Saint Christopher the Giant - Full Story

  • Опубліковано 17 сер 2022
  • St. Christopher the Giant - Full Story
    Welcome to America Needs Fatima’s Children’s Stories. Engaging stories of faith for Our Lady’s Little Ones.
    My name is Tonia, and I will be reading to you today about The Giant who became a Saint.
    Among the smooth, blue hills of an eastern country lived a simple hearted giant lad named Offero.
    Though he was four times as high and four times as wide as the other boys, that did not make him proud in the least.
    He played with them as good-naturedly as if he had been no bigger than they.
    Sometimes he would hold them at arm's length, one in each great hand.
    Sometimes he would toss them gently into the air. And when he was particularly good-humored, he would stand still for hours at a time while they clambered up on his high shoulders.
    One evening, tired from these boisterous games, they all lay sprawled along the hillside, watching the stars come out and talking about the great men they were going to be.
    “I shall be a shepherd,” cried one, “and roam the hills all day.”
    “And I shall be a barber, like my father,” shouted another. “As for me,” cried a third, “I shall be a wine merchant, and live in ease.”
    But Offero never said a word.
    “Offero! Offero!” cried the boys, scrambling up and swarming over him. “What are you going to be?”
    But Offero held his peace. Then suddenly he sprang up, shaking them off like so many puppies.
    “I shall serve,” he thundered, “I shall serve the greatest king in the world!”
    The boys stared. “But how will you find him?” they cried.
    “I shall walk till I find him,” said Offero, “and I shall know him because he will be afraid of no one.”
    Next morning at daybreak, Offero set out across the hills to seek his king. For months he walked, from one proud palace to another, and past the miles of poor men's houses in between. Many a fine, glittering court he saw, and many a king. But none of them was the one for whom he searched. For no matter how broad their kingdoms might be, they were all afraid of some king beyond, who had more men or more ships than they.
    But Offero kept on, undismayed. And after a year and a day he came to the king whom the others feared. When Offero saw the mighty look of this king, his heart thumped with joy. “At last,” thought he, “I have found the greatest king of all!” For when the courtiers spoke of war, the king did not cringe as the others had, but raised his head more majestically than before.
    So Offero went towering down the hall, and bent his huge height before the throne.
    “Oh, king,” he cried, “behold your servant, Offero!”
    The king's eyes gleamed. For proud and powerful as he was, with a giant like this his name would be more terrible still.
    “Rise, Offero,” he said. “The king accepts your service. In battle you will march at our army's head; and in peace you shall stand behind our throne.”
    But when Offero marched before the king's army, wars ceased. For at the sight of him the enemy scurried away as fast and far as their legs would go. So there was little for him to do but stand behind the king's throne in the palace hall, which at times was rather dull for a great, strapping giant like Offero.
    “But,” he would remind himself, “I am serving the greatest king of all-the only one who is unafraid.” And then he would straighten his big, stiff shoulders, and look as proud and fierce as should the servant of such a king.
    One stormy night as Offero stood behind the throne, a minstrel came to play his lute before the king.
    He sang of war, of dangers and temptations; Offero stood drinking in the music and the story with all of his heart. But the king fidgeted in his great chair, and Offero could see his gold crown tremble. One hand would grip the carved, gilt lion by his side, while the other made a nervous sign upon his forehead. Offero watched, troubled...
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    America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:
    “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
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