So this is the first episode I’ve watched. Instant subscribe. This level of honesty about issues that’s plagued competition level magic since the beginning was impressive.
@33:00 My guy on the left made the argument for "guilty until proven innocent". Not sure I want that for the cedh mindset. I was at my LGS last week and heard about someone cheating. Long story short, they weren't. They guy making the claim was just salty and didn't like how he shuffled even if people cut him(This paticular guy is salty a lot and makes claims/statements like this about multiple people). And that is in person. I see a lot with the mtg community casual or competitive, people can get salty. They complain, blame, make excuses for losing. Not saying cheating doesn't exist, seems like it was pretty obvious in the situation they are referring in the video. Just think we should not start the "kill them all, and let god sort them out" attitude.
So now that mox masters online is cancelled and that’s the only way many can participate in tournaments what’s the way forward? It seems like the format is kinda plateauing in a way and it just worries me.
Re:twitch streams. In MTGO challenges, you can stream your game to a chat of a thousand people, and interact with that chat while playing for very similar prizing. In fact, if your opponent is streaming, it is legal (though highly frowned apon) to listen into their stream. Sometimes for online tournaments you can’t enforce the same rules as paper tournaments and that’s okay.
1:03:52 Twitch has a delay and has had issues with chatters for over a year. Theres a video from Asmongold and StaySafeTV on the issue because of people accusing them of streambotting. The chatters don’t update for an hour sometimes and a stream with 30k viewers randomly drops to 0 then goes back up 3-5 minutes later.
may I ask why? what about these words deserves even one warning? also, for clarification: was it a part of an assembly/announcement that players were supposed to be there for, or just telling people 3 times? I can’t quite tell based on your wording.
As someone who used to never politic and say “play your cards”-cedh has gotten too over board with politics. I understand there is absolutely a reason to politic in a multiplayer game but sometimes it goes too far. Politicking over ever spell…But like malcolm said I’m not victim blaming-but you can be responsible crack some treasure and maybe consider stopping the GA if you can. I wouldn’t personally make that play like wounded said but I do understand his perspective too-finding the win and taking it. Anyways happy so many videos coming out back to back. Keep up the good work! I just made your guys talion deck. I did add aboleth spawn and spell stutter sprite. It’s a ton of fun! GGS
The lying is kinda shady and doesnt make them look good. Def forever to be remembered lying. But yes also you need to be responsible and not allow them to get that crazy advantage.
Hey I want to set the record straight on something you got a little wrong. I was someone who was in the top 16 game with said individual. We were about 3 turns deep before he was DQ'd. I do wish that we just reseeded or restarted the game, I hate that we just kept playing cause a 3 player pod fucking sucks especially in top 16. All and all great video! Thank you for bringing this up front. You guys are greatly appreciated.
Yup! My bad someone else let me know in an earlier comment. I was playing during that game and that specific timing of the game loss I was either told wrong or heard wrong so my apologies there. - Wounded
I’m a natural pro bodybuilder who gets drug tested to show I’m clean. In certain federations if someone is caught cheating, they are banned for either x amount of time, some are banned for life and some enter something called the “wall of shame”. Wall of shame with ban would be appropriate for cedh tourneys where they post the persons name with what they did and how long they are banned. It’s a strong deterrent
i am so pissed to hear i cant swear at magic tournaments now. who does it offend and why? like i understand penalties for actually harmful language such as slurs/threats/even trash talk, of course, but I think “swear” words are some of the least offensive things ever. for example, what makes the word ‘shit’ worse than the word ‘poop’ or ‘excrement’?
BLATANTLY!!!! And Ka0stournament judge call thought, nah, that might not be cheating, you can have the win and make top 16. smh The way I read the big announcement to kick of 2024 was that they are redefining expecations, like requiring hands to never go off screen, all area around the playmat on screen, camera shifted to show lap, too. And then the dude's hand went off screen for 14 seconds after drawing that opening 7. That should have been the icing to ban in rd5 given all the other "coincidences". Also thanks for going out of your way to have those conversations with the ka0s team to point all this obvious stuff out (cut from bottom, not pointing 1 and 3, etc, so obvious). Glad they banned him, finally got there, but like, entry to one event hardly makes up for actually having a good run and being in a play and in rd5. Ka0stournaments needs to be better. Either enforcing rules of no hands off screen, or cut buddies / whatever. Last tournament I played in, tons of players didn't request cut buddy first, then cut into piles, but always whatever was shuffled to the top in the middle. Cheaters can take advantage of that, I tried to ask questions in their discord, but really felt like I was being brushed off / onus was put on the players / it's okay to choose the middle pile /etc, so didn't force the issue. Totally didn't realize they actually have banned that guy. Thanks for doing their PSAs for them in your podcast.
Are they going to outline which words are defined as foul language? "Crap" as an example in some households is viewed as a swear-word while in others it's not. What if I say "fudge"? The intent of the word gets you a turn skip, but not the word itself. How is this enforceable?
my thing about all the lying stuff is that I don’t want to sit down at a cedh table to play a social deduction game where I figure out who I can trust. I want to play a damn game of magic. maybe that’s just impossible in this format, I dunno.
Yeah, not a fan of the lying, it my opinion it was shitty, but the aggressiveness after on twitter just made me personally believe that player wasn’t actually remorseful but we are human and makes mistakes. Super proud of memo owning up to the infamous now tinderwall meme lol. Great episode fellas.
So basically dont play a paper tournament online is what im getting out of this. This also sounds like a small clique of people complaining about others in a discord to an audience who is completely out of the loop because theyre not in the discord nor do the participate in the tournies lol
People lying was bound to happen. Surprised it hasn't happened more but reputation is very important in terms of politics. Kinda something I don't like about the format is how hard some people politic and act as if they're not trying to win or something.
I just watched the interview with cowboybob on commander replay and after watching everything, I do agree people need to be responsible about dockside counts but he even stated he drew the GA for turn, had LED in hand, and breach in yard. So I think, he may not be a shit person but I would never believe his word in a single game moving forward. I believe cedh has grown from I want to win to everyone genuinely caring about making the most conscious decisions to help us grow as players and a community & I’m here for it.
I really REALLY hope you all can get this shit fixed. I don’t even mean the cheating I more mean the scum bag bull shit that, in my mind, is one of the biggest differences between an average and very “good” player. I loved these tourneys. And I’m good at them. 3 tournies and my win rate is exactly 40%. That’s w absolute zero scum bag bull shit. And that’s on Malcom Kediss, Malcolm Tana, and Malcolm Kediss (in that order). I’m glad wounded admitted to being shady about that tainted pact. He/you denied it when you first explained it. But let me say, hearing Wounded talk about who the scum bags and bad actors are makes me puke in my mouth a little. Maybe my tolerance for bull shit is lower than most people’s. But I won’t play if the room is populated w Wounded’s. I don’t think you are part of the solution friend, I think you are part of the problem. I played poker full time for a couple years. There was a guy crushing big tourneys back then named Phil Helmuth. He did it by being a douche bag. But it worked for him. I don’t know why it wasn’t a more popular strategy (god knows the stakes were higher) but luckily that’s just not how the culture worked. Please don’t let the culture be ruined. Don’t get penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. If you do, don’t LITERALLY CRY to get it overturned. If you do don’t tell everyone about it like you aren’t ashamed/are maybe even proud. If you do don’t host a podcast discussions who the people ruining the format are. Fuckin Christ man. A little self awareness? I’m not playing live anymore because I’m nearly 100% sure I’d end up thrown out for bringing some MUCH NEEDED “toxic masculinity” to the community.. to stop people from being bullied… to make sure people aren’t allowed to use their “fame😂” to persuade nerdy little children to do their bidding.. it’s fuckin gross. That community is becoming fuckin gross. I know the first time I call someone out and they don’t get it together I’m gonna end up slapping someone and so I just don’t even play these events anymore. And I’m exactly who you do want there. Just a super kind, proficient, friendly guy. But I see people getting picked on and persuaded and bullied by fuckin vultures using the inclusive spirit of the format and the kinds of people it brings in as a weapon. I hope you all are able to turn your attention inward and spread THAT as the message. Talion Man, you seem to be a complete class act. And you should be representing people of our age. We aren’t wrong about everything, you know? Start w your buddy there. And I’m sure you have been. I love the show I don’t have a personal problem w Wounded and I think he is FAR from the worst offender but I think the bull shit isn’t sitting w a couple bad actors I believe it’s taking over the entire culture. I hope you can fix it. I wanna play some cedh
To be clear, Wounded was not saying he delayed the game with the Tainted Pact, we were just pointing out that if you REALLY need to burn 5 seconds of a clock it's a trivial thing to do with legitimate game actions. While I'm glad you're enjoying the show, I am always a bit troubled when I see the harsh hate directed at Wounded. Especially from people that have no idea who he really is. As I've gotten to know him over the last half of a year doing this podcast I've come to really know him well, and I promise you the guy has an absolute heart of gold. He values integrity and honesty WAY more than success in the game, and he will and does go WAY out of his way to help people in the CEDH community. As for politics, YES in a competitive setting, in a tournament where he's trying to win, he does everything he can to persuade players (WITHOUT LYING) to take actions or not take actions that advance his game plan. And YES sometimes that means newer players can get sort of "run over". But this is all part of the game, and learning to resist the charm/politics of your opponents is as important a skill as successfully navigating a breach line. Wounded will happily spend hours coaching exactly this skillset. As I sit here, I see the community growing like crazy, with newer players becoming wily, skilled veterans. I don't see the community as gross at all, which is kind of the point of the whole video. I think you're doing yourself a disservice refusing to be a part of it, and I think if you DID come to events and try to go "vigilante" you'd end up just embarrassing yourself. Sounds like you're around my age... c'mon man, you and I are too old for the macho bluster bullshit. -Max P "The Talion Man"
@@ColorsAreACrutch I appreciate the quick reply and you defending your friend I prob shouldn’t have posted that before I had my morning coffee. I am sure Wounded indeed does have a heart of gold. You and I do definitely have a fundamental difference of opinion, it seems, regarding what ought to be allowed to be “just part of the game” and coaching people exactly on that “aspect of the game” makes me.. idk.. sad. That’s what it is. It makes me sad. I had kinda a formative experience at a local lgs where I sorta convinced a guy to sit in at the cedh table (I had a few players come in on a meet up) there was a girl in specific who’s name you would know who I watched badger and berate a player who was playing his literal first game of cedh. This guy was excited to play with her. To my knowledge he hasn’t touched the “format” since. Now I agree w some of what you are saying and the “macho bs” obviously isn’t a good thing. But I can’t help feel that way in defense of players who are having their kindness used against them and their docile natures exploited for the gain of the person who’s moral compass is, I can only really say, out of alignment w my own. I went off half cocked and said too much too quick. I apologize. I do think we have different morals w regard to this subject. That’s ok, obviously. I guess I just hope you consider where my heart really is in this and dig down and make sure you have your biases sorted out and see if there’s anything in my vibe that you can relate with. And if so, you have a platform my friend.🤷♂️ Sorry if that message was awful and insensitive. I am sure most of these behaviors I don’t like are motivated from insecurity. So I should be more careful to not judge or sound like I’m judging. I should have been more measured w my words. Love to both of you. Maybe try to see what I’m pointing at even if I didn’t say everything right. Namaste homies🖖
Sounds like none of the other players could do anything anyways. Also saying you aren’t going to win in a comp format is just goofy… to those who believe and say it.
Yeah if you watch the actual game where the lying happened, you see how wild it actually is and can understand why the poster of the clip on twitter was so bothered/mad
When you talk about stalling, it sure sounds like you're saying that this one player that got caught for cheating wasn't cheating as bad as other players and shouldn't be penalized as severely (banning)? So if the next guy that stacks their hand owns it after, says the pressure got the best of them, they really shouldn't have done it, please forgive me, they shouldn't be banned? Also, please don't compare stalling with lying. Stalling is cheating, lying is not. They are not equal. Lying is bad for community building reasons and like Max P said, you'll keep finding yourself in those situations and you don't want people to not trust you if you want to maximize wins over a much larger sample. Do the rules need to account for major and minor infractions, and penalize cheaters differently for major vs minor?
Being unable to politic due to a rep as untrustworthy is punishment enough. Far too much hand holding and politics for a money on the line event. Letting grand abolisher resolve was the pods ultimate failure as they should have known that card isnt necessary to stop someone elses win.
i think it’s a little silly to expect every player, or even an average higher than 1/3 of players (enough so there’s one at every pod) to know any given player’s reputation, especially if that player isn’t someone well-known within the cedh sphere.
@domotoro3552 that's a fair take for sure and is my round about way of saying to not trust people at their word. Lie all you want because either nobody knows you and won't catch it or trick some people into throwing games for you
the statement that the cheating tivit player got a game loss before the game began is incorrect. they played that game for multiple turns and then then in the middle of it, the game was paused by a judge in his upkeep and he was given the game loss.
Maybe a hot take, but I think people who lie in one aspect in their life (and find ways to justify their lies) will probably lie in any other aspect of their life easily. I wouldn’t trust the player who lied to win outside of the game either tbh.
This is a huge stretch. 2 very close friends of mine lie in edh and other games all the time. They are some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life and they've helped me push thru some dark times.
RE lying: In a 4 player game, having more players with resources is beneficial to stopping a win attempt, so when the player repeatedly promises not to win the others are inclined to allow that as having more spells to stop the next win attempt increases the win odds of those who aren't attempting it. That said, when the Abolisher hit the stack, it was clearly lies. You don't try to resolve a sorcery speed silence unless you have a line to win.
Need more Malcom on the show. Very good synergy with him on the show
Thank you gentlemen for another episode.
So this is the first episode I’ve watched. Instant subscribe. This level of honesty about issues that’s plagued competition level magic since the beginning was impressive.
Just wanted to chime in and say I really appreciate how Wounded approached all of these subjects. I think it's the most responsible way to do it.
I agree with Malcolm about the consistency of rulings. Unfortunately, being on the harsher side is usually the best way to get positive results
You guys are so underrated. I’m a decade into magic and new to cedh. Glad to have such a resource here.
@33:00 My guy on the left made the argument for "guilty until proven innocent". Not sure I want that for the cedh mindset. I was at my LGS last week and heard about someone cheating. Long story short, they weren't. They guy making the claim was just salty and didn't like how he shuffled even if people cut him(This paticular guy is salty a lot and makes claims/statements like this about multiple people). And that is in person. I see a lot with the mtg community casual or competitive, people can get salty. They complain, blame, make excuses for losing. Not saying cheating doesn't exist, seems like it was pretty obvious in the situation they are referring in the video. Just think we should not start the "kill them all, and let god sort them out" attitude.
Wounded, I feel your pain. That tournament violation rule for cursing is Dumb As Shit. I'd be 0-3 drop in everything if I attended more tourneys 😂☠
Another great episode, with a goated guest ❤️
So now that mox masters online is cancelled and that’s the only way many can participate in tournaments what’s the way forward? It seems like the format is kinda plateauing in a way and it just worries me.
Can't they just add a 5-minute stream delay and then stop banning people for being in a stream while playing?
Thanks for the great episode guys! It’s a hard subject but I’m glad you guys are discussing it.
Re:twitch streams. In MTGO challenges, you can stream your game to a chat of a thousand people, and interact with that chat while playing for very similar prizing. In fact, if your opponent is streaming, it is legal (though highly frowned apon) to listen into their stream. Sometimes for online tournaments you can’t enforce the same rules as paper tournaments and that’s okay.
Love the show guys! Where can I also follow Malcolm and his Sisay list?
as an Australian, I'd have so many turn skips due to language, what other regions find offensive is just part of our regular speech
Could you talk a little more about this?
@@Sajanis1I would guess it’s about words like c*nt being way more regular and not having the same meaning in Australia
As an Australian the c word that rhymes with hunt isn’t always offensive actually almost always isn’t.
@shanemcdougall209 there will be a cedh tournament in Brisbane in June if you want to play cedh in person
@@splattanator7778 is that the one that Jene is running? I live down in NSW and Brisbane is a bit of a trek, but might be worth it
1:03:52 Twitch has a delay and has had issues with chatters for over a year. Theres a video from Asmongold and StaySafeTV on the issue because of people accusing them of streambotting. The chatters don’t update for an hour sometimes and a stream with 30k viewers randomly drops to 0 then goes back up 3-5 minutes later.
Full context for Malcolm’s situation, the head judge had given 3 warnings to the tournament players between rounds regarding language and profanity.
may I ask why? what about these words deserves even one warning?
also, for clarification: was it a part of an assembly/announcement that players were supposed to be there for, or just telling people 3 times? I can’t quite tell based on your wording.
As someone who used to never politic and say “play your cards”-cedh has gotten too over board with politics. I understand there is absolutely a reason to politic in a multiplayer game but sometimes it goes too far. Politicking over ever spell…But like malcolm said I’m not victim blaming-but you can be responsible crack some treasure and maybe consider stopping the GA if you can. I wouldn’t personally make that play like wounded said but I do understand his perspective too-finding the win and taking it.
Anyways happy so many videos coming out back to back. Keep up the good work!
I just made your guys talion deck. I did add aboleth spawn and spell stutter sprite.
It’s a ton of fun!
Great episode
The lying is kinda shady and doesnt make them look good. Def forever to be remembered lying. But yes also you need to be responsible and not allow them to get that crazy advantage.
Hey I want to set the record straight on something you got a little wrong. I was someone who was in the top 16 game with said individual. We were about 3 turns deep before he was DQ'd. I do wish that we just reseeded or restarted the game, I hate that we just kept playing cause a 3 player pod fucking sucks especially in top 16. All and all great video! Thank you for bringing this up front. You guys are greatly appreciated.
Yup! My bad someone else let me know in an earlier comment. I was playing during that game and that specific timing of the game loss I was either told wrong or heard wrong so my apologies there. - Wounded
I’m a natural pro bodybuilder who gets drug tested to show I’m clean. In certain federations if someone is caught cheating, they are banned for either x amount of time, some are banned for life and some enter something called the “wall of shame”. Wall of shame with ban would be appropriate for cedh tourneys where they post the persons name with what they did and how long they are banned. It’s a strong deterrent
Great to see Malcolm in the discussion, would love to see him more.
Is there not a judge sitting in on each top 16 game?
20:39 they believed him without asking to see his hand?
i am so pissed to hear i cant swear at magic tournaments now. who does it offend and why? like i understand penalties for actually harmful language such as slurs/threats/even trash talk, of course, but I think “swear” words are some of the least offensive things ever. for example, what makes the word ‘shit’ worse than the word ‘poop’ or ‘excrement’?
And Ka0stournament judge call thought, nah, that might not be cheating, you can have the win and make top 16. smh
The way I read the big announcement to kick of 2024 was that they are redefining expecations, like requiring hands to never go off screen, all area around the playmat on screen, camera shifted to show lap, too. And then the dude's hand went off screen for 14 seconds after drawing that opening 7. That should have been the icing to ban in rd5 given all the other "coincidences".
Also thanks for going out of your way to have those conversations with the ka0s team to point all this obvious stuff out (cut from bottom, not pointing 1 and 3, etc, so obvious). Glad they banned him, finally got there, but like, entry to one event hardly makes up for actually having a good run and being in a play and in rd5.
Ka0stournaments needs to be better. Either enforcing rules of no hands off screen, or cut buddies / whatever. Last tournament I played in, tons of players didn't request cut buddy first, then cut into piles, but always whatever was shuffled to the top in the middle. Cheaters can take advantage of that, I tried to ask questions in their discord, but really felt like I was being brushed off / onus was put on the players / it's okay to choose the middle pile /etc, so didn't force the issue.
Totally didn't realize they actually have banned that guy. Thanks for doing their PSAs for them in your podcast.
Are they going to outline which words are defined as foul language? "Crap" as an example in some households is viewed as a swear-word while in others it's not. What if I say "fudge"? The intent of the word gets you a turn skip, but not the word itself. How is this enforceable?
44:37 the slow players are only slightly better than cheaters
Where’s the banned player list?
my thing about all the lying stuff is that I don’t want to sit down at a cedh table to play a social deduction game where I figure out who I can trust. I want to play a damn game of magic. maybe that’s just impossible in this format, I dunno.
Yeah, not a fan of the lying, it my opinion it was shitty, but the aggressiveness after on twitter just made me personally believe that player wasn’t actually remorseful but we are human and makes mistakes. Super proud of memo owning up to the infamous now tinderwall meme lol. Great episode fellas.
So basically dont play a paper tournament online is what im getting out of this. This also sounds like a small clique of people complaining about others in a discord to an audience who is completely out of the loop because theyre not in the discord nor do the participate in the tournies lol
People lying was bound to happen. Surprised it hasn't happened more but reputation is very important in terms of politics.
Kinda something I don't like about the format is how hard some people politic and act as if they're not trying to win or something.
I just watched the interview with cowboybob on commander replay and after watching everything, I do agree people need to be responsible about dockside counts but he even stated he drew the GA for turn, had LED in hand, and breach in yard. So I think, he may not be a shit person but I would never believe his word in a single game moving forward. I believe cedh has grown from I want to win to everyone genuinely caring about making the most conscious decisions to help us grow as players and a community & I’m here for it.
The shuffle cheating and such is what keeps a whole group I know from joining these online events
I really REALLY hope you all can get this shit fixed. I don’t even mean the cheating I more mean the scum bag bull shit that, in my mind, is one of the biggest differences between an average and very “good” player.
I loved these tourneys. And I’m good at them. 3 tournies and my win rate is exactly 40%. That’s w absolute zero scum bag bull shit. And that’s on Malcom Kediss, Malcolm Tana, and Malcolm Kediss (in that order).
I’m glad wounded admitted to being shady about that tainted pact. He/you denied it when you first explained it. But let me say, hearing Wounded talk about who the scum bags and bad actors are makes me puke in my mouth a little.
Maybe my tolerance for bull shit is lower than most people’s. But I won’t play if the room is populated w Wounded’s. I don’t think you are part of the solution friend, I think you are part of the problem.
I played poker full time for a couple years. There was a guy crushing big tourneys back then named Phil Helmuth. He did it by being a douche bag. But it worked for him. I don’t know why it wasn’t a more popular strategy (god knows the stakes were higher) but luckily that’s just not how the culture worked.
Please don’t let the culture be ruined.
Don’t get penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. If you do, don’t LITERALLY CRY to get it overturned. If you do don’t tell everyone about it like you aren’t ashamed/are maybe even proud. If you do don’t host a podcast discussions who the people ruining the format are. Fuckin Christ man. A little self awareness?
I’m not playing live anymore because I’m nearly 100% sure I’d end up thrown out for bringing some MUCH NEEDED “toxic masculinity” to the community.. to stop people from being bullied… to make sure people aren’t allowed to use their “fame😂” to persuade nerdy little children to do their bidding.. it’s fuckin gross. That community is becoming fuckin gross. I know the first time I call someone out and they don’t get it together I’m gonna end up slapping someone and so I just don’t even play these events anymore. And I’m exactly who you do want there. Just a super kind, proficient, friendly guy. But I see people getting picked on and persuaded and bullied by fuckin vultures using the inclusive spirit of the format and the kinds of people it brings in as a weapon.
I hope you all are able to turn your attention inward and spread THAT as the message.
Talion Man, you seem to be a complete class act. And you should be representing people of our age. We aren’t wrong about everything, you know? Start w your buddy there. And I’m sure you have been.
I love the show
I don’t have a personal problem w Wounded and I think he is FAR from the worst offender but I think the bull shit isn’t sitting w a couple bad actors I believe it’s taking over the entire culture.
I hope you can fix it.
I wanna play some cedh
To be clear, Wounded was not saying he delayed the game with the Tainted Pact, we were just pointing out that if you REALLY need to burn 5 seconds of a clock it's a trivial thing to do with legitimate game actions. While I'm glad you're enjoying the show, I am always a bit troubled when I see the harsh hate directed at Wounded. Especially from people that have no idea who he really is. As I've gotten to know him over the last half of a year doing this podcast I've come to really know him well, and I promise you the guy has an absolute heart of gold. He values integrity and honesty WAY more than success in the game, and he will and does go WAY out of his way to help people in the CEDH community. As for politics, YES in a competitive setting, in a tournament where he's trying to win, he does everything he can to persuade players (WITHOUT LYING) to take actions or not take actions that advance his game plan. And YES sometimes that means newer players can get sort of "run over". But this is all part of the game, and learning to resist the charm/politics of your opponents is as important a skill as successfully navigating a breach line. Wounded will happily spend hours coaching exactly this skillset. As I sit here, I see the community growing like crazy, with newer players becoming wily, skilled veterans. I don't see the community as gross at all, which is kind of the point of the whole video. I think you're doing yourself a disservice refusing to be a part of it, and I think if you DID come to events and try to go "vigilante" you'd end up just embarrassing yourself. Sounds like you're around my age... c'mon man, you and I are too old for the macho bluster bullshit. -Max P "The Talion Man"
Dude wrote a whole book in the UA-cam comments 😂
I appreciate the quick reply and you defending your friend
I prob shouldn’t have posted that before I had my morning coffee. I am sure Wounded indeed does have a heart of gold.
You and I do definitely have a fundamental difference of opinion, it seems, regarding what ought to be allowed to be “just part of the game” and coaching people exactly on that “aspect of the game” makes me.. idk.. sad. That’s what it is. It makes me sad. I had kinda a formative experience at a local lgs where I sorta convinced a guy to sit in at the cedh table (I had a few players come in on a meet up) there was a girl in specific who’s name you would know who I watched badger and berate a player who was playing his literal first game of cedh. This guy was excited to play with her. To my knowledge he hasn’t touched the “format” since.
Now I agree w some of what you are saying and the “macho bs” obviously isn’t a good thing. But I can’t help feel that way in defense of players who are having their kindness used against them and their docile natures exploited for the gain of the person who’s moral compass is, I can only really say, out of alignment w my own.
I went off half cocked and said too much too quick. I apologize.
I do think we have different morals w regard to this subject. That’s ok, obviously. I guess I just hope you consider where my heart really is in this and dig down and make sure you have your biases sorted out and see if there’s anything in my vibe that you can relate with. And if so, you have a platform my friend.🤷♂️
Sorry if that message was awful and insensitive. I am sure most of these behaviors I don’t like are motivated from insecurity. So I should be more careful to not judge or sound like I’m judging.
I should have been more measured w my words.
Love to both of you.
Maybe try to see what I’m pointing at even if I didn’t say everything right.
Namaste homies🖖
Are we penalized for saying "fuck" in webcam tournament games too?
I'm not sure, but you have to paypal me quarters for the swear jar -Max P
Sounds like none of the other players could do anything anyways. Also saying you aren’t going to win in a comp format is just goofy… to those who believe and say it.
Yeah if you watch the actual game where the lying happened, you see how wild it actually is and can understand why the poster of the clip on twitter was so bothered/mad
When you talk about stalling, it sure sounds like you're saying that this one player that got caught for cheating wasn't cheating as bad as other players and shouldn't be penalized as severely (banning)?
So if the next guy that stacks their hand owns it after, says the pressure got the best of them, they really shouldn't have done it, please forgive me, they shouldn't be banned?
Also, please don't compare stalling with lying. Stalling is cheating, lying is not. They are not equal. Lying is bad for community building reasons and like Max P said, you'll keep finding yourself in those situations and you don't want people to not trust you if you want to maximize wins over a much larger sample.
Do the rules need to account for major and minor infractions, and penalize cheaters differently for major vs minor?
Being unable to politic due to a rep as untrustworthy is punishment enough. Far too much hand holding and politics for a money on the line event. Letting grand abolisher resolve was the pods ultimate failure as they should have known that card isnt necessary to stop someone elses win.
i think it’s a little silly to expect every player, or even an average higher than 1/3 of players (enough so there’s one at every pod) to know any given player’s reputation, especially if that player isn’t someone well-known within the cedh sphere.
@domotoro3552 If you're not tapped in to the scene and know people then why would you ever trust anyone at their word when money is on the line?
@@CthulhuOGreatOneequivalating being ‘tapped into the scene’ to knowing the reputation of every player you sit down with is truly ridiculous
@domotoro3552 that's a fair take for sure and is my round about way of saying to not trust people at their word. Lie all you want because either nobody knows you and won't catch it or trick some people into throwing games for you
the statement that the cheating tivit player got a game loss before the game began is incorrect. they played that game for multiple turns and then then in the middle of it, the game was paused by a judge in his upkeep and he was given the game loss.
My bad, I did not see the game and was told he was given the game loss at the start
Even more unsettling. -Max P
cursing outside of a game is a turn penalty? LOL what a joke.
Maybe a hot take, but I think people who lie in one aspect in their life (and find ways to justify their lies) will probably lie in any other aspect of their life easily. I wouldn’t trust the player who lied to win outside of the game either tbh.
This is a huge stretch. 2 very close friends of mine lie in edh and other games all the time.
They are some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life and they've helped me push thru some dark times.
RE lying: In a 4 player game, having more players with resources is beneficial to stopping a win attempt, so when the player repeatedly promises not to win the others are inclined to allow that as having more spells to stop the next win attempt increases the win odds of those who aren't attempting it. That said, when the Abolisher hit the stack, it was clearly lies. You don't try to resolve a sorcery speed silence unless you have a line to win.