Instant Tank Cycling: Move Fish Today Without Risk!

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @lilyann3359
    @lilyann3359 3 місяці тому +1

    I'm hoping you can help please!!! I just brought home a third Betta on Friday morning, he was doing great, gorgeous and active while in the cup from the pet shop. I'm waiting for my Water Box 6 gallon tank to arrive so I bought a tiny 3 gallon temp tank to hold him in, in the meant time. I added Seachem Prime, 2 silk plants from my other Betta's tank, along with a seeded sponge filter from my other Betta's tank as well. The new Betta crashed and has been hanging out at the bottom, laying flat many times, only going to the top for air. My Water Box tank is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, should I add Seachem Stability as well, in addition to the Seachem Prime, seeded sponge and used plants?? I'm trying soooooo very hard to not lose this little guy!! He's so beautiful, I can tell he's a young one, possibly 5 months, I want to do what's best to save him! Please help me if you can, your seem extremely knowledgeable!!!🙏 I have had my current 2 Betta's for the past couple of years so I'm not new to the hobby, it's just this new third Betta that has me stumped and confused!!

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  3 місяці тому +1

      If you have Seachem Stability on hand I don't see it as harming and would add it as well. First thing I would recommend is test your tank to see if there is any spike in ammonia or nitrite. If the ammonia or nitrite is high I would recommend water changes and then adding in Seachem Prime after the water changes. Check your Seachem Prime as well. Not sure if they have an expiration date listed on the bottle but if it is old it may not be as effective as a new bottle. It is also possible the Betta you bought came sick from the store in which case if your ammonia and nitrite levels are safe then treating the fish with some medication may be appropriate.

    • @lilyann3359
      @lilyann3359 3 місяці тому

      @totheaquarium Thank you so much for the info!! I did do a small water change this morning. Again, I just have him in a tiny 3 gallon at the moment. Tomorrow, when my 6 gallon arrives, is when I will be transferring him into his new permanent home. Thanks for the tip on checking the expiration on my bottle of Prime! I had not thought of that! I'm hoping this little guy pulls through! Thanks again for your quick response and help! I appreciate it so much!

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  3 місяці тому +1

      @@lilyann3359 Hope your fish gets better soon!

    • @lilyann3359
      @lilyann3359 3 місяці тому

      @totheaquarium FYI...I just looked on my bottle and there is no expiration date. I looked on the Seachem website and it states that as long as it is stored properly, Prime will last indefinitely. So no expiration date! Great to know, so I wanted to share that info with you! 😊

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  3 місяці тому

      @@lilyann3359 Thanks for sharing!

  • @playaonecuz
    @playaonecuz 4 місяці тому

    Ty for ur help

  • @1markymark1
    @1markymark1 7 місяців тому

    Great video for beginners

  • @JTCT371
    @JTCT371 6 місяців тому +1

    I've always treated each tank as an individual....go slow, feed sparingly, stock sparingly, do small, frequent partial water changes for dilution purposes. Yes, media from another filter from another tank will have beneficial bacteria, but nothing else in a new setup will include it. So would I really trust this? No...Id still be on top of a new tank either way...playing connect the dots with parameters.

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  5 місяців тому +1

      Going slow is a great tip and checking regularly is something I do as well.

    • @JTCT371
      @JTCT371 5 місяців тому

      @@totheaquarium with my first planted tank Im seeing an entirely new dynamic. Ammonia has struggled to even register, I dont believe I've reached even a .25 ppm. Started off with new to planted tanks so have gone very slowly, logging what I see....added fish this past Saturday.....even with the significant increase in bioload, its still staying well below .25 ppm.....but my plants have also almost doubled in size since then.....Im realizing, plants will insure a balanced tank as long as you don't do much at all...also helps when you have a built in food chain. Its nice watching fish displaying natural behaviors

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  5 місяців тому +1

      @@JTCT371 I am a big fan of plants as well. Both underwater and ones just with roots in the water.

    • @JTCT371
      @JTCT371 5 місяців тому +1

      @@totheaquarium My Java Fern is growing little root systems upon its leaves. Im sure those plants pull all sorts of undesirable things out of the water, and apparantly new birth comes along with all the extra nutrients. Its called "rhizome", or something close to that. My cardinal plants have showed the most dramatic growth...since this past Saturday. Love watching how all things come together to create an ecosystem....First time I've had Cory's in sand. All day long they sift through the substrate dispersing sediment, worms, etc throughout the water column whil the other fish gravitate to it, picking out little worms, etc. For the first time ever, I feel like I have a fully functioning aquarium, with alot of working parts all coming together for the greater good. That is ultimately what it is all about!

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  5 місяців тому

      @@JTCT371 indeed it is and sounds like you have an awesome tank. Hoping to get cory's as well soon.

  • @praktika1082
    @praktika1082 4 місяці тому

    I've got an existing tank, 2 years old, stable, running a canister filter with a pre-filter foam over the intake tube.
    I'm planning to set up a new tank, this time using a HOB.
    I've installed the HOB on my stable tank, installed the pre-filter foam that's been running in that stable tank's canister filter intake on the HOB filter intake and replaced it with a new foam on the canister intake, and this second filter is running together with the canister filter on my stable tank.
    How long would it take for that new HOB to become seeded with bacteria to the point that it could handle workload on my new tank?
    Both new and old tanks will be heavily planted, deep substrate, etc.

    • @totheaquarium
      @totheaquarium  4 місяці тому +1

      I would give it at least three to four weeks on the existing tank to get fully colonized with bacteria. Keep in mind though that HOB may not be ready to handle a new large tank with a lot of fish since it is coming from a tank with multiple filters. When it comes to fish in the new tank I would slowly stock up the fish levels (over a couple of weeks) giving the new filter bacteria colony time to grow as well as giving the tank time to mature.

  • @jmdq1
    @jmdq1 6 місяців тому

    And also you can not feed your fish the first 2 days, and feed more sparingly for the next week