Death and the Hereafter - Part 1 By Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @qamerhussain9106
    @qamerhussain9106 7 років тому +12

    Pray your 5 salh before salah is prayed over yourselves, ameen.

  • @rimahassoun7333
    @rimahassoun7333 9 років тому +9

    Allah akbar what a powerful speech , beautiful !!

    • @lamarbickham340
      @lamarbickham340 3 роки тому +1

      And there is proofs in these words of [his], thanks a bunch!©2021-2023 All Rights Reserved

    • @lamarbickham340
      @lamarbickham340 3 роки тому +1

      Allah Akbar !!! This is Beautiful message, GOD Bless you..

  • @daliaadam4147
    @daliaadam4147 11 років тому +5

    mashallah! i've learnt soo much

  • @zozline
    @zozline 12 років тому +2

    mashaallah a great sheik. great lectuer

  • @Ellielove345
    @Ellielove345 7 місяців тому

    Jazzak’ALLAHU brother for the wonderful lecture, very moving masha’ALLAH Tabarak’ALLAH. You are my favourite sheikh. May ALLAH swt have mercy on you and your family, may ALLAH swt grant you and your family the highiest rank in Jannah. May ALLAH swt forgive us all and grant us the highiest rank in Jannah. Ameen yaa raab 🤲🏾💚💚💚💚

  • @kingnour23
    @kingnour23 12 років тому +2

    This brother is amazing Allah Yahdee al jamee3

  • @fazalhussain8526
    @fazalhussain8526 7 років тому +2

    many thanks shiek alsuleiman very nice reminder

  • @IslamicMediaAu
    @IslamicMediaAu  13 років тому +5

    This is a new series which started this month.

  • @ljmagote4657
    @ljmagote4657 7 років тому +2

    MashaAllah... Great Reminder

  • @MOADAM2010
    @MOADAM2010 12 років тому +2

    MASHALLAH !!!!

  • @CerberusLXXXIX
    @CerberusLXXXIX 13 років тому +3

    @NCNAS96 Salaam, at 46 mins in he explains that even the prophet Salallah hu alayhi wa sallam sweat at his time of death and it is a good sign of death. Also, Muslims who pass away on the day or night of friday, allah protects them from the punishment of the grave.

  • @PRETTYBOI56247
    @PRETTYBOI56247 12 років тому +2


  • @zizy30
    @zizy30 13 років тому +1

    jazakallah kheyr

  • @abbygail6449
    @abbygail6449 12 років тому +2

    masha allah god bless you brother.

  • @dizzile911
    @dizzile911 12 років тому +1

    jazajumallah 4 uploading this brother

  • @sheikibrahim5595
    @sheikibrahim5595 5 років тому +2

    -QURAN-: 2 : 168

  • @kagescar
    @kagescar 13 років тому

    why is the crowd so silence..this maan is a genius maay allllaaah bless him..... hes doing a good donation to us as muslims...excellently educating us... mashalla

  • @Soran184
    @Soran184 12 років тому +1


  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому +1

    "And when God will say: ‘O Jesus, did you say to men,Take me and my mother for two gods besides God?’He will reply:‘Glory be to Thee! it was not for me to say what I had no right to say.If I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it.Thou knowest what is in my mind...Thou art the great Knower of the unseen...and I was a witness of them... but when Thou didst cause me to die Thou wast the Watcher over them. And Thou art Witness of all things’." (5:116, 117)

  • @YousefToma
    @YousefToma 12 років тому +1

    @dimpset3 @thehereafterepisodes Wa 3alaykum asalaam

  • @romclater8448
    @romclater8448 9 років тому +5

    Very good video!!

  • @dimpsey3
    @dimpsey3 13 років тому +1

    @ICEYMONTAGES As-salaam-alaikum .pls tell me who is the Madi? are mahde,i cant pronounce it well but i hope u understand what im trying to ask u..ty and may ALLAH reward u and ur family

  • @julio14335
    @julio14335 12 років тому +1

    The "Koran" is a Book of Wisdom and "Muhammad" (s.a.w.) is the reflection of it.

  • @nasifc
    @nasifc 13 років тому +1

    @CerberusLXXXIX Jazakh Allah for ur response

  • @hanafati5071
    @hanafati5071 11 років тому +1


  • @nasifc
    @nasifc 13 років тому

    Assalah mu alaikum, My grandad passed away in july 2009, he died on the night of friday at around 2am, my mum was also there when his soul was taken, she said that he was sweating alot, is that a good sign that he is going to enter Jannah?

  • @bakermot1
    @bakermot1 12 років тому

    AsSalaamu Alaikum....Is it to be implied that a person suffers two deaths, namely the death of the body on earth and then death of the spiritor soul in barzak, before the day of Qiyamah when everything including the angel of death shall die, save Allah (SWT) ?

  • @mm498
    @mm498 13 років тому

    @nakib123 If you search for the death and here after by sheikh shady, you will find all the parts....I have uploaded the small parts 10min each part, or you can go to Isamic media . com / au you can find all his lectures and videos

  • @qg786
    @qg786 12 років тому

    4 dislikes = 4 people who are afraid of death.

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    brother, i don't think you understood what Surah Al-Maidah is talken about. "...And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness." this sura dealth with future tens on the day of Judgment that Allah will question Jesus and he will say "and I was a witness over them" and in other surah he will say he told them not to worship him. that Is what Surah Al-Maidah is does not contradict Hadith,

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    if you follow only the Quran then you are going against the message of the Prophet pbuh. Allah Said: "He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah, but he who turns away, then we have not sent you as a watcher over them." [Holy Quran 4:80] and the clear proof is in what the companions recorded in the Sahih Hadith which does not contradict the Quran.

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    Brother I understand the correct meaning. You you should read the ayat before 116-117 surah 5, then you will understand. This is dealing with future tense on the day of judgment. "Thou didst cause me to die" did Jesus die on earth? offcource not, this is something that has not happen yet. Read 116 and 117 the entire 2 passages of surah 5 so that you will understand the meaning. " This is why in the hadith the prophet said Jesus will come after the Madih, It is Jesus who will kill the Dajjal.

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    your wrong,the idea of Jesus return is in the Quran, As Allah(SWT) Said:" And (Jesus) shall be a sign for (the coming of) hour (of Judgement)." Surah 43:61 how can he be a sign if he is in the heaven? you have to look into the quran and the sunnah or what is in the hadith of the message of prophet, or else u will be lost. can u tell me anywhere in the holy quran where it tells us how to pray salah, iqama, takbit etc... its in the hadith, the prophet left both quran and his sunnah.

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    like i said, Jesus did not die on earth because he was taken by through Angels by the command of Allah. God’s Messenger said: By him in whose hands my soul is, (Jesus) son of Mary will descend amongst you shortly as a just ruler (hakaman muqsitan) and will break the cross and kill the pig and abolish the jizyah. Wealth will flow (in such abundance that) nobody will accept (any charitable gifts). (Bukhari 3/425, Muslim 1/p. 255).

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 років тому

    mahmoud, Jesus will return as this is mention by the Prophet in the Hadith. He will come back as an imam or leader or the muslim community and not a Prophet. He will not bring anything new but to affirm the establishment of Allah's law, his return will break all the falsification regarding him in which christians think he is God, when he returned all the Christians will witness and return back to the true fold of La Ilaha illahlah, This is why its necessary for his return. Salam :)

  • @xoxBkaYxox
    @xoxBkaYxox 12 років тому

    y jesus should pay for what you did... it doesnt make any sense.. u commit sin, u should be responsible for it not Jesus (pbuh)....

  • @djmuaaz23
    @djmuaaz23 12 років тому +1

    may ALLAH give you hidaya

  • @nasratullahrasoli7075
    @nasratullahrasoli7075 2 роки тому


  • @tiluybasari2680
    @tiluybasari2680 11 років тому +3

    subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah allahu akbar.. thumps up this nice lecture.

  • @aureahaja7550
    @aureahaja7550 4 роки тому +1

    A very great lecture for all of us! Jazakallahu khairan.

  • @0779
    @0779 13 років тому +1

    jazaka alallu karin

  • @GooglFascists
    @GooglFascists 12 років тому +1

    I have no fear of death. None. My Lord and Savior Yeshua, (Jesus) took
    my sins and yours on Himself when he died on the Cross for all of us.
    Jesus paid our sin-debt and if we accept His gift, we go to heaven to
    be with Him when we die. Allah did not die for anyone's sins. He did
    not give himself in our place as a sacrifice for us. Allah is no savior,
    therefore his religion is one of rules but no gift of salvation. You can
    have your dead religion. I receive new life in Jesus Christ- Amen!

    • @frul-haque2455
      @frul-haque2455 4 роки тому

      Your mighty lord who could be killed by his creation...oh what an an almighty lord...
      Your mighty lord who takes on the "sin-debt" of murderers and rapists...oh what a moral lord...
      Your mighty lord who is a three in one package...oh what a can't get it done all by myself lord...
      Your mighty lord who has no father and yet one who has no father and mother is not the lord...oh what a confused lord...
      Your mighty lord who advocates celibacy...oh what a lord that can't grasp the concept of my followers will die out in one generation if they don't procreate...
      A visit to a psychologist is highly recommended...