NBC Smash - Heart-Shaped Wreckage (lyrics on screen)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jackiecote4226
    @jackiecote4226 11 років тому +2

    This song is ridiculously beautiful. Thanks for the lyrics video!

  • @Averia89
    @Averia89 10 років тому +15

    If they would've added a "go" at the end, this song would be perfection! But, it still rock anyway!!!

    • @Amoramore7
      @Amoramore7 10 років тому +5

      The original song from the soundtrack says GO at the end this one is incomplete

    • @navvystevens1731
      @navvystevens1731 8 років тому +1

      I have listened to this version so many times. I finally got it on my phone(from play store) and it said "go". I was shocked!

  • @47carolyne
    @47carolyne 11 років тому +1

    Tells my story. Crying right now. If only...

  • @shainalayne
    @shainalayne 11 років тому

    This song is amazing!

  • @KaTiEdReAmEr03
    @KaTiEdReAmEr03 11 років тому +1

    this song relates to my life..love it

  • @ericadenova
    @ericadenova 11 років тому +2

    Yeah I wish they added "go" at the end too.

  • @andyandrews8805
    @andyandrews8805 6 років тому

    Life is wonderful Life is marvelous It's suppose to be is a new book on amazon kindle Inspirational, empowering, to the point :-) written by one of these three fabulous girls

  • @navvystevens1731
    @navvystevens1731 8 років тому

    I watched Colleen and Josh's videos earlier. whe. I heard this song, I thought of them instantly. so sad but I support them completely.

  • @aimiLovesU
    @aimiLovesU 10 років тому +1


  • @abbiecoon8294
    @abbiecoon8294 11 років тому

    This song totally describes my situation

  • @kokolayna5205
    @kokolayna5205 7 років тому +4


  • @anonymousvoice2013
    @anonymousvoice2013 11 років тому

    Am I the only one who wishes they would have added a 'go' to the end of that?