Been today finally sonic battle again who destroys Ben 10 is going to seek mode cause he’s a vegan or a lot of people with his dark mode in his lot of attacks even defeating sonic, EXC enemies, dead of sonic EXC dead now because of his powerful spawn hyper sonic
Dang pretty good but I see a lack of Danny phantom on this channel and kamen Rider
Jael Peñaloza should see this one
But damn !! that was cool
Burst, the Sound effects need a Upgrade but gj lg
This reminded me of my video, but yours is a thousand times better
Somebody can tell me what is megalovania remix?
First yay hero of all heroes
Hey Burst when will burst 10 ep3 come
You have discord, right? Probably... could you send me some slash movieclips used in this video?
Plz make ben 10 vs sonic round 2
Wouldn't sans wear a heartlocket
Been today finally sonic battle again who destroys Ben 10 is going to seek mode cause he’s a vegan or a lot of people with his dark mode in his lot of attacks even defeating sonic, EXC enemies, dead of sonic EXC dead now because of his powerful spawn hyper sonic