This is an excellent public education forum with in depth information and balanced view. Participants are knowledgeable and professional, their advice are current and consistent with main stream philosophy. The public broadcast service is to be commended for a job well done. An additional caution regarding the current trend of sexually transmitted diseases should also be emphasized, that is,sexually active senior citizens have rapidly become a newly identified risk group for HIV transmission. Public health education and disease prevention policy should reach grass root with special attention to senior citizens. 公視節目立場一般公允,包容廣納,又不偏激迷信,增知益智,是較有事實依據的論述與俱備公信力的論壇。
This is an excellent public education forum with in depth information and balanced view. Participants are knowledgeable and professional, their advice are current and consistent with main stream philosophy. The public broadcast service is to be commended for a job well done. An additional caution regarding the current trend of sexually transmitted diseases should also be emphasized, that is,sexually active senior citizens have rapidly become a newly identified risk group for HIV transmission. Public health education and disease prevention policy should reach grass root with special attention to senior citizens. 公視節目立場一般公允,包容廣納,又不偏激迷信,增知益智,是較有事實依據的論述與俱備公信力的論壇。