Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
А зачем кроватки выкидывать, если ей рожать скоро. Странно🤔 Если нет шкафа, то можно же сколотить из досок стелаж с полками и туда всё сложить. Всё лучше чем по углам вещи валяются. Что то можно на стены повесить, элементарно вбить гвозди в стену. Озра хозяйка никакая.
Tiene usted razón puede poner Clavos en las paredes y corgar la ropa no en el suelo,con esas tablas puede hacer estanterías y ordenalo mejor,no ese desastre k tiene d ropa
Оператор, ты создаёшь фильмы которые не отражают реальной жизни. Твоя цель есть приобрести подписчиков для владельца канала. Неадекватное поведение и жестокость в твоих фильмах, отталкивает зрителей подписыватся на канал. Эта методика фильмов действует на психику зрителей и у них нет расположения на подписку канала. Продолжая так дальше, ты не поможешь владельцу канала положительно поправится финансово на UA-cam. Если ты желаешь улутшить финасовое положение канала, тогда посмотри фильмы на канале Mehlave . Содержание фильмов на канале Mehlave , распологает зрителей на подписку канала. Выбирай что важнее для тебя и для владельца канала.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Оператор, ты создаёшь фильмы которые не отражают реальной жизни. Твоя цель есть приобрести подписчиков для владельца канала. Неадекватное поведение и жестокость в твоих фильмах, отталкивает зрителей подписыватся на канал. Эта методика фильмов действует на психику зрителей и у них нет расположения на подписку канала. Продолжая так дальше, ты не поможешь владельцу канала положительно поправится финансово на UA-cam. Если ты желаешь улутшить финасовое положение канала, тогда посмотри фильмы на канале Mehlave . Содержание фильмов на канале Mehlave , распологает зрителей на подписку канала. Выбирай что важнее для тебя и для владельца канала.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Esso e tudo uma palhaçada combinado com o cinegrafista,o cinegrafista usa a imagem deles nuca ver ele chegar com alimento pra valila ele tem sempre que trabalha ou comprar fiado.Os canal que assisto o cinegrafista leva alimento pro dono do canal.E tudo uma verdadeira palhaça
BRAVO Vali 🎉 ❤ majka tvoja bi bila ponosna na tvoju dobrotu i karakter,neka te dragi Allah dz.s.sacuva..svako dobro ti zelim od ❤ a Ishaka smjesti u psiho bolnicu neka se lijeci
Какой бардак в этой комнате, неужели нельзя какой нибудь комод колотить, чтобы вещи невалялись на полу, что за порядки у этих людей, живут в 18 веке. Там не только змеи заведут я, но и кракодилы😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Неужели нельзя забить несколько гвоздей в стену и развесить одежду. Все свалено в корзину,вместе с летней одеждой и теплая, мишура ёлочная.зачем выбрасывать кроватки,если Озера скоро родит ребенка? А двери постоянно открыты,а жалуются,что холодно😮
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🤦🙏🙏
Озера взбодрилась от счастья на седьмом небе, от того что спасла своего Ишака 😂, теперь можно дальше доить Валиву доверчивого, , что хорошо делает для Озры Исхак это делает ей детей, а ей наверное больше и ничего не надо от него😂😂😂, а валило её кормит, ну и прекрасно жизнь удалась😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Озра , почему не отсортировала вещи ?! Все запихала вперемешку с мишурой ! Мишура должна храниться отдельно от вещей ! И детские вещи надо тоже хранить отдельно от всех пряток ! Как ты убираешься, чувствуется ты хозяйка хреновая ! Неряха и в Иране неряха !
Dieser, genau wie andere Kanäle sind alles Fake . Sie spielen nur schlechtes Theater und schädigen damit den RUf des IRans. Gut dass die Regierung inzwischen in diese Richtung aggiert. Sie greifen immer mehr PErsonen auf, die dieses tun und verurteilen sie. Die meisten der BEtreiber sind Großfamilien, die ohnehin schon reich sind und hier nur die Zuschauer täuschen und um GEld betteln. Sie machen meist einen guten Schnitt von 200 Dollar pro TAg. Was im Iran unheimlich viel GEld ist.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Now I’m convinced these tv shows are fake. I CANNOT STAND OZRA CRYING AND MOANING…her voice is worst than a cats scream…she’s literally a horrible person…who needs never ever ever be able to have children again If so I hope ishaq sells the baby…the women just disappears with her kids. And vali and chico live happily ever after
@@emillynolan590 yeah and apparently hes moving to L.A to meet his supporters when he sells the baby…also every time he sees a plane in the sky he claims it’s their to pick him up.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Que chistoso, Ozhra le pregunta si saca las cunas😅😅😅. Porque no le pregunto si podia liberar del pozo a Ishaac??? Algunas escenas son muy tontas.😂😂😂 Como por ejemplo, mientras forzejeaban Valila e Ishaac, Valila le quita el arma y la deja en el suelo para que Ishaac la tome con facilidad, es decir en otras palabra el mismo Valila le pasa el arma🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏❤️
Маленькая похожа на домовенка из мультика, грязная косматая волосы глаза закрывают, бедные детки - что папа чекнутый что мамаша грязнуля, Вали закончит крышу и поедет в магазин покупать детям обувь одежду, а больше не кому только Вали заботится о детях, а мамаша ещё и вредит Вали, откопали придурка и врут все Вали, неблагодарные как дети так и их мать. Как долго еще Вали будет терпеть не понятно.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Dale gracias atu cuñada por que ella tiene la culpa de tus desgracias y tu que no pones de tu parte esa mujer es Más fiel al marido que ati que los mantienes
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
The crazy young boy is liar! When Valila beating him he run fast like a horse but when he is in the side of Ishaak he started to lie to trick the crazy Ishaak😂😂😂😂😂 . Anyway both of them is crazy the feathers flock together!😂😂😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Ése zángano de Isaac no se cansa de hacerte daño Vali y el muchacho otro malandra,quisieron vencerte y mira como terminaron😅 pero seguro tienen otros planes,suelta a Chico porque en cualquier momento aparecen en tu casa y tu cuñadita nuevamente lo va ayudar,no lo dudes. Vali,no tengas más compasión con ella,por su culpa estás pasando esto, quítale l@s niñ@s , ahí verá ésa tonta hasta dónde le llega con su holgazán.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Vallia teraz Ty powinieneś zrobić zasadzkę na farmie zwabić go i dać mu ponownie karę . Ezra niech dzwoni do męża że potrzebuje natychmiastowej pomocy i zaraz go złapiesz . Zacznij teraz ty zasadzki na Ishaga robić .
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Cuidate Vali tu ases y los niños estos capítulos eres muy valiente de. Verdad eres muy bueno y guapo tienes muchas fuerzas pero si cuidate de ese malvado y si suelta a chicoel te avisará el peligro denunciarlo para ti Vali❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Én még ilyen összegyűrt ruha halmot az életben nem láttam ,amúgy az összes iráni sorozatban ezt a trehányságot láttam , úgy látszik náluk ez a szokás . Az én gyerekeim megörültek volna ha ekkora ruha kupacból kellett volna kiszedniük a saját ruháikat. :(
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Great analysis, thank you! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏❤️🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹🙏
the snake hidden towards the cradle of the future baby is like an omen of ishaq who turns like a snake around Ozra to take her baby & sell it.. this image is very premonitory 🤷🏻♀️🫨🫣
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Thank you very much for always supporting Vali and the family, Vali he is doing his best to free Parisa, pray for him, and Vali also thanked you all for always supporting her with your comments.❤️🌹
Ozra es despilfarradora del agua 💧😮 tiene algo en la mano y lo lava uno por uno ,esa mujer tira la piedra y esconde la mano 🫱🏻 ,hay está por ayudar a el delincuente del marido le dieron su bueno sacudida 😂😂,hay si chillaba 😭😭😭, es falsa esa mujer solo sabe es hacer hijos y que valila se los mantenga 🫣🫣😡😡
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Thank you for always supporting Vali and the family. Please pray that Vali can find Parisa as soon as possible and that the family can have a happy life. As always, support Vali and the family with likes and comments and wait for the new video.🌹❤️🙏
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali is a strong man nothing will happen to him.. besides he is the main lead of the story. Vali must make a cupboard so that they can keep clothes inside the cupboard. Keeping clothes in a basket looks messy.
😢 ay amigo valila. Tienes la solución en tus manos y no la tomas . Los niños son hermososy en medio de tantos desastres hay q ver q es tan diferente su actiitud cuando esta con valila ,cantan,rien ,estan felices pero no se percatan q por el amor de a ellos mismos,tu vida esta en peligro. 😢 Horza, te faltara vida para arrepentirte de tu estupidez, tenias q mostrarle a la niña q quien les protege es Valila . Pero no, solo sirve esta sra para hablarle fuerte a Valila y exigirle .abusa de la bondad de Valila . Pregunta para el Camara : ¿ que habria pasado si valila no logra vencer a ese isaac y lo mata? . Su documental muere por q delo por seguro q lo vemos es por valila, no por nadie mas.
why can't she fold the clothes neatly, very untidy room, teach the children how to keep room clean, not enough if you only sweep and wash outside to show people.
Velila o kartonlardan odanın yerine yayıp üzerine kilim yaparsanız çocukları soğuktan korur. Cocuklar incecik bir yaygi üzerinde beton üzerinde oturuyorlar..unutup karınları agriyabilir. Niye yere kalin mindere koyuyorsunuz cocuklar yumusak bir yerde uyusunlar...bizim çocuklarımız oyle yerde yatsa hemen hasta olurlar...lutfen yapmaları 8cin minder alın...❤❤🎉🎉🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 turkiyeden sevgi ve selamlar....
Ozera is the wife of the fIlth!!! Her husband has now started harming his younger brother Valila!!! Dear Valila you are a really good person.❤👍Get away from home now.Do not feel sorry for Ozera!!!
Thank you very much for always supporting Vali and her family with your comments. Vali thanked all of you, dear audience, and pray that she will save her sister as soon as possible.🌹🙏❤️
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏🙏
Они топят печку в доме и дверь открывают, чтобы на улице тепло было😂😂😂😂, в куртках но босиком, так модно😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
А зачем кроватки выкидывать, если ей рожать скоро. Странно🤔 Если нет шкафа, то можно же сколотить из досок стелаж с полками и туда всё сложить. Всё лучше чем по углам вещи валяются. Что то можно на стены повесить, элементарно вбить гвозди в стену. Озра хозяйка никакая.
Tiene usted razón puede poner Clavos en las paredes y corgar la ropa no en el suelo,con esas tablas puede hacer estanterías y ordenalo mejor,no ese desastre k tiene d ropa
Where is the oldest daughter?
Оператор, ты создаёшь фильмы которые не отражают реальной жизни. Твоя цель есть приобрести подписчиков для владельца канала. Неадекватное поведение и жестокость в твоих фильмах, отталкивает зрителей подписыватся на канал. Эта методика фильмов действует на психику зрителей и у них нет расположения на подписку канала. Продолжая так дальше, ты не поможешь владельцу канала положительно поправится финансово на UA-cam. Если ты желаешь улутшить финасовое положение канала, тогда посмотри фильмы на канале Mehlave . Содержание фильмов на канале Mehlave , распологает зрителей на подписку канала. Выбирай что важнее для тебя и для владельца канала.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
@@donnamendes8426 zu HAuse, im wirklichen Zu HAuse. Denn es ist alles nur Fake
Озра не аккуратная, вещи тяп-ляп запихала, буржуйку затопила а дверь почему не закрываешь? Полная безхозяйственность.
Оператор, ты создаёшь фильмы которые не отражают реальной жизни. Твоя цель есть приобрести подписчиков для владельца канала. Неадекватное поведение и жестокость в твоих фильмах, отталкивает зрителей подписыватся на канал. Эта методика фильмов действует на психику зрителей и у них нет расположения на подписку канала. Продолжая так дальше, ты не поможешь владельцу канала положительно поправится финансово на UA-cam. Если ты желаешь улутшить финасовое положение канала, тогда посмотри фильмы на канале Mehlave . Содержание фильмов на канале Mehlave , распологает зрителей на подписку канала. Выбирай что важнее для тебя и для владельца канала.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Lo que te pase es culpa de osra porque ella lo ayuda a escapar pero si quiere que los mantengas
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Молодец Валил настоящий мужчина всегда вперёд здоровья крепкого и удачи 🙏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Los que hechan la culpa a la cuñada ,no es por fidelidad al marido ,es por piedad al ser humano.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Cameramen,please help Valila to call the police immediately please you can do something to help Valila!
He should do but he doesn't
Никто никого вызывать не будет, так все время будут куролесить. Эта семья ярмо на шее Валилы,ему нужно от них уходить!
Esso e tudo uma palhaçada combinado com o cinegrafista,o cinegrafista usa a imagem deles nuca ver ele chegar com alimento pra valila ele tem sempre que trabalha ou comprar fiado.Os canal que assisto o cinegrafista leva alimento pro dono do canal.E tudo uma verdadeira palhaça
Very right ✅️ he thought we are very interested in his stupid content. 😂
С змеей вместе надо в яму закинут Исхака чтоб он стал человеком😊❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
BRAVO Vali 🎉 ❤ majka tvoja bi bila ponosna na tvoju dobrotu i karakter,neka te dragi Allah dz.s.sacuva..svako dobro ti zelim od ❤ a Ishaka smjesti u psiho bolnicu neka se lijeci
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🙏
Какой бардак в этой комнате, неужели нельзя какой нибудь комод колотить, чтобы вещи невалялись на полу, что за порядки у этих людей, живут в 18 веке. Там не только змеи заведут я, но и кракодилы😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Gracias a Dios goly, que Dios te ha dado muchas fuerzas. Échale ganas que nadie te va a tumbar
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️
경찰에 신고 왜 안하나요 이삭은 평생 감옥안에 있어야 합니다
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Неужели нельзя забить несколько гвоздей в стену и развесить одежду. Все свалено в корзину,вместе с летней одеждой и теплая, мишура ёлочная.зачем выбрасывать кроватки,если Озера скоро родит ребенка? А двери постоянно открыты,а жалуются,что холодно😮
I shack sold the baby, she's just holding it in " lay-away" until it's born
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🤦🙏🙏
Озера взбодрилась от счастья на седьмом небе, от того что спасла своего Ишака 😂, теперь можно дальше доить Валиву доверчивого, , что хорошо делает для Озры Исхак это делает ей детей, а ей наверное больше и ничего не надо от него😂😂😂, а валило её кормит, ну и прекрасно жизнь удалась😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Маладец вали❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Вали теперь будте осторожны они будут вам мстить берите с собой чико
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Кушают один раз в день, а посуду моют весь день😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Озра , почему не отсортировала вещи ?! Все запихала вперемешку с мишурой ! Мишура должна храниться отдельно от вещей ! И детские вещи надо тоже хранить отдельно от всех пряток ! Как ты убираешься, чувствуется ты хозяйка хреновая ! Неряха и в Иране неряха !
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Dieser, genau wie andere Kanäle sind alles Fake . Sie spielen nur schlechtes Theater und schädigen damit den RUf des IRans. Gut dass die Regierung inzwischen in diese Richtung aggiert. Sie greifen immer mehr PErsonen auf, die dieses tun und verurteilen sie. Die meisten der BEtreiber sind Großfamilien, die ohnehin schon reich sind und hier nur die Zuschauer täuschen und um GEld betteln. Sie machen meist einen guten Schnitt von 200 Dollar pro TAg. Was im Iran unheimlich viel GEld ist.
@@ValiNomadicBoy почему нет перевода на ответ автора ролика ?!
Oh so funny those too man 😂😂😂 good job vallila 😊
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Исаак никогда не станет человеком! Валила тебе Крепкого Здоровья Удачи Сил! ❤❤❤❤❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️
Asra,no tires las cunas ,ahí acomoda toda esa ropa para que no se suban animales ,es mejor ahí que en el suelo y doblala bien .
That’s what we all would do, it don’t make sense does it
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
Now I’m convinced these tv shows are fake.
I CANNOT STAND OZRA CRYING AND MOANING…her voice is worst than a cats scream…she’s literally a horrible person…who needs never ever ever be able to have children again
If so I hope ishaq sells the baby…the women just disappears with her kids.
And vali and chico live happily ever after
He already sold the baby he’s only waiting for it to be born and he will take it and give it to the buyer
The clothes are so messy, wash it clean and fold it nicely, buy a closet and organize the clothes there!
Ishaq was a mess yesterday
And today his clothes are washed, he’s cleaned up, nobody would be back out in that state he was in so quickly.
@@emillynolan590 yeah and apparently hes moving to L.A to meet his supporters when he sells the baby…also every time he sees a plane in the sky he claims it’s their to pick him up.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Зажгли печку а двери открыты зачем все так бесталково делают?
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
Que chistoso, Ozhra le pregunta si saca las cunas😅😅😅.
Porque no le pregunto si podia liberar del pozo a Ishaac???
Algunas escenas son muy tontas.😂😂😂
Como por ejemplo, mientras forzejeaban Valila e Ishaac, Valila le quita el arma y la deja en el suelo para que Ishaac la tome con facilidad, es decir en otras palabra el mismo Valila le pasa el arma🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Estoy de acuerdo en ves de darle con la arma a eso dos delincuentes la pone a qué la tome ese Tonto de Issac
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏❤️
Озра, зачем ставить опять чайник на огонь если он на половину пустой и кипит вода, надо долить воду и потом поставить на огонь
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Четыре девочки в доме, а брат с метлой в руках подметает пол, вот так выростают подкаблучники😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
Маленькая похожа на домовенка из мультика, грязная косматая волосы глаза закрывают, бедные детки - что папа чекнутый что мамаша грязнуля, Вали закончит крышу и поедет в магазин покупать детям обувь одежду, а больше не кому только Вали заботится о детях, а мамаша ещё и вредит Вали, откопали придурка и врут все Вали, неблагодарные как дети так и их мать. Как долго еще Вали будет терпеть не понятно.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Alles nur ein Script
Все под рукой у Азры ничего не надо искат
Так удобно ей 🪱🪱🪱🪱🤭🤭😊😊
Dale gracias atu cuñada por que ella tiene la culpa de tus desgracias y tu que no pones de tu parte esa mujer es Más fiel al marido que ati que los mantienes
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Faleminderit Zotit qe nuk kafshoi njeri
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
The crazy young boy is liar! When Valila beating him he run fast like a horse but when he is in the side of Ishaak he started to lie to trick the crazy Ishaak😂😂😂😂😂 . Anyway both of them is crazy the feathers flock together!😂😂😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Браво Вали❤,този глупак трябваше да стои заровен една година,този е непоправим
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Bravo vali🎉
Vali send ozra outside the farm
Operator help vali, before they do anything
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Que forma de guardar la ropa ,dios ,como la sacarás de ahí Asra ,todo arrugada.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali bales mucho y más cuando te veo con los niños k son felices❤❤❤❤❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
Ése zángano de Isaac no se cansa de hacerte daño Vali y el muchacho otro malandra,quisieron vencerte y mira como terminaron😅 pero seguro tienen otros planes,suelta a Chico porque en cualquier momento aparecen en tu casa y tu cuñadita nuevamente lo va ayudar,no lo dudes.
Vali,no tengas más compasión con ella,por su culpa estás pasando esto, quítale l@s niñ@s , ahí verá ésa tonta hasta dónde le llega con su holgazán.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Был один дурак теперь два 😅
پت ومت😂😂😂😂😂
Młody chłopak a taki głupi że szok.Wierzy we wszystkie bajki i glupoty
Thumbs down 👇 👇👇 you'd think with Isreal coming for them they'd find other things to fight about.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Молодой мальчик зачем привязан этого человек исак дурак .
O çocukta aptalda ondan😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
😅المصور❤. فالي❤❤
قلت لك ان تعمل له قفصا عند الحداد واحبسوا فيه كل يومين اعطيه قطعة خبز والماء
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏❤️
Con tutti i giorni che e stato in punizione non ha migliorato ritorna ad essere come sempre,forse peggio😢
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🌹❤️
The kids are so mabait
Donde esta la otra nena??
Laila went to school🌹❤️🙏
Если бы хозяйственную жену Валили, что бы она там ремонт сделала в комнате шкаф для вещей.
Ishack has dragged Valila underneath him and made him into one of his wives. Valila submits because Ishack and family remain by his side. 🤮
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️
Vali ❤❤❤😢👍
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏
İsak in kafasindaki spaka niyetine giydiği 😂 mavi çocuk pantolonuna ne demeli 😂😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹
First time sneak c
Vali ama tantissimo questi bambini❤per loro fa di tutto👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Vallia teraz Ty powinieneś zrobić zasadzkę na farmie zwabić go i dać mu ponownie karę . Ezra niech dzwoni do męża że potrzebuje natychmiastowej pomocy i zaraz go złapiesz . Zacznij teraz ty zasadzki na Ishaga robić .
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Cuidate Vali tu ases y los niños estos capítulos eres muy valiente de. Verdad eres muy bueno y guapo tienes muchas fuerzas pero si cuidate de ese malvado y si suelta a chicoel te avisará el peligro denunciarlo para ti Vali❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🙏
خان ابو الذبان انهزمت الله ينتقم من كل ظالم متجر والله عجبني فيلا الله يعطيه الصحه والعافيه 😅
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Brava ha sistemato bene la roba facendo il mucheto la si usa così minimo indispensabile
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Én még ilyen összegyűrt ruha halmot az életben nem láttam ,amúgy az összes iráni sorozatban ezt a trehányságot láttam , úgy látszik náluk ez a szokás . Az én gyerekeim megörültek volna ha ekkora ruha kupacból kellett volna kiszedniük a saját ruháikat. :(
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹
Bravo monsieur valila
이샤크는 사람의 탈을쓴 악마입니다.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Ozra, why dont you raise chickens ? A source of income for you and a food source of meat and eggs. You could also raise geese and ducks. Goats ?
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Saludos paratodos
Great analysis, thank you! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏❤️🌹
Necesitan hacer un close en la pared con madera para él toda su ropa para que no esté tirada en el piso y así la casa esté ordenada
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🌹🙏
Que medo desse bicho peçonhento. 😮
the snake hidden towards the cradle of the future baby is like an omen of ishaq who turns like a snake around Ozra to take her baby & sell it.. this image is very premonitory 🤷🏻♀️🫨🫣
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🌹❤️
Al menos deja una cuna para tú hijo que va a nacer, me parecen mejor las cunas que en el suelo.
Cuando salga ese bebe no va hacer transportado a los brazos de la medre, sino a el comprador que ya pago por el
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹❤️
Igual te veo Valila porque me gustas cómo quieres a esos niños
Thank you very much for always supporting Vali and the family, Vali he is doing his best to free Parisa, pray for him, and Vali also thanked you all for always supporting her with your comments.❤️🌹
Правлна дила😂😂😂😂 валила 👍👍👍👍💪💪🇺🇿
You see ozra... Leave vali la alone..
This man a joke we're all laughing our heads off here at him😅😅
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹
Ozra es despilfarradora del agua 💧😮 tiene algo en la mano y lo lava uno por uno ,esa mujer tira la piedra y esconde la mano 🫱🏻 ,hay está por ayudar a el delincuente del marido le dieron su bueno sacudida 😂😂,hay si chillaba 😭😭😭, es falsa esa mujer solo sabe es hacer hijos y que valila se los mantenga 🫣🫣😡😡
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Este tio valila e muito bom pra essas crianças toda criança quer um tio valila Asim carinhoso com as crianças
Azrada qadın təmizliyi yoxdu 😂😂əlinə kecəni bir kloka doldurur😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏🌹
Ozras children are Beautiful 🤩 ❤
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹❤️
I don't understand why this camera man never call police
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
Vali better leave that family.. They are evil.. Leave them
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Komediant z tego Isaka😂.
Maşallah çok güzelsiniz dersinize çalısın başarılar dilerim
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏
برافو فاليل زكرد🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ozra, please tidy up your room, fold the clothes, arrange them neatly so that snakes don't nest in the pile of clothes, it looks very messy.
Thank you for always supporting Vali and the family. Please pray that Vali can find Parisa as soon as possible and that the family can have a happy life. As always, support Vali and the family with likes and comments and wait for the new video.🌹❤️🙏
Camarógrafo por qué no avisas lo que está haciendo ISAk
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️🙏
Vali is a strong man nothing will happen to him.. besides he is the main lead of the story. Vali must make a cupboard so that they can keep clothes inside the cupboard. Keeping clothes in a basket looks messy.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Carzy khan bad khan blame khan😛😜😛👎👎👎👎
Que felicidad en los niños con valila..siempre tendría que ser así.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏
I'm wondering.Doesn't this water ever ends?They don't seem to fill the tank!😅
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Parisa Hasan prison, where did the girl come, what happened, UA-cam channel😢😢😢😢😢
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏
Işığın arkadaşı vallahi vurunca olduğu onlar toprağı hak ediyor
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏
😢 ay amigo valila.
Tienes la solución en tus manos y no la tomas .
Los niños son hermososy en medio de tantos desastres hay q ver q es tan diferente su actiitud cuando esta con valila ,cantan,rien ,estan felices pero no se percatan q por el amor de a ellos mismos,tu vida esta en peligro.
😢 Horza, te faltara vida para arrepentirte de tu estupidez, tenias q mostrarle a la niña q quien les protege es Valila .
Pero no, solo sirve esta sra para hablarle fuerte a Valila y exigirle .abusa de la bondad de Valila . Pregunta para el Camara : ¿ que habria pasado si valila no logra vencer a ese isaac y lo mata? .
Su documental muere por q delo por seguro q lo vemos es por valila, no por nadie mas.
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
why can't she fold the clothes neatly, very untidy room, teach the children how to keep room clean, not enough if you only sweep and wash outside to show people.
She is lazy depending on Vaila no wander they believing like the mother 😮
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Velila o kartonlardan odanın yerine yayıp üzerine kilim yaparsanız çocukları soğuktan korur. Cocuklar incecik bir yaygi üzerinde beton üzerinde oturuyorlar..unutup karınları agriyabilir. Niye yere kalin mindere koyuyorsunuz cocuklar yumusak bir yerde uyusunlar...bizim çocuklarımız oyle yerde yatsa hemen hasta olurlar...lutfen yapmaları 8cin minder alın...❤❤🎉🎉🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 turkiyeden sevgi ve selamlar....
Onlara birşey olmaz onlar şerbetli 😂😂
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏🌹
Ozera is the wife of the fIlth!!! Her husband has now started harming his younger brother Valila!!! Dear Valila you are a really good person.❤👍Get away from home now.Do not feel sorry for Ozera!!!
خوب زدش مثل سگ صدا دادن😂😂😂😂😂😂
Camarógrafo dile a vali en dónde se esconden Izhat
Thank you very much for always supporting Vali and her family with your comments. Vali thanked all of you, dear audience, and pray that she will save her sister as soon as possible.🌹🙏❤️
No dobla la ropa la mete en la cesta de cuarguier manera k desastre
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🌹🙏🙏
Валиело. Маладиес. Душа. Чиста. Проста. Игра. Ние. Чиста. Проста. Смиешна
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.❤️
Eu gosto de ver as crianças mas me dói o coração ❤️ porq só o valila pode comprar comida pra cuidar das crianças 😢
Vali and the family thanked you for always supporting them. Pray that Parisa will be found as soon as possible and that she will start a happy life.🙏