc for the diary and elite void but I’ve tried it 12 times and didn’t even get thru half the hp! I went in with karils and ahrims with blowpipe rune darts and trident of the swamp and still couldn’t manage…I’ve never done these bosses since this is my first time as member ever so I know I just need to learn the mechanics but dang it there a lot to learn just with this boss!
Been putting off the Fight Caves because my mouse has been double clicking. I didn't want to die to Jad because my mouse double clicked my prayer. So I spent an hour disassembling, cleaning and putting my mouse back together just to make sure that I wouldn't have to worry about that.
Bro mine is doing the same. What mouse do you have?
@@KrisnellA Logitech G600 mmo mouse. I took it apart, gently scraped away any grime and dirt than cleaned everything with some rubbing alcohol. I went a bit further than necessary with the click switch, I took the whole thing apart and gave it a thorough cleaning. But it was a terrible pain in the ass to put back together. I think just dousing the switch in rubbing alcohol would have been enough.
Update, I killed Jad on the 3rd attempt. Very happy with my shiny new fire cape.
I've been putting off learning nightmare with my clan because they make it sound super complicated and I don't wanna weigh down the team but I'm gonna do some research and give it a go few more levels to combat 85s
I'm still scared of Zulrah for the Hard Diary. Getting the rotations down is my next step I suppose but that first wipe was traumatic xD
I'm scared of fight caves. It's such a long encounter and seems like a big step up in difficulty from everything before it. I'm gonna finish getting my supplies and give it a go this weekend but lordy am I worried.
Jad has always caused me issues, took me about 7 years just to get my Cape and now I'm on a new account the nerves are starting to set in again.
my number 1 tip is= use f1--5 keys for the right side tabs (prayer and stuff)
my number 2 tip is= come prepared (lots of tutorials on yt)
my number 3 tip is= just do it bro
I've been putting off corp. I've never tried it, the mechanics seem simple enough, but as an ironman it seems like a lot of effort for minimal reward. Upgrades would be nice to have but the grind is scary
I’ve been pushing off the inferno because my bank value is 350M I feel like I need full ancestrals before I start not including the TBOW
Quest Boss: def the DS2, don't even want to attempt them with my 67 ranged, will prob try at 75
Non-quest boss: The Gauntlet, I suck at it, may retry at base 80 combats
Main thing putting me off trying solo cox is the DWH atm. The defence reduction is just to good I feel to pass up on
defintely vorkath because it will require a lot more movement learning as i can do all the flicks etc, I will beat vorkath for that quest cape though
Zulrah mostly the rotations. I've done a few kills but usually use a full invy of food. Getting closer to where I wanna do it on my hardcore so I really should start practicing it on my main.
Zulrah helper from the plugin hub on runelite.
Definitely scared of vorkath as I need him for the assembler but have struggled on the acid phase a lot before. I think that I will get a BGS for my next attempts and get it before I resume slayer again :)
you should work on just avoiding the acid, dont try to woox walk until you can avoid the acid first. you just need to find a line without any acid and walk back and forth on it.
Im terrified of inferno for obvious reasons. I cant get over the idea of going in multiple hour long attempts just to die and not only not get any profit but lose money. It took my a decent chunk of time to complete fire cape when I was med level and a good amount of attempts to beat tob my first time. Just going off of that I know it will easily take me 5+ attempts before I complete it if not way longer. I dont find the infernal cape worth 10+ hours of failed attempts, pulling out my hair, watching 1 million guides and memorizing the entire infernal wave layouts just for 1 cape. Maybe 1 day when im retired and have 40+ hours of free time every week but I have more important things in life currently.
Jad for me. I've gotten to Jad twice and died both times due to the healers, I want to keep going for attempts but they take like an hour and costs a decent amount for supplies.
I’ve been putting off the fight caves because of the number of waves I have to complete and my lack of confidence in prayer switching while doing other things. I’m going to level my ranged a little higher to help give me better dps but besides that I need to practice prayer flicking.
I’m a bit similar to you it seems, I’ve had a lot of trouble with prayer and gear switching at things like gauntlet and demonic gorillas. I’d recommend getting some prayer levels for the fight caves so your supplies last longer, and also check out anotheruser’s guide. The caves really are not as hard as you think, you just need to give it a shot!
@@IGNEUS1607 I made the push to 70 prayer the other day and I’m working on finishing king’s ransom tonight so I have access to piety.
I've been putting off Zuk. I'm 2252 total level and been focusing on maxing before I go for the inferno. Kinda just been using it as an accuse tbh lol I don't wanna be that guy in the maxed pizza cape because I can't do the inferno.
I’ve been putting off inferno for months now. I have all the best gear minus the ely. I know I need to do it and want too. I just hate spending hours on something then resetting
I am putting off several bosses(CoX mostly) because I am primarily a mobile player, and there are surprisingly few guides out there that are tailored to the mobile pvmer. :(
So one boss I'm not really scared of but am very intimidated by is Jad. I still haven't even reached the Jad encounter. Stuck on the waves.... Archers and mage waves wreck me.... Still trying though!